COURSE SCHEDULE SPRING 2022 - Waukesha County Technical College

Page created by Victor Spencer
COURSE SCHEDULE SPRING 2022 - Waukesha County Technical College
                      SPRING 2022

Starting and growing a small business is about
combining your courage and dreams with the right
knowledge. The WCTC Small Business Center helps
you acquire that knowledge through a wide variety of
affordable courses, services, events and more.

                                                       Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer/Educator
COURSE SCHEDULE SPRING 2022 - Waukesha County Technical College
SMALL BUSINESS CENTER                                                Course Schedule | Spring 2022

The Small Business Center continues to offer the Small Business Certificate. To receive a certificate you must attend 75%
of all class meetings for each certificate course. There are no prerequisites and courses may be completed in any order.
Certificate recipients are awarded scholarships which essentially makes your education free!
TO APPLY: Once you complete all certificate courses, e-mail Russ Roberts at with your name, student ID
number, address and daytime phone number. Please allow 4-6 weeks for processing.

Small Business Certificate
Complete this certificate to build the educational
foundation you need to successfully start and grow your
own small business! Attend the following eight courses
to obtain the Small Business Certificate, $335
scholarship, FREE chamber membership, and access
to the Micro Seed Fund. We highly recommend that you
begin with a FaSTart Workshop.
*145-445 FaSTart Workshop
*145-400 Organize Business Finances
*145-401 Understanding Business Taxes
*145-404 Business Tax Deductions
*145-460 Business Plan Development
*145-463 Small Business Insurance
*145-472 Law for Business Owners                                      Services
*145-482 Marketing Mastermind
                                                                      Free One-on-One Counseling

Free Chamber Membership                                               Get expert help navigating the complexities of the
                                                                      business world, shortening the learning curve and
The Community Chamber Connection gives small business                 increasing your chances of success!
certificate recipients the opportunity to experience the
benefits of local chamber membership at no cost for one
                                                                      Ask the Experts
year. Recipients should contact participating chambers
to explore membership benefits. See final page of flyer               Access our exclusive network of business professionals
for details!                                                          who have agreed to meet with small business owners
                                                                      at no cost. Discuss topics of interest, get your business-
Limit one free membership per certificate. Non-transferable.
                                                                      related questions answered and walk away with the
Restrictions may apply. Chamber voucher can be redeemed at
                                                                      insight and guidance you need to propel your business
the participating chamber of your choice and will be mailed
                                                                      to the next level! See page 6 for details.
with your certificate.

Micro Seed Fund
Small business certificate recipients are eligible for the            For more information, contact us today at
                                                                      262.695.3468 or visit our website at
Micro Seed Fund which is an unsecured loan up to $5000
payable over a 5-year term at 1% interest per year. Call Russ
Roberts at 262.695.3468 for details.                                  To register for courses, call 262.691.5578 (option 1).

COURSE SCHEDULE SPRING 2022 - Waukesha County Technical College
SMALL BUSINESS CENTER                                                 Course Schedule | Spring 2022

                                                                   SMALL BUSINESS – START-UP BASICS

                                                                   *145-445 FaSTart Workshop
                                                                   R. Roberts

                                                                   Get the step-by-step guidance needed to launch a new
                                                                   venture in this 4-hour informal workshop. Meet other
                                                                   entrepreneurs who are trying to get their small business
                                                                   off the ground and learn the "ropes" from an expert that
                                                                   can answer: What are the differences between LLC’s and
                                                                   Corporations? What licenses and permits are needed?
                                                                   Is a business plan needed? Is financing available?
                                                                   What other resources are available? Every aspiring
                                                                   entrepreneur should attend the basic FaSTart
Registration Information                                           Workshop plus the courses in the Small Business
                                                                   Certificate program.
Beginning November 10, 2021
Online (recommended):                                              CRN     Starts    Ends    Days   Time             Place   Cost

  •   Log into MyWCTC. If you are unable to log in,                20322   01/06     01/06   R      05:30-09:20 pm   Q387    $18.60
      please contact the Service Desk at 262.691.5555.             20323   02/03     02/03   R      05:30-09:20 pm   Q387    $18.60

  •   Select “Register for Classes.”                               20324   03/03     03/03 R        05:30-09:20 pm   Q387    $18.60
                                                                   20325   04/07     04/07   R      05:30-09:20 pm   Q387    $18.60
  •   From the Registration menu, select “Register for
                                                                   20326   05/05     05/05   R      05:30-09:20 pm   Q387    $18.60
  •   Select term and click “Continue.”
  •   Enter the class CRNs on the “Enter CRNs” tab and
      click “Add to Summary.”                                      SMALL BUSINESS – BUSINESS PLANNING
  •   Click “Submit” to complete registration.
Phone: Call 262.691.5578 to register.                              *145-460         Business Plan Development
In Person: Stop by the Enrollment Center on the first              R. Roberts
floor of the College Center to register in person. Bring           A business plan is a comprehensive written document
your registration form.                                            outlining the operational and financial steps critical
Make sure Registration has your current contact information.       to every start-up or established small business. Like
                                                                   a roadmap, a well-written plan helps you determine
Campus Closing                                                     where you are, where you want to go and how you are
Go to or call 262.691.5239. Classes                   going to get there. This course will provide you with
are canceled when the campus is closed due to                      the tools, techniques and expert guidance you need to
inclement weather.                                                 write your own plan, access capital and dramatically
                                                                   increase your odds of business success.
Days of the Week Abbreviations
                                                                   CRN     Starts    Ends    Days   Time             Place   Cost
M Monday      T Tuesday     W Wednesday        R Thursday
                                                                   20328   01/25     02/15   T      05:30-09:20 pm   Q380    $60.90
                                                                   20329   04/05     04/26   T      05:30-09:20 pm   Q380    $60.90

Stay Connected
To receive course schedules, please visit our website at or
email Russ Roberts at with your name and email address.

COURSE SCHEDULE SPRING 2022 - Waukesha County Technical College
SMALL BUSINESS CENTER                                                          Course Schedule | Spring 2022


103-494 QuickBooks Pro Level 1
K. Bue

Explore fundamentals of the QuickBooks software to
manage your business finances. Learn how to setup a new
company, work with lists, process invoices, manage bank
accounts, enter and pay bills, process payments and track
accounts receivable and accounts payable. Students
should be computer literate and comfortable working
in a Windows environment. Upon completion, it is
recommended that students attend 103-495 QuickBooks
Pro Level 2 to explore advanced topics such as managing
payroll, estimates and time tracking, inventory functions,
creating budgets and customizing reports. Text required.

CRN       Starts    Ends     Days    Time               Place   Cost
20313     01/18     02/22    T       06:30-09:20 pm     Q382    $67.95
20314     01/19     02/23    W       01:30-04:20 pm     Q382    $67.95

103-495 QuickBooks Pro Level 2
K. Bue

Expand knowledge of the QuickBooks software by learning
advanced features. Learn to setup and manage payroll,
estimates and time tracking, inventory functions, creating                   *145-400 Organize Business Finances
budgets and customizing reports. Students should be                          K. Bue
computer literate, comfortable working in a Windows                          Learn how to set up your business financial system right
environment and have basic QuickBooks knowledge. It is                       from the start. Establish a system of checks and balances
recommended that students attend 103-494 QuickBooks                          for your business and organize a proper filing system to
Pro Level 1 prior to registering for this class. Text required.              keep your business out of trouble. Understand the terms
                                                                             and procedures of computerized bookkeeping systems
CRN       Starts    Ends     Days    Time               Place   Cost
                                                                             as well as the basics of bookkeeping without being an
20315     03/01     04/05    T       06:30-09:20 pm     Q382    $60.90
20316     03/02     04/06    W       01:30-04:20 pm     Q382    $60.90
- Will not meet spring break week, 3/15/22 & 3/16/22.                        CRN      Starts   Ends    Days   Time             Place   Cost
                                                                             20318    02/14    03/07   M      06:30-09:20 pm   Q369    $46.80

                                                                             *145-401 Understanding Business Taxes
                                                                             K. Bue

                                                                             Designed for anyone in a small business or anticipating
                                                                             starting a small business. Local, state and federal taxes,
                                                                             including payroll taxes, pertaining to small business will
For more information, contact us today at 262.695.3468                       be discussed. Necessary forms and locations of offices
or visit our website at                          for tax information will also be provided.
To register for courses, call 262.691.5578 (option 1).
                                                                             CRN      Starts   Ends    Days   Time             Place   Cost
                                                                             20319    01/20    01/27   R      06:30-09:20 pm   Q369    $25.65

COURSE SCHEDULE SPRING 2022 - Waukesha County Technical College
SMALL BUSINESS CENTER                                                      Course Schedule | Spring 2022

*145-404 Business Tax Deductions                                       *145-472 Law for Business Owners
K. Bue                                                                 J. Klang

Successful entrepreneurs never miss an opportunity to                  Learn about the wide range of important legal issues that
capitalize on business tax deductions they are entitled to.            affect small business owners. Topics include business
The key to maximizing your net profits is to understand                formation, corporations and LLCs, protecting personal
what is a legal deduction and what is not. Learn how to                assets, relations among business partners, negotiating
capture every legal business deduction available to your               and drafting contracts, employee relations, government
small business entity while avoiding the typical mistakes              regulations, negotiating leases, security interests and
that are the downfall of many entrepreneurial ventures...              liens, obtaining and collecting judgments, protecting
and gain the confidence you need to stay compliant with                intellectual property, buying and selling businesses and
these complex governmental regulations.                                many other critical topics.

CRN      Starts   Ends    Days   Time             Place   Cost         CRN        Starts   Ends      Days    Time             Place   Cost
20320    02/03    02/10   R      06:30-09:20 pm   Q369    $25.65       20331      02/09    03/02     W       06:30-09:20 pm   Q369    $46.80


*145-463 Small Business Insurance                                      *145-482 Marketing Mastermind
J. Owens
                                                                       P. Decker
Insurance coverage for a small business is often
                                                                       As a serious micro entrepreneur, you know success hinges
misunderstood or overlooked. Protect your business by
                                                                       on your ability to develop simple marketing/sales strategies
making yourself aware of the various types of insurance
                                                                       that are easy to implement, immediately effective and
needed by your business. These coverages will include
                                                                       designed to help you get clients NOW! Learn how to identify
property, casualty, liability and employee.
                                                                       your niche market, attract clients to your business, charge
CRN      Starts   Ends    Days   Time             Place   Cost         what you are worth, create a website that sells, make
20330    03/24    03/24   R      06:30-09:20 pm   Q369    $18.60       compelling offers, craft your sales story, leverage product/
                                                                       service packaging, create a talk that sells, get speaking
                                                                       gigs, build a rock star team and much more. Take action
                                                                       now and commit to mastering the art and science of simple
                                                                       marketing to take your micro business from start-up to
                                                                       explosive growth!

                                                                       CRN        Starts   Ends      Days    Time             Place   Cost
                                                                       20332      03/09    05/04     W       06:30-09:20 pm   Q365    $89.10
                                                                       - Will not meet spring break week, 3/16/22.

SMALL BUSINESS CENTER                                                                    Course Schedule | Spring 2022

Ask The Experts
Access our exclusive network of community-oriented professionals who have agreed to meet with start-up, emerging
and established small business owners to discuss topics of interest and answer business-related questions. No sales
pitches and no vague answers. The concept is simple and we have one goal in mind to provide you with the insight and
guidance you need to propel your business to the next level.
Users of this service accept sole responsibility for completing due diligence before engaging any for-profit professional or following any advice.

Accountant/CPA                                                                     Marketing/Sales
Angie Koput, 262.542.6300,                                  Paul Decker, 414.745.3919,
  EAB Accounting, Waukesha                                                           Renegade Thinking Group, Hartland                                                       Rhonda Noordyk, 262.993.2921,
Vicky Dargis, 414.962.7651,                                     The Women’s Financial Wellness Center, New Berlin
  The Dargis Company, Milwaukee                                            

Attorney                                                                           Judi Murphy, 262-853-8934,
Todd Goodwin, 262.785.1820,
                                                                                     Murphy Associates, Brookfield
  Schober Schober & Mitchell, SC, New Berlin                                                               Non-Profit
Jeremy Klang, 262.569.8300,                                     Elaine Kroening, 414.510.4214,
  Schober Schober & Mitchell, SC, Oconomowoc                                         Positively Pewaukee, Pewaukee                                                       
                                                                                   Small Business Retirement
Business Planning
                                                                                   Russ Roberts, 262.695.3468,
Russ Roberts, 262.695.3468,
                                                                                     WCTC Small Business, Pewaukee
  WCTC Small Business, Pewaukee
                                                                                   Website Design
Food Start-up/Growth
                                                                                   Shane Fell, 414.502.8796,
Becky Scarberry, 262.352.2111,
                                                                                     LimeGlow Design LLC, Wauwatosa
  Becky’s Blissful Bakery, New Berlin
                                                                                   Kristal Young, 414.325.6976,
Sharon Pavich, 262.408.9831,
                                                                                     Kristal Clear Graphics LLC, Milwaukee
  Sweet P’s Pantry, Oconomowoc

Scott Owens, 262.790.1460,
  American Family Insurance, Brookfield

Sue Gresham, 262.746.5499,
  Innovative Client Solutions, Pewaukee

SMALL BUSINESS CENTER                                            Course Schedule | Spring 2022

Community Chamber Connection
The Community Chamber Connection gives entrepreneurs the opportunity to experience the benefits of chamber of
commerce membership at no cost for one year. The following chambers have agreed to offer a one-year free membership
to WCTC Small Business Certificate recipients. Recipients should contact the participating chambers below to explore
membership benefits. Limit one free membership per certificate. Non-transferable. Restrictions may apply.

Butler Area Chamber of Commerce, 262.781.5195,

City of Waukesha Chamber of Commerce, 262.391.0661,

Delafield Area Chamber of Commerce, 262.646.8100,

Dousman Area Chamber of Commerce, 262.719.0157,

Greater Brookfield Chamber of Commerce, 262.786.1886,

Hartland Chamber of Commerce, 262.367.7059,

Menomonee Falls Chamber of Commerce, Inc., 262.251.2430,

Mukwonago Chamber of Commerce, 262.363.7758,

New Berlin Chamber of Commerce, 414.520.2031,

Oconomowoc Area Chamber of Commerce, 262.567.2666,

Sussex Area Chamber of Commerce, 262.246.4940,

Waukesha County Business Alliance, Inc., 262.542.4249,

800 Main Street, Pewaukee, WI 53072
Russ Roberts,, 262.695.3468
Courtney Davis,, 262.695.3420
9467/21                                                    7
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