Q4 Briefly describe your greatest concern for the 2020-2021 school year related to COVID-19: MIAA COVID-19 Task Force Survey

Page created by Jimmie Munoz
MIAA COVID-19 Task Force Survey

Q4 Briefly describe your greatest concern for the 2020-2021 school year
                          related to COVID-19:
                         Responses    fromSkipped:
                           Answered: 536
                                           Coaches 101

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MIAA COVID-19 Task Force Survey

#    RESPONSES                                                                                            DATE
1    Bus trips.                                                                                           7/2/2020 10:51 AM

2    Increase in the number of positive cases/greater spread of the virus & Increased risks based on      7/1/2020 9:27 AM
     too many people/students in enclosed areas

3    the spread of covid and constant infections                                                          6/30/2020 9:41 PM

4    We have school choice and local communities have a higher covid daily count that will be             6/30/2020 6:11 PM
     brought to our school

5    Distancing in the school.                                                                            6/30/2020 1:52 PM

6    Not having a strong plan in place.                                                                   6/30/2020 10:01 AM

7    Safety for players. I want them to play but not risk outbreak.                                       6/29/2020 10:43 PM

8    safety of students- which includes their mental health and wellness. Schools need to open            6/29/2020 8:29 PM

9    Concerned about student-athletes having to practice and play games with masks on.                    6/29/2020 8:18 PM

10   Student safety                                                                                       6/29/2020 8:15 PM

11   I do not have concerns regarding the spread of COVID-19, more so, how the restrictions are           6/29/2020 7:17 PM
     going to effect team transportation and game play. My hope is that sports do not get over-

12   Safely getting students and teachers back to school                                                  6/29/2020 12:15 PM

13   I am concerned that the students won't have a positive high school experience (academic,             6/29/2020 11:50 AM
     athletic or the arts) and that the student athletes won't have a chance to compete.

14   I am concerned that we will not have a season.                                                       6/29/2020 11:43 AM

15   too many people in close proximity to each other and having to rely on self-regulation ("stay at     6/29/2020 10:38 AM
     home if you don't feel well.")

16   That more people get sick and we have to leave school and sports get cancelled.                      6/29/2020 10:09 AM

17   Gathering in large groups with players/spectators that may be asymptomatic with COVID.               6/29/2020 9:48 AM

18   The need to transition back to online learning and how that will impact student learning, but also   6/29/2020 8:36 AM
     extra curricular activities that students value.

19   Health and Safety considerations                                                                     6/29/2020 8:24 AM

20   Too many students in the school at once. Not enough social distancing.                               6/29/2020 7:46 AM

21   My greatest concern is that schools will not open and athletics will be cancelled. As a coach        6/28/2020 5:45 PM
     and a parent, I want schools to open. I want athletics to continue.

22   Mostly, being indoors for hours without enough circulating air. Then, the ability to carry out       6/28/2020 4:44 PM
     social distancing. Kids staying in masks and washing hands enough.

23   High contact between students and inherent inability to social distance based on the number of       6/28/2020 1:55 PM
     people at school.

24   Large XC events such as championships, invitationals, the mass start of cross country runners        6/28/2020 10:04 AM
     even at dual meets. You can have 30 -400 runners in a huge pack depending on the race.
     There can be 1000 spectators massed around the finish with kids breathing heavy-they could
     be very exposed. Swimming-I do not see any way to socially distance on most of the pool
     decks we go to. Ventilation in some older smaller pools is also a major concern. Some teams
     have 40 to 70 kids for both boys/girls. Add in parents you cannot move. Generally, if one kid
     gets infected on a team and we have to isolate, that is 2 weeks of not being able to
     play/practice for not only individual but also any one exposed(maybe whole team) In a small
     school that is the season and will effect standings. We had the flu rip through our school this
     year at one point 50% of our team was out. Covid is more infectious than the flu so it could
     devastate a season.

25   How to keep my athletes safe and social distancing while developing a team.                          6/27/2020 2:55 PM

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26   That there will be another surge and schools will be closed for an extended period of time.            6/27/2020 7:14 AM

27   keeping students and their families safe                                                               6/26/2020 9:17 PM

28   1st - Starting the season then stopping it. 2nd - Also with increased activities esp in                6/26/2020 5:33 PM
     professional sports there seems to be an alarming increase of covid positive cases. Wont that
     trend be the same as we increase sport / school activity?

29   Health risks posed to students and staff by returning too soon.                                        6/26/2020 4:14 PM

30   Aside from community spread and death, potential reduction in roster size based on infection           6/26/2020 4:00 PM
     and quarantine.

31   Supplies, safety, double work for teacher.                                                             6/26/2020 2:35 PM

32   Being liable for temperature checks, potetinal waivers for COVID 19, and having limits of              6/26/2020 1:44 PM
     players in our program. We only have one field for V/JV/freshman to practice on. We do not
     have lights- we all practice at the same time and due to social distancing I am worried about
     impacting my program

33   Finding a way to be within the school and not promote the press of the virus. I’m finding it hard      6/26/2020 12:02 PM
     to meet guidelines while still having students participate in a contact sport.

34   Parents keeping their kids home when they are sick.                                                    6/26/2020 11:51 AM

35   School-related super spreading event                                                                   6/26/2020 11:44 AM

36   Keeping students 6 feet apart inside of a classroom is not feasible in most schools and certainly      6/26/2020 10:53 AM
     not in schools with such old building as ours (Boston). If we were to do hybrid, I am not sure
     that we would be allowed to do sports.

37   physical distance testing of students and staff                                                        6/26/2020 10:35 AM

38   Not being able to have a season. I am worried about the athletes who are relying on sports             6/26/2020 10:29 AM
     scholarships, the social impact, and the activity level of these students.

39   Students missing out on their social/emotional well being experiences and opportunities.               6/26/2020 10:13 AM

40   Students won't have the opportunity to participate and I have witnessed there lack of social           6/26/2020 9:30 AM
     distancing because they need to play....and they have all spring!

41   No Sports                                                                                              6/26/2020 9:01 AM

42   Returning to normality                                                                                 6/26/2020 7:38 AM

43   Students being responsible enough when it comes to social distancing.                                  6/25/2020 11:15 PM

44   All the uncertainties, in the numbers of cases of COVID-19, in the risks of exposure, in setting       6/25/2020 11:03 PM
     goals and expectations for student athletes, etc.

45   Will players need to wear masks? Will players, coaches and fans be safe?                               6/25/2020 8:37 PM

46   Having the building at full capacity while still adhering to the safety guidelines.                    6/25/2020 7:08 PM

47   My greatest concern is that sports seasons will be cancelled again and the students won't have         6/25/2020 7:03 PM
     the opportunity to play.

48   I worry that athletes will have to wear masks to play and in some sports like soccer that is           6/25/2020 3:58 PM
     impossible because of the risks associated on this behalf.

49   I worry about the effects no sports at all would have on high school students.                         6/25/2020 1:02 PM

50   Delayed or lack of information. If updates aren’t being sent regularly it’s difficult to keep track.   6/25/2020 12:47 PM

51   containing COVID within the adult population and working population                                    6/25/2020 11:30 AM

52   Returning to school and normalcy regarding co-curricular activities.                                   6/25/2020 10:35 AM

53   Returning to conditions that are safe for everyone.                                                    6/25/2020 10:34 AM

54   The safety of student, teachers, their families, and the overall spread of COVID                       6/25/2020 9:56 AM

55   I’m most concerned about a second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic.                                       6/25/2020 9:31 AM

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56   MY concern is the MIAA will shut Fall sports. Research shows fresh air, exercise and sunshine       6/25/2020 9:27 AM
     are the best ways to stay healthy

57   Safety of staff and students                                                                        6/25/2020 9:01 AM

58   Staying healthy - I fear for the health of my students, my athletes, my coworkers, and bringing     6/25/2020 8:58 AM
     Covid home to my family

59   Concerned more about NOT returning to school, sports and extracurricula than I am about             6/25/2020 8:40 AM
     resuming school as usual.

60   Will enough students/athletes attend school so there can be coherent tryouts and a useful or        6/25/2020 8:37 AM
     complete season. This is different from a safety/health concern, which seems minimal

61   Minimizing the risk to athletes, coaches and families of spreading and catching C-19. Having        6/25/2020 8:32 AM
     continueity with other discricts on how they manage and mitigate the spread of the disease.
     Also being transparent and having ongoing communication on if an outbreak occurs.

62   Spreading the virus                                                                                 6/25/2020 8:13 AM

63   Male teachers 65 yrs and older with underlying health conditions                                    6/25/2020 7:54 AM

64   Another outbreak because we try to rush into fall sports                                            6/25/2020 6:41 AM

65   Too many politicians and non- school related personnel making decisions and                         6/25/2020 6:25 AM
     recommendations that are unsustainable. Let the districts see to themselves.

66   Maintaining social distance, and/or wearing of masks full time.                                     6/25/2020 5:56 AM

67   Provide opportunities for students while keeping them healthy and safe.                             6/24/2020 10:38 PM

68   Players safety                                                                                      6/24/2020 8:32 PM

69   Keeping children socially distanced                                                                 6/24/2020 8:03 PM

70   How athletes will be able to maintain Social Distancing.                                            6/24/2020 7:31 PM

71   Adhereing to impossible health guidelines respective to football                                    6/24/2020 7:23 PM

72   I am concerned at the continued over reaction will continue to harm kids and they will not be       6/24/2020 5:24 PM
     able to return to play.

73   Potential exposure and reporting of illness in a timely fashion. If a school has a case of COVID-   6/24/2020 5:04 PM
     19, how quickly would they report it or would it be after they have exposed another school

74   people getting sick                                                                                 6/24/2020 4:50 PM

75   That people will get lazy about social distancing and wearing masks and we will not get to the      6/24/2020 4:38 PM
     appropriate phase in time.

76   Kids passing the hallways. All eople not taking it seriously enough.                                6/24/2020 4:29 PM

77   Our gym has no AC so if the girls have to wear masks they risk overheating. We also are afraid      6/24/2020 4:14 PM
     with the number restrictions we cannot practice each team at the same time or hold tryouts.

78   Traveling to games by bus. Concerned that the school doesn't have the budget or personnel to        6/24/2020 3:48 PM
     send 2-3 busses per team to away games.

79   Support from the district administration                                                            6/24/2020 3:48 PM

80   Outbreak                                                                                            6/24/2020 3:42 PM

81   Covid transmission . Very close proximity. Social distancing not possible.                          6/24/2020 3:18 PM

82   Maintaining social distancing inside a classroom                                                    6/24/2020 2:50 PM

83   My greatest concern is that we don’t return to our building and that kids won’t have the            6/24/2020 2:46 PM
     opportunity to socialize with their peers and teachers.

84   Busing and lunches                                                                                  6/24/2020 2:25 PM

85   Providing a safe environment for students and athletes                                              6/24/2020 2:18 PM

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86    Students being close to one another during the school day                                          6/24/2020 2:09 PM

87    Safety                                                                                             6/24/2020 1:35 PM

88    That teachers and coaches will become infected and everything will shut down again.                6/24/2020 12:46 PM

89    Lack of vaccine                                                                                    6/24/2020 12:18 PM

90    Coaching large groups of athletes and bus transportation!                                          6/24/2020 12:13 PM

91    safety for all......                                                                               6/24/2020 12:12 PM

92    The faculty and staff seem to be at greater risk than the children. My worry is more for them.     6/24/2020 11:40 AM

93    That we don't keep moving forward with phses.                                                      6/24/2020 11:29 AM

94    Locker rooms sanitation Transportation                                                             6/24/2020 11:04 AM

95    How to keep everyone safe                                                                          6/24/2020 10:59 AM

96    Transmission from students to households that have young children, elderly, those who have         6/24/2020 10:40 AM
      underlying health conditions.

97    That there aren't enough contingency plans for how to educate the kids, under different and        6/24/2020 10:30 AM
      changing circumstances.

98    Too much close contact between hundreds of people indoors. Solutions floated out there like        6/24/2020 10:12 AM
      staggering schedules and hybrid will never work.

99    My players get sick                                                                                6/24/2020 10:09 AM

100   Health & safety of staff & students. Plus, I am concerned about what our schedule will look like   6/24/2020 10:05 AM
      with students having to social distance.

101   Loss of athletic events if there are positive tests                                                6/24/2020 10:00 AM

102   I want to have a soccer season!                                                                    6/24/2020 9:58 AM

103   Transportation density on buses after day of exposure to large groups of people in school and      6/24/2020 9:21 AM
      then competing without masks and nonsocial distancing.

104   social distancing                                                                                  6/24/2020 9:10 AM

105   Concern of having all the student population attend face to face instruction or if they will       6/24/2020 9:06 AM
      continue remote learning. Also the consistency of the school year and essentially the in and out
      factor of school either open or closed

106   Over crowded buses and not enough space in the classrooms or locker rooms for 6 feet social        6/24/2020 9:04 AM

107   Spacing to separate students, sports with masks is nearly impossible, fear of spiking spread of    6/24/2020 8:58 AM

108   What happens when one individual tests positive on a team, what does that mean for the rest of     6/24/2020 8:34 AM
      the team?

109   I would like sports to be able to receive and am concerned that if it doesn’t, there will be a     6/24/2020 8:04 AM
      domino effect of mental and emotional health issues for many athletes.

110   I do not have any                                                                                  6/24/2020 7:53 AM

111   That the administration will be overly cautious.                                                   6/24/2020 6:30 AM

112   Athletic participation without a developed vaccine                                                 6/24/2020 5:46 AM

113   Parents unwilling to send their kids back to school                                                6/23/2020 11:40 PM

114   I think creating a league season through the month of September and early October; then            6/23/2020 11:14 PM
      allowing mid-October to begin State Tournament play would make sense. Playing a full 18
      game schedule in addition to tournament play would only invite encourage the possibility of the
      COVID-19 virus to flair-up.

115   My greatest concern for the school year would be missing sports. The impact on students            6/23/2020 10:42 PM

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      mental health, social skills has been great. Taking safety steps I would love to see us back to
      school and playing sports

116   Safety for all involved.                                                                            6/23/2020 10:17 PM

117   Over regulation by the state regarding low risk communities.                                        6/23/2020 10:00 PM

118   Wearing masks, being able to coach effectively while social distancing, being able to coach         6/23/2020 9:52 PM
      effectively while only working with small groups of 10 or less.

119   For school it is how we will handle the hybrid model. Sports it is transportation                   6/23/2020 9:51 PM

120   Returning to school and having Fall Athletic Seasons                                                6/23/2020 9:42 PM

121   Busing                                                                                              6/23/2020 9:13 PM

122   Morale of the kids if we go to A day B day schedule, meaning that some kids will be home while      6/23/2020 9:11 PM
      others are in school

123   That we won't have a fall (or later0 s                                                              6/23/2020 9:03 PM

124   Contact spreading due to lack of students or faculty being disciplined enough to stay vigilant      6/23/2020 9:01 PM
      when following protocols.

125   DESE mandating a hybrid schedule that impacts fall sports                                           6/23/2020 9:00 PM

126   The healthcare system being overwhelmed                                                             6/23/2020 8:41 PM

127   How to maintain social distancing and safety guidelines and STILL be able to play/practice          6/23/2020 8:17 PM
      normal soccer.

128   Challenges around schools/attendance/localized outbreaks allowing students to physically            6/23/2020 8:14 PM
      attend school.

129   There is no way to accommodate the number of students at one school let alone 9 schools in          6/23/2020 5:57 PM
      the district. The space, numbers of teachers, and the extra costs will not be adequate enough
      to sustain a quality educational experiencence.

130   A one size fits all policy Each town is different                                                   6/23/2020 5:16 PM

131   spreading this disease ,deadliness to older,                                                        6/23/2020 5:16 PM

132   Students and staff feeling safe                                                                     6/23/2020 5:08 PM

133   Safety, safety, safety. As we have seen with the opening of college athletic facilities such a      6/23/2020 5:07 PM
      Clemson University football, we have seen what a monumental challenge this will be. Safety of
      athletes as well as their families must be the highest priority.

134   Health and safety of players and coaches.                                                           6/23/2020 4:31 PM

135   Implications of social distancing on students higher risk for athletes where social distancing is   6/23/2020 4:31 PM
      not possible depending on the sport.

136   Starting the season, and working w/ Parents to ensure students are safe.                            6/23/2020 4:01 PM

137   Monitoring symptoms during practices and having several athletes out sick/being unable to           6/23/2020 3:49 PM
      engage in games etc due to this. Even if it’s not Corona Virus, taking the precaution to have all
      athletes with symptoms seen by a doctor.

138   Making sure that all health concerns are covered                                                    6/23/2020 3:44 PM

139   How can we test for COVID-19 on a daily basis. Is it feasible for students to self test before      6/23/2020 3:38 PM
      coming to school each morning. Can athletes self test before practice?

140   Elder staff members and those with compromised immune systems.                                      6/23/2020 3:28 PM

141   How to safely practice social distancing.                                                           6/23/2020 3:27 PM

142   Testing                                                                                             6/23/2020 3:12 PM

143   Budget Constraints, inconsistency among schools in league (some playing, some not)                  6/23/2020 3:01 PM

144   The health and mental well-being of my school's staff and students.                                 6/23/2020 2:55 PM

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145   Parents, Teachers, and Students opting out of whatever rules and protocols are put in place.         6/23/2020 2:48 PM
      Basically, school is on but teachers or students opt not to attend. Sports are on, but coaches or
      officials choose not to participate. I worry that people opting out could severely hamper any
      efforts to have things be normal.

146   A resurgence of the virus and if there becomes cases in the school or on your team, does             6/23/2020 2:42 PM
      everything have to come to a complete halt.

147   If we are going back to school, are we being safe about it                                           6/23/2020 2:35 PM

148   That we would not have a season, which I think based on how things are going would be a              6/23/2020 2:29 PM
      tragedy. I think we are moving in a good direction and although I do not think Covid will just
      disappear I do think the danger has decreased. I think if those that are more at risk remain
      quarantined as they are right now anyways, it would be appropriate to allow others to
      intelligently get back to life.

149   Testing                                                                                              6/23/2020 2:25 PM

150   The extremes we will be asked to go to by the public. Also the financial expectations                6/23/2020 2:23 PM

151   My major concern is that the season will be cancelled and the young men and women in the             6/23/2020 2:15 PM
      MIAA will lose and important part of their academic career. I also hope at risk coaches can skip
      this season if they don’t feel comfortable but have their position on the staff available for them
      next year.

152   Being overly cautious. If we follow the CDC guidelines on personal and and surface cleaning          6/23/2020 2:12 PM
      guidelines, I believe we can have a very normal season.

153   Safety of staff, students. Lack of following guidelines                                              6/23/2020 2:02 PM

154   2nd Spike that causes school facility closures.                                                      6/23/2020 1:51 PM

155   Will students & coaches be safe? Will players be playing sports in mask and is that safe(lack of     6/23/2020 1:42 PM
      oxygen)? What happens when someone has symptoms & test positive? How can you social
      distance while playing sports? Protocols for practice, games, and bus rides?

156   My worry right now is a second wave of COVID-19 cases preventing us from having a 2020-              6/23/2020 1:39 PM
      2021 season. On the other hand I also worry about the obvious potential for players and entire
      teams being exposed while on the field.

157   The health and safety of the players I coach and oversee. With that said, their mental states        6/23/2020 1:37 PM
      should they not be able to play is also part of the "health" component that concerns me.
      Cancelling another season of high school sports is undoubtedly going to have a major negative
      impact on the mental state of our young student athletes and that should be considered when
      thinking about the "health and well being" or our students.

158   That the school system will allow all 1800 students back at one time. This transition needs to       6/23/2020 1:35 PM
      happen systematically.

159   Length of season.                                                                                    6/23/2020 1:29 PM

160   Size of classes, spread of disease, money to make necessary changes.                                 6/23/2020 1:16 PM

161   Effectively avoiding spread to at risk population outside of school.                                 6/23/2020 1:13 PM

162   In terms of teaching, having to be around students in a building that is not well                    6/23/2020 1:10 PM
      ventilated/cleaned. In terms of athletics, having too large a team, transportation issues. I know
      my athletes can likely cover their own transportation, but this may negatively impact some
      districts more than others. Having too large a team to maintain distancing measures is also a

163   All general liabilities.                                                                             6/23/2020 1:09 PM

164   Amount of students in classrooms                                                                     6/23/2020 1:07 PM

165   Keeping social distance property                                                                     6/23/2020 1:06 PM

166   No Sports                                                                                            6/23/2020 1:03 PM

167   Government continuing to overstep their bounds and ruining students' educational experience.         6/23/2020 12:48 PM

168   My biggest concern is that our student athletes will not only be able have a traditional school      6/23/2020 12:23 PM

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      year but also that they will not be able to participate in the sports that they love and that keep
      them engaged in their academics.

169   What happens when an athlete tests positive                                                          6/23/2020 12:16 PM

170   Student-athletes adhering to strict safety measures.                                                 6/23/2020 12:13 PM

171   I believe sports are needed to Help with mental and physical health for student Athletes and my      6/23/2020 11:57 AM
      concern is that if there is no in person learning in the fall sports will also be canceled which I
      believe could be detrimental to the students.

172   Misinformation                                                                                       6/23/2020 11:49 AM

173   No sports.                                                                                           6/23/2020 11:43 AM

174   I                                                                                                    6/23/2020 11:32 AM

175   promoting and maintaining safety and good health for all                                             6/23/2020 11:32 AM

176   Losing another season.                                                                               6/23/2020 11:31 AM

177   Viral transmission                                                                                   6/23/2020 11:28 AM

178   That student athletes will not be able to play sports                                                6/23/2020 11:23 AM

179   safety of students, coaches, officials, fans                                                         6/23/2020 11:14 AM

180   Safe training and safe competition                                                                   6/23/2020 11:13 AM

181   That all students, faculty and staff are able to return to school in a safe environment in which     6/23/2020 11:05 AM
      learning can take place.

182   Overreaction by state officials. Having 30% of your school population in the building is an          6/23/2020 11:02 AM
      impossibiliy for families. COVID secific concers are the precautions needed and PPE

183   Ability of teachers and students to social distance in the school building, considering              6/23/2020 11:02 AM
      teacher/student ratio and size of classrooms, hallways, bathrooms

184   having enough space in classrooms to teach safely, students following protocol, ability to have      6/23/2020 10:57 AM

185   Spread of the virus and possible increase in the fall.                                               6/23/2020 10:56 AM

186   Ability to return to athletics and extracurricula                                                    6/23/2020 10:50 AM

187   Our ability to keep young elementary children safe.                                                  6/23/2020 10:49 AM

188   Social distancing is not possible in a classroom or in soccer                                        6/23/2020 10:46 AM

189   My greatest concern is losing students because maybe their parents do not when them in               6/23/2020 10:43 AM
      school because of COVID.

190   Class size (which translates also as "team size") and the ability to keep students practicing        6/23/2020 10:35 AM
      social distance both in class, the building, locker rooms, fields...

191   Kids losing motivation if remote learning continues—or even if it doesn’t— and they have no          6/23/2020 10:34 AM
      outlet through other activities like clubs and sports.

192   The safety of students, players and the adults who work with them.                                   6/23/2020 10:33 AM

193   Equality                                                                                             6/23/2020 10:33 AM

194   Outbreak                                                                                             6/23/2020 10:29 AM

195   Second wave. Inability to properly prepare and run practices throughout season. Rushing back         6/23/2020 10:28 AM
      and doing things wrong.

196   My main concern is the students social, emotional health.                                            6/23/2020 10:23 AM

197   limited or no sports would be catastrophic to our student athlete's growth and well being            6/23/2020 10:14 AM

198   Getting all students engaged in learning while also having expectations for students                 6/23/2020 10:12 AM

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199   I fear that parents will not trust the safety precautions put in place and keep their kids home to    6/23/2020 10:11 AM
      school. It's such a disservice to the students.

200   Student spacing requirements                                                                          6/23/2020 10:06 AM

201   One of my athletes or coaches contracting the virus and the impact that would have on our             6/23/2020 10:03 AM
      school community.

202   Waiting too long to make a decision and having everyone hanging around/unclear on what is             6/23/2020 10:02 AM

203   We have a large school with many students. How are we going to be able to practice social             6/23/2020 10:00 AM
      distancing with the number of students in the building?

204   Losing Sports.                                                                                        6/23/2020 9:59 AM

205   If students are not all in the building on the same day how do we conduct practices and games?        6/23/2020 9:59 AM

206   Negative mental health effects that remote learning and social distancing has caused our              6/23/2020 9:58 AM
      student athletes.

207   Due to a spike in cases, learning will be done remotely and there will be no athletics.               6/23/2020 9:56 AM

208   Overall safety of students; ability to keep schools sanitized.                                        6/23/2020 9:53 AM

209   I am concerned that administration will cancel extra curricular activities                            6/23/2020 9:53 AM

210   Lack of sports. Lack of classroom academics. Unrealistic rules in place that make it impossible       6/23/2020 9:50 AM
      to teach kids how to play or make them not want to play.

211   Not having a season.                                                                                  6/23/2020 9:50 AM

212   Student learning and team bonding experiences                                                         6/23/2020 9:49 AM

213   I am concerned about how students and staff will be able to socially distance themselves from         6/23/2020 9:49 AM
      each other.

214   My greatest concern is that if you expect the players to play with a mask on their ability to         6/23/2020 9:47 AM
      breathe will be greatly inhibited.

215   trying to keep my athletes at a safe social distance while playing volleyball and keeping a           6/23/2020 9:45 AM
      program of 60 engaged when groups of 10-12 have to remain separated during workouts, all
      individual skills-no scrimmages or game play. Also, how are athletics going to even work if
      schools are all remote?

216   Presenting a cohesive curriculum                                                                      6/23/2020 9:45 AM

217   The opposition by parents to have students wear masks. This does not take into account others         6/23/2020 9:42 AM
      around the children and the effects it has on them.

218   The impact it will have on seniors.                                                                   6/23/2020 9:41 AM

219   Safety of players, sanitation for each player                                                         6/23/2020 9:38 AM

220   My greatest concern is that I don't know how schools will be able to fund the large amount of         6/23/2020 9:36 AM
      cleaning that will need to happen. Also, for sports, the amount of people on busses.

221   Being able to follow guidelines safely                                                                6/23/2020 9:36 AM

222   The health and safety of older teachers and coaches.                                                  6/23/2020 9:33 AM

223   My greatest concern is taking school and athletics away from these kids, especially since they        6/23/2020 9:32 AM
      face very little risk of serious illness. We will be doing far more harm to their mental well being
      by stripping them of their childhood. Let the kids play

224   Closing again after reopening.                                                                        6/23/2020 9:32 AM

225   Kids access to getting to school to attend practice if they’re still remote learning. They depend     6/23/2020 9:19 AM
      on getting to school by bus if their parents are working.

226   Being able to reopen schools so students and families are protected.                                  6/23/2020 9:18 AM

227   Not having the capacity to test often enough that would detect asymptomatic positive infections.      6/23/2020 9:17 AM

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228   Students not being in the classrooms during the day. This is negatively impact students in our              6/23/2020 9:16 AM
      school. Issues with technology and internet availability hurt our students this spring and that
      could carry over in the fall. The social emotional well-being of our students is also a priority.
      Having some normalcy back in their lives will help. While the transition will be difficult at first, it's
      a need that is being overlooked during this pandemic.

229   Funding for required changes to meet guidelines.                                                            6/23/2020 9:16 AM

230   Loss of extra- curricular opportunities for students. Loss of teaching and learning during remote           6/23/2020 9:13 AM

231   we are alarge school of over 2600 students. I feel the regulations are going to make it difficult to        6/23/2020 9:12 AM
      follow ona daily basis with students in the hall during passing period.

232   balancing students' mental health with their physical safety                                                6/23/2020 9:04 AM

233   Not having sports when this does not affect healthy young student-athletes, The mental toll is              6/23/2020 8:52 AM
      so much greater if you take that away from kids who have worked so hard and all the critical
      lives lessons they get from sports.

234   Practicality. Social distancing                                                                             6/23/2020 8:41 AM

235   Another large outbreak of the virus once school reopens                                                     6/23/2020 8:33 AM

236   Kids need to attend school in person and play sports.                                                       6/23/2020 8:30 AM

237   Certain outdoor sports in the fall seem safer than others. Golf and cross country seem to be the            6/23/2020 8:16 AM
      least likely to transmit Covid-19 while others like soccer, football, cheerleading seem more likely
      to transmit the virus.

238   childcare                                                                                                   6/23/2020 8:09 AM

239   Maintaining the safety of our student-athletes and coaches. Opening of school and then a                    6/23/2020 7:57 AM
      resurgence of the virus and a shutdown occurs.

240   How will the school meet the requirements to have students and staff in the building?                       6/23/2020 7:53 AM

241   Over reaction. Mask wearing                                                                                 6/23/2020 7:52 AM

242   cancellation of a second season                                                                             6/23/2020 7:52 AM

243   Balance of safety and mental/physical need for exercise. Both are incredibly important and it is            6/23/2020 7:46 AM
      easy for both sides to dig in and not find a middle ground

244   Student Athletes and those people helping them get the virus. Until a wellness management                   6/23/2020 7:44 AM
      plan is established I do not think we can be certain the virus is benign to all involved in athletics.

245   School district purchasing PPE's                                                                            6/23/2020 7:38 AM

246   Whether or not we will return to school.                                                                    6/23/2020 7:37 AM

247   How to maintain safe distancing                                                                             6/23/2020 7:23 AM

248   Massachusetts Public Health                                                                                 6/23/2020 7:16 AM

249   The remote learning model is not effective for teaching all students. We need to be back in                 6/23/2020 7:12 AM
      school but making smart decisions.

250   Getting sick or someone in my family esp my baby                                                            6/23/2020 7:11 AM

251   Keeping students, teachers and school staff safe.                                                           6/23/2020 7:02 AM

252   No sports                                                                                                   6/23/2020 7:02 AM

253   Ability to make the school year feel somewhat normal. Hopefully have athletics but those feel               6/23/2020 6:14 AM
      like a long shot. If anything, try to have spring sports since those athletes lost last year too.

254   Equality for all players despite different situations and family comfort levels                             6/23/2020 4:58 AM

255   Overreaction!                                                                                               6/23/2020 4:05 AM

256   Not having the Fall season because of the Second Wave of COVID-19                                           6/23/2020 1:26 AM

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257   Safety- keeping the players from spreading it back into the households of family members with    6/23/2020 1:19 AM
      high risks

258   That a plan that is not realistic will be adopted and then once it fails, we will scramble to    6/22/2020 11:45 PM
      reimagine schools with minimal time to plan.

259   The CDC parameters are so restrictive they will be cost prohibitive and just functionally        6/22/2020 11:33 PM
      impossible for any school to open

260   How to keep everyone safe and healthy                                                            6/22/2020 11:27 PM

261   Busing and social distancing. Sound like at best a modified class with students alternating      6/22/2020 11:16 PM
      remote learning and attending school.

262   The second waive will be worse than the first in terms of the volume of people effected.         6/22/2020 10:56 PM

263   Ability to social distance; surge in cases during the fall; team travel.                         6/22/2020 10:48 PM

264   Not enough support for coaches and inequitable allocation of resources/space.                    6/22/2020 10:47 PM

265   Lack of choice. Let families and coaches make the choice to play and follow CDC guidelines.      6/22/2020 10:45 PM
      People will always take care of their health and their families.

266   Lack of testing everyone                                                                         6/22/2020 10:42 PM

267   My greatest concern would be that our fall sports would not be allowed to take place.            6/22/2020 10:40 PM

268   Not applicable                                                                                   6/22/2020 10:37 PM

269   A second or third wave of COVID-19 disrupting the school year and athletic year.                 6/22/2020 10:35 PM

270   That there won’t be a season. I’m hoping for any accommodations/modifications for each sport     6/22/2020 10:29 PM
      to be put in place so the season can safely take place!

271   Quarantine measures if a team member tests positive.                                             6/22/2020 10:28 PM

272   I want an early decision about my sport (volleyball) so that my players know one way or the      6/22/2020 10:15 PM

273   Social Distancing                                                                                6/22/2020 10:09 PM

274   Athletics, particularly around sports deemed 'contact'.                                          6/22/2020 10:07 PM

275   Childcare                                                                                        6/22/2020 9:49 PM

276   My greatest concern is the state canceling sports, which I feel would be an overreaction and     6/22/2020 9:48 PM

277   Distancing and effective in class activity                                                       6/22/2020 9:43 PM

278   Transportation, and restrictions                                                                 6/22/2020 9:41 PM

279   Not being able to let the kids compete!                                                          6/22/2020 9:38 PM

280   Season being played                                                                              6/22/2020 9:27 PM

281   lockwe ooms and busses                                                                           6/22/2020 9:21 PM

282   Students being in school, learning face-to-face.                                                 6/22/2020 9:16 PM

283   Budget and accommodations for all students                                                       6/22/2020 9:16 PM

284   That we will have to shut down again.                                                            6/22/2020 9:10 PM

285   What will the protocol be for positive cases on a team and in a school? Will they be             6/22/2020 9:08 PM
      disqualified? Is there a number of cases that quantifies for a whole team shut down? Can we
      just start screening for fevers?

286   What would happen if the virus re-emerged in the population-plan to deal with it and trying to   6/22/2020 9:08 PM
      keep the sport in action.

287   Contamination of student athletes, coaches, school staff, and their families.                    6/22/2020 9:07 PM

288   Overreacting to positive cases                                                                   6/22/2020 9:06 PM

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289   Lack of games due to cancellations                                                                     6/22/2020 8:55 PM

290   Schools adapting to Covid-19 and CDC requirements as well as sports being able restart if              6/22/2020 8:48 PM
      there is a possible second wave.

291   Ability to social distance while practicing and competing.                                             6/22/2020 8:44 PM

292   how to implement health plans to keep student - athletes and coaches safe.                             6/22/2020 8:43 PM

293   An athlete getting COVID-19                                                                            6/22/2020 8:41 PM

294   Keeping everyone at safe distances and having people come to school who are sick.                      6/22/2020 8:41 PM

295   Keeping people safe. How can we social distance and have our kids play sports. I can see Golf          6/22/2020 8:37 PM
      and Cross Country. I can not see football, soccer, field hockey or volleyball being above to
      social distance during their sport. How can we transport our athletes to games?

296   Practice and game schedules and transportation to away games.                                          6/22/2020 8:35 PM

297   student health                                                                                         6/22/2020 8:30 PM

298   My greatest concern is that athletic opportunities will be limited. Our school adapted well to         6/22/2020 8:29 PM
      remote learning this spring, but athletics and other extracurricular activities are crucial to the
      mission of our school.

299   Safety of student athletes, officials and families                                                     6/22/2020 8:27 PM

300   Money and space                                                                                        6/22/2020 8:18 PM

301   Safety of students and faculty in a building with poor air quality; windows do not open and the        6/22/2020 8:18 PM
      MA Dept of Health Indoor Air Quality Report has raised a lot of questions that need to be

302   That sports will not happen. It will be a disaster for another season to get cancelled. The mental     6/22/2020 8:09 PM
      health toll on athletes will be worse than the covid virus itself. This needs to be a major priority
      for the MIAA.

303   How to run practices, safety protocols and procedures                                                  6/22/2020 8:08 PM

304   not having a season                                                                                    6/22/2020 8:02 PM

305   Not being able to open up the school. These Children need to get back to school safely                 6/22/2020 7:58 PM

306   Getting the virus and passing it on to older people                                                    6/22/2020 7:55 PM

307   Social distancing and wearing masks being consistently followed.                                       6/22/2020 7:54 PM

308   1)Bus Rides to away games 2)What happens if we have a positive test in school or team. Is              6/22/2020 7:52 PM
      rest of season forfeited?

309   Loss of daily life for our students.                                                                   6/22/2020 7:48 PM

310   Transportation, kids not following guidelines                                                          6/22/2020 7:37 PM

311   School will be remote again. No basketball season.                                                     6/22/2020 7:37 PM

312   I am concerned about potential strains on working families, including my own. With the current         6/22/2020 7:33 PM
      discussions of part time school and part time home learning, I am concerned about childcare
      and remote learning.

313   A return to remote learning and no fall sports even with restrictions and safety protocol.             6/22/2020 7:31 PM

314   How we do sports if we have partial number of students allowed to go to school?                        6/22/2020 7:29 PM

315   My greatest concern is an over reaction by officials making decisions, Im a wrestling coach and        6/22/2020 7:27 PM
      The COVID19 issue is serious but i believe its been exaggerated, If you consider the
      THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of people that have had it but are not officially recorded
      because they were asymptomatic, the number of people seriously ill or die are less than 1%
      plus they had underlying health issues, NOT ONE HS kid that had no underlying issues has
      been affected.

316   Some schools have remote learning involved and others don’t and would the school even let us           6/22/2020 7:22 PM
      have a season

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317   travel                                                                                             6/22/2020 7:20 PM

318   Wearing a mask for 9 hours a day. Also proper hydration for the kids during the day. If a kid or   6/22/2020 7:19 PM
      staff contract Covid losing games.

319   None                                                                                               6/22/2020 7:16 PM

320   Students and teachers dying.                                                                       6/22/2020 7:14 PM

321   Classroom availabilty, faculty availabilty, transportation, daycare for parents, facilities        6/22/2020 7:10 PM

322   The challenge of a potential rotating schedule (school vs. remote) and securing adequate           6/22/2020 7:09 PM
      childcare on such a schedule while teaching and coaching.

323   Time to get players prepared                                                                       6/22/2020 7:09 PM

324   The possibility of a second wave is a real concern                                                 6/22/2020 7:07 PM

325   The fear of the unknown condition of the virus. The information is still very vague with no        6/22/2020 7:02 PM
      specific indication on what is right or wrong. Information has c

326   giving the kids enough practice and play without a resurgence of covid                             6/22/2020 7:01 PM

327   Contact sports and social distancing are mutually exclusive terms. We can't do both and that       6/22/2020 7:00 PM
      worries me as football coach.

328   Just kids or adults nit know they are sick and coming to school.                                   6/22/2020 7:00 PM

329   Kids need to get back to a normal routine. School with sports and all other activities.            6/22/2020 6:53 PM

330   Cancellation of athletics and other extra curricular activities.                                   6/22/2020 6:51 PM

331   Start up then have to stop again.                                                                  6/22/2020 6:43 PM

332   To many regulations                                                                                6/22/2020 6:39 PM

333   I don't have confidence in school administration.                                                  6/22/2020 6:38 PM

334   Not having Interscholastic athletics                                                               6/22/2020 6:37 PM

335   Social distance                                                                                    6/22/2020 6:36 PM

336   That we must social distance in the classroom and our sport requires close contact with one        6/22/2020 6:35 PM

337   Not having sports starting in the fall.                                                            6/22/2020 6:33 PM

338   Not being able to have sports                                                                      6/22/2020 6:33 PM

339   I am worried about student athletes being able to social distance both in the classroom and on     6/22/2020 6:30 PM
      the field. Transportation is also a concern.

340   Concerned that we can't play football                                                              6/22/2020 6:28 PM

341   The ability to safely have school with hundreds of students in an enclosed space.                  6/22/2020 6:21 PM

342   Irrational fear                                                                                    6/22/2020 6:14 PM

343   Not being able to return to in person teaching, and not having our regular sports' seasons.        6/22/2020 6:12 PM

344   That athletics will resume in the fall.                                                            6/22/2020 6:12 PM

345   As a asthmatic I’m worried I could catch it. I am also worried that we may have to do distance     6/22/2020 6:10 PM
      learning again, as well as my sport ‘Wrestling “ being canceled. I thought it was sad that the
      spring season was canceled, some kids invest a lot into their sport and to not be able to have a
      shot at winning a state championship your senior year is a horrible thing,not even being able to
      compete at all is a tragedy in its self.

346   That athletes will miss another season of sports                                                   6/22/2020 6:01 PM

347   Not knowing a player on a team we just played has covid-19                                         6/22/2020 5:52 PM

348   Preparation for when infection rates spike during the winter.                                      6/22/2020 5:48 PM

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349   A second outbreak                                                                                       6/22/2020 5:46 PM

350   If a school regresses in phases due to an athlete, member of the student body or faculty testing        6/22/2020 5:46 PM

351   Proximity and percentage of school that can be present at a time. Bussing capacity Ability to           6/22/2020 5:42 PM
      actually engage in physical contact sports

352   Bus transportation, social distance guidelines for on-field players, quarantine rules for players       6/22/2020 5:40 PM
      and staff, and proper PPE for players and staff

353   obviously spreading any type of virus is a natural concern, but I also think the FEAR factor            6/22/2020 5:39 PM
      makes people a bit crazy. My sport is volleyball so we are the only indoor sport in the Fall and I
      am concerned that our sport will be drastically changed due to restrictions.

354   Being over cautious                                                                                     6/22/2020 5:37 PM

355   I am concerned with students not following social distancing, mask-wearing, and hygiene                 6/22/2020 5:36 PM
      policies which could lead to spikes in Covid-19 transmission.

356   Transportation and Locker Room hygiene, in addition to a sport like football and the athlete            6/22/2020 5:34 PM
      proximity on the offensive and defensive line. Other sports less concerns.

357   Keeping faculty and older staff safe                                                                    6/22/2020 5:31 PM

358   Over reaction to one case. Students will test positive, need to have a comprehensive plan in            6/22/2020 5:29 PM
      place as to how this is handled. We can't just shut everything down due to one case.

359   Having to wear masks while playing soccer                                                               6/22/2020 5:28 PM

360   Limiting the anxiety both students and staff will have about returning to school.                       6/22/2020 5:28 PM

361   Masks being worn all day, bussing                                                                       6/22/2020 5:28 PM

362   significant physical contact and not knowing status of student athletes                                 6/22/2020 5:27 PM

363   Equpiment sanititation, social distancing, mask wearing guidelines                                      6/22/2020 5:25 PM

364   Schools will not be in person. We will do distance learning only                                        6/22/2020 5:24 PM

365   The entire scope of the Mental Health of the students entrusted to our care. My most salient            6/22/2020 5:23 PM
      concern is the prospective adverse and long-term impact that an inordinate amount of distance-
      learning, in conjunction with the possibility of minimal or no extra-curricular activities, will have
      upon our students health, development and overall well-being. I sincerely maintain it's a topic
      and issue that is not receiving nearly the attention, discussion and deliberation which it

366   Student health and well being. Keeping perspective that no degree of elevated risk is                   6/22/2020 5:22 PM
      acceptable if preventable.

367   Students that attend school and stay academically vested due to athletics, who without athletics        6/22/2020 5:19 PM
      and being required to remote learn for even a portion of another school year may regress or
      worse yet drop out of school. This along just the mental well-being of all students who are
      missing out on the social interaction of school. Add on top of that no matter how big or small the
      school there are students that school is a place for them to get away from maybe worse
      situations at home.

368   Ability of students and families to manage a hybrid schedule.                                           6/22/2020 5:18 PM

369   Impact of distant/virtual learning on student/athletes                                                  6/22/2020 5:18 PM

370   Overreaction. If schools are not able to safely open for face-to-face instruction, that does not        6/22/2020 5:17 PM
      necessarily mean it will be unsafe to play sports.

371   If there are limitations on the number of students allowed in a room, there may be perceived            6/22/2020 5:16 PM
      staffing shortages

372   Hybid model limited number of students in school at any one time                                        6/22/2020 5:16 PM

373   Students not having a sense of normalcy and sports not being able to happen.                            6/22/2020 5:14 PM

374   Having very little information to appropriately plan for the best/safe outcomes for students as         6/22/2020 5:14 PM

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      both a coach and a teacher

375   Locker room distances but shouldn't be an issue. That is all.                                           6/22/2020 5:13 PM

376   That In-person school will be interrupted at various junctures and superintendents will cancel          6/22/2020 5:13 PM
      athletics. “No in-person, no play.”

377   Return to play                                                                                          6/22/2020 5:09 PM

378   My greatest concern is a high lack of student engagement in academics if there is not extra             6/22/2020 5:08 PM
      curricular activities to help keep students engaged.

379   I believe that when properly understood, Covid-19 should be seen as a big threat to a very              6/22/2020 5:06 PM
      small % of our population, and a small threat to the overwhelming majority.

380   I am concerned that I will catch the virus. I am also concerned that if we do not return to some        6/22/2020 5:06 PM
      sort of normal it will become increasingly more difficult for us to ever feel as though it is safe to

381   Students who are themselves a high risk individual, students who have family members in their           6/22/2020 5:05 PM
      households who have high risk individuals, and faculty members who are themselves high risk
      or live with people who are high risk. Exposure is exposure, and we should be providing
      students and teachers the opportunity to CHOOSE virtual if that's what suits their needs. A
      hybrid isn't a compromise, because these individuals should not be exposing themselves to
      others, period.

382   If/when some kids test positive, will we automatically shut down for good again? Will there be          6/22/2020 5:04 PM
      options to go to remote for 2 weeks instead, etc.

383   Not being afforded an opportunity to administer athletics within appropriate guidelines ensuring        6/22/2020 5:03 PM
      safety for students and staff

384   Social distancing in the classroom                                                                      6/22/2020 5:02 PM

385   In regards to athletics, the cancellation of entire seasons after already losing out on spring          6/22/2020 5:01 PM

386   How to keep everyone safe - social distancing with teens is very very difficult. Keeping athletes       6/22/2020 4:59 PM
      safe in the locker room and on the bus to and from competition

387   Safety of students and teachers in close settings                                                       6/22/2020 4:58 PM

388   Safety of students and an outbreak/uptick in spread of COVID-19                                         6/22/2020 4:58 PM

389   Limiting contact during transportation and locker rooms. Equity if some students are doing at-          6/22/2020 4:57 PM
      home learning. If school is not in normal session without restrictions I do not see how sports
      can resume safely.

390   Older teacher should be placed in a safe place                                                          6/22/2020 4:56 PM

391   Too many restrictions that make education and activities impossible to run.                             6/22/2020 4:54 PM

392   I have no concerns                                                                                      6/22/2020 4:51 PM

393   My greatest concern is not getting kids back in school and back on the athletic fields.                 6/22/2020 4:51 PM

394   Transportation to contests                                                                              6/22/2020 4:50 PM

395   lack of face to face interaction                                                                        6/22/2020 4:48 PM

396   Safety of the lives of family members who are older and adults who are at risk                          6/22/2020 4:48 PM

397   No concern. Young people are not in danger                                                              6/22/2020 4:46 PM

398   That Berkshire County schools will be under same restrictions/Rules as Boston/Worcester                 6/22/2020 4:45 PM
      Counties as related to Covid.

399   Restricting class sizes to ten                                                                          6/22/2020 4:45 PM

400   Getting clear and consistent guidelines from an authoritative source that everyone follows.             6/22/2020 4:45 PM

401   Our Students not having the CHOICE to come back to school and Athletics                                 6/22/2020 4:45 PM

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402   My greatest concern is that students will not have a proper educational for formation               6/22/2020 4:44 PM
      experience. I think since COVID does not impact students to a great degree (not deaths in MA
      to anyone under the age of 20), that teachers are most at risk. I think we should be figuring out
      ways to protect teachers, but let kids get back to normalcy as much as possible

403   cancelation of fall sports                                                                          6/22/2020 4:43 PM

404   Health and well being of students and staff.                                                        6/22/2020 4:42 PM

405   None, I think with the correct safety measures there is not reason we can’t have outdoor sports     6/22/2020 4:40 PM

406   how do we deal with an athlete who tests positive                                                   6/22/2020 4:39 PM

407   I do not have any concerns. The state, country, and world knew by mid April that it was elderly     6/22/2020 4:39 PM
      people 65+ with underlying health conditions that were the most vulnerable. The very notion
      that there is concern and possibly adjustments to school environments, seasons, activities -
      catering to the segment of the population least likely to have any ill effects from the COVID-19
      virus is unacceptable.

408   That we will have outbreaks in some schools.                                                        6/22/2020 4:39 PM

409   We have no idea what the DESE parameters are at this point and how they will impact                 6/22/2020 4:37 PM
      decisions made about sports.

410   The mental, social well being of the students. They need sports.                                    6/22/2020 4:37 PM

411   Consistent guidance from the all necessary parties, ie CDC, DESE, MIAA, NHFS etc                    6/22/2020 4:35 PM

412   Transportation that follows the CDC guidelines                                                      6/22/2020 4:35 PM

413   Greatest concern for older teachers and those with compromised immune systems.                      6/22/2020 4:34 PM

414   Kids not having sports as an outlet                                                                 6/22/2020 4:34 PM

415   Students still being in some type of remote learning. Locker room and bussing to away games if      6/22/2020 4:34 PM
      students are in school.

416   Starting and stopping seasons                                                                       6/22/2020 4:33 PM

417   Infection of players or coaches, up to and including fatality, prior to development of a vaccine    6/22/2020 4:32 PM

418   Students missing crucial academic and social development                                            6/22/2020 4:31 PM

419   I coach soccer so just making sure contact is watched, and cleaning of soccer balls                 6/22/2020 4:30 PM

420   Completing the season.                                                                              6/22/2020 4:30 PM

421   Getting kids back at school in front of a teacher.                                                  6/22/2020 4:30 PM

422   Health of family members of student athletes.                                                       6/22/2020 4:28 PM

423   For it to be safe for the student athletes                                                          6/22/2020 4:27 PM

424   Illness outbreaks                                                                                   6/22/2020 4:26 PM

425   The kids having to wear masks. The kids not being able to play sports.                              6/22/2020 4:26 PM

426   Keeping students/teachers/coaches safe                                                              6/22/2020 4:25 PM

427   Not having a fall season                                                                            6/22/2020 4:25 PM

428   Not having a fall season.                                                                           6/22/2020 4:25 PM

429   Bussing of students.                                                                                6/22/2020 4:25 PM

430   School starts up in September only for the schools to close again after a month or two.             6/22/2020 4:24 PM

431   As a teacher, my greatest concern is that some students will not return to school right away        6/22/2020 4:22 PM
      because they or someone they live with is at heightened risk. Educating the bulk of the student
      population in-person while observing the necessary procedural modifications and precautions
      will be one monumental task. Providing remote methods for a smaller fraction of the student
      population will be a second monumental task. Its not obvious to me that we can do both
      simultaneously with any reasonable degree of adequacy. As a coach, my greatest concern is

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      the need for sport-specific conversations and solutions. I happen to be coaching a sport (cross
      country) with a very atypical format. We don't have a lot of physical contact between athletes.
      We don't have balls or sticks or other equipment or surfaces that are exchanged between
      athletes. We are not confined to a field and can literally be spread out over miles of trails for
      significant portions of a typical practice. These are advantages. But we also have some sport-
      specific disadvantages. For one we don't have a cap on the team size and our program
      happens to be quite large. Cross Country also has two distinct types of competition (dual meets
      and invitationals) and while dual meets are smaller and more manageable, invitationals in
      particular would require a very thoughtful approach. I think there are a lot of potential solutions
      to some of our problems, but they aren't the same solutions you're going to come up with for a
      soccer team. There is a need to assess the problem in a sport-specific way.

432   Lack of vaccine, testing and the chance of another spike.                                             6/22/2020 4:22 PM

433   That all activities (sports and academic) that require people to be closer than 6 feet will be        6/22/2020 4:22 PM
      either canceled or significantly changed.

434   Loss of seasons for individuals that can’t be made up- with particular focus on the graduating        6/22/2020 4:22 PM
      class of 2021, who could lose a full year plus of their athletic experiences

435   Concern is not having a regular/normal season(s). This is just silly at this point and people         6/22/2020 4:20 PM
      should take risk at their choice.

436   Creating Social Distancing in a highly populated school.                                              6/22/2020 4:20 PM

437   For coaching, I’m worried about locker rooms and pool ventilation. Indoor pools haven’t opened        6/22/2020 4:18 PM
      yet, so we don’t know how protocols will work, but can I have 50 swimmers in a practice? 120
      at a dual meet? All sharing one toilet in the locker room?

438   Social Distancing                                                                                     6/22/2020 4:16 PM

439   Catching the virus                                                                                    6/22/2020 4:15 PM

440   Having another missed athletic season                                                                 6/22/2020 4:15 PM

441   The impact of a season if a player or coach gets sick because they played/coached.                    6/22/2020 4:14 PM

442   Lack of truthful information from the national government.                                            6/22/2020 4:14 PM

443   Students, athletes, teachers and other school personnel transferring the disease.                     6/22/2020 4:13 PM

444   No season                                                                                             6/22/2020 4:13 PM

445   Keeping students healthy and safe while operating in a framework that would make it                   6/22/2020 4:12 PM
      impossible to safely prepare for the sports season.

446   I’m believe return to play should be extended until the spring... one full year at minimum.           6/22/2020 4:12 PM

447   How can we safely abide by the regulations with the number of students we have.                       6/22/2020 4:12 PM

448   People’s anxiety about the topic                                                                      6/22/2020 4:11 PM

449   That we destroy the Mental and physical well being of our youth out of fear of the affects Covid      6/22/2020 4:11 PM
      19 has on a small population of people. Not having school or athletic will do irreparable harm to
      a large population of people.

450   Containing the spread, feeling safe                                                                   6/22/2020 4:11 PM

451   Players, coaches, game officials contracting COVID-19 and having disease progress past mild           6/22/2020 4:10 PM

452   With no vaccine in place and so many asymptomatic carriers, the chance for an outbreak                6/22/2020 4:08 PM
      remain very high

453   That we can provide student athletes with the best possible experience. For mental and                6/22/2020 4:08 PM
      physical health, athletics and other extracurricular activities are much needed and we should do
      our best to safely offer these experiences.

454   Transportation                                                                                        6/22/2020 4:07 PM

455   Another sharp increase and spike of the Covid-19 Virus                                                6/22/2020 4:05 PM

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MIAA COVID-19 Task Force Survey

456   As a coach I have no idea how to fulfill my responsibilities and offer my student athletes an         6/22/2020 4:05 PM
      experience that even resembles competitive interscholastic athletics while respecting
      social/physical distancing guidelines. If people are to stay 6 feet apart it renders the entire
      enterprise an exercise in frustration.

457   Starting the year in school and then needed to go back to remote learning                             6/22/2020 4:05 PM

458   Health and safety                                                                                     6/22/2020 4:04 PM

459   Schools not reopening and sports not being able to be played                                          6/22/2020 4:04 PM

460   Restrictions on transportation                                                                        6/22/2020 4:04 PM

461   Balancing work life and home life.                                                                    6/22/2020 4:04 PM

462   The students ability to learn and participate in athletics in a socially distant environment.         6/22/2020 4:04 PM

463   covid                                                                                                 6/22/2020 4:02 PM

464   My biggest concern is the Player’s close physical contact with so many different teams. Players       6/22/2020 4:01 PM
      would be exposed to an extreme amount of people. Soccer is impossible to have social
      distancing especially with competitions and games.

465   it resurfaces and and kids are in school transmitting it to other kids and adults.                    6/22/2020 4:01 PM

466   Remote learning :                                                                                     6/22/2020 4:01 PM

467   Transporting athletes to games, districts relaxing policies to allow transportation by parents        6/22/2020 4:00 PM

468   Health and wellbeing of students, teachers and families.                                              6/22/2020 4:00 PM

469   I’m worried that once in phase 3 of Bakers Phases that numbers will rise                              6/22/2020 4:00 PM

470   In person teaching and athletics                                                                      6/22/2020 4:00 PM

471   A second epidemic                                                                                     6/22/2020 3:59 PM

472   The ability to provide consistent and strong programming in academics and extracurriculars.           6/22/2020 3:59 PM

473   Unable to maintain safety requirements with social distancing, masks, etc.                            6/22/2020 3:59 PM

474   We will have 2600 students on a high school campus built for 1800 maximum capacity. If we             6/22/2020 3:58 PM
      follow the state suggested "week on/week off" model, we will still have 1300 kids in an 1800
      capacity building, which is too many to safely social distance in classrooms.

475   Student athlete and teacher /coach safety                                                             6/22/2020 3:57 PM

476   Providing a safe yet productive school environment                                                    6/22/2020 3:57 PM

477   Covid starting to spread again.                                                                       6/22/2020 3:57 PM

478   A second wave hitting us in the fall                                                                  6/22/2020 3:57 PM

479   greatest concern is that there will not be athletics. I do not know how to answer the next few        6/22/2020 3:57 PM
      questions as the topics are not clear. also i do not know what number district i am in

480   That there will be no sports. The kids need to play.                                                  6/22/2020 3:55 PM

481   Structure and safety of returning to play                                                             6/22/2020 3:55 PM

482   Remote teaching                                                                                       6/22/2020 3:55 PM

483   Making sure enough hand sanitizer and everything stays clean                                          6/22/2020 3:55 PM

484   Everything? The numbers of positives and deaths today are greater than when the state closed          6/22/2020 3:55 PM
      and yet we're moving forward as if it's over. So we're pushing forward just because, but this
      time starting with a larger infected population. Add to that the addition of flu season and this is
      dumber than dumb.

485   Giving students the opportunity to play competitive sports following the health and safety            6/22/2020 3:55 PM
      regulation. Since I am a soccer coach, I have a lot of girls very concerned that they will miss
      their final high school season after having missed the spring season for club. They want to have
      an opportunity to be recruited while also playing out their last competitive season as a senior.

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