Making Diversity & Inclusion a Business Reality 2021 - Auto ...

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Making Diversity & Inclusion a Business Reality 2021 - Auto ...
Making Diversity & Inclusion
a Business Reality 2021
Making Diversity & Inclusion a Business Reality 2021 - Auto ...
    The role of D&I and the
    broader HR function
    has been critical in
    supporting businesses
    as they successfully       Welcome
    navigate the challenges
    faced over the last year

                               Lynda Ennis
                               FOUNDER, ENNIS & CO.

                                                 elcome to the third Making       reopening, the way consumers search for their
                                                 Diversity and Inclusion a        next car, the way they buy them, and even the
                                                 Business Reality report from     fundamental way in which they think of them,
                                                 automotive and mobility          has evolved dramatically.
                                                 executive search specialists,
                               Ennis & Co, and digital marketplace, Auto            Therefore, in both our research and during
                               Trader. In this edition, we’ll be presenting       the event itself, we wanted to understand
                               the findings of our latest research into the       what D&I looks like today; how have
                               health of diversity and inclusion (D&I) within     commitments and strategies evolved; has
                               the automotive industry, and some of the key       progress been accelerated or hindered; and
                               insights from a range of experts and thought       has its role and perception within the industry
                               leaders which were shared during our recent        changed? We also wanted to look at it on a
                               digital seminar, hosted in May 2021.               granular level to identify where today’s gaps
                                                                                  are, as well as the initiatives that are proving
                                 Over the last 16 months the automotive           the most effective.
                               industry, like all others, has faced a set of
                               unprecedented challenges which has forced it         Wherever your business is on its D&I journey,
                               to adapt to a rapidly changing landscape. From     we hope the insights and the expertise over the
                               the beginning of the pandemic, throughout the      following pages serve as a valid contribution
                               various lockdowns, and to physical forecourts      to your strategy.

                               Rebecca Clark
                               GROUP SALES DIRECTOR, AUTO TR ADER

                                   t was a privilege to once again be a part of    The role of D&I and the broader HR function
                                   the event and to bring together some of the    has been critical in supporting businesses as
                                   leading voices from across the industry.       they successfully navigate the challenges
                                   Whilst the two hour digital format was         faced over the last year. And without wanting
                                   shorter than our usual half-day physical       to spoil the findings of the research, I am
                               event, the webinar saw over 100 MDs, CEOs,         pleased that the commitment to D&I remains
                               HR Directors, and change leaders at every          strong despite the pressures of the pandemic.
                               level from across the industry tune in and         However, as we’ll come to see, there is
                               interact during the Q&A sessions. Not only         still a long way to go to make it a reality in
                               does it underpin the importance of diversity       UK automotive. As an industry, we need to
                               and inclusion as a topic, but also our shared      galvanise the positive sentiment evident in this
                               commitment to driving the D&I agenda               report, and push this towards commitment to
                               forward collaboratively.                           action, rather than just words.

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Making Diversity & Inclusion a Business Reality 2021 - Auto ...

                                                                                                            Businesses are making progress in achieving their D&I objectives

                                                                                                              Over the last 12 months, the progress my business has made around D&I has been...

                                                                                                            EXCELLENT                                                                                                                      50% in 2021
    Diversity and inclusion in 2021:                                                                        VERY GOOD
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           28% in 2019

    A temperature check                                                                                           GOOD                                                                                                                     39% in 2021
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           61% in 2019


                 ccording to our research, which         publication of our previous report) and 2018,
                 surveyed over 40 organisations          where ‘attracting and retaining the best talent’         POOR
                 from across the automotive              was the primary function of D&I strategies.
                 industry (representing retailers,                                                                           0            5             10                15             20          25              30              35
                 manufacturers, suppliers and
    trade bodies) in April 2021, D&I within the
    automotive industry remains in solid health.
                                                         The perceived importance
    D&I is not only high up the agenda in 2021,          of D&I is accelerating                             The COVID-19 effect
    but its importance amongst businesses
    is accelerating. In fact, the number of               D&I is ‘very important’ to our business           Reassuringly, despite the challenges of the last year, the perception amongst the industry is that
    organisations stating D&I as ‘very important’                                                           progress has been made over the last 12 months. 50% thought their businesses had made either very
    to their organisation has increased                                                                     good or excellent progress, which is up considerably on the 28% recorded in 2019. Conversely, the
    consecutively each year since we first began
    tracking it’s perceived importance in 2018,                                  80%                        number of those believing their progress to be just good or fair, fell from 61% to 39%

    increasing from 75% to 80% this year.                  2021
      Whilst that’s encouraging to see, as                                                                      The pandemic resulted in benefits to the D&I and HR function
    highlighted later in this report, there are
    clearly challenges that still exist for D&I in the                           78%                                                What, if any areas of the D&I or the broader HR function,
    automotive industry: a number of initiatives are       2019                                                                                  have been affected positively?
    either on hold due to the pandemic, or are non-
    existent in many organisations. What’s more,
    some D&I strands remain underserved.

      To ‘contribute to achieving business results’
    was identified by the greatest number of               2018
    businesses as the primary objective of D&I in
    2021. This marks a slight shift from 2019 (the

                                                                                                             CULTURE               WAYS OF           RECRUITMENT               ENGAGEMENT          TR AINING         PERFORM ANCE             COLLEAGUE
                                                                                                              (e.g. values         WORKING           (e.g. interviewing          (e.g. keeping    (e.g. conducting   M ANAGEMENT              WELLBEING
                                                                                                             & principles,        (e.g. remote         remotely, on-              colleagues     engaging training        (e.g. reviews)       (e.g. mental
                                                                                                                working          working, flexible     boarding new              motivated &          remotely)                                   health)
                                                                                                             environment)          hours etc.)          starters etc.)          engaged etc.)

                                                                                                            In fact, for most organisations the coronavirus has strengthened their commitment to D&I, with
                                                                                                            85% of those businesses we researched stating that it had pushed it further up the agenda at a
    For most organisations the                                                                              senior level. And whilst the challenges have been significant, some positive influences could be
    coronavirus has strengthened                                                                            found, with many forced to change or reassess outdated policies, not least in the ways of working.
                                                                                                            Arguably the most valuable benefit has been around the shift in focus to colleagues’ wellbeing,
    their commitment to D&I                                                                                 particularly in terms of their mental health.

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Making Diversity & Inclusion a Business Reality 2021 - Auto ...
M AKING DIVERSIT Y & INCLUSION A BUSINESS REALIT Y 202 1                                                                                                                  DIVERSIT Y AND INCLUSION IN 202 1: A TEMPER ATURE CHECK

       This was a view shared by the HR Directors
     and people leaders who joined our panels
                                                           Feedback: The positive                                              The greatest negative influence was on
     during May’s event: Alison Fisher (Chief People       impact of COVID-19                                                   the potential wellbeing of colleagues
     Officer, Cox Automotive International); Jo
     Moxon (HR Director, Marshall Motor Holdings);         In our research we asked what positives
     Mandeep Dhatt (Executive Director of HR,              could be found from the pandemic on D&I                          What, if any areas of the D&I or the broader HR function,
     McLaren Automotive); Penny Weatherup                  and the broader HR objectives. We received                                   have been affected negatively?
     (HR Director, Volkswagen Group UK); Laura             some enlightening responses:
     Haskins (HR and Academy Director, CitNOW);
     Dr Astrid Fontaine (Member of the Board
     of People, Digitisation and IT, at Bentley
     Motors); Geraldine Ingham (Global Category
     Director, Automotive, Facebook); and Andrew               ” There has been a heightened
     Humberstone (Vice President and Managing                  sense of trust and productivity,
     Director, Nissan GB).                                     even whilst working remotely. ”

       Commenting on the early days of the                                                               CULTURE          WAYS OF           RECRUITMENT          ENGAGEMENT           TR AINING         PERFORM ANCE      COLLEAGUE
     pandemic, Alison Fisher highlighted just how                                                        (e.g. values     WORKING           (e.g. interviewing     (e.g. keeping     (e.g. conducting   M ANAGEMENT       WELLBEING
                                                                                                        & principles,                         remotely, on-         colleagues      engaging training
     important and beneficial it was to concentrate                                                                      (e.g. remote                                                                    (e.g. reviews)   (e.g. mental

     on the wellbeing of colleagues:                             ” Mental health has been a                working
                                                                                                                        working, flexible
                                                                                                                          hours etc.)
                                                                                                                                              boarding new
                                                                                                                                               starters etc.)
                                                                                                                                                                   motivated &
                                                                                                                                                                  engaged etc.)
                                                                                                                                                                                         remotely)                           health)

                                                              much louder conversation since
       “We have a guiding principle that says, ‘do            COVID with more senior people
     the right thing, always’ and that has led us over            becoming involved. ”
     the last 12 months. It’s about prioritising the                                                    The negative impact of COVID on D&I commitments
     health, the well-being, and the safety of our
     team members and that continues to be our                                                          Whilst positives could be found, they were far outnumbered by the negative effects the pandemic
     number one priority. As a result, we’re stronger                                                   had on D&I and the broader HR function. According to the research, this was especially true around
     as a business and as an HR team. I truly believe            ” Had to document ways of              ways of engaging with colleagues and keeping them motivated remotely. Although a positive result
     those organisations that have stuck true to             working/tighten our aticulation of         of the pandemic was a renewed focus on the wellbeing of colleagues, the detrimental impact on
     their values, and prioritises their people, will        values and behaviours that matter          mental health was a huge concern.
     emerge from this pandemic far stronger.”                 to us and be mindful of improving
                                                               our internal communications. ”
       For Mandeep Dhatt, the pandemic advanced
     the business’ thinking around its culture and
                                                                                                        Feedback: The negative impact of COVID-19
     ultimately its approach to recruitment. Mandeep
                                                                                                        The direct feedback from those businesses that took part in the research revealed
     highlighted that one of the positive outcomes
     has been the acceleration of ‘hybrid working’              ” We recognise that the old             some very clear themes around the negative effect on colleagues and culture:
     and the resulting impact on recruitment:                   norm may not have been the
                                                                  best way to operate. ”                 ” Some colleagues have been                                         ” We haven’t been able to do outreach
       “Last year we saw more women enter our                                                            unwilling to share what issues/                                      to schools, attend recruitmentfairs or
     workforce than in previous years, which in                                                         challenges they face with ways of                                     work on D&I more broadly, as our focus
     part, has been down to a change in mindset                                                         working due to family scenarios. ”                                      has been taken up with health and
     about where you need to do your work. Last
                                                               ” People have worked out that                                                                                         safety, furlough etc. ”
     year taught us, that for some of what we need
                                                             they can work more independently
     to do as an organisation, can be done from
     home. The result has been a positive impact on             than they realised and it has               ” One size doesn’t fit all. What is                                     ” It’s been hard to engage
                                                                                                          good for some is less so for others. A
     our diversity.”                                         accelerated enormously the focus                                                                                      with colleagues properly and
                                                                                                        recruitment freeze, excessive workloads
                                                                  on employee support. ”                                                                                             keep them motivated. ”
                                                                                                         and mental health challenges have all
                                                                                                               added to the pressures. ”
                                                                                                                                                                                    ” Unfair advantage to those
     “I truly believe those                                      ” Leadership accessibility is                                                                                     outgoing personality types for
     organisations that have                                     greater than ever with clear
                                                                                                           ” Reduced capacity to carry out                                            performance reviews. ”
                                                                                                           onsite reviews and training has
                                                              leadership from the top to ensure
     stuck true to their values,                                health and wellbeing of all. ”
                                                                                                         impacted positive interactions. Our
                                                                                                                                                                            ” It’s been a very challenging year for
                                                                                                        reduced workforce has meant higher
     and prioritises their people,                                                                           pressure on individuals. ”
                                                                                                                                                                       mental wellbeing – burnout in employees is a
                                                                                                                                                                       serious factor we’ve worked hard to avoid. ”
     will emerge from this
     pandemic far stronger”                                     ” Helped work life balance. ”            ” We haven’t been focussed on training                                     ” Some difficult conversations
     Alison Fisher, Cox Automotive International
                                                                                                          as we have prioritised other areas. ”                                    are more challenging remotely. ”

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Making Diversity & Inclusion a Business Reality 2021 - Auto ...
M AKING DIVERSIT Y & INCLUSION A BUSINESS REALIT Y 202 1                                                                                                                     DIVERSIT Y AND INCLUSION IN 202 1: A TEMPER ATURE CHECK

       Many key initiatives have been put on hold due to the pandemic
           Which, if any, D&I initiatives have you put on hold due to COVID-19? (select all that apply)

                                           Flexible working policies

    Monitoring & reporting on the diversity make-up of all employees

        Mentoring & coaching programmes for minority colleagues                                                          It felt like all eyes
              Leadership training on managing a diverse workforce
                                                                                                                         were on HR, looking
                  Employee training on servicing diverse customers
                                                                                                                         to us for answers.
                                                                                                                         We had to become
                  Employee networks / Employee Resource Groups
                                                                                                                         experts in so many
                 Employee D&I training and education programmes
                                                                                                                         new things overnight
                          An established D&I governance structure

    An articulated D&I commitment or plan/strategy with objectives

                           Active recruitment of diverse employees

                            A D&I leader or sponsor at C-Suite level

                                                 None of the above


                                                                                                                         The vital role of the HR team during the pandemic
          Whilst the welfare of all colleagues was                     We have relied heavily on internal communities    One of the big themes that came through                 Indeed, the integral role the HR function
       important, the pressure that COVID placed                       to bring to life the elements of an inclusive     during this year’s event was the huge pressure        played in supporting businesses to not only
       on families was a particular concern for                        culture we all strive towards. Over the past      COVID-19 placed on HR departments, and the            navigate the early days of the pandemic, but
       Laura Haskins, CitNow’s HR and Academy                          couple of months, we have introduced              challenges they faced in adapting businesses          ultimately provide the foundations required
       Director: “During the pandemic, we did pay                      more culture champions throughout the             to a completely unprecedented situation. As           to adapt and to successfully operate, was
       particular attention to our working parent                      organisation who have helped us alongside         Cox Automotive’s Alison Fisher said: “There           highlighted by some of the industry’s leading
       group, which makes up over half of our                          other communities, such as mental health          was no rule book. And certainly, it felt like all     chief executives.
       workforce. The concept of work life balance                     first aiders and wellbeing ambassadors, to        eyes were on HR, looking to us for answers.
       is not a new one, but with additional factors                   continue focussing on having an inclusive         We had to become experts in so many new
       such as self-isolation and bubbles, it can feel                 culture ingrained within the business.”           things overnight.”
       overwhelming for them.”
                                                                          However, in the research, for more than one
          As a result, the business gave working                       in five (21%) businesses, employee networks /
       parents additional paid time off to support                     Employee Resource Groups were put on hold         A view from the top
       tough home-schooling times, as well as                          as a result of the pandemic as were other vital
       introducing flexi-time programmes. It also                      initiatives.
       set up forums for colleagues to discuss and

       support each other during difficult times.

          This need for communication, whether at a
       company level from a leadership perspective,
       or creating platforms for individuals to
       connect, was identified as a priority for all of
       those on the panel. According to Mandeep,
       the role of networks has been key to shaping                       of businesses placed
                                                                                                                           Daksh Gupta                 Martin Forbes          Alistair Horsburgh              Alex Smith
       the business’ culture:                                             employee networks                                     CEO                       PRESIDENT              CHIEF EXECUTIVE          M ANAGING DIRECTOR

          “Ensuring our culture continues to be                           / Employee Resource                                M ARSHALL
                                                                                                                            MOTOR GROUP
                                                                                                                                                       COX AUTOMOTIVE
                                                                                                                                                                                     CITNOW                  VOLKSWAGEN
                                                                                                                                                                                                               GROUP UK
       inclusive is incredibly important to us. One
       very effective avenue to driving this has been
                                                                          Groups on hold as a                             Click to view video         Click to view video       Click to view video        Click to view video
       through our communities and networks.                              result of the pandemic
8                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  9

                                                                                                                                                                            Although D&I progress is being made, there is
                                                                                                                                                                            a notably low adoption of some key initiatives
                                                                                                                                                                               Which D&I initiatives do you have in place? (select all that apply)
                                                                                                                                                                                              Flexible working policies

                                                                                                                                                       Monitoring & reporting on the diversity make-up of all employees

     What does D&I look like today?                                                                                                                          Mentoring & coaching programmes for minority colleagues

                                                                                                                                                                  Leadership training on managing a diverse workforce

                                                                                                                                                                      Employee training on servicing diverse customers

                                                                                                                                                                      Employee networks / Employee Resource Groups

                                                                                                                                                                     Employee D&I training and education programmes
              romisingly, our research showed                         and part of our journey and valuing our people
              that most organisations have a                          as individuals.”                                                                                        An established D&I governance structure
              strong focus on creating an inclusive
              environment for all employees.                            The research also looked at what D&I                                           An articulated D&I commitment or plan/strategy with objectives
              However, women/gender is by far                         initiatives and practices businesses had
     the most prevalent diversity strand in the                       in place. Interestingly, 34 out of the 40                                                               Active recruitment of diverse employees
     automotive industry and many groups remain                       organisations surveyed reported they had
                                                                                                                                                                                A D&I leader or sponsor at C-Suite level
     very underserved.                                                flexible working policies. Whilst it’s possible
                                                                      that 85% do indeed offer it, potentially                                                                                       None of the above
       Whilst it is important to drive more women into                some people / businesses have confused
     automotive, the panel of HR leaders agreed                       colleagues working from home with flexible                                                                                                  Other
     that the objective of attracting a more diverse                  working and as a result assume all colleagues
     workforce and creating a more inclusive                          are experiencing the associated benefits.
     culture, shouldn’t be limited to just gender or                  However, separate research from McKinsey¹
     indeed any single diversity strand within its own                has shown that despite efforts from
     silo. True inclusivity needs to be intersectional;               employers, employees – especially diverse
                                                                                                                                                                               The automotive industry still has some way
     employees aren’t one-dimensional, so an                          employees and working parents - are still                                                                  to go in reaching its D&I commitments
     effective D&I strategy shouldn’t be either.                      struggling with the multitude of challenges

                                                                      posed by the pandemic. Ultimately, it’s not                                                              monitor and report on the diversity
        Laura Haskins, said: “Gender is an important                  flexible working if colleagues are expected to                                  ONLY
                                                                                                                                                                               make up of their employees
     topic, but our approach is not about any                         spend from 8:00am – 6:00pm on Zoom calls.
     particular group; the heart of our approach
     is about creating an inclusive culture where
     everyone belongs and feels part of CitNOW
                                                                       The research also highlighted a notably low
                                                                      adoption of some key D&I initiatives.
                                                                                                                                                                60%            have D&I education and training
                                                                                                                                                                               programmes in place

           Women/gender is the biggest focus for businesses in 2021
                                                                                                                                                                52%            have a D&I leader or sponsor
                                                                                                                                                                               at C-suite level

            To which strands of diversity does your business have the strongest focus?                                                                JUST
                                                                                                                                                                52%            actively recruit diverse employees
                                                                                                                                                                               (via outreach programmes or internships)

       1   WOMEN / GENDER

           R ACE / ETHNICIT Y

                                                                                                                                                                47%            have a coaching programme for
                                                                                                                                                                               underrepresented employees

       4   DISABILIT Y
                                                                                                                                                                               have employee networks
       5   NEURODIVERSIT Y                                                                                                                                                     in place
       6   AGE


           RELIGION / BELIEF
                                                                                                                                                                41%            have an articulated D&I
                                                                                                                                                                               commitment or plan

                                                                                                                                                                1 in 5
       9   OTHER
                                                                                                                                                                               businesses have employee training
                                                        First choice                                                     Last choice                                           on serving diverse customers

10                                          1. Source: McKinsey & Company, November 2020: Diverse employees are struggling the most during COVID-19

                                                                                                               5. Focus on mental health
                                                                                                               M ANDEEP DHAT T, McL AREN AUTOMOTIVE:                 What one thing can
                                                                                                               “Mental health and wellbeing is something
                                                                                                                                                                     business leaders do to
                                                                                                               we’ve always talked about, but our focus on it        progress the D&I agenda in
                                                                                                               is more important than ever before. We have
                                                                                                               more wellbeing ambassadors and mental                 the automotive industry?
                                                                                                               health first aiders in place, and we also

     Forward focus – actionable                                                                                have representation in our senior leadership
                                                                                                               team. We’re looking forward to continuing
                                                                                                               the conversation with our employees around
                                                                                                                                                                     In the research, receiving senior support was
                                                                                                                                                                     identified as one of the biggest factors in
                                                                                                                                                                     driving D&I in not only individual businesses,

     insights to drive your D&I agenda                                                                         authenticity and how we can create an
                                                                                                               environment in which everyone can bring their
                                                                                                               whole self to work.”
                                                                                                                                                                     but also across the industry. The direct
                                                                                                                                                                     comments from those taking part in the
                                                                                                                                                                     research highlighted some key themes:

     Looking ahead, our panellists shared details around their respective D&I strategies, and the areas
                                                                                                               6. Lead by empathy
                                                                                                               GER ALDINE INGHA M, FACEBOOK
                                                                                                                                                                         ” Think bigger …a lot has been
                                                                                                                                                                       done but there is a significant need
     of focus and the initiatives they think will be key to driving their objectives over the coming months:
                                                                                                               “I hope it would go without saying, but don’t
                                                                                                                                                                       to accelerate the agenda to ensure
                                                                                                               ever lead by fear. In my 25 years’ experience,             we have equality at all levels.
     1. Broaden your talent pool                            3. Develop and nurture skills early                leading by empathy, making people feel                    Equality, diversity and inclusivity
     PENNY WE ATHERUP, VOLKSWAGEN GROUP UK:                 M ANDEEP DHAT T, McL AREN AUTOMOTIVE:              included, and valued really does work. Put               needs to be central to the work we
                                                                                                               people first by making small gestures, like             do and become our industry DNA. ”
     “The automotive industry, as with many                 “The 16-24 age category is something the           giving an extra day’s holiday to say thank
     industries, tends to be very insular. When it          government is focusing on, and for us,             you. I know productivity is key, but you’ll
     comes to recruiting the best talent, I think we        apprenticeships and early career strategy is       get far more out of your people by showing
     need to reach out as far beyond our industry           very important. This year we are very much         recognition and trust.”
     as possible. We have to promote our inclusive
     culture to attract diverse talent to in order to
                                                            looking forward to building that community
                                                            for the long- term, which is central to our
                                                                                                                                                                           ” Less head nodding and talk
                                                                                                                                                                          and more action. Have policies
     create different ways of thinking and doing. If        conversation around diversity and inclusion.       7. Seek active senior support                             in place that make a difference,
     we don’t do that, we’re not doing the best for                                                            JO MOXON, M ARSHALL MOTOR HOLDINGS:
     our business, our people and most importantly          “This is about looking beyond the traditional                                                               and proactively reach out beyond
     for our customers.”                                    borders and going out of our way to attract        “For me, the incredible support we’ve                     the industry otherwise we’re just
                                                            young talent into the industry. Reconnecting       received from our leadership team has                       talking to the same people. ”
                                                            with schools, education, and boards we are         been invaluable in our objective of creating
     2. Keep communicating                                  actively part of is how we aim to recombine the    an inclusive business, particularly in their
     ALISON FISHER, COX AUTOMOTIVE INTERNATIONAL:           acceleration of talent into the industry from a    efforts to be so vocal and visible in their
                                                            STEM perspective.”                                 commitment. This year’s research highlighted
     “The most important focus during those early                                                              that “actions speak louder than words” and                  ” It has to be a commitment
     stages was communication; weekly check-ins                                                                I couldn’t agree more. The most effective                 from the top of businesses, with
     with team members and getting messages out             4. Put networks at the heart of your D&I           senior support is not about words, it’s about              clear aims and goals which are
     there. Employees were looking for reassurance          DR ASTRID FONTAINE, BENTLE Y MOTORS:               action and leading by example.”                           measured and visible within the
     from leaders, which was lacking in the media.
                                                            “Our networks, which were self-grown and                                                                     business, as well as forming part
     “Communication has been paramount in                   operate organically, provide us with so much       8. Encourage diversity and inclusion                     of a clear external commitment. ”
     giving people reassurance and certainty. Our           invaluable insight into how people from            through leadership
     job was and will continue to be for the coming         diverse backgrounds feel when they come to         ANDRE W HUMBERSTONE, NISSAN GB:
     months, to keep everybody calm, engaged                work for us. Each network, which represent the
     and confident in the leadership team.                  LGBT+ and BAME communities, plus a group           “Organisations need to update their
     Communication is absolutely vital.”                    focusing on increasing the representation of       management style to understand the                       ” Recognise the business benefit
                                                            women in automotive has a Board sponsor,           emotional economics of the business. The                and then prioritise accordingly. This
                                                            and we learn so much in terms of how we can        days of having a controlling Machiavellian                is not a humanitarian subject. ”
                                                            serve them better: what are the things holding     leader are obsolete; you need to engage
     When it comes to                                       us back; where do we need to inform people         with every employee and member of the
                                                            more; and where can we improve more? It            management team in your business, and work
     recruiting the best talent,                            ensures we’re creating a culture in which our      with them to understand what motivates each
     I think we need to reach                               colleagues can bring their true selves to work.”   specific individual. This method is much more            ” Create and publish D&I strategy
     out as far beyond our                                                                                     challenging but also much more interesting.”               with measurable progress and
                                                                                                                                                                              share best practice. ”
     industry as possible
     Penny Weatherup, Volkswagen Group UK
12                                                                                                                                                                                                                    13
05                                                                                                       06
     In conclusion                                                                                            Contact

                 s we’ve seen, whilst there has             As highlighted by our panellists, we all          About Auto Trader                                   About Ennis & Co
                 been some good progress made             have a responsibility to drive the D&I agenda
                 over the last 12 months and under        beyond our own businesses and to guide this         Auto Trader Group plc is the UK and Ireland’s       Founded in 2010 by Lynda Ennis, Ennis & Co
                 some extremely challenging               positive sentiment towards action. We need          largest automotive marketplace. Our                 draw on decades of experience not only in
                 circumstances, we still have a           to be D&I evangelists to not only ensure it is an   marketplace sits at the heart of the car buying     global recruitment and executive search,
     long way to go as an industry to truly make D&I      industry wide priority, but to also encourage,      process, with the largest number of buyers          but at senior levels of the automotive and
     a business reality. Representation remains           motivate and inspire change.                        and the biggest choice of trusted stock.            mobility industries. This gives them a profound
     limited, with minority groups potentially                                                                                                                    and holistic understanding of the needs of
     underserved, whilst many core D&I initiatives          The automotive industry may not be at               Auto Trader exists to change how the              their clients and the industry, meaning they
     are either on hold or are non-existent. And          the forefront of change, but it’s clear there       UK shops for cars by providing the best             are trusted by many of the world’s leading
     whilst there are many automotive businesses          are some important steps being made by              online car buying experience and enabling           automotive brands to appoint their senior
     that are committed to creating a more diverse        some exceptional HR and business leaders.           all retailers to sell online. We are building       leaders.
     and inclusive culture, there are more that           The opportunity to discuss ideas and share          stronger partnerships with our customers,
     aren’t. And whilst it’s clear from the research      experiences with them is always invaluable          using our voice and influence to drive more           Ennis & Co carry out executive search
     that businesses are generally bought into the        in driving our industry forward, and we thank       environmentally friendly vehicle choices and        assignments for organisations across the
     value and opportunity of D&I, many don’t know        everyone for their participation.                   creating an inclusive and diverse culture for all   entire automotive and mobility spectrum,
     how to translate this into action or to invest the                                                       of our people. Auto Trader listed on the London     ranging from manufacturers to national sales
     time to take tangible steps to change.                                                                   Stock Exchange in March 2015 and is a member        companies (high-volume through to prestige
                                                                                                              of the FTSE 100 Index.                              and luxury brands), as well as supply chain
                                                                                                                                                                  companies, retail groups, leasing/mobility
                                                                                                                                                                  providers, data analytics organisations and
                                                                                                              For more information                                innovative technology companies.
     We all have a responsibility
                                                                                                              Please visit:                                         The consistency Ennis & Co’s values
     to drive the D&I agenda,                                                                                   surrounding diversity and inclusion, coupled
     particularly senior leadership                                                                           about-us/                                           with the close working relationship they
                                                                                                                                                                  develop with clients, has allowed the business
                                                                                                              For all media enquiries, please contact:            to grow 20% year-on-year. Over the past two
                                                                                                                       years, 78% of Ennis & Co’s assignments have
                                                                                                                                                                  been for roles based outside of the UK, across
                                                                                                                                                                  APAC, EMEA and The Americas. Their clients
                                                                                                                                                                  are their biggest advocates, where more than
                                                                                                                                                                  85% of them are repeat customers.

                                                                                                                                                                  For more information

                                                                                                                                                                  Please visit:

                                                                                                                                                                  For all media enquiries, please contact:
                                                                                                                                                                  01962 392150

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