Cookie Manual Family - online - Girl Scouts Dakota Horizons

Page created by Norman Edwards
Cookie Manual Family - online - Girl Scouts Dakota Horizons

                         Cookie Manual
                                    Troop 41112 from Aberdeen, SD

February 11 - March 21
                          2022         in-person
                                   February 18 - March 21
Cookie Manual Family - online - Girl Scouts Dakota Horizons
   The Cookie Program gives your Girl Scout the ability to power unique opportunities and adventures for
   herself and her troop while learning to think like an entrepreneur. And you’re key to her success. With the
   support, assistance, and encouragement of her family, there’s no stopping a Girl Scout!

                                         Troops earn $0.65 for every
                                         package of cookies sold.
DAKOTA DOUGH                             Decisions about spending troop
                                         proceeds need to be discussed            SERVICE UNIT
Dakota Dough is a Girl Scouts
                                         and reflect the wishes and
Dakota Horizons (GSDH) issued
reward that can be spent on most         interests of all the girls in the        PROCEEDS
                                         troop. Troop proceeds belong to          Proceeds are given to service
Girl Scout related activities. This
                                         the Girl Scout troop and not the         units for their support, time
can include program and event
                                         individual members of a troop.           and energy with the Product
fees, retail store purchases and
                                                                                  Programs. Proceeds are based
girl membership registration fees.       Note: Individually Registered            on participation to be used to
Dakota Dough will be distributed         Members (IRM) or girls not in a          enhance and support the Girl
through the Troop Cookie                 traditional troop, earn additional       Scout Leadership Experience
Coordinator to be dispersed to           Dakota Dough in place of Troop           and deliver successful programs
each girl.                               Proceeds.                                to all girls within the service unit.
For complete guidelines                  More information on IRMs can
on Dakota Dough, visit                   be found at

Girl Scout Program activities, such as the Girl Scout Cookie Program,
provide important ingredients for leadership by helping girls develop five
key skills:

   1. GOAL SETTING                                              4. PEOPLE SKILLS
      Girls learn how to set goals and create a plan            Girls find their voice and build confidence through
      to reach them.                                            customer interactions.

   2. DECISION MAKING                                           5. BUSINESS ETHICS
      Girls learn how to make decisions on their own            Girls learn to act ethically, both in business and life.
      and as a team.

                                                             Encourage girls to keep climbing. Once they set a
   3. MONEY MANAGEMENT                                       package goal, they might challenge themselves further,
      Girls learn to create a budget and handle money.       like building more marketing or entrepreneurship skills.
Cookie Manual Family - online - Girl Scouts Dakota Horizons
program standards
             Remember the Girl Scout Law: Be honest and fair, friendly and helpful, respectful of others, and a sister to
             every Girl Scout. Assume good intent; mistakes and misunderstandings happen to everyone. The intent of
             these program standards are to ensure a positive and safe experience for all.


             Cookie Program
                                               BASIC COOKIE STANDARDS
               Resources                       Online Digital Cookie start date: Friday, February 11, 2022

                                               In-Person start date: Friday, February 18, 2022
                                               • Girls are on their honor not to begin selling or delivering in-person
                                                 before the official start date: February 18, 2022.
                                               • Sales links should never be posted to online resale sites (eBay,
                                                 Facebook Marketplace, Craigslist, etc.).
                                               • All girls must be registered Girl Scouts for the 2021-22 membership
                                               • The price of cookies is non-negotiable with no discounts.

        DATES                                  PARENT RESPONSIBILITIES
        Girl Scout Initial Order Due to        • Families are responsible for the cookies that are ordered, signed for
        Troop                                    and received.
        January 24                             • All funds collected must be turned in to your troop often.
        Digital Cookie Email Invitation        • Sign a receipt for each exchange of money AND product.
        February 11                            • Follow through on girl delivery purchases accepted through order
        Digital Cookie Begins                    cards and Digital Cookie.
        February 18                            • Assume financial responsibility for all cookies taken from the troop.
        Online Begins
                                               Remember to:
        Feb. 18 - 20
        Nat’l Girl Scout Cookie Weekend        • Determine how many cookies you are willing to accept.
                                               • Sell at a level that is comfortable for you and your Girl Scout,
        March 21
        Cookie Program Ends                      regardless of the council recommendation or troop goal.

        Final Money Turn-in

                                                                                                  PROGRAM STANDARDS 3
Cookie Manual Family - online - Girl Scouts Dakota Horizons
for families
    Behind every cookie is a girl with goals. What are your hopes for your Girl Scout?
    She’’ll be ready to move mountains knowing her family is there to help every step of
    the way.

WAYS TO                               SAFETY GUIDELINES
SUPPORT                               Stay Safe—Follow local government and CDC guidelines when selling
YOUR COOKIE                           Show you’re a Girl Scout—Wear uniforms, Girl Scout membership pin
                                      and/or Girl Scout clothing to identify yourself as a Girl Scout.
ENTREPRENEUR                          Partner with adults—If you are a Girl Scout Daisy, Brownie or Junior
q Help her earn the Cookie            you must be accompanied by an adult when taking orders or selling and
  Entrepreneur Family pin to          delivering product. If you are a Girl Scout Cadette, Senior or Ambassador
  practice building her skills at     you must “buddy up” when selling door-to-door. Adults must be present
  home.                               at all times during cookie booth sales.
q Help her set up her Digital         Plan ahead—Avoid walking around with large amounts of money or
  Cookie site.                        keeping it at home or school.
q Help her keep money safe.           Do not enter—Never enter the home or vehicle of a person when you
q Know the rules and safety           are selling or making deliveries.
  guidelines.                         Protect privacy—Girls’ names, addresses and email addresses should
q Model business ethics,              never be given out to customers. Sales links should never be posted to
  decision making, people skills,     online resale sites (eBay, Facebook Marketplace, Craigslist, etc.).
  and safety as you support her.      Be safe on the road—Always follow safe pedestrian practices, especially
q Ask your Troop Cookie               when crossing at intersections or walking along roadways. Be aware of
  Coordinator how you can             traffic when unloading products and passengers from vehicles.
  help the whole troop reach its      Be safe online—Girls must have their parents’/guardians’ permission to
  goals. Your Girl Scout will learn   participate in all online activities and must read and agree to the GSUSA
  to be a helper and take action      Internet Safety Pledge before conducting any online activities.
  by watching you.
q Help her make arrangements
  to connect with people in her
q Never do things for your girl
  that she can do for herself,
  even if it’s quicker and easier
  for you to do them.
q Have fun together along the
  way and engage your whole
  family in supporting her!

Cookie Manual Family - online - Girl Scouts Dakota Horizons
                                     FAMILY PIN
                                     The year-by-year Cookie
                                     Entrepreneur Family pin
                                     enables families to support
                                     their girls in learning the five   FUNDING YOUR
                                     skills and encourages girls to
                                     think like entrepreneurs.
                                                                        Follow these steps to help guide
                                                                        your troop in the discussion.
                                     Action steps to engage
                                                                        1. Get to know the cookies!
                                                                        2. Check out the back of the
                                     • Host a family meeting using
                                                                            order card to see all of the
                                       the Cookie Family Meeting
                                                                            fun items you can earn along
                                       Guide. This can be in person
                                                                            the way!
                                       or virtual!
                                                                        3. Set your goal! Use the steps
                                     • Explain how the cookie
                                                                            above to help guide you in
                                       program gives girls an
                                                                            setting an achievable goal.
                                       entrepreneurial edge.
                                     • Encourage families to think        # packages you want to sell
NEW COOKIE                             about how they can support
                                       their girls as they climb                 _______________
BADGES                                 toward their goals and earn
                                       the pin.
                                                                              x $0.65 Troop Funds
Girls can earn new Cookie
Business badges when they                                                      = $_______________
complete requirements that help
them develop new skills as they                                         What will your troop do with
learn and grow their business.                                          the funds? Buy uniforms?
Badges are official Girl Scouts of                                      Attend a program? Travel? The
the USA recognitions that can be                                        opportunities are endless!
placed on the front of their Girl
Scout uniform.

                                                                                         FOR FAMILIES 5
Cookie Manual Family - online - Girl Scouts Dakota Horizons
ways to participate
  If your troop is planning in-person cookie sales events, there are lots of ways girls can
  creatively rise to the occasion!

1. digital cookie                                           4 . door-to-door
Using this online selling                                   Encourage girls to spread
platform, girls can personalize                             the love to their entire
their Digital Cookie storefront                             neighborhood. Take orders,
and send emails to invite                                   or load packages into a
friends and family to buy                                   wagon or car and leave
cookies with the option of                                  no doorbell unrung! Leave
getting in-person delivery                                  behind a flier or door-
or direct shipment to their                                 hanger with your digital
home.                                                       cookie link in case they
                                                            aren’t home or want more!

2. girl order cards                                         5.workplace sales
Girls can start by asking                                   Girls can either make
neighbors, friends and family                               sales pitches to local
to place orders for cookies.                                businesses or go with a
They write their orders on the                              parent to their workplace
paper order card and then                                   to sell and take orders.
turn it in to their designated                              Can’t go in person?
cookie volunteer, who enters                                Create a poster or flyer
the orders into eBudde.                                     to leave with your link or
                                                            order card.

3. Booth Sales                                              6. Cookie house party
Troops can set up booths                                    With your guidance, girls
in high-traffic areas such                                  invite friends and family
as grocery stores, malls or                                 to hear stories about
sporting events to market                                   their plans for cookie
and sell their Girl Scout                                   earning. Guests learn
Cookies to customers. Sign                                  they can support girls’
up for booth sales and get                                  goals in a big way when
council approval through                                    they purchase cookies by
eBudde.                                                     the case.

Cookie Manual Family - online - Girl Scouts Dakota Horizons
Cookie marketing
      What’s the difference between selling and marketing? Selling is the exchange of cookies for
      money. Marketing is all the creative promotional activities that drive those sales. The more
      marketing, the more cookies customers buy!

Your Girl Scout has
decided to have a
cookie booth to expand her
Cookie Program experience and
work toward their goals, now
This Cookie Booth Kit will provide
you information and ideas to
ensure you and your girls have
a great experience whether in-                                                  5 FOR 5
person or online!
                                        WOW YOUR                                The 5 for 5 Promotion was
                                                                                designed to not only give
What it includes:
• Promotions
                                        WHEELS                                  customers a fun chance to win
                                                                                more cookies, but also help girls
                                        Just for girls! When girls
• Supplies List                         share how they use creative             and troops increase their cookie
• Etiquette                             marketing to take their business        sales.
• Recording your Sales                  on the go, they’ll receive a            For Customers
• Booth Inventory                       Cookies on the Go patch.                When customers buy 5 boxes of
• Graphics and Signs                    Enter at          cookies, they can enter into an
                                        CookieResources                         online drawing to win 5 cases (60
                                        HEROES ON THE                           For Troops
                                        HORIZON                                 Troops that sell to the 5 winners
                                                                                will also receive 5 cases of
                                        Heroes on the Horizon is our
                                        council cookie donation program         cookies to donate to a place of
                                        that encourages girls to ask            their choice. Winning troops will
                                        customers/businesses to donate          also receive a $25 GSDH retail gift
                                        $5 for cookies to be donated            certificate.
SOCIAL MEDIA                            to military organizations, first
                                        responders and other non-profit         Marketing materials are available
TOOLKIT                                 organizations throughout GSDH.          in the Booth Kit.
The GSDH Social Media Toolkit
helps you find the right words          GSDH facilitates all deliveries of
(and pictures) to raise awareness       cookies donated through this
about the Girl Scout                    program. Troops will not receive
Cookie Program. It’s                    the cookies for donation, they
social media planning                   just collect the funds.
made simple!
                                                                                            COOKIE MARKETING 7
Cookie Manual Family - online - Girl Scouts Dakota Horizons
2021–2022 Girl Scout Cookies                                                                                  ®

adventurefuls™                            $5
 Indulgent brownie-inspired cookies with caramel
 flavored crème and a hint of sea salt.
 Approximately 15 cookies per 6.3 oz. pkg.

lemon-ups®                                $5       samoas®                                      $5   tagalongs®                                 $5
 Crispy lemon cookies baked with inspiring          Crisp cookies with caramel, coconut and dark      Crispy cookies layered with peanut butter and
 messages to lift your spirits.                     chocolaty stripes.                                covered with a chocolaty coating.
 Approximately 12 cookies per 6.2 oz. pkg.          Approximately 15 cookies per 7.5 oz. pkg.         Approximately 15 cookies per 6.5 oz. pkg.

do-si-dos®                                $5       trefoils®                                    $5   thin mints®                                $5
 Oatmeal sandwich cookies with peanut               Traditional shortbread cookies.                   Crisp, chocolaty cookies made with natural oil
 butter filling.                                    Approximately 38 cookies per 9 oz. pkg.           of peppermint.
 Approximately 20 cookies                                                                             Approximately 30 cookies per 9 oz. pkg.
 per 8 oz. pkg.

girl scout                                $6       toffee-tastic
                                                                                                $6   All our cookies have...
s’mores®                                                                                               • NO High-Fructose Corn Syrup
                                                    Rich, buttery cookies with sweet, crunchy
 Graham sandwich                                    toffee bits.                                       • NO Partially Hydrogenated Oils (PHOs)
 cookies with                                       Approximately 14 cookies per 6.7 oz. pkg.
 chocolate and                                                                                         • Zero Grams Trans Fat per Serving
 filling.                                                                                              • RSPO Certified (Mass Balance) Palm Oil
 16 cookies per                                                                                        • Halal Certification
 8.5 oz. pkg.

Cookie Manual Family - online - Girl Scouts Dakota Horizons Cookie Manual Family - online - Girl Scouts Dakota Horizons
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