Covering The Corner - Redvers, Saskatchewan

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Covering The Corner - Redvers, Saskatchewan
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Covering The Corner
             Redvers & Area Community Newsletter
                                                                                                   July 2021 Issue
Covering the Corner is a service provided by the Town of Redvers. It is our intent to provide the community of
Redvers and surrounding area with a newsletter that keeps residents connected with the numerous events and
activities going on within our fantastic community!

                                             It’s been a long time in the works, but Redvers Tourism was busy planting
                                             trees around the gazebo area on Monday and Tuesday, June 14 & 15. A huge
                                             thank you to Wendy and Dale Turton, Lorraine George, Michelle Jensen
                                             and Glen and Jocelyn Hainsworth for the work and Glen for the use of his
                                             Bobcat and donation of straw bales. The trees are tiny, but healthy and we
                                             have mulched them with straw to give them an advantage over the weeds
                                             and to hold mosisture. Hopefully everyone will do their part to help them
                                             grow so our children and grandchildren can enjoy them too!
Covering The Corner - Redvers, Saskatchewan
                                              What are your summer plans?
Lilly – When school end, I’m going to Alberta to go camping           burn my school work, paddleboarding, camping, fishing,
with my cousins and for my mom’s birthday, we want to go to a         boating, quadding, road trips, playing football, hanging out with
waterpark.                                                            friends, going to Alameda dam to visit my Grandpa, golfing and
Jhace – I plan on playing blitzball, working, partying and fishing.   having a campfire.
Jeliel – Eat, sleep, watch anime, swim, hang out with Naz, Eve,       Rhett – To go camping at Kenosee and partying and going to
and Krielle. Repeat!                                                  shingle my auntie’s house.
Ainsley – My summer plans are going camping, swimming,                Eve – Family camp, hang out with Naz and Jeliel, sleep in, play
being lazy, and seeing my sisters in Estevan.                         badminton, go swimming and watch anime.
Krielle – My summer plans are just to eat, sleep, and plan for        Kinsley – Watch baseball, go camping and swimming and
high school.                                                          hanging out with my friends.
Ryan – I plan to go camping at Alameda Dam.                           Daxson – To go golfing, dirtbiking, swimming, blitzball, playing
Kyson – I’m planning to dirt bike lots, go camping, golfing,          baseball, hanging out with friends and fishing.
swimming, hanging out with friends, do a blitzball homerun            Logan – My summer plans are going camping.
derby, go fishing and play baseball.                                  Marissa – Summer plans include going camping if we can get
Ryker – Camping, fishing, golfing, hanging out with friends and       into Oak Lake, watch anime and listen to music.
playing baseball.                                                     Nazryn – Eat, sleep, play, draw, watch anime, REPEAT. Oh
Kara – My summer plans is to go camping with my mom and               yeah, and French camp!
Adam and camping with Chylisse and my dad.                            Jayden – This summer I will go boating, go camping, go
Arianna – My summer plans are to go kneeboarding a lot so I           swimming and hang out with friends.
can get really good and to hangout with friends at our campsite       Wyatt – I want to maybe go camping, stay in a cabin at Kenosee
at WeeToo Beach.                                                      Lake and go to the pool lots.
Raif – To go boating and camping at Kenosee and playing               Miley – My summer plans are to go swimming, camping at
baseball.                                                             Kenosee, biking, sleeping, hanging out with friends and having
Asia – My plans are swimming, camping and being lazy!                 bonfires.
Bronx – To go boating at the lake and stay at the cabin in            Ericka – My summer plans are to go biking, going to the cabin,
Kenosee.                                                              boating, tubing, kneeboarding, hanging out with friends and
Drake – Go dirt biking and helping at the farm.                       swimming.
Tyson – Take Koda on walks, biking, going on walks, sleeping,         Cameron – My summer plans are to work on the farm.

                                                   MINOR BASEBALL CLINIC
On Friday June 4th the Redvers Minor Ball Board hosted a Baseball Clinic for players ages 6-18. It was a very hot and humid day,
                                                              but the thirty players learned many skills such as throwing, hit-
                                                              ting, base running and fielding.
                                                                      There were three instructors that came to implement these skills.
                                                                      They were Geoff Freeborn who was a former pro-pitcher/scout
                                                                      for the Baltimore Orioles, Jorge Martinez who is originally from
                                                                      Venezuela and a former University Baseball player and currently
                                                                      coaches in Calgary, and Jose Reyes who is originally from the Do-
                                                                      minican Republic and currently lives in Kenosee Lake. He goes to
                                                                      the University of Calgary and has played on Team Saskatchewan.
                                                                      Fun was had by all and it was so nice to see players on the field
                                                                      once again enjoying the sport of ball.
Covering The Corner - Redvers, Saskatchewan
Covering The Corner - Redvers, Saskatchewan
                                                        Submitted by Jocelyn Hainsworth

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again – in a former life I just know I was a bear.
I mean, their whole lifestyle appeals to me: the wandering around in scenic, natural settings, the not being judged for growling at
people who annoy me, and eating everything in sight all summer so I can sleep all winter and wake up skinny. What’s not to love
about that?
What’s got me thinking about this now, though, is the feeling of déjà vu as we are being released from the restrictions we’ve lived
with for the past year. I am positive that I’ve felt this before.
It feels like the long, drab isolation of winter is easing off.
It feels like the promise of sunshine is once again warming our world.
It feels like the dawn of a new day as we stumble out of confinement, gripping our coffee mugs and squinting while our eyes adjust
to the light.
Yep, I am certain that this is how it feels to come out of hibernation. I have been here before!
It’s interesting to hear people talk about what they are going to do with this new found freedom. There are those who can’t wait to
get on a plane and go somewhere far away. There are grandparents who just want to go one province over to see their grandkids
before they’ve all grown up, and there are those who have been waiting for elective surgery and are praying their delay in treatment
is almost at an end.
Parents are rejoicing that the threat of home schooling will no longer be hanging over their heads. Doctors and nurses are can
hardly believe they made it through ... and I won’t say unscathed.
Restaurants that have struggled to hang on are dreaming of just having a regular day with regular staff serving their regular menu
to a regular crowd at their regular tables and – hallelujah! – making a regular income.
Employees and employers are assessing what going back to work looks like after all these months of working remotely from home.
The future of the work world may end up being a hybrid of home and office that works better for everyone.
There are gardeners and bakers out there who would have never learned they had such talents had Covid not forced them to try.
There are the people who kept the food delivery system rolling, and the transportation system moving, and the public safety system
in place at grave danger to themselves and the families they went home to every night. It has been a learning experience for us all
to realize what an essential service it is to pick and package fresh produce or drive a bus or stock grocery store shelves. Be sure to
smile and thank them... won’t it be wonderful to see smiles when we can finally take off our masks?
And, let’s not forget the hundreds of thousands of people who are no longer with us. This past year has been restrictive and un-
pleasant but we’re still here to talk about it. We are the lucky ones.
Yes, as I sit in the warm sunshine just outside my den and wait for my eyes to adjust to the light I reflect on all that has gone on
during this winter of our discontent, and I
ponder what I will do with these fresh new
summer days ahead.
 I will have a ceremonial obliteration of a bot-
tle of hand sanitizer. I will decommission the
last facemask I had to use and press it be-
tween two pages of a big book like they used
to do with souvenirs because that’s all I want
it to be. I plan to stop and chat with people
not from my own household in the middle of
grocery aisles less than six feet apart and go-
ing the wrong direction ... just because I can.
But there’s one thing I will leave off my sum-
mer ‘to do’ list. I will not be showing off my
beach body. For some reason Covid hiberna-
tion didn’t work like regular hibernation
What happened to the ‘waking up skinny’
Covering The Corner - Redvers, Saskatchewan
                              Submitted by Barbara Dennis

Here at the Haven all the ‘dads’ were assured of their worth with the latest board.
I repeat myself: We are ever so fortunate that we are a part of such a caring and shar-
ing community. Redvers Minor Ball represented by Kim Malin donated 7 hanging
planters for the beautification of our grounds. This photo tak-
en in the court yard is with Kim and Corinne Andres-Toms
with some of the planters. Thank you very much Minor Ball!
The tomatoes and vegetables gardens are doing well with all
the recent rains and our watering detail troupe.
Nothing says summer like, “July”! Our residents will be out
and about on the grounds/decks/walkways enjoying the won-
derful weather and soaking in the sunshine, viewing all the
flowers as well as the vegetables in the new planters.
Activities planned include wiener roasts, lots of deck time
with games and ice cream, bingos,
bowling, bean bag tossing, Batball
and balloons. There will be exer-
cising: both physical and mental
and there will be visiting!!! Resi-
dents are now allowed more visi-
tors and for that we are most
Happy Canada Day to all! Happy
Summer – until next time!
Covering The Corner - Redvers, Saskatchewan
       LOG CABIN
        As of July 2nd, our
          new hours will
             be from
  11:00 am to 8:00 pm

     $100—Leon Magotiaux of Redvers
   $775—Kirk & Ashley Olver of Kipling
     $100—Edgar Cruywels of Redvers
      $1500—Derek Ulmer of Redvers
Covering The Corner - Redvers, Saskatchewan
ALIDA HAPPENINGS                         High (Sadie Potapinski, Thomas Peet,             by vintage vehicles as they walked the
The winner of the Alida Rec. Bd. Sports         Jordan Marsh, Layne Kyle, Carson                 designated route. Among these vehicles
Day BBQ Package was Kevin Mowat of              Longphee). Congratulations graduates             included the past village Mayor Jim
Alida. Congratulations Kevin and enjoy          and good luck in your future endeavors.          Boettcher and his wife Mary in their white
your winnings.                                  You’ll notice that a couple of grads are         1988 Cadillac and the present Mayor Tim
    We received a little rain shower in the     actually from surrounding towns, however         Cowan in his white 1979 Pontiac Trans
early morning hours of June 6 – about 1/10      those grads attended playschool in and           Am, Darryl Dubuc’s in his red 1966 Ford
and it surely helped to cool the                Alida and have grandparents living (or           Mustang, Leanne Dubuc with a black 1969
temperature down to being comfortable           lived) here.                                     Camaro SS, Ethan Junk with his blue 1967
so one could enjoy being outside for a              A very “Happy Father’s Day” to all the       Ford Mercury truck and the parade ended
while without sweltering on the spot. It        Dads, Granddads, Uncles and brothers on          with the second Alida Fire engine. These
would be nice if we could receive another       Sunday, June 20 – hope you all have a            graduates were the students of the last
shower this evening (Sunday, June 6) or in      great day and that you enjoy your day            playschool class that was held here in
a day or two – sure helps with watering         with family and friends.                         Alida and taught by Lillian Patton. Centre
the garden and flowers – less carrying             I noticed an obituary on the Carscadden       Street was beautiful decorated with extra
water to them.                                  web site for Merle Coleman who had               flower pots which were all adorned with
       This Sunday, June 6 we enjoyed           passed away on June 5, 2021 at the Virden        stakes holding the student’s playschool
watching the Worlds IHF hockey games            Health Centre at the age of 93 years. She        graduation cape (pink or blue) semi-
and watched Canada defeated Finland 3-2         was predeceased by her husband Ron               circled around their grade 12 graduation
in overtime. Hooray Canada – you did it         Coleman and grandson Dale Braybrooke.            picture. There were many spectators lined
once again.                                     Merle will be remembered by her                  along the route, especially on Centre
     Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend        daughter Dreda Braybrooke, grandson              Street – a pleasant surprise for the
either at home, at the summer camper/           Clayton and by many friends. The                 graduates and for the organizers as well.
cottage, visiting with some family              Colemans lived at Redvers for a number of        You did an excellent job Lil and Sheri with
members or just by yourself in your             years before moving and making their             this event. What a great way to send these
favorite place, like in the garden or your      home at Virden, MB and getting involved          graduates onto their next life’s adventure.
yard among the flowers.                         with horses. Merle attended many horse           It was so nice to see them all in their
     We noticed the little hummingbirds         events – she attended the Ride-a-long            special attire – gorgeous dresses and smart
coming to the feeder fairly often on these      with Dale in Alida and the Redcoat Trail         suits     –      Outstanding      everyone!
hot days, even saw one just enjoy a long        ride at Carlyle. A celebration of Merle’s        Congratulations and Best wishes to all the
drink of water from the birdbath bowl. On       life will be held a later date, interment will   Alida grads as well as to their fellow
these hot days the little birds surely do       be in Virden Cemetery Columbarium.               graduates and all grade 12 grads this year.
enjoy the birdbath which we have situated       Happy Trails Merle!                                  Noticed all of the different grade 12
under our Pine Tree – not only do they               Did you see the Strawberry Moon on          graduation pictures in last week’s paper –
have a nice long drink but also enjoy           Thursday, June 24? Of course we missed it        the first big milestone for them to reach
fluttering in the water. We have yellow         as it was very overcast and raining here.        and they’ll now begin their next journey.
finishes, many species of the sparrow           Whenever there is something special to           Among the Manor grads was Charisse
family, robins, martins, black birds as well    see in these Saskatchewan skies, why does        Yanchycki (her Grandma and Mom
as some that I’m not familiar with.             it have to be cloudy – oh well can’t win         worked at Alida School) – boy how time
   Say I haven’t noticed many wild flowers      them all.                                        does go by quickly – Congratulations and
this spring, usually see lots of crocuses,          A Grad Parade for the Alida Grade 12         best wishes Charisse. Also among the
wild sweet peas, roses, etc. but this spring    students was held on Friday, June 25 in          Carlyle grads was Cade Bendtsen (his
they seemed to be absent – wonder if the        Alida. It began around 5:00 pm from the          Grandma lives here in Alida, as well as an
mild winter with little snow cover has          Alida Rink parking lot, when the                 Uncle,      Aunt      and     cousin)       –
caused some winter-kill or maybe just too       graduates walked down Prairie Avenue to          Congratulations to you Cade as well and
dry conditions this spring. The pussy           Centre Street, south to Renauld St over to       best wishes in your future endeavor.
willows were out later this year, but now       1st W Street, north (to hall) where they            I understand that the school year ends
the trees are nicely leafed out. Apple trees    went back east on Prairie Avenue to              on Monday, June 28. Hope all the students
were out in full bloom, hope that means         Centre Street then proceeded north on            and staff will have a great holiday season
lots of fruit later on. Sure hope we’ll see     east side of boulevard to #361 made U-           and enjoy the summer months to the
some flowers, like lady slippers and prairie    turn and came south on west side of              fullest. Hopefully everyone will be back in
lilies later on and will have to wait and see   Centre Street to Prairie Avenue where the        the fall and everything will be back to
what happens next spring. Have just             grads stopped and turned towards the             normal as well. Happy Holidays Everyone!
noticed the little wild roses are popping       boulevard where the center flower pots              Faye Walker spent the past days (June
up along by the ditches on the road.            held a posted picture of the grads.              24-27) in Saskatoon – she had a dental
    We have nine Grade 12 grads in Alida        Pictures were then taken by family               appointment and visited with her family
including out surrounding area – four           members and friends. The Grads also              The Nickels.
attend Oxbow Prairie Horizon (Cordelia          received many congratulations and best                 Happy Canada Day Everyone on
Patton, Charity Lemieux, Keiya Solomon,         wishes as they mingled among everyone in         Thursday, July 1. Have a great summer
Xavier Gervais) and five from Redvers           attendance. The Grads were led by the            too.
                                                Alida Fire truck and each was separated
Covering The Corner - Redvers, Saskatchewan

Back: Coach Bryce Birch
Middle (L to R): Luke Sutter, Hunter Birch, Avery Bedecs, Beau Fi-
Front (L to R): Jake Hildebrandt, Alex Finkle, Cohen Carlsen and
Doughty Toms

                                        U11 BOYS—1
                            Back (L to R): Coach Tiffany Millions,
                            Drayden Yates, Adam Brisebois, Tye
                            Steenbruggen, Christian Lambert, Kel-
                            ton Sorenson and Coach Aaron

                            Front (L to R): Will Sutter, Carter Hil-
                            debrandt, Jack Mil-
                            lions, Eli Hilde-
                            brandt,     Breckin
                            Frecon,     Hunter
                            Kamp and Hunter

                                       U11 BOYS—2
                            Back (L to R): Coach Brodie McColl,
                            Jacob Finkle, Regan Gervais, Koby
                            Martel, Kolbie McColl, Abbie Land,
                            Camden Carlsen, Coach Derek Camp-

                            Front (L to R): Dane Campell, Zuma
                                              Gervais, Kai Axten,
                                              Huxton Cameron,
                                              Arjen Vanderwaal
                                              and Avery Malin
Covering The Corner - Redvers, Saskatchewan

                                                                                   Back (L to R): Coach Aydan Lawless, Rhett Ma-
                                                                                   lin, Tristan Swayze, Koby Krainyk and Coach
                                                                                   Wes Malin

                                                                                   3rd Row (L to R): Logan Rutledge, Rylan Law-
                                                                                   less, Ryker Gavelin, Daxson Pickard, Raif Hen-
                                                                                   rion and Coach Kim Malin

                                                                                   2nd Row (L to R): Jacob Ulrich, Ethan
                                                                                   Rutledge, Jack George, Koden Elliot, Kyson
                                                                                   Gavelin, Hudson Lincoln and Morgan Nixon

                                                                                   Laying down (L to R): Nathan Gardiner and
                                                                                   Jhace Blerot

                                                                                                     U15 BOYS

                                                                                    Back (L to R): Coach Andrew Godenir, Ryder
                                                                                    Lincoln, Kyler Chicoine, Cade Mohrbutter,
                                                                                    Colby Raymond, Bradin Cosgrove, Carson
                                                                                    Gervais and Coach Syd Chicoine.

                                                                                    Front (L to R); Turner Jacobson, Teagan Book-
                                                                                    out, Ben Brisebois, Payton George, Chase
                                                                                    Borreson and Cooper Godenir.

                                                                                    Missing: Riley Frecon and Ryatt Huyhn

Redvers Minor Ball opened up registrations on March 25th-April 9th in hopes of some kind of season. Due to Covid, our board ac-
cepted etransfers and registrations online which has been different from in-person registrations done in the past. On April 12th we
were very happy to announce that there would be a practice season for 2021 and optimistic that games would happen. Teams and
coaches were quickly organized and practices started during the last week of April. Then the announcement of games came which
was a thrill to hear! Games started on June 2nd with teams travelling to Carnduff, Estevan, Whitebear, Alameda, Oxbow, Carlyle,
Moosomin, Kipling, etc.
Baseball (boys) teams consist of 7U, 2 teams of 11U, 13U & 15U and Softball (girls) teams consist of U6, U8, U12, U16 & U19 with 117
players registered for the season. Registration was down from 2020 (didn’t end up having a season due to COVID-19) with 139 play-
ers registered and just slightly down from 2019 with 122 players registered.
Our annual flower basket fundraiser was once again part of our registration. Flowers were provided by Sandie at Quennelle Green-
house and sold for $35 per basket. Each ball family purchased 2 baskets which they could sell, keep for themselves, give away as a
Mother’s Day Gift, etc. The funds raised were used to purchase a much needed second larger Baseball Pitching mound. Another
great addition to the diamonds are 2 digital scoreboards and 2 digital pitch count boards. These were purchased by obtaining a
$5,000 grant from Kingston Midstream.
Come out to watch games and enjoy the newly opened concession which serves hot dogs, hamburgers, chips, etc. The concession
is open during home games at 5:30PM and stays open for approximately half an hour after games.
Covering The Corner - Redvers, Saskatchewan

                                  Back (L to R): Coach Brittany Yates, Charleigh Fidierchuk,
                                  Gracelynn Bayliss, Savannah Martin, Allie Cosgrove, McKen-
                                  na Richards

                                  Front (L to R): Aubree Garnier, Emily Englot, Brayleigh
                                  George and Sasha Toms

                                                                   U12 GIRLS

                                                       Back (L to R): Coach Carolyn Garnier,
                                                       Sophie Martin, Kyler Kamp, Jayda
                                                       Fowler, Kadie Cosgrove, Hayden Hen-
                                                       derson, Fin Eckersley, Serenidee
                                                       James, Coach Drew Hoff.

                                                       Front (L to R): Kamilah Pineda, Kamri
                                                                              Kirby,    Rylee
                                                                              Garnier, Kins-
                                                                              ley Hoff and
                                                                              Halle Pospisil

                                      Minor Baseball Schedule
                                                         July 6
         Don’t’ forget, our new                        Mosquito 1 vs. Oxbow
                                                       U16 vs Moosomin
      concession stand
     is now open during                                  July 8
         ball games!!                            Bantam vs. Carnduf
Come out and watch some ball                      U19 vs Whitebear
                                                Mosquito 2 vs. Whitebear
    and enjoy supper at
       the concession!                                 July 11
                                               Mosquito 1 vs Whitebear

                         Back (L to R): Coach Alicia Stew-
                         art, Jenayva Dangstorp, Camdyn
                         Pickard, Gabby Brisebois, Jady
                         Krainyk, Jada Naviaux, Frankie
                         Millions and Trinity Sylvestre

                         Middle (L to R): Rheanne Toms,
                         Kaydence Kamp and Jennifer Davis
                         Front (L to R): Chloe Stewart and
                         Cydney Stewart

                         Missing: Coach Tricia Pickard

                        U19 GIRLS

   Back (L to R): Crysten Steenbruggen, Avery Cosgrove,
   Kaylee Ohnander, Jenna George, Sadie Potapinski, Jessica
   Magotiaux and Gabby Poirier

                                 Front (L to R): Kierra Rob-
                                 erts, Trisha Toms, Alli
                                 Toms and Kate Pirlot

                                 Missing: Coaches Alaina
                                 Pirlot and Brandy George

Redvers A’s Schedule
July 6—@ Carlyle Cardinals
July 8—vs. Carnduff Astros
  July 13—@ Kenosee Cubs
  July 15—@ Kipling Royals
July 17—@ Carnduff Astros
 July 22—vs. Oxbow Chiefs
We are proud to be Canadian
 and happy to be part of the
 To every single person that
  helped us to stay strong
 during this ordeal—we are
     sincerely grateful!

     Thank you for your

                            Administrator Position
     The Redvers Chamber of Commerce is looking for an individual to fill the role Administrator (marketing and treasurer).
                     The successful candidate will play an important roll in building the chambers base,
                              creating effective strategies that will promote long term growth.

 The successful candidate will be responsible for advertising efforts through multiple media, including Facebook, Instagram and
covering the corner. They will also be responsible for collecting and depositing chamber fees as well as chamber bucks. They will
        need to be able to attend our monthly meeting to keep us up to date and be willing to take notes at our meeting.

                                        We are looking for someone that is skilled in:
                                           Social Media platforms and advertising
                                             Has excellent communication skills
                                         Has the ability to multi task and take initiative
                                                   Flexible work schedule
                                             Hardworking and dedicated outlook
                                              Experience with contect creation
                                                       Being creative

This position is starting at 8-10 hours a month with a salary of $15/hour. There will be a 6-month probation period to determine if
                       more hours are required and whether the hired candidate is a good fit for the position.

           Please send your resume to:
   A representative of the Redvers Chamber of Commerce will contact candidates we would like to interview for the position.

                                           DEADLINE TO APPLY: JULY 14TH
HAPPY CANADA DAY!! From the Redvers Library
                                                    Submitted by Michelle Jensen

Time for hot weather, camping, the beach and a restriction- free summer!! I cannot wait to see everyone in here, in person, with
their whole face showing. As of July 11th, masks will no longer be mandatory but feel free to wear yours if you so wish.
To start off the summer, in house programming is returning! I have been waiting so long for this day! For the week of July 5-9, we
will be hosting our Library Book Sale, just in time to grab some books for the camper or cabin! Book swill be $0.50 each, 3 for $1.00
or a box/bag for $5.00. DVD’s will be $1.00 each. We have a large selection of paperbacks, kid’s books, and a ton of magazines for
you to take home!
Regular programs for July will be as follows:
Tuesdays 10:00-11:00- Adult Coffee & Colouring
Thursday 10:00-11:00- Little Lego Ages 3-5; caregiver or parent must be present
Fridays 1:00-2:00- BlockHeadz Lego Club Ages 6+
Take & Makes available in July will be:
Monday, July 12th- Summer Fun Bags- a bag filled with activities and crafts that can taken anywhere with you to keep your kiddos
Wednesday, July 21- DIY Hummingbird feeder kit- everything you need to make a cute little hummingbird feeder for your
Join us on Tuesday, July 20th to let your inner hippie out!! We are hosting a Tie Dye Tuesday, all day!! Bring one or two articles of
white or light coloured clothing and we will tie dye it for you!! This is an all-day event and is come and go!!

                                   TD SUMMER READING CLUB IS BACK AGAIN!!
                                                Redvers Public Library — August 2021
                                       AUG 10 TH & 12 TH                 1:30-2:30 (AGES 6 &7)
                                       AUG 17 TH & 19 TH                 1:30-2:30 (AGES 8 &9)
                                       AUG 24 TH & 26 TH                  1:30-2:30 (AGES 10+)
                                                 ONLY 8 SPOTS PER DAY.
                                              MUST REGISTER TO ATTEND!!!
                                             REGISTRATION OPENS JULY 14TH
                           CALL 452-3255 TO REGISTER YOUR CHILD OR FOR MORE INFORMATION
Our monthly calendar of events and program guide is pinned to the top of our Facebook page at all times so pop on there for more
info and to check out our posters for all of our events coming up.
                         Monday: 1:00-5:30   Tuesday: 9:30-12:30 & 1:00-5:30 Wednesday: 3:30-8:00
                               Thursday: 9:30-12:30 & 1:00-5:30 Friday: 9:30-12:30 & 1:00-4:00
For more information on our programs or
what the library has to offer, contact
Michelle by phone at 452-3255, find us on
facebook (Redvers Public Library Branch,
Southeast Regional Library), on twitter
@RedversLibrary     or    on    Instagram
@redverspubliclibrary.    Also note that
Southeast Regional Library has a YouTube
channel that is always being updated with
new videos of events and fun things
happening in our libraries within the
On Saturday, June 26th the Redvers and District Recreation
Centre held a Triathlon.
There were 18 people who participated in the challenge. 13
individuals and 2 teams joined in on the fun.
Winners were:
Men’s Category: Evan James with a time of 37 mins 50 sec
Ladies Category: Angie Smyth with a time of 53 mins 20 sec
Junior Category: Valen Keating with a time of 45 mins 30
Team Category: Rhonda Miller, Carson Henrion and Shayla
Matthewson with a time of 47 mins 30 sec
Thank you to everyone who came out to either participate
in the event or cheer on everyone!
See pic below...
Thank you to the Town of Redvers for sprucing up our downtown. The new
sidewalks, fresh paint and flowers look beautiful!!
                                             Photo/Redvers Chamber of Commerce
REDVERS U5                                                    REDVERS U7 #2
Back (L to R): Kayla McCurry (coach), Isack M, Holly M, David S,     Coach Vijay Prabu, Players (L to R): Libby S, Emma H,
Brooklyn H, Malena Wolensky (coach)                                  Elsie M, Jase J, Lauren H, Shaun P. Missing Abigail R
Front (L to R): Alexis B, Madison B, Emma M, Brielle M, Dawson J
Missing: Brooks G and Felix L

                       REDVERS U7 #1
Coach Matt Axten, Players (L to R): Beau F, Whitney P, Isabelle A,
Brandy E, Oliver K and Sierra M

                                                                                          REDVERS U9
                                                                         Back (L to R): Coach Ana Gray, Ethan J, Max L,
                                                                         Bentley G, Coach Malena Wolsensky
                                                                         Front (L to R): Will G, Rayah S, Olivia W, Fiona P
                                                                         and Layton A

Back (L to R): Matt Axten (coach), Hunter K, Jackson A, Adriana
G, Chloe G and Cal Pirlot (coach)
Front (L to R): Issac W, Kai A and Olivia P

                       REDVERS U13

(L to R): Coach Ana Gray, Arianna G, Owen G, Lexie P, Clara W
and Makayla C

                    REDVERS U15/U18
(L to R): Shayla Smith, Kori Roberts, Minty James, Taylor Martin
and Lincoln Pryde

Missing Cash Martel and Coach Graham James
Covering the Corner is a locally run newsletter
A huge thank you to the following businesses and organizations
                                                                      distributed to residents in Redvers & Area by
who purchased ads in this month’s newsletter. Without their
                                                                      the Town of Redvers.
support, we would not be able to provide this service at no cost to
the residents of Redvers & Area.                                      Our goal is to provide businesses and
Please make sure to thank them the next time you are at their         organizations with a low cost advertising
place of business! Their support really does make a difference in     option. The newsletter will be printed in black
our community!                                                        and white. Please keep this in mind when
                                                                      creating your advertisement. Full-page colour
                Andrew Agencies                                       advertising/sponsorship opportunities do
           Redvers Housing Authority                                  exist. Contact us for more details!
             Redvers Union Estates                                    Designing and editing is the responsibility of
              Home Sweet Home                                         individual advertisers. For more information,
                Derkson Fencing                                       contact us at
                Redvers Tourism                                       G.S.T. will be added to the prices listed below.
         Redvers Chamber of Commerce                                  Classifieds: $8 (up to 200 characters)
               Natalie Frostbauer                                     1/8 Page: $18
              Redvers Lions Club                                      1/4 Page: $28
                Maverick Group                                        Half Page: $45
                                                                      Full Page: $75
              Today’s Enterprises                                     *Full Page Insert: $55
                 The Doghouse
                                                                      *Inserts are the responsibility of individual
                                                                      advertisers to print and drop off at the Town
                                                                      Office by the newsletter deadline.
                                                                      **We accept E-transfer now!!**

                                                                              Follow us on Facebook at:
                                                                                 Town of Redvers

                                                                             A huge
                                                                                          to the
                                                                            R E DV E R S
                                                                      AC T I V I T Y C E N T R E
                                                                         for volunteering your time to
(L to R): Thomas Peet (RHS), Cordelia Patton (OPH), Xavier Gervais             fold and distribute
(OPH), Charity Lemieux (OPH), Carson Longphee (RHS) and Sadie
Potapinski (RHS)
                                                                              Covering the Corner!

                  August Print Deadline ~ Sunday, August 1 @ 12:00 pm
                       August Distribution Date ~ Thursday, August 5
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