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VOL 10,ISSUE 1       FEBRUARY / MARCH 2019 US $ 20 ` 200

                                     George Hoffman, CEO,
                                     FineLine Technologies

Anant Goenka       Tony Robinson

SURGE              EXPO 2019

             THE GAME
             It is not “IF” but “When,” RFID will be the industry game changer

                       TA News Bureau

                             very year approximately two billion tyres are produced
                             worldwide, for a variety of applications, ranging from passenger
                             to commercial use, the end product of a very complicated and
                             process-driven industry. Thus there are many regulations and
                    compliance guidelines which must be followed, within each process
                    step, where the mishandling of a component can have destructive
                    consequences. After all, we all have faith that our plane will land safely;
                    that the truck with chemicals stays on the road; and that our car will
                    function well at speeds of 200 km/hour on the German Autobahn. The
                    average price of a set of car tyres is $500 - suppose we drive 40,000
                    miles with this set, we are confident that for $0.0125 per mile we will
                    always arrive safely regardless of the weather or road conditions.
                    Industry, legislative and market pressures are constantly forcing
                    manufacturers to improve the quality of a tyre, developing more services
                    and do it all at a lower cost. Tyre producers from low-wage countries can
                    flood the world markets with tyres that are sometimes half the price than
                    the established leading brands. To continue to enhance their products
                    and services, producers must introduce new business concepts such as
                    “pay per mile”, leasing of tyres or “tyre as a service.” To identify, track,
                    maintain, and verify these products and services, Radio Frequency
                    Identification (RFID) will be THE No. 1 game changer.

48 Tyre Asia December 2018/January 2019
Evolution of RFID technology in the                       manufacturer), EPC (writable memory area to store
tyre industry                                             the Electronic Product Code, typically 96-bits but
                                                          can optionally reach up to 480-bits). For applications
RFID technology traces its roots back to World War        demanding more data storage, chips are available
II. About 75 years ago radio identification occurred      with additional User Memory (available from 512
within a big box, today this takes place within a chip,   bits to 64 Kbytes of user memory). Additionally
that is hardly visible. The current passive RFID form     the Reserved Memory area of the chip is used for
is a chip on an antenna, also called a tag, inlay or      managing access password, kill password, additional
transponder, which does not require its own energy        feature bits and chip overhead. The unique
source, e.g. battery. Rather, the moment the tag          combination of the chip TID and user generated
enters the radiation field of an antenna, it harvests     unique EPC, can eliminate simple copying and fraud
energy, wakes up, and begins transmitting its unique      practices.
number. When individual tags are applied to tyres on
a pallet, counting can be completed very quickly. In a    Having a global standard is an advantage to end
matter of seconds it is possible to scan and identify a   users. Companies such as FineLine Technologies
large number of tyres.                                    have developed specialised, innovative solutions that
                                                          are applicable worldwide.

                                                          Better, cheaper, faster and 100%
                                                          As indicated, the tyre industry is constantly
                                                          challenged to optimise processes, automate
                                                          operations, and at the same time introduce new
                                                          business concepts that add value for end customers.

Today, RFID technology operates under a global
standard called UHF (Ultra High Frequency) EPC
Class 1 Gen 2 also known as ISO18000-6C. This RFID
technology standard operates globally in one of two
main frequency ranges – 902 – 928 MHz or 865-
868 MHz. All applications described in this article
have been developed and are compliant with this
global standard. One of the great advantages of this
standardisation is the ability of users, anywhere in
the world, to scan and identify tagged items using
standardised equipment. A standard RFID tag has
several memory features that ensure each product
can be individually and uniquely identified. A
standard UHF EPC Gen2 / ISO18000-6C compliant
chip will have a combination of TID (unique read-
only Tag Identifier burned into the chip by its

     FineLine Technologies:
     Driving the future with
     innovative tyre labelling
     FineLine Technologies develops and produces            The company has grown through acquisition,
     barcoded, and RFID integrated labels, tags, and        adding RFID intellectual resources [on staff],
     stickers for major tyre manufacturers, retailers,      with team members holding more than 5
     retreaders and fleet operators, worldwide.             decades of RFID experience spanning more than
     Our innovative RFID enabled tags for mould             five industries and applications. FineLine has
     management, tyre production, logistics and fleet       bolstered its leadership with industry experts
     management organisations are helping to improve        and thought leaders such as Mike Borgna,
     the global tyre market, with better inventory          Jos Uijlenbroek, Marc Flederus, Jan Svoboda
     accuracy, traceability and connectivity. Learn         and Danika Manchester.
     more at www. finelinetech.com/tires/.

                                                                            Tyre Asia December 2018/January 2019   49

                        In the past decade, FineLine Technologies and its        t 'JSTU-JO mSTU-PVU JT NBEF FBTZ; UIF TZTUFN UFMMT UIF
                        subsidiaries Data2 and Ferm RFID Solutions have          employee which material should be used first.
                        developed a variety of solutions specifically for the
                                                                                 t 5IF TQFDJmD NBUFSJBM DBO CF SFDPHOJTFE CZ UIF
                        tyre industry. All applications have been developed
                                                                                 building machine.
                        in close consultation and input with various tyre
                        manufacturers and extensively tested in tyre             Process steps for tyre building also become
                        production environments. A variety of tagging            transparent and traceable- associating raw materials
                        applications have been developed and implemented         to extruder, die and load carrier.
                        for each stage of the tyre production process.
                                                                                 An RFID label once applied to a load carrier offers
                        Inbound raw materials                                    full transparency throughout the processes

                        RFID labels are used to identify raw materials           RFID on building machines
                        such as rubber, carbon black and chemicals the
                                                                                 The integration of RFID with building machines is
                        moment they enter the factory. Receiving, inventory
                                                                                 relatively simple. The machine has a RFID reader
                        management and searching for specific material
                                                                                 connected to the PLC or machine control interface
                        become quick and reliable with wireless scanning.
                                                                                 of the machine. The building machine knows which
                        When it is time to use the raw materials in the
                                                                                 type of tyre should be produced. The machine
                        mixing machine, the tagged materials are reliably
                                                                                 automatically checks by scanning RFID tags,
                        identified by RFID reader installed on mixing
                                                                                 attached to raw materials or on carriers with the raw
                        machine and integrated with the machine control
                                                                                 materials, what materials are loaded in the machine.
                        interface. The machine “knows” which type of
                                                                                 In addition, critical tools and machine parts can be
                        rubber recipe is being produced and “counts” the
                                                                                 tagged with RFID tags. This enables the machine
                        unique ingredients. The moment the wrong “big
                        bag” is loaded, the machine stops, and an alarm goes     to automatically check which tools are installed
                        off, making this critical process step traceable and     and which materials are loaded, and ensure they all
                        reliable.                                                match the production recipe. The machine does not
                                                                                 start if any of the parts or materials are incompatible.
                        RFID on an extruder machine                              This makes process step number four reliable,
                                                                                 completely transparent, and traceable. There is
                        FineLine, in collaboration with a leading tyre           still a relationship between the raw materials, the
                        manufacturer, developed the first RFID solution for      extruder, die, specific materials and each individual
                        extruders and dies. Using a very small tag, every die    green tyre itself.
                        is unique and can be associated with a type of tyre
                        recipe. The machine recognises which materials are       Every critical tool on the building machine has a
                        being produced and checks which die is placed in the     RFID tag and can be associated to type of tyre.
                        machine (by using an RFID reader on the machine).
                        When there is no match between type of rubber, tyre      Green tyre RFID bead label
                        type and die, the extruder will not start. Using this    When the green tyre is produced, it is automatically
                        solution, a manufacturing plant will eliminate costly    tagged and identified with a RFID barcode bead label
                        mistakes as well as gain a new level of transparency     (or other type of vulcanisable RFID tag), offered by
                        and traceability within this critical manufacturing      FineLine. This label has the unique capability to be
                        step. Machine recognises die by either handheld          scanned by existing barcode systems as well as RFID
                        reader or stationary reader. Even search & find can      readers, unique feature of our bead labels offering
                        occur within the die library.                            backward compatibility and simple transition to
                                                                                 RFID technology. This solution allows for automatic
                        RFID for factory material flow                           association (creating a “mother/child relationship”)
                        Tyre components such as body, beads and tread are        between the building machine materials, processes,
                        typically made or prepared in different areas of a       operators all associated with each individual green
                        tyre factory. All the materials need to make their way   tyre. From the moment the green tyre is built
                        to a specific tyre building machine, at the right time   and tagged, it is uniquely identifiable within all
                        and condition. The materials are transported in the      subsequent processes. The green tyre can now
                        factory on load carriers such as spools, bobbins and     be placed on a rack and tracked in anticipation
                        racks. Each load carrier is equipped with a RFID tag     of being vulcanised. The rack can also be tagged
                        that has been specifically developed to be readable      and identified as a storage location, creating an
                        on metal and over various distances. The encoding        association with the tagged green tyre until it
                        of these tags is such that it is recognised throughout   enters a curing press. In any case, it becomes nearly
                        the production process as the specific load carrier or   impossible for a tagged and tracked green tyre to
                        transporter. The moment the material (for example        be misplaced or sent to be vulcanised by the wrong
                        the rubber from the extruder) is loaded onto this        press. Through process step, the manufacturing
                        load carrier we can follow the material through          process is still 100% transparent.
                        the whole process “as unique material.” This gives       Using the combination of RFID and barcode bead
                        exclusive advantages in the entire process such as:      labels, manufacturers can implement RFID - step by
                        t *EFOUJGZJOH UIF MPBE DBSSJFS XJUIJO UFNQPSBSZ          step in a controlled manner.
                        storage in the factory. This means that the right
                        material for the right building machine can always be
                                                                                 Press, mold, segment, bladder
                        identified, regardless of how accurate or inaccurate     management
                        the employee is.                                         As a green tyre arrives at a press, it is possible to

50 Tyre Asia December 2018/January 2019
establish a direct relationship between the press,         different mold components are then associated,
                   mold, mold segments bladder and the green tyre             creating the “mother-child relationship.”
                   via the RFID barcode bead label and “smart mold”
                                                                              FineLine has developed a RFID mold tag, specifically
                   and press solution. First we can check whether
                                                                              for the mold application and was nominated for “The
                   the correct mold and bladder are loaded into the
                                                                              most innovative tyre application of the year 2017” by
                   correct press. It is also important, before the mold is
                                                                              Tyre Technology International.
                   loaded into the press, to verify whether the correct
                   maintenance has been completed on the mold, the            The design of this FineLine solution takes into
                   right segments have been applied in the correct            account not only the harsh environment molds need
                   order and whether the correct bead rings have              to operate in during their useful life, or the RFID
                   been installed in the mold. FineLine has developed         technology performance in the environment, but also
                   specific RFID tagging solution for molds through           the operating and business process flows of mold
                   years of development and testing. This solution            operations. For example, the segment tags have a
                   is designed specifically for molds, segments, bead         reading distance optimised for the ability to scan
                   rings, bladder plates and the identification and           them during mold assembly process and reliably
                   management of these critical tools. The tags are           determine the order of the individual segments in the
                   simply installed directly in the segments, bead rings      mold. The tags developed by FineLine specifically
                   and bladder ring. A special long range “mother tag”        for the molds, segments and bead rings have been
                   is installed on the mold container with which the          tested repeatedly in the harsh tyre manufacturing

New business models
In many situations organisations see RFID as a replacement         t *EFOUJGZ BOE QSPWF UIFGU PG nFFU UZSFT. 5IF 3'*% GPBN
of barcodes. When a business uses RFID as a smart barcode,         solution supports the automatic mother/ child relationship
then it’s an expensive barcode solution. Organisations that        between vehicle, trailer, driver and tyres. By setting up
plan to use RFID should understand and evaluate what this          an RFID gate at the entrance of a truck company, fleet
new wireless technology can enable and also consider new           managers can regularly track and identify their tyre assets
business concepts, new service offerings and value added           as they enter and leave the company premises. The moment
products that leverage RFID technology. The simple fact            the truck leaves the premises the company’s relation
that a tyre can be recognized without line of site, in bulk, or    between tyres/truck/driver is established. If the tyres are
when connected to a vehicle gives the opportunity to setup         replaced or changed “the new tyres for old ones” an alarm
new business models and services to clients. In addition to        goes off when the vehicle returns.
the RFID bead label and the RFID tread label, FineLine has
                                                                   The RFID foam solution can be attached to the tyre
developed an aftermarket RFID solution which can be used
                                                                   independently from a tyre producer, proving invaluable
to support new business models such as “Pay per Mile” and
                                                                   for fleet owners. Depending on the type of tyre the foam
“Tyre as a Service”. This RFID foam solution can be applied
to an existing tyre independent of a tyre producer. Having         solution can be applied on the inner liner or within the non-
                                                                   flexing zone of the outer sidewall.
a reading distance of around 2 to 3 meters this RFID foam
solution allows fleet managers to address challenges such as:      Overall, the described solutions can be used within various
                                                                   production environments and types of tyres. There are also
                                                                   two different types of markets where RFID specifically can
in their fleet, and this includes the ability to read the second
                                                                   be maximised.
tyre on the same axel.

                                                                                                Tyre Asia December 2018/January 2019   51

RFID for retreading market
Within the retreading market there are two major types of         retreaders that deliver a good, quality product, and the retread
retreading processes: Hot retreading using a temperature of       industry as a whole.
approximately 160 degrees Celsius within traditional molds.
                                                                  The use of RFID within the retread market brings enormous
This process is used to retread of airplane tyres; and cold
                                                                  benefits. Firstly, transparency within production logistics similar
retreading process – which uses a temperatures of around 100
                                                                  to the tyre manufacturing market, previously described.
degrees Celsius and vacuum envelops to create pressure during
the autoclave process.                                            Secondly, RFID can be used to check which tyre has been
                                                                  retreaded by which company. By using RFID, regulations and
The retreading market, especially within Asia, faces challenges
                                                                  standards can be checked even after the tyre is already in use.
such as:
                                                                  Imported tyres should also be registered, which can be easily
t $IFBQ UZSFT XIJDI BSF FOUFSJOH UIF NBSLFU, UIBU EP OPU NFFU     done by using an RFID tread label or bead label.
government regulations, and cannot be retreaded. In many
                                                                  Another big advantage for retreaders is their direct contact with
instances these tyres are cheaper than retreading a tyre
                                                                  end-customers, independent of tyre brands. Retreaders can
t 5IF BCTFODF PG DPNQMJBODF DIFDLT PO JODPNJOH UZSFT, UP NBLF     offer specialised solutions no individual tyre producer can offer.
sure they comply with the standards and regulations of the
                                                                  FineLine is constantly developing new products for several
                                                                  different markets within the tyre industry. FineLine is currently
t 4NBMM SFUSFBEFST XIP iSFUSFBE JO UIF CBDL ZBSEw BOE EP OPU      in R&D, on specific solutions for retreading market such as an
comply with standards or regulations                              RFID bead label which can be applied on already vulcanised
                                                                  rubber to automatically store each production process within
                                                                  the retreading of tyres, and to identify retreaded tyres on a
poorly retreaded tyres. These accidents effect the reputable
                                                                  truck, automatically.

52 Tyre Asia December 2018/January 2019
environments, including cleaning processes and pre
heating up to 280 degrees Celsius.
Every segment can be directly associated to the
mold, the sequence can be checked, and the mold
quickly and easily found within mold warehouse (up

to 7 meters).
After vulcanisation of the tyre, all production data

is linked to the individual tyre within the database.
If a defect is found in the tyre during quality control
(or even later in the life of the tyre), it is possible
to identify tools used, process steps taken, material
batches used and intervene directly in the upstream             aircraft
processes to prevent more tyres showing the same
problem. Additionally, tyres from the same batch
can be retrieved by means of the identification and
search capability of the RFID bead label.
                                                                The production of new aircraft
Within process, a direct relationship is created                tyres and the retreading of
between raw materials, extruder, building machine,              these tyres is highly regulated.
green tyre, press and the finished tyre.                        Aircrafts spare parts are subject
                                                                to compliance with regulations
RFID tread label
                                                                such as the ATA Spec 2000
After the tyre rolls out of the press, passes the               created by the airline industry.
quality check, the RFID bead label is automatically             The aviation industry has been
scanned. This is the trigger to generate and apply              one of the pioneers of RFID
an RFID tread label. This creates a one to one                  technology adoption and many
relationship between production data and the RFID               aircraft parts are already identified
tread label for logistics and inventory management              and tracked using an RFID tag.
applications. FineLine has developed an RFID tread              A leading airline company and
label that can be scanned as far away as 7 meters,              airliner services provider already
regardless of the type of tyre the label is applied             requires aircraft tyre suppliers to
on. This RFID tread label is specifically developed             apply an ATA Spec 2000 compliant
to support all logistics processes within the tyre              RFID tread label on tyres they
                                                                purchase. FineLine has developed
                                                                a solution to automatically
                                                                generate this 2kilobit code from
                                                                the backend system of an aircraft
                                                                tyre manufacturer and print and
                                                                code the label to be compliant with
                                                                the airline industry requirements.
                                                                This code contains all types of
                                                                production data and is therefore
                                                                very meaningful. To continue to
                                                                address these industry regulations
                                                                FineLine has developed an RFID
                                                                bead label which can be vulcanised
                                                                onto new or retreaded aircraft
industry such as: reading tyres in bulk while they              tyres and meets the ATA Spec
are transported on a carrier rack, searching for                2000 requirements.
specific tyres, tyre cycle counting, scanning tyres on
conveyor systems or through dock doors, etc. In the
warehouse, tagged tyres can be located and picked
to fulfill a specific customer order. An automatic
scan of those tyres as they are loaded onto a track
can generate a detailed and accurate advanced
shipping notice (ASN) and proof of shipment to
                                                          players, including manufacturers, wholesalers,
the customer. When the tyres are received by the
                                                          retailers, retreaders, OEMs and more – across the
customer e.g. wholesaler, retailer or distributor, the
                                                          entire ecosystem. The transparency and traceability
RFID tags streamline the receiving process and the
                                                          provided by unique RFID codes that can be affixed at
technology can provide further benefits within their
                                                          various stages, from production – tracking the mold
warehouse operations.
                                                          and mold segments to coupling passenger vehicles or
The process is also transparent, extending to the         fleets is tremendous for the industry, worldwide.
end user.
                                                          FineLine is prepared to help the tyre industry move
Conclusion                                                its production and sales process forward with the use
                                                          of RFID products by innovative and transformative
RFID is changing the tyre industry for all the major      methods.

                                                                            Tyre Asia December 2018/January 2019   53

                    all the way
                   “RFID is the only cost effective technology
                   today for identifying, tracking and reporting on
                   tyres at the individual item level meaning each
                   tyre can have its own identity,” says George
                   Hoffman, CEO of FineLine Technologies, the first
                   company to develop and commercialise high
                   speed RFID encoding capabilities

                       TA News Bureau

                   Please elaborate on how FineLine
                   developed your RFID technology
                   In previous roles at Paxar U.S., I had the opportunity
                   to pioneer a lot of the RFID research and
                   advancements. Upon joining FineLine in 2012, I
                   implemented several strategic initiatives including
                   rolling out RFID integrated hang tags and labels
                   as a key FineLine product. We’ve dedicated R&D
                   resources at our production facilities to continuously
                   improve the RFID printing and encoding process.
                   Working closely with our RFID inlays partners and
                   customers (end users) on development and testing
                   is also instrumental in the success of our RFID
                   products. Over the years we’ve built an impressive
                   team comprised of professionals with extensive
                   RFID industry experience. With this extensive
                   knowledge and experience in printing
                   and encoding of RFID integrated tags
                   and labels, we have really changed
                   the turnaround times, and quality
                   of RFID labels produced for the
                   market place.
                                                                            George Hoffman,CEO

54 Tyre Asia December 2018/January 2019
What are the advantages of                   divisions has developed several unique
FineLine RFID?                               RFID enabled solutions which provide
                                             different solutions such as:
FineLine was the first company to develop
and commercialise high speed RFID            1. RFID enabled bead labels which can
encoding capabilities in 2014. We further    withstand vulcanisation and be used for
developed its own in-house patented          green tyre work flow
process, QCTrak for measuring inlay          2. High durability RFID sensors for
quality both within our own facilities and   insertion into tyre molds for locating,
anywhere within the customers’ supply        logging maintenance and ensuring better
chain. Customers therefore have complete     quality control and tracking
visibility and traceability throughout
their supply chain for any RFID tag or       3. RFID enabled tread labels which
label which FineLine produces for them.      can withstand extreme high and
This unique capability is well suited for    low temperatures within production
implementing RFID item tagging in complex    environments and be used by logistics
supply chains such as Tyres, Aviation,       to track tyres within warehouses and
Cannabis, Healthcare and others.             throughout supply chains to end user
In what areas do you serve                   4. Post manufacturing RFID-enabled
global tyre industry? Please                 patches which can be used by fleets to
elaborate                                    improve tyre maintenance as well as
                                             preventing tyre theft.
FineLine, through its Data2 and Ferm RFID

                                                    Tyre Asia December 2018/January 2019   55
With labeling, registration
                                          and similar regulations being
                                          implemented do you see bigger
                                          role for RFID in tyre industry?
                                          Yes, I believe there is a bigger role for
                                          RFID in the tyre industry. RFID is the
                                          only cost effective technology today for
                                          identifying, tracking and reporting on
                                          tyres at the individual item level meaning
                                          each tyre can have its own identity. The
                                          capability to uniquely identify tyres will
                                          enable innovative solution providers
                                          to address challenges which have been
                                          plaguing the tyre industry for many years
                                          such as traceability, safety, theft and even
                                          responsible rubber sourcing.

                                          Tyre makers have changing
                                          needs as new norms are
                                          established. Does FineLine
                                          foresee new areas of
                                          contribution to tyre industry?
                                          We believe RFID is the technology which
                                          offers the best opportunity for the tyre
                                          industry to resolve many complex issues
                                          it faces today. Furthermore, innovative
                                          companies whether it’s the tyre companies
                                          themselves or third parties will find many
                                          new solutions which hopefully the entire
                                          industry will greatly benefit from.

                                          How strong is your R&D
                                          department? Please tell us how
                                          it operates
                                          We have RFID product development
                                          function that works with variety of
                                          customers in developing RFID enabled
                                          tagging or labeling solutions to meet the
Jos Uijlenbroek, Vice President
                                          unique needs of their supply chain. This
                                          often involves everything from selection
                                          of chip and antenna designs to tag/label
                                          finished formats to encoding schemes
                                          which address the supply chain owners
                                          data needs. Once all this is completed we
                                          then create a direct IT data link to the
                                          supply chain owner’s system to allow their
                                          vendors/suppliers to easily order RFID
                                          enabled tags/labels from our production
                                          hubs located around the world.

                                          How does RFID tagging
                                          solution enhance functionality,
                                          efficiency and environmental
                                          ambitions for the worldwide
                                          tyre industry?
                                          There are many ways which RFID is
                                          enhancing supply chain functionality
                                          not only in the tyre industry but many
                                          other verticals. Some established uses
                                          are improving manufacturing work flow,
                                          tracking of items throughout the entire
                                          supply chain, unique item identification to
                                          facilitate future product recalls. Additional

56 Tyre Asia December 2018/January 2019
functionality and use cases are being           an RFID inlay is far greater than a barcode,
developed and tested virtually on a daily       which must be physically larger to store
basis.                                          more data making it impractical for item
                                                labeling if large amounts of data must be
Traditional barcode item identification has
been in existence for almost 4 decades
and its use has been fully exploited. RFID      What other industries does
further enhances item identification by
                                                FineLine products serve?
providing additional functionality including
being automatically identified as product       FineLine is involved in many different
moves within proximity of an RFID reader        industries and offer applications for:
vs a barcode which can only be read when        apparel, footwear, jewelry and accessories,
in direct line of sight to a scanner, usually   home goods, patient tracking in hospitals,
requiring human operator. An RFID inlay         blood collection labeling, legalised cannabis
can also store additional data written to it    compliance labeling, secure ticketing
as it progresses through the supply chain       for venues and events, Amazon’s new
whereas a barcode label has fixed data with     Transparency brand authentication,
no ability to append or alter data within it.   Telecom asset management and many
The amount of data than can be stored in        more.

                                                         Tyre Asia December 2018/January 2019   57
You can also read