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Innovating to Meet Nutrition, Health,
and Wellness Needs Every Day


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M A K I N G   F O O D   E X T R A O R D I N A R Y
Innovative sweetening ingredients
can help reduce calorie content in
foods, while meeting consumer taste

LOW- AND NO-CALORIE                        the AHA has suggested that the                                  found no deleterious impact on
                                           food industry needs more innovative                             measures of glycemic response
SWEETENING                                 low- and no-calorie sweeteners,                                 when NNS were consumed
INGREDIENTS: ROLE IN                       bulking ingredients, and sweetness                              compared to various nutritive
                                           enhancers to use in food and                                    sources (e.g., sucrose, starch)
CALORIE REDUCTION                          beverage products.5 An Academy                                  or placebos (e.g., cellulose).8-11
AND HEALTH PROMOTION                       of Nutrition and Dietetics position                             Further, a 2010 review paper
                                           paper states that “consumers can                                concluded that consumption of
Obesity: A global health concern           safely enjoy a range of nutritive and                           NNS does not affect glycemic
Obesity, diabetes, and metabolic           NNS when consumed within an                                     response in people with
syndrome have become major                 eating plan that is guided by current                           diabetes mellitus.12
public health problems as diseases         nutrition recommendations as                                 • In terms of overall health, a
that are associated with an                well as individual health goals and                            study of more than 9,000 adults
imbalance between calorie intake           personal preferences.”6                                        found that people using NNS
and expenditure. According to
                                           Several research studies have                                  tended to consume more vitamins
the World Health Organization,
                                           linked intake of NNS to weight                                 and minerals and eat fewer
worldwide obesity has more than
                                           management, improved blood                                     calories overall.13
doubled since 1980.1 To curb the
                                           glucose control, and better
obesity epidemic, balancing calories
consumed and calories expended
                                           overall health.                                              INNOVATIVE CALORIE
                                           • A meta-analysis of 15 randomized
is key.2 Authoritative bodies
                                             clinical trials and 9 prospective
                                                                                                        AND SUGAR REDUCTION
recommend reducing consumption
of excess calories to prevent weight         cohort studies evaluated research                          SOLUTIONS
gain and are calling on the food             that examined the relationship                             Taste is a main driver when
industry to reduce calorie content           between NNS and body weight                                choosing foods and beverages.14
and portion sizes.1, 3, 4 Innovative         and composition. Findings from                             Research indicates that consumers
sweetening ingredients can help              the prospective cohort studies                             show a strong interest in reducing
reduce calorie content in foods,             showed no association between                              sugar and calories in their diets,
while meeting consumer taste                 NNS intake and body weight or                              but ultimately taste drives purchase
expectations.                                fat mass and a small positive                              decisions.14 A variety of low- and
                                             association with BMI; however,                             no-calorie sweetening ingredients
Evidence supports use of low-                data from randomized clinical
and no-calorie sweeteners                                                                               can help reduce the amount of
                                             trials, which provide the highest                          calories in food products to varying
Leading health organisations                 quality of evidence for examining                          degrees without sacrificing taste.
acknowledge the value of                     the potentially causal effects                             These sweeteners can be utilized in
sweeteners to reduce calories                of NNS intake, indicate that                               higher energy foods and beverages
as part of an overall healthy diet           substituting NNS for regular-                              to reduce calories and potentially
and physical activity regimen.               calorie options results in a modest                        overall energy intake. Tate & Lyle
A scientific statement from the              weight loss, and that NNS may be                           develops ingredients that provide
American Heart Association (AHA)             a useful dietary tool to improve                           nutrition, health, and wellness
and American Diabetes Association            compliance with weight loss or                             solutions including a strong
(ADA) concluded non-nutritive                weight maintenance plans.7                                 portfolio of low- and no-calorie
sweeteners (NNS), when used                • Choosing NNS can also be helpful                          sweetening ingredients that the
carefully, may aid in reducing               in moderating carbohydrate                                 food industry can utilize to reduce
total energy intake and assist with          intake, which is important for                             calories in foods and beverages,
weight loss/control, while providing         blood glucose management.                                  which can provide more options for
beneficial effects on related                Four randomized trials, varying                            consumers in their efforts to make
metabolic parameters.5 Further,              from 1 to 16 weeks in duration,                            wise choices on daily energy intake.

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                                  © 2018 Tate & Lyle • •
DOLCIA PRIMA® Allulose                         Stevia Sweeteners
Allulose* is a low-calorie                     Sweet Green Fields and Tate & Lyle
sweetening ingredient that exists              offer a complete range of innovative
in nature and offers the taste and             stevia sweeteners* produced
texture of sugar without all the               from stevia leaf extracts. Stevia
calories. Allulose can be found in             sweeteners are high-potency, zero-
certain fruits and foods including             calorie sweeteners of natural origin
figs, raisins, molasses, and maple             made from the stevia plant that
syrup and it can be made from                  allow for calorie reduction without
several sources of carbohydrates.              sacrificing taste.
Allulose is 70 percent as sweet                Sensory data shows that
as sugar and can replace sucrose               approximately 80% of the
(table sugar) or high-fructose corn            population is sensitive to bitter
syrup (HFCS) to reduce calories.               off-notes associated with some
Because allulose is less sweet                 natural, stevia-based sweeteners
than sucrose and cannot be used                on the market. However, the stevia
as a 1:1 replacement, it will likely           offerings from Sweet Green Fields
be used in combination with other              and Tate & Lyle have a substantially
sweetening ingredients, such as                cleaner aftertaste than other stevia-
low-calorie sweeteners or caloric              derived sweeteners, allowing higher                          PUREFRUIT™ Monk Fruit Extract
bulk sweeteners. Allulose offers               sugar replacement levels without
unique benefits:                                                                                            Monk fruit grows on lush vines in
                                               sacrificing taste.                                           small farms in the sub-tropical
• Very low in calories because it is          The sweetness potency of the stevia                          climate of Asian hillsides, where
  not metabolized15, 16                        sweeteners ranges from about                                 temperate conditions and elevation
• Does not raise blood glucose                200–300 times sweeter than sugar,                            are ideal. PUREFRUIT™ Monk Fruit
  or insulin levels in healthy                 depending on the level of sweetness                          Extract is a sweetener that provides
  individuals or when consumed by              being replaced. Stevia sweeteners                            natural, great-tasting, zero-calorie
  people with type 2 diabetes17-19             contribute zero calories and can be                          sweetness and is extracted from the
                                               used to enable calorie and sugar                             monk fruit.
• Modestly reduces postprandial
                                               reduction in foods and beverages.                            At around 100-200 times the
  glycemic response in people with
                                               Stevia sweeteners exhibit good                               sweetness of sugar, this ingredient
  type 2 diabetes, prediabetes, and
                                               stability and are suitable for use in                        allows for sugar reduction up to
  with healthy blood glucose when
                                               low-pH products such as beverages                            100% in certain foods and beverages.
  consumed in combination with
                                               and they have demonstrated
  other carbohydrates20-22                                                                                  PUREFRUIT™ Monk Fruit Extract
                                               stability to high temperature
• Digestively tolerated in healthy            processes such as pasteurisation.                            is appropriate for a wide-range of
  adults at 30 grams per day 23,24                                                                          applications, including:*
                                               The Sweet Green Fields and
• Has non-cariogenic properties25              Tate & Lyle stevia sweetener                                 • Baked goods
• Has the functionality of sugar,             options are appropriate for a wide-                          • Beverages
  including caramelization and                 range of applications, including:*
                                                                                                            • Cereals
  browning; adding bulk and texture            • Baked goods
  to products; and depressing                                                                               • Confections
                                               • Beverages
  freezing point in frozen products                                                                         • Dairy
                                               • Cereals
• Ideal for use in a variety of foods                                                                      • Desserts, ice cream
  and beverages, including yogurt,             • Dairy
                                                                                                            • Dressings, sauces
  ice cream, and baked products*               • Dressings, sauces
                                                                                                            • Nutritional supplements
• Blends well with other                      • Frozen foods
  sweeteners for calorie reduction                                                                          • Processed fruits
                                               • Processed fruits and vegetables
Allulose is generally recognized               • Snacks
as safe (GRN 400 and 498) by
the United States Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) for use in
foods and beverages, which means                                                                            *Subject to local regulations and market availability.
it is safe for people of all ages
to consume.26

                                                               3 | SWEETENERS
                                      © 2018 Tate & Lyle • •
SPLENDA® Sucralose                                   NUTRITIONAL IMPACT OF THE USE OF STEVIA
In 1976, sucralose was discovered                    SWEETENERS, PUREFRUIT™ MONK FRUIT EXTRACT,
as the result of a joint sweetener
research project conducted by                        AND SPLENDA® SUCRALOSE
Tate & Lyle and Queen Elizabeth                      In this menu example, simple substitutions with products containing these
College in London, UK. SPLENDA®                      non-nutritive sweeteners could result in a reduction of 235 calories per day.**
Sucralose is made from sugar and
is a leading zero-calorie sweetener                    2,000-CALORIE MENU,                                    WITH STEVIA SWEETENER,
that has a sugar-like taste profile. It                BASELINE***                                            PUREFRUIT™ MONK FRUIT
has about 600 times the sweetness                                                                             EXTRACT, AND SPLENDA®
of sugar and, depending upon                                                                                  SUCRALOSE SUBSTITUTIONS
the application, can be used to                        Breakfast:                                             Breakfast:
                                                       1 English muffin w/2 tbsp apricot                    1 English muffin w/2 tbsp apricot spread
replace nutritive sweeteners
                                                          spread                                               1 lg hard-boiled egg
such as sugar or glucose syrup.                         1 lg hard-boiled egg                                   1 med banana
SPLENDA® Sucralose is heat stable                       1 med banana                                           1 cup Tropical Tangerine Juice, made with
in cooking and baking and works                         1 cup orange juice                                      PUREFRUIT™ Monk Fruit Extract
well in a broad range of food and                      Lunch:                                                 Lunch:
beverage systems including low-pH                      Tuna salad sandwich:                                  Tuna salad sandwich:
environments and in the presence                         2 oz water-packed tuna,                                2 oz water-packed tuna, 1 tbsp mayonnaise,
of live cultures.*                                       1 tbsp mayonnaise,                                     2 slices rye bread, 1 lettuce leaf
                                                         2 slices rye bread, 1 lettuce leaf                   ½ cup baby carrots
Food and beverages formulated                           ½ cup baby carrots                                    1 cup low-fat milk
with sucralose elicit a lower                           1 cup low-fat milk                                    8 oz blueberry drinkable yogurt, made with
                                                        6 oz low-fat strawberry yogurt                         Stevia Sweetener, PROMITOR® Soluble
blood glucose response than
                                                                                                               Fibre, and Krystar® Crystalline Fructose
similar products with sugar.27
Unlike sucrose and glucose,                            Dinner:                                                Dinner:
                                                       Spaghetti with meatballs:                             Spaghetti with meatballs:
sucralose has the added benefit                           1 cup spaghetti, ½ cup marinara                        1 cup spaghetti, ½ cup marinara sauce,
of maintaining tooth mineralization                       sauce, 2 ½ oz meatballs                                2 ½ oz meatballs
and is non-cariogenic.27, 28                            1 tbsp shredded parmesan                               1 tbsp shredded parmesan
                                                        2 cups mixed green salad w/ tomatoes                 2 cups mixed green salad w/tomatoes
SPLENDA® Sucralose is                                    1 tbsp vinegar and oil dressing                        1 tbsp vinegar and oil dressing
appropriate for a wide range                             1 cup low-fat milk                                     1 cup low-fat milk
of applications, including:*                           Snacks:                                                Snacks:
                                                       ½ cup grapes                                           ½ cup grapes
• Breakfast cereals
                                                       1 oz raisin-nut granola bar                            ¾ oz coconut and apple bar, made with
• Canned fruit, jams, jellies,                        12 fl oz soft drink                                    SPLENDA® Sucralose, PROMITOR® Soluble
  pie fillings                                                                                                Corn Fibre, and Krystar® Crystalline Fructose
                                                                                                              12 fl oz blackberry peach flavoured sparkling
• Chilled and frozen desserts                                                                                 juice beverage, made with Stevia Sweetener
                                                                                                              and PromOat® Beta Glucan
• Condiments, relishes, dressings
• Gelatin desserts, puddings
• Gum, breath mints, candies,
                                                     NUTRITION FACTS                                                                Change % Change
  cough drops                                          Baseline menu                           Menu with PUREFRUIT          ™

                                                                                               Monk Fruit Extract and
• Ready-to-eat/frozen baked goods                                                              SPLENDA® Sucralose
• Sauces, toppings                                     Calories                     2,115 Calories                        1,880    -235 c        -11 %
• Soft drinks, flavoured milk,                        Total Fat                     53 g     Total Fat                    51 g
  nutritional beverages                                 Saturated Fat               17 g      Saturated Fat              15 g

• Yogurt, ice cream                                    Cholesterol               305 mg       Cholesterol               305 mg
                                                       Sodium                  2,390 mg       Sodium                   2,380 mg
*Subject to local regulations and market              Total Carbohydrate           326 g Total Carbohydrate              277 g
  availability.                                         Dietary Fibre                20 g  Dietary Fibre                   30 g
                                                        Sugars                      173 g  Sugars                         129 g    -44 g         -25 %
                                                       Protein                       87 g     Protein                      88 g

                                                     ** These values reflect US ingredient only. Calories vary based on global regulations.
                                                     *** Menu based on Healthy US Style Eating Pattern, Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2015-2020.

                                                                     4 | SWEETENERS
                                            © 2018 Tate & Lyle • •
Tate & Lyle’s Global Commercial and Food Innovation Center,
                                                                      Hoffman Estates, Illinois, USA

To learn more about Tate & Lyle ingredients
and innovations as well as health benefits
and relevant research, please visit and

INNOVATING TO MEET                         because Tate & Lyle invests heavily                          around the world. The research
                                           in innovation and research and in                            program allows Tate & Lyle to
NUTRITION, HEALTH,                         developing ingredients that can be                           customize its offerings and provide
AND WELLNESS NEEDS                         incorporated into a wide-variety of                          tailor-made solutions in local and
EVERY DAY                                  food and beverage solutions. Teams                           regional markets.
                                           of food and nutrition scientists
A commitment to innovation                 are continuously innovating,                                 Better-for-you ingredients for
Tate & Lyle, a global leader in            researching, and testing ingredients                         health and wellness
wellness innovation, is committed          that will meet current and future                            In response to global public health
to delivering innovative ingredients       health and nutrition needs.                                  efforts calling for people to reduce
that can be incorporated into great-       At the same time, Tate & Lyle has                            calories and sodium and increase
tasting foods to help consumers            a robust market research program                             fibre intakes, Tate & Lyle offers a
meet their nutrition, health, and          designed to provide the necessary                            number of innovative ingredient
wellness needs every day. That is          insights on consumer preferences                             solutions that meet these needs.

For more information       For more information on                      For more information                    For more information
on DOLCIA PRIMA®           Stevia Sweeteners, visit                     on PUREFRUIT™                           about SPLENDA®
Allulose, visit                           Monk Fruit Extract,                     Sucralose, visit       ingredient/stevia-solutions.                 visit       

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    1. World Health Organization. Obesity and Overweight Fact Sheet. June 2016.
    2.	Institute of Medicine, Food and Nutrition Board. Dietary Reference Intakes: Energy, Carbohydrates, Fibre, Fat, Fatty Acids, Cholesterol, Protein and Amino
        Acids. Washington, DC: National Academies Press; 2002/2005.
    3. Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee. Report of the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee on the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2015.
    4. Public Health England. Health Matters: obesity and the food environment. March 2017.
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        ardner C, Wylie-Rosett J, Gidding SS, Steffen LM, Johnson RK, Reader D, Lichtenstein AH. Non-nutritive sweeteners: Current use and health
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    6. Position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics: Use of Nutritive and Nonnutritive Sweeteners. 2012;112:739-758.
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        arriocanal LA, et al. Apparent lack of pharmacological effect of steviol glycosides used as sweeteners in humans. A pilot study of repeated exposures in
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    9. Grotz VL, et al. Lack of effect of sucralose on glucose homeostasis in subjects with type 2 diabetes. J Am Diet Assoc. 2003;103:1607-1612.
    10. Cooper PL, et al. Sucrose versus saccharin as an added sweetener in non-insulin-dependent diabetes: Short- and medium-term metaboliceffects. Diabet
         Med. 1988;5:676-680.
    11. Maki KC, et al. Chronic consumption of rebaudioside a, a steviol glycoside, in men and women with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Food Chem Toxicol.
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    12. Franz MJ, et al. The evidence for medical nutrition therapy for type 1 and type 2 diabetes in adults. J Am Diet Assoc. 2010;110:1852-1889.
    13. Sigman-Grant MJ, Hsieh G. Reported use of reduced-sugar foods and beverages reflect high quality diets. J Food Sci. 2005;7:S42-46.
    14. International Food and Information Council Foundation. 2016 Food & Health Survey. 2016.
    15.	Atiee GJ et al. An open-label, single-dose, nonrandomized microtracer study to determine the mass balance of orally administered, 14C-labeled sweetener
        product with 15 g sweetener in healthy adult subjects. 2015.
    16.	Iida et al 2010. Failure of D-psicose absorbed in the small intestine to metabolize into energy and its low large intestinal fermentability in humans.
        Metabolism 2010; 59(2):206-14.
    17. Kendall C, Wolever T, Vuksan V, et al. Comparison of glycemic responses elicited by 25g glucose, 25g allulose. Glycemia Consulting Inc. Toronto, ON,
         Canada. 2014.
    18. Wolever T, Jenkins AJ. A Randomized, Controlled, Crossover Study to Assess the Effects of a Sweetener on Postprandial Glucose and Insulin Excursions
         in Healthy Subjects. Glycemic Index Labs. Toronto, ON, Canada. 2015.
    19. Wolever T, Jenkins AJ. A Randomized, Controlled, Crossover Study to Assess the Effects of a Sweetener on Postprandial Glucose and Insulin Excursions
         in Healthy Subjects. Glycemic Index Labs. Toronto, ON, Canada. 2015.
    20. Noronha et al. Effect of Small Doses of Fructose and Allulose on Postprandial Glucose Metabolism in Type 2 Diabetes: A Double-blind, Randomized,
         Controlled, Acute Feeding Equivalence Trial. Diabetes, Obesity, and Metabolism 2018; 1-10.
    21. Hayashi et al. Study on the postprandial blood glucose suppression effect of D-psicose in borderline diabetes and the safety of long-term ingestion
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    22. Iida et al. Acute D-psicose administration decreases the glycemic responses to an oral maltodextrin tolerance test in normal adults.
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    24. Iida et al. Estimation of Maximum No-effect Level of D-Psicose in Causing Diarrhea in Human Subjects. Journal of the Japanese Council for Advanced
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    25. Hasturk H. A clinical study on the effect of allulose, a low-calorie sugar, on in vivo dental plaque pH.  Forsyth Institute.  Boston, MA, USA. 2018.
    26. FDA: U.S. Food and Drug Administration GRAS Notices. GRN No. 400 (2012) http://
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    27. EFSA Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies (NDA); Scientific Opinion on the substantiation of health claims related to the sugar replacers
         xylitol, sorbitol, mannitol, maltitol, lactitol, isomalt, erythritol, D-tagatose, isomaltulose, sucralose and polydextrose and maintenance of tooth
         mineralisation by decreasing tooth demineralisation (ID 463, 464, 563, 618, 647, 1182, 1591, 2907, 2921, 4300), and reduction of post-prandial glycaemic
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    28. Federal Drug Administration Food Labeling: Health Claims; Dietary Noncariogenic Carbohydrate Sweeteners and Dental Caries. Federal Register Online

SPLENDA® and the SPLENDA® logo are trademarks of Heartland Consumer Products, LLC.

This leaflet is provided for general circulation to the nutrition science and health professional community and professional participants in the food industry, including prospective customers for Tate & Lyle food
ingredients. It is not designed for consumer use. The applicability of label claims, health claims and the regulatory and intellectual property status of our ingredients varies by jurisdiction. You should obtain your
own advice regarding all legal and regulatory aspects of our ingredients and their usage in your own products to determine suitability for their particular purposes, claims, freedom to operate, labeling or specific
applications in any particular jurisdiction. This product information is published for your consideration and independent verification. Tate & Lyle accepts no liability for its accuracy or completeness.
Tate & Lyle • 5450 Prairie Stone Parkway, Hoffman Estates, IL 60192 • 1.800.526.5728                                                                                                                       SOG0419029

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