Continued Funding Success!!!
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Volume II, Issue IV– July, 2006 Continued Funding Success!!! The uOttawa IMHR is delighted to announce that the COE-Provincial Centre of Excellence for Child and Youth Mental Health at CHEO has awarded to Co-principal Investigators: Dr. M. Flament & Dr. R. Flewel- ling and Collaborators: Dr. A. Buccholz, Dr. K. Henderson, Dr. G. Goldfield, Dr. K. Matheson, and Dr. G. McVey, an award of $150,000 for their grant, "Examining a Biopsychosocial Model of the Development of Body Image, Eating Behaviours and Weight Control in Adolescence: an Ontario school-based study. This funding will facilitate investigation of the mechanisms that shape adolescents' body image, eating behav- iour and weight, and the risk factors for eating disorders and obesity. This study has 2 objectives; to investi- Dr. Flament gate the biological, environmental, and individual factors contributing to body image, eating behaviours, and body weight in adolescent girls and boys; to test a biopsychosocial model integrating these factors to prospectively predict healthy or unhealthy eating and weight in adolescent girls and boys. Dr. Xia Zhang Awarded CFI Funding In This Issue... Congratulations to Dr. Xia Zhang who was recently • IMHR Students Win Awards awarded a Canadian Foundation for Innovation (CFI) Leaders Opportunity Fund that will be used to pro- • Gambling Research cure equipment to further his investigation into the • Visitors to Forensic Research brain mechanisms contributing to drug abuse, and Unit how they may relate to mental illness. In addition, • Focus on Research: Youth Dr. Zhang holds a prestigious CIHR New Investiga- Psychiatry Research Unit tor award and is the Principal Investigator on three • IMHR in the News peer reviewed grants from NSERC, CIHR, and the • Farewell to Dr. Luc Boulay Heart & Stroke Foundation of Canada. uOttawa IMHR Mission, Vision and Values Over the past year, the uOttawa Institute of Mental Health Research, in collaboration with its Board of Directors, Research Unit Directors and Scientific Advisory Board have set about defining mission, vision and values statements. These statements encompass both the broad mandate of the uOttawa IMHR, as well as its shared goal with the ROHCG of becoming a centre of excellence in the treatment and research of mental-illness and the promotion of mental-health. Mission - Create scientific knowledge to improve mental health and well-being locally and globally. Vision - To be a premier research institute with national and international centre of excellence status that continu- ously improves mental health and well-being through leadership, collaborative discoveries and innovation in re- search, patient care and education. Values - The core values of the IMHR are excellence, collaboration, integrity, respect, compassion, wellness and equity.
First Friday Lecture Gambling Research The uOttawa Institute of Mental Health A unique partnership of consumers, pa- Research (IMHR) held a research lecture tients and families (Mood Disorders Soci- on Friday, June 2, 2006 in the Royal ety of Canada - MDSC) and mental Ottawa Hospital Auditorium featuring. health researchers (Canadian Network Dr. Donald Goff, Director of the Schizo- for Mood and Anxiety Treatments - phrenia Clinical and Research Program CANMAT) has been established to inves- at the Massachusetts General Hospital tigate gambling in patients seeking treat- and Associate Professor of Psychiatry, ment for mood disorders. Harvard Medical School. His talk, Dr. Jean-Claude Bisserbe, Clinical Di- "Glutamatergic Treatments in Dr. Goff Dr. Bisserbe rector of the Mood Disorders Unit at the Schizophrenia" focused on a number Royal Ottawa Hospital, consecutively with six other outpa- of topics including an introduction to glutamatergic model of tient Mood Disorder Clinics across Canada and the United schizophrenia, a discussion of various therapeutic agents that States will participate. This study provides an opportunity to target the glycine site of the NMDA receptor and finally, re- assess the prevalence of problem gambling and pathological sults of studies using lamotrigine and "ampakines" in the gambling in Mood Disorder populations and to highlight the treatment of symptoms associated with schizophrenia. comorbidities that are associated with gambling in men and women. IMHR Students Win Awards For the last 26 years, the Roger Stretch Also among Dr. Knott’s students, Anne Award has been presented by the uOt- Millar, has been awarded the PD tawa School of Psychology in recognition McCormack Memorial Scholarship for of excellence for an Honours Thesis. 2006-2007. It is valued at $10,000 and This year’s nominees included Meaghan is awarded to graduate students in the Cosgrove (winner), who was supervised Department of Psychology at Carleton by Dr. Verner Knott, Director of the University who hold a scholarship from Clinical Neuroelectrophysiology Labora- NSERC, CIHR, or OGS. Anne was tory and Andrée-Anne Ledoux, who is also awarded an OGS Scholarship worth Meghan Cosgrove Andreé-Anne Ledoux supervised by Dr. Patrice Boyer, Direc- $15,000. In addition, Crystal Ville- tor of the Schizophrenia Research Unit. neuve has been awarded a CIHR Scholarship valued at Meaghan Cosgrove plans to participate in volunteer work for $17,500. Crystal will begin her M.Sc. in Cognitive Science at the next year as well as write the MCAT, and then hopes to Carleton University in September. attend Guelph University to study Veterinary Medicine. Those who wish to contribute to the Roger Stretch Memorial Andrée-Anne Ledoux will be starting her MA/PhD in Psy- Fund may send donations to The Director, The School of chology at uOttawa this September under the continued su- Psychology, University of Ottawa, Canada, K1N 6N5. pervision of Dr. Boyer. International Visitor to IMHR Forensic Research Unit The Forensic Research Unit of the IMHR in conjunction with the Integrated Forensic Pro- gram, hosted a week long visit by Dr. Romero- Urcelay. The purpose of his visit was to obtain advise and possible collaboration concerning research into the assessment and treatment of men with severe and dangerous personality disorders at one of the most famous forensic psy- chiatric hospitals in the world, Broadmoor, located in England. Dr. Romero-Urcelay com- mented during his visit that when he and his staff began to do literature searches on assessment and treatment of difficult cases, one place kept coming up in the literature: the Royal Ottawa Dr. Romero-Urcely & Dr. Fedoroff Hospital Sexual Behaviors Clinic (affiliated with the IMHR). 3
Focus on research: Dr. Martine Flament and the Youth Research Unit The IMHR Youth Research Unit was medication on executive functions, metacognition and re- initiated in January 2003. The main gional brain activations). Through collaboration with interna- areas of research are eating disorders tional agencies (World Psychiatric Association (WPA), (ED), obsessive-compulsive disorder World Health Organization (WHO), French National Insti- (OCD), other anxiety disorders, and tute for Health and Medical Research - the program also in- mood disorders in children and adoles- vestigates and promotes evidence-based treatment and pre- cents. The program of research aims at vention strategies for mental disorders in children and adoles- identifying the risk and resilience fac- cents). tors involved in the onset and mainte- nance of these disorders, and investi- Within the University of Ottawa Department of Psychiatry, gating the mechanisms of action of the Youth Research Unit has developed links with the Divi- Dr. Martine Flament effective treatments. Research is com- sion of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, which includes both munity-based (e.g., study of risk and the ROH Clinical Youth Program and the Psychiatric Services protective factors for eating and weight disorders in high at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO). The school students), or based on the assessment and treatment of Youth Research Unit tutors graduate and undergraduate stu- referred patients (e.g., biological and psychological correlates dents from the University of Ottawa and Carleton University of anxiety disorders in adolescents; effects of anti-obsessional Schools of Psychology. IMHR in the News... On June 14, 2006, commentary by Dr. Zul ROHCG and mental illness and to appeal to Merali, President and CEO of the uOttawa a wider audience. IMHR was featured in a story in the Ottawa Sun concering elevated levels of stress Dr. Koszycki’s lecture, "Stress and the 21st reported by residents of the Outaouais. Dr. Century Woman" included a discussion of Merali elaborated on the negative stress and mental health, how women’s re- implications of chronic stress for health sponse to stress differs from that of men and outcomes, mental-illness. finally, an overview of findings from her Dr. Koszycki own research that pertain to women’s men- Dr. Merali As well, a variety of clinicians, researchers tal health, including the impact of infertility on psychological and others from the IMHR and ROHCG including Dr. Diana well-being. Koszycki, Research Unit Director of the uOttawa IMHR Stress and Anxiety Clinical Research Unit were featured in Other speakers in this well-attended lecture series included the Ottawa Citizen as part of a series of articles accompanying Dr. Marie-France Rivard, Grace McBide, Dr. Smitta Thatte, a recent Public Lecture Series presented by the Royal Ottawa Dr. Elliot Lee and Dr. John Telner. Hospital designed to diversify the image associated with the Farewell to Dr. Luc Boulay After 14 years with the IMHR, Dr. Luc Boulay, Research Associate and Associate Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Ottawa has departed to pursue other opportunities and challenges. Most recently, Dr. Boulay had collaborated extensively with Dr. Patrice Boyer, Research Director of the Schizophrenia Research Unit, on a number of projects examining cognitive deficits in Schizophrenia using a combination of virtual reality tech- nology and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). The IMHR would like to thank Dr. Boulay for his contribution to the IMHR and ROHCG, as well as wish him well in his future endeavors. Dr. Boulay 4
Recent Publications, Presentations & Workshops Blier, P. (2006). Editorial - Pregnancy, depression, antidepressants and breast-feeding. Rev Psychiatr Neurosci 2006;31(4):226-228 Blier, P. (2006). Psychopharmacology for the Clinician - Psychopharmacologie pratique Column - Treating Publications depression with selective norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors. Rev Psychiatr Neurosci 2006;31(4):288 Blier, P. (2006). Media pressure and patient care. J Psychopharmacol. 20, 469-70. Blier, P. (2006). Dual Serotonin and Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors . Focus On Their Differences. International Journal of Psychiatry In Clinical Practice 10 (Suppl. 2): 22-32, 2006. Blier, P., Habib, R., & Flament, M. (2006). Pharmacotherapies in the Management of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Can J Psychiatry, 51. Blier, P., Saint-André, E., Hébert, C., De Montigny, C., Lavoie, N., & Debonnel G. (2006). Effects of Venlafaxine on Serotonin and Norepinephrine Reuptake in Healthy Volunteers. International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, E.Published May 11. Blier, P. & Tremblay, P. (2006). Physiologic mechanisms underlying the antidepressant discontinuation syndrome. J Clin Psy- chiatry, 67 (Suppl 4), 8-13. Boulay, L.J., Phillips, J.L., Roy, P., Boyer, P. (2006). Using 2D and 3D navigation and fMRI to explore patterns of activation in schizophrenia. Biological Psychiatry, 59, 114S. Brookes, N., Murata, L., & Tansey, M. (2006) Guiding Practice Development Using The Tidal Commitments. Journal Of Psy- chiatric And Mental Health Nursing, 13, 460–463. Holmes, D. & O’Byrne, P. (In Press). Bareback Sex and the Law: The Difficult Issue of HIV Status Disclosure. Journal of Psy- chosocial Nursing & Mental Health Services. Holmes, D., Perron, A., & O’Byrne, P. (In Press). Evidence, Virulence, and the Disappearance of Nursing Knowledge: A Critique of the Evidence-Based Dogma. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing. Knott, V., Scherling, C., Blais, C., Camarda,J., Fisher, D., Millar, A., McIntosh, F. (2006). Acute nicotine fails to alter event-related potential or behavioral performance indices of auditory distraction in cigarette smokers. Nicotine and Tobacco Re- search, 8, 263-273. Knott, V., Blais, C., Scherling, C., Camarda, J., Millar, A., Fisher, D., McIntosh, J. (2006). Neural effects of Nicotine dur- ing Auditory Selective Attention in Smokers: An Event-Related Potential Study. Neuropsychobiology, 53, 115-126. Maron, E., & Shlik, J. (2006). Serotonin function in panic disorder: important, but why? Neuropsychopharmacology, 31, 1-11. Tharmalingam, S., King, N., De Luca, V., Rothe, C., Koszycki, D., Bradwejn, J., Macciardi, F., & Kennedy, J.L (2006). Investigation of the Corticotropin-Releasing Hormone Receptor 2 Gene in Panic Disorder, Psychiatric Genetics, 16, 93-97. 5
Publications, Presentations & Workshops Cont’d Blier, P. Colleguim International Neuro-Psychopharmacologicum (CINP) Symposium: Treatment-Resistant Depression: Differential Diagnosis, and Newer Treatment Strategies. July 13, 2006 Brookes, N., Craig, Y., & Sharif, F. University of Ottawa/Tau Gamma Annual Clinical Nursing Research Presentations Conference Knowledge Transfer - Sharing the Knowledge. Sharing Care. Sharing the Knowledge of Nursing Students’ Experience of Their Psychiatric and Mental Health Clinical Placement Ottawa, June 2006. Boulay, L.J., Phillips, J.L., Roy, P. and Boyer, P. (2006). Using 2D and 3D navigation and fMRI to explore patterns of activa- tion in schizophrenia. Society of Biological Psychiatry 61st Annual Scientific Convention and Program, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, May 18-20. Boulay, L.J., Phillips, J.L., Roy, P., Smith, A., and Boyer, P. (2006). A pilot study using 2D navigation and fMRI to explore patterns of activation in persons with schizophrenia. 13th Biennial Winter Workshop on Schizophrenia Research, Davos, Swit- zerland. February 4-10. Murata, L., Antonello, C., Robertson, C., Silverman, M., Cotaris, C., & Robertson, C. Many Faces of Diabetes: Best Prac- tice Across Settings and Populations Conference. A Multidisciplinary, Solution-Focused Diabetes Education Group for Patients with Mental Illness. Ottawa June 2006 Murata, L., Ritchie, L., & Brookes, N. 17th International Nursing Research Congress Focusing on Evidence-Based Practice. Sigma Theta Tau International. Preparing Patients for Electroconvulsive Therapy: A Pilot Project. Montreal, Quebec, July 2006 Phillips, J.L., Ledoux, A.-A., Westmacott, R., Boulay, L.J. and Boyer, P. (2006). Episodic memory and functional outcome in schizophrenia. 159th Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, May 20-25. Phillips, J.L., Ledoux, A.-A., Boulay, L.J., and Boyer, P. (2006). Relationship between reality distortion and episodic mem- ory impairment in patients with schizophrenia. 13th Biennial Winter Workshop on Schizophrenia Research, Davos, Switzer- land. February 4-10. Ritchie, L. College and Association of Registered Nurses of Alberta. Innovative Nursing Approaches to Unhealthy Behaviours in the Workplace. Edmonton, Alberta, April, 2006. Tansey, M., Brookes, N., & Caldwell, C. University of Ottawa/Tau Gamma Annual Clinical Nursing Research Conference Knowledge Transfer - Sharing the Knowledge Sharing the Care. Sharing knowledge: Building a Healthy Nursing Practice Envi- ronment and Enhancing Nursing Practice. Ottawa, June 2006. Tidal Model of Mental Health Recovery Consultations & Presentations Brookes, N., Murata, L., & Li, C. consult to Nova Scotia Hospital, Dartmouth & Halifax Nova Scotia. June 15 & 16, 2006 Tansey, M. consult to Tertiary Mental Health, Interior Health Authority. British Columbia. June 5 & 6, 2006 Murata, L. consult with Jane Patterson, RN "An Ounce of Prevention" San Franscisco, California. July 11, 2006. Koszycki, D. (2006). Interpersonal Psychotherapy (IPT) Workshop for Mental Health Professionals, Corn- wall Community Hospital, June 7, 2006. Workshops & Appointments 5
Grant Opportunities & Deadlines A reminder that anyone wanting to improve their chances of having a successful review of their grant/funding application is invited to submit their protocol for review to the scientific review committee. Interested applicants must allow 3-4 weeks for the review to be completed. Please submit 6 copies of your proposal to the attention of Dr. Keith Busby, Research Ethics Coordinator, in room 2055C of the Lady Grey Building if you are interested in this service. Canadian Institutes of Health Research Operating Grants in Neurosciences, Addiction and Mental Health: Registration packages are due August 15th, 2006. Full applications are due September 15th, 2006 Research Synthesis Grant:Registration packages are due September 15th, 2006. Full applications are due December 15th, 2006 Team Grant - Emerging: Knowledge Translation in Mental Health and Addiction: Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) Outline is due October 1st, Letter of intent is due November 1st Ontario Mental Health Foundation Research Project Grants: Applications are due September 22, 2006 Fellowships & Studentships:Applications are due November 3, 2006 National Alliance for Research of Schizophrenia and Depression (NARSAD) 2007 Young Investigator Award: Applications are due July 25, 2006. 2007 Staglin Award: Applications are due September, 2006. The Physician’s Services Incorporated (PSI) Foundation All Clinical Research, Medical Education Research & Development at the post M.D. level, Health Systems Research, Community-Based Research and Resident Research applications are due August 31st, 2006. The Ontario Problem Gambling Research Centre Applications for Level III research awards are now being accepted. Applications are due August 11th, 2006. Visit for more details. National Institutes of Mental Health Research (NIMH) For a full list of NIMH Neuroscience Funding opportunities go to: Comments & Suggestions The uOttawa Institute of Mental Health Research (IMHR) welcomes any suggestions as to how to make our newsletter better and more informative. To submit suggestions, please The Brain Brief contact: Dr. Owen Kelly Phone: 613.722.6521 ext. 6727 Email: 6
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