Council Tax 2020-21 - Wigan Council
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1 2 Foreword by the Leader of Wigan Council About Council Tax Welcome to this year’s Council Tax booklet Council Tax is a property tax with a The Valuation Office Agency decides personal element. the band not us. You can appeal For another year I am pleased to let The government against your property’s band if you Each year we send a Council Tax have moved into the property in the you know that the general council says it recognises bill to every domestic property in element of your Council Tax will be adult social care last six months or there has been a the borough, whether it’s a house, change in the building or physical state frozen once again. is under-funded bungalow, flat, maisonette, mobile and we wait in of the local area. It will be the seventh year running we home or houseboat. Each dwelling is anticipation for the put into one of the eight bands below, You can contact them at Valuation have been able to do this because of recommendations for more long-term the continuing success of The Deal. based on what it would have cost to Office Agency, Manchester Valuation plans. buy on the open market on 1 April Office, Portland Tower, Portland Street, The Deal was created to help us cope In addition to this, you will also see 1991. Manchester, M1 3LD. with the impact of austerity but also to increases to the tax bill for the Greater Phone 03000 501 501 reshape our services and the way we Every year we set the Council Tax Manchester Mayor’s precept. for each band. The amounts for work as a council to help deliver better outcomes for our residents. It is worth emphasising though that 2020/2021 are below. The band given Wigan Borough consistently delivers to your property is on the front of your You have played your part in The Deal, amongst the lowest tax rates in bill. and continue to do so, by boosting our Greater Manchester. recycling rates, being involved in your local communities and shopping locally This is all while we have had to cut to help our economy. £160m from our budget over the last Band Band Value Council Tax for 2020/21 decade. A Up to £40,000 £1,076.71 This has all contributed in helping us to keep Council Tax as low as possible. As we continue to implement Deal B £40,001 - £52,000 £1,256.16 2030 and work alongside residents C £52,001 - £68,000 £1,435.61 Once again this year central to deliver on the priorities that you government has allowed councils the helped identify, we are optimistic D £68,001 - £88,000 £1,615.08 option to introduce a two per cent rise about the year ahead. E £88,001 - £120,000 £1,973.97 to help fund adult social care. Through us all playing our part we will F £120,001 - £160,000 £2,332.88 Our decision to do this has not been keep on with making our borough a G £160,001 - £320,000 £2,691.79 taken lightly and the funds it will better and fairer place for all. generate will only go part of the way to H £320,001 and above £3,230.16 covering our costs for the vital services in this sector. *Additional parish precepts will apply for properties in Haigh and Shevington Councillor David Molyneux Leader of Wigan Council
3 4 Thank you for doing your part of The Deal Frozen The Deal - key statistics 7th Through your support of The Deal, we’ve been able to freeze our service element of Council year Awarded 78% of our residents supported by Council of the Year Tax for the seventh year running. at the 2019 Local Government the outstanding reablement services require no further Chronicle Awards on-going support Council GM GM Adult Mayoral Based on Services Police Fire Social precept Total 95% Band A precept precept Care £11million of people with a learning invested through the disability are supported to live 2014 £794.76 £101.53 £38.42 £934.71 Deal for Communities at home or with their family Investment Fund – 6th best in the country 2015 £794.76 £101.53 £38.42 £934.71 One of the best Over 1,200 in the North West at getting new homes built in 2018-19, 2016 £794.76 £104.87 £39.18 £15.89 £954.70 up 30% on last year people home from hospital and better than the England average 2017 £794.76 £108.20 £39.96 £40.21 £983.13 Launch of a 2018 £794.76 £116.20 £39.96 £65.26 £5.33 £1021.51 Our Town 5 YEAR district centre improvement Cultural Manifesto to increase programme launching in 2020 OUR TOWN cultural engagement across 2019 £794.76 £132.20 £39.96 £65.26 £11.33 £1043.51 - worth £600k the borough 2020 £794.76 £138.86 £44.13 £82.46 £16.50 £1076.71 52% 99% of household waste recycled of Day Nurseries and Additional parish precepts will apply for properties in Haigh and Shevington in 2018/19, up 4% on last Pre-Schools are OFSTED rated year’s figures outstanding Council Services Adult Social Care precept This covers council services such as This is a charge to cover the cost bins and recycling centres, schools and of Adult Social Care services within TOP PLASTIC RECYCLING TOWN 91% Start Well centres, street lights and councils due to the budget cuts being in the UK – Recycling almost of schools are OFSTED rated road repairs. imposed by central government. double that of the next good / outstanding closest area On your Council Tax bill the cumulative GM Police effect of the Adult Social Care precept This is a charge levied on behalf of the will be shown. Greater Manchester Police Service. Mayoral precept GM Fire Service This is a charge levied on behalf of the This is a charge levied on behalf of the Mayor to pay for the running of the Further information regarding the gross expenditure of the council, relevant Greater Manchester Fire Service. Mayor’s office and to meet the Mayor’s precepting authorities and levying bodies (including their Council Tax priorities in Greater Manchester. requirements) can be found at A hard copy is available free of charge, upon request.
5 6 Our Town Last year we launched Our Town to • Vacant shop improvement fund; a help build on our residents’ sense pro-active approach to engage with of community pride and recognise owners and encourage them to apply the many areas that make up our for grants to improve the condition of wonderful borough. the shop fronts. • Locally identified priorities; key Feedback from the Big Listening projects highlighted in the Big Project consultation highlighted Listening Project. For example, it how attached residents feel to their could be additional car parking or local community and the individual street lighting, having engaged with characteristics of our districts. ward members. Improvements to public realm and • Event budget; an opportunity to the environment are therefore a celebrate local heritage through major part of Our Town, as a result of providing a funding stream for one- residents telling us what is important off community-led events. to them. In addition, the Our Town awards Throughout 2020, council teams will has been launched, encouraging work in each of the 12 district centres residents to nominate their local hero delivering the following: or neighbour. It may be someone who goes above and beyond for their • Deep clean and public realm community, from taking out their improvements; jet washing, weeding, neighbours’ bins, nipping to the shops pruning and removal of fly posting. for a friend or caring for others when Replacement or additional bins, they need it most. replacement street furniture, new planters or new trees, improved Winners will be picked from across the street lighting, signage and bollards, districts and will be unveiled at the if required. Our Town awards later in 2020. For more information about Our Town visit
7 8 When you may not have to pay Council Tax Ways to pay less Council Tax You may not have to pay if only the You may not have to pay for your The full Council Tax bill assumes that • Students in full time education. following people occupy your property: property whilst it is: there are 2 or more adults living in a property. • iplomats and members of D • Full time students, • eft empty by the owner or tenant, L international organisations with who was the last occupier, and who If you are the only adult living in your headquarters in the UK (and their • Care Leavers up to the age of 25, has moved to receive or provide non British spouses). property your bill can be reduced • People under the age of 18, or personal care in either a hospital or by 25%. We can also consider local home elsewhere. • embers of religious communities M discounts for other reasons as well. • eople who have a severe mental P such as monks or nuns. impairment and would otherwise • epossessed by a mortgage R When we work out if you are entitled company. Certain qualifying conditions apply. be liable to pay Council Tax. to a discount we don’t count these • mpty because occupation is E people: People with disabilities You may not have to pay for a limited forbidden by law. • Children under 18. If you, or a person that lives with you, time if your property is not occupied has a disability you may qualify because it is: • aiting to be occupied by a W • eople over 18 that still qualify for P for a reduction. • ewly built and not yet occupied N minister of religion. Child Benefit. (no charge for 1 month); or Your home will need to have an • he responsibility of a T • 8 or 19 year olds who leave school 1 extra bathroom, kitchen or other • ubstantially unfurnished (no S bankrupt’s trustee. after 30 April are not counted until room that is used mainly to help with charge for 1 month); or • eft empty by a student owner L 1 November of the same year. the person’s disability. You can also who lived in it immediately before qualify if the disabled person uses a • wned by a charity (exempt for 6 O • eople with a severe mental P leaving to study elsewhere. wheelchair in the home. months). impairment. • n empty caravan pitch or A • Apprentices. If you qualify we will work out your You may not have to pay for any of the houseboat mooring. Council Tax charge again using the following types of properties even if • Youth Training Trainees. valuation band below the one your they are occupied: • noccupied because the last U property is in. occupier, who was also the owner, • Care Workers. • Armed Forces’ accommodation. had died and probate or letters of The Council have additional • Carers. • Visiting Forces’ accommodation. administration have not yet been discretionary powers to reduce the granted (and for 6 months after). • eople in residential care homes, P Council Tax liability where national • A self-contained annexe. nursing homes and hostels that discounts and exemptions cannot be • ccupied by someone who has O For further information, and to make provide a high level of care. applied. diplomatic, commonwealth or an application for discount, exemption • Resident hospital patients. For further information, and to make consular privilege or immunity. or reduction please visit www.wigan. an application for discount, exemption • Student nurses. or reduction please visit www.wigan. • risoners in detention (unless P for non payment of fines or Council Tax).
9 10 Council Tax for empty dwellings and second homes Council Tax Reduction When a dwelling first A property in need of, or Our Council Tax Reduction scheme Who can apply for Council becomes empty undergoing, major repairs helps households on low incomes to Tax Reduction? pay their Council Tax bill. A dwelling that becomes newly empty If you own a property that is either in To apply for Council Tax Reduction you will be given a maximum 1 month full need of, or undergoing, major repairs 1. T he National Council Tax must be the person whose name is on exemption followed by a 25% discount you may be entitled to a reduction Reduction Scheme – pensioner the Council Tax bill. for a maximum of 5 months. of 75% from your bill for a maximum households and households with of 12 months, or until the work is children under 5 You may qualify if you are: completed if that is sooner. You will Long term empty dwellings be asked to provide evidence of the These households: • On Income Support, Jobseekers Allowance, Employment Support Dwellings left empty and unfurnished extent of the works required to render • Can apply for support. Allowance or Universal Credit; for longer than 6 months, or have the property habitable. Only one major • Can apply for Second Adult Rebate • On Pension Credit, Guaranteed already been empty for between 6 repairs reduction can be given for if the only other adult living in the Credit and in some cases months and 2 years, will be charged any period during which a property is property is on a low income. continuously empty. Certain qualifying Saving Credit; 100% Council Tax. conditions apply for all reductions. • Can apply for backdated support. • Working and on low pay (including This will only be awarded if there people who are self employed); Empty homes premium is good cause why the claim wasn’t Family annex made from the earlier date. • On a low income. For example you Long term empty dwellings that remain might only get a retirement pension empty and unfurnished for longer than If your property has an annex which 2. T he Local Council Tax Reduction or be getting social security benefits; 2 years will attract an Empty Homes has a separate Council Tax band and Scheme – working age Premium. The premium will be an is occupied by a relative, they may households with no children • A working age household with capital extra 50% charge in addition to the be entitled to a reduction from their under 5 / savings under £12,000; or 100% charge for a long term empty Council Tax. These households: • A pensioner household, or dwelling. household with a child under 5, For further information, and to make an application for discount, exemption • Can apply for support under our local with capital/savings under £16,000. or reduction please visit www.wigan. Council Tax Reduction Scheme. Second homes • Will have their entitlement calculated Dwellings that are unoccupied but using the national scheme but furnished are classed as second support will be reduced by 20%. homes. There is no discount for these dwellings. The charge for a second • Cannot apply for Second Adult Rebate. home is 100%. • Can only get support from the date a If your property becomes empty, claim for reduction is made. contact us straight away and we can tell you if you qualify for any reduction.
11 12 In April 2018 the government made • he Applicable Amounts we use to T The following agencies can give advice • You can also get Welfare Rights changes to all Local Council Tax work out how much Council Tax about your application: Advice from us by emailing Reduction schemes that may affect Reduction you are entitled to; how much Council Tax Reduction we • Citizens Advice • imit the length of time you are L Tel: 0344 826 9713 These facilities are available to all can award you. allowed to leave the country and Email: customers: These include changes to: keep your claim active to 4 weeks. • A ccess for wheelchair users at our • imit the child premium to two L For a full list of these changes • A ge UK (for those over 50) Wigan Life Centres in Wigan, Marsh Green, children for new claims or where and for more information on this Tel: 01942 241972 Atherton, Leigh Town Hall, Ince and Email: enquiries@ Platt Bridge. you become responsible for a third please visit: child; CouncilTaxReduction • ReciteMe is available on our website so that you can have the information • he amount of the Non Dependant T • Wigan & Leigh Carers Centre on our web pages read aloud to you. Deductions for some customers (For registered Carers) who have another adult (not their Tel: 01942 705959 partner) living with them; Email: How to apply Need help to make an Changes you need to application? tell us about You can tell us online at You can find out more information and apply online at • You can get help and use our online Tell us straight away if you are getting BenefitsReportAChange CouncilTaxReduction facilities at our Life Centres in Wigan, Housing Benefit, Council Tax Reduction Marsh Green, Atherton, Leigh Town or have a discount or exemption You cannot make a claim for Council Hall, Ince and Platt Bridge. applied and have a change in You can get face-to-face help with any Tax Reduction through Job Centre Plus • If you are a tenant of Your Housing, circumstances. enquiry about a council service at our or the Pensions Service. Adactus Housing, or Riverside Life Centres in Wigan, Marsh Green, If you do not tell us about a change Atherton, Leigh Town Hall, Ince and For more information about Housing, your landlord can help you fill in and check your benefit claim as soon as it happens, you could pay Platt Bridge. Council Tax Reduction visit online. the wrong amount of Council Tax, lose benefits or we could pay you too CouncilTaxReduction • If you do not have access to a much. If this happens you may have to Complaints or compliments If you rent your home you might also computer or are unable to visit pay any overpaid amount back and pay us at any of the above places, Fill in an online form at be entitled to Housing Benefit. For any underpaid Council Tax amount. contact us 01942 489002. more information about Housing It is an offence not to tell us about Benefit visit any change in circumstances that HousingBenefit affects your entitlement. We may take court action against you.
13 14 Universal Credit Universal Credit is a payment paid payment yourself. If you are on a low Information about the Adult Social Care Precept by the Department for Work and income you may qualify for Council Tax Pensions to help with your living costs Reduction. Wigan Council has responsibility for Adult Social Care functions under Part 1 if you are on a low income or out of of the Care Act 2014. The Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and work. Apply at Local Government has given Wigan Council the option to charge an annual CouncilTaxReduction ‘precept’ of 2% on its Council Tax for the financial year 2020/21 without holding It replaces existing benefits and credits Find out more about Universal Credit a referendum, to assist the authority in meeting its expenditure on Adult Social into a single monthly payment. on the government website Care for the financial year 2020/21. For Adult Social Care authorities, Council From 18 April 2018 most people Tax bills show two percentage changes: one for the part of the overall change making a claim for working age attributable to the Adult Social Care Precept, and one for the part attributable to benefits and help with housing costs If you don’t have a computer at home general expenditure. in Wigan Borough will be placed in you can use one for free at your local Universal Credit Full Service. library or Life Centre. There are also Information about the Mayoral Precepts drop-in sessions for residents that You will be automatically transferred need extra help to get online. For The Mayor of Greater Manchester has taken on the responsibilities of to Universal Credit in Wigan Borough more information about help and the Greater Manchester Police and Crime Commissioner and the Greater if you have a change of circumstances support for Universal Credit claimants Manchester Fire and Rescue services. From 2018/2019 the precept on Council that affects your current benefits. visit Tax bills for Police services was replaced with the Mayoral Police and Crime credit Commissioner Precept Component and this precept funds Police services. The You will have to pay your Council Tax precept for the Fire and Rescue Services was replaced with the Mayoral General from your monthly Universal Credit Precept Component (including Fire Services). This precept includes an amount for Fire and Rescue Services and an amount to fund the Greater Manchester Mayor and the work he wants to do in Greater Manchester. The information Don’t be excluded In a crisis? provided by the Mayor indicates that the precept will pay for the running of the Mayor’s office and to meet the Mayor’s priorities in Greater Manchester which If you are struggling to pay your bills If you find yourself in a crisis our Local are: or need help and advice, get in touch Welfare Support Advisors can help • Recruiting more police officers with those you owe money to as soon support customers to: • Provide increased resources for fire service and support for recruiting as you can. over 100 firefighters • access financial help and advice, You can nominate a friend or • Do more for young people in care and Our Pass pilot for 16-18 year olds • ain appropriate referrals e.g. g representative to help you if you find it food parcels, white goods, and The table below shows the cost of the Mayoral Precepts per household for 2020/21. hard to manage it yourself. • build self-reliance. Mayoral Police and Crime Commissioner Precept Council A B C D E F G H For further information go to Tax Band or visit our Life Centres in Wigan or Leigh Precept 138.86 162.01 185.15 208.30 254.58 300.87 347.16 416.60 Charge (£) Avoid doorstep loan companies. Mayoral General Precept (including Fire) Their interest rates can be extremely high. Council A B C D E F G H Tax Band Precept 60.63 70.73 80.84 90.95 111.16 131.37 151.58 181.90 Charge (£)
We can make the information in this booklet available in other formats and languages on request. Contact us at: Wigan Council, PO Box 100, Wigan, WN1 3DS. 01942 489001 Email: Printed March 2020
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