Page created by Jeremy Welch
                                       ART & CRAFT PEDEGOGICAL PLAN
                                                      Classes- I TO X
                                                        2021 -2022
   1.       PHILOSOPHY
Sanghamitra school believes that the Art & Craft provide a unique and necessary understanding of creativity and problem solving
skills. The tool for verbal and nonverbal communication.

We believe that the making of art is benefit to all students because of the opportunity for self-directed learning. Students develop the
ability to analyze, interpret, and evaluate their own decisions regarding their art work and the work of others.

We believe the art program should include the utilization of current technologies in the creative process.
2.       MISSION
The Art program’s mission is to provide all students with continuous and sequential study in the visual arts which will simultaneously
reveal the joy of aesthetic expression, the hard work of craftsmanship, and the necessity of art with in the complete human

   3.       ART GOAL
          By the end of grade 10 all students should be broadly educated in all of the Arts and the visual arts.

   I.    Demonstrate understanding and use of the materials, technique processes, language and notation of each art form, and of
         the diverse cultural and historical contexts of the arts.
A) Creating : Imagining, planning, making, evaluating, refining, presenting and exhibiting art works that that express their own
                         creative concepts, ideas and feelings.

   B).Performing : Presenting diverse art works.

II. Demonstrate understanding of the relationships among the arts and other disciplines.

4. Learning Objectives
   1. Creativity
   2. Problem solving
   3. Fine motor skills
   4. Language skills
   5. Social skills
   6. Observation skills
   7. Art skills (visual and digital)
   8. Art integration with other disciplines
   9. Connecting students with their own culture
   10.      Critical thinking
5.Learning outcomes
I. Develop fine motor skills: Experience manipulative activities such as cutting, folding, colouring and gluing. Develop
                                              skill in stenciling, weaving.

II. Gain knowledge of the elements of design:
   a. Name and use patterns.
   b. Identify textures

c. Name and use primary colours

d. Name and use water colours

e. Identify and name geometric


III. Create visual interest in art work through a variety of methods :
   a. Use found objects in art work
   b. Use overlapping in collage work.

c. Use environmental textures in art works.
IV. Experience colour mixing:
  1) Mix two colours of paint effectively
  2) Identify colour harmonies

V. Analyze mood in art works – Discuss the element of line, shape, colour, texture, repetition, brush stroke quality,
          shape and line direction

VI. Participate in school and community based art activities.
        Contribute work for school, exhibitions and competitions.

VII. Use art tools and materials safely – Use materials appropriately and follow all safety precautions
VIII. Use appropriate vocabulary -          Know & use appropriate vocabulary during the creation of art work.

1. Art Vocabulary
2.Carreers in Art
3. Primary, secondary, territory colours.
4. Art tools
5.Art Class rules
6. Safety rules
                                                  ANNUAL PLAN FOR THE YEAR 2021-2022

CLASS: I                                          Art & Craft Curriculum Frame Work
SUBJECT:        ART & CRAFT                                            B. PAVAN KUMAR                             BOOK NAME: FRANK ART AND CRAFT
                                                                                                                  BOOK PUBLISHERS: FRANK BROS. & CO

S.NO              CONTENT                   Months    Learning objectives       Learning outcomes           Activity      Materials       Assessment            skills

 1     Knowledge of Colours (pg no.5)                Learn primary colours      Differentiate between   Mixing colours    Crayon box        Neatness,     Knowledge
                                                     and mix them to make            primary and                                            creativity,   Skills,
                                           June      secondary colours.           secondary colours                                       using colours   Thinking Skills
                                                                                                                                          in thoughtful
 2          Lines(pg no.6,7,8,9,10)                      Able to identify         Learn to draw and     Joining dots     Pencil, eraser   Neatness,        Recognize edge
                                                       different lines and       create new pattern.                     and              accuracy.       lines and angles,
                                                              draw                                                       sharpener.                         thinking skills.
 3     Joining the dots(An apple,A ship,             Improve drawing and        Should be neat and      Joining dots     Pencil, eraser     Neatness,      Colouring tasks,
          leaves, vegetables)(pg no.s                colouring skills.          coloured within                               and           creativity,     develop hand
                  11,12,14,15)                                                  borders.                                  sharpener,      using colours      strength and
                                           July                                                                             crayons       in thoughtful   fine motor skills,
                                                                                                                                               way.        leads to writing
 4         Colouring fun(pg no.13)                    Improve drawing and        Should be neat and     Joining dots     Pencil, eraser     Neatness,      Colouring tasks,
                                                     colouring skills and eye     coloured within                            and            creativity,     develop hand
                                                       hand coordination              borders.                           sharpener,cr     using colours      strength and
                                                                                                                            ayons         in thoughtful   fine motor skills,
                                                                                                                                               way.        leads to writing

5            Vegetables print                          Create prints using       Promotes individual     Vegetables-         Vegetables-      Neatness,      Develop Skills,
                                                       fruits and vegetables.    expression and          print.              lady's           creativity.    Promotes
                                                       Enhances decision         Creativity                                  finger,potato                   innovation,
                                                       making skills.                                                        , water                         Creativity,
                                           August      Produce creative work.                                                paints.                            Expand their
                                                                                                                                                               creativity, fine
                                                                                                                                                                motor skills,
                                                                                                                                                              processing and
                                                                                                                                                                social skills.
6    Complete and colour the picture                   Improve drawing and       Complete the picture    Children will pay   Pencil, eraser   Neatness,           Hand eye
        (A girl, A tiger,An owl)(Pg                    colouring skills.         with the help of dots     attention for         and          creativity.      coordination,
                no.16,17,28)                                                     and colour it.           movement and       sharpener,cr                    focus and motor
                                                                                                         coordinate while       ayons                        skills, stimulates
                                                                                                          drawing figures                                        creativity.
                                                                                                            and objects
7    Raksha bandhan( Rakhi making)                     Produce creative work.    Promotes individual       Children will        Colour        Neatness,cre      stimulates
                                                                                 expression and           follow teacher.    papers,glue,p    ativity.          creativity,
                                                                                 Creativity                                   aint,thread                       Promotes
8      Janmashtami ( Flute making)                     Produce creative work.    Promotes individual      Children will          Paper        Neatness,cre      stimulates
                                                                                 expression and          follow teacher.     roll,paints,gl   ativity.          creativity,
                                                                                 Creativity                                    ue,colour                        Promotes
                                                                                                                             papers,scisso                     innovation.
9      Step by step (A house,A star,A                  Improve drawing skills    Present neatly and      Children will pay   Pencil, eraser   Neatness,cre       Hand eye
     bird,A ball,A car,A duck)(                                         follow the given          attention for          and           ativity.     coordination,foc
              19,20,21,22,23,)             September                             instructions             movement and       sharpener,cr                     us and motor
                                                                                                         coordinate step         ayons                       skills,stimulates
                                                                                                              by step                                           creativity.
10       Cut and paste(Pg no.25)                       Develop thinking skills   To develop eye hand     Children will use   Fevicol,scisso   Neatness,cre    Observational
                                                       and organizing skills     coordination               cutouts and           rs.           ativity.       skills,focus,
                                                                                                              paste to                                             motor
                                                                                                           complete the                                      skills,stimulates
                                                                                                              picture                                           creativity.
11    Ganesh chaturthi(Ganesha                 Produce                   Promotes individual      Children will    Dough,paints     Neatness,cre        stimulates
              making)                          creative work.            expression and          follow teacher.        .            ativity,hand       creativity,
                                                                         Creativity                                                    and eye          Promotes
                                                                                                                                    coordination,      innovation.
                                                                                                                                      follows all
12    Stone (bird,snowman)(pg                  Develop thinking skills   Promotes individual      Children will       Stones,       Neatness,cre     Focus and motor
              no.29,30)                         and organizing skills    expression and          follow teacher.   fevicol,paints       ativity.     skills,stimulates
                                    October                                     Creativity                                                              creativity.
13          Photo frame                        Creating a photo frame    Students will to use     Children will    Card board,      Neatness,cre     Thinking Skills
                                               from cardboard            card board in           follow teacher.   transparent      ativity.
                                                                         different ways.                           Sheet,fevicol,
                                               Encourage students to                                               colourpapers
                                               create photo frames of                                              ,scissors
                                               different shapes and
14          Spray painting                      Create a picture using   Improve thinking         Children will       Tooth         Neatness,acc         Develop
                                    November            spray            skills and create new   follow teacher.   brush,paints.       uracy         skills,promotes
                                                                         things                                                                      innovation and
                                                                          Promotes innovation                                                           creativity.
15       Depawali (crackers)                   Produce creative work.    Promotes individual      Children will    Newspapers,      Neatness,acc        stimulates
                                                                         expression and          follow teacher.   cardboard,gl     uracy,creativi      creativity,
                                                                         Creativity                                 ue,scissors.         ty.            Promotes
16    Craft work (Mask making, A               Learn clay and paper      Improve thinking         Children will       Papers.       Neatness,cre         Develop
     Joker's cap,An aeroplane)(pg              work.                     skills and create new   follow teacher.                      ativity.       skills,promotes
               no.31,32)                       Enhances decision         things                                                                      innovation and
                                               making skills,            Promotes innovation                                                            creativity.
                                                Produce creative work
17     Collage work(pg no.26)                  Develop thinking skills   To develop eye hand      Children will    Newspapers,      Neatness,cre       Observational
                                               and organizing skills     coordination            follow teacher.     fevicol.         ativity.       skills,focus,moto
                                    December                                                                                                          skills,stimulates
18         Wall decoration                     Develop thinking skills   To develop eye hand      Children will    Newspapers,      Neatness,cre     Observational
                                               and organizing skills     coordination            follow teacher.   water paints,    ativity.         skills,focus,moto
                                                                                                                   colourpapers                      r
,fevicol.                         skills,stimulates
 19   Christmas day(christmas tree and              Produce creative work.   Promotes individual      Children will      Colour            Neatness,acc    stimulates
                  santa )                                                    expression and          follow teacher.     papers,scisso     uracy           creativity,
                                                                             Creativity                                  rs,glue.                          Promotes
 20        Basic drawing(A hat/A         January    Drawing and showing      To develop their fine   Children will pay                     Neatness,cre    Encourage
               cap)(                       basic strokes            motor skills,to draw    attention for       Pencil, eraser    ativity,hand    children to be
                                                                             human figure and        movement and        and               and eye         aware of thier
                                                                             objects                 coordinating        sharpener.        coordination.   environment
                                                                                                     while drawing                                         through keen
                                                                                                     figures and                                           observations.

21    Makar sankranti(kite)                         Produce creative work.   Promotes individual     Children will                         Neatness,cre    stimulates
                                                                             expression and          follow teacher.     Newspaper,b       ativity,hand    creativity,
                                                                             Creativity                                  room              and eye         Promotes
                                                                                                                         sticks,glue,sci   coordination,   innovation.
                                                                                                                         ssors             follows all
 22   Clay making (snowman)(pg no.30)    February   Create basic shapes      Encourages play-        Children will                                         Develop hand
                                                    using Clay.              based learning          follow teacher      Atta, water       Neatness,cre    brain
                                                                                                                         paints,brush.     ativity,hand    coordination
                                                                             Promotes Sensory                                              and eye         and fine motor
                                                                             Development                                                   coordination,   skills
                                                                                                                                           follows all
 23            Blow painting              March     Explore different        Enhances creativity     Children will       Straw,waterp      Neatness,cre    Hand/eye
                                                    painting techniques                              follow teacher.     aints,water.      ativity,hand    coordination,
                                                    like Blow Painting.                                                                    and eye         Fine motor
                                                    Learn that art can be                                                                  coordination,   skills.
                                                    created with                                                                           follows all
                                                    unconventional                                                                         instructions.
                                                    materials other than
                                                    our hands.
                                                    Observe the
differences in wet and
                      dry paints.
                      Experiment with
                      different types of

24   Holi (colours)   Produce creative work.   Improve thinking   Children will     Vegetables-     Follow all    Enhance
                                               skills             follow teacher.   beetroot,carr   directions.   Thinking skills
                                                  ANNUAL PLAN FOR THE YEAR 2021-2022

CLASS: II                                         Art & Craft Curriculum Frame Work
SUBJECT:        ART & CRAFT                                              B. PAVAN KUMAR                           BOOK NAME: FRANK ART AND CRAFT
                                                                                                                  BOOK PUBLISHERS: FRANK BROS. & CO

S.NO          CONTENT               Months     Learning objectives          Learning              Activity           Materials              Assessment                  Skills
 1          Knowledge of            January    Learn primary                Differentiate     Mixing colours         Crayon box         Neatness, creativity,   Knowledge Skills,
           Colours(pg no.5)                    colours and mix           between primary                                                  using colours in      Thinking Skills
                                               them to make                and secondary                                                  thoughtful way.
                                               secondary colours.              colours
 2      Lines(horizontal lines,     February      Able to identify       Learn to draw and    Joining dots        Pencil, eraser and   Neatness, accuracy.      Recognize edge lines
       vertical lines)(pg no.8,9)                different lines and    create new pattern.                       sharpener.                                    and angles, thinking
                                                        draw                                                                                                           skills.
 3        Joining the dots(A         March     Improve drawing and      Should be neat and    Joining dots        Pencil, eraser and    Neatness, creativity,     Colouring tasks,
       crocodile, A balloons, A                colouring skills.        coloured within                              sharpener,           using colours in         develop hand
        snail, A spider's web, A                                        borders.                                      crayons             thoughtful way.        strength and fine
          butterfly, A cock-a-                                                                                                                                  motor skills, leads to
       doodle-do, A spiral fun,                                                                                                                                    writing skills.
                A bird)(pg
 4      Colouring fun(       April     Improve drawing and      Should be neat and    Joining dots        Pencil, eraser and    Neatness, creativity,      Colouring tasks,
                                                colouring skills and      coloured within                         sharpener,crayon        using colours in          develop hand
                                                     eye hand                 borders.                                     s              thoughtful way.         strength and fine
                                                   coordination                                                                                                 motor skills, leads to
                                                                                                                                                                    writing skills.
 5         Vegetables print           May      Create prints using      Promotes individual   Vegetables-print.   Vegetables-lady's    Neatness, creativity.    Develop Skills,
                                               fruits and vegetables.   expression and                            finger,potato,                                Promotes
                                               Enhances decision        Creativity                                water paints.                                 innovation,
making skills.                                                                                                  Creativity,
                                         Produce creative                                                                                                     Expand their
                                         work.                                                                                                           creativity, fine motor
                                                                                                                                                             skills, sensory
                                                                                                                                                         processing and social
6    Complete and colour(A     June      Improve drawing and   Complete the           Children will pay     Pencil, eraser      Neatness,creativity.            Hand eye
        lion)(pg no.22)                  colouring skills.     picture with the         attention for           and                                       coordination,focus
                                                               help of dots and        movement and       sharpener,crayon                                     and motor
                                                               colour it.             coordinate while            s                                         skills,stimulates
                                                                                       drawing figures                                                         creativity.
                                                                                         and objects
7     Step by step(A book      July      Improve drawing       Present neatly and     Children will pay   Pencil, eraser and     Neatness, creativity.         Hand eye
        mark,bunny)(pg                   skills                follow the given         attention for        sharpener,                                   coordination, focus
         no.24,30,31)                                          instructions            movement and           crayons                                       and motor skills,
                                                                                       coordinate step                                                   stimulates creativity.
                                                                                            by step
8        Photo frame          August     Creating a photo      Students will to use     Children will     Card board,           Neatness, creativity.    Thinking Skills
                                         frame from            card board in           follow teacher.    transparent
                                         cardboard             different ways.                            Sheet, fevicol,
                                         Encourage students                                               scissors
                                         to create photo
                                         frames of different
                                         shapes and sizes
9    Raksha bandhan( Rakhi               Produce creative      Promotes individual     Children will        Colour papers,      Neatness, creativity.    stimulates creativity,
            making)                      work.                 expression and         follow teacher.         glue, paint,                                    Promotes
                                                               Creativity                                       thread                                       innovation.
10    Janmashtami ( Flute                Produce creative      Promotes individual     Children will             Paper          Neatness,creativity.     stimulates creativity,
           making)                       work.                 expression and         follow teacher.     roll,paints,glue,co                                 Promotes
                                                               Creativity                                         lour                                       innovation.
11       Spray painting      September     Create a picture    Improve thinking        Children will         Tooth brush,         Neatness, accuracy        Develop skills,
                                             using spray       skills and create      follow teacher.           paints.                                  promotes innovation
                                                               new things                                                                                   and creativity.
12           Ganesh                         Produce creative        Promotes individual      Children will      Dough, paints.    Neatness, creativity,      Develop skills,
        chaturthi(Ganesha                   work.                   expression and          follow teacher.                          hand and eye         promotes innovation
             making)                                                Creativity                                                    coordination, follows      and creativity.
                                                                                                                                      all direction.
13      Craft work(paper         October    Learn clay and paper    Improve thinking         Children will          Papers.       Neatness, creativity.      Develop skills,
     bird,finger puppets)(pg                work.                   skills and create       follow teacher.                                               promotes innovation
           no.33,34,35)                     Enhances decision       new things                                                                               and creativity.
                                            making skills,          Promotes
                                             Produce creative       innovation
14     Collage work(A sun,A      November   Develop thinking        To develop eye           Children will       Newspapers,      Neatness, creativity.    Observational skills,
      bird,garden delight,gift              skills and organizing   hand coordination       follow teacher.        fevicol.                                 focus, motor skills,
     pack)(pg no.23,21,27,32)               skills                                                                                                         stimulates creativity
15      Depawali (crackers)                 Produce creative        Promotes individual      Children will     Newspapers,card    Neatness, accuracy,     stimulates creativity,
                                            work.                   expression and          follow teacher.       board, glue,        creativity.               Promotes
                                                                    Creativity                                      scissors.                                  innovation.
16       Wall decoration         December   Develop thinking        To develop eye           Children will     Newspapers,       Neatness, creativity.    Observational skills,
                                            skills and organizing   hand coordination       follow teacher.    water paints,                              focus, motor skills,
                                            skills                                                             colourpapers,                              stimulates creativity
17   Christmas day(christmas                Produce creative        Promotes individual      Children will     Colour papers,    Neatness, accuracy.      stimulates creativity,
         tree and santa )                   work.                   expression and          follow teacher.    scissors, glue.                            Promotes
                                                                    Creativity                                                                            innovation.
18    Basic drawing(A tree,A      January   Drawing and             To develop their       Children will pay                     Neatness, creativity,    Encourage children
           bow-wow,A                        showing basic           fine motor skills,to   attention for       Pencil, eraser    hand and eye             to be aware of their
      car,bubble,A crab)(pg                 strokes                 draw human figure      movement and        and sharpener.    coordination.            environment
        no.7,14,15,17,28)                                           and objects            coordinating                                                   through keen
                                                                                           while drawing                                                  observations.
                                                                                           figures and
19   Makar sankranti(kite)                  Produce creative        Promotes individual    Children will                         Neatness, creativity,    stimulates creativity,
                                            work.                   expression and         follow teacher.     Newspaper,        hand and eye             Promotes
                                                                    Creativity                                 broom sticks,     coordination, follows    innovation.
                                                                                                               glue, scissors    all direction.
20      Clay making(baby         February   Create basic shapes     Encourages play-       Children will                                                  Develop hand brain
         duck)(pg no.36)                    using Clay.             based learning         follow teacher      Dough, water      Neatness, creativity,    coordination , agility
                                                                                                               paints,brush.     hand and eye             and fine motor skills.
Promotes Sensory                                            coordination, follows
                                                       Development                                                 all direction.
21    Blow painting            Explore different       Enhances creativity   Children will     Straw,waterpaint    Neatness,creativity,ha    Hand/eye
                       March   painting techniques                           follow teacher.   s,water.            nd and eye                coordination, Fine
                               like Blow Painting.                                                                 coordination,follows      motor skills.
                               Learn that art can be                                                               all instructions.
                               created with
                               materials other than
                               our hands.
                               Observe the
                               differences in wet
                               and dry paints.
                               Experiment with
                               different types of

22.   Holi (colours)           Produce creative        Improve thinking      Children will     Vegetables-         Follow all directions.    Enhance Thinking
                               work.                   skills                follow teacher.   beetroot, carrot.                             skills.

           23                                                                                    Paint, water,      Follow all directions.        Hand/eye
23    Thumb printing           Produce creative        Improve thinking      Children will          brush.                                    coordination, Fine
                               work.                   skills                follow teacher.                                                     motor skills,
                                                                                                                                              Enhance Thinking
                                                 ANNUAL PLAN FOR THE YEAR 2021-2022

CLASS: III                                       Art & Craft Curriculum Frame Work
SUBJECT:         ART & CRAFT                                            B. PAVAN KUMAR                             BOOK NAME: FRANK ART AND CRAFT
                                                                                                                   BOOK PUBLISHERS: FRANK BROS. & CO

S.NO          CONTENT               Months        Learning          Learning outcomes             Activity            Materials             Assessment                Skills
 1      Knowledge of Colours,                Learn primary          Differentiate between   Mixing colours           Crayon box         Neatness, creativity,   Knowledge
           primary colours,                  colours and mix             primary and                                                      using colours in      Skills,
        secondary colours. (pg       June    them to make             secondary colours                                                   thoughtful way.       Thinking Skills
                no.5,6)                      secondary colours.
 2     Complete and colour the               Improve drawing        Complete the picture       Children will pay    Pencil, eraser,   Neatness, creativity.         Hand eye
       picture(A Ram, A cat) (pg             and colouring          with the help of dots        attention for      sharpener and                                 coordination,
               no.8,30)                      skills.                and colour it.              movement and           crayons                                  focus and motor
                                                                                               coordinate while                                                 skills, stimulates
                                                                                             drawing figures and                                                    creativity.
 3      Step by step(A postbox,              Improve drawing        Present neatly and         Children will pay    Pencil, eraser,     Neatness, creativity.        Hand eye
       An owl, A frog, A bird)(pg            skills                 follow the given             attention for      sharpener and                                 coordination,
            no.9,13,19,27)                                          instructions                movement and           crayons                                  focus and motor
                                     July                                                     coordinate step by                                                skills, stimulates
                                                                                                     step                                                            creativity.
 4      Colouring (butterfulies,              Improve drawing       Complete the picture    Joining dots            Pencil, earser,     Neatness, creativity,    Colouring tasks,
        An umbrella, An owl, A               and colouring skills   and colour it.                                   sharpener,           using colours in        develop hand
          scenery, Star fish,A                  and eye hand                   .                                      crayons             thoughtful way.          strength and
                bird)(pg                        coordination                                                                                                    fine motor skills,
         no.10,11,12,17,18,26)                                                                                                                                   leads to writing
5            Collage                        Develop thinking    To develop eye hand      Children will follow    Newspapers,       Neatness, creativity.       Observational
     work(Joker,pineapple)(pg               skills and          coordination                   teacher.            fevicol.                                     skills, focus,
            no.14,25)                       organizing skills                                                                                                   motor skills,
                                 August                                                                                                                           creativity
6     Raksha bandhan( Rakhi                 Produce creative    Promotes individual      Children will follow   Colour papers,   Neatness, creativity.           stimulates
             making)                        work.               expression and                 teacher.          glue, paint,                                    creativity,
                                                                Creativity                                          thread                                       Promotes
7      Janmashtami ( Flute                  Produce creative    Promotes individual      Children will follow     Paper roll,    Neatness, creativity.           stimulates
            making)                         work.               expression and                 teacher.          paints, glue,                                   creativity,
                                                                Creativity                                      colour papers,                                   Promotes
                                                                                                                   scissors                                     innovation.
8        Draw and colour( A                 Drawing and         To develop their fine   Children will pay                        Neatness, creativity,       Encourage
      flower,fish world,funny   September   showing basic       motor skills, to draw   attention for           Pencil, eraser   hand and eye                children to be
       faces)(pg no.15,16,23)               strokes             human figure and        movement and            and sharpener.   coordination.               aware of their
                                                                objects                 coordinating while                                                   environment
                                                                                        drawing figures and                                                  through keen
                                                                                        objects                                                              observations.

9            Ganesh                         Produce creative    Promotes individual      Children will follow   Dough, paints.     Neatness, creativity,       Develop skills,
        chaturthi(Ganesha                   work.               expression and                 teacher.                               hand and eye               promotes
             making)                                            Creativity                                                       coordination, follows all    innovation and
                                                                                                                                        direction.               creativity.
10        Craft work(book                   Develop thinking    To develop eye hand      Children will follow    Newspapers,       Neatness, creativity.       Observational
      mark,paper cup,paper                  skills and          coordination                   teacher.            fevicol.                                     skills, focus,
     seal,An octopus,Greeting    October    organizing skills                                                                                                   motor skills,
              card)(pg                                                                                                                                           stimulates
        no.20,21,22,24,28)                                                                                                                                        creativity
11     Cut and paste(Teddy                  Develop thinking    To develop eye hand      Children will follow    Newspapers,       Neatness, creativity.       Observational
      bear,coloured glass)(pg               skills and          coordination                   teacher.            fevicol.                                     skills, focus,
             no.29,31)                      organizing skills                                                                                                   motor skills,
                                November                                                                                                                         stimulates
12     Depawali (crackers)                 Produce creative      Promotes individual        Children will follow   Newspapers,         Neatness, accuracy,           stimulates
                                           work.                 expression and                   teacher.          cardboard,             creativity.               creativity,
                                                                 Creativity                                        glue, scissors.                                    Promotes
13     Clay making(jumbo                   Create basic shapes   Encourages play-based     Children will follow    Dough, water                                  Develop hand
       elephant)(pg no.32)      December   using Clay.           learning                  teacher                 paints, brush.    Neatness, creativity,       brain
                                                                                                                                     hand and eye                coordination
                                                                 Promotes Sensory                                                    coordination, follows all   and fine motor
                                                                 Development                                                         direction.                  skills

14   Christmas day(christmas               Produce creative      Promotes individual       Children will follow    Colour papers,    Neatness, accuracy.         stimulates
         tree and santa )                  work.                 expression and            teacher.                scissors, glue.                               creativity,
                                                                 Creativity                                                                                      Promotes
15   Spray painting(chick)(pg              Produce creative      Enhances creativity       Children will follow    Tooth brush,        Neatness, creativity,       Develop skills,
             no.33)             January    work.                                           teacher                 paint, stencil.         hand and eye              promotes
                                                                                                                                     coordination, follows all    innovation and
                                                                                                                                             direction.              creativity.
16   Makar sankranti(kite)                 Produce creative      Promotes individual       Children will follow                      Neatness, creativity,       stimulates
                                           work.                 expression and            teacher.                Newspaper,        hand and eye                creativity,
                                                                 Creativity                                        broom sticks,     coordination, follows all   Promotes
                                                                                                                   glue, scissors.   direction.                  innovation.
17            Thumb                        Produce creative      Improve thinking skills   Children will follow     Paint, water,      Follow all directions.        Hand/eye
       printing(peacock)(pg.               work.                                           teacher.                    brush.                                      coordination,
               no.34)           February                                                                                                                         Fine motor skills,
                                                                                                                                                                   Thinking skills
18   Blow painting(pg no.35)               Explore different     Enhances creativity       Children will follow    Straw,            Neatness, creativity,       Hand/eye
                                           painting              Encourages play-based     teacher.                waterpaints,      hand and eye                coordination,
                                           techniques like       learning                                          water.            coordination, follows all   Fine motor skills.
                                           Blow Painting.                                                                            instructions.
                                           Learn that art can
                                 March     be created with
                                           materials other
                                           than our hands.
Observe the
                               differences in wet
                               and dry paints.
                               Experiment with
                               different types
                               of paint.

19   Pencil shave (A bouquet                        Enhances creativity.      Children will follow   Pencil,sharpen   Neatness,creativity,hand   Hand/eye
      of flowers)(pg. no.36)                                                  teacher.                 er,fevicol.     and eye coordination,     coordination,
                                                                                                                        follows all direction.   Fine motor skills,
                                                                                                                                                 Thinking skills
20        Holi (colours)       Produce creative     Improve thinking skills   Children will follow    Vegetables-       Follow all directions.   Enhance
                               work.                                          teacher.               beetroot,carro                              Thinking skills
                                         ANNUAL PLAN FOR THE YEAR 2021-2022

CLASS: IV                                Art & Craft Curriculum Frame Work
SUBJECT:    ART & CRAFT                                    U. SRIDEVI                       BOOK NAME: FRANK ART AND CRAFT
                                                                                            BOOK PUBLISHERS: FRANK BROS. & CO

Month       Topic         Learning Objectives        Learning outcome        Assessment            Activity             skills        Materials
 June   1.Knowledge of    1.Identify color terms    1. Students will learn   1.knowledge of of crayons   1.Presentation     1.Pencil,
        colures (P-5)     using the academic        the primary colors       how to create      (showing video     of Knowledge       oil pastels
                          vocabulary of the         Students will discuss    colour             & poems of all     and Ideas          and
                                                                                                                   2.apply their
                          discipline                the successful use of    Neat ness,         the lessons)                          colours.
                          > Create a reverse        color in selected        creativity         2.Follow the
                                                                                                                   knowledge of
        2.straight        color scheme of a         artworks                 2.The dots aid     arrows; join the   colors to create
        lines. (P-6)      painting                                           and drawing,       dots, colour the   their own art      2.Pencil
        3.Curvy lines                               2. To recognize and      neatness           shapes with        masterpieces.      and oil
        (P-7)             2.>Identify lines, line   define lines, line       3. free hand       primary colours.   3. develop         pastels.
        4.Zentangle art   segments.                 segments, and rays       drawing,           3.follow the       hand-brain         3.pencil,
                                                    understand parallel      neatness,          arrows join the    coordination,      and oil
                          >Classify angels,         and perpendiculars       4.Creativity,      dots. colour the   agility and fine   pastels.
                                                                                                                   motor skills.
                          right, or straight.       lines differentiate      neatness, colour   shapes with
                                                                                                                   4. develop
                                                    between 2d and 3d        scheme.            secondary
                          >Identify                 objects justify their                       colours.
                          complementary &           understanding of                            4. Different       agility and fine
                          supplementary             these concepts.                             types of lines.    motor skills.      eraser
                          angles.                                                                                                     Scale,
                          3. Students will be       3. Learning about                                                                 papers.
                          able to draw straight     straight and curved
                          and curved lines with     lines in preschool to
a variety of writing     prepare for letter,
                          tools.                   number, and shape
                                                   recognition, and
                          4. To create beautiful   writing and drawing
                          images by drawing        skills.
                          structured patterns
                          using a combinations     4. The student will be
                          of dots, lines, simple   able to work with
                          curves and five          colour harmony and
                          curves.                  be introduced some
                                                   design principles.
July world (P-   5. children will be      5. concentration, fine   5. color scheme   5.follow the         5. color         5. Pencil
       8)                 able to identify and     motor and                of a painting     steps. draw          scheme of a      and oil
       6.pattern          name objects by way      coordination for early   6. to practice    different kinds of   painting         pastels
       making (P-10)      of their color name.     writing skills and       creating their    stars. colour the    6. to practice
       7. Colourful                                correct finger grip.     own patterns      stars.               creating their   6. Pencil
       bird (P-11)        6. The student will be                            7. to practice    6.make a pattern     own patterns     and oil
                          able to name the rule    6. This activity will    creating their    of your choice.      7. to practice   pastels
                          for a displayed          help students see the    own colours       Using different      creating their   7. Pencil
                          pattern of three to      logic of creating                          lines.               own colours      and oil
                          five colours or shapes   patterns and help                          7.colour the bird    8.Creative       pastels
       8.Vegetable        *extend a three to       them begin to be         8.Creative                             Expression,
       printing (P-12)    five colour or shape     able to create their     Expression,       8.follow the         Fine Motor       8.Pencil,
                          pattern                  own.                     Own practice      steps and create     Skills,          potatoes,
                          *create a three colour                                              interesting          Vocabulary       lady’s
                          or shape pattern and     7. concentration, fine                     patterns using                        finger,
                          repeat it a minimum      motor & co-                                vegetables and                        apples.
                          of two times             ordination for early                       fruits.
                                                   writing skills and
                          7. Gives the             correct finger grip.
                          experience of
                          creativity, colour       8. Compare fruits and
awareness and            vegetables
                            developing a sense of    >Create patterns
                            achievement.             using fruits and
                                                     vegetables as
                            8. Develop new           stamps
                            technology in
                            vegetable and fruit
                            research programs.
August   9. A letter rack   9. Memory, but also      9. construct their      9. Own            9. Follow the      9. develops eye   9. Pencil
         (P-14)             patience and             own vernacular for      colouring neat    steps to make a    hand co-          and oil
         10.a helicopter    attention skills.        the world around        ness              letter rack.       ordination,       pastels
         (P-15)             Origami allows you to    them. In your class,    10. To practice   10.colour the
                                                                                                                  skills, math’s
         11.step-by-step    develop fine motor       find origami or         creating their    helicopter.                          10.Pencil
         mouse (P-16)       skills and mental        geometric shapes in     own colours       11.follow the      spatial skills,
                                                                                                                                    and oil
         12.tommt’s         concentration.           nature and then         11.neat ness,     steps draw a       10. to practice   pastels
         kennel (P-18)                               describe them with      good drawing      mouse.             creating their
                            10. concentration,       geometric terms                                              own colours       11. Pencil
                            fine motor and                                                                        11.               and oil
                            coordination for early   10. gives the           12.opportunity    12. Complete the   Development       pastels
                            writing skills and       experience of           to learn &        kennel Colour      of fine motor
                            correct finger grip.     creativity, colour      consolidate       the picture.       skills and
                                                     awareness and           their                                provides          12. Pencil
                            11.Conduct               developing a sense      understanding                        children with     and oil
                            independent research     of achievement.         about colours.                       the identify      pastels
                            on color and analyze                                                                  the colours
                            that research            11. Recognizing the                                          12.opportunity
                                                     colours & identifying                                        to learn and
                            12.Children use their    the colour names.                                            consolidate
                            hands to blends and      12. Gives the                                                their
                            squish the different     experience of                                                understanding
                            coloured paints          creativity, colour                                           About colours
                            together for form new    awareness and
colours.                 developing a sense
                                                    of achievement.

Septem   13. glad, mad,    13. Define 'emotion'     13. Students learn      13. Clear &        13.draw the four   13. clear and     13.Use
ber      sad, scared (P-   explain the              how to explore and      coherent writing   emotions on the    coherent          basic
         19)               relationship between     regulate their          in which the       girl’s face        writing in        materials           the brain and            emotions.               development        14.Tear pieces     which the         such as
         collage (P-20)    emotions, describe                               organization       of paper from      development,      newspape
         15.etching (P-    how and why              14. At the completion                      newspapers, and    organization      r, gum,
         21)               emotions are             of grade 4 the child    14. Cutting        magazines.         14. Cutting       found
         16,17 painting    important for human      should be able to;      Making             15.draw the        Making            materials
         on a graph        survival                 Develop a basic         Connections:       design             Connections:      etc. and
         paper (P-22,                               understanding in        Design             Apply pressure     Design            explore
         23)               14. Use basic            collage work.           15.Enjoyable       on the refill      15. enjoyable     them in
                           materials such as                                and engaging       Outline gets       and engaging      picture
                           newspaper, gum,          15. The student will    for students of    etched on the      for students of
                           found materials etc.     use the process of      all levels and     paper.             all levels and
                           and explore them in      crayon etching to       abilities.                            abilities.
                           picture                  learn how pattern       16,17 higher       16&17. trace the                     14. white
                                                    affects the principle   order thinking,    outline of the                       paper,
                           To use things found in   of art                  Neat ness,         picture on the                       black
                           the environment                                  observation        graph paper and                      marker
                           usefully.                                                           colour it using                      Empty ball
                                                                                               colour pencil                        pen refill
                           Learn how to choose
                           material to paste on a                                                                                   15.
                           certain surface to                                                                                       Crayons
                           make a picture or                                                                      16,17. higher
                           design.                  16&17. Its main aim                                           order thinking
                                                    is student                                                    skills.
                           15. The student will     engagement in the
learn the method of        creative process
                            crayon etching and         Learning with Fun
                            how pattern works to                                                                                       16 & 17
                            create a visual rhythm                                                                                     Pencil
                            in the process.
                            16&17. Actually                                                                                            paper
                            analyze a painting on                                                                                      crayons
                            their own
October   18.step by step   18. identify still life    18.Drawing an animal     18 Creative.      18.follow the       18.Creative.     18. Pencil
          elephant (P-24)   drawings                   using the                Structure.        steps draw a        Structure.       and oil
          19.Tree collage                              understanding of         19.Creativity     elephant                             pastels
          (P-26)            Compare and contrast       basic geometric          with a hands-on   19.tear pieces of   19. creativity   19.Newsp
 pasting   different types of still   shapes that relate to.   project           paper from          with a hands-    apers/
          (P-27)            life drawings              the look of said         20.Creativity,    newspapers          on project       magazines
                                                       animal's body parts.     neat ness         /magazines.                          ., fevicol
                            demonstrate still life     Uses different colors.                     paste them on       20. Develop      20.Scissor
                            techniques in drawing                                                 the trees to        fine motor       s, colour
                                                       19. define collage                         make beautiful      skills           papers,
                            19. Students will          identify different                         collage.            21.              fevicol
                            make collages using        methods of collage                         20.cut out stars    measurement      and pencil
                            the elements of art                                                   from card paper     directions.
                            and principles of          Compare the                                paste them on
                            design. Students will      collages of various      21.colour         the pot.
                            demonstrate an             artists                  combination,                                           21. Pencil,
          21.Madhubani      understanding of the                                neat ness,                                             water
          art               terms collage.             Construct a collage      creativity        21.Topic related                     colours,
                                                                                                  to early people                      oil
                            20. Identify shapes        20. students can be                        paintings.                           pastels,
                            and colors.                very creative in the                                                            etc.
                                                       things they make.
                            Shape cut-outs in
different colors         21.Students will
                                                    develop an
                           21.Creating,             awareness to use
                           Performing and           stencil Students will
                           Participating in the     experience the art
                           Arts                     process of crayons
                           >Knowing and Using
                           Art Materials and
                           Resource. Responding
                           to, and analyzing
                           Works of Art.
Novemb   22.paper plate    22. Modeling the body    22. Students can         22.            22.follow the       22.             22.paper
er       owl (P-28)        parts prior to           compare the skeletal     measurement    steps to make a     Developing      plate
                           dissecting the owl       structure of the         directions.    paper plate owl     awareness of    ,colour
         23. blow          pellet helps students    animals in the owl                                          line, shapes,   papers,
         painting (P-29)   associate the animal     pellet to the skeletal   23. Neat       23.put drops of     form, colour    Scissors,G
         24.butterfly      body parts with their    structure of another     ness,idea      water colour in     and tone,       lue
         mobile (P-30)     own body parts.          animal.                                 different colours   texture,        23.straws
                                                                                      and   on the page.        pattern.        Acrylic
                           23. The students will    23. Learning about       unique wall    blow hard on the                    paints,
                           also develop             paint and colour.        hangings       drops of water      24.original
                                                                                                                         and    paper
                           techniques for                                                   colours to          unique wall     plates,
                           creating texture using   24. To understand                       create a design.    hangings        Water,
                           paint and bubbles        how decorations                         24.follow the                       White
                           called bubble art        affect learning                         steps to create a                   paper,
                                                                                            butterflies                         Fine-
                           24. weave a wall                                                 mobile.                             tipped
                           hanging using learned                                                                                markers.
                           methods. Consider
                           having the students                                                                                  24.colour
                           dye their own                                                                                        paper,
                           materials from natural                                                                               two strong
resources                                                                                              twigs, a
                                                                                                                                 ring, glue
Decemb    25. Step by     25.Developing a         25. The ability to      25. Thinking,   25. Different      25.neat             25.Pencil,
er        step drawing.   working concept of      work independently      presentation    types of           ness,ideas          eraser,
                          what it means to        >Progress toward        neat ness       drawings.                              scale,
                          draw.                   developing a                                                                   crayons
                          >Reinforcing the        consistent, personal
                          principles of           direction and style.
                          traditional drawing
                          >Developing new
                          ways of thinking,
                          seeing, and creating.
                          >Building confidence
                          through exercises
                          that help you explore
                          different types of
                          mark making.
January   26.Mask         26.Various characters   >26.To represent        26.neat ness,   26,Super hero      26.coordinatio      26.Glue,
          making (P-33)   >Showing different      their identities        creativity,     mask.              n ,social skills    colour,
                          >Expressions            visually through                                                               and Paper
                                                  making a mask.                                                                 plate
Feb       27.Toy world.   27.Playing with         27.To Builds strength   27.neat ness    27.Building with   27. good for        27.Fevicol
          (P-36)          modelling clay or       in arms, wrists and     presentation    clay               fine motor skills   , colours
                          pottery clay can help   fingers.                                                                       and mud
                          children develop
                          important skills and
March   28.Book mark.       28. Design creative        28.The children            28.colour           28.To make a        28.drawing        28.Fevico,
                            bookmarks for library      enjoyed the activity       theme, neatness     bookmark.           skill. Work       cardboard
                            fun to encourage           using their creativity                                             cooperatively     colour
        29.festivals (all   leisure reading.           skills.           >The     29.Drawing a                            with a partner.   papers &
        festivals)                                     children learnt about      picture connected   29.Drawing a                          scissors.
                                                       the need to save the       with the festival   picture connected   29.knowing our    29. colour
                                                                                                                          culture, love,    papers,fevi
                                                       environment.                                   with the festival
                                                                                                                          affection         col,crayons
                            29.Identify the main       29. The focus of the
                            festivals of India         lesson should be on the
                                                       cultural aspect of a
                                                       festival rather than the

April   30. Rangoli   (p-   30. Various cuttings of    30..To represent their     30.practice neat    30. follow the      30. knowing our   30 Glue,
        31)                 rangolis                   identities of rangolis     ness                steps to make a     culture           Scissors,
                            >Showing different         31. Is able to draw and    31.colour           paper alpana                          Colour
        31.paper            >Expressions               colour an artwork          combination and     31.peacock          31. some of our   papers.
                                                       representing a peacock                         drawings            other Indian      31. White
        peacock(35)                                                               neat ness
                            31. Peacocks are an        using oil pastel skills                                            inspired          paper• Oil
                            important part of Indian   such as blending and                                               artworks.         pastels,
                            culture. • Drawing: Oil    layering.                                                                            Colour pape
                            pastel drawing and
                            blending techniques.
                                        ANNUAL PLAN FOR THE YEAR 2021-2022

CLASS: V                                     Art & Craft Curriculum Frame Work
SUBJECT: ART & CRAFT                                   U. SRIDEVI                                     BOOK NAME: FRANK ART AND CRAFT

                                                                                                    BOOK PUBLISHERS: FRANK BROS. & CO

   Month         Topic            Activity               Objectives           Learning outcome         Material       Assessment              skills
June       1.Knowledge of     1.Box of crayons    1.Identify color terms     1.- Students will      1.Pencil, oil   1.colour          1.With this lesson
           colours (P-5)      (showing videos     using the academic         learn the primary&     pastels and     combinations,Ne   the students will
           2.Pencil (P-6)     & poems & Ppt’s     vocabulary of the          secondary colors       colours.        at ness           gain the knowledge
  apple (P-7)   for all the         discipline                  - Students will                                         of how to create
                              lessons)            > Create a reverse         discuss the            2.Pencil and    2.Good drawing    color/
                              2.Draw and          color scheme of a          successful use of      oil pastels.    and write         2.The dots aid in
                              colour the first,   painting                   color in selected                      colours           hand-eye
                              third and fifth                                artworks               3.pencil,and                      coordination, which
                              pencil using        2.Identify lines, line                            oil pastels.    3.Good drawing    is an extremely
                              primary colour.     segments. using            2.To recognize and                     and write         important skill for a
                              Colour the rest     colours                    define lines, and                      colours.          toddler to develop.
                              using secondary                                using colours.                                           3. fine motor skills
                              colours.            3. Students will be able                                                            and pencil
                              3.Colour the        to do how to colour        3. successful use of                                     coordination to
                              apple using both                               color in selected                                        prepare for writing
                              primary and                                    artworks
July       4.Flowers (P-8)    4.Colour the        4. Children will be able   4. concentration,      4. Pencil and   4. Good drawing   4. color scheme of a
           5.Mashroom         flowers and the     to identify and name       fine motor and         oil pastels     and write         painting
           collage (P-9)      vase with primary   objects by way of their    coordination for                       colours           5. to practice
6.Book mark (P-       and secondary        color name.                early writing skills    5. Pencil and                     creating their own
         10)                   colours.                                        and correct finger      oil pastels      5.Neatness,      patterns
         7.Indian art (P-11)   5.Tear pieces of     5. Students will make      grip.                   6.. Pencil and   creativity       6.creating their own
                               paper from           collages using the                                 oil pastels,                      colours
                               newspapers/maga      elements of art and        5. This activity will   card board,      6.Neatness&      7.Creative
                               zines. paste them    principles of design.      help students see       glue,            idea             Expression, Fine
                               on the picture to    Students will              the logic of creating   scissors, and                     Motor Skills,
                               make a collage.      demonstrate an             patterns and help       string of        7.Neat ness,     Vocabulary
                               6.Follow the         understanding of the       them begin to be        thread.          Colour
                               steps to make a      terms collage.             able to create their    7. Pencil,       combination
                               book mark.                                      own.                    water
                               7.Colour the         6. To encourage            6. concentration,       colours, oil
                               madhubani            reading among the          fine motor and          pastels, etc.
                               painting.            young children, as well    coordination for
                                                    as to give them an         early writing skills
                                                    opportunity to express     and correct finger
                                                    and develop their          grip.
                                                                               7. Students will
                                                    7.Creating, Performing     develop an
                                                    and Participating in the   awareness to use
                                                    Arts         >Knowing      stencil Students will
                                                    and Using Art Materials    experience the art
                                                    and Resource.              process of crayons
                                                    Responding to, and
                                                    analyzing Works of Art.
August   8. A rooster (P-      8.follow the steps increase children’s   8. to introduce         8.Colour         8.Neat ness      8. develops eye hand
         12)                   to steps and draw    confidence                 vocabulary about a      papers,                           co-ordination,
         9. paper swan (P-     a rooster. colour                               new topic to have       Fevicol, and     9.Neatness,      sequencing skills,
         14)                   the rooster.         to teach children to       fun drawing             scissor.         colours          9. thinking skills,
         10. leaf printing     9.follow the steps   follow directions                                                                    fractions, problem ...
         (P-15)                to make a paper                                 9. Students will be     9.colour                          10.different shapes,
         11.paper parrot       swan.                to increase directional    exposed to              papers, glue,    10.creativity,   sizes, and vein
         (P-16)                10.dip a dry in      and spatial vocabulary     contemporary artists    scissors.        neatness         patterns of leaves as
                               poster colour.                                  and techniques on                                         they make finger
print in the        9.To practice fine         origami making          10.Pencil and                      paint leaf prints.
                                space.              motor skills                                       oil pastels,    11.neatness,cre    11.. thinking skills,
                                11.follow the                                  10.Students will gain   Dry leafs       ativity            fractions, problem ...
                                steps to make a     To learn a skill from      appreciation of fall
                                paper parrot.       another culture            leaves by producing     11. Pencil
                                                                               leaf prints. 2.         and oil
                                                    To have fun.               Discuss leaf texture-   pastels
                                                                               -smooth on one side
                                                    10.To enhance              and bumpy on the
                                                    students'                  other.
                                                    understanding of and
                                                    appreciation for leaves,   11. Students will be
                                                    and to introduce a         exposed to
                                                    printing technique.        contemporary artists
                                                                               and techniques on
                                                    11. To practice fine       origami making
                                                    motor skills
                                                    To learn a skill from
                                                    another culture
                                                    To have fun.

September   12. water colour    12.colour the       12. Students will learn    12. Students will       12. Pencil      12.colours,        12. Clean up
            painting(P-17)      picture using       basic concepts about       explore the medium      and water       neatness           procedure. Organize
            13.graph method     water colour.       the medium of              of water colour         colours                            cleanup by tables.
            (P-19 & 20)         13.draw the         watercolor paints, care    paints. Students will                   13.good
            14.wax              picture of a leaf   of supplies, & how to      create one of the       13 pencil       drawing, colours   13. higher order
            painting(P-21)      on the paper.       paint with them.           most basic water                                           thinking skills.
            15.thumb printing   colour it using                                colour painting         Graph paper                        14. Have fun
            (P-23)              crayons as in the   13. Actually analyze a     techniques              cryons          14.creativity,
            16.a girl(P-24)     sample.             painting on their own                                              colours            15. hand and eye
                                14.trace the                                   13. Its main aim is                                        coordination and
                                outlines with        14. Students will         student engage-                                            also provide a
                                crayons. smear      create a multi-color in    ment in the creative                    15.neat ness,      sensory-stimulating
                                                                                                       14. Pencil
                                black or blue       the crayon-resist          process Learning                        creativity         experience.
                                                                                                       and oil
                                water colour over                                                                                         16. Clean up
the picture. tour    technique.                 with Fun                pastels                         procedure. Organize
                                wax painting is                                                                         16.good
                                ready.               15. list key               14. Kids can create     15.water        drawing, neat
                                15.dip your thumb    characteristics about      a crayon resist         colours,        ness colours
                                in poster colour     thumbprints                picture with nature     waste cloths
                                and print                                       as their inspiration.
                                impressions on       the purpose and uses of                            16. Pencil
                                the leaves. use      thumbprints                15. interesting facts   and oil
                                colour pencils to                               about thumbprints       pastels
                                colour the rest of   16.Identify color terms    for students before
                                the branch.          using the academic         students get a
                                16.follow the        vocabulary of the          chance to analyse,
                                steps and draw a     discipline                 compare, and
                                girl .                                          decorate
                                                                                research on color
                                                                                and analyse that
October    17.step by step      17.follow the        17. identify drawings      17. Uses different      17. Pencil      17. Neatness    17 Creative.
           face (P-26)          steps draw a         compare and contrast       colors.                 and oil         Colours         Structure.
           18.funny faces (P-   face.                different types of                                 pastels         18.good
           27)                  18.cut out the       drawings                   18. draw and identify   18. Pencil      drawing,        18. creativity with a
           19.madhubani         five parts.                                     the different facial    and oil         neatness        hands-on project
           painting (P-28)      glue them on the     18. Students will be       expressions.            pastels         19. Neatness,   19. Develop fine
                                five faces.          able to identify                                   19. Colours,    Colour          motor skills
                                19.colour the        emotions shown             19. students can be     Crayons         combination
                                madhubani            through different facial   very creative in the
                                painting.            expressions.               things they make.
November   20.glittering bird   20.paste glitter     20. Students will          20. The students        20.glliters,    20.neatness,    20. measurement
           (P-29)               on the bird.         understand and see         then shake each         Glue            idea            directions.
           21. step- by-step    21.follow the        that different types of    other’s hands and       21.Pencil and                   21. confidence.
           face (P-30)          steps to draw a      glitters.                  see how the glitter     oil pastels     21. neatness,   22. color and
           22.indian woman      realistic face.                                 spread.                                 idea            analyze
           (P-32)               22.colour the        21. The students will                              22. Pencil
woman.               also develop               21. introduce          and oil        22.good colours,
                                                       techniques for drawing     vocabulary about a     pastels        neat ness
                                                       of step by step            new topic. to have
                                                                                  fun drawing.
                                                       22. students practice
                                                       recognizing the colours    22 Evaluate the use
                                                                                  of color in fine art
December       23.dancing doll    23.make a dress      23. Good way to teach      23.                    23. crayons,   23.creativity,nea   23. fine motor skills
               (P-33)             for the dancing      reuse/recycling objects.   Uses color pencil      pencil         t ness
                                  doll using pencil                               shavings. From:        shavings
                                  shadings.                                       Recycle Craft          glue.

January, Feb   24.paper alpana    24.follow the        24.Various cuttings of     24.To represent        24.Glue,       24, creativity,     24. making and
& March        (P-34)             steps to make a      rangolis >Showing          their identities of    Scissors,      neatness            presenting
               25.paper scenery   paper alpana.        different >Expressions     rangolis               Colour
               (P-35)             25.create a          25.student able to do      25. using different    papers.        25.idea, colours    25. good for fine
                                  scenery using        tearing, cutting and       kinds of papers and    25.colour                          motor skills
                                  different kinds of   pasting                    cutting                papers,        26.creativity,
               26.Toy world (P-   paper.               26.Playing with                                   Scissors,      idea                26.drawing skill.
               36)                26.create toys       modelling clay or          26.To Builds           Fevicol        27.neat ness        Work cooperatively
                                  using plasticize.    pottery clay can help      strength in arms,      26.Fevicol,    Creativity          with a partner.
               27.festivals                            children develop           wrists and fingers.    colours and
               (all festivals)    27.Drawing a         important skills and       27.The focus of the    mud                                27.knowing our
                                  picture              competencies.              lesson should be on                                       culture, love,
                                  connected with       27.Identify the main       the cultural aspect    27.colour                          affection
                                  the festival         festivals of India         of a festival rather   papers,
                                                                                  than the religious.    fevicol,
                                            ANNUAL PLAN FOR THE YEAR 2021-2022

   CLASS: VI                                Art & Craft Curriculum Frame Work
   SUBJECT: ART & CRAFT                                             U. SRIDEVI

Month          topic               activity                Objectives         Learning outcome           Material        assessment               skills

June      1.My art book     1.Students just aren't     1.The art book was     1.Students create a        1.Drawing     1. checklist to help   1.Presentation
                            checking books will        created to help to     new cover design for a     paper and     guide student work     of Knowledge
                            create a cover for their   assess child’s         book they are reading      colours       during research,       and Ideas
          2.Knowledge of    art books                  progress.              to demonstrate             2.crayons     writing, and final     2.apply their
          colours           2.Box of crayons                                  comprehension and          and papers    book cover design.     growing
                                                       2.Conduct              explore character, plot,                 2.evaluate the         knowledge of
                            3. Ask students to         independent            setting, symbolism, and    2.Pencil      students’              colors to create
          3.Land scape      describe their             research on color      conflict.                  and colour    knowledge of each      their own art
          drawings          meaningful place using     and analyze that                                  pencils       color.                 masterpieces.
                            the new words from         research               2.Observe, experiment      3.pencil,
          4.Clay modeling   the vocabulary list.                              to build different         and oil       3.colour mixing,
                            4.a story writing          3. Students can        colours using primary      pastels.      creativity             3. develop
                            Making models with         define a landscape     and secondary and tint     4.clay ,      4.writing and          hand-brain
                            clay                       and identify how       colours .                  fevicol and   creativity ,neat       coordination,
                                                       artists visually                                  water         ness                   agility and fine
                                                       evoke the feeling of   3. Students will learn     colours                              motor skills.
                                                       a place.               the relationship                                                4.observation
                                                                              between horizon,                                                skills,
                                                       4. The student will    background, middle                                              creativity
                                                       learn the difference   ground and foreground.
between shape and
                                                  form and create a        4. students will learn
                                                  figure made of clay      how to model figures
                                                  that can stand or        using modeling clay for
                                                  exist on its own         a story they write
                                                  without added
July   5.Tooh paste     5.know how many           5.A minty-fresh take     5.sensory exploration      5.white       5.Neat ness,,
       Batik print      tooth pastes are there    on the traditional art   and creative play for      toothpaste    creativity, colour   creativity.
                        and colours               of batik. Using          student                    hand lotion   combination
                        6.Students draw and       toothpaste and                                      empty glue                         6.Creative
       6.Dragonfly      color their imaginary     paint, kids will                                    bottles       6.neat ness,         Expression,
                        dragonfly                 create fabulous one-                                 drawing      creativity           Vocabulary
                                                  of-a-kind batik          6.Understand the           paper                              7. color scheme
                                                  masterpieces.            cultural significance of    pencils                           of a painting.
       7.Wet-on -wet                                                       dragonflies                cardboard     7.colour             8.practice
       water activity   7.Wet into wet is a fun   6.Understand the                                    6.colour      combination,         Ideas
       8.calligraphy    watercolor technique      importance of            7. Students will be        papers        neat ness            Fine motor
                        that can help create      dragonflies and their    presented with a           7. Pencil     8.neatness,idea      skills
                        additional depth and      effect on the            demonstration on           and oil
                        perspective in a          environment              watercolor painting        pastels,
                        beginner’s painting.                               techniques                 water
                        8. Students will read a   7. Students will                                    colours
                        text lesson that          create one of the        8. Students will read a
                        describes what            most basic               text lesson that           6. *Paper
                        calligraphy is            watercolor painting      describes what             *Markers
                                                  techniques (wet-on-      calligraphy is and         *Brushes
                                                  wet) and how to          describes the different    * Water
                                                  enhance that             styles.                    Cups
                                                  technique with salt,                                *Paper
                                                  crayon resist and                                   towels

                                                  8. students will be
                                                  able to: explain what
calligraphy is.
                                                          identify and produce
                                                          different styles of
August     9.Independence       9. Look for explicit      9. How to Take part     9.Understading of our      9. White,      9.neatness.            9. kid engaged
           day(badge)           information in the        in your society’s       culture by making a try    green and      creativity             and develop his
                                movie, summarize, and     Flag hoisting by        colour badge.              orange         10.Creativity,         fine motor
                                retell the events.        making your own         10. various types of       color craft    materials, idea        skills and hand
                                                          badge                   materials that can be      paper          11.neat ness           eye
           10.Collage making    10. students they will                            used.                      Glue                                  coordination.
                                be creating a type of     10. Assembling          11.Students learn how      Scissors/      12.Creativity and      10. thinking
                                “self-portrait” collage   different colors,       to plan a print that       Paper          idea                   skills,
                                11. The students          textures, shapes,       protests a situation or    cutter                                creativity
           11.Design print      should also be able to    and materials to        attempts to persuade       Scale                                 11.different
           making               find the required         create a new            its viewers to the         10.*news                              shapes, sizes
                                information from their    concept.                students' beliefs.         papers                                creative
                                pen pal.                                          12.Describe qualities of                                         12. thinking
           12.pop up Greeting   12. occasion wise                                 greeting cards that they   *magazines                            skills,
           card                 doing greetings           11.Students learn       find appealing to          *Paper                                creativity
                                                          that relief prints      recognize different        * Scissors
                                                          reverse the image       styles of writing.          *Glue
                                                          from the block to                                  11.Pencil
                                                          the print.                                         and, ink
                                                                                                             12. Pencil
                                                          12.Analyze greeting                                and oil
                                                          cards to establish a                               pastels
                                                          purpose for writing
                                                          a message.
Septembe   13.Pattern making    13. Representing          13.Students will be     13.students will learn     13. Pencil     13.neat ness,
r                               Shape Patterns            able to identify what   how to create and          and oil        Colour
                                14. Children will spray   a pattern is and        extend patterns by         pastels        combinations           13.encouraged
           14.Spray work        with brush and paints     predict what should     using various objects.                    14.creativity, idea,   to find patterns
                                15.learning a song        come next in                                       14.Papers      neat ness              in art, nature,
                                about festival            patterns.               14.messy will love         tooth brush,                          and music.
           15.Rakhi making                                                        learning how to spray                     15.neat ness, about             14.Painting with a      the paint off of the         water           idea                 14.Clean up
          16.ganesh Chaturthi   Ganapati bappa            toothbrush is a lot     toothbrush.                  colours                              procedure.
                                                          of fun and a good                                                    16.neat ness, idea   Organize
                                                          way to develop ... able to reflect on     15.beets,                   and
                                                          More process art        people Who are special       threads,                             affection
                                                          ideas                   to us.                       and colour                           16.culture,love,
                                                                                                               papers,                              and affection
                                                 between a                                    fevicol
                                                          brother and sister.
                                                          recognizing his role.   16.student know about        16.bread
                                                                                  our festival culture         clay, fevicol
                                                          16. celebrated
                                                          throughout India
                                                          with a great
October   17.Dussehra           17. Festival 'Dussehra'   17.Charectors of        17. Festivals gives an       17. Pencil      17.Creativity,       17. Develop
                                symbolizes the victory    Ramayana                opportunity for              and oil         neat ness            fine motor
                                of good over evil                                 encouraging learning         pastels                              skills values
                                                                                  through co-operative                         18.neat ness and     18. Culture and
                                18.Drawing dot rangoli                            group discussion and         18.Colour       style                creativity
          18.Rangoli                                      18. Students            sharing.                     muggu
                                                          create rangoli
                                                          designs and analyze     18. Students will
                                                          their work using        explore a form of art
                                                          principles of design.   that is used for religious
                                                                                  purposes and as a
                                                                                  decorative greeting.
Novembe   19.Season             19. All seasons           19.Students will        19.Participate in art        19.Pencil       19.Neat ness, idea   19.Creative
r                               Drawing and colouring     learn about the         activities to gain an        and oil
                                                          seasonal changes        understanding of             pastels                              18. Confidence.
          20.Madhubani          20.Talking about          brought by spring       seasonal changes                             20.Neat ness,        Neatness.
          painting              different kinds of        and clothing worn                                    20.Pencils      colour combination   20.Creativity
                                paintings                 during the              20. Will be learning how     and oil                              and culture
                                                          springtime.             to paint some beautiful      pastels
                                                                                  Madhubani painting Folk      water
20. Experiment with    art with the help of      colours
                                                      new art forms and      watercolors.
                                                      create new things.
Decembe   21.Christmas      21. Drawing and craft     21.describe various and            21.pencil     21.neat ness         21. creative
r         22.New year       work.                     Christmas traditions   contrast different        Oil pastels                        Neat ness
                            22. Students will learn   from around the        examples of Christmas                                        22. Creative
                            about New Year's          world                  art.                      22.pencil     22.Creativity and    and culture
                            resolutions                                                                Oil pastels   neat ness
                                                      22.Compare and         22.This lesson to help
                                                      contrast New Year      students learn about
                                                      celebrations in        the diverse ways in
                                                      various countries      which cultures
                                                      and cultures.          celebrate the New Year.

January   23.Sankranthi     23.Kite making            23. Learn about the    23.Student know about     23.colour     23.Neat ness         23.culture and
                                                      different way the      our festival culture.     papers and    24.neat ness, idea   creativity
                                                      festival is                                      oil pastels                        24. making and
                            24. Drawing and           celebrated in areas                                                                 presenting
          24.Republic day   colouring                 of India and the       24.The students will be   24.Glue,
                                                      meaning behind the     able to explain the       Scissors,
                                                      celebrations.          Republic Day.             Colour
                                                      24.The student will                              papers
                                                      be able to the
                                                      significance of
                                                      Republic Day
Feb &     25. mask making   25.Taking about           25 Students will       25.Merging ancient and    25.colour     25.neat ness,        25. Knowledge,
March                       different types of        create paper masks     contemporary art, this    papers,       creativity           Creativity
                            animals.                  linking ancient        lesson examines the       Fevicol,
                                                      myths with their       significance of mask-     Scissors.
                                                      modern life.
                           Art & Craft Curriculum Frame Work
                                     Classes 7 & 8 2021-22
                                     G. LAKSHMI SAI VALLI
Month June
Topic        Make your own Art book cover page
Learning     The art book was created to help to assess child’s progress.
Learning     The student will be able to design their own art book cover page . When creating their work
outcome      they will be focusing on the design and font and colour harmony.
Assessment   Creativity, Neatness, Colour scheme
Activity     Kids can make their own art book cover page out of poster paper, colour paper and paint. A
             great way to start the new year is to create a place for all children clever creations.
Resources    Different art books
Teaching     White paper, colour papers, markers, paints

Month July
Topic      A box of crayons
Learning   This project will introduce students to the theory of colour with a hands-on experience.
Objectives Students will mix secondary and tertiary colours from primary colours
           - Students will learn about complementary and analogous colours
           - Students will draw and paint their own colour wheel
Learning   The student will be able to
outcome     create their colour wheel with colours in correct order.
            All primary, secondary, and tertiary colours are present on wheel.
Assessment Colour mixing, creativity, presentation.
Activity   Students will fill in the Colour Box sheet using a medium of their choice.
Resources Song and video on colours
Teaching   Paints, paper, pencil, sketch pens.

Topic        A unique drawing experience
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