Page created by Christine Hartman


Hōkai Nuku leading the whakawātea for the Wyllie Rd site office with members of the NX2 team and the NZ Transport Agency

Wyllie Road Site Office,                                                                                             Project
Open For Business!                                                                                                   Information
On Tuesday 13 June members of the
NX2 team along with iwi partners
                                                        The NX2 project team are moving in
                                                        progressively over the next couple of
                                                        months and we look forward to being part
Hōkai Nuku and the NZ Transport                         of this community over the next five years.                  Along with the opening of the
Agency, officially opened the                                                                                        project site office, we are pleased
project’s main site office at 45 Wyllie                                                                              to announce we have opened our
Road, Warkworth. Hōkai Nuku led                                                                                      project information centre.
a whakawātea (blessing) for the
                                                                                                                     Here you’ll find maps of the project,
new site office and to celebrate                                                                                     progress photos and videos and
the important project milestone.                                                                                     information on various areas of the
                                                                                                                     project, such as key design elements,
As part of tikanga (Māori protocol),
                                                                                                                     environment and ecology, and
the whakawātea ensures the safety and
peaceful pathway for staff located in
the office and for all who pass through                                                                              The information centre is open during
the project area. In consultation with                                                                               weekdays, and on set days and times
Ngāti Manuhiri representatives, Hōkai                                                                                members of the Stakeholder and
Nuku gifted the name ‘Kourawhero’ (red                                                                               Communications Team will be available
crayfish) for the site office. Kourawhero is             NX2 CEO Ray Wilson and Hōkai                                to answer questions.
also the name known to mana whenua for                   Nuku Kaumatua Ringi Brown                                   Official opening hours are:
the surrounding Wyllie Road area and of a                                                                            • Tuesday, 1pm to 4pm
nearby stream. The ceremony and gifting
of the Kourawhero name represents the                                                                                • Thursday, 9am to 12pm
importance of this area to mana whenua                                                                               • First Saturday of the month,
and the ongoing partnership between                                                                                    10am to 1pm
Hōkai Nuku and NX2.                                                                                                  For specific information about the
Project Director Alan Orange says:                                                                                   project, please email
This is a monumental day for the project                                                                             so we can arrange a suitable time
and we thank Hōkai Nuku for the gift of                                                                              to meet with you.
Kourawhero. These buildings will be our                                                                              We are located at 45 Wyllie Road,
home and a place where many important                                                                                Warkworth.
discussions are had, decisions will be made              Hōkai Nuku leads members of the NX2 team and
                                                         the NZ Transport Agency for the whakawātea
and milestones will be celebrated.
Second Major Site                                                                                                                                         WARKWORTH

Access Point (‘SAP 7’)

Opening Soon
                                                                                        CHANGES TO WATSON RD

In preparation for the project’s                create space for a safe right turn
first earthworks season, we                     bay, wide median and wider
continue to construct our key site              shoulder. After careful evaluation
access points (SAPs) which will                 with the Transport Agency, it has
ensure construction vehicles can                been decided that the passing
enter/exit the project area safely              lane will remain closed for the
and efficiently.                                entire construction period.
Construction of SAP 4 located                   Works are expected to take six
at 1509 State Highway 1 (SH1)                   to eight weeks. Temporary traffic
south of Perry Road, is now                     management will be in place
well underway and will be fully                 during construction, including
operational to construction                     a temporary speed limit of
vehicles by October 2017.                       70 km/h.                                                                  WATSON RD

Construction of our second major                For safety reasons, part of the
site access point, known as ‘SAP                work will take place between 9pm
7’, will soon get underway.                     and 5am when traffic volumes
SAP7 is located just past Hungry                are lower to minimise disruption.
Creek on SH1 at Watson Road (a                  ‘Stop-Go’ operations will be in

                                                                                                                                                                STATE HIGHWAY 1
forestry road) south of Mahurangi               place and there may be some
West Road. This will be the main                minor delays.
access for construction vehicles                Please be patient and take care            KEY

entering/exiting the southern end               when travelling through the                      Give Way Sign
                                                                                                                                              WATSON RD
of the project.                                 work area.                                       No Left Turn

                                                                                                 Existing passing
Establishing the access point                   To stay up-to-date with the                      lane to be closed
involves closing the southbound                 latest traffic information, visit                                                     PUHOI
Hungry Creek passing lane to          

                                                                                                                     Crime Prevention
                                                                                                                     We recently had the NZ Police Dog Handlers run a
                                                                                                                     training exercise on Billings Road, a timely exercise
                                                                                                                     as there have been some reports of theft in the area.
                                                                                                                     NX2 is working with the Warkworth and Orewa
                                                                                                                     Police, to minimise the risk of crime in and around
                                                                                                                     the project area. We want to remind people to keep
                                                                                                                     an eye out for anything suspicious and to contact
                                                                                                                     us or your local police station if you have concerns.
                                                                                                                     If there is an immediate risk to personal safety or
Police dog training exercise on Billings Road                                                                        property, please call 111.

Road Safety &                                                          Drone Footage Now Available
Driver Behaviour                                                       In our May edition, we told you about our plans to send a drone out to get a ‘bird’s eye
We continue to reinforce our key messages on road                      view’ of how the project is progressing. We’ve now got some footage and we’re excited
safety and driver behaviour to all staff and contractors.              to share this with you. Visit
These messages apply to all, so we encourage our
project neighbours and other road users to drive
with greater caution, so everyone gets home safely.

 • Plan your journey and be prepared for minor delays
 • Keep to the speed limits and increase your following
 • Be aware of your surroundings, observe road signs
   and traffic management
 • Be aware of hazards and winter road conditions
   e.g. sunstrike and slippery surfaces
 • Be patient and courteous to others on the road

For more information on road safety, take a look at
the NZ Transport Agency’s ‘Driving Safely’ webpage:
Meet The Team
   What’s                                               Meet Caitlin Golder, one of NX2’s
   Happening                                            Environmental Advisors. Caitlin plays a
                                                        key role in ensuring the construction team
   Next?                                                builds to the consent conditions or ‘rules’
                                                        of the project.
   • Road improvement works on Moir                     Some of Caitlin’s responsibilities include:
     Hill Road
                                                        • monitoring the effects of construction,
   • Construction of SAP 4 at 1509 SH1,                   such as noise, dust and vibration, and           without compromising the environment.
     Warkworth                                            advising the construction team to modify
                                                          their methods when required                      Although it’s a challenging role, Caitlin says:
   • Construction of SAP 7 at Watson                                                                       I love how the job is so multidisciplinary.
     Road, Hungry Creek                                 • managing the protection of Kauri, by setting     There is no one person on the project
                                                          up quarantine areas and cleaning stations,       who knows everything, so it requires a
   • Construction of two temporary                        and educating and enforcing NX2’s Kauri          collaborative effort to keep the project
     bridges at kauri eco-viaduct and                     Protection Protocols                             on track. I also love being part of a project
     west of SAP 4                                                                                         where my outputs are tangible and I can
                                                        • testing the project’s many sediment
   • Continue to build access tracks and                  controls ponds after heavy rain                  see that what I do makes a difference to
     haul roads within the project area                                                                    how we do things.
                                                        When asked about the challenges of the
                                                        project, Caitlin says:                             Caitlin has a Masters of Science in
   • Finish logging works in the                                                                           Environmental Management, is a proud
     Mahurangi forestry area                            The ‘rules’ for construction are different
                                                                                                           owner of a ‘Brown Badge’ from the
                                                        and more complex than other projects
                                                                                                           Greenroads Foundation, an international
   • Ground preparation for installation                I have worked on. It’s also a challenge
                                                                                                           non-profit organisation which aims to advance
     of the first permanent culverts in the             balancing environmental management with
                                                                                                           sustainability education and initiatives for
     Mahurangi forestry area                            construction because they are often at odds
                                                                                                           transport infrastructure. Caitlin is also a
                                                        with each other, so it can be challenging to
                                                                                                           Department of Conservation approved Level 2
                                                        make decisions which enable construction
                                                                                                           bat ecologist.

Rock Blasting                                             KEY STEPS IN THE ROCK BLASTING PROCESS:
                                                          • Prepare the blast area and mark out the shot
                                                                                                                            DID YOU KNOW?
We recently carried out our first controlled                                                                                Around two million cubic
                                                          • Drill holes approximately 8 - 12 metres deep                    metres of quality rock is
drilling and rock blasting in the ‘Rock Borrow
                                                          • In each hole, place detonators with boosters, then load         needed across the project
Pit’ within the Mahurangi forestry area. Due to
                                                            explosives (shown in blue) and aggregate (shown in white)       and we’ll be sourcing
technology advances and techniques, we were
                                                            to contain the blast energy when initiated                      much of this rock from
well within our noise and vibration limits.
                                                          • Connect all holes to apply sequenced detonation                 within the project area .
                                                                                                                            The quality rock is a hard
                                                          • Clear the blast area and fire the blast
                                                                                                                            grey/blue sand stone,
                                                          • Complete post blast inspections before excavation               found approximately 8-12
                                                                                                                            metres below the existing
                                                                               BENCH                                        ground level.



‘Rock Borrow Pit’ in the Mahurangi forestry area

  Project Timeline
  JANUARY 2017                                           NOVEMBER 2019                                     SEPTEMBER 2021
  Start of enabling works                                Start of pavement works                           Pavements completed

  OCTOBER 2017                                           NOVEMBER 2020                                     OCTOBER 2021
  Start of bulk earthworks                               Earthworks completed                              Works completed

  JANUARY 2018                                           OCTOBER 2020                                      LATE 2021
  Start of structures                                    Structures completed                              Motorway open to traffic

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