COSAM Academic Awards - Qualifications and Nomination Package Information 2023

Nomination Package
Student Awards

                                    Outstanding Junior

•   One recipient per COSAM department/program
•   Nominated by departmental faculty or staff; selected by departmental awards committee;
    confirmed by COSAM Junior/Senior Awards committee
•   Presented at COSAM Honors Convocation in April

Qualifications for award nomination:
• Junior class standing (expected to graduate Summer 2023, Fall 2023, or Spring 2024;
   students and their academic advisors should be able to verify this information)
• Selection is based on:
       o Academic performance
       o Character
       o Professional potential

Please upload a single pdf file for your department’s nominee that includes:
• A nomination letter
• Nominee's resume
• 1 - 2 letters of support (no more than 3 letters total)

 Please make sure the supporting documents for each nomination are in the order listed in
          pdf format and uploaded to Qualtrics by 11:59 p.m. January 20, 2023.
Student Awards

                                     Dean’s Medalist

•   Number of recipients from each department/program based on student enrollment
•   Nominated by departmental faculty or staff; selected by departmental awards committee;
    confirmed by COSAM Junior/Senior Awards committee
•   Presented at COSAM Honors Convocation in April
•   Dean’s Medalist nominee may also be considered by the COSAM awards committees for a
    more prestigious award, including:
       o President’s Award
       o Comer Medal
               ▪ Physical Sciences
               ▪ Biological Sciences
       o Algernon Sydney Sullivan Award (selected by a university-level committee)

Qualifications for award nomination:
• Senior class standing (expected to graduate Fall 2022 or Spring 2023) or already graduated
   in Summer 2022
• Selection is based on:
       o Academic performance
       o Character
       o Professional potential

Please upload a single pdf file for each department nominee that includes:
• A nomination letter
• Nominee's resume
• 1 - 2 letters of support (no more than 3 letters total)
• Any additional documentation requested for more prestigious awards (listed above)

          Biological Sciences – two Dean’s Medalists nominees, plus one alternate
          Biomedical Sciences – three Dean’s Medalist nominees, plus one alternate
        Chemistry and Biochemistry – one Dean’s Medalist nominee, plus one alternate
              Geosciences – one Dean’s Medalist nominee, plus one alternate
         Mathematics and Statistics – one Dean’s Medalist nominee, plus one alternate
                 Physics – one Dean’s Medalist nominee, plus one alternate

 Please make sure the supporting documents for each nomination are in the order listed in
          pdf format and uploaded to Qualtrics by 11:59 p.m. January 20, 2023.
Student Awards

                                   President’s Award

•   One recipient per college/school
•   Selected by the COSAM Comer and Presidents Award committee from departmental
    Dean’s Medal nominations
•   Plaque presented at AU ceremony in April

Qualifications for award nomination:
• Graduating Senior
• Grade point average of at least 3.40
• Outstanding qualities of:
       o Leadership
       o Citizenship
       o Character
       o Promise of professional ability
Student Awards

                                       Comer Awards

•   Two medals are awarded:
        o Comer Medal for Excellence in Biological Sciences
        o Comer Medal for Excellence in Physical Sciences
•   Selected by the COSAM Comer and Presidents Award committee from departmental
    Dean’s Medal nominations
•   Presented at Comer Medal ceremony the Friday before Spring Commencement
•   Longest running, continuously awarded student recognition at Auburn University
•   First award was made in 1924 by Governor B.B. Comer
•   Notable recipients included E.T. York and O'Neal Smitherman

Qualifications for award nomination:
• Senior standing
• Maintains “either the best examination or best class record in their branch of studies”. This
   is interpreted to mean all academic activities: performance in courses, research
   accomplishments, etc.
Student Awards

                      Algernon Sydney Sullivan Award

•   Two recipients for the university, one male and one female
•   Selected by the AU Office of Student Affairs
•   Please ensure any COSAM nominations are copied to ADAA
•   Presented at AU ceremony in April
•   Nominations (due by noon on Friday, February 10, 2023)
    are welcome from faculty, students, staff

Qualifications for award nomination:
• Graduating Senior
• Unsurpassed humanitarian leadership
• Contributions to the community
Student Awards

                           Outstanding International Students

•   Five recipients per college/school
•   Selected by the COSAM ADAA
•   Presented at International Student Recognition banquet in April
•   Nominations are welcome from faculty, students, staff

Qualifications for award nomination:
• Graduate student or undergraduate student
• Research affiliations
• Awards
• Leadership skills

Please upload a single pdf file for each department nominee that includes:
• A nomination letter
• Nominee's resume
• 1 - 2 letters of support (no more than 3 letters total)

Departments may nominate as many undergraduate or graduate students as they would like,
however, the Student Involvement office limits the total number of award recipients to five
from each college/school.

 Please make sure the supporting documents for each nomination are in the order listed in
          pdf format and uploaded to Qualtrics by 11:59 p.m. January 29, 2023.
Student Awards

                       Outstanding Learning Assistant Awards

•   Up to three recipients per year
•   Nominations by LA faculty
•   Selected by COSAM LA Program
•   Certificate presented at COSAM Honors Convocation in April

Qualifications for award nomination:
• LA experience of more than 2 full semesters
• Minimum GPA 3.2
• Promotes student learning success within COSAM courses, laboratories and/or recitation
• Exemplary performance inside and outside the classroom, including LA community

Please upload a single pdf file for each nomination that includes:
• A nomination letter
• Nominee's CV (including full record of courses assisted at Auburn)
• 1-2 letters of support from faculty
• Up to 5 statements from students (approximately 1 paragraph each, emails acceptable)
    regarding LA’s teaching effectiveness

 Please make sure the supporting documents for each nomination are in the order listed in
          pdf format and uploaded to Qualtrics by 11:59 p.m. January 29, 2023.
Student Awards

                                  Outstanding GTA Award

•   Three recipients selected
•   Selected by the COSAM GTA, Teaching, Mentor awards committee
•   Presented at COSAM Honors Convocation in April
•   Nominations are welcome from faculty, students, staff

Qualifications for award nomination:
• Graduate student with teaching assistantship assignment
• Promotes excellence within COSAM teaching laboratories and/or recitation sections

Please upload a single pdf file that includes:
• A nomination letter
• Nominee's CV (including full record of courses taught at Auburn)
• A complete set of teaching evaluations
• 2 - 3 letters of support (no more than 4 letters total) including letters from students. Letters
    MUST address the nominee's teaching performance.

 Please make sure the supporting documents for each nomination are in the order listed in
          pdf format and uploaded to Qualtrics by 11:59 p.m. January 29, 2023.
Faculty Awards

                           Outstanding Faculty Teacher Award

•   One recipient selected
•   Selected by the COSAM GTA, Teaching, Mentor awards committee
•   Presented at COSAM Honors Convocation in April
•   Nominations are welcome from faculty, students, staff

Qualifications for award nomination:
• COSAM faculty member
• Promotes instructional excellence within COSAM courses, teaching laboratories, and/or
   recitation sections

Please upload a single pdf file that includes:
• A nomination letter
• Nominee's CV (including full record of courses taught at Auburn)
• Teaching evaluations (graduate and undergraduate courses) from the last 5 years
• Peer teaching evaluations (from at least 1 course)
• 2 - 3 letters of support (no more than 4 letters total) including letters from students. Letters
    MUST address the nominee's teaching performance.

 Please make sure the supporting documents for each nomination are in the order listed in
          pdf format and uploaded to Qualtrics by 11:59 p.m. January 29, 2023.
Faculty Awards

               Outstanding Faculty Undergraduate Mentor Award

•   One recipient selected
•   Selected by the COSAM GTA, Teaching, Mentor awards committee
•   Presented at COSAM Honors Convocation in April
•   Nominations are welcome from faculty, students, staff

Qualifications for award nomination:
• COSAM faculty member
• Promotes creative scholarly work by undergraduates in COSAM
• Mentors students engaged in laboratory and/or field research

Please upload a single pdf file that includes:
• A nomination letter
• Nominee's full CV
• A brief (1-2 pages) statement from the nominee addressing their mentoring philosophy
• 2 - 3 letters of support (no more than 4 letters total)
Faculty Awards

                              Alumni Undergraduate Teaching
                                    Excellence Award

 •   Up to three recipients, if there are three who are deserving
 •   Selection process overseen by the AU Office of the Provost
 •   Recipients each receive an honorarium award of $1,000
 •   Please ensure any COSAM nominations are copied to ADAA
 •   Presented at AU ceremony in mid-Fall each year
 •   Nominations (usually open in June and are due in mid-
     September) are welcome from faculty, students, staff
 •   Each nominator should send a letter explaining how the teacher is exceptional. In the letter,
     consider the following qualifications:

 Qualifications for award nomination:
 • The quality of the teaching performance (i.e. good lecturer)
 • Knowledge of subject
 • Interest in students and availability to them
 • Impact on the nominator's personal educational experience
 • Influence within Auburn University (i.e. number of courses taught, committee assignments,
    impact on the students, the department, etc.)

A letter of support from the nominee's dean and/or department head must accompany the letters
of nomination. Other letters of support from colleagues are welcome, but greatest emphasis will
be placed on letters from students and alumni.
Faculty Awards

                         Gerald and Emily Leischuck Endowed
                         Presidential Awards for Excellence in

•   Two awards given each year
•   Selection process overseen by the AU Office of the Provost
•   Recipients each receive an honorarium award of $10,000
•   Please ensure any COSAM nominations are copied to ADAA
•   Presented at AU ceremony in mid-Fall each year
•   Nominations (usually open in June and are due in mid-
    September) are typically lead by administrators (Deans
    and/or Department Chairs)

The nomination package consists of:
• Letter of nomination
• Letters of support (10 maximum)
• Reflective statement of teaching philosophy and methodology (one page)
• Samples of course syllabi and teaching materials
• Curriculum vitae (including evidence of recognition by the national professional
   community and of leadership and initiative in educational service to Auburn University and
   the Auburn community). Limited to 25 pages.
• Samples of 2 semesters of student evaluations

Between each section insert a title page as a divider with the letter of nomination first followed
by letters of support, reflecting statement of teaching philosophy and methodology, samples of
course syllabi and teaching materials, curriculum vitae, and student evaluations. Please scan or
convert electronic documents and save as a single pdf file.

Qualifications for award nomination:
• Full-time
• Tenured Auburn University faculty
• Minimum of three years’ service at Auburn
• Nominees must hold at least a 50 percent teaching load
• Demonstrated commitment to Auburn University
• Must not have accepted an early retirement option
Faculty Awards

                          Provost Award for Faculty Excellence
                         in Undergraduate Research Mentoring

•   One award given each year
•   Selection process overseen by the AU Office of the Provost
•   Recipients each receive an honorarium award of $1,000
•   Please ensure any COSAM nominations are copied to ADAA
•   Presented at AU ceremony in mid-Fall each year
•   Nominations (usually open in June and are due in mid-
    September) are typically lead by the Department Chair

The nomination package consists of:
• Cover letter from Department Chair
• Letter from nominee addressing award criteria and list of mentored undergraduates
• Statement of mentoring philosophy
• Up to five letters from undergraduate students who have been mentored by nominee
• Supporting information providing evidence of endeavor(s) between nominee and students

Qualifications for award nomination:
• Member of Auburn faculty who is currently mentoring or has mentored undergraduate
   students that are attending or have graduated from Auburn University
• Successful history mentoring undergraduate students
• Evidence demonstrating major commitment to undergraduate development and scholarship
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