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CONSTRUCTION Media Pack 2021-2022 THE OFFICIAL MAGAZINE OF THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY FEDERATION Construction Magazine Trade Publishing, iQuest Ltd, 59 Merrion Square, Dublin 2
ABOUT US WE ARE WE ARE CONSTRUCTION PEOPLE CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 50 Construction is the official magazine of the Through a multi-platform approach and with THE OFFICIAL MAGAZINE OF THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY FEDERATION Construction Industry Federation (CIF), covering a dedicated network of experts, analysts and THE OFFICIAL MAGAZINE OF THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY FEDERATION TOP 50 2020 JANUARY 2021 news, topical issues, member activities, economic columnists, Construction magazine focuses on trends, new products and developments across all building relationships, knowledge and purpose. sectors of the industry. Published 10 times per year, Construction will From the latest industry-leading information to provide you with unparalleled access to a long- insight into what’s really happening, each edition of established leadership network from Managing Construction will give you the opportunity to be part Directors and Chief Executives to Consultants, of a bigger conversation on what really matters to Government, Developers and Architects. the construction industry. Our ethos of sharing ideas and exchanging As the most widely-circulated building views will give you a market edge and access to magazine in Ireland, Construction informs solutions in an ever-competitive, challenging 8 CONSTRUCTION December 2020 key decision makers about the issues affecting and changing world. the industry today. CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION Each issue, approximately 80 pages published in A4 gloss, is published with a series of CIF NEWS ThE OffICIAL mAGAzINE Of ThE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY fEDERATION THE OFFICIAL mAGAzINE OF THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRy FEDERATION industry related profiles, in-depth features and September/OctOber 2019 april/May 2019 inspiring interviews as well as the latest CIF and SES IN 2020 GIVE A REAL SENSE OF ARS AHEAD membership news. 30 OUR COLLA N E SUCCESTO BORATIVAC HIE ER IN THE YE VE GETH General Tom Parlon WHAT WE CAge from CIF Director A messa Construction magazine also publishes the Top 50 14 t, 2020 was W ithout a doubyear for Irish a landmark Together CIF Contractors issue. Based on turnover data on. constructi 40 most ssed the we addre , e challenges led formidabl ess, and CONTENTS our busin how we do to live and a work changed ing how with in learn the way go into 2021 mination. d-19. We and deter with Covi and figures, this annual publication is the most of purpose ed in great sense the lessons learn e take collaborativ We must taking a January 2021 conti nue 2020 and address the many chall enges to . approach in the year ahead h, ON the Healt we will face the members of and the I commend re sub-Committee oped CONSTRUCTI up-to-date, precise and comprehensive listing of Welfa devel Safety and Group who Working C-19 Pandemic Covid-19 Secto r truction for their the ‘Cons Procedure’ ATIVE ard Operating anding work. We TIVE BUT TENT CTION Stand t and outst ruction 74 A POSIFOR THE CONSTRU commitmen ation of const d a new gener , and I am excite OUTLOOK IN THE SOUTH it 2020 obser ved ge in 2020 r Ireland’s leading contractors. try unde ANALYSIS ward to INDUSTRY ern Construct Summ leaders emer ects of the indus . INDUSTRYIONS – Looking Back about the prosp years ahead 46 PENS rd – CIF South rship in the ed, we launc hed NER their leade than plann Forwa PART ls’ CIF NEWS S Move FESSIONA N LS CORPORATE YSIS DELAY ANAL WHY A little later Everyone’ schoo enges 5 CIF NEWnews and views from CIF CTION PRO ‘LEA 78 APPLYING TIFY e For our ‘A Hom This competitio n chall 51 CONSTRU STS WITH SISK ES TO IDEN competitio n. to design a home that The latest T SAYS THAT SKILLNET ASSI ME TECHNIQUS ARE DELAYED g people ing CIF PRESRIDEN NGER TRANSFORM’ PROGRAM TO PRO JECT our youn te chan ge, the hous on 14 INCOMING BEEN STRO EASES SET Consulting helps solve clima . I call inclusivity try HAS NEVE – Decipher addresses THE SECTORing CIF President Frank PRICE INCR Kelly crisis and s the coun this 57 TIMBER INTO 2021 S from acros part of SAFETY FOCU LE AND all members disciplines to be DIGITAL: THE END OF – Meet incom LLY REALISEDN CONTINUE AFFORDAB TESTING FOR e directly n, we have BUILDING OR D, all Tom Parlo FINA KER RAPI and from and engag CIF. difficulties HAVE CTIO N WOR 79 ON-SITE initiative schools General, the many to face in 17 “PEOPLEGOOD THE CONSTRU dent Pat STRUCTIO 63 NO CON ILY SHOULD BE ALON E IN CONVENIENT exciting g people in your local the Director to overcome and will continue JUST HOWIS” – Outgoing CIF Presi THEIR FAM COVID-19 with youn unities to show them a career on try’s faced in 2020 ahead. we could SECTOR ts on 24 busy months A CRISIS Construction Indus try Chari ty NEWS FROM and comm of opportunities workforce . of the indus the year 2020 in a position ago. But . al wellbeing this past year, INDUSTRYOF DEVELOPMENTS range Lucey reflec broad on can offer them The ment We close 12 months her – Lighthouse strides in , particular ly in Lighthous e imagined 90 NEWS R INDUSTRY constructi have made great toget CONSTRUCTION AS Y workforce major concern. The not have rd into 2021 , 2020 ome the COVER STOROOK 2021 DEFICIT e we safety a 24/7 forwa overc for 2021 EVENTS LING THE HOUSING THE WIDE Whil in terms of site an has been of stry Char ity has we move dent that we can ahead. C 21 CIF OUTL set out their objectives 67 TACK it 2020 AND recent years there was a year when of fatalities in the ion Indu Construct a wellbeing app that are rage all and confi we meet in the year DIARY S FOR YOUR DIARY tors sadly was EQUALITY – CIF Direc Building Summ er helpline and force. I encou ce challenges . – House ICAL in the numb to our work erous 2021 URE IS CRIT 95 DATE DAYS 2021 increase available ote this servi of and prosp STER TY a healthy PROJECT FEATORATION OF LEINractors) Ltd ’ HOLI d-19 bers to prom AND SAFE ORMANCE OF BUILDERSa thing sector. robust Covi us our the work I wish you 30 THE REST ers (Cont 73 HEALTH THE PERFINDUSTRY Now that we have we must refoc of our mem and to support ever way that WE KNOW IT? TO DRIVING Don’t miss , ds, your sites what an Broth N in HOUSE – Dugg CONSTRUCTIO it 2020 TRAINING measures in place hazar workplace working on the Light house Club Stay safe, addressing RE THE h and Safet y Summ 96 efforts on falls from height and ers Tom Parlo n CATEGORTING Y FOCUS RSE TO THE FUTU – CIF Healt TRAININGthe ly particular plant. As we start the new you can. you and your work to the A COU ap for to review I commend positively together g a roadm A look at le nding so 35 CHAR CTION – Settin with mobi on all mem bers action for the respo and stand ing TION 5 OF CONSTRUods of Construction CIF traini ng year, I call and to take of our pandemic CONSTRUC ule practices e the safety Covid-19 January 2021 Modern Meth sched your safety ed to ensur S where need 5 CONSTRUCTION January/February 2018 MEMBER FOCU IRELANDESME 40 WEST OF ON FRENCH EXPERTIS PROVIDESEROSION PROJECT – KSG COASTAL 74 ENT BLE MANAGEM– TION 3 44 SUSTAINA R DRAINAGE January 2021 CONSTRUC OF RAINWATE g Engineerin Capcon
WE ARE Part of a long-established network WE ARE The CIF Construction COMMUNITY of industry professionals and VISION organisations magazine community is Founded in 1935, for almost 90 years CIF Associations Construction magazine is published by always growing through the CIF has been the leading voice on everything that matters to the Alliance of Specialist Contractors iQuest. Established in 2001, iQuest is Ireland’s leading events, production and our website, social media construction industry. Association (ASCA) media business, sitting as part of the and network of events *an umbrella group for 22 specialist Business Post Group. With a national, regional and international sub-contracting associations viewpoint across all sectors of the Its business units include an extensive Civil Engineering Contractors industry, CIF’s Construction magazine conference and exhibitions portfolio, Association (CECA) represents the views of contractors at the a range of major stand-alone event Irish Home Builders Association highest levels right down to those working brands, an independent professional (IHBA) day-to-day on site. event organising division, a tailored Master Builders and Contractors virtual production solution, a suite of Through experience and insight we Association (MBCA) masterclasses and executive learning successfully navigate the business, Master Painters and Decorators programmes, Irish Hospitality Global, political and economic arenas providing of Ireland The Circle Corporate Member’s Network a full spectrum point of view in areas Mechanical and Electrical Contractors and a robust trade publishing division. including recruitment and training, health and safety, government Association (MECA) We pride ourselves on providing engagement, as well as marketing Register of Heritage Contractors experiences that enable audiences and industrial intelligence. to learn, develop, foster commercial Construction magazine is part of the opportunities and make better Campaigns like #BuildingEquality and CIF national membership network, business decisions. Time to Change, Time to Talk are also comprising of 13 branches across some of the essential issues we feature four regions in Ireland to drive the conversation around health, safety, diversity and equality across Dublin Region the industry. Eastern Region Southern Region Western/Midlands Region
STATISTICS & EVENTS OUR DEMOGRAPHIC ANNUAL EVENTS OUR SOCIAL NETWORK Construction Magazine: The who, what and where of the IHBA Housebuilding Summit Circulation 4,000 construction industry from the boardroom March 25, 2021 37,081 followers events to the building site CIF Digicon - Digital Construction Summit June 17, 2021 events 11,100 followers The John Sisk woods, which & Son A comprised a CIF Construction Magazine represented range carpentry appren the seven phases of commercial FSC into the design tice team also incorp of apprenticeshi p. The with the use orated moder and low-en n ergy LED lights. of a solar panel powere technology Jones Engine d tablet device ering appren Among many tices devised Top 50 Contractors Edition Launch features, it a self-powered charged by was powere A. John Sisk & power genera d by a motor, Dr Mary-L ted by which can be Son carpen iz Trant, Execut an attached bicycle. OUR AUDIENCE Tom Parlon try apprentices SOLAS and Domini show their said that she ive Directo Hennessy, c Doheny. L Joinery A to was blown r for Skills Develo Stephen Chapm to r: Paul Kearne and commi away by the pment, tment on display CIF; Domini an, c Doheny, Preside Tom Parlon, Directo y, Harry work on show. , not to mentio energy, imagination n the craft and September 2021, date tbc Designer Group Works/Trainin nt, CIF; Dave r Genera and Mark Fitzgermechanical apprentices g and Joey MurphyCentre Manager, John Tracey, Joinery l “The work is beautiful, detailed Conor Cregan . Sisk & Son; also ground skilfully finishe Apprenticeshi ald, winners of the inaugu Neil Farrell teamwork, -breaking in the d and polishe d, but p award, with their sustain ral Generation water collect critical thinkin way that each group able Herb Garden ion and recycli entries. This g and problem has combin ed CREATIVE THIN An intelligent ng through is something -solving to 11,592 followers A. a waterfall. from diverse we create their smart techno A by Design er Group backgrounds want to highlight and electric regard. appren KING DOMINATE logy that encom al apprentices These insight have so much to tices emergency passed the used s offer new offer in this system contro apprenticeshi GENERATION AP “I am delight s and audio-visual techno l of LED lighting, possibilities CIF Annual Conference p, career or returniincluding for those thinkin about the role of PRENTICESHIP S INAUGURAL ed for all of logy. in this inaugu our appren ng to work.” g about a change ral tices Tom Parlon Kearns, Trainin Generation Apprenticeshi who have taken part , Director Genera in g Director, to be associa great initiati Designer Group.p event, said Brendan ted l, CIF, said skills that apprenwith the competition that the CIF COMPETITION ve, teamwork was proud A team of mech and hard hours and dedication “They all showed tices can attain. as it highlig hted the great anical apprentic apprenticeshi to deliver such creativ to put in the work “We hope this competition September 30, 2021 Apprenticeship es from Designer Group have p craft. This e models to are seeking will inspire display their an exciting S were a great is true of all and reward young people display of our entries and apprenticeshi ing career, to , who Competition for won the inau categories. To have won young talent and skills all models ps growth phase have to offer. The Constr explore what even teams comprising the sustainab gural Generatio Conor and Mark and I the event was in the a great achieve various development and needs young uction talented people Sector is in a finalists in 39 apprentices le Herb Garden n part of the am delighted for our compa ment for and to meet 9,824 likes programme. to drive Competition. Ireland’s first The appren ever Genera tion were chosen as ‘A’. apprentices in the future.” It will be an inspiration ny to have been apprenticeshi prospect of the p offers a world demands of the econom our y. An innovative tices were part Apprenticeship to all of our other earning while of opportunity, as well as the national compe of the to see more learning. The CIF Health & Safety Summit team-working tition female appren CIF is particu and the problem celebrating design, for female partici tices coming into larly keen apprentices. The compe -solving skills of Irish remains worryi pation in construction-r the system as figures 5% tition, which ngly low.” elated appren Apprenticeshi was part of C ticeships p the Genera six-foot, three-dcampaign, involved teams tion imensional of design skills. ‘A’ letters using apprentices creating 5% October 2021, date tbc a diverse range of The teams chosen • Design for the final er Group (two were from: • John Sisk teams) and • Jones Engine Son • Mayo, Sligo, ering Group • The Hospit Leitrim Education & Jones Engine ering appren CIF Southern Region Construction Summit ality Training A. L to r: Paul tice Education and Education Training Campu Board Burnet, Michae team with their Self-Po 5% • Kerry Educat Training Board Kane, Ryan s, Limerick Clare Doyle and Simon l Murray, Aaron Cassel wered ion & Trainin Watson (Team ls, Liam 2,145 followers g Board Trainin until 27th April. Development) Entries include g Centre . d a range of the exhibition A gala awards ceremo metal, stone, moving parts, to announce ny was held piping, water electro In the winning at the end of Q4 2021, date tbc The compe and electric nics, wood, addition to entry. tition, which al circuits. Education and receiving support from the importance is the first of Skills and SOLAS the Department and value its kind, aims by ESB and , the compe of development of apprenticeshi to highlight CIF. in ps as a route winning entry An independent judgin tition was sponso strong traditio 21st centur y Ireland. It to with referen g panel selecte red n of craft-b will also highlig skills skills, teamw ce to the d the industries in ased appren hts the ork, critical competition which ticeships and thinking and criteria advanced manuf apprenticeships are the new problem-solvin of design acturing, engine now availab Designer Group g. The entries le, includi submitted were on display ering, finance and hospita ng CIF National Construction Industry Awards The winnin two entries in the Nation lity. g entry was . al College of was created sustainable Ireland by Designer Herb Garden mimicked the Group mecha A, 66 CONSTRUCTION sustainability nical appren which Designer Group 10% of the Irish tices. May/June 2018 ecosystem includiThe A L to r: Brenda appren tice Stephe ng a n n Muller President, CIF; Kearns, Training Directo y explains his team’s r, Designer Intelligent A. January 27, 2022 Colleran, ManagStephen Mullery; Tom Group; Domini er, Distribution Parlon, Directo c Doheny, and Custom r General CIF er Service, and Senan ESB Networ 775 subscribers ks. International Women’s Day Event May/June 2018 CONSTRUCTION 67 March 8, 2022 *Figures March 2021 75% BE SEEN Collaborate with us to communicate your message with tailor-made spaces in our magazines, website, newsletters and events CIF Membership Print Adverts Architects Advertorials Consulting & Engineers Digital Advertising Government Bodies Partnerships & Campaigns Local Authorities Sponsorship Live Events & Webinars Bespoke Marketing Solutions Research & Development
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COMMERCIAL BECOME A CIF MEMBER EDITORIAL If you would like to look at advertising, If you are looking for access to leading If you have editorial or relevant advertorial or any commercial elements construction information, services and news to contribute to Construction within Construction magazine please contact representation, or your company supplies magazine please contact Sales Director Marita Quigley products or services into the sector, CIF Managing Editor Siobhán Breatnach membership is for you. Email: For more information about tailored Email: Tel: +353 874477672 membership packages contact Membership Development Executive Bernardine Walsh Tel: +353 (1) 4066067 Email:
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