Council Tax 2018-19 Inside: How we spend your money Council tax bands Discounts, exemptions and support - Rochdale Borough Council

Council Tax 2018-19 Inside: How we spend your money Council tax bands Discounts, exemptions and support - Rochdale Borough Council
Council Tax 2018-19
• How we spend your money
• Council tax bands
• Discounts, exemptions and support
Council Tax 2018-19 Inside: How we spend your money Council tax bands Discounts, exemptions and support - Rochdale Borough Council
Council tax is a tax on domestic properties. It is collected by local councils and it
helps to pay for services which Rochdale Borough Council provides, such as adult
social care, education, refuse collection and street lighting. Council tax is charged
on all domestic properties, whether they are rented or owned, and whether they
are lived in or not.

This booklet forms part of your 2018/2019 council tax bill. In it, you can find
information and advice, including ways in which you might be able to reduce your
bill. This booklet also provides information and advice about the empty-home
premium. The different sections of this booklet are listed opposite.

          QUICK SAFE           EASY     The quickest and safest way to pay
                                        is Direct Debit. You can reduce your
                                             monthly payment by spreading
                                                    the cost over 12 months.
                                           You can set up a Direct Debit by:
                                             • Registering for MyAccount at
                                • Ringing us on 0300 303 8870 with your
                            council tax reference number and bank details.                                                                         2
Council Tax 2018-19 Inside: How we spend your money Council tax bands Discounts, exemptions and support - Rochdale Borough Council
Council tax facts                                           4
Adult Social Care                                           5
How to pay                                                  5
Unoccupied properties                                       6
Exemptions                                                  7
Discounts                                                   7
Appeals                                                     8
Local council tax support                                   9
Where our funding comes from                                9
How we spend your money                                    10
My Account (online services)                               13
Contact us                                                 14

If you need help understanding this booklet please telephone

   0300 303 8870                                                 3
Council Tax 2018-19 Inside: How we spend your money Council tax bands Discounts, exemptions and support - Rochdale Borough Council
Council tax facts
Council tax is set by Rochdale Borough Council, including a charge for adult social
care. We also collect money on behalf of the Greater Manchester Combined Authority,
although we’re not responsible for running the services they provide. The person who
lives in a property normally pays the council tax, whether they own or rent it.
Properties are given a valuation band based on an estimate of how much the
property would have been worth if it was sold on the open market on 1 April 1991
(not the current value). An officer of the Valuation Office Agency (known as the
listing officer) sets the band. The maximum amount you have to pay is shown
below. You may pay less if you are entitled to a discount, exemption or council tax
support and you can find information about these on pages 6, 7 and 9.

How council tax is calculated
The amount we need to raise from council tax for 2018-2019 is £81.5m. This works out
at £1,763.68 for the average band D property. This includes charges for adult social
care and the services provided by the Greater Manchester Combined Authority.

                                                                   Council tax
                                                                  Council  tax (Band
                                                                               (Band D)
                                                               % change           2018/2019
                        Council                                   3.0            £1,424.44

                   Adult Social Care                              2.0              £96.99
   Mayoral Police and Crime Commissioner Precept                                  £174.30
   Mayoral General Precept (including Fire Services)                               £67.95

                         Total                                   5.5%             £1,763.68

On your council tax bill you will see the increase relating to the council tax quoted at
3.0%, however, the actual increase is 2.99% and therefore is not classed as excessive.

The council tax charge for each valuation band is as follows:
  Valuation          Range of values                             Council tax
    band              (at April 1991)             2017/2018                    2018/2019
      A             Up to £40,000                  £1,114.25                   £1,175.78
      B            £40,001 - £52,000              £1,299.95                    £1,371.75
      C            £52,001 - £68,000              £1,485.66                    £1,567.70
      D            £68,001 - £88,000               £1,671.37                   £1,763.68
      E           £88,001 - £120,000              £2,042.79                    £2,155.60
      F           £120,001 - £160,000             £2,414.20                    £2,547.54
      G           £160,001 - £320,000             £2,785.62                    £2,939.46
      H           More than £320,000              £3,342.74                    £3,527.36                                                                               4
Adult Social Care                           It may not be possible to do this for
                                            2018/2019, but the sooner you contact
The Secretary of State for                  us the more months we can offer.
Communities and Local Government
has made an offer to adult social           Make life easier - pay by
care authorities. (“Adult social care       Direct Debit
authorities” are local authorities which
have functions under Part 1 of the Care     Direct Debit is the simplest, safest
Act 2014, namely county councils in         and easiest way to pay. This is also
England, district councils for an area in   the cheapest way for us to get your
England for which there is no county        payment. Paying by Direct Debit gives
council, London borough councils, the       you lots of options, you can pay:
Common Council of the City of London
and the Council of the Isles of Scilly.)    •   every week on a Friday
                                            •   every two weeks on a Friday
The offer is the option of an adult         •   every four weeks on a Friday
social care authority being able to         •   every month on either the 1st, 9th,
charge an additional “precept” on its           15th, 19th or 25th
council tax for financial years from
the financial year beginning in 2016        Setting up a Direct Debit couldn’t be
without holding a referendum, to assist     easier you can:
the authority in meeting expenditure
on adult social care. Subject to the        • Register for MyAccount at rochdale.
annual approval of the House of     
Commons, the Secretary of State
                                            • Ringing us on 0300 303 8870 with
intends to offer the option of charging
                                              your council tax reference number
this “precept” at an appropriate
                                              and bank details.
level in each financial year up to and
including the financial year 2019-20.       Pay by debit or credit card
Greater Manchester                      
Combined Authority                                and click on ‘Pay your Council Tax’

Every year, some of your council tax              Use our 24 hour automated
bill goes towards funding both the                telephone system 01706 926 180
police and fire services. This year your
bill references the mayor as he is now            Speak to a customer service
responsible for these services. A small           advisor 0300 303 8889
part of your bill (£6.22 for the average
                                            You will need your council tax reference
Band B bill over the course of the year)
is being applied to fund other mayoral      number and your debit or credit card.
responsibilities. This is explained in
detail at www.greatermanchester-ca.
                                            Pay by cash                          At any Post Office or PayPoint outlet
                                            using the barcode printed on your
How to pay your                             new bill.

council tax                                 The Council has recently changed its
                                            bill service provider and this means
You can pay your council tax in twelve      that the barcode you need is different
monthly instalments, instead of ten.        to the barcode on any old bills.                                                                         5
From 1 April 2018 the old barcodes                 • Number One Riverside, Smith
won’t work at either the Post Office or              Street, Rochdale, OL16 1XU
a PayPoint outlet so you need to make
                                                   • Middleton Library, Long Street,
sure you start to use your new bill to
make your payments and take this to                  Middleton, M24 6DU
the Post Office or PayPoint outlet.                • Heywood Library, Lance Corporal
Your new barcode will start with                     Stephen Shaw M C Way,
982652.                                              Heywood, OL10 1LL
This is a free service.
                                               Unoccupied Properties
Pay by Pingit
                                               • If the property is empty and
You can use the Pingit app on your               unfurnished you can receive the
mobile device to send us a payment.              following discounts. These also apply
Simply open the app and scan the QR              to newly built properties after they
code on the front of your bill to make a         are finished as long as the property
quick, easy and secure payment with
                                                 remains empty and unfurnished.
no need to enter your card details.
                                                 • 100% discount for up to one month.
For more information about the Pingit            • 25% discount for up to a further
app you can visit Barclays Bank website              five months.
at                        • After six months, the full council
                                                     tax becomes payable.
What if you’re
                                               • If the property is empty and
struggling to pay?                               unfurnished because it needs
It’s really important that you contact           structural repairs or alterations to
us as soon as you can and we’ll try to           make it fit to live in you can receive
help. We’ll first check your bill is correct     the following discounts.
for your circumstances and change                • 100% discount for up to one month.
it if necessary. We’ll then discuss a            • 25% discount for up to a further
convenient way for you to pay; this                  eleven months.
could be every week, every two weeks,            • After twelve months, the full
every four weeks or monthly. The                     council tax becomes payable.
earlier you contact us, the more options
you might have.                                Empty-home premium
For help and advice about paying your          We will add 50% to council tax bills for
bill or to discuss payment plan options        properties which have been empty and
contact one of our customer service            unfurnished for two years or more.
advisors.                                      This means that you will receive a bill
                                               for 100% of the full charge plus an extra
You can do this by:                            50% charge on top of this.
    to       If your bill shows this premium and
                                               you don’t think it should you must
    to PO Box 490, Rochdale, OL16 9AJ          write to us to tell us why within 21 days
    on 0300 303 8870                           of receiving the bill. We will review
    (8am to 6pm Monday to Friday)              your account and write to tell you our
                                               decision. If you don’t write to us within
    by calling into one of our Customer        21 days of receiving your bill we might
    Service Centres at:                        not be able to review your account.                                                                            6
We introduced this premium to
encourage owners to bring empty
properties back into use. This is in line     If you live on your own and are over 18
with our Empty Property Strategy.             years old you can claim a discount of
The empty-home premium doesn’t                25%. You can also claim a discount of
apply to the following:                       25% or 50% if you live with other people
                                              who are in a group which receives a
• A home which has been left
                                              discount. These groups include:
  empty by a person who lives in
  accommodation provided by the               • people who are under 18 years old.
  Ministry of Defence (for example,
  service personnel posted away               • students, student nurses, apprentices
  from home).                                   and some care workers.
• A home which is part of another             • people in care homes or hospital,
  home (for example, an annexe).                or in prison, or who have a severe
The full council tax charge is payable          learning disability, mental illness or
for properties which are empty and              form of dementia.
furnished or which are a second home.
Exemptions                                    A 50% discount is available for
Sometimes you may not have to pay             properties with self-contained annexes
any council tax. This is known as an          that are occupied by family members.
exemption. Most exemptions only apply         The council tax on the main house
when no-one is living in a property, but      remains unchanged. The discount is
sometimes properties which are lived in       also available to residents of the main
can be exempt.                                property who are using the annexe.
Exemptions for unoccupied properties;         Local Discount
• where the owner or tenant has died          If you are a member of the armed
  and a personal representative or            forces and your property is left empty
  executor is currently responsible for       whilst you are on active service, you will
  the property.                               be entitled to 100% discount.
• where the owner or tenant is in
  prison; is in a residential or nursing      We can also offer discounts to some
  home; has gone to live with someone         foster carers and care leavers. Please
  else either to take care of them or to be   see our website for the conditions and
  taken care of.                              further information.
• which are normally occupied by a
  charity (for the first six months only)     Disability reduction
  or by a religious minister.                 If your property has been specially
• which have been repossessed or              adapted to meet the needs of someone
  where occupation is prohibited by law.      living with you who has a severe
Exemptions also include occupied              disability (for example, doors widened
properties;                                   to make room for a wheelchair, or a
• where all the residents are students.       room set aside for dialysis treatment),
• where all the residents are under           we may be able to reduce your bill.
  18 years old.
• where all the residents are severely
  mentally impaired.                                                                          7
More information                           Appeals about
For more information about discounts,
reductions, exemptions or charges on
                                           who pays
unoccupied properties you can visit our    If you don’t agree that you’re responsible
website at:                                for paying council tax on a property, you
                                           can appeal. Appeals must be made in
  §             writing to the address shown on your bill.
You can also contact one of our customer
service advisors. You can do this:         Appeals about banding
   to    You may appeal against your property
                                           banding where:
   to PO Box 490, Rochdale, OL16 9AJ
   on 0300 303 8870                        • You believe there has been an
   (8am to 6pm Monday to Friday)             increase or reduction in the value of
                                             the property due to building work i.e.
   by calling into one of our Customer       demolition or converting the
   Service Centres at:                       property from houses to flats.
   • Number One Riverside, Smith           • You start or stop using part of your
     Street, Rochdale, OL16 1XU              property to carry out a business.
   • Middleton Library, Long Street,
                                           • Physical changes in the locality
     Middleton, M24 6DU
                                             affect value, or within six months of
   • Heywood Library, Lance Corporal         the following: a band change to your
     Stephen Shaw M C Way,                   property made by the Valuation
     Heywood, OL10 1LL                       Office; a band change made to a
                                             similar property to yours has been
                                             made by a tribunal; you have become
Fraud                                        a taxpayer at the property in the last
                                             six months and the previous occupier
We investigate all allegations of fraud,     has not appealed.
by checking and crosschecking data,
it’s only a matter of time before people   Making an appeal does not allow you to
committing fraud are caught.               withhold payment.
Fraud affects all honest taxpayers         You must still pay your bill whilst your
so please help us to safeguard your        appeal is dealt with. If your appeal
council tax. If you suspect someone        is successful any money you have
of fraud against Rochdale Borough          overpaid will be refunded to you.
Council, please report it:                  For detailed information about bandings
                                           please contact:
    01706 926 100
                                              Manchester Valuation Office,
Fraud is a crime and those committing         17th Floor, Portland Tower,
it could get a criminal record.               Portland Street, Manchester, M1 3LD.

                                              03000 501 501                                                                       8
Local Council Tax                          Key features of the
Support                                    support scheme
Council Tax Support helps households       • If you are of working age we work
on a low income by reducing their            out your Council Tax Support using
council tax bill. It doesn’t matter          the amount of council tax for a Band
whether you own or rent your home,           A property. This is £1,175.78 and the
anyone who is responsible to pay             most you can get is 85% which is
council tax can apply.                       £999.41.

The amount you get depends on              • If you are of pension credit age you
your income, savings and household           could get up to 100% off your bill no
circumstances and you can get support        matter what band your property is in.
even if you or your partner works.
                                           • If there are other adults who live in
Claim Council Tax                            your home, for example a grown
                                             up son or daughter, or a friend, the
Support                                      government assumes that they
                                             could give you some money towards
• It’s now quick and easy to find out if     your council tax and because of
  you’re entitled to Council Tax Support     this the amount of support you
  by using our online system.                can get is reduced. The amount
                                             of this reduction depends on your
• You can use the calculator to get          circumstances as well as theirs.
  an instant estimate of how much
  support you might get and you can
  then go on to make a claim.              Where our funding
• You can get an estimate or make a        comes from
  claim 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
                                           The council’s overall budget for 2018/19
• You can find out what supporting         is £614m and money is spent on both
  evidence you need to send to us.         providing day to day services (revenue
                                           spend of £555m) as well as developing
To claim                                   buildings and infrastructure (capital
Use the calculator at:                     spend of £59m). The council receives
                                           some of its income from the numerous          services provided, but the remainder
                                           of the funding comes from a mixture
Or if you need help to make a claim:       of central government grants, business
                                           rates and council tax.
    0300 303 8870                                                                      9
Revenue                                                       How the budget compares
                                                               with last year
 Where our revenue                                             Rochdale’s net budget requirement has
 funding comes from £m                                         increased by £7.7m from £196.0m to
                                                               £203.7m in 2018/19. This is because of:

                    27.7 0.8                                                                                              £m
                                                               Inflation and contract increases                             3.1
       84.0                                                    Demographics and other pressures                           12.2
                                                               Decrease in Levies                                         -0.1
                                                58.0           Increase Charges                                           -0.3
                                                               Grant Changes                                                7.8
                                                               Technical and volume variances                               1.6
76.4                                                           Savings and Funding Strategy                              -19.5
                                                               Reversal of one off 2017/18 Decisions                       0.7
                                                               2018/19 One year only decisions                              2.2
                                             19.8              Total                                                       7.7

                        164.4                                  How we spend your money
              Council Tax
              Business Rates Retained                                                   Last year               This year
              Revenue Support & Business Rates Top Up Grants                             2017-18                 2018-19
              Other Non Ringfenced Grants                      Council                 Gross          Net      Gross          Net
              Dedicated Schools Grant                          Services           Expenditure Expenditure Expenditure Expenditure
                                                               (excludes Health
              Housing Benefits Reimbursements                                             £M          £M          £M          £M
                                                               & Social Care)
              Other Grants, Contributions and Income
              Fees and Charges                                 Children's             222.6         19.9       218.0         14.3
              Contribution from Reserves                       Services

                                                               Economy                  15.4        10.4        28.7        22.8

 Adult social care                                             Neighbourhoods

 funding                                                       Public Health
                                                               & Wellbeing               5.9         5.0         6.0          5.1
 This year the Government allowed
 councils that provide adult social                            Other
                                                               Corporate                  5.1       -8.8          -1.1       -2.8
 care services the option of adding a                          Costs
 precept of 3.0% on council tax to help                        Net Budget             433.0         98.9       415.7      100.9
 fund services that protect the elderly
 and vulnerable. As we have an ageing                          Contribution to
                                                               Intergrated Pool Fund                97.1                  102.8
 population it’s important that we                             Net Budget Requirement             196.0                   203.7
 continue to meet the cost. That means
 that this year our council tax increase                       Other income
 of 4.99% is made up of a 2.99% increase                       Rates                              -49.4                    -42.3
 to fund services in general and a 2.0%                        Business
 increase to fund adult social care.                           Rates
                                                               Retained                           -52.2                   -58.0
                                                               Other Non
                                                               Ring Fenced
                                                               Grants and
                                                               Income                               -17.6                   -21.9
                                                               Council Tax
                                                               Requirement                          76.8                     81.5                                                                                                                  10
Last year               This year              Capital
                        2017-18                 2018-19
Provider              Gross          Net      Gross          Net      Budgeted capital spend
Budgets          Expenditure Expenditure Expenditure Expenditure
(Health &                £M          £M          £M          £M
Social Care)
Adult Care             72.4        50.6        84.9           61.8                                         Last year      This year
                                                                                                             2017-18       2018-19
Services              33.9         30.6         39.1         36.7     Budgeted Capital spend                     £m             £m
Public Health                                                         Adult Care                                 2.0            2.4
& Wellbeing             19.1       15.9             15.1     13.0
                                                                      Children’s Services                        14.3           7.7
to Providers                                                          Ecomomy                                     17.1         28.8
Integrated                                                            Neighbourhoods                             14.1          20.1
Pool                 -125.4        -97.1      -139.1         -111.5
                                                                      Public Health & Wellbeing                   0.0           0.4
Total Provider
Budgets                0.0          0.0         0.0           0.0     Total                                     47.5           59.4

The Formal Health and Social Care
Integrated Pool is in place from
1st April 2018.                                                       Where our capital resources
NOTE: The 2017/18 figures have been                                   come from £m
provided for comparative purposes                                         Invest to save
only as the Pooled Fund was in Shadow
form during 2017/18.                                                                                                      Prudential

The table below shows the various
levies paid to other organisations:

                                      Last year        This year          External                                  Captial
                                                                          funding                                   Receipts
                                        2017-18         2018-19
                                                                            12.7                                      3.3
Levies include:                             £m               £m
                                                                                             Prudential Borrowing
Greater Manchester Combined Authority         8.1           21.8                             Capital Receipts
GM Waste Disposal Authority                 22.5            8.7                              External Funding
                                                                                             Invest to save (Borrowing)
Environment Agency (Flood Defence)            0.1            0.1
Total                                       30.7           30.6
                                                                      Where our capital resources          Last year      This year
                                                                                                             2017-18       2018-19
                                                                      come from (£m)
                                                                                                                 £m             £m
                                                                      Prudential Borrowing                         11.1         21.6

If you would like a copy of the budget                                Capital Receipts                            4.0           3.3
considered at Budget Council,                                         External Funding                           18.7           12.7
please visit:                                                         Invest to save (Borrowing)                 13.7           21.8
                                                                      Total                                      47.5          59.4                                                                                                                        11
Fraud detection and information sharing
We’re legally required to take part in the National Fraud Initiative’s data-
matching exercise. This means the data we hold about your council tax will be
used by the council and the Cabinet Office for the prevention and detection
of fraud.
Any information you provide to us when making claims for an exemption,
discount or benefits will be processed in accordance with the Data Protection
Act 1998.
However, we have a duty to protect public funds and may use information
provided to prevent and detect fraud - this may include matching council
tax data with electoral registration information and residency records of
other organisations. We may disclose relevant information to other council
services where it’s necessary and lawful to do so for the provision of services.
We may also share information with other bodies responsible for auditing or
administering public funds.                                                                    12
Stay in control
       Report it, apply for it, find it.

Accessing council services is now even quicker online.

             is your online          • Report a missed bin collection,
                                       fly-tipping and more
customer account. It’s a faster,     • Make a payment request e.g. bulky waste
                                       collection, new bin
safer and more flexible way to       • Check your Council Tax balance
access council services saving         and claim a discount
                                     • Set up a Direct Debit and paperless billing
time and money.                      • Find your councillor
                                     • Access details of your transactions
If you’re not already signed up,
                                         COMING SOON
register for FREE now at             •   Manage your Council Tax payments            •   Report a benefit change
                                     •   Check your benefit payments
                                     •   Report a change of address

                  1. Register for an account online
                  2. Activate your account by email
   NOW            3. Log in to your account and get started - that’s it!
Contact us
    0300 303 8870
    (8am to 6pm Monday to Friday)
    Revenues and Benefits Service,
    Rochdale Borough Council,
    PO Box 490, Rochdale OL16 9AJ

Do it online
Our website has lots of information         For all this and more visit:
about council services and you should 
be able to find answers to many
questions you have about what we do         Environmental Management:
and how we can help.                            0300 303 8884
You can get in touch with us online from    Rochdale Boroughwide Housing repairs:
a computer - or even from your mobile
phone! This way you can access our              0800 027 7769
services any time, day or night.            For other enquiries:
Some of the things you can do are:              01706 647474
• Search for a job                    
• Pay your council tax                          Rochdale Borough Council
• View or make a planning application           Number One Riverside, PO Box 100
                                                Smith Street, Rochdale OL16 9NP
• Renew a library book
• Check to see if you’re entitled to
• Pay a parking fine
• Apply for school places
• Request a bulky waste collection

  Have you found this leaflet useful?
  Does it give you all the information you want? Could we improve it?
  Let us know what you think by emailing:                                                                14
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