Sage Wise - Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference

Page created by Albert Shaw
Sage Wise - Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference
Sage Wise
                     Proceeding from wisdom; well judged; shrewd; well adapted to the purpose.
                    Sage District Oregon-Idaho Conference United Methodist Women
Fall 2020                                                                       Volume 9 Issue 5

     Have you not known?
     Have you not heard?
     The everlasting God, the Lord,
     The Creator of the ends of the earth,
     Neither faints nor is weary.
     His understanding is unsearchable.
     He gives power to the weak,
     And to those who have no might He increases strength.
     Even the youths shall faint and be weary,
     And the young men shall utterly fall,
     But those who wait on the Lord
     Shall renew their strength;
     They shall mount up with wings like eagles,
     They shall run and not be weary,
     They shall walk and not faint.
     Isaiah 40:28-31 (NKJV – New King James Version)

We are in uncertain times and we are in a time of            We do not know if we will have the annual
wait. As we plan for the next year, we wait for a            Legislative event in February. We do not know
vaccine for COVID-19. We wait to open our church             if the EMEE (Every Member Enrichment
buildings for in person worship with all our members.        Event) will be in person or on Zoom. We do not
We wait to be with friends and family again, and we          know if we can meet in person for Mission u
wait for the precious hugs and kisses that uplifts us.       studies in the summer. We do not know if we
We wait for peace and justice in our country and             will meet face to face or on Zoom for our fall
around the world. We wait for racism to end                  meeting.
everywhere. We wait for devastating fires to be put
out. We wait for cleaner air to breathe. We wait, but        We do know the work of United Methodist
are we waiting on the Lord?                                  Women continues. The Social Issue Priorities
                                                             for 2021-2014 will be Climate Justice with the
We wait on the Lord to act on behalf of people who           campaign Just Energy For All, and Mass
are alone, sad, sick, and dying. We wait on the Lord         Incarceration of People of Color with the
to deliver us from the evils of racism and injustice.        campaign School to Prison Pipeline. Materials
We wait on the Lord to answer our prayers for                for other past social priorities will continue to
peace, for a vaccine, for people who are in need of          be provided by National United Methodist Women.
healing. We wait on the Lord to renew not only our
strength but the strength of others. We wait on the          We wait and remember, “For I know the plans I
Lord to give us wisdom and new ideas of how to               have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to
keep our important mission work alive and                    prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give
meaningful for those we serve. We wait on the Lord           you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11, NIV –
to do what only He can do and as we wait, He                 New International Version)
encourages us, transforms us, and gives us strength          Joyce H. Orem
to become a better person and Christian. We wait on          Sage District United Methodist Women President
the Lord for His help. Only God can bring about what
we cannot accomplish, and we are weak and
powerless without Him.
Sage Wise - Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference
Inside this issue
President’s Article - page 1
Information from Sage District Secretary - page 2
Directory Listing Form - page 3
Treasurer’s Report - page 4
Shepherdess Assignment - page 4
Sage District Officers - page 5
Healthy Vital Unit - pages 6 & 7
Unit Survey (Census) information - page 8
Reading Program and New Handbook - page 9
Social Action
Methane and the Oil Industry - page 10
Lucy Hutchens Shares Eye - Opening Trip to the Boarder - page 11
Latina farmworkers - page 12
The League of Women Voters’ Boise Resurgence - page 13
What Can We Do Now During COVID-19 To Support New and Expecting Mothers? - pages 14 & 15
PURPOSE of United Methodist Women and Mission u studies 2021 - page 16

                          Important 2020 Directory Dates for Sage District Units

September thru December – Unit elections for new 2021 officers. As soon as officers are elected, please
send in new and continuing Unit Officer list to the Sage District Secretary for inclusion in the 2021 District
Directory. Please use the form on the following page. Include the number of members of your local unit,
along with your meeting schedule.

If your unit has established your calendar for 2021, please include a listing and brief description of 2021
Unit events, such as special local mission programs, birthday luncheons, book and bible studies scheduled,
and celebrations honoring local United Methodist Women members and community volunteers. This
information would be useful for the Sage Wise newsletter, and is of interest to other Sage District Units.

December is a busy month for your Sage District Secretary finalizing all updates and compiling the 2021
Sage District Directory, and sending it out to Sage Units, as well as to the Oregon-Idaho Conference United
Methodist Women Officers. Your promptness in forwarding your Unit information to me is greatly

Unit changes and updates may be sent via text, email attachment, or in letter form. You may note the
address for each method listed below.

Please note on your update submission the format you would like your 2021 Sage District Directory to be
sent to your Unit, including the name and address of the person the Directory be sent to, and their current
phone number.

Thank you,

Lucy Scopinich, Sage District Secretary
3334 E. Dowling Mill Ct.
Boise, ID 83706
208-409-2067 cell

Sage Wise - Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference
Directory Information Form
Local Unit Church: ________________________________ Telephone: ___________________
Mailing Address: ________________________________ E-mail: ______________________

Street Address:     ______________________________________________________________
(if different)

Pastor: __________________________________________ Home/Cell Phone: ______________

Unit Meeting: Day: ________________ Time: _______    Frequency: ___________________
Number of Members in Unit: _________
                                          ELECTED LEADERS:
President:          Name: _________________________        Telephone: ______________________
                    Address: _________________________     Cell Phone: ______________________
                             _________________________     E-mail:     ______________________

Vice President:       Name: _________________________          Telephone: ______________________
                      Address: _________________________       Cell Phone: ______________________
                              _________________________        E-mail:     ______________________

Secretary:            Name: _________________________          Telephone: ______________________
                      Address: _________________________       Cell Phone: ______________________
                              _________________________        E-mail:     ______________________

Treasurer:            Name: _________________________          Telephone: ______________________
                      Address: _________________________       Cell Phone: ______________________
                              _________________________        E-mail:     ______________________

Communications:       Name: _________________________          Telephone: ______________________
                      Address: _________________________       Cell Phone: ______________________
                              _________________________        E-mail:     ______________________

Resource Room         Name: _________________________          Telephone: ______________________
Manager:              Address: _________________________       Cell Phone: ______________________
                               _________________________       E-mail:     ______________________

Education             Name: _________________________          Telephone: ______________________
& Interpretation:     Address: _________________________       Cell Phone: ______________________
                              _________________________        E-mail:     ______________________

Membership            Name: _________________________          Telephone: ______________________
Nurture &             Address: _________________________       Cell Phone: ______________________
Outreach                      _________________________        E-mail:     ______________________

Social Action:        Name: _________________________          Telephone: ______________________
                      Address: _________________________       Cell Phone: ______________________
                               _________________________       E-mail:     ______________________

Spiritual Growth:     Name: _________________________          Telephone: ______________________
                      Address: _________________________       Cell Phone: ______________________
                               _________________________       E-mail:     ______________________

Chair of Nominations: Name: _________________________          Telephone: ______________________
                      Address: _________________________       Cell Phone: ______________________
                              _________________________        E-mail:     ______________________

E-mail Contact Person: Name: _________________________         Telephone: ____________________
                       E-mail: ____________________________ (for use if no officers have e-mail)

Sage Wise - Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference
Report from Treasurer
We have paid $13,940 of Sage District's $37,000 Pledge to Mission for 2020. We don't know if everyone
will be able to pay their full pledge this year. Many of us count on fall bazaars and other pre Christmas
fundraisers to meet our pledges and cover other unit expenses. Those events will be difficult to pull off this
year. We will do what we can and hope 2021 is much less troublesome.

I have not forgotten the Five Star certificates that some units earned in 2019. I will finish printing them and
send them out . When the spring EMEE's were cancelled, I thought, I would get them done this summer
and distribute them at the Annual meeting in the Fall. That event became a Zoom meeting. I have been
contacting candidates for the League of Women Voters Vote411 online voter guide for the General Election,
so I got sidetracked. That is done. You can go to to find out about candidates in Oregon,
Idaho and other states. Type in your home address and it will bring up the candidates who will be on your
ballot, along with the pro's and con's of ballot issues.

This is my last year as Sage District Treasurer. In January Jean Spence in La Grande, Oregon will become
treasurer. I am sure she will do good work for us. It has been great to work with the Sage District team and
local officers for the last 4 years.

Elinor Chehey
Sage District Treasurer

                      SAGE DISTRICT SHEPHERDESS ASSIGNMENTS – 2020-2021
Bonnie Anderson - *Aberdeen, Ashton, *Chubbuck, *Shelley, Blackfoot, *Idaho Falls St Paul’s, Idaho Falls
Trinity, Pocatello, Rupert

Joyce Orem – Burley, Kimberly-Crossroads, Paul, *Richfield, *Shoshone, *Buhl, *Castleford. *Glenns Ferry,
* Filer, *Hagerman, Jerome, Wendell, *Twin Falls, American Falls, *Gooding

Vera Kenyon – Fruitland, Nampa First, Boise Whitney ,*Boise Collister
Lory Neser - *Amity Campus, Boise First, *Kuna, Boise Hillview
Lucy Scopinich – Amistad y Fe, Wilder, Meridian, *Boise Crosspoint
Maralyn Wells – Nampa Southside, *Emmett, *Middleton, Payette
Charlene Wimpy – Caldwell, *Eagle, *New Meadows

Kay Durham – *Cove, *Richland
Earlene Lamb – Joseph, *Vale
Connie Johnson – La Grande, *North Powder
Jean Spence – Baker, *Haines

*indicates churches without active units

Sage Wise - Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference
Joyce H. Orem                         Kay Durham
208 – 859 – 5780                      541 – 962 – 1002 (Home)               541 – 975 – 3997 (Cell)
Vice President
Vacant                                Charlene Wimpy
                                      208 – 642 – 4304 (Home)
Lucy Scopinich
208 – 387 – 0661 (Home)               Idaho Legislative Event Coordinators
208 – 409 – 2067 (Cell)               Elinor Chehey - Chair
                                      Mary Getchell
Treasurer                             208 – 860 – 2715
Elinor Chehey               
208 - 343 - 8018                Gayle Woods

Communications Coordinator            Judy Halverson
                                      Conference and Western Jurisdiction Officers
Resource Room Manager                 and other Positions
Earlene Lamb
541 – 786 – 8039 (Cell)               Vice President                       Gayle Woods
Mission Coordinators:
Education and Interpretation          Mission Coordinators:
Vacant                                Education and Interpretation
                                      Ingrid Cook
Membership Nurture and Outreach
Maralyn Wells
208 – 989 – 0917                      Social Action                    Judy Halverson
Social Action
Connie Johnson                        Nominations Committee Member
541 – 216 – 8342                      Rochelle Killett  

Spiritual Growth                      Legacy Liaison
Bonnie Anderson                       Lory Neser
208 – 221 – 8047
                                      Mission u Dean
                                      Bonnie McOmber
Chair of Nominations        
Vera Kenyon
                                      Western Jurisdiction Chair on Nominations
208 – 989 – 7535
                                      Lynda Montgomery
Nominations Committee Members         National Program Advisory Group
Lory Neser                            Dixie Jacky
808 – 286 – 4829            
                                      Yuni Rueda Barrera

Sage Wise - Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference
Sage Wise - Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference
Sage Wise - Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference
Unit Survey (Census)
This year we will be changing the name of the census and testing the name “Unit Survey”. Over the past
5 years, the form has taken shape to be more than a number reporting tool and more of a questionnaire
regarding the health and vitality of the unit. The past (3) years we have asked questions about what does
it mean to be a thriving unit and what attributes do you relate to thriving. This year, we are asking the unit
presidents to self-select in what area(s) their members/units are thriving. This will help influence what it
means to “thrive” at the district and unit level as well as inform the national office and conference
leadership on strengths and areas for improvement.

Please promote the “2020 Unit Survey” through all of your channels and encourage district leaders to get
all of their units in the database as this is our last reporting before General Conference.

Thank you for all of your hard work, the “2020 Unit Survey” link is below and will be up on the United
Methodist Women’s website by next week. Attached, you will also find the instructions to complete the

Please forward the link in the following manner:

The Unit Survey Link can be found on the United Methodist Women’s website and you can forward the

 The process is as follows:
 October 2020
•   Conference Membership Nurture and Outreach (MNO), Membership Coordinator, or President will
   share the “2020 UNIT SURVEY” link with instructions to the district Membership Nurture and Outreach
   (MNO) coordinator or president.
• District MNO Membership Coordinator or president then sends it on to the unit president.
• The unit uses the link to enter the data, which will come directly to the national office.
• Conference MNO and district MNO are charged with assisting units with sending out the link along with
   scheduling 1-3 interactive sessions to assist unit presidents/leaders who are not comfortable with

2020 Unit Survey Link:

The final deadline for reporting will be March 30, 2021.

Each unit president needs to do the 2020 census of their unit. Instructions (in printed form) will be sent to
all unit presidents. Fill out the printed form. Use this form to fill out the online information. If you cannot do
this online, please send the printed form to me and I can fill out the online form for you. Also it would be
nice if each shepherdess would contact their group and see how they are doing and report to me.
Thank you,

Maralyn Wells
915 E. Ionia Dr.
Meridian, Idaho 83642

Sage Wise - Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference
Reading Program

It is with anticipation for a new year that I greet you! First things first. Certificates of Recognition for 2019
(Reading Program) will be mailed to you in the next few weeks. As much as we had hoped that we could
see one another face to face, it just wasn’t possible given the Covid pandemic. I will enclose with those
certificates the Reporting Form for 2020.

Hopefully you have had more time for reading, right? The reporting form should be sent to me by the end of
the year. We hope to be together in the New Year and you can receive your certificates in person.
The Reading list for 2021 is on the United Methodist Women’s site and can be downloaded at https://www.

Also the Prayer Calendar and Program Book for 2021 are also available for ordering at

I appreciate that United Methodist Women are always looking for new ways to help us in our local units.
Here are two such tools:

If It Is Not Possible to Have a Face-to-Face Program - This discusses videoconferencing platforms. I was
most familiar with Zoom.

How to Host a Simple, Live Virtual Event Using Zoom - a very informative 9 page guideline https://

As you can see, we have many resources to help us. Please send me your 2020 Reading Report to:

Earlene Lamb, 2315 E L Avenue, La Grande, OR 97850.

2021-2024 Handbook
The 2021–2024 Handbook offers guidance on how to organize in ways that help fulfill United Methodist
Women’s Purpose and best use the gifts of members to meet the needs of our community in the world. It
includes policies and guidelines, such as bylaws, specific roles and responsibilities of leaders, how financ-
es are handled and ways to organize.
The complete 2021–2024 Handbook will be forthcoming after the General Conference 2021, digitally and in
print, and will incorporate changes resulting from General Conference decisions.
Starting in the summer of 2020 the policies and guidelines are being offered online only to help you to or-
ganize and carry out your work effectively until the complete Handbook is published. Please check this
page periodically for helpful resources.


Pollution from the oil and gas industries is the number one contributor to climate change. One of the United
Methodist Women Social Action Campaigns is JUST ENERGY FOR ALL.

A major contributor to air pollution is the leaking of methane gas from oil wells. Methane is the second-
biggest driver of climate change after carbon dioxide, trapping more than 80 times as much heat in the
atmosphere, pound-for-pound, as CO2. The oil and gas industry is the largest industrial source of methane

United Methodist Women wrote letters to Chevron asking the corporation to stop the leakage of the
methane from their wells by advocating sound policies and supporting regulations on methane emissions.
Harriett Jane Olson, General Secretary and CEO, United Methodist Women acknowledged on February 8,
2019 Chevron’s announcement to set greenhouse gas emission targets.

The Environmental Protection Agency implemented new regulations in 2012 to address the methane issue.
Over 510,000 tons of methane pollution were reduced from the atmosphere each year. That is the
equivalent to the yearly climate pollution of more than 10 coal-fired power plants.

On August 13, 2020, EPA revoked the rule and issued two new rules that will now make it simpler and less
burdensome for the oil and natural gas industry to comply with performance standards (NSPS). The two
rules combined are expected to save the industry millions of dollars in compliance costs each year.

The new EPA rules rescind methane emissions standards for production. They simplify compliance,
including changes to leak monitoring and repair schedules. The record keeping and reporting requirements
for leaks has been reduced.

The EPA says the new rules make it simpler for the oil and natural gas industry to make a profit by EASING
the requirement for them to implement new emissions reductions technologies.

By revoking the EPA rules established in 2012 that regulated the emission of methane, the oil and gas
operations now have new rules that allow them to emit as much as 15 million tons of methane a year

We United Methodist Women have made a difference with Chevron and we will continue to advocate for
the reduction of methane in our atmosphere.

Sources: UMW Website and

The following two stories, the first regarding BSU researchers studying the health of Latina farmworkers,
and the second story regarding The League of Women Voters (and features Elinor Chehey) came from the
Idaho Press.


It is time take BOLD action and contact our policymakers to dismantle our broken system and urge them to
support policies and system changes in healthcare that will lead to real and measurable improvements in
health for all.

Bria Manning, Warren United Methodist Church, Dallas, Texas, is taking bold actions for Maternal Health.
Manning’s focus during the pandemic has been on how to deliver support to mothers during delivery right
now. Since the pandemic began, women have been forced to give birth in isolation with their desires and
needs not being met and in some cases deaths have occurred. Manning’s team has been actively working
on advocating birth centers and supplying notarized birth plans with the doctor’s signature prior to delivery
time to assist in legal assistance if necessary. To find out more about Bria Manning’s work and how she’s
putting Maternal Health first visit her blog at

There are a number of healthcare resources available for women specifically to support them during the
COVID-19 pandemic. See how you can help with this process and note the assistance opportunities that
may benefit someone close to you in need.


• Utilize resources developed for women during COVID
 - Association of Maternal & Child Health Programs has developed links to resources and their Town Halls

• March of Dimes created educational and support resources for COVID-19 (

•   Support your local non-profits doing the work to support and provide resources to women. Let
    Congress know that it is critical to extend support to the nation’s non-profits to keep them open and
    active in the communities they serve.

•   Improve health care for mothers. Calling on your elected officials to support these two bills that would
    help improve the health of moms and their babies. The U.S. House of Representatives is considering
    two bills that would help prevent maternal death and improve maternal health in this country. We need
    you to encourage your elected officials to support these important bills:

•   Maternal Health Quality Improvement Act of 2019 (H.R. 4995): This bill would develop public health
    programs to: 1) improve access to obstetric care in rural areas, 2) reduce and prevent racial and ethnic
    discrimination in maternal health care, 3) improve perinatal care and health outcomes and 4) eliminate
    preventable maternal death and severe health challenges.

•   Helping Medicaid Offer Maternity Services Act (H.R. 4996): This bill would extend access to health
    insurance (through Medicaid or CHIP) for women one year after childbirth.


To advocate for better healthcare for new and expecting mothers, contact your government officials at all
levels letting them know of your concern about the need for better women’s healthcare.

Federal Elected Officials

Contact the President online, or call the White House switchboard at 202-456-1414 or the comments line
at 202-456-1111. (

Locate your U.S. senators' contact information. (

Find your U.S. representative's website and contact information. (

State Elected Officials

Get in touch with your state governor. (

Find the names and current activities of your state legislators. (

Local Elected Officials

•   Locate your mayor by name, city or population size. (

•   Find your county executive (the head of the executive branch of government in your county) by map
    search or your ZIP Code. The county executive may be an elected or an appointed position.

• Get contact information for your city, county and town officials. (

Sage District United Methodist Women
c/o Joyce H. Orem
157 E 1000 N
Rupert, Idaho 83350


   In 2021 Mission u will continue as planned with our
   2021 studies:

   •   Moral Witness of the Church
   •   Issue Study: Pushout - The Criminalization of Black
       Girls in Schools
   •   Children’s and youth studies on violence
   Luke 13: New biblically based curriculum

                                                             United Methodist Women shall be a
                                                             community of women whose purpose is:

                                                             to know God and to experience freedom
                                                             as whole persons through Jesus Christ;

                                                             to develop a creative, supportive
                                                             fellowship; and

                                                             to expand concepts of mission through
                                                             participation in the global ministries of
                                                             the church.

You can also read