Declines in Hospital Admissions for Acute Myocardial Infarction in New York State After Implementation of a Comprehensive Smoking Ban
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RESEARCH AND PRACTICE Declines in Hospital Admissions for Acute Myocardial Infarction in New York State After Implementation of a Comprehensive Smoking Ban | Harlan R. Juster, PhD, Brett R. Loomis, MS, Theresa M. Hinman, MPH, Matthew C. Farrelly, PhD, Andrew Hyland, PhD, Ursula E. Bauer, PhD, MPH, and Guthrie S. Birkhead, MD, MPH Exposure to environmental tobacco smoke is a Objectives. Reductions in exposure to environmental tobacco smoke have been preventable public health hazard associated shown to attenuate the risk of cardiovascular disease. We examined whether the with an estimated 35000 deaths a year from 2003 implementation of a comprehensive smoking ban in New York State was as- coronary heart disease in nonsmokers.1–6 Active sociated with reduced hospital admissions for acute myocardial infarction and smoking is a well-established cause of acute my- stroke, beyond the effect of moderate, local and statewide smoking restrictions, ocardial infarction (AMI), and exposure to envi- and independent of secular trends. ronmental tobacco smoke is estimated to in- Methods. We analyzed trends in county-level, age-adjusted, monthly hospital ad- crease the risk of AMI in nonsmokers by about mission rates for acute myocardial infarction and stroke from 1995 to 2004 to iden- 30% compared with no exposure.7 Even at low tify any association between admission rates and implementation of the smoking ban. doses, environmental tobacco smoke increases We used regression models to adjust for the effects of pre-existing smoking restric- cardiovascular disease risk.8,9 It may also in- tions, seasonal trends in admissions, differences across counties, and secular trends. Results. In 2004, there were 3813 fewer hospital admissions for acute myo- crease the risk of stroke in both men and cardial infarction than would have been expected in the absence of the compre- women; however, the link is equivocal com- hensive smoking ban. Direct health care cost savings of $56 million were realized pared with that for AMI.4,5,10–13 Mechanisms by in 2004. There was no reduction in the number of admissions for stroke. which environmental tobacco smoke may in- Conclusions. Hospital admission rates for acute myocardial infarction were re- duce cardiovascular events include increased duced by 8% as a result of a comprehensive smoking ban in New York State after platelet adhesion and subsequent thrombosis,14 we controlled for other relevant factors. Comprehensive smoking bans consti- changes in vascular endothelial functioning,15 tute a simple, effective intervention to substantially improve the public’s health. and impaired arterial dilatation capacity,15 (Am J Public Health. 2007;97:2035–2039. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2006.099994) which have implications for reducing vascular flow and development of atherosclerosis.2 A similar study in Pueblo, Colo, examined required to develop smoking policies and pro- The accumulating evidence of the health the total number of hospital admissions for vide smoke-free work areas upon employee risks posed by environmental tobacco smoke AMI that occurred 18 months before and request. Larger restaurants were required to has led municipalities (e.g., Boston, Mass, New after a smoking ban was implemented in most establish nonsmoking sections. Countywide York, NY), states (e.g., Massachusetts, Rhode workplaces, including bars and restaurants.17 smoking restrictions began in 1995 when Island, New York), and nations (e.g., Ireland, There were 27% fewer AMI admissions to Suffolk County and the 5 New York City Norway, Scotland) to enact strong smoking the 2 hospitals serving Pueblo in the 18 counties implemented laws that restricted bans and restrictions to reduce nonsmokers’ months after the smoking ban went into ef- smoking in restaurants. By 2002, 75% of exposure to environmental tobacco smoke. fect; there was no reduction in a comparison New Yorkers were subject to local smoking Two recent studies examined the effect of a community. Both the Helena and Pueblo restrictions that were stronger than the state comprehensive smoking ban on population- studies identified significant reductions in hos- law.19 Many of these local laws completely level cardiovascular events in local communi- pitalizations for AMI, which were associated banned smoking in workplaces and some ex- ties. Hospital admissions for AMI at a single with the implementation of comprehensive panded restrictions on smoking in restaurants. hospital serving residents of Helena, Mont, smoking bans in communities where no previ- None limited smoking in bars. On July 24, decreased by about 40% after smoking re- ous law existed. However, these studies were 2003, New York implemented a statewide strictions in work and public places were im- geographically limited and the total number comprehensive smoking ban that prohibited plemented.16 When the ban was lifted, the of cardiovascular events was relatively small. smoking in all workplaces including restau- rate of admissions returned to pre-restriction New York State enacted limited statewide rants and bars. After implementation of the levels. A nearby comparison community that smoking restrictions in 1989. The restrictions statewide law, population exposure to envi- had no smoking restrictions showed slight in- limited or prohibited smoking in many public ronmental tobacco smoke declined nearly creases in hospitalizations during the same places including schools, hospitals, public 50%. Cotinine levels in the saliva from a rep- period. buildings, and retail stores.18 Employers were resentative sample of New York State adults, November 2007, Vol 97, No. 11 | American Journal of Public Health Juster et al. | Peer Reviewed | Research and Practice | 2035
RESEARCH AND PRACTICE declined from 0.078 ng/mL to 0.041 ng/ AMI and stroke from January 1995 to De- conditions (e.g., obesity) were explained by mL.20 Nassau County and New York City im- cember 2004 and for persons aged 35 county indicator variables. We used the inter- plemented similar comprehensive bans in years and older, was extracted for each of action of county indicator variables with time March 2003. New York State’s 62 counties. We combined to control for county-specific secular change. We compared hospital admissions for AMI the number of hospital admissions with We used indicator variables for month of the and stroke before and after the 2003 state- county population data22 to calculate the year to measure seasonal variation in AMI wide comprehensive smoking ban went into monthly rate of hospital admissions for each admissions. effect. Prior to the comprehensive ban, be- condition. Rates were age-adjusted to the Two estimates were made of admissions tween 1995 and 2003, moderate statewide New York population, using year 2000 US averted as a result of the statewide 2003 and local smoking restrictions were enacted. Census data. comprehensive smoking ban. The first esti- After controlling for seasonal trends, changes Information about New York county smok- mate measured the effect of the 2003 com- in clinical care, geographic differences in hos- ing restrictions was provided by the Ameri- prehensive ban over the 1989 state law, plus pitalization rates, and other secular trends, we cans for Nonsmokers’ Rights Foundation the patchwork of local laws in place at the hypothesized that implementation of the Local Tobacco Control Ordinance Database time of enactment. This estimated how much 2003 comprehensive statewide smoking ban ( The database de- additional benefit the comprehensive state is associated with reduced hospital admissions scribes all municipal smoking bans, including law provided over all the laws that existed at for AMI and stroke over and above the effect dates of enactment and implementation and the time of its enactment. The second esti- on admissions of more-moderate smoking re- the specific restrictions and prohibitions of mate measured the effect of the statewide strictions. each. We defined comprehensive laws as comprehensive law over the early state law those that prohibit smoking in all worksites, only, as if no local laws existed. METHODS including restaurants, bars, and other hospi- Estimated regression coefficients were used tality venues with few or no exemptions. This to predict the number of hospital admissions We obtained data about hospital admis- includes the comprehensive statewide ban en- averted as a result of the implementation of sions for AMI and stroke from a comprehen- acted on July 24, 2003, as well as the com- comprehensive smoking bans. For the first sive administrative database maintained by prehensive laws enacted by Nassau County prediction, we estimated monthly rates by re- the New York State Department of Health. All and New York City in March 2003. Moderate moving the comprehensive law main effect nonfederal public and private hospitals certi- laws were defined as those that restrict smok- and the comprehensive law by time interac- fied for inpatient care are required to submit ing in most worksites but provide little or no tion (i.e., setting these coefficients to zero). For patient data, including diagnoses, within 180 protection in hospitality venues and include the second estimate, we also removed local days of the end of the facility’s fiscal year. We the remainder of the county laws. We consid- laws. The difference between the regression- derived admission rates from the principal ered restrictions that applied only to munici- based predictions with and without the influ- primary diagnosis that necessitated the admis- pal buildings too limited in scope to include ence of the comprehensive smoking restric- sion. To increase accuracy, the principal ad- in the analysis. We rounded implementation tions represented the associated decrease in mitting diagnosis is established at discharge dates for all laws to the nearest month. admissions rate. To calculate the number of and is based on the results of medical tests We applied multiple linear regression using admissions averted, we added the difference and other findings learned during the admis- standard methods for interrupted time-series in fitted values to the actual monthly admis- sion. AMI and stroke as secondary diagnoses analysis to monthly age-adjusted county rates sion rates and then converted the difference were not used to establish admission rates. of hospital admission for AMI and stroke.23,24 into admission numbers, taking into account Our analysis included 10 years of data be- Monthly age-adjusted rates from each of 62 both the rate and the population aged 35 cause that time frame encompassed all of the counties over 120 months resulted in an ef- years and older in the state. local policies enacted in New York State. We fective sample size of 7440 observations. We did not include data before the 1989 state- used a linear time-trend variable (month) to RESULTS wide restriction because that law preceded quantify changes in treatment, population risk electronic reporting and there were concerns factors, and other secular trends. Two di- Table 1 displays the number of AMI and about comprehensiveness and reliability. chotomous variables accounted for the main stroke admissions, the annual age-adjusted We used International Classification of Dis- effect of comprehensive and moderate laws admission rates per 100 000, and the number eases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification on hospital admissions, measuring the instan- of facilities that reported each year from (ICD-9-CM)21 diagnostic codes 410.00–410.99 taneous change in rates at the time of smok- 1995 to 2004. The age-adjusted rates reflect to identify admissions associated with a dis- ing ban implementation. Interactions between a statewide average of more than 46 000 an- charge diagnosis of AMI, and diagnostic laws and time accounted for continued rate nual admissions for AMI and more than codes 430.00–438.99 to identify admissions changes following implementation of the law. 58 000 annual stroke admissions during the associated with stroke. The number of Fixed county-level differences in rates of car- 10 years of the study. A mean of 252 hospi- monthly hospital admissions associated with diovascular disease risk factors and other tals reported discharge information each year. 2036 | Research and Practice | Peer Reviewed | Juster et al. American Journal of Public Health | November 2007, Vol 97, No. 11
RESEARCH AND PRACTICE TABLE 1—Numbers and Rates of Hospital Admissions for Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) reduction in 2004 alone was 3813 AMI ad- and Stroke: New York State, 1995–2004 missions statewide, a little more than an 8% decline. The comprehensive state law was as- No. of Admissions Ratea sociated with a 19% decline in admissions, Year No. of Hospitals Reporting AMI Stroke AMI Stroke had there been no local laws intervening be- tween the 1989 state law and the 2003 com- 1995 261 44 683 58 056 493.3 641.0 prehensive law. 1996 260 45 449 60 410 496.2 659.5 Estimates of cost savings accrued from the 1997 255 44 961 59 323 485.3 640.3 averted AMI hospital admissions were calcu- 1998 255 44 651 59 133 475.6 629.9 lated on the basis of the average in-hospital 1999 253 45 589 58 638 479.1 616.3 cost per AMI hospitalization of $14 772.25 2000 252 48 010 59 701 490.0 609.4 After estimating the economic effect of the 2001 251 48 015 58 732 483.0 590.9 comprehensive law over and above prior 2002 248 47 943 58 118 476.4 577.5 state and local moderate laws, the resulting 2003 246 47 683 56 573 469.9 557.5 cost savings was $56 million in 2004 (1998 2004 243 45 412 56 149 445.4 550.7 dollars). a Age-adjusted rate per 100 000 adjusted to 2000 US Census (aged 35 years and older). There were no significant negative associa- tions between the stroke admission rate and moderate or comprehensive restrictions on The reduction in the number of hospitals and showed that the statewide comprehen- smoking. over time was because of a net increase in sive smoking ban was associated with a re- the number of hospitals closing during this duction in the rate of hospital admissions by DISCUSSION period. an average of 0.32 per 100 000 persons per Results of the regression analysis are re- month in all counties, more than twice the re- Rates of hospital admissions for AMI were ported in Table 2. The main effects for the duction of the moderate smoking restrictions. reduced by 8% after a comprehensive ban on comprehensive smoking ban and moderate Figure 1 shows the observed number of smoking in work sites, including hospitality smoking restrictions measured the change in AMI hospitalizations from January 2002 venues (e.g., bars and restaurants), in New the intercept of the trend line in hospital ad- through December 2004 and the estimated York State. This is equivalent to a reduction missions. That is, they measured whether the number of admissions had there been no of approximately 3800 AMI hospital admis- trend line shifted up or down, without regard comprehensive state law enacted. From Au- sions in 2004 and an estimated cost savings to any change in the slope of the line, at the gust 2003 to December 2004, the model of $56 million. Our results show that enact- time the law was enacted. Neither main effect predicts 4033 fewer AMI admissions in ment of clean indoor air laws was associated was significant; there was no sudden reduc- New York associated with the comprehen- with an accelerated decline of hospital admis- tion in the hospitalization rate associated with sive state smoking ban over the 1989 state sions and that a comprehensive statewide law the implementation of these laws. law and the patchwork of local laws. The had the largest effect. The interactions between the law indicators and time measured change in the slope of the trend line after enactment of the law. Both in- teraction effects were significant and negative, TABLE 2—Interrupted Time-Series Results Predicting Monthly Hospital Admission Rates per which indicates that enactment of moderate 100 000 Population for Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) and Stroke as a Function of laws at the county level and the statewide Smoking Restrictions and Secular Trends: New York State, 1995–2004 comprehensive smoking ban were associated AMI Stroke with an accelerated decline in monthly AMI Smoking Restriction b (95% CI) t b (95% CI) t hospitalizations in New York State. The un- standardized parameter estimate for the mod- Comprehensive smoking ban –0.80 (–2.7, 1.1) –0.81 –1.14 (–2.6, .30) –1.55 erate smoking restrictions × time interaction Comprehensive smoking ban × time interaction –0.32*** (–.47, –.16 ) –4.10 0.06 (–.06, .18) 0.94 term was –0.15 (P < .01), implying that enact- Moderate smoking restrictions –1.1 (–2.3, .13) –1.75 1.3* (.26, 2.26) 2.46 ment of a moderate smoking restriction in a Moderate smoking restrictions × time interaction –0.15** (–.25, –.06) –3.10 0.05 (–.03, .14) 1.30 county would reduce the monthly trend rate Overall F-test (138 7301) 98.92*** 65.09*** in AMI hospital admissions in that county by Note. Regression models also include indicator variables for month of admission (11 variables), county (61 variables), and a 0.15 per 100 000 persons per month, on av- time-by-county interaction (61 variables). erage. The comprehensive smoking ban × *P < .05; **P < .01;***P < .001 time interaction was also significant (P < .001) November 2007, Vol 97, No. 11 | American Journal of Public Health Juster et al. | Peer Reviewed | Research and Practice | 2037
RESEARCH AND PRACTICE hospital admissions and smoking prevalence. Smoking prevalence was relatively stable dur- ing the study period (1995 to 2004), al- though a downward trend began in 2000. A lack of individual patient-level information is another weakness of this study and may have contributed to the fact that only small effects were found. Specific details about patient smok- ing status, exposure to environmental tobacco smoke, or other risk factors (e.g., obesity) for AMI were unknown but were summarized in the regression models to a limited extent by the time and county variables (because population rates, and not individual events, were modeled). Our conclusions are strengthened by 2 studies that showed New York’s comprehen- sive statewide smoking ban actually reduced opportunities for exposure to environmental tobacco smoke. Although there is limited in- formation about the effect of moderate smok- ing restrictions,27 a 2004 study of compliance with the statewide smoking ban by New FIGURE 1—Observed number of hospital admissions for acute myocardial infarction and York’s hospitality venues showed that 93% of predicted number of hospital admissions in the absence of a comprehensive smoking ban, restaurants, bars, and bowling facilities were by month: New York State, 2002–2004. in compliance with the law in the year after implementation.28 One month before the law, just 31% of these venues were smoke-free. A 2005 study of nonsmoking hospitality work- The reduction in AMI hospital admissions statewide comprehensive law replaced exist- ers in New York showed significant reductions we found is substantially smaller than that ing, more moderate local and statewide re- in saliva cotinine levels and symptoms associ- found in 2 previous studies conducted in strictions. Because of the incremental nature ated with cigarette smoke exposure after the Helena, Mont, (40% reduction) and Pueblo, of the laws and specific characteristics of the comprehensive law went into effect.29 Colo, (27% reduction). In a commentary on database that focus on rates rather than indi- Clinical implications of this and related the Helena study, Pechacek and Babb26 esti- vidual patient-level data, we believe that our studies are most relevant for patients who mated that comprehensive smoking bans results represent low estimates of the relation have existing cardiac conditions. Although en- would likely reduce AMI admissions by a between environmental tobacco smoke and vironmental tobacco smoke exposure should more conservative 10% to 15%. AMI. Our results are thus consistent with the be avoided by all, physicians should be partic- The smaller effect size that we found is estimate of Pechacek and Babb26 and suggest ularly mindful of their cardiac patients who, if probably because of the incremental enact- that comprehensive statewide smoking bans they smoke, should be advised to quit, and if ment of smoking bans and restrictions in New offer greater health protection than do more- they do not smoke, should be advised to avoid York over time and the generally modest level modest smoking restrictions. Additional stud- any exposure to environmental tobacco smoke. of environmental tobacco smoke exposure ies are needed to better understand the asso- Our study results support and extend previ- among New York residents before the imple- ciation between smoking restrictions and ous studies to show that comprehensive mentation of the comprehensive statewide hospital admissions for stroke. smoking bans are associated with reductions law. The first statewide restriction was passed A weakness of this study was the inability in the rate of hospitalizations for AMI. Com- in 1989, whereas local moderate and com- to assess the effect of changing smoking prev- prehensive smoking bans constitute a simple, prehensive laws were enacted in New York alence on hospital admissions given the causal effective intervention to substantially improve counties beginning in 1995. The 2003 state- relation between active smoking and AMI. Al- the public health. wide smoking ban superseded existing laws though smoking prevalence was not available that offered moderate protection and cover- for each county and month, we repeated the age to a large percentage of New York’s popu- analysis with quarterly statewide smoking About the Authors lation. We measured the increased increment prevalence estimates as an additional variable Harlan R. Juster, Theresa M. Hinman, and Ursula E. in protection that would be provided if a in the model. There was no association between Bauer are with the New York State Department of Health, 2038 | Research and Practice | Peer Reviewed | Juster et al. American Journal of Public Health | November 2007, Vol 97, No. 11
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