Dear Parents and Friends - Emmanuel College

Page created by Clyde Burns
Dear Parents and Friends - Emmanuel College

 Dear Parents and Friends
                                                                                                                Issue No. 1 21 Jan, 2022
Welcome to the 2022 school year at Emmanuel, with a special welcome to new students and parents.
Best wishes to our Year 7 students as they commence their secondary studies. Classes for all students
commence on Wednesday 2 February at 8.30am. An update with regard to COVIDSafe management will
be sent prior to the above commencement date.

With the continuing growth of the College, and a number of colleagues taking leave over this year, we
welcome new members to our teaching team:
Notre Dame Campus
Mses. Anita Duhig, Leah Elmer, Paige Byrne, Taylor Eade, Smitha Sunil, Linette Kong, Simone Traglia, Juline
MacMahon-Reyes, Kayla Best, Georgia Rush, Aliejana Harris, Maria Dance; and Messrs. Brent Pelton,
Randall Chirng, Michael Green, Chris Roux, Joshua Bach, Martyn Bence, Brodie Amor, Ratna Tamanam,
Daniel Caplan.
St Paul’s Campus
Mses. Nadia Di Blasi, Victoria D’Alton, Nola Hamilton, Feerouzeh Ghaemi, Heather Barlow, Nicole op’t
Hoog, Gethmini Jayasundara; and Messrs. Bill Burns, Thomas Meegan.
Welcome also to Ms. Emily Viskovic who joins our library team, Ms. Charlie Redman who joins our
Marketing Team, and Ms. Wendy Lawson who joins our study hall team.

It is fair to say that the rule of law and a commitment to liberal democracy is under significant pressure in
many countries around the world. We should never take for granted the freedoms and democratic
institutions we enjoy in Australia. Emmanuel College affirms its adherence to the principles and practices
of Australian democracy, including a commitment to:
           •       Elected government,
           •       The rule of law,
           •       Equal rights of all before the law,
           •       Freedom of religion,
           •       Freedom of speech and association,
           •       The values of openness and tolerance.

The safety of members of our College community and the security and integrity of our College assets is of
utmost importance. The Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) system at Emmanuel College operates with the
intention of providing staff, students and visitors with a safe environment in which they can work and
study. Those attending the College are notified of the operation of CCTV through signage indicating that
each campus is protected by video surveillance.

It is wonderful to see the impressive quality of construction over the Christmas break. We look forward to
welcoming students and staff to the newly opened Perigueux building at Notre Dame Campus. It was also
pleasing that the renewal of the Jubilee building façade at St Paul’s Campus as well as the installation of
the synthetic playing field were completed.

A reminder that Monday classes conclude at 2.45pm, each week, prior to staff professional development

Tomorrow is the feast day of Blessed William Chaminade, founder of the Marianist Order. May we imitate
him as we follow Mary’s example in bringing the Good News of her son, Jesus, to our world.

I look forward to working with you in the exciting year ahead.

Christopher Stock
Dear Parents and Friends - Emmanuel College
Campus Leaders

With the beginning of a new year comes new opportunities and fresh starts and 2022 will be no different. We would particularly like to
welcome our newest members to the Emmanuel community with the arrival of our Year 7 students, new staff and new students joining us in
different year levels. As we know, the past two years have had their challenges but we are all looking forward to a year without interruptions
that will give us all the opportunities and experiences that Emmanuel College offers. We trust that everyone has had a restful break and are
looking forward to what 2022 brings. Please read carefully below outlining important information that will prepare you all for the year

First Day
Year 7 students will commence on Wednesday 2 February and NDC are to gather in the Hall in the Quiroga Building and SPC gather in the
McCoy Hall. Students will then be taken to their Homeroom to start Orientation. The two days set aside for Orientation have been designed
to ensure that all the girls and boys feel comfortable and confident in their new surroundings. Students can progressively bring in books on
these two days. Students in Years 8 to 12 are to go directly to their homeroom at 8.25am.

New students in Years 8 to 12, at both campuses, are asked to go to the Office where a member of their House will connect with students
and will take them to their Homeroom.

On this first day students may receive a considerable amount of paperwork. Please read this documentation, sign as necessary and return it
to the College on Thursday 3 February.

Please note that significant time and consideration was put into developing the Year 7 to 9 Roll Classes. Movement from a Roll Class will only
be considered if supported by medical advice.

A reminder that the canteen will operate from Wednesday 2 February at both campuses.

Homeroom Teachers, House Leaders, Pastoral Leaders and Campus Leaders 2022.
As a first port of call, your Child’s Homeroom Teacher is the appropriate person to contact with any concerns. Homeroom Teachers are
supported by the House Leaders, Pastoral Leaders and Campus Leaders. Please refer to the listings at the end of the newsletter detailing the
staff in each role, relevant to your child.

Drop Off and Pick Up
Notre Dame Campus
Parents are encouraged to drop off and pick up their child at a distance from the College, in Inverloch Drive, or other nearby streets.
Foxwood Drive will be very congested at these times, as both Notre Dame and the school adjacent have similar start and finish times. Please
be aware that the Campus car park is not to be used for dropping off or picking up students, however you may park there if you have other
College business.

The Campus will be supervised by a Yard Duty teacher from 8.10am; please do not arrange for your son or daughter to arrive earlier.

St. Paul’s Campus
Parents are reminded that parking is not permitted in the College car park. Pick up and drop off points are on the southern end of
Chambers Road. Traffic regulations apply.

Information Meetings
Evening Information Meetings are planned at both St. Paul’s and Notre Dame Campuses for Monday 7 February for Year 7 and 12 parents, as
well as parents of students new to Emmanuel College across the other year levels. This session will provide the opportunity for parents to
meet with their child’s Homeroom Teacher/House Leader and hear details of what is in store for their child in the year ahead. Please mark
this date on your calendar now and use this time to make a positive start to the year ahead. Further information will be distributed closer to
the date.

SPC Year 7 Camp
The Year 7 camp for SPC is being held from Wednesday 16 – Friday 18 February. Forms for this camp have been sent home and are easily
accessible through Operoo.

It’s Not OK to Be Away – or Late
The College Pastoral Team will be specifically focused on lateness and absences this year. In order for students to learn, they need to be
here at school. We would ask parents to ensure that they support students to get to school on time each day, ready to start by 8.30am. We
know that every minute counts and that those minutes can quickly add up! Morning Homeroom is also an essential part of starting the day
off well by being organised, greeting classmates and being informed about special messages, arrangements and events.
Dear Parents and Friends - Emmanuel College
Campus Leaders
           When your child misses                That equals…                    Which is…..              And from Prep to Year 12,
                  just…                                                                                          equates to…
             10 minutes a day               50 minutes of learning        Nearly 1½ weeks per year         Nearly ½ a year of school
                                                  each week
               20 minutes a day            1 hour and 40 minutes of       Nearly 2½ weeks per year          Nearly a year of school
                                              learning each week
               30 minutes a day            ½ a day of learning each            4 weeks per year           Nearly 1½ years of school
               60 minutes a day             1 whole day of learning       8 weeks per year or nearly       Over 2½ years of school
                                                  each week                    a term a year.

Attendance Follow Up
As occurred in pervious years, all absences will again be confirmed via SMS message to a mobile phone number where the College has not
been notified regarding a student’s absence. In order that this system works most efficiently, and to ensure prompt contact with families, it is
imperative that the contact details recorded at the College are correct at all times. Please ensure that your details are correct and notify the
Office promptly if you change your mobile telephone number and/or update your Operoo profile. The Attendance Officer will continue to
contact families who do not have access to a mobile phone.

Emmanuel College takes great pride in our school and our students; uniform is another key focus for 2022. All students are expected to
demonstrate adherence to the Uniform Policy. The Uniform Policy is contained in the Student Handbook, which your child will receive at
school. Please read this, and all other information, during the first week of school to ensure that both you and your child are fully aware of all
the responsibilities and obligations of being an Emmanuel College student.

Students are required to wear the summer uniform in Term 1. As many of the girls have grown taller, they need to ensure that their summer
dresses are no more than 7cms above the knee. Boys are reminded that they must wear the College blazer if they choose to wear the shirt
and tie in preference to the summer shirt. Girls are reminded that they should not wear their jumper/cardigan as an outer garment with
their summer dress.

A reminder to students to ensure that their hair style and colour is appropriate for returning to school. No remnants of any extreme
experiments left over from the holidays should be in evidence. Students and families are also reminded that the only piercing that is
permitted at school is a single plain stud earring worn in the ear lobe only. No other piercings are permitted. The only jewellery permitted is
a watch and a simple gold/silver cross necklace.

TIPS for return to school
•       In the week prior to return, begin resetting an appropriate sleep schedule with a set time to go to bed and get up
•       Ensure your uniform and shoes fit and you have all items you need
•       Find your school bag, school hat, water bottle and lunch box
•       Pack your books and stationary for the year
•       Find your lock for your locker and ensure you remember the combination
•       Make sure your laptop is charged and ready to go (Year 7s and 10s will get a new laptop!)
•       Be at school by 8.25am to ensure you can be in homeroom by 8.30am.

Please support us by ensuring that you are able to adhere to the College expectations regarding uniform, which can be found in the Student
Planner. Please note specifically the following:
•       Hairstyle and colour should reflect a neat and moderate image; hair should be one, natural colour
•       Mullets, shaved or severe undercuts, shaved sides and lines are not acceptable; clippers should not go below a number three.
•       Fake eyelashes and nails are NOT permitted.
•       Please note that school shoes must be black leather, lace-up shoes only; buckled/t-bar styles are NOT permitted.
•       Please note the required sock colour with the uniform: Girls- white; boys- grey; must be 10-15cms above the ankle; with PE uniform -
        white socks.

A reminder that these expectations are clearly communicated to parents and students, and agreed to as a part of your enrolment. It is
important to the community that everyone is treated equally in this regard and that the rules apply to all.
Dear Parents and Friends - Emmanuel College
Campus Leaders

As you know the College takes the health and safety of our students very seriously and in order to support this we use the parent-controlled
electronic medical/excursion permission form for schools known as Operoo. An email has been sent to all new students at the College with
instructions on how to set up Operoo for the first time. For students who already have a profile in Years 8-12, it is important that parents
update this with any new medical conditions that the College needs to be aware of. Thank you for your support.

SunSmart Policy
All students participating in Health and Physical Education, ACC/SACCSS competition, excursions and outdoor activities are required to wear
the approved College head wear. Students are also encouraged to be protected when walking to and from school and at recess and lunch

The College has a number of options available to students: baseball cap, bucket hat or wide brimmed cricket hat. Students who do not wear
the appropriate head protection will not participate in these activities, as the College approved head protection is an integral and important
part of the Emmanuel College sports uniform.

As you are aware the College is associated with Michael Grose and his Parenting Ideas website. In each newsletter we include articles of
interest from his Parenting Ideas website. This week’s article is about making a smooth transition to secondary school. Going to secondary
school is both exciting and scary for many kids. There’s excitement about new friends, teachers and ventures, but this can be overshadowed
by anxiety and stress. Parents are encouraged to refer to this website for future reference.

Finally, we and staff feel privileged to work with you in the very important task of educating your daughters and sons. If you have any
queries or questions please contact your child’s Homeroom Teacher on 8325 5100, or alternatively write a note in your child’s Student
Handbook. We look forward to the year ahead and hope that 2022 is a successful and enjoyable year for all.

David Barr, Chris O’Malley & Kelley Revelman
Dear Parents and Friends - Emmanuel College
Leader of Mission Integration

College Mission Theme 2022
This year’s College Mission theme is ‘Nothing can dim the light that shines from within’ (Maya Angelou). Our Captains of Mission in Faith and
Social Justice aim to transform out theme into a movement. Together we pray in hope that our community will continue to grow where the
authentic and beautiful light of all fills us with deeper compassion, understanding, humility, empathy, sustainability, justice seeking, joy, love
and inclusion for all. We invite parents to also engage in our theme but holding family discussions to explore how our theme can be lived out
in your home.

College Mission Captains 2022
It is with great pleasure that I announce the Captains of Mission Faith and Social Justice for 2022:

    Alessio Martiniello                       Samantha Santos                                                              Gwen Sathiaseelan
                                                                                            Riley Moir                    Social Justice Captain
    Faith Captain (SPC)                      Faith Captain (NDC)                      Social Justice Captain

I warmly congratulate these young inspiring leaders and encourage them as they pursue their calling in their faith and social justice ministry,
to lead their fellow students throughout the year. The Church needs young leaders filled with spirit and determined to bring about a more
just and love filled society.

Milestones in our Marianist Family
On 10 and 22 January we celebrated the Feast Days of Blessed Adele de batz de Trenquelleon and Blessed
William Joseph Chaminade, respectively. Bl. William Chaminade founded the Marianist Family in 1801 and the
Society of Mary in 1817. He was born in 1761 and died on 22 January in 1850. In 2000, Pope John Paul II
declared Chaminade “Blessed.”

Bl. Adele formed a spiritual union called the "Little Society" which had as its goal to create a network of women
who would support each other in their faith. The association grew rapidly with Adele writing correspondence to
the distant members, whilst also visiting the sick and inviting poor children from the country to her home to
care for them and teach them about the fundamentals of the Christian faith. In 1816, Adele renounced her
inheritance and rented part of an ancient convent in the local capital of Agen. In 1816 the Little Society and female members of Chaminade’s
group formed the Marianist Sisters that combine an impulse for mission work with a contemplative nature. The mission work was heavily
                               focused on care for the sick and the education of the poor. Adele De batz de Trenquelléon died in 1828 and
                               was buried at the convent; her final words were: "Hosanna to the Son of David!"

                               Today, members of the Society of Mary are in ministry throughout the world. As a school community, let us
                               recommit ourselves to living out our Marianist heritage today and throughout the year. As Marianist’s it’s our
                               calling to be world changers through innovation, adaptation, and loving compassion. Let us pray that all in our
                               community help change the world, or the world for one person, as Blessed William and Adele dreamt, we
Dear Parents and Friends - Emmanuel College
Leader of Mission Integration

Vaccination Aid for Developing Countries
There continues to be significant inequity regarding the access to COVID-19
vaccination around the world. As this graph shows, citizens of low income
developing countries have had minimal access to vaccination in comparison to high
and upper middle income countries. We seek to support the work of UNICEF ‘Give
The World A Shot’ campaign and Catholic Mission work in providing support to
victims of Covid and their families. Should you wish to donate online, please use
the following link:

A Marianist Sisters Prayer

                                        O’God, who called Blessed Adéle to seek your Kingdom in this world

                                      through the pursuit of perfect charity, grant, we pray, through her

                                      intercession that we may advance with joyful spirit along the way of

                                       love. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns

                                       with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.


Mark Sciberras

                             ‘Nothing can dim the light that shines from within’ (Maya Angelou)
Dear Parents and Friends - Emmanuel College

The following table is designed to inform parents and students about the different types of tools and equipment used in the Technology
department at Emmanuel College.

1.      Find the Year level and unit title that your child will be studying.
2.      A  indicates that this particular tool or piece of equipment is likely be used in the subject.
3.      A X indicates that this particular tool or piece of equipment is not likely be used in the subject.

      Tools/                Year          Year           Year          Year          Year          Year
                                                                                                                 VCE            VCE
      Equipment             7             8              9             9             10            10
                            Design &                     Food Technolo- Design &     Food Technolo- Design &                    Product Design
                                          Food Studies                                                           Food Studies
                            Technology                   gy             Technology   gy             Technology                  & Technology

      Orbital Sander        X             X              X                          X                          X              

      Belt Sander           X             X              X                          X                          X              
      Jigsaw                X             X              X                          X                          X              
      Stanley Knife                      X              X                          X                                        

      Safety Aprons                                                                                                      

      Safety Glasses                     X              X                          X                          X              

      PVA glue                           X              X                          X                          X              

      Acrylic or water-based
                                         X              X                          X                          X              

      Drills – Power and
                                         X              X                          X                          X              

      Disk sander           X             X              X                          X                          X              
      Pyro Pen                           X              X                          X                          X              

      Glue gun (hot glue)                X              X                          X                          X              

      Coping saw                         X              X                          X                          X              
      Tenon saw                          X              X                          X                          X              
      Hack saw              X             X              X                          X                          X              
      Wood chisels          X             X              X                          X                          X              
      Pliers/Pincer                      X              X                          X                          X              
      Files                              X              X                          X                          X              

      Gentlemens Saw                                                                                                         
                                          x              x                           x                           x
      Kreg Jig Tool                      X              x                          X                          X              
Dear Parents and Friends - Emmanuel College
Tools/                   Year           Year           Year          Year            Year           Year
                                                                                                                   VCE            VCE
Equipment                7              8              9             9               10             10
                         Design & Tech-                Food Technolo- Design & Tech- Food Technolo- Design & Tech-                Product Design
                                        Food Studies                                                               Food Studies
                         nology                        gy             nology         gy             nology                        & Technology

Marking guage                          X              X                            X                            X              

Electronic Components     X             X              X                            X                            X              

Laser Cutter                           X              X                            X                            X              

Biscuit Cutter           X              X              X                            X                            X               

Putty                    X              X              X                            X                            X              
Wood Plane                             X              X                            X                            X              

Vacuum Cleaners                        X              X                            X                            X              

3D printer                             X              X                            X                            X              

Pedestal Drill           X              X              X                            X                            X              

Laminate Trimmer                       X              X                            X                            X              

Mortise Plunger          X              X              X                            X                            X              

Oscillating Multi Tool   X              X              X                            X                            X              

Vice                     X              X              X                            X                            X              
Computers                                                                                                                  
Knives                   X                                         X                             X              X              X
Cutlery                  X                                         X                             X                            X
Hand Mixer               X                                         X                             X                            X
Toaster                  X                                         X                             X                            X

Oven/Grill/Stove Top     X                                         X                             X                            X

Sandwich Maker           X                                         X                             X                            X

Food Processor           X              X              X             X                             X                            X

Dishwashing Detergent    X                                         X                             X                            X

Electric Wok             X                                         X                             X                            X
Turpentine               X              X              X                            X                            X              
Router                   X              X              X             X               X                            X              
Spanners                 X              X              X                            X                            X              
Clamps                                 X              X                            X                            X              

Horizontal Boring
machine                                X              X                            X                            X              

Mitre Saw - hand         X              X              X                            X                            X              

Dovetail Jig             X              X              X             X               X                            X              
Dear Parents and Friends - Emmanuel College
  Tools/               Year          Year       Year
  Equipment            8             9          10

                       Electronics   Robotics   Systems & Design   Systems & Engineering

  Safety Aprons                                                 

  Safety Glasses/
                                                                

  PVA glue                                                      

  Acrylic water based
                                    X                            

  Drills – Power and
                                                                

  Disk Sander          X             X                            

  Solder & Soldering
                                    X                            

  Flux                              X                            

  Stanley knives                                                
Dear Parents and Friends - Emmanuel College

  Tools/                 Year          Year       Year
  Equipment              8             9          10

                         Electronics   Robotics   Systems & Design   Systems & Engineering

  Glue Gun (hot glue)                                             

  Coping saw                          X                            
  Tenon saw                                                       
  Hack saw                                                        
  Strip heaters                       X                            
  Pliers/Pincer                                                   
  Files                                                           

  Wooden mallets                      X                            

  Screw drivers                                                   
  Sand paper                                                      
  Vice/clamps                                                     

  Sockets & spanners     X             X                            

  Wire                   X             X          X                  
  PVA Pipe               X             X          X                  

  Vacuum Cleaners                                                 

  Oscillating Multi Tool X             X          X                  

  Cordless Drill                                                  

  Hot Air Gun            X             X          X                  

  Oremel Rotary Tools    X             X          X                  

  Jigsaw                 X             X                            
  Metal Working Hand
                     X                 X          X                  
  Spot Welds             X             X          X                  
  Claw hammers                                                    
  Computers                                                       
  Batteries                                                       
  Lego                   X                       X                  X
  Sheet metal folder &
                         X             X                            
  Tin snips              X             X                            
  Air compressor & Air
                       X               X          X                  
  Ear muffs              X             X                            
  Lead Free Pewtry Alloy X             X          X                  
  Ladle                  X             X          X                  

 Tools/                   Year          Year       Year               VCE
 Equipment                8             9          10

                          Electronics   Robotics   Systems & Design   Systems & Engineering

 Bench & Pedestal drill   X             X                            
 Electronics components                                            
 Laser Cutter             X             X                            
 MIG/ARC Welder           X             X          X                  
 Electronic Kits                       X                            
 Engine Oil               X             X          X                  
 Battery Charger          X             X                            
 Bolts, Screw, Nails                                               
 Tape Measure                          X                            
 Steel/ Aluminium         X             X                            

 Solar Panel                           X          X                  
 Multi Meter                           X                            
 Desolder                              X                            
 Epoxy Glue               X             X          X                  
 Wood Lathe               X             X                            X
 Angle Grinder            X             X          X                  
 Wood Plane               X             X                            
 3D Printer               X                                         
 Router                   X             X                            
 Laminate Trimmer         X             X          X                  
 Dowelling Machine        X             X                            X
 Stanley Knive                                                     
Calendar Term 1 Weeks 1A & 2B

26 January   Australia Day

28 January   Staff Return

31 January   VCAL Camp depart

1 February   VCAL Camp Day 2

2 February   Students return—Term 1 begins
             Year 7 Transition Day 1
             VCAL Camp returns
             Photo Day for Year 7s and new students
             ACC Senior Cricket – PAR v EMM, ACC Senior Tennis – SBE v EMM, ACC Senior Volleyball – SBE v EMM

3 February   Year 7 Transition Day 2

                                              St Paul’s Campus            Notre Dame Campus          P.O. Box 5
                                              423 Blackshaws Rd           2-40 Foxwood Drive         Altona North VIC 3025
                                              Altona North VIC 3025       Point Cook VIC 3030        P 8325 5100 F 9314 2475

Making a smooth transition to secondary school

Going to secondary school is both exciting and scary for many kids. There’s excitement about new friends, teachers and
ventures, but this can be overshadowed by anxiety and stress.

The sheer size of a high school building can be overwhelming to the uninitiated. The potential loss of status when moving from
big fish in a small pond to tiny minnow in a large ocean can be hard to swallow for some. Add the increased number of teachers
and the hormonal changes that accompany puberty and drive emotional and cognitive development and it is little wonder the
first year of secondary school o en sees a plateauing in learning. Most kids are flat out making new friends and getting used to
how secondary school works, so learning takes a back seat for a time.

While it’s easier for those who have a brother or sister already there who can pass on some tips about how to survive secondary
school, many don’t have that luxury. Fortunately, there are number of strategies parents can use to make the transition to
secondary school easier.

Know the school space

Familiarity helps reduce anxiety. Most secondary schools have familiarisation programs for incoming students but it helps to
reinforce with your young person where the key spaces are – such as administration, toilets, the tuck shop and drinking taps. A
trip to the school during the holidays, if possible, can help reassure a nervous secondary school starter.

Make the leap with friends

Negotiating new friendships can be stressful so it helps to identify some friends from primary school or outside school that your
child can travel with or meet up before school, at lunch breaks and during times when classes aren’t scheduled. This will give
them the opportunity to share and compare experiences, which is therapeutic for kids who are experiencing change.

Help with planning and organisation

Some students can be overwhelmed by the organisational demands of secondary school. If your child fits this category, be
prepared to be on hand to coach your young person in the finer arts of being on time to class, organising work in folders,
planning homework time, handing in multiple assignments and filling out forms.

Set up a designated study space in the home

Now that your young person has hit the big time it’s important that they have a study space to call their own. Keep this outside
the bedroom if possible – the bedroom is a space for sleeping and relaxing. Use any area that is reasonably quiet and well lit. Set
up a desk with a computer, if possible, along with stationery items.

Establish a work schedule

Provided as a part of our school’s Parenting Ideas membership                               
If your child’s primary school homework was given inconsistently then be prepared for a change. Most secondary schools try to
coordinate homework between di erent teachers but there will be more times than not when your child will come home with
multiple homework assignments to complete. Build the homework habit early and choose a regular time that allows for breaks.
Encourage them to work quickly so that work does not drag on and become demotivating.

Stay patient and positive

The social and academic demands of going to secondary school can be mentally draining for young people. Some will miss old
friends and the relative comfort of primary school. It’s important for parents to be patient with their young person, to expect a
few behaviour blowouts and to be prepared to listen and help them process their new experiences. If your young person has
negative experiences, point them in the direction of the good things that may happen during the day.

Your young person’s coping mechanisms are being tested during this time. They can change on a daily basis. If stress becomes
overwhelming or persistent to the point that they don’t want to go to school a er the initial settling-in period, consider
organising some extra assistance. A year-level coordinator, school counsellor or the local doctor can be good starting points
should extra assistance be needed.

Starting secondary school is one of many transitions your young person will face in life. With planning and support, your child
can make a positive start to secondary school and enjoy an amazing time at their new school.

                      Michael Grose
                      Michael Grose, founder of Parenting Ideas, is one of Australia’s leading parenting educators. He’s an
                      award-winning speaker and the author of 12 books for parents including Spoonfed Generation, and
                      the bestselling Why First Borns Rule the World and Last Borns Want to Change It . Michael is a former
                      teacher with 15 years experience, and has 30 years experience in parenting education. He also holds a
                      Master of Educational Studies from Monash University specialising in parenting education.

Provided as a part of our school’s Parenting Ideas membership                              
2022 Homeroom Listings & House Teams
                                                   St Paul’s Campus

                                         Campus Leader: Chris O’Malley
                                         Pastoral Leader: Daniel Velardo
  CASSIDY [CAS]     CHAMINADE [CHD] McCLUSKEY [MCK]                  McCOY [MCY]               WINTERS [WIN]
    Tony Muller       Olivia Fitzpatrick        Michael Gray          Cate Toebelman             Selma Porcic

Steve Chaperon      Aaron Zahra              Nidhi Chhibber       Amy Wilson-Matesevac   Rosemary McTaggart
Flynn               Bradman                  Burnet               Barton                 Daniel

Paul Abdallah       Yoshi Yamamoto           Matthew Farrugia     Anna Italia            Brad Robertson
Hollows             Fraser                   Lawson               Deakin                 Exodus

Rose DiFabrizio     Diana Barac              Aaron Joyce          Heather Barlow         Michael Pichner/ Janelle O’Keefe
John                Namatijira               Mannix               Elliott                Joshua

Jessica Alger       Bill Burns               Sophie Cochrane      Nico Lynch             Scott Breen
Matthew             Roberts                  Simpson              Flinders               MacKillop

Marc Nicolas        Edwin Bowers             Nola Hamilton        Emily Graham           Hannah Terry
Romero              Tasman                   Walker               Laver                  William

Nikolaos Kiannies   Caitlin Bilogrevic       Thomas Meegan        Prue Warne             Jack Cairn
Mark                Paul                     Freeman              Melba                  s Solomon
2022 Homeroom, House Teams & PaCT Listings
                                                          NOTRE DAME CAMPUS
                                                   Campus Leader: Kelley Revelman
                                                    Pastoral Leader: Nick Blassis
     CASSIDY [CAS]            CHAMINADE [CHD]              McCLUSKEY [MCK]               McCOY [MCY]                      WINTERS [WIN]
         MARIAN                    MARIAN                        MARIAN                      MARIAN                           MARIAN
    Rebecca Chester - CHE      John Murphy - MUR           Katherine Scalzo - SCA       Celeste Casale - CAS              Chris Micallef - MIC
David Biggs                 David Walker                Tania King                  Aron Altun                      Greta Aranha
Cassidy [A]                 Chaminade [A]               McCluskey [A]               McCoy [A]                       Winters [A]
Chris Smith                 Tanya Synadinos             Nicole Evans                Danielle Steenkamp              Trevor Blackhurst
Cassidy [B]                 Chaminade [B]               McCluskey [B]               McCoy [B]                       Winters [B]
Daniel Caplan               Terry Manoussakis           Dan O’Boyle                 Chris Terzakis                  Alistair Watts-Lyons
Cassidy [C]                 Chaminade [C]               McCluskey [C]               McCoy [C]                       Winters [C]
Leona Gardner-Chan          Malcolm Willetts            Jenna Watkins               Yoxford Rous                    Emily Liu
Cassidy [D]                 Chaminade [D]               McCluskey [D]               McCoy [D]                       Winters [D]
Kim Wheadon                 Ratna Tamanan               Rachel English              Linh Phan                       Hayley Canton
Cassidy [E]                 Chaminade [E]               McCluskey [E]               McCoy [E]                       Winters [E]
Lynette Kong                Paige Byrne                 Simone Traglia              Joshua Bach                     Michael Green
Cassidy [F]                 Chaminade (F]               McCluskey (F)               McCoy (F)                       Winters [F]
Rebecca To
VCAL Marie
                                                      Campus Leader: David Barr
                                                     Pastoral Leader: Maree Cody
      CASSIDY [CAS]          CHAMINADE [CHD]               McCLUSKEY [MCK]                McCOY [MCY]                   WINTERS [WIN]
        CALLAHAN                   CALLAHAN                     CALLAHAN                    CALLAHAN                         CALLAHAN
      Amy Phillipou– PHI     Kate Macpherson - MAC          Krystal Holzer - HOL         Tess Blassis - BLA         Rachael Schmidt-Sefrim - SCH
Melanie Treherne            Yumi Yoshida                Rachel Prince               Cerys Merrett                   Georgia Rush
Cassidy [G]                 Chaminade [G]               McCluskey [G]               McCoy [G] N42                   Winters [G]
Randall Chirng              Gerard Neenan               Linna Abdi                  Jenna Lucas / Michelle Stokie   Kayla Best
Cassidy [H]                 Chaminade [H]               McCluskey [H]               McCoy [H]                       Winters [H]
Dennis Dujic                Mikkel Blomley              Keenan Gatens               Sian O’Neale                    Louis Oosthuizen
Cassidy [I]                 Chaminade [I]               McCluskey [I]               McCoy [I]                       Winters [I]
Mollie Wyatt                Diane Delia                 Lavinia Setini              Matthew Lever                   Elizabeth Vidovic
Cassidy [J]                 Chaminade [J]               McCluskey [J]               McCoy [J]                       Winters [J]
Adriana Agosta              Brodie Amor                 Mathew Niemczyk             Nicholas Maynard                Rita Hanna
Cassidy [K]                 Chaminade [K]               McCluskey [K]               McCoy [K]                       Winters [K]
Luke Byrne                  Chris Roux                  Aliejana Harris             Martyn Bence                    Taylor Eade
Cassidy [L]                 Chaminade [L]               McCluskey [L]               McCoy [L]                       Winters [L]
                                                        Rebecca Corry
                                                        VCAL Adele
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