CONTEMPORARY September 5, 2021

Page created by Harry Gilbert
CONTEMPORARY September 5, 2021
September 5, 2021   CONTEMPORARY
CONTEMPORARY September 5, 2021
Welcome to Christ Lutheran Church!
    TO OUR GUESTS: We’re glad that you are with us today! It is our prayer that you will
  experience God’s presence in a meaningful way as we worship together. We invite you to
worship with us again. If you are new to Christ Lutheran and would like to learn more about the
           church , please contact Kathy Hofmann, Guest and Hospitality Director,

GATHERING MUSIC                  It is Good (God’s Grace)              Moffitt, Smith & Duren
OPENING SONG (Stand)                    Oh My Soul

CONTEMPORARY September 5, 2021
GREETING AND SHARING THE PEACE Please greet those around you with the peace of the Lord.
SONG OF PREP                       Haven’t Seen it Yet

CONTEMPORARY September 5, 2021
Dismiss Christ Kids, Announce CHRIST KIDS’ TV

SERMON                         Affirm: Life In Christ   Pastor Scott Suskovic

CONTEMPORARY September 5, 2021
Live: SERMON SONG         Kings and Kingdoms      Cottrell, Proffitt & Moffitt   (MJ-solo, SS)

MUSICAL OFFERING (sit)              Set Me Ablaze                Torwalt, Fielders & Sooter
           Please place your offering in the plates located on the small tables
                        as you exit the sanctuary after worship.

CONTEMPORARY September 5, 2021
SONG OF PRAYER (Stand)            Lord, Listen to Your Children Praying

    PRAYERS    with MG piano underscore

    LORD’S PRAYER                                                       Contemporary Wording
    COMMUNION: All baptized Christians who have been instructed in the sacrament and believe
             Christ is present for the forgiveness of sins are invited to commune.
            Young children are invited to come with parents to receive a blessing.
    MUSIC DURING COMMUNION                 God of All My Days          (

    SONG                                  Alive, Forever, Amen

CONTEMPORARY September 5, 2021
CONTEMPORARY September 5, 2021

Music Used by Permission:
OH MY SOUL. Travis Cottrell, David Moffitt, & Jeff Pardo. Arranged by Travis Cottrell. ©2019 Universal Music – Brentwood Ben-
son Publishing (ASCAP), Great Revelation Music (ASCAP), TimeChange Music (ASCAP), Meaux Jeaux Music (SESAC), Da
Bears Da Bears Da Bears Music (SESAC).
Haven't Seen It Yet. Text & Music: Colby Wedgeworth, Danny Gokey, Ethan Hulse. Copyright © Better Than I Found It | Be Es-
sential Songs | EGH Music Publishing | Colby Wedgeworth Music | Fair Trade Music Publishing (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publish-
ing) | (Admin. by Essential Music Publishing LLC) | (Admin. by Essential Music Publishing LLC) | (Fair Trade Music Publishing [c/o
Essential Music Publishing LLC]) | (Fair Trade Music Publishing [c/o Essential Music Publishing LLC])
Lord, Listen to Your Children Praying. Text and Music: Ken Medema. Copyright 1973 Hope Publishing Co.
God of All My Days. Text and Music: Mark Hall, Jason Ingram; arr. Cliff Duren. Copyright © 2016 My Refuge Music (BMI) (admin, Be Essential Songs (BMI), So Essential Tunes, Fellow Ships Music (SESAC) (admin Essential Mu-
sic Publishing LLC)
Alive, Forever, Amen. Text and Music: Travis Cottrell, David Moffitt, Sue C. Smith; arr. Travis Cottrell and David Moffitt. Copyright
© 2003 CCTB Music | New Spring | First Hand Revelation Music | Integrity's Hosanna! Music
Music and lyrics are printed by permission of the following licenses for print and for live streaming: One License #A-701771;
CCLI #1322176; and Augsburg Fortress #65602.
CONTEMPORARY September 5, 2021
CONTEMPORARY September 5, 2021
The flowers are given to the glory of God and…

   Shelly Wilson’s son Laith
   Helen Yetter
   Ralf Meyer
   Ellen Burton
   Zelda Kelley
   Ellen Stensrud’s parents
   Ben Cline
   Melissa Lanoue’s cousin David
   People of Afganistan and Haiti
   John Hejka’s son
   Kathy Graham
   Carolyn Draper
   Victims of Hurricane Ida
   Thrive and CLCC children
   Sharhonda Morgan
   Kris Dean
   Sonny Parker
   Melissa Suester on the death of her mother, Fran
   Tal Owen on the death of his sister, Cathy
Hospice List:
 Mary Dunham’s father
 Richard Engebrecht
 Dean Emmans’ mom, Renata
 Meredith Elliot’s grandmother, Judy
 Karen Costea’s mother, Jackie
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