The UNITECH Programme 2021/2022 - UPC

Page created by Tony Adams
The UNITECH Programme 2021/2022 - UPC
UNITECH Programme
The UNITECH Programme 2021/2022 - UPC
The university locations







    1   Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg               5       Politecnico di Milano

    2   ETH Zurich                                                6       RWTH Aachen

    3   INSA Lyon                                                 7       Trinity College Dublin

    4   Loughborough University                                   8       UPC Barcelona
The UNITECH Programme 2021/2022 - UPC
The Structure

                                                       Current engineering studies
   Home University
                                                           Assessment Centre
                                                             Start-up Week

                           Continue engineering studies, add business studies during academic exchange
    Host University
                           year / Study in a second language / Take part in 3 business coaching modules
                                                            Mid-Term Week

                                                   Complete International Internship
  Corporate Partner
                                                     Work in a second language
                                                           End-of-Year event

   Home University                            Complete engineering degree requirements

      Graduation                     Explore employment opportunities with Corporate Partner

 Alumni Association                 Continue developing the network of professional possibilities

                                               Three coached Modules

UNITECH students
            students areare people
                             people who  who want
                                                                         qualified    Engaging
                                                                                        Engaging with
                                                                                                              programme    means
                                                                                                                             means direct  professional
                                                                                                                                      direct  professional andand
internationally experienced
                   experienced engineering
                                       engineering graduates
                                                     graduates with
                                                                        accesstoto    connections
                                                                                        connectionswith withUNITECH
                                                                                                                            Corporate  Partners,
                                                                                                                                         Partners,  who   areare
                                                                                                                                                        who     eager   to to
prime international
        international internships
                         internshipsand  andemployment
                                                             positions.               establish
                                                                                        establishtheir own
                                                                                                    their ownconnections
                                                                                                                                  talent  like you.
                                                                                                                                        talent   like The
                                                                                                                                                       you.nature  of this of
                                                                                                                                                             The nature
As a UNITECH you you will
                      will have
                            have earned
                                                                               plus   engagement      can becan
                                                                                        this engagement        at the
                                                                                                                  be atprofessional    engineering
                                                                                                                         the professional              level and
                                                                                                                                              engineering     levelcan gocan
at least
                         international   experience
                                                          exposure.  AddAdd
                                                              exposure.   thatthat
                                                                               to     further  than than
                                                                                        go further   that of  a classic
                                                                                                           that         HR-driven
                                                                                                                 of a classic        recruiting
                                                                                                                              HR-driven           contact.
                                                                                                                                             recruiting   contact.
the  highly
to the      developed
        highly  developed skillsskills
                                 and sensitivities  gained
                                       and sensitivities    duringduring
                                                          gained   the one  year
                                                                          the  one    The
                                                                                                        network  provides
                                                                                                                              professional  and   personal
                                                                                                                                                and  personalconnection
UNITECH    Programme
year UNITECH     Programme and youandhaveyou the
                                             haveadvanced   capabilities
                                                   the advanced          in han-in
                                                                   capabilities       totolike-minded
                                                                                                                                               partner universities
dling  diverse
handling        people,
            diverse        taskstasks
                     people,       and professional    situations
                                          and professional        that will
                                                             situations  thattake
                                                                               will   among
                                                                                        amongthe theUNITECH
                                                                                                     UNITECH   Alumni
                                                                                                                 Alumni Association
                                                                                                                           Association members.
                                                                                                                                         members.   These   connections
                                                                                                                                                        These  connections
      youalong  your career
           far along            path. path.
                      your career                                                     are
                                                                                                                   mutual benefit
                                                                                                                            benefitin in
                                                                                                                                         areasof of
Participation inin the
                    the UNITECH
                          UNITECH Programme
                                                             advantagesonontwo two    market
                                                                                                 opportunities  and  knowledge
                                                                                                                   and  knowledge   sharing.

UNITECH Alumni Association
UNITECH Alumni Association
After the UNITECH year, the student is encouraged to become a mem-                      On the local level, the UAA organizes various events in Local Chapters.
After the UNITECH year, the student is encouraged to become a mem-                    On the local level, the UAA organizes various events in Local Chapters.
ber of the UNITECH Alumni Association (UAA), which is a network of                      Meet each of the Local Chapter Coordinators at https://www.unitech-
ber of the UNITECH Alumni Association (UAA), which is a network of                    Meet each of the Local Chapter Coordinators at https://www.unitech-
young international engineering professionals who have taken part             
young international engineering professionals who have taken part           
in the UNITECH Programme. The association aims to preserve the                          association/organisation/uaa-council. Each Local Chapter Coordina-
in the UNITECH Programme. The association aims to preserve the                        association/organisation/uaa-council. Each Local Chapter Coordina-
UNITECH spirit and is responsible for liaising between its members,                     tor has experienced the UNITECH Programme and can answer a wide
UNITECH spirit and is responsible for liaising between its members,                   tor has experienced the UNITECH Programme and can answer a wide
UNITECH International Society and its Academic and Corporate Part-                      range of questions concerning the programme, the university and
UNITECH International Society and its Academic and Corporate Part-                    range of questions concerning the programme, the university and
ners. UAA puts together a rich programme of educational and social                      some other partner universities.
ners. UAA puts together a rich programme of educational and social                    some other partner universities.
events for its members. Please read more about the UAA:
events for its members. Please read more about the UAA:

Eligibility for the UNITECH Programme
Eligibility for the UNITECH Programme
Because of its high performance expectations, not everyone is eligi-                    English is the international business language and all UNITECH
Because of its high performance expectations, not everyone is eligi-                  participate in the UNITECH Programme.
ble to join the UNITECH Programme. The UNITECH Programme is only                        students are required to have a proficient knowledge of English
ble to join the UNITECH Programme. The UNITECH Programme is only                      English is the international business language and all UNITECH
available to full-time students of the UNITECH partner universities. As                 (spoken and written). At the different UNITECH partner universities
available to full-time students of the UNITECH partner universities. As               students are required to have a proficient knowledge of English
a UNITECH student you have to be enrolled at your home university                       and our Corporate Partners the level of knowledge of the local native
a UNITECH student you have to be enrolled at your home university                     (spoken and written). At the different UNITECH partner universities
and pay your tuition fee there. You do not have to pay a tuition fee at                 language required varies.
and pay your tuition fee there. You do not have to pay a tuition fee                  and our Corporate Partners the level of knowledge of the local native
your host university. Students from non-partner universities cannot
at your host university. Students from non-partner universities cannot                language required varies.
participate in the UNITECH Programme.

Financial support by UNITECH
Students   support into
                   by UNITECH
                         the UNITECH Programme will receive a mobility will be 1’000 Euros. During the internship, UNITECH students will be
Students  accepted
grant to cover travelintocosts
                           the UNITECH
                               related toProgramme   will exchange
                                           the academic   receive a grant 1’000 Euros. according
                                                                    and compensated     During thetointernship, UNITECH
                                                                                                     the practices  of thestudents willPartner
                                                                                                                           Corporate     be com-
to  cover  some  costs   related  to the  academic  exchange   and  Joint pensated according  to  the practices
Joint Modules. The mobility grant for the UNITECH year 2019/2020 which should cover at least the living costs.  of the  Corporate Partner  which
Modules. The student grant for the UNITECH year 2021/2022 will be should cover at least the living costs.
The UNITECH Programme 2021/2022 - UPC
The UNITECH Credit System 2019
                                         The UNITECH Credit System 2019

                      (UTC)                                                  JointJoint   Modules
                                                                                    Modules  = 10 = 10
                                                                       Academic        Exchange
                                                                                  Exchange   = 20 = 20
   TOTAL                                                                                Internship
                                                                                  Internship = 30 = 30
                 Joint Modules
                    Joint Modules                                             Additional
                                                                         Additional        Credits
                                                                                     Credits ≥ 30 ≥ 30
                     10 10
                        UTCUTC                                         TotalTotal
                                                                             for Graduation  ≥ 90 ≥ 90
                                                                                  for Graduation
                  (4 Start-Up,
              (4 Start-Up,     4 Mid-
                            4 Mid-                     ++Supplementary
                                                                          Management Credits ≥ 10 ≥ 10
                    Term, 2 End-of-                       ++
                                                           Masters Degree from  Home   University
                Term, 2 End-of-                              Masters Degree from Home University
           10        Year)
                    Exchange                   1 ECTS counts as 1              Supplementary
                 20 UTC minimum                1 ECTSUTC
                                                       counts as 1           Management Credits
           30 20 UTC minimum                            UTC                       Management Credits
                                                                                A minimum of 10
      30                                       Additional Credits
                                                                                 ECTS must be
                      Internship                                                      A minimum of 10
                                                Additional    Credits            achieved from
                   30 UTC minimum           30 additional  UTC   can be                ECTS must be
                    Internship             freely distributed between           Management/Non-
                30 (2.5
                              per week      30
                                            theadditional    UTC can be
                                                Academic Exchange             technicalachieved
                                                                                        Courses at from
                      of internship)       freely  distributed    between            Management/Non-
                                                                              your Host  university
                                            (ECTS)   or the Internship
           60 (2.5 credits per week                                                technical
                                                                               and/or         Courses
                                                                                      your Home   if    at
                                            (UTC)  Additional   credits
                                            the Academic Exchange            necessary,  during any
                                                                                   your Host university
                  of internship)            can  be obtained
                                            (ECTS)             through
                                                      or the Internship
      60          Additional Credits         extra course  during  the        time of your studies.
                                                                                    and/or  your Home if
                                            (UTC) Additional credits
                   during Academic         Academic Exchange or an
                                            can be obtained through               necessary,
                                                                             A course           during any
                                                                                       taken during
                      Exchange or          internship longer than the              time  of your studies.
                Additional  Credits          extra  course   during the         your  Academic
                       Internship              12 week    minimum
                                           Academic Exchange or an            Exchange may give
                during  Academic
                   30 UTC minimum                                                 A course
                                                                                 credits      taken during
                                                                                         for the
           90     Exchange or              internship longer than the
                                                                              Academicyour   Academic
                   Internship                  12 week minimum                 as well  as for the
                                                                                    Exchange     may give
                30 UTC minimum                                               Management     Credits.
                                                                                      credits    for the
      90                     UNITECH Fellowship                                   Academic Exchange
                                                                               Note: Management
                       Once all UNITECH Credit requirements are                      asfrom
                                                                               Credits   wellHome
                                                                                              as for the
                                                                                university cannot Credits.
                          UNITECH Fellowship
                      fulfilled and the student has obtained his/her
                       home Masters (MSc) degree, the student is                 count towards
                                                                              Academic     Management
                       eligible to receive the UNITECH Fellowship
                     Once all UNITECHdiploma.
                                           Credit requirements are                  Credits
                                                                                     Credits from Home
                    fulfilled and the student has obtained his/her                 university cannot
                     home Masters (MSc) degree, the student is                      count towards
                                                                                  Academic Exchange
                     eligible to receive the UNITECH Fellowship
                                                                                August 2019

                                                                                     August 2019

How to gain advantage?

Academic exchange
You gain academic advantage through spending at least one semes-          support you in the administrative procedures such as enrolment and
ter at one of the UNITECH partner universities, living and studying in    study plan submission.
a foreign-language area, where you will extend your studies in en-        If you have any questions concerning the alignment of studies abroad
gineering and be able to take additional management courses. The          with your home curriculum, the Programme Director at your home
Local Coordinator at your home university is the main contact and can     university is there to help you.

Your second area of advantage is the internship with a UNITECH ­­­Cor-    are seen as a valuable short-term addition to a Corporate Partner’s
porate Partner company, and this is where you as a student can get        talent resources. The internship placement, from the view of the stu-
a really good look at a specific company in which you may have an         dent, is also in a foreign-language country in order to extend your
employment interest. Your exceptional qualities as a UNITECH ­student     abilities to perform internationally.

Joint Modules
Each module is run and supported by an experienced coaching team          The Mid-Term Week focuses on a set of case assignments provided by
drawn from our Corporate Partner network. During the UNITECH year,        the Corporate Partners. Real issues are given to the student groups,
you will attend the unique and specially designed UNITECH Joint           with the Corporate Partners expecting, and receiving, real results that
Modules:                                                                  are, in many cases, put into effect directly in the Corporate Partner’s
                                                                          operations or strategy.
The Start-Up Week is an intense growth period for you as UNITECH
stu- dents as you come together for the first time – for a week of        The End-of Year event is at the end of the UNITECH year. You re-group
self-dis- covery and business-skill building through exercises and dis-   after your time of exchange at another university and your intern-
cussion. You enjoy close contact with Corporate Partners, who bring       ships with a Corporate Partners. As you prepare to complete your
value to this week through formal events, such as presentations on        academic studies, there are again formal and informal interactions
key themes and informal opportunities for in-depth discussion of cut-     with the coaches and some Corporate Partners woven into the final
ting-edge topics. These interactions put Corporate Partners face to       module, including interviews where Corporate Partners can begin the
face with you – the talent of the future at a very influential stage of   formal process that leads to employment.
your development.

Chalmers University of Technology
    Chalmers University of Technology, founded in 1829, is a private                 in the Gothenburg region such as SKF and all education is linked to
Chalmers         owned by
            University   of aTechnology
                              foundation located in Gothenburg on the west           excellent research. Chalmers can offer a safe and open-minded study
    coast  of Sweden.    The   university hosts
Chalmers University of Technology,               13 in
                                           founded   departments    which carry
                                                        1829, is a private  in-      environment
                                                                                   the  Gothenburgwith    attractive,
                                                                                                      region  such as spacious
                                                                                                                        SKF and all study  areas is
                                                                                                                                      education   and    computer
                                                                                                                                                     linked   to ex-
    out  research   and  teaching    mostly  within  engineering,
stitution owned by a foundation located in Gothenburg on the west   science  and     labs which  are   accessible   at all times.   Chalmers
                                                                                   cellent research. Chalmers can offer a safe and open-minded has  two   centrally
    architecture   and it is  one  of  the largest  and most   highly
coast of Sweden. The university hosts 13 departments which carry      acclaimed      located campuses
                                                                                   environment           with easyspacious
                                                                                                  with attractive,    access tostudy
                                                                                                                                  the city centre.
                                                                                                                                       areas        Chalmers labs
                                                                                                                                             and computer       has
      research andof teaching
                      technology      in Scandinavia.
                                  mostly                The totalscience
                                           within engineering,       numberandof     the ambition
                                                                                   which           to use modern
                                                                                          are accessible             pedagogical
                                                                                                           at all times.   Chalmerstechniques   such as problem-
                                                                                                                                      has two centrally     located
    students  is about  10´000   of which   about  30 percent  are
architecture and it is one of the largest and most highly acclaimedinternational     based learning
                                                                                   campuses          and project
                                                                                               with easy  access based
                                                                                                                   to the teamwork     under
                                                                                                                            city Centre.      realistic
                                                                                                                                          Chalmers      conditions
                                                                                                                                                      has  the am-
    students. of
universities    Chalmers   has in
                  technology     partnerships
                                                        total industries
                                                              number ofmostly
                                                                           bition to use modern pedagogical techniques such as problem- based
dents is about 10´000 of which about 30 percent are international learning and project based teamwork under realistic conditions.
   WebsiteChalmers has partnerships with major industries mostly in
   Participating departments
    Biology and Biological Engineering               Electrical Engineering                         Physics
    Civil Engineering                                Industrial and Materials Science               Space, Earth and Environment
Participating  and Chemical Engineering              Mathematical Sciences                          Technology Management and Economics
  Biology            and Learning
           and Biological         in Science
                          Engineering                Mechanics
                                                   Electrical    and Maritime Sciences
                                                              Engineering                          Physics
  Civil        Science and Engineering
        Engineering                                  Microtechnology
                                                   Industrial           and Nanoscience
                                                               and Materials Science               Space, Earth and Environment
  Chemistry  and  Chemical
   Programme Director       Engineering
                                Local Coordinator  Mathematical    Sciences
                                                              UAA Local Chapter Coordinators       Technology Management and Economics
  Communication and Learning in Science            Mechanics and Maritime Sciences
   Lena Peterson                Ing-Britt Carlsson            Nicole Ascard
  Computer Science and Engineering                 Micro technology and Nanoscience
   T: +46 31 772 18 22          T: +46 31 772 11 78           E:
   E:         E:
Programme Director                            Local Coordinator                                   UAA Local Chapter Coordinators
Lena Peterson                                 Elisabeth Ericson                                   Nicole Ascard, Tove Jensen and
T: +46 31you
              18 22 studying at Chalmers University
                                              T: +46 of
                                                         772 1563 and would like to apply? Please Fahimnote the following:
E:     Only students who   are currently enrolled
                                              E:  in the third year of the five-year engineering  programmes are eligible to
                         apply to UNITECH.
                         Students from all engineering fields are welcome to apply.
      Information Event      1 and 3 of October 2018 (GD-hall in Physical Engineering building at 17:15)
    Are you currently studying at Chalmers University of Technology and would like to apply? Please note the following:
      Application deadline 15 of December 2018
    Requirements          Only students who are currently enrolled in the third year of the five-year engineering programmes are eligible to
      Assessment Centre apply31 of
                          Students from all engineering fields are welcome to apply.
    Information Event       October 2020
       Would you
    Application   like to do15
                deadline    your
                               of academic
                                           2020    at Chalmers University of Technology? Please note the following:
    Assessment  Centre       28 BSc of Engineering
                                of January  2021 degree or equivalent at home university must be completed. Thesis work can´t be done at Chalmers.
      Course catalogue
                              Select “Studies →Course information → Search course” or “Studies → Programme information → Search programme
    Would you like to do your You
                               academic   exchange
                                   can apply          at Chalmers
                                               for courses    markedUniversity
                                                                       with the of  Technology?
                                                                                  text “The coursePlease  note
                                                                                                    is open  forthe following:
                                                                                                                  exchange  students. Make sure to select
    Requirements           BSccourses
                                of Engineering
                                       from thedegree
                                                  right spor(study
                                                             equivalent   at home
                                                                   period).         university
                                                                             Fall semester     must be
                                                                                            includes sp completed.
                                                                                                        1 and 2, spring semester includes sp 3 and 4. You
                           Thesis  work
                              should     can’t
                                      also     be courses
                                           select  done at from
                                                                   different block schedules, to avoid collisions in the schedule.
    Course cataloguecourses
      Management              UNITECH students are recommended to select management courses from the following MSc programmes:
                         Select “Studies → and
                             Management      Course  information
                                                  Economics        → Search course” or “Studies → Programme information → Search programme”
                                                             of Innovation
                         You Quality
                             can apply
                                            courses marked   with the text “ The course is open for exchange students. Make sure to select courses
                              the right  study
                                     Chain     period (sp). Fall semester includes sp 1 and 2, spring semester includes sp 3 and 4. You should also
                         select courses  from  different
                            UNITECH students can´t selectblock schedules,
                                                             courses  from to
                                                                           theavoid collisions
                                                                               following       in theprogrammes:
                                                                                          MSc/BSc     schedule.
                         Note: We can’t guarantee that you will be admitted to all courses you have applied for. Changes can be done until the
                             MSc Entrepreneurship and Business Design
                         month before the semester start.
                             MSc International Project Management
    Management courses UNITECH     students
                             MSc Design    andare  recommended
                                               Construction        to select
                                                              Project        management courses from the following MSc programmes:
                           Management      and Economics   of Innovation
                             BSc Business Development and Entrepreneurship
                           Quality and Operations Management
      Teaching language     English at all MSc programmes
                           Supply Chain Management
      Academic year and
                         UNITECH students’ can’t select courses from the following MSc/BSc programmes:
      Examination periods
                           MSc Entrepreneurship and Business Design
                           MSc International Project Management
                           MSc Design and Construction Project Management
                           BSc Business Development and Entrepreneurship
    Teaching language        English at all MSc programmes
    Academic year and
    Examination periods

ETH Zurich
   ETH Zurich has come to symbolise excellent education, groundbreaking professors teach and conduct research in the areas of engineering,
     Zurichresearch and applied results that are beneficial for society as architecture, mathematics, natural sciences, system-oriented sciences,
ETHa whole.
      Zurich Founded
               has comein to   symbolise
                            1855,  it today excellent
                                              offers researchers       inspiring than
                                                        education,an ground-       and 540   professorsand
                                                                                        management       teach  and
                                                                                                            social    conductETH
                                                                                                                   sciences.   research
                                                                                                                                    Zurichin the areas
                                                                                                                                           regularly    of engi-
                                                                                                                                                     appears   at
breaking    basic research
   environment               and aapplied
                   and students             results that
                                    comprehensive          are beneficial
                                                      education  as one offorthe neering,   architecture,
                                                                                   the top of  internationalmathematics,    natural
                                                                                                              rankings as one   of thesciences, system-orient-
                                                                                                                                        best universities in the
   world’sas leading
             a whole.universities
                       Founded in for1855,   it today
                                       technology   andoffers researchers
                                                         the natural        an edworld.
                                                                      sciences.      sciences,   and management
                                                                                           Twenty-one                 and have
                                                                                                        Nobel Laureates    socialstudied,
                                                                                                                                   sciences.  ETH or
                                                                                                                                           taught  Zurich  regu-
inspiring   environment
   ETH Zurich              and 20’600
                  has almost    studentsstudents
                                           a comprehensive
                                                    from approximately      as larly
                                                                education 120          appears
                                                                                   research   at at
                                                                                                        top 20underlining
                                                                                                                of international   rankings as
                                                                                                                             the excellent      one of the
                                                                                                                                             reputation   of best
     of the world’s
                       of whomuniversities  for technology
                                  are doctoral    candidates.and  the than
                                                               More         530 universities
                                                                       natural     institute. in the world. Twenty-one Nobel Laureates have studied,
sciences. ETH Zurich has more than 22’000 students from approxi- taught or conducted research at ETH Zurich.
mately 120 countries, 4’200 of whom are doctoral candidates. More
   Participating departments
    Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering (D-BAUG)               Management, Technology and Economics (D-MTEC)
Participating     and Pr ess Engineering (D-MAVT)
                departments                                              Physics (D-PHYS)
  Civil,           Technology
         Environmental         and Electrical
                          and Geomatic         Engineering
                                          Engineering       (D-ITET)
                                                        (D-BAUG)         Computational    Science and
                                                                                    Management,        Engineering
                                                                                                     Technology   and(part of D-MATH)
                                                                                                                       Economics     (D-MTEC)
    Computer and
  Mechanical     Science (D-INFK)
                     Process  Engineering (D-MAVT)                       Chemical Engineering    (part of D-CHAB)
                                                                                    Physics (D-PHYS)
    Materials Science
  Information           (D-MATL)
                 Technology   and Electrical Engineering (D-ITET)                   Computational Science and Engineering (part of D-MATH)
  Computer Science (D-INFK)                                                         Chemical Engineering (part of D-CHAB)
  Materials Science (D-MATL)
   Programme Director             Local Coordinator                             UAA Local Chapter Coordinators
   Mirko Meboldt                  Julia Wussler                                 Matthias Untergassmair, Carina Heuberger, Jay O`Nien
   T: +41 44 632
Programme          72 38
               Director           T: +41 44 632 21 41Local Coordinator          E:
                                                                                                             UAA Local Chapter Coordinators
Mirko Meboldt                     E:
                                                       Julia Wussler                                         Carina Heuberger
T: +41 44 632 72 38                                    T: +41 44 632 21 41                                   E:
E:                                    E:
     Are you currently studying at ETH Zurich and would like to apply? Please note the following:
     Requirements          UNITECH is designed for advanced students of the above mentioned study programmes/departments with aver-
  Are you currently studying
                                 ETH Zurich    and would
                                        of at least   4.5 who like toapproaching
                                                                 are  apply? Please   note the of
                                                                                   completion   following:
                                                                                                   their studies. Students mostly participate during the
  Requirements             MSc programme.
                        UNITECH     is designed Theforbestadvanced
                                                            time to apply   for UNITECH
                                                                        students  of the isabove
                                                                                            5th – 6th semester,study
                                                                                                   mentioned     so thatprogrammes/departments
                                                                                                                          students are participating inwith the
                        average       Programme
                                  grades   of at leastduring
                                                          4.5 their   7th approaching
                                                                who are    and 8th, or 8th  and 9th semester.
                                                                                         completion             We generally
                                                                                                      of their studies.          discourage
                                                                                                                          Students   mostly applying     at an
                                                                                                                                               participate   at
                        theearlier or later
                             beginning   of point
                                            the MSc in your   studies. However,
                                                        programme.       The bestexceptions   mayfor
                                                                                  time to apply    be UNITECH
                                                                                                      made in well-founded      cases. Students
                                                                                                                is 5th – 6th semester,           must
                                                                                                                                           so that      in any
                        arecase  contact their
                             participating       Departmental
                                             in the                 Exchange Coordinator
                                                      UNITECH Programme         during theirbefore  they
                                                                                              7th and     submit
                                                                                                       8th, or 8ththeir
                                                                                                                    andapplication   and Students
                                                                                                                          9th semester.   fill out themust
                             case contactof ETH   Zurich
                                              their        and the UNITECH
                                                     Departmental      Exchange Office. The online
                                                                                  Coordinator       application
                                                                                                before           for thetheir
                                                                                                         they submit      following  academic
                                                                                                                               application  and year    willthe
                                                                                                                                                  fill out   be
                        online        as of end
                                application    of of
                                                        Zurichand andcan
                                                                             found at:Office. The online application for the following academic year
                             be available as of end of October and can be found at:
                                 thethe UNITECH
                                      UNITECH        Officeat:
                                                  Office     at:
  Information event     19 November 2020, please see here for further information:
     Information event studieren/austauschstudium/austauschprogramme/unitech-international/unitech-infoevent.html
                           29 November 2018
  Application   deadline 69January
              deadline      January2021,
                                    2019 1 pm
  Assessment    Centre 2521
              Centre         February
                           February   2019

  Would you like to do your academic exchange at ETH Zurich? Please note the following:
    Would you like to do your academic exchange at ETH Zurich? Please note the following:
  Requirements          ETH Zurich has high academic requirements and courses are intense and demanding. Incoming students must
    Requirements           ETH Zurich
                        therefore           has high
                                       be able          academic
                                                   to perform     atrequirements
                                                                      a high level andandbecourses  arestanding
                                                                                              in good   intense andwithdemanding.
                                                                                                                          respect to Incoming    students
                                                                                                                                       their academic      must there-
                        Furthermore, students must have completed at least two years of education at university level when comingFurther
                           fore be    able    to  perform    at a  high level and   be  in good  standing   with  respect   to their academic   achievement.    to ETH
                           - more,
                        Zurich.       students
                                  Please      notemust
                                                     that have
                                                            only completed
                                                                  few UNITECH  at least  two years
                                                                                   students         of enrolled
                                                                                               can be  educationatatthe university level when
                                                                                                                           Department           coming to ETH
                                                                                                                                          of Management         Zurich.
                             that ETH         that only
                                     noteZurich           fewknown
                                                      is well   UNITECH forstudents    can be enrolled
                                                                            natural sciences             at the Department
                                                                                                 and engineering.      Please beofaware
                                                                                                                                          that only(D-MTEC)
                                                                                                                                                      Master`sand   that
                           ETH Zurich
                        students     withisa wellBSc known
                                                     in sciencefor natural  sciencescan
                                                                    or engineering      andapply
                                                                                             engineering.   Please be aware
                                                                                                   for the Department            that only Master`s
                                                                                                                            of Management             degree students
                           with a BSc in science or engineering can apply for the Department of Management (D-MTEC).
  Teaching language     The majority of courses in the BSc programmes are taught in German whereas the majority of MSc courses are
    Teaching language taught
                           The majority
                                 in English.    of Some
                                                    courses   in the
                                                            study      BSc programmes
                                                                    programmes               are taught
                                                                                     also offer   coursesininGerman
                                                                                                              English whereas      the majority
                                                                                                                         on advanced              of The
                                                                                                                                         BSc level.   MSc language
                                                                                                                                                           courses areof
                           taught    in   English.   Some    study   programmes      also  offer a few
                        instruction for each individual course can be found in the course catalogue.    courses   in  English  on advanced    BSc  level. The language
                           of instruction for each individual course can be found in the course catalogue.
  Course catalogue
    Course catalogue
                        Please make sure to carefully read our study plan guidelines:
                           Please make sure to carefully read our study plan guidelines:
                        and  to to
                           and   listlistatatleast
                                               least2/3   ofyour
                                                     2/3 of  yourcourses
                                                                                           department.  YouYou
                                                                                                             willwill apply
                                                                                                                  apply      to this
                                                                                                                         to this      particular
                                                                                                                                 particular       department
                                                                                                                                            department    of ETHofZurich
                           and ifand
                                   theyif accepted
                                            they accepted
                                                        you noyou,    no department
                                                                 further  further department       changes
                                                                                         changes are         are possible!
                             Students  arethe  workload
                                            strongly    students are strongly
                                                     recommended      to take recommended
                                                                               no more thanto25
                                                                                              take no more
                                                                                                ECTS.      than are
                                                                                                       30 ECTS  25 ECTS. 30 ECTS
                                                                                                                    possible for are
                                                                                                                                     semesterfor one
                             yousemester butproblems
                                  may have    you may have
                                                       withproblems   with the workload.
                                                            the workload.
  Academic year and
    Academic year
  examination     and
    examination periods

INSA Lyon is one of France’s largest engineering graduate schools and     datory period abroad for all our students and 10 foreign languages
among the top 10 universities of Science and Technology in Europe.        taught at INSA Lyon.
INSA Lyon operates a fully integrated Education, Research and Inno-       INSA Lyon is a leader in science education, as well as a pioneer in
vation approach. Since its creation in 1957, INSA Lyon included both      terms of its policies concerning accessibility and diversity. INSA Lyon
international and human and social aspects in the curriculum of           stands out from the crowd. For example, it is one of the few engineer-
its engineers. In fact, equal importance is given to its international    ing schools that houses a High Level Sports Section (SSHN) recognised
relations and openness as to the quality of its education and research.   by the Ministry for Sport.
The international arena has been an essential area for development        Other Specific unique sections are available on campus such as: Plas-
notably through numerous educational and research partnerships:           tic Arts Studies, Dance Studies, Music Studies and Theatre Studies.
200 partner universities, 28% foreign students on the campus, man-        It graduates over 800 engineers each year in 9 fields of specialization.

Top quality training in engineering (5-year program after Bac/A-levels) in 9 specializations
  post Master’s programs accredited by the “Conférence des Grandes Ecoles”
  7 Specialized Master’s Degrees, Research Master’s Degrees
  8 doctoral schools
  23 research Laboratories
  Summer Schools and Short Programs


Participating Schools/Departments
 All INSA Lyon departments
INSA Lyon doesn’t have a Management department, only a few lectures are available in that domain.
Therefore it is not possible to complete the semester requirements only with management courses.
Note that the departments: “Industrial Engineering=GI” and “Energy and Environment Engineering=GEN” can’t receive students during
the spring semester -S2

Registering for Courses taught in English and Regular Courses:
Flyer PDF available for most of the lectures in English at INSA Lyon:

                                                                                                   UAA Local Chapter Information
Programme Director                               Local Coordinator                                 E:
Damien FABREGUE                                  Thalia DARNANVILLE
T: +33 4 72 43 81 79                             T: +33 4 72 43 62 77
E:                               E:

    Are you currently studying at INSA Lyon University and would like to apply? Please note the following:
    Requirements           Students of 3rd and 4th year can apply to participate in UNITECH Programme during the 4th or 5th year.
                           Strong academic and linguistic level is compulsory to apply to UNITECH Programme
    Information event       8 October 2020
    Application deadline   10 December 2020
    Assessment Centre       4 February 2021

    Would you like to do your academic exchange at INSA Lyon University? Please note the following:
    Requirements           Excellent academic level is compulsory to apply to INSA Lyon
    Language               French, Level B1 (according to the CECR “Cadre Européen Commun de Référence”) strongly recommended
                           Students must fulfill specific English and/or French language requirements according to the chosen study scheme
    Course catalogue
    Teaching language      French and English depending on the lectures
    Academic year          First semester: mid September to end of January
                           Second semester: February to end of June (Note that the departments: “Industrial Engineering=GI” and
                           “Energy and Environment Engineering=GEN” can’t receive students during the spring semester -S2-)
    Examination periods    January and June

Loughborough University
    In 1909 a small
Loughborough            Technical Institute in the centre of Loughborough was
                    University                                                                        been rated excellent in independent assessments, placing the
In 1909   a small which
                    Technicalprovided   local
                                 Institute   in facilities
                                                the centre   foroffurther      educationwas
                                                                     Loughborough           and       University
                                                                                                    sistently   been towards
                                                                                                                         rated the      top ofinthe
                                                                                                                                 excellent            teaching quality
                                                                                                                                                   independent             tables. Inplacing
                                                                                                                                                                    assessments,         order
established, which provided local facilities for further education andits
    offered  courses    in technical   subjects,    science     and    art.  The   vision  of         to   sustain    this  exceptional        quality   the   University
                                                                                                    the University towards the top of the teaching quality tables. In or-   has   developed
offered         father,
          courses        Dr Herbertsubjects,
                     in technical      Schofield,     has enabled
                                                   science      and art. it toThedevelop
                                                                                    vision into
                                                                                             of       strong
                                                                                                    der        academic,
                                                                                                          to sustain     this guidance
                                                                                                                              exceptional    andquality
                                                                                                                                                  welfarethesystems   to support
                                                                                                                                                               University            students
                                                                                                                                                                            has developed
its one   of thefather,
     founding      country’s    top universities
                          Dr Herbert     Schofield,and   hasbuild
                                                                enableduponit itsto distinctive
                                                                                     develop          throughout
                                                                                                    strong            their guidance
                                                                                                              academic,      education.and    Thewelfare
                                                                                                                                                  university   was awarded
                                                                                                                                                           systems   to support twostudents
intocharacteristics.   In April 1966
       one of the country’s             Loughborough
                                  top universities      and was build awarded
                                                                        upon itsitsdistinc-
                                                                                       Charter,       centres fortheir
                                                                                                    throughout        excellence    in teaching
                                                                                                                           education.                and learning;
                                                                                                                                            The university            one in two
                                                                                                                                                              was awarded       industry   and
    in  recognition    of  the  excellence     achieved
tive characteristics. In April 1966 Loughborough was awarded by   Loughborough          College
                                                                                            its       employer     linked   engineering       education,   and  the other
                                                                                                    centres for excellence in teaching and learning; one in industry and    in  mathematics
    of  Advanced     Technology      and   its  predecessor
Charter, in recognition of the excellence achieved by Loughborough colleges.      Then    called      and statistics
                                                                                                    employer     linked  support,   the university
                                                                                                                           engineering        education,is internationally
                                                                                                                                                            and the other known        for the
                                                                                                                                                                              in mathemat-
College   of Advanced  University
                            Technologyof Technology,        it was thecolleges.
                                            and its predecessor                country’s    first
                                                                                         Then       icsinnovative    work support,
                                                                                                         and statistics     of the two    thecentres.  Loughborough
                                                                                                                                               university                has been
                                                                                                                                                            is internationally        recently
                                                                                                                                                                                  known     for
called   Loughboroughuniversity.   It wasofrenamed
                             University        Technology,Loughborough
                                                                  it was theUniversity
                                                                                   country’sin        named
                                                                                                    the         University
                                                                                                         innovative      work ofof the
                                                                                                                                    thetwo  Yearcentres.
                                                                                                                                                   by TheLoughborough
                                                                                                                                                              Times and Sunday
                                                                                                                                                                             University Times,
first1996.  Other developments
       technological     university. Ithave
                                         was included
                                                renamedthe          reunificationUniver-
                                                               Loughborough            in 1977        University Guide
                                                                                                    maintained       its top2019.
                                                                                                                               five Itranking
                                                                                                                                         was ranked
                                                                                                                                                 for a6th   amongst
                                                                                                                                                         second       all UK Universities
                                                                                                                                                                  successive     year in The in
    with   Loughborough        College   of   Education        and
sity in 1996. Other developments have included the reunification in   with     Loughborough           the   Guardian     University     league   table  2018,   and
                                                                                                    Times and The Sunday Times Good University Guide 2020 and re-   10th   in  the  Complete
        with of  Art and Design
              Loughborough           in 1998.
                                   College    of Today    it is one
                                                  Education       andofwith the UK’s    leading
                                                                                  Loughbor-           University
                                                                                                    mains    the topGuide    2018, which
                                                                                                                        university     in the measures
                                                                                                                                               Midlands.student      satisfaction,
                                                                                                                                                             The guide               research
                                                                                                                                                                         ranks universities
        College ofwithArtaand
                                 Design for    excellence
                                          in 1998.      Today  in it
                                                                      is one and      research,
                                                                                 of the   UK’s      onquality,  research intensity,
                                                                                                         nine indicators      – teachingentry        standards,
                                                                                                                                               quality,   student student     to staff
                                                                                                                                                                   satisfaction,         ratio,
leading      links with with business    and industry
                                   a reputation                and unrivalled
                                                       for excellence                  sporting
                                                                                in teaching         quality, graduate prospects, entrance qualifications held by newgood
                                                                                                      spending     on   academic      services,   spending     on student    facilities,  stu-
      research, strongTeaching
                            links at  Loughborough
                                   with  business andUniversity
                                                              industry and  has consistently
                                                                                  unrivalled          honours
                                                                                                    dents,       degrees
                                                                                                             degree          achieved,
                                                                                                                        results   achieved, graduate   prospects
                                                                                                                                                student/staff      and completion.
                                                                                                                                                                 ratios,  service and facil-
sporting achievement. Teaching at Loughborough University has con ities spend, and degree completion rates.
Specific information for incoming and outgoing UNITECH students:
General  University
   Participating    Website:
    Chemical Engineering                 Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering
    Architecture, Building and           Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering
Participating  departments
    Civil Engineering Materials
 Department of Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering                     Civil Engineering, within the School of Architecture,
 Department of Chemical Engineering                                        Building and Civil Engineering
 Department of Materials                                                   School of Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering
   Note: The School of Business and Economics is NOT a participating School.
   Further information about the participating Schools/Departments can be found at
Note: The School of Business and Economics is NOT a participating School.

Programme        Director
              Director                                Local Coordinator
                                                               Local Coordinator                          UAA Local Chapter Coordinators
                                                                                                                              UAA Local Chapter Coordinators
Dr Steve   Shama                                      Julie Hibbert
                                                               Lindsay Hendricks                          Matthew Davies Sammy O’Connor-Balsillie
   T: +44
T: +44    1509
       1509     222514
              222535                                  Lindsay Hendricks
                                                               T: +44 1509 222241                         E:
                                                                                                                              E: uaa.lcc.unitedkingdom@unitech-
E:                                T: 44 1509
                                                               E: 222237
                                                         44 1509 222241

   Are you currently studying at Loughborough University and would like to apply? Please note the following:
   Requirements           Students must be enrolled on one of the applicable MEng programme pathways. You will need to talk to your
     Are you currently studying at Loughborough
                          UNITECH               University
                                   Programme Director      andLocal
                                                      and/or   would  like to apply?
                                                                    Coordinator      Please note
                                                                                 for eligibility    the following:
                                                                                                 in relation to your programme. Students from
       Requirements               all Students  willSchools
                                      Engineering    be enrolled  in the penultimate
                                                            are welcome   to apply. or final year of MEng programmes. You will need to talk to your
   Information event                  UNITECH   Programme    director and/or local coordinator for eligibility in relation
                                  Please look at                  to latest
                                                                                                                      for the your programme.
                                                                                                                                     news.    Students from
                                      all Engineering Schools are welcome to apply.
   Application deadline           Thursday, 7 January, 2021
      Information event               UNITECH events will be run in each school please look out for e-mails and publicity or get in touch with the Lough-
   Assessment Centre              Tuesday, 9 February, 2021
                                      borough contacts on this page.
       Application deadline           February 8, 2019
   Would you likeCentre
     Assessment   to do yourFebruary
                                         2019    at Loughborough University? Please note the following:
   Course catalogue               Please, first read the guidance notes on coming to Loughborough University to complete your study exchange
                                  within the UNITECH programme:
                          Information about the current courses (2020/2021) can be obtained at the Catalogue of Modules website:
      Would you like to do
                           your academic exchange at Loughborough University?  Please
                                                                       by clicking    noterelevant
                                                                                   on the  the following:
                                                                                                   participating department.
   Teaching catalogue                Information about the current courses (2018/2019) can be obtained at the Catalogue of Modules website:
                            by clicking on the relevant participating department. Please use this
   Academic year        
                                     information when creating your preliminary study plan in the UNITECH questionnaire.
      Teaching language               English
      Academic year         

Politecnico di Milano
    The Politecnico di Milano is one of the most outstanding technical innovative programs at all levels within its schools of Engineering,
Politecnico di Milano
    Universities in Europe. Founded in 1863, in many disciplines, it is Architecture and Design. Thanks to a strong internationalization
The Politecnico di Milano is one of the most outstanding technical grams at all levels within its schools of Engineering, Architecture and
    regarded as a leading research institution worldwide. Nowadays, policy, many programs are taught entirely in English, attracting an
Universities in Europe. Founded in 1863, in many disciplines, it is De- sign. Thanks to a strong internationalization policy, many programs
    it covers the 17th position in the QS ranking for Engineering and ever-increasing number of talented foreign students, which now form
regarded as a leading research institution worldwide. Nowadays, it are taught entirely in English, attracting an ever-increasing number of
    Technical universities worldwide, fulfilling and surpassing the a diverse community from more than 100 different countries. Inter
covers the 20th position in the QS ranking for Engineering and Techni- talented foreign students, which now form a diverse community from
    founders’ expectations. With over 44.000 students enrolled in the and multidisciplinarity are fostered throughout the academic path,
cal universities worldwide, fulfilling and surpassing the founders’ ex- more than 100 different countries. Inter and multidisciplinarity are
    a.y. 2017/2018 (among which more than 7.000 are foreign students), and it is the methodological approach of the Ph.D. School and the
pectations. With over 46.000 students enrolled in the a.y. 2019/2020 fostered throughout the academic path, and it is the methodological
    Politecnico di Milano has three main campuses located in Milan ASP (Alta Scuola Politecnica), a school for young talents from all over
(among which almost 7.000 are foreign students), Politecnico di­ approach of the Ph.D. School and the ASP (Alta Scuola Politecnica), a
    (Milano Leonardo and Milano Bovisa), the heart of fashion and design the world, who develop their skills in a teamwork context to pursue
Mi- lano has three main campuses located in Milan (Milano Leonardo school for young talents from all over the world, who develop their
    industries and the venue of Expo 2015, and five more premises around complex innovation projects. Students are offered also focused and
and Milano Bovisa), the heart of fashion and design industries and skills in a teamwork context to pursue complex innovation projects.
    the Lombardy region. In 1987 a territorial diffusion process of the personalized career services, from in-class and online meetings with
the venue of Expo 2015, and five more premises around the Lom- Students are offered also focused and personalized career services,
    university began, the Politecnico Network, which led to the opening companies, to workshops on soft skills and the job market, along with
bardy region. In 1987 a territorial diffusion process of the university from in-class and online meetings with companies, to workshops on
    of the regional campuses of Como (1987) and Lecco (1989), and announcements and guidance for international careers. Teaching
began, the Politecnico Network, which led to the opening of the re- soft skills and the job market, along with announcements and guid-
    regional facilities in Cremona (1991), Mantova (1994) and Piacenza is increasingly related to research, a key commitment that enables
gional campuses of Como (1987) and Lecco (1989), and regional fa- ance for international careers. Teaching is increasingly related to re-
    (1997), with the aim of establishing a more direct relationship with to achieve results of high international standards, while creating
cilities in Cremona (1991), Mantova (1994) and Piacenza (1997), with search, a key commitment that enables to achieve results of high in-
    the students and interacting with the community’s local businesses. connections with the business world. Strategic research is carried
the aim of establishing a more direct relationship with the students ternational standards, while creating connections with the business
    Many important scientists and architects studied and taught here, out mainly in the fields of energy, transport, planning, management,
and interacting with the community’s local businesses. Many impor- world. Strategic research is carried out mainly in the fields of energy,
    among them Achille Castiglioni, Gió Ponti, Renzo Piano and Aldo Rossi, design, mathematics and natural and applied sciences, ICT, built
tant scientists and architects studied and taught here, among them transport, planning, management, design, mathematics and natural
    both Pritzker Prize in 1990 and 1998 respectively, and Giulio Natta, environment, cultural heritage, with more than 130 laboratories,
Achille Castiglioni, Gió Ponti, Renzo Piano and Aldo Rossi, both Pritzk- and applied sciences, ICT, built environment, cultural heritage, with
    Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1963. The Politecnico di Milano offers among which a Wind Tunnel and a Crash Test center.
er Prize in 1990 and 1998 respectively, and Giulio Natta, Nobel Prize in more than 130 laboratories, among which a Wind Tunnel and a Crash
Chemistry in 1963. The Politecnico di Milano offers innovative pro- Test center.
    Participating departments
      All BSc and MSc engineering programs offered by the Schools of Engineering
Participating departments
  All BSc and MSc engineering programs offered by the Schools of Engineering
    Programme Director                 Local Coordinator                    UAA Local Chapter Coordinator
    Alessandro Brun                    Francesca Fogal                      Marco Casiraghi
    T: +39 02 Director
Programme      2399 2799               T: +39 02 2399  9763
                                                   Local Coordinator        E:
                                                                                                   UAA Local Chapter Coordinator
Alessandro    Brun                     E:
                                                   Francesca Fogal                                 Marco Casiraghi
T: +39 02 2399 2799                                T: +39 02 2399 9763                             E:
E:                       E:

        Are you currently studying at Politecnico di Milano and would like to apply? Please note the following:
       Requirements           Only Engineering student enrolled in their 3rd year of the Laurea or in their Laurea Magistrale can apply.
     Are you currently studying
                              A at Politecnico
                                balanced       di Milanocurriculum
                                          non-academic   and wouldinlike  to apply?
                                                                      addition        Please note
                                                                                to academic        the following:
                                                                                             excellence  and a good knowledge of English.
       Information event      Only Engineering
                                 November      student
                                          15, 2018     enrolled
                                                   at 17.15 AulainBL.27.02,
                                                                   their 3rdBovisa
                                                                             year of the Laurea or in their Laurea Magistrale can apply.
                              A balanced
                                 Novembernon-academic  curriculum
                                          22 2018 at 17.15 Aula DeinDonato,
                                                                      addition to academic
                                                                             Leonardo       excellence and a good knowledge of English.
        Application deadline November
                  event                5, 2020
                               23 January 2019 at 17.00 The event will be virtual.
        Assessment Centre    More information will soon be available online on the POLIMI website
                               15 February 2019
     Application deadline      8 January 2021
     Assessment Centre        12 February 2021

       Would you like to do your academic exchange at Politecnico di Milano? Please note the following:
     Would  you like to do yourSuggested
       Requirements              academicbasic
                                            exchange    at Politecnico
                                                  knowledge             di Milano?
                                                              of the Italian        Please
                                                                             language       note
                                                                                      in case the the following:
                                                                                                  student  is interested in classes taught in Italian.
       Teaching language Suggested
                               Italian atbasic knowledge
                                          the BSc  programsof the Italian language in case the student is interested in classes taught in Italian.
     Teaching language         Italian
                            Italian at and  English
                                       the BSc      at the MSc programs (36 programs out of 40 at Master level are in English)
       Course catalogue     Italian and English at the MSc programs (41programs at Master level are in English)
     Course catalogue
       Academic  year
                             First Semester: Mid-September 2019 to Mid December 2019
     Academic year           Second
                          First      Semester:Mid-September
                                Semester:      Last week of February
                                                               2021 to2020
                                                                               the first week
                                                                                           2021of June 2020
                          Second   Semester:  Last week
       Examination periods First examination period:     of February  2022  to the   first week
                                                             Mid-January to Mid-February 2020    of June 2022
     Examination periods First       examination
                                examination       period: Mid-January
                                             period:         Mid-June 2020   to last week of2022
                                                                         to Mid-February       July 2020
                          Second        examination
                                   examination       period:Mid-June
                                               period:       Last week2022
                                                                       of August
                                                                            to lasttoweek
                                                                                            of July 20222020
                          Additional examination period: Last week of August to Mid-September 2022

RWTH       Aachen
RWTH        Aachen
        Aachen    waswas    founded
                        founded         in 1870
                                    in 1870    and and
                                                    has ahas   a lengthy
                                                           lengthy         history
                                                                      history  of de-of    The scientific
                                                                                          highly            education
                                                                                                  sought-after           that students
                                                                                                                 by businesses            receive
                                                                                                                                  as trainees   for at  RWTH Aachen
                                                                                                                                                    executive             is
   developments      in  education     and   research.  Today,   with
velopments in education and research. Today, with 260 institutes in    260  institutes     firmly   rooted  in  real-world   application.  As  a  result,
                                                                                          RWTH Aachen has achieved outstanding results within the Excellencegraduates   are
   in nine
nine        faculties,
      faculties,  RWTH  RWTH    Aachen
                           Aachen          is one
                                      is one    of of Europe’s
                                                   Europe’s      leadinginstitutions
                                                              leading     institutions     highly sought-after
                                                                                          Initiative  establishedbybybusinesses
                                                                                                                       the German asfederal
                                                                                                                                                    executive    positions.
                                                                                                                                                          governments     in
forfor science
    science     and
              and     research.
                   research.      RWTH
                                RWTH        AachenUniversity
                                         Aachen       Universityemploys
                                                                                   540     RWTHitAachen
                                                                                          2007:      was thehas  achieved outstanding
                                                                                                              consecutive    winner twice results
                                                                                                                                             sincewithin    the Excellence
                                                                                                                                                     its initiation  as one
professors      and
              and     9,500
                   9,600      staff
                           staff in inresearch,
                                                                      administration.      Initiative
                                                                                          out          established
                                                                                               of Germany’s         by the
                                                                                                               top ten       German
                                                                                                                         academic      federal and state governments
Currently      around
            around       45,000
                      45,000     studentsare
                               students        areenrolled
                                                                            academic       in  2007:   it was the  consecutive   winner
                                                                                          In 2019, RWTH Aachen was selected as one         twice  since
                                                                                                                                              of ten      its initiation
                                                                                                                                                       universities      as
                                                                                                                                                                      of ex-
   programs    with   45  percent    pursuing     degree  work
programs with 29 percent pursuing degree work in the engineering  in the engineering       one   out  of  Germany’s   top  ten academic    institutions.
                                                                                          cellence within the framework of the German Excellence Strategy, In addition,  on
sciences.      About
            About   2016   percentare
                         percent       areinternational
                                                                        comingfromfrom     an international
                                                                                          which                level,programme
                                                                                                  is the successor    RWTH Aachen       University
                                                                                                                                   to the  Excellenceenjoys   a very good
130130  different
     different     countries.
                countries.                                                                 reputation.
                                                                                          Also  on an international level, RWTH Aachen University enjoys a very
The scientific education that students receive at RWTH Aachen is                          good reputation.
firmly  rooted in real-world application. As a result, graduates are

   Participating departments
    All Engineering fields
    Computer Science
    Physics departments
  All Engineering fields
  Computer Science
   Programme Director                                 Local Coordinator                           UAA Local Chapter Coordinators
   Thomas Gries                                       Benjamin Pietsch                            Saskia Adam
   T: +49 241 80 23400                                T: +49 241 80 90686                         Charlotte Bäumler
   E:                 E:                   Friedrich von Bülow
Programme Director                                        Local Coordinator                       Tobias Fischer    UAA Local Chapter Coordinators
Heinz Pitsch                                              Benjamin Pietsch                        Marvin Garbade Sophie Färber
T: +49 (0)241 80-94607                                    Birgit Thun-Vié                                           Vivienne Angeli
E:                            T: +49 241 80 90686                                       E:

     Are you currently studying at RWTH Aachen and interested in making application to the programme? Please note the following:
    Requirements           Students at the end of their bachelor / beginning of their master can be admitted. (A master degree from the home
  Are you currently studying at RWTH Aachen and interested in making application to the programme? Please note the following:
                           university is required in order to pursue UNITECH graduation.)
  Requirements            Students at the end of their bachelor / beginning of their master can be admitted.
    Information event      11 November 2018 (13:00 – 14:30, Humboldt-Haus)
                          (A master degree from the home university is required in order to pursue UNITECH graduation.)
    Application deadline 10 December 2018
  Information event       21 October 2020
    Assessment Centre      05 February 2019
                                 24 November 2020
    Would youdeadline
  Application like to do your academic exchange
                          30 November  2020     at RWTH Aachen? Please note the following:
    Time frame,
  Assessment  Centre             22 January 2021
    courses etc.        
    Teaching language      The primary language of instruction is German. Some masters-level coursework is also offered in English.
  Would you like to do your academic exchange at RWTH Aachen? Please note the following:
    Language requirements German (& English) Language Proficiency: CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference): B1 level or similar.
  Time frame,   
  courses etc.
  Teaching language              Primary language of instruction is German. Some masters-level coursework is also offered in English.
  Language requirements German (& English) Language Proficiency: CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference): B1 level or similar.

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