Corporate Profile KDDI 2020-2021

Page created by Lance Gutierrez
Corporate Profile KDDI 2020-2021
Corporate Profile
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Corporate Profile KDDI 2020-2021
Message from the President                                                                                                                                  KDDI CORPORATION / Corporate Profile 2020–2021

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Corporate Strategy
                                                                                 Since its establishment, KDDI has upheld the KDDI Group         the development of sustainability in rural areas and cities,
                                                                                 Mission Statement, which calls for “achieving a truly           KDDI’s mission of “connecting” in the telecommunications
                                                                                 connected society.” As a mission of a telecommunications        era integrating into things has become increasingly more
                                                                                 company that provides an important lifeline, we strive to       important for all social issues. KDDI formulated the “KDDI
                                                                                 maintain resilient and high-quality telecommunications,         Sustainable Action”—KDDI’s initiatives for the SDGs tar-
                                                                                 and under the slogan “Connecting more and always with           geted at 2030 with the determination to continue working
                                                                                 au,” we aim to provide telecommunications services that         to resolve the various social issues through business going
                                                                                 maintains continuous connections at all times.                  forward. While utilizing 5G and IoT, we will contribute to
                                                                                                                                                 the sustainable growth of society by “connecting and
                                                                                 In recent years, full-scale digitization has continued its      protecting lives,” “connecting day-to-day lives,” and
                                                                                 march forward with the advance of 5G, IoT, AI, big data,        “connecting hearts and minds.”

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Business Overview
                                                                                 and other technologies, which has shifted us toward
                                                                                 a data-driven society that finds greater value in data.         The current effects of the COVID-19 pandemic have
                                                                                 Through the penetration of these technologies, the digital      become too great for economic and social activities
                                                                                 transformation (DX) movement will accelerate in all indus-      throughout the world. Based on the concept of “KDDI
                                                                                 tries, and “Society 5.0 for SDGs” will develop and realize      Sustainable Action,” the KDDI Group announced “KDDI’s
                                                                                 an economy that resolves social issues as expected.             Basic Policies for Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic”
                                                                                 Given the circumstances, we started to offer “au 5G,”           centered on the five policies for the promotion of individual
                                                                                 the fifth-generation mobile telecommunications service,         and corporate customers’ DX, such as telework, online
                                                                                 in March of this year. “5G” will become the era of tele-        education, and remote medical care, and contributions
                                                                                 communications by integrating into all kinds of “things.”       to the building of a resilient social infrastructure resistant
                                                                                 Completely changing individual lifestyles and values, as        to environmental changes. As a company that provides

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Company Information
                                                                                 well as the whole concept of business, this exciting era is     lifelines connecting lives, lifestyles, and minds, KDDI will
                                                                                 just around the corner.                                         mobilize the efforts of the Group to fulfill our social mission
                                                                                                                                                 of continued support for everyone’s life and industries.
                                                                                 Last year, we introduced a rate plan with no upper limit on
                                                                                 the volume of monthly data for individual customers ahead       In August 2020, KDDI and KDDI Research, Inc., formu-
                                                                                 of the 5G era. A large volume of data can be instantly          lated “KDDI Accelerate 5.0,” which aims to build a resil-
                                                                                 and freely handled with no stress on the “au 5G” service,       ient future society in the era of the new normal. We will
                                                                                 and under the concept of “UNLIMITED WORLD au 5G,”               accelerate the realization of “Society 5.0” as promoted by
                                                                                 which is free from conventional restrictions, we will collab-   the government through the use of technology and the
                                                                                 orate with partners from a variety of different industries to   orchestration of seven fields that support the evolution
                                                                                 provide a new augmented experience in all facets of life,       of platform layers, business layers, and network layers,
                                                                                 including entertainment, sports, and art.                       including 5G networks.

                                                                                 Among our corporate customers, DX in companies                  October 1, 2020, marked the 20th anniversary of KDDI’s
                     Takashi Tanaka, Chairman      Makoto Takahashi, President   has accelerated in a variety of different industries and        establishment.
                                                                                 scenes of use and the business models have significantly        Tomorrow, Together
                                                                                 changed. Centered on “KDDI DIGITAL GATE,” which is a
                                                                                                                                                 We will continue to move forward, together with custom-
                                                                                 business development base in the 5G/IoT era that sup-
                                                                                                                                                 ers, partners, and society at large, sharing faith in the

    Tomorrow, Together
                                                                                 ports customers’ DX, as a digital integrator in the telecom-
                                                                                                                                                 future as we aim to both sustainably grow profit and rein-
                                                                                 munications era integrating into all kinds of “things,” we
                                                                                                                                                 force shareholder returns from a long-term perspective.
                                                                                 will collaborate with the different partner companies and
                                                                                 proceed to create new experience value and businesses
                                                                                 that are specific to the 5G era.                                As we move forward together, I would like to express my
    Working with all our partners, we will create new value in the                                                                               sincere appreciation for your continued support and
                                                                                                                                                 guidance for the KDDI Group.
    5G era, aiming to grow sustainably with society.                             Toward the achievement of the SDGs, KDDI is also pro-
                                                                                 moting sustainability activities on a company-wide basis.
                                                                                 As with the responses to intensified large-scale disasters,
                                                                                 making telecommunications infrastructure resilient, and                                                         October 2020

                                                                                                                                                                    Makoto Takahashi, President

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Corporate Profile KDDI 2020-2021
Medium-term Management Plan (FY2019–FY2021)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               KDDI CORPORATION / Corporate Profile 2020–2021

    Thus far, KDDI has emphasized sustainable profit growth and the strengthening of shareholder

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Corporate Strategy
    returns, established a robust customer base, and achieved steady growth by promoting the                                                                                                                Creating Innovation toward the 5G Era
                                                                                                                                                                                                            We will actively deploy 5G to form the next-generation of social infrastructure
    Company’s transformation into a business that provides “customer experience value” that exceeds                                                                                                         and create new forms of experience value through business development by
    the expectations of customers.                                                                                                                                                                          means of co-creation with various partner companies and open innovation
                                                                                                                                                                                                            which incorporates the original ideas of startup companies and advanced
       Going forward, significant changes in the competitive environment are expected in addition to                                                                                                        technologies while also positively utilizing 5G in regional revitalization projects.
    the advances in full-scale digitization through the development of technologies such as 5G. In order
    to quickly respond to changes in the times and to realize the “integration of telecommunications
    and life design” that we aim to achieve, KDDI developed the Medium-Term Management Plan for
    three years between FY 2019 and FY 2021.
                                                                                                                                                                                                            The Integration of Telecommunications and Life Design
                                                                                                                                                                                                            We aim to expand our growth businesses around the core telecommunications
                                                                                                                                                                                                            infrastructure. For individual customers, we will offer “exciting” experiences
                                                                                                                                                                                                            which originate from the smartphone while together with corporate customers
                                                                                                        Company Vision                                                                                      we will build new business models and help drive their digital transformation.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Business Overview
                                                                                                        1. T
                                                                                                            he company that customers can
                                                                                                           feel closest to
                                                                                                        2. T
                                                                                                            he company that continues to
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Further Expansion of Global Business
                                                                                                           produce excitement                                                                               In the business for individual customers, in addition to applying the knowledge and
                                                                                                                                                                                                            know-how from the telecommunications business and the life design business
                                                                                                        3. C
                                                                                                            ontributing to the sustainable                                                                 developed in Japan to the consumer business in Myanmar and Mongolia, we aim
                                                                                                                                                                                                            to expand into markets in the Asian region where there is room for growth.
                                                                                                           growth of society                                                                                Moreover, in the business for corporate customers, we will further expand our
                                                                                                                                                                                                            global ICT business in Japan and around the world in an integrated manner around
                                                                                                                                                                                                            our data center business and the “IoT Worldwide Architecture,” which is KDDI’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                            comprehensive IoT platform for domestic and overseas markets.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Company Information
                                                                                                        Strategies                                                                                          Utilizing Big Data
                                                                                                                                                                                                            We will utilize data to thoroughly understand customers and maximize the
                                                                                                        KDDI will further promote the “integration of                                                       experience value through “appealing proposals” based on the customer’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                            perspective. Furthermore, we will promote the digital transformation of our
                                                                                                        telecommunications and life design” to expand                                                       customers’ companies by using big data in various industries with the rapid
                                                                                                        its businesses around telecommunications and                                                        expansion of the digitization and networking of devices due to 5G and IoT in
                                                                                                        fully intends to achieve sustainable growth in                                                      the future.
                                                                                                        accordance with the seven business strategies
                                                                                                        listed on the following page in order to realize
                                                                                                        the creation of new value in the 5G/IoT era in

                                                                                                                                                                                                            Expanding the Finance Business
                                                                                                        Japan and around the world.                                                                         We aim to strengthen customer engagement and achieve profit growth through
                                                                                                                                                                                                            the smartphones which have become the center of our lifestyles by making
                                                                                                                                                                                                            payment and financial services a regular part of our customers’ daily lives and
                                                                                                                                                                                                            by proposing smartphone-centric financial experiences.
                               For individual customers                                                                              For corporate customers

                                                                 Experience                                                                                         Earnings model
                                                                   value                                                                                            transformation

                                                                                                                                                          M a n u fa ct u
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Growth as a Group
                                    a lt   h c ar e              Fin
                                                                       an                               Operational                           ic   es                       rin
                                                                                                                                                                                g                           We aim to utilize company assets to the utmost and support the growth of
          Experience             He                                         ce
                                                                                                                                      S   erv
            value                                                                                        efficiency                                                                                          group companies to maximize mutual synergies as well as to expand and
                                                                                                                                                                                                            strengthen the new foundations of growth for the entire group.
                                                                                                                                                                                      R et
                                                                                 E n t e rt a i n m e



                                     Customer                                                                                              Customer

                                                                                                            Fin a

                                telecommunications                                                                                    telecommunications
            C om

                                                                                                                                                                                  ing try,
                                                                                                                                                                              ish fores

                                                                                                           Tr a


                                                                                          Experience                                                                    mi f
                                                                                                             ns p

                                                                                                                                                                     Far and
                                                                                                                                                                                         New business

                     er                                                                                             rta                                                                                     Sustainability


                                                                                            value                         t io                                                             creation
                          gy                                    ion
                                                      Ed                                                                                      Con s t r uc t i on                                           We have promoted sustainability activities on a company-wide basis in order
                                                                                                                                                                                                            to contribute to the sustainable growth of society. In May 2020, when looking
                                                                                                             End user                                                                                       ahead to 2030, the company set new SDGs titled “KDDI Sustainable Action”
                                                                                                            experience                                                                                      to confirm the commitment to work consistently on solving the variety of
                                                                                                              value                                                                                         different social issues through our businesses. As a company that provides
                                                                                                                                                                                                            lifelines connecting and protecting lives, connecting day-to-day lives, and
                                                                                                                                                                                                            connecting hearts and minds, KDDI will mobilize the efforts of our Group to
                                                                                                                                                                                                            fulfill our social missions.

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Corporate Profile KDDI 2020-2021
KDDI CORPORATION / Corporate Profile 2020–2021

    Accelerating Society 5.0 with 5G to create an even brighter society for the future
                                                                                                                                                    The three layers that form the foundation of KDDI Accelerate 5.0

                                                                                                                                                                                                                               New Lifestyles / Economic Mechanisms / Social Systems

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Corporate Strategy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Education          Production           Logistics and                                 Regional
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Entertainment           and healthcare       and sales           transportation          Smart cities         revitalization
                                                                                                                                                                 Business Layer

                                                                                       In our current society with various social issues
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Consumer data                            Industrial data                                      City OS
                                                                                      including the spread of COVID-19,                                                                                                                                 Open                                         Open
                                                                                     KDDI has a responsibility to strongly promote “Society 5.0,”
                                                                                     which was proposed by Japanese Cabinet Office,                                                                                                              The KDDI Group’s platform environment
                                                                                                                                                                  Platform Layer
                                                                                    as a company that enriches our society.                                                                                            Upgrade the open business environment and collaborate with domestic and international companies

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       The KDDI Group’s 5G / Beyond 5G
                                                                                                                                                                  Network Layer
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Upgrade diverse infrastructure to be resilient, and introduce world-class advanced technologies

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Business Overview
      KDDI Corp. and KDDI Research, Inc. formulated KDDI Accelerate 5.0 — a concept that envisions the                                              sThe three layers that form the foundation of KDDI Accelerate 5.0
      future in 2030.
         We aim to create a resilient future society to establish new lifestyles for people, as well as spur
      economic development and solve social issues in Japan, through the evolution of three layers, along with                                      Technologies in Seven Fields that Unify Physical and Cyber Spaces
      research and development in seven fields to support that evolution.

                                                                                                                                                    To accelerate Society 5.0, technology evolution is required to further accelerate the integration of physical spaces,
      About KDDI Accelerate 5.0                                                                                                                     where real people and things exist, and cyber spaces, which are the world of computers.
                                                                                                                                                       Data is collected from physical spaces, analyzed in cyber spaces, and then fed back into physical spaces again.
                                                                                                                                                       This cycle is supported by technologies in seven fields and close collaboration (orchestration) between those

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Company Information
      1. Background

      As the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic drag on, the            resilient business model, supporting economic growth in                       Technologies in Seven Fields that Support KDDI Accelerate 5.0
      need has grown rapidly for telework, online education,          Japan and an even brighter society, bursting with vitality,
      remote healthcare and the like, highlighting the social         for the future. Against this social backdrop, we put                          The seven technologies refer to network, security, IoT,                                             guidance on how to utilize it in physical spaces.
      importance of the ICT infrastructure that maintains eco-        together KDDI Accelerate 5.0 with the aim of contributing                     platforms, AI, XR, and robotics.                                                                        XR and robotics enable the use of this information in
      nomic activity and consumers’ peace of mind and safety          to the era of the new normal by actively working to build                         Networks connect physical and cyber spaces, and                                                 physical spaces. XR makes use of human senses, and
      in Japan. In addition, each industry is expected to create a    networks and platforms and to create business models.                         security ensures the safety of both spaces.                                                         robotics physically animates drones and robots.
                                                                                                                                                        IoT sends information collected from physical spaces                                                Repeating these cycles will increasingly optimize social
                                                                                                                                                    to cyber spaces. Information accumulated on platforms                                               and economic activities.
                                                                                                                                                    in cyber space is analyzed by AI, which then provides
      2. Upgrading the environment in three layers

      To realize KDDI Accelerate 5.0, we will upgrade the environment in three layers.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Cyber space                                                                          The proliferation of 5G
      1 Network Layer:                                                provide feedback on forecast results in physical spaces.                                                                                   Data analysis, learning, forecast                                                    service will drive the inte-
      The network layer forms the base of a new social founda-        KDDI will upgrade the open platform of advanced technol-                                                                                                                                                                        gration of physical and
      tion. To engrain 5G in Japanese society and industry, we        ogies for each industry in Japan through domestic collab-                                                                                                                                                                       cyber spaces. And when
      need to quickly roll out highly reliable networks based on      oration with Japan’s corporate platforms and venture                                                                                                                                                                            we enter the beyond 5G
                                                                                                                                                                                              Technology and
      the latest technologies across the country.                     companies while integrating its 5G network and the                                                                                                                                                                              era, the feedback from
          KDDI will introduce the technologies of overseas            advanced cloud technologies of global IT companies.                                                                     orchestration in                                                                                        cyber spaces to physical
      companies to maintain Japan’s international competitive-                                                                                                                                  seven fields                                                                                          spaces will be enhanced.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               *XR: Cross Reality
      ness and will lead efforts to adopt world-class advanced        3 Business Layer:                                                                                                                                                                                                               These kinds of changes are
                                                                                                                                                               Data (collection)                                                         Feedback (optimization)
      technologies in Japan. In addition, KDDI will accelerate the    The business layer is positioned on top of resilient net-                                                                                                                                                                       being accelerated by
      nationwide rollout of its 5G network mainly through proac-      works and open platforms to create new services and                                                                                                                                                                             research such as AI, XR
      tive forward-looking investments and infrastructure sharing     solutions. By integrating cyber and physical spaces                                                                                                                                                                             and robotics that spur
      in rural areas.                                                 through open innovation with companies in other indus-                                                                                                                                                                          changes in human behav-
                                                                      tries, we aim to enhance engagement with customers,                                                                                                                                                                             ior; and the Life Design
      2 Platform Layer:                                               evolve into a resilient business model. KDDI will accelerate                                                                                                                                                                    Business platform that
      The platform layer is built on top of the network layer. It     Society 5.0 with the aim of creating economic growth in                                                 Physical space                                                                                                          KDDI is promoting.
      creates unprecedented new value by using cyber spaces           Japan, as well as an even brighter society for the future.                                Real society, lives, experiences, new business

      to analyze data collected from physical spaces and to then
                                                                                                                                                    sTechnology and orchestration in seven fields

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Corporate Profile KDDI 2020-2021
Sustainability                                                                                                                                                                                                KDDI CORPORATION / Corporate Profile 2020–2021

                                                                                                                               Contributing to the sustainable growth of society

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Corporate Strategy
                                                                                                                              KDDI promotes sustainability activities in order to contribute to the sustainable growth of society. Particularly
                                                                                                                              regarding SDGs, we as the KDDI Group put effort into the resolution of social issues and aim for sustainable growth
                                                                                                                              with society through the “KDDI Sustainable Action” connecting and protecting lives, connecting day-to-day lives,
                                                                                                                              and connecting hearts and minds.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Business Overview
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Company Information
    Aim for sustainable growth with society and
    “Connecting and protecting lives, connecting                                                                               Connecting and protecting lives                                      Connecting and protecting lives

                                                                                                                              Improvement of the telecommunications                                Promotion of the initiatives to conserve the global
    day-to-day lives, and connecting hearts and minds”                                                                        infrastructure that keeps connecting at any time                     environment
    As a company that strives to maintain resilient and high-quality telecommunications and provides                          KDDI recognizes that as a telecommunications company                 KDDI established and is executing the “KDDI GREEN
                                                                                                                              providing lifelines, it has the responsibility of providing          PLAN 2017–2030,” which is the Fourth Medium-term
    lifelines, we gather our group’s strength and fulfill our social mission to keep supporting day-to-day lives
                                                                                                                              stable telecommunications services that are available                Environmental Conservation Plan covering the period from
    and industries, and aim to become a company that will be loved and trusted by all the stakeholders.                       around the clock, 365 days a year, regardless of condi-              FY 2017 to FY 2030. We promote “the measures against
                                                                                                                              tions. We introduce disaster-resistant facilities, ongoing           global warming,” “formation of a recycling-oriented soci-
                                                                                                                              implement disaster response training, anticipate every               ety,” and “conservation of biodiversity” as the three
                                                                                                                              possible large-scale disaster scenario, and prepare and              focused issues. Particularly in “the measures against
                                                                                                                              implement measures on a daily basis. In order for custom-            global warming,” based on the Paris Agreement’s long-
    To fulfill the mission of a telecommunications company providing lifelines                                                ers in the affected area to be able to use mobile phones
                                                                                                                              as quickly as possible when a disaster occurs, we deploy
                                                                                                                                                                                                   term goal adopted in COP21 and the government’s plan
                                                                                                                                                                                                   for the global warming countermeasures, we have specifi-
                                                                                                                              “on-vehicle base stations,” “mobile base stations,” etc.             cally set our CO2 emissions reduction goal in FY 2030 at
    Since its establishment, KDDI has upheld the KDDI Group Mission Statement, which calls for “achieving a truly             nationwide. In addition, as a countermeasure for the                 7% as compared to FY 2013 and have been promoting
    connected society,” and has engaged in resolving social issues as the mission of a telecommunications company             maritime area if it is difficult to provide the mobile phone         initiatives. Furthermore, we will proactively drive a shift to
    providing important lifelines. In the medium-term management plan (fiscal years 2019-21), we uphold “contributing to      service on land, we deploy the “ship-mounted base                    renewable energy to achieve net-zero CO2 emissions by
    the sustainable growth of society” as our company vision.                                                                 station.” Furthermore, as a countermeasure for isolated              2050 and reduce the environmental impact on society
        KDDI aims for sustainable growth by giving our full attention to not only our growth but also social issues and       affected areas, we have been proceeding with the practi-             through the use of ICTs.
    practicing growth through the initiatives for SDGs with the two axes of “sustainable growth of existing businesses” and   cal use of base stations utilizing helicopters and drones.
    “challenge to new innovations”.

                                                                                                                              sShip-mounted base s“KDDI Ocean Link” cable ship equipped with a
                                                                                                                                station             ship-mounted base station

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Corporate Profile KDDI 2020-2021
Sustainability                                                                                                                                                                                                                 KDDI CORPORATION / Corporate Profile 2020–2021

       Connecting day-to-day lives                                              Connecting day-to-day lives                                    Connecting hearts and minds                                          Connecting hearts and minds

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Corporate Strategy
     Utilize advanced technologies, such as 5G and IoT,                       Developed the infrastructure in a developing country            Promoting diversity and inclusion                                   Execution of workstyle reform to aim for a society
     and realize locally owned sustainable development                        by improving the telecommunications infrastructure              One aspect of “The KDDI Group Philosophy,” which outlines           where everyone is healthy and feels job satisfaction
     To make the resolution of local issues the sustainable initia-           and providing services                                          the kind of company that we wish to become is the idea              KDDI believes that the health of our employees is an import-
     tive, KDDI considers that local companies that continually                                                                               that “embracing diversity.” This philosophy clearly states          ant management issue, expresses the “KDDI Group
                                                                              In Myanmar, where the improvement of the telecommunica-
     provide support in local sites and human resource develop-                                                                               that mutual respect and understanding of people regardless          Declaration of Health-focused Management,” builds the
                                                                              tions infrastructure was imperative, KDDI has proceeded with
     ment are the “keys.” We provide advanced technologies,                                                                                   of gender, age, nationality, disability, sexual orientation,        system to support the health of each employee at an orga-
                                                                              the improvement of the telecommunications service environ-
     such as 5G, IoT, AI, and drones, and the business know-how                                                                               religion, and other diverse characteristics and values are          nizational level, and proactively promotes various initiatives.
                                                                              ment through the joint venture with “Myanma Posts and
     in the digital transformation (DX) era by cooperating with local                                                                         essential to the sustainable growth of the company, and we          We promote the drastic change of mind/behavior from
                                                                              Telecommunications” (MPT) and Sumitomo Corporation, and
     educational institutions. With an eye toward the fostering of                                                                            are engaged in promoting diversity and inclusion to enable          conventional workstyles and establish an exclusively
                                                                              currently, smartphones can be used in the entire country.
     the momentum for founding a company and the development                                                                                  diverse human resources to accept one another and work              responsible organization “Work Style Reform & Health
                                                                              With an eye toward the further improvement of the quality of
     of local human resources who have expertise in ICT and the                                                                               together. We also promote the support of activities by              Management Department” toward the realization of the
                                                                              telecommunications services, we have been implementing a
     latest management, we proceed with the initiatives toward                                                                                persons with disabilities and LGBT, improve the pleasant            workplace environment where all employees are in good
                                                                              long-term training program in Japan for the MPT personnel
     improvement of the educational environment. As part of the                                                                               workplace environment for everyone where anyone can                 health, work vigorously, and exhibit a high level of perfor-
                                                                              who will be responsible for the next generation.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Business Overview
     initiatives, we have concluded a comprehensive partnership                                                                               actively participate, and aim to foster a corporate culture         mance. We have held all-employee interview sessions by an
                                                                                  In Dullu in the western mountainous area in Nepal, KDDI
     agreement with Iwate Prefectural University aimed at local                                                                               that respects diversity. We see the promotion of participa-         in-house counselor twice a year since 2019 and imple-
                                                                              Foundation applied the submarine cable technology that
     revitalization, and as part of the human resource development                                                                            tion by women as a management issue, and by taking                  mented the improvement of the workplace environment and
                                                                              KDDI has cultivated to build the broadband regional network
     project, we have been implementing lectures of the enPiT                                                                                 various development measures, we focus on the develop-              medical cooperation.
                                                                              in which optical fiber and Wi-Fi were combined. Improvement
     (note) curriculum, a project adopted by the Ministry of                                                                                  ment and appointment of female leaders.
                                                                              of the ICT environment, such as medical, education, and
     Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology since                 tourism, will progress, and it will be utilized for various
     July 2019.                                                               purposes.
     Note) enPiT: Education Network for Practical Information Technologies

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Company Information
                                                                                                                                              sAn event for female leader candidates                             sAn interview by an in-house counselor

     sOnline lecture held in July 2020                                       sOptical fiber cable laying work in Nepal
                                                                                                                                                     Response to the COVID-19
       Connecting day-to-day lives                                              Connecting hearts and minds

     Fused together the learning opportunity and advanced                     Provision of services, such as payment and finance,                 Basic policy                                                    Provision of the location information big data
     technology and provided a place for edutainment                          which can be easily and conveniently used                           For the effects of the COVID-19, based on the idea of           Following the issuance of the nationwide expansion of
                                                                                                                                                  the “KDDI Sustainable Action” formulated under the              the “declaration of a state of emergency” and with a
     KDDI provided a domed VR space in the “Antarctic Research                While people’s lifestyles diversify, financial systems have
                                                                                                                                                  determination to keep putting efforts into the resolution       view to having it utilized for the countermeasures for
     Center” pavilion, which was opened for a limited time only               become complex and diverse as well. KDDI has proactively
                                                                                                                                                  of various social issues through businesses, the KDDI           the COVID-19, KDDI provided the location information
     within the children’s career and social experience facility              put effort into financial services, such as the establishment       Group gathers strength as the company that provides             big data analytical tool “KDDI Location Analyzer” to 47
     “KidZania,” which is run by our group company. In the activity           of the “Jibun Bank (currently, au Jibun Bank) in 2008.” With        the lifelines connecting and protecting lives, connect-         prefectures and 20 government ordinance-designated
     in which advanced technologies, such as VR, were com-                    a view to further enhancing the payment and financial               ing day-to-day lives, and connecting hearts and minds,          cities for free for a limited time only in April 2020. By
     bined, children became members of an Antarctic research                  business, an intermediate financial holding company “au             and fulfills our social mission by considering and              visualizing people’s movements, changes in the staying
     expedition and observed the number of living penguins as                 Financial Holdings” commenced its operations in April               executing the responses with the following five policies        population before and after “the declaration of a state
     biologists. By experiencing the tasks of the Antarctic research          2019. In order for customers to feel “finance” more familiar        being the axes.                                                 of emergency,” sex and age groups, and the moves of
     expedition, we provided the opportunity to enjoy learning                to them by providing one-stop financial services, we will                                                                           residents could be comprehended, and it was utilized
     about the future of the global environment protection.                   accelerate the “Smart Money Concept” to provide secure                 1. We ensure the safety of our customers and employ-         for municipal measures.
         With the concepts of the realization of a sustainable                and convenient payment and financial experience with                      ees of the Company and affiliated companies above
     society and the creation of a prosperous future for children             smartphones being used as a gateway.                                      all else.
                                                                                                                                                     2. We continue to respond to the rise in telecommuni-
     who will support it, KDDI will provide a wide variety of valu-
                                                                                                                                                        cations traffic and maintain telecommunications
     able experiences.                                                                                                                                  services, which are the foundation and lifeline of
                                                                                                                                                     3. We actively collaborate with governments, munici-
                                                                                                                                                        palities, and public organizations, etc.
                                                                                                                                                     4. We contribute to the construction of a resilient social
                                                                                                                                                        infrastructure that is resistant to environmental
                                                                                                                                                        changes by promoting DX for individual and corpo-
                                                                                                                                                        rate customers such as telework, online education,
                                                                                                                                                        and remote medical care.
                                                                                                                                                     5. We offer customer experiences that can alleviate
                                                                                                                                                        worries and difficulties in life and fill the heart.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  sResidence area distribution of the visitors to Shinjuku Station

     sA child learning in the “Antarctic Research Center” pavilion

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Corporate Profile KDDI 2020-2021
Special Feature                                                                                                                                                                                                                  KDDI CORPORATION / Corporate Profile 2020–2021

                                                                                                                                          5G area rollout plan

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Corporate Strategy
                                                                                                                                          In March 2020, we started offering the 5G service in
                                                                                                                                          partial areas in 15 prefectures. Regarding 5G base         Rollout to the major cities in all prefectures in
                                                                                                                                          stations, we are scheduled to establish 10,000 sta-        and after the summer of 2020                               Over
                                                                                                                                          tions by March 2021 and 50,000 stations by March                               Partial areas in 15                              50,000

                                   5G on the Rise
                                                                                                                                          2022, and we will expand area coverage across the         Number of 5G         prefectures across  10,000 stations  stations
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              the country
                                                                                                                                          country. We established a joint venture company           Base Stations
                                                                                                                                          “5G Japan Corporation” with Softbank in April 2020       to be Deployed
                                                                                                                                          and have been promoting the early expansion of                                      The end of        The end of   The end of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             March 2020        March 2021    March 2022
                                                                                                                                          the 5G area coverage in local regions by sharing the
     KDDI launched the fifth generation mobile communication service “au 5G” in March 2020. Based on the                                                                                          s5G base station rollout plan
     hybrid network of the advanced 5G and resilient 4G LTE and by fusing with the life design service, we will
                                                                                                                                              We will initially try to promptly expand area
     deliver the value of an exciting experience to customers. We will provide new services together with all

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Business Overview
                                                                                                                                          coverage by introducing the Non-Stand Alone to install 5G base stations in 4G LTE networks, and in the future, we will
     kinds of partners to support the digital transformation (DX) of our customers while also actively undertaking                        shift to the Stand Alone that uses exclusive 5G network facilities that can maximally bring out the features of 5G, such
     the application of 5G to regional revitalization as an important issue.                                                              as network slicing and mobile edge computing (MEC).

                                       Individual customers                                                                                                               Corporate customers

       UNLIMITED WORLD                                                                                                                       Co-creation and innovative changes by 5G

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Company Information
        “5G for Everyone” started                                                                                                            The 5G era will continuously connect all kinds          Air transportation   Logistics        Manufacturing            Security   Real estate

                                                                                                                                             of things to the network and transition to a
        With the concept “UNLIMITED WORLD au 5G,” au will deliver new experi-                                                                stage in which telecommunications blend into
        ences for a variety of daily scenes. We will offer 5G services popular with                                                          all kinds of things. As a digital integrator, KDDI
        customers, such as the service to enjoy high-quality 5G content at a flat rate,                                                      proceeds with the initiatives toward the cre-
        a rate plan to fully enjoy content with unlimited data capacity, and a lineup of                                                     ation of new experience value and businesses           sPartner companies putting effort into innovation by utilizing 5G
        mobile phones meeting a wide range of needs.                                                                                         that are specific to the 5G era together with
                                                                                                                                             customers in the various business types and
                                                                                                                                             fields by combining 5G and technologies, such
                                                                                                                                             as IoT and AI.

        Augmented Entertainment
        Showroom Inc. under the KDDI support system offers
        “smash.”, a vertical theater application that specializes in
        content that can be watched on a smartphone. The service has
        a lineup of high-quality videos in a wide range of genres that
        offers the function to store part of the video and a social func-                                                                    AWS Wavelength x au 5G
        tion to connect users to each other. KDDI will offer a diverse
        range of entertainment services that will include collaborations                                                                     KDDI is partnering with Amazon Web Services,
        with partners to deliver a 5G experience that will be familiar                                                                       Inc. (AWS) to bring the compute and storage
        with customers.                                                       s“smash.” specializes in videos that can be watched on a      service AWS Wavelength to Japan. By placing
                                                                                smartphone                                                   AWS Wavelength near devices that use the au
                                                                                                                                             5G network, developers can easily build and
        Augmented Community                                                                                                                  provide ultra-low latency applications such as
        As a new initiative in the virtual “Augmented Community” space
                                                                                                                                             machine learning inference, IoT, VR/AR, and
        that synthesizes the real and virtual worlds, KDDI sponsors
                                                                                                                                             gaming by using familiar AWS services, APIs,
        “Virtual Shibuya au 5G Halloween Fes”, where watching movies
                                                                                                                                             and tools.
        on the road and a variety of different events can be enjoyed
        in “Virtual Shibuya”, which is Shibuya City’s official distribution
        platform. Through the “Augmented Community”, we will work                                                                                                                                   sUltra-low latency edge computing - AWS Wavelength x au 5G
        to build a borderless community where different cultures and
        people, such as sports, comedy, and tourism, fuse together to
        build a sustainable social infrastructure.                            ©KDDI/au 5G/Virtual Shibuya au 5G Halloween Fes

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Corporate Profile KDDI 2020-2021
Personal Services segment                                                                                                                                                                                  KDDI CORPORATION / Corporate Profile 2020–2021

     Pursuing a More Enjoyable                                                                                                The network you can connect to at any time and the rate plans according to the

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Corporate Strategy
     Future Together with                                                                                                     customer usage.
                                                                                                                              Support that will get closer to the customer anywhere.
     Customers                                                                                                                au is packed with “affordable” and “reliable” services.

                                                                                                                              High-quality network                                                 Provision of services that meet a wide variety
                                                                                                                                                                                                   of needs
                                                                                                                              We launched the fifth generation mobile telecommunica-
                                                                                                                              tions service “au 5G” in March 2020 and have been                    KDDI integrated UQ Communications’ “UQ mobile”
                                                                                                                              proceeding with expanding coverage across the country.               service and started offering it as our brand from October
                         mobile phones                                                                                        au 5G compatible models can be used in the 4G LTE                    2020. UQ mobile launched the service in 2015 as KDDI’s

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Business Overview
                                                                                                                              network as well with a population coverage ratio of more             MVNO, and its low-price and high-quality service has
                                                                                                                              than 99%. In addition, we have implemented separate                  been highly esteemed. After the inheritance of the ser-
                                                                                                                              measures to ensure that the network is easy to connect               vice, we will improve the efficiency of management
                                                                                                                              to and provide a highly reliable network quality in areas            resources and strive to provide better value rate plans for
        Internet     au HOME   Entertainment   Shopping                                                                       where large numbers of people gather, such as around                 customers and more highly convenient services. Our
      connections                                                                                                             city train stations, tourist sites, sporting events, and live        mobile phone business will be deployed with multiple
                                                                                                                              concerts. We will offer more fun and new experience in               brands such as “au”, “UQ mobile”, and our group com-
                                                                                                                              the communication environment that is comfortable to                 pany’s “BIGLOBE mobile” and “J:COM MOBILE.” to
                                                                                                                              use at any time.                                                     meet a wide variety of customer needs.
                                                                                                                              *The population coverage ratio is calculated based on areas where
       Points, payment     au Denki       au Insurance &                                                                        communication is available in more than 50% of locations in the
                                           Loans, iDeCo                                                                         approximately 500 m2 sections used for the national census.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Company Information
                                                                                                                              Rate plans chosen by customers

     Making customer lifestyles more enjoyable                                                                                au has led other companies in offering innovative rate
                                                                                                                              plans according to the change of customer usage, such

     and convenient through the integration of                                                                                as the introduction of the Student Discount plan in 2000
                                                                                                                              and the flat packet rate plan in 2003. In June 2020, we

     telecommunications and life design                                                                                       launched a good value rate plan “Data MAX 5G ALL
                                                                                                                              STAR Pack” that offers unlimited data usage and comes
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Economical and comfortable Internet
                                                                                                                              with popular entertainment content in a set. By using the
     With au, you can enjoy all types of content in various locations at any time through a network that is                   “Kaetoku Program,” the first remaining value setting type
     comfortable to use. We stand close to and deliver pleasant experiences to customers by enhancing the                     of a device purchase program among domestic telecom-                 KDDI provides Internet services that are comfortable to
     life design services that make the daily lives of customers more enjoyable and convenient based on a                     munications companies, the latest smartphone can be                  use at home and in outing destinations. “au Hikari,”
     reliable telecommunications service.                                                                                     used at an affordable price.                                         which is an optical network broadband service, is ultra-
                                                                                                                                                                                                   high-speed telecommunications of up to 10 Gbps (in
                                                                                                                              Full-fledged support                                                 limited areas), and you can comfortably use it for con-
                                                                                                                                                                                                   tent, such as videos and online games, as well as tele-
                                                                                                                              au provides various support options according to cus-                work and online education. If you make a contract for the
     Delivering excitement to the lifestyles of each individual                                                               tomer requests. We accept inquiries by phone and with                WiMAX 2+ service, you can also use high-speed Internet
                                                                                                                              “My au” in which customers can check their usage fees                in the outing destination. If you use the target Internet
     To individual customers, we provide smartphone, mobile phone, and other mobile communication services as well as         and go through various procedures on a website or app,               services and an au smartphone in a set, you can sub-
     fixed-line services including “au Hikari.” In addition to our own mobile phone services, our group companies are also    and customers can make inquiries using the message                   scribe to “au Smart Value” or “au Smart Value mine” that
     providing mobile phone services as our MVNOs.                                                                            function at any hour. Paid-membership “au Smart                      will discount the au smartphone usage fees, and you can
         Going forward, we will further expand and integrate telecommunications services with life design services, such as   Support” in which dedicated advisers provide support for             economically use your smartphone and the Internet.
     commerce, finance, energy, entertainment, and education, to provide new forms of experience value for the enjoyment      how to use smartphones and other devices has been
     and convenience of our customers. In order to do so, our goal is to understand customers’ needs by analyzing various     receiving good reviews as well. In Twitter’s “au Support,”
     types of data, offering appealing proposals, and becoming an important part of our customers’ lives.                     we transmit “support information” for our products and
                                                                                                                              services, as well as “helpful information” that makes
                                                                                                                              people want to tell someone. Furthermore, compensa-
                                                                                                                              tion services have been prepared with the expectation of
                                                                                                                              device loss, theft, and failure to enable subscribers to
                                                                                                                              use their devices with a sense of reassurance at all times.

14                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               15
Corporate Profile KDDI 2020-2021
Personal Services segment                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  KDDI CORPORATION / Corporate Profile 2020–2021

     Promotion of the Smart Money Concept with a focus on the smartphone payment

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Corporate Strategy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Bring good values to your everyday life                    Education x 5G, IoT
     service “au PAY” and “Ponta Point”                                                                                                                                                                               “au Denki” is an electricity service in which Ponta        au’s life design services are also expanding into the
     —Make payments and financial services in customers’ day-to-day lives more convenient—                                                                                                                            points will be given according to the monthly              field of education. We created a comprehensive part-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      electric bills.                                            nership with the KCJ Group, which operates
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           You can use “au Denki App” on your smartphone         “KidZania” to integrate learning spaces with 5G, IoT,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      where you can easily check daily electricity usage, view   and other cutting-edge technologies for the cultivation
     Smart money concept                                                                                                       au PAY is more advantageous with Ponta
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      the prediction of the electric bill in the month and       of children’s physical and intellectual vitality. The
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      compare with similar households.                           English conversation school AEON is applying ICT and
     KDDI is promoting the “smart money concept” to com-                                                                                                                                                                   You can subscribe to gas services with au Denki,      data analysis technologies from KDDI to promote DX
     prehensively provide payment, financial, and other                                                                        In May 2020, KDDI changed the point service into the                                   such as “Toden (Tokyo Electric Power) Gas for au,”         for the purpose of individually optimizing learning and
     services around the smartphone. The “smart money                                                                          common point service “Ponta Point,” and the subscriber                                 “Chuden (Chubu Electric Power) Gas for au,” or             maximizing learning efficiency. We also cooperate with
     concept” will make smartphone payment and the finan-                                                                      base exceeding 100 million, which is in the largest class                              “KANDEN (Kansai Electric Power) Gas for au”. You can       Mates, which operates “Shingaku Juku (cram school)
     cial experience a more familiar practice and further                                                                      in Japan, was born. With this, Ponta Point, which can be                               use city gas at a good rate and can check monthly          Mates” and “Kobetsu Shido Juku (private tutoring

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Business Overview
     enhance engagement with the customer by providing                                                                         accumulated by purchasing products and using services                                  billing amounts on the “au Denki App.”                     cram school) WAYS” and launched a support service
     one-stop financial services, including “saving,” “pay-                                                                    at partner companies, can be accumulated together with                                                                                            “edich” that watches over learning plans and responds
     ments,” “investment,” “borrowing,” “preparations,” and                                                                    the payment portions used through “au PAY” and “au                                                                                                to questions online.
     “planning” centered around the “au PAY” and “Ponta                                                                        PAY Card.”
     Point.”                                                                                                                       au PAY is a payment service that anyone can use if
                                                                                                                               he/she has a smartphone. At Ponta partner companies
     Realizing the smart money concept                                                                                         that are also au PAY participating stores, if you present
                                                                                                                               the au PAY app’s digital Ponta card or Ponta card and
     KDDI established the “Jibun Bank (currently, au Jibun                                                                     pay by au PAY, you can accumulate two times more
     Bank)” in 2008, and the “au Simple Payment” introduced                                                                    points. When charging from your credit card “au PAY
     in 2010 made it possible to combine pay charges for                                                                       Card” to au PAY, you can also accumulate points and
     digital content and shopping together with the au com-                                                                    use it economically.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Company Information
     munications charges. We actively enhanced our payment
     and financial service offerings by launching “au WALLET”                                                                  Good value shopping with the points
     in 2014, “au Insurance & Loans” in 2016, and “au
     iDeCO” in 2018. In 2019, we established the intermedi-                                                                    “au PAY Market” is an integrated EC shopping mall                                      Enjoy non-stop entertainment                               Deploying au services and technologies to
     ate holding company “au Financial Holdings” aimed at                                                                      where you can meet various products and stores ranging                                                                                            and around the world
     further enhancing the payment and financial business                                                                      from daily necessities to gourmet, fashion, interior, and                              “au Smart Pass Premium” offers various services to
     and transferred financial business companies, such as au                                                                  home appliances. It is a very good value EC service                                    meet customer needs, such as entertainment content         We are deploying our business experience, knowhow,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      like videos, music, and book services, support for         and highly reliable technical capabilities cultivated
     Jibun Bank, under its umbrella. Going forward, by gath-                                                                   where you can receive up to 15% reward points accord-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      repair charges, and unlimited use of security apps.        through the operation of au services in Japan to delight
     ering the group companies’ strengths centered around                                                                      ing to the amount of shopping and “Valuable Point
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      One can experience VR content on a wide range of           oversea customers as well. Through a joint operation
     “au PAY” and “Ponta Point,” we will promote the Smart                                                                     Exchange Site” where you can exchange current Ponta                                    models that can be enjoyed with fully realistic feeling,   with Myanma Posts and Telecommunications (MPT)
     Money Concept and deliver the smartphone-centric,                                                                         points with up to 1.5 times more points that are limited to                            as well as the content to experience 5G, such as           and Sumitomo Corporation in Myanmar, as well as
     secure, and safe financial and payment services to our                                                                    the au PAY Market, and the free premium product                                        multi-angle videos of a public talk at an “au 5G           MobiCom Corporation we have invested in since its
     customers.                                                                                                                shipping service for au Smart Pass Premium member                                      Special Event.”                                            establishment in Mongolia, we are serving as the
                                                                                                                               customers is available.                                                                                                                           leading general telecommunications carrier in terms of
                                                                                                                               *The content above is information as of August 2020                                                                                               revenue and market share there. Through them, we
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 are offering high-quality telecommunication services,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 as well as the services tailored for lifestyles, such as
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 mobile money.

                                                                                                        You can use
                                                                                                     if you are not an
                                                                                                          au user!
                                                                                                                                         Charging                                      Saving/Investment
                                                                                                                                  Various credit cards                                  Point management
                                   Loans                                              Savings,                                        Bank transfer                             Stock trading and investment trust/
                                                                                      transfers                                                                                                iDeCO
                                                    Telecommunications                                                       Deposit at a convenience store/
                                                                                                                                       into an ATM                                  Foreign currency saving/FX
                                                       Save up
                                                         Use                                                                          No charging
                                                                                                                                   au Simple Payment
                                                                                                                            (Payment by combining with the
                                                                                                                                                                                           Borrowing                                                                             sMPT Sule Shop in Myanmar
                            Electricity                                                     Fixed-line
                                                                                                                               communications charges)                            au PAY Card revolving payment
                                                                                         communications                                                                          au PAY Smart Loan (Small loans)
                                                                                                                              au Jibun Bank auto charging
                                                                                                                               au PAY Card auto charging                       au Jibun Bank Card Loan (Big loans)
                                                                                                                                 (In the first half of FY 2020)

               Insurance,                                                                                 Investment                    Pay/Send
                                                                                                                               Money transfer between                                     Preparations
                                                                                                                                   au PAY accounts                                     au Nonlife Insurance
                                           Online                        Real world                                          Withdrawal to au Jibun Bank                                au Life Insurance
                                                                                                                            Payment of utility charges (March)


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 sMobiCom LifeStyle Shop in Mongolia
     sSmart money concept                                                                                               sau PAY app x Finance to make it a super app

16                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               17
Corporate Profile KDDI 2020-2021
Business Services segment                                                                                                                                                                                                                       KDDI CORPORATION / Corporate Profile 2020–2021

     Pursuing the Tomorrow of
                                                                                                                               Create Innovations Together with Customers

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Corporate Strategy
     Growth and Evolution
                                                                                                                              KDDI is actively engaged in open innovation. Through collaboration with a diverse range of partners including large
                                                                                                                              companies, startup companies, and local governments, we are aiming for sustainable growth together with our
                                                                                                                              customers by envisioning new business strategies and models in the 5G era and creating a series of new businesses
                                                                                                                              and services.

                                                                                                                              KDDI DIGITAL GATE                                                                               KDDI MUGENLABO
           Mobile                  IoT             Cloud and
                                                   data center
                                                                                                                              “KDDI DIGITAL GATE” is a business development base in
                                                                                                                              the 5G era. We form a team with a customer to find                                                     MUGEN NO TSUBASA

                                                                                                                              issues from the user’s viewpoint and conduct the cre-                                                                                                              MUGENLABO

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Business Overview
                                                                                                                              ation of solution ideas, prototyping, and verification in the                                                                                                      SHIEN Program
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ~Business Co-Creation Program~
                            Security and                                                                                      co-creation workshop that is based on design thinking.
          Network            managed               Voice calls
                                                                                                                              KDDI’s richly experienced facilitators and designers will
                                                                                                                              accompany customers. Furthermore, we promptly build                                                  Enterprise (Projects)                          Startup                    Enterprise (Assets)

                                                                                                                              and verify service ideas in agile development in a one-                                                                       Commercialization                      Support
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Real assets
                                                                                                                              day to one-week cycle and are fully equipped with the                                                  New project themes                         Business ideas
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Customer base
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     New business ideas                          Technologies
                                                                                                                              facilities necessary for service verifications utilizing 5G.                                           Budget for execution                        5G use cases
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Development and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              marketing supports
        Satellite communications         Electricity and others                                                                    We mobilize innovative ideas for startup, advanced
         and satellite telephone                                                                                              technologies of 5G and IoT, the KDDI Group’s technolog-                                         s“MUGEN NO TSUBASA” and “MUGENLABO SHIEN PROGRAM
                                                                                                                              ical support, and assets that we have accumulated to                                              2020”

                                                                                                                              promote the co-creation of businesses. Since the estab-
                                                                                                                              lishment in September 2018, a total of 400* corporate                                           KDDI launched a business co-creation platform “KDDI

     Becoming a true partner that works with customers

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Company Information
                                                                                                                              customers have used it as a place where new ideas and                                           MUGENLABO” in 2011 and has supported 83* startup
                                                                                                                              encounters are generated.                                                                       companies so far. In 2014, we set up the “partner

     and contributor for customer’s business                                                                                       Since May 2020, we have started providing all ser-
                                                                                                                              vices online ranging from experience tours to workshops
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              alliance” which gathers large enterprises in Japan in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              order to expand the business co-creation fields with
                                                                                                                              and scrum developments and supported customers’                                                 startups. Currently, the “partner alliance” has become
     KDDI believes that digital transformation (DX) is about creating innovative forms of business value
                                                                                                                              issue resolution and new business creation.                                                     the largest enterprise community in Japan which con-
     through collaboration with partners who set their sights on a diverse set of values and utilization                      *As of September 2020                                                                           tains over 40 enterprise participation. In September
     of various digital technologies. As “a digital integrator,” the KDDI Group is mobilizing its network,                                                                                                                    2020, we were awarded first place in the “Innovative
     technologies, and expertise to fully support our customers’ businesses in the 5G/IoT era.                                                                                                                                Enterprise Rankings” for the third straight year, which
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              was announced by the Executive Committee of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Innovation Leaders Summit. In FY 2020, we launched
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              two new programs: “MUGEN NO TSUBASA,” which is
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              a business co-creation program aimed at new business
     ALL KDDI Contributes to Customers’                           Business Development through IoT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              creation in the 5G era, and “MUGENLABO SHIEN
     Business                                                                                                                                                                                                                 PROGRAM,” which is a program to support startup
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              businesses through partner alliance’s real assets. By
     KDDI has always proposed cutting-edge, optimal               KDDI has put effort into IoT for about 20 years. To                                                                                                         mixing startup’s ideas and technological capabilities
     solutions based on our resilient and high-quality            support customers’ business innovations and problem                                                                                                         with the real assets that KDDI and the partner alliance
     telecommunications infrastructure. In the 5G/                resolution, we offer diverse solutions and the number                                                                                                       have, KDDI MUGENLABO leads the consecutive and
     IoT era, the relationships between customers and             of contracted lines exceeded 12 million in total*. We                                                                                                       cross-industrial business co-creation in Japan.
     companies will be reconfigured because of advances           offer consultations in order for the IoT technology to      sKDDI DIGITAL GATE (Toranomon, Tokyo)                                                          *As of August 2020
     in sensor technology and telecommunications. This is         be used in customers’ businesses, sensors that are
     because the analyses using AI of data obtained from          essential in adopting IoT, the network infrastructure,
     advanced sensors and telecommunications will make            and accumulation, visualization, and analyses of data in
                                                                                                                                   Virtual experience tour                                      Remote workshop                                               Remote scrum development
     personalization more sophisticated, make it possible to      a one-stop manner and have a lineup of IoT solutions
     continuously provide even better services, and trigger       tailored for customer needs. In addition, by combining
     a change into a recurring model (cyclical business).         the data of au smartphone location information and
     The KDDI Group will concentrate AI, IoT, security, data      the data that a customer has, we will also contribute
     analysis, and other group resources on top of our            to new value creation. We have been proceeding
     highly reliable cloud to continue helping our customers      with verifications and practical use of IoT in various
     transform their businesses to the best of our ability.       business types and fields, such as mackerel farming
                                                                  management, detection of the predictive failure of the           Explaining the overview of the facilities in an open space   Explaining the flow of WS in a workshop room                  Explaining scrum development in an engineer room
                                                                  plant equipment, and sophistication of logistics centers.
                                                                                                                              sKDDI DIGITAL GATE’s online experience
                                                                  *As of June 2020

18                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 19
Business Services segment                                                                                                                                                                                                                              KDDI CORPORATION / Corporate Profile 2020–2021

      KDDI “IoT Worldwide Architecture” supporting global DX                                                                                                                  Promotion of the smart factory by “5G x IoT”                   quantities of data obtained by various sensors at once

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Corporate Strategy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             and the collective control of facilities became possible,
                                                                                                                                                                              JFE Steel Corporation introduced 5G in April 2020 in JFE       which will lead to the optimization of the entire manufac-
     The KDDI “IoT Worldwide Architecture” is a business platform to promote customers’ global expansion that utilizes                                                        Steel East Japan Works (Chiba) and has been promoting          turing floor. It is also expected to contribute to making it
     the abundant experience from putting effort into IoT for about 20 years and staff members in about 100 or more bases                                                     JFE Steel’s stable operation and to make it a smart            a smart factory and further promoting DX, such as the
     worldwide who are familiar with local circumstances. With a combination of the “Connectivity Service” that seamlessly                                                    factory through the utilization of 4k images, etc. In the      improvement of production efficiency, response to free
     connects lines around the world and provides optimal global telecommunications tailored for customer needs; the                                                          manufacturing floor where real time and stableness are         layout change within the factory, and support for the
     “Data Service” that supports the will or choice, accumulation, visualization, and analyses of data collected from IoT                                                    required, by utilizing KDDI’s 5G, the collection of large      collaboration between facilities and workers.
     devices and the application for the next business; and the “Professional Service” that responds to legal regulations and
     acquisition of certifications, we will strongly support customers’ global digital transformation (DX).

     Since 2016, KDDI and TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION                            recurring model (cyclical business) by combining cut-                                            Smart Work
     have been jointly promoting the construction of a global                 ting-edge technologies, such as 5G.
     telecommunications platform to provide high quality and                      In March 2020, we cooperated with TOSHIBA

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Business Overview
                                                                                                                                                                              Toward the realization of worker-centric workstyles in the
     stable telecommunications between the cloud and the                      DIGITAL SOLUTIONS CORPORATION and SORACOM
                                                                                                                                                                              new normal era, KDDI supports businesses through
     on-board equipment needed for connected cars. We                         and started providing the “Global IoT Package” that
                                                                                                                                                                              telework systems.
     apply and expand this platform and provide it to corpo-                  provides the collection, storage, visualization, and utiliza-
                                                                                                                                                                                  We offer the video conferencing services, such as
     rate customers as the KDDI “IoT World Architecture.” We                  tion of data in a one-stop manner. This is a package in
                                                                                                                                                                              “Cisco Webex Meetings” and “Microsoft Teams” to pro-
     help customers in various industries utilize IoT worldwide               which the highly scalable cloud service, global roaming
                                                                                                                                                                              mote business through smooth communication with the
     by providing roaming and an optimal network utilizing our                service, and a device certified by the Radio Act* come as
                                                                                                                                                                              team or client company while working from home. We                Worries about back-office operations will be sup-
     group company SORACOM’s telecommunications, data                         a set, and this can be used with one device, and we
                                                                                                                                                                              also offer security remote access services such as “KDDI       ported by our cloud services such as the electronic
     storage, and analysis features offered in cooperation with               support a small start by a customer who promotes
                                                                                                                                                                              Flex Remote Access” and “CPA” to build the telework            contract service “CLOUDSIGN,” an attendance manage-
     Hitachi, Ltd. and Toshiba Corporation, as well as support                global expansion.
                                                                                                                                                                              environment that can be used at ease.                          ment service “KING OF TIME,” etc.
     for relevant laws and device certifications. In addition, we             *Regarding the countries and regions where the service can be offered
                                                                                by obtaining the radio wave-related regulations, please contact us.
     will vigorously support the corporate transition to a

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Company Information
                                 Connected Cars              Global               IoT that connects to all things                                                              Promoting regional revitalization through local partnerships                            —Solving local issues—
                                                                              KDDI's “IoT Worldwide Architecture”
                                                                                                                                                                                          Higashi Matsushima City, Miyagi Prefecture                     Nagashima Town, Kagoshima Prefecture
                              Toyota Smart Center                                                                                                                             Example 1   Introduced agricultural IoT that supplies water    Example 2   Implemented the migration and settlement
                             Global Telecommunications                                  Global Communication                                                                              and fertilizers in a fully automated manner                    measure by “Guide VR -12K-”
                                      Platform            Apply and develop                    Platform
                                                                                                                                                                              In June 2019, KDDI introduced the AI watering and              With a view to utilizing vacant houses and promoting
                                                                                                                                                                              fertilizing system “ZeRo.agri” to the agricultural product     settlement, Nagashima Town, which has issues, such as
                                                                                                                                                                              cultivation base “Sachi Mitsuru Sato KDDI Evolva               population outflow and a shortage of workers, has pro-
                                                                                                                                                                              Nobiru,” which is operated in Higashi Matsushima City          moted the expansion of the scope of the vacant house
                                                                               Plants, building facilities, household appliances,
                                  Connected car                                          construction machinery, etc.                                                         by KDDI Evolva. “ZeRo.agri” is a system where AI calcu-        renovation costs eligible for subsidies and the improve-
                                                                                                                                                                              lates and judges the necessary amount of water accord-         ment of the environment that both the lenders and tenants
                                                                                                                                                                              ing to the growth of crops and automatically supplies it       can easily use by cooperating with a real estate company
                                                                                                                                                                              from tubes for intravenous drip at the right time. It was      and a financial institution since January 2018. While
                                                                                                                                                                              introduced with a view to “improving crop yields and           inquiries on vacant houses and migration increased,
     Support DX of LP gas business operators                                       This platform was built by SAN-AI OIL CO.,LTD. and                                         taste (quality)” by utilizing IT and “realizing the enhance-   guiding to vacant houses that are scattered over the island
                                                                              KDDI after continuing demonstration experiments since                                           ment of work by automation and manpower” by the                in the town had been a heavy burden. For this issue, KDDI
     In April 2020, KDDI started offering the “KDDI Gas                       2019, and launched in April 2020. It has been used for a                                        division of labor between IT and people, and as a result,      implemented the migration and settlement measure by the
     Platform Service” that realizes the collection, storage,                 wide variety of customers. By utilizing this platform,                                          the number of cherry tomato shipments achieved a               high-definition VR service “Guide VR -12K-” with
     and visualization of data for LP gas business operators                  efficiency of meter reading and delivery operations is                                          record of 1.6-fold year-on-year (2.4-fold in the most          Nagashima Town, Kawasho House Co., Ltd., and
     by utilizing IoT. In addition to the remote automated                    expected.                                                                                       shipped month), and the harvest time was shortened by          Nagashima Mirai Kikaku LLC. The properties registered in
     meter reading utilizing LPWA, the gas portal site that                   *An abbreviation for Network Control Unit. A telecommunications device                         one week. In the “MCPC award 2019” held in November            the vacant house bank in the town and information on the
                                                                                with built-in cellular LPWA
     enables the registration of gas charge billing information                                                                                                               2019, this initiative won the Mobile Business Award in         surrounding areas were made into high-definition VR
     for consumers, the construction support app that can                                                                                                                     which the case that                                            content, and remote
     simply install the NCU* that is necessary for LP gas                                                                         Visualization
                                                                                                                                                                              achieved the                                                   private viewing has
                                                                                                            Portal site
     business operators’ operational efficiency, residual                          Automated          Consumer       Message                              Security*
                                                                                                                                                                              remarkable sales                                               become possible. VR was
                                                                                  meter reading                                   Rate display
                                                                                                     management      delivery
     quantity prediction, calculation of delivery routes, etc.                     Centralized                                                       Centralized monitoring
                                                                                                                                                      for 24 hours a day,
                                                                                                                                                                              expansion or                                                   installed in three locations
                                                                                 monitoring system
     utilizing AI will be provided. We will support DX of LP gas                                                                                        365 days a year
                                                                                                                                                                              performance                                                    in and outside Nagashima
     business operators and aim to improve the experience                                                            Gas portal                                               improvement by                                                 Town and was utilized in
     value of LP gas customers.                                                                        KDDI Gas Platform                                                      introducing a                                                  the migration and settle-
                                                                              sService structure chart                   *Security is provided by a certified               system is chosen.                                              ment promotion event held
                                                                                                                            security institution                                                                                             by Nagashima Town.

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