Coniston and Crake Valley News - Serving the parishes of Colton, Coniston and Torver, Egton cum Newland & Lowick with Blawith

Page created by Connie Christensen
Coniston and Crake Valley News - Serving the parishes of Colton, Coniston and Torver, Egton cum Newland & Lowick with Blawith
Coniston and Crake
       Valley News
    Serving the parishes of Colton, Coniston and
 Torver, Egton cum Newland & Lowick with Blawith

April 2021
Coniston and Crake Valley News - Serving the parishes of Colton, Coniston and Torver, Egton cum Newland & Lowick with Blawith
The Coniston and Crake Valley Benefice
“To Grow, Witness and Love Like Jesus”

Revd Brian Streeter               01229 861668
The Vicarage,                                                               07505 048736
Penny Bridge.            Brian works for Filling Station on Thursday
LA12 7RQ                 Brian and Anne’s rest day is Friday
Revd David Bickersteth   01229 861184
Revd Joanna Henson       01229 861800
Revd Ian Swift            01539 521337
Revd Harry Welch         01229 861068
Hazel Bowness         01539 431869
Peter Fox                 01229 716124
Pamela Hull             01539 441997
Linda Inman             01539 441777
Vivienne Plummer         01229 885636
Pam Priestley         01229 861866
Val Towndrow           01229 773988
Richard Wood           01229 885253
Donald Wroe             01229 861275
Juliet Caldwell        07884 232281
Marion Swift                  01229 861668
Barbara Watson       01229 861638
Pat Fox                     01229 716124
Holy Trinity, Colton
John Tarr                 01229 586174
St Luke’s, Lowick with Blawith
Simon Wood               01229 885213
Sue Wood                   01229 885213
St. Mary’s, Penny Bridge
David Lancaster                                                             01229 861026
Barbara Watson       01229 861638
St Andrew’s, Coniston & St. Luke’s, Torver
Nick Monk                 015394 41255
Linda Inman             015394 41777
Charlie Day                                  07788187718

Coniston and Crake Valley News - Serving the parishes of Colton, Coniston and Torver, Egton cum Newland & Lowick with Blawith
Pastoral Letter
                        EASTER CHANGES EVERYTHING
Just before Lent 2021 the Diocese of Carlisle launched its new Vision Refresh, the
vision for the Church of England in Cumbria for the next 10 years and beyond. This
refreshed vision was summarised in four focussed areas, to – Follow Daily, Speak
Boldly, Care Deeply, and Tread Gently.

Follow Daily, the idea of Christian discipleship and living lives that follow the
teachings of Jesus and that are markedly different from that of much of society.
Speak Boldly, where Christians express their faith and the hope of eternal life
confidently. Care Deeply, where Christians care not just for their immediate
neighbour but the least popular and most vulnerable. Tread Gently, where good
stewardship is exercised in the care of Creation and lives lived well.

However, these fresh visions of the Church of England in Cumbria may sound a
little at odds with the experience of many people outside of the Church, and even
with some inside the Church! In fact, if we were honest with ourselves the
experiences of many people, contrary to the vision is more akin to the phrases, to –
Follow Society, Hide Boldly, Care Weakly, and Tread Naively.

Follow Society, to not be markedly different from society but follow the prevailing
fashion of the day. Hide Boldly, to not speak with any confidence or hope. Care
Weakly, to not even know our immediate neighbour, and where pastoral care is an
afterthought. Tread Naively, to again follow fashion and lost in the modern world.
So, how can the Church of England ever recover its vision, let alone make a
difference? One word, Easter.

On the first Good Friday as Jesus was hanging from the Cross, the dreams of
Jesus’ disciples were dying with him. Before the movement was even getting going,
their charismatic, their talismanic leader was going to be die.

However, less than three days later, the first Easter Sunday, the tomb where Jesus
was laid was empty and Jesus was alive. The disaster of Jesus’ death had dealt
with the real problem – sin and death – and victory had been snatched from the
jaws of defeat. The Church was then born out of this new movement because

After Easter, the Church, including the Church of England, can learn to Follow Daily,
Speak Boldly, Care Deeply, and Tread Gently.


Churches in the Coniston and Crake Valley
St Andrew’s Church, Coniston LA21 8EN
St Luke’s Church, Torver LA21 8AZ
St Luke’s Church, Lowick LA12 8EE
Holy Trinity Church, Colton LA12 8HF
Church of St Mary the Virgin, Penny Bridge LA12 7RQ
Tottlebank Baptist Church, Colton LA12 8HY
Welcomes you to our Sunday services from 10.30 to 11.30am followed by
refreshments, and midweek prayer meetings on Wednesdays at 7.30pm. Our
moderator is Rev. Andrew Dodd. For further information contact Chris and Margaret
Coniston Methodist Church, Coniston LA21 8HH
The Sunday morning service is at 11.00am and a warm welcome awaits you.
For further information contact Joyce Holland on 015394 41594.
St Francis of Assisi Church of the Sacred Heart, Coniston LA21 8AW
Mass is held on Thursdays at 10.00am and Saturdays at 6.00pm.
For further information contact Father Matthew Jacob on 01229 779673.
Coniston Christian Fellowship LA21 8AL
During the month of April we are meeting on Sunday mornings via Zoom. For more
information please contact Alex and Ruth Stewart on 015394 49539. See our website
for more details

             The Bishop of Carlisle, the Rt. Revd. James Newcome, has previously
             written to all clergy to advise that the suspension of public worship has
             been lifted in the Diocese of Carlisle.

           Please refer to the benefice website for the latest information
on the provision of worship and the associated risk assessments, and
note that face masks must be worn

Questions? Worries? Chat? Virtual Coffee With the Vicar
                    The Vicar invites you to join him and others around the virtual ta-
                    ble for a coffee and a chat.
                    Every Monday* where possible, from 2.00-3.00 pm the Vicar will
                    be hosting an afternoon session on Zoom to answer questions,
                    discuss concerns or just have a chat. If you would like to join him
                    and possibly others dropping in, then all you need to run Zoom
                    and join the meeting.

         Meeting ID is 648-733-8111 and then enter the password is 883299
*Please check the website Calendar to ensure that the Coffee with the Vicar session is being
held that week.
Church Services for April 2021
2nd              Good Friday
St. Luke Lowick       2.00pm          Devotions at the Cross      Rev Harry Welch
St. Andrew Coniston   2.00pm          Devotions at the Cross      Rev Brian Streeter
4th                Easter Sunday
Holy Trinity Colton     9.30am        Holy Communion              Rev Joanna Henson
St. Luke Lowick         9.30am        Holy Communion              Rev David Bickersteth
St. Andrew Coniston     11.00am       Holy Communion              Peter Fox
St. Mary Penny Bridge 11.00am         Holy Communion              Rev Harry Welch
11th               Second Sunday of Easter
Holy Trinity Colton     9.30am    Morning Worship                 Pam Priestley
St. Luke Torver         10.30am   Zoom Service                    Rev Brian Streeter
St. Luke Lowick         10.30am   Zoom Service                    Rev Brian Streeter
St. Andrew Coniston     10.30am   Zoom Service                    Rev Brian Streeter
St. Mary Penny Bridge 10.30am     Zoom Service                    Rev Brian Streeter
18th                Third Sunday of Easter
St. Luke Torver          9.00am     Holy Communion                Rev Brian Streeter
Holy Trinity Colton      10.30am    Zoom Service                  Pamela Hull
St. Luke Lowick          10.30am    Zoom Service                  Pamela Hull
St. Andrew Coniston      10.30am    Zoom Service                  Pamela Hull
St. Mary Penny Bridge 10.30am       Zoom Service                  Pamela Hull
25th               Fourth Sunday of Easter
Holy Trinity Colton     10.30am     Zoom Service                  Rev Brian Streeter
St. Luke Torver         10.30am     Zoom Service                  Rev Brian Streeter
St. Luke Lowick         10.30am     Zoom Service                  Rev Brian Streeter
St. Andrew Coniston     10.30am     Zoom Service                  Rev Brian Streeter
St. Mary Penny Bridge 11.00am       Morning Worship               Vivienne Plummer

                                  May Magazine
Please can all items, news, advertising enquiries and “What’s On” events for this
Magazine be emailed to the editor at by
April 15th, or phone 07505 048736, or to Jean Johnson if that’s more convenient : or tel. 015394 41319. If you don’t have access
to a computer you can leave items at the Vicarage but please give plenty of time to
convert them to electronic format.
     Calling all photographers!
      If you have photos of local interest, perhaps not landscapes, that would be
suitable for the cover of a future Magazine please email in as above. This month’s
cover photo is Reflections by Wendy Fitton. We also have a gallery of contributed
seasonal photos of our beautiful area on the website:
Please continue to send your images of life and work in the parishes to
Parish Prayer Diary
                                      April 2021
1st: Reflect on the last Passover meal Jesus shared with his disciples and the
significance of that event, commemorated at each Holy Communion service
2nd: On this Good Friday morning remember our Lord’s walk through the streets of
Jerusalem to Golgotha. This afternoon, remember His final hour on the cross and
mediate on his final words, “It is finished!” (John 19:30)
3rd: Pray for situations which seem so dark and hopeless, offering them to God for
Him to work His resurrection miracle
4th: Sunday, Easter Day HALLELUJAH – CHRIST IS RISEN!
Celebrate with Christians all around the world, rejoicing and proclaiming together “He
is risen indeed!”
5th: Pray for those undertaking theology studies and ordination training as part of
preparation for ministry within the national Christian fellowship.
6th: Pray for staff in local care homes as they sensitively and safely facilitate regular
visits for residents.
7th: At 10am join with Christians across the benefice for an hour of prayer at home,
praying for family, our community, our nation and the needs of the world.
8th: Pray for the consultation that is taking place until mid-April on proposals for
locally-led reorganisation of local government in Cumbria.
9th: Pray for doctors, nurses, emergency services, police and armed forces.
10th: Pray for Christians working within the Bethesda Project, Burundi, training
disabled and disadvantaged local people in physical and life-affirming skills.
11th: Sunday, the first day of the week
Pray the risen Jesus opens the door of our hearts that we may seek the good of
others and walk joyfully the road of sacrifice and peace, to His praise and glory.
12th: Pray with thanks for those who voluntarily give their time to promote safe and
flourishing communities; pray especially for our local Councillors.
13th: North Korea is the world’s most dangerous place to be a Christian. Pray for the
followers of Jesus there who have to keep their faith entirely hidden.
14th: Pray people and families struggling with debts will get the help needed. And
pray for the charities that support them though their difficulties.
15th: Pray for local businesses giving thanks for the services they provide, and their
contribution to the life of our communities
16th: Pray for those in communities overseas with little access to physical and
mental healthcare, and pray for the charities seeking to help them.
17th: Pray for our local Young Farmers groups, for the camaraderie that underpins
the learning and development of life skills. Pray they will keep safe.
18th: Sunday, the first day of the week
Pray our risen Lord, who filled His first disciples with boldness and fresh hope, may
strengthen us to proclaim His risen life and filled us with peace that passes all earthly
19th: Pray for children and staff returning to school for start of Summer Term.
20th: Pray for Christian families and individuals who have adopted or fostered
children, praying they will demonstrate Christ’s love especially where a child’s past
experiences cause difficulties.
21st: Pray for those who have responded to God’s call to work abroad sharing the
Good News of Jesus with those who have not yet heard.
22nd: Pray for our local food banks, the organisers and the volunteers.
23rd: Pray for those who work to conserve and protect the unique freshwater
habitats and wildlife of our local area.
24th: Pray for those carrying responsibility of caring for our church buildings.
25th: Sunday, the first day of the week
Rejoice that Jesus our Saviour is the resurrection and the life and through our faith
and trust in Him we are safe in His care, today, tomorrow, for always.
26th: Pray for those suffering with Covid-19 symptoms that continue for weeks or
months beyond the initial illness.
27th: Pray for teachers as they prepare to grade GCSE and A-level pupils. Pray also
for head teachers as they support staff and students.
28th: Pray for Christians in other denominations across our benefice who share with
us in the mission of Jesus
29th: Pray for those experiencing bullying or harassment that they may have courage
to speak out and receive the help and support available to overcome.
30th: Pray for the leaders of the various youth groups across our benefice as they
seek to find ways of making the Gospel relevant to all ages.

                             Soultime Christian Meditation
                             Anxiety, Sleep Help & Bible
                             "Soultime is a beautiful, quiet and accessible way of
                             drawing close to God in Jesus day by day. I warmly
                             recommend it to you.” Archbishop Justin Welby

Prayer Hour, At Home
                               7th April, 10am – 11am

Although for the time being we cannot physically meet together in a church building,
our prayer fellowship can still pray, each at the same hour, in the safety of our own
homes on the first Wednesday of each month. If you can join in at 10am on 7th April
please use this format to guide your prayers as we pray together.

Settle into this hour of prayer by reflecting on the opening three verses of Psalm 5
                       In the morning, Lord, You hear my voice;
                     In the morning I lay my requests before You
                                 And wait expectantly

And as we begin our time together, we say the prayer Jesus taught us:
                   Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name
         Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven
                          Give us today day our daily bread
        Forgive us our sins, for we also forgive everyone who sins against us
              And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
           For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory for ever.

During this quiet hour…

hold before the Lord, the matters that weigh heavy on your heart, situations you
have seen in the media, items or issues from the prayer diary which especially
speak to you;

pray for your family, your neighbours, your community contacts;

the Christian fellowship in the Benefice of Coniston and Crake Valley;

the Church across its national and international denominations;

pray for our Country and the Nations of the world.

Take time also to be still, to listen to the gentle whisper of God.

Finally, we close our prayer hour with the words of The Grace:
                     May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and
                 the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit
                           be with us all, evermore. Amen.

Patterdale Mountain Rescue Fundraiser
Black Beck Holiday Park are doing a Fund raising event on Saturday 17th April from
midday onwards, for the Patterdale Mountain Rescue. Any donation of Cakes,
Raffle, Tombola prizes would be welcome, for this worthwhile cause and can be
dropped off at 3 Kilnhouses.

Welcome Back to Leven Valley School
After over 2 months of lockdown, we were delighted to welcome
all the children back to school on 8th March. To mark the
occasion and provide an opportunity for everyone to reconnect
we held a Welcome Back Breakfast with lots of yummy treats
and an extra long playtime! It has been fantastic to hear the
sound of children learning and playing in school again.
During lockdown, Gareth from Woodmatters set us several
challenges to keep us busy and encourage us into the outdoors. These challenges
really captured the children’s interest and opened their eyes to nature on their
doorsteps – why not check out Gareth’s videos on our Facebook page and see if you
can spot a hazel glue fungus, hazel catkins and flowers, lord’s and ladies, primroses
and wild daffs on your local walks?
As school life returns to normal, we’re very much looking forward to getting back to
exploring the woods. Class 1 & 2 have bushcraft and forest school visits planned and
Class 3 will be resuming their John Muir Award they started in the autumn.
Families and friends from far and wide joined us for our Easter Service live on Zoom,
led by the children. In the coming months we’re looking forward to inviting everyone
back into school to share these whole school events.

Coniston & Torver
Rainfall, Garden House, Coniston, February 2021
Total - 322.2mm (12.7ins)
Wet days - 17, More than 1mm on 15 days
Wettest day - 23rd - 104.8mm (4.1ins)
Snow on the 1st, 2nd & 9th
Frost on the 6th to the 12th & the 25th to the 28th

Sunflower Project
What do sunflowers make you think of? To me they are the
embodiment of summer – bright, sunny, alive, full of hope and
energy. They provide food for bees and other insects, and
their seeds are loved by birds. To mark Easter this year,
Christians Together in Coniston, in conjunction with Get
Coniston Buzzing, are distributing sunflower seeds to
encourage people to grow and display sunflowers throughout
the village. The children at Coniston Primary School will

receive giant sunflower seeds and will be taking part in a ‘Who Can Grow the Tallest’
competition. The churches will give out seeds accompanied by an Easter Card
reminding them of God’s promise of new life in the resurrection of Jesus. A
combination of giant and dwarf sunflower seeds will be available for anyone who
wants to participate, and it’s hoped that the whole community—homes and
businesses—will get on board and fill Coniston with sunshine as an antidote to the
long, dark time we have all been through during the past year. Information will be
shared on the Get Coniston Buzzing Facebook page, so people can add
photographs of their sunflowers.
For more information keep an eye on the Coniston Facebook pages, or email

Coniston CE Primary School
National Day of Reflection
On Tuesday 23rd March we joined in with National Day of
Reflection by holding a minute's silence and looking back on
the last year since the very first lockdown was announced. We
thought about the people that have lost their lives, we gave
thanks to the people that have helped and are continuing to
help throughout the pandemic and we shared our hopes for the
future. We can't wait for brighter days to come.
Break the rules for April Fools!
We’d like to invite the children to break some school rules
for April fools! Please see the poster for details.
Easter Egg Hunt!
We are very excited to announce that our 1st annual
Easter Egg Hunt will be running from the 2nd of April until
the 18th of April 2021.
The children who were in school during Lockdown have
been busy decorating 26 Easter eggs to hide around the
village this weekend. To accompany the trail, we have
created a map to help you find them for each child, we are
asking for a £2 donation to the HSA for each map
purchased which will come with an Easter egg.
Funds raised by the HSA are used to subsidize school trips
and fund equipment that school would otherwise be unable
to afford.
Easter Fundraising
Tickets for the Easter Hampers are now on sale if you would like tickets please check
Facebook or alternatively Becky will be outside school during school pick up.
Donations of the following would be greatly appreciated– flavoured teas – coffees –
cakes -- Sweet treats – gift sets – candles – and anything else you think might be
nice in a hamper, the HSA will top up the hampers with extra items. The hampers will
be drawn on Easter Monday!

Egton Cum Newland

                           Greenodd Village Hall

            Coffee mornings/evenings, music shows and more
                 Find out what is going on in Greenodd Village Hall

      We are on Facebook… search for Greenodd & Penny Bridge Village Hall

Lowick with Blawith

                      Lowick Community Hall
                    CLASSES, MEETINGS OR PARTIES?

 OR CONTACT ROB DOVE 01229 885647 OR LISA GRAVE 01229 861834

               REPORTS AND NEWS
Young Farmers Club Report
Northern Area Weekend Report
The very best of Cumbria’s young farmers took their zoom
competing skills to the next level by taking part in the Northern
Area Virtual Weekend which took place on the 27th and 28th
February. The competitions weekend hosted by Northumbria YFC was a great
success, running smoothly and to time with few technical hitches.
The Raughton Head, Cumbria A Junior Public Speaking team of Fearne Wharton,
Mark Musgrave and Katie Rowland started the weekend off in fine style by taking 1st
place in the competition. Katie also took joint 1st place for Best Chair (alongside
Connie White of East Riding) and Mark was awarded 1st place for the Best Vote of
Thanks. Cumbria C’s Drigg YFC team and Skelton YFC’s Cumbria B team were
placed 6th and 8th respectively in the competition.
Raughton Head YFC continued their competing prowess by being placed 2nd for
Cumbria B in the Junior Reading Competition with team members, Mark Musgrave,
Rachel and Margaret Bell reading passages from “Gangsta Granny” by David
Walliams. Mark was also awarded 1st place for Best Chair. The Skelton YFC
Cumbria A team were placed 6th and the Cumbria B Caldbeck YFC team were
placed 8th.
The young farmers taking part in the Junior Member of the Year competition did
themselves proud, with Lowick YFC’s Ruth Cooper taking a very well-deserved 1st
place for Cumbria A. Billy Sibbald from Drigg YFC kept the Cumbria flag flying with
3rd place for Cumbria C and Rosie Pratt also from Drigg YFC was placed 4th for
Cumbria B.

Amy Bowness from Greysouthen YFC gave an excellent interview securing her 2nd
place for Cumbria B in the Situations Vacant competition. Lowick YFC’s Ben Cooper
took 3rd place for Cumbria A and Mark-Lucas Winspear of Skelton YFC was placed
6th for Cumbria C.
The Inter Brainstrust Competition saw the Lowick YFC, Cumbria A team placed 5th
and Cumbria C, Greysouthen YFC placed 8th. The Cumbria B team of Skelton YFC
were placed 9th.
Lowick YFC’s Cumbria A team were up against some stiff competition but were
placed a very respectable 3rd in the Open Debating competition. The Cumbria B,
Raughton Head YFC team and the Cumbria C, mixed Southern District team were
placed 5th and 9th respectively.
Katie Rothery (Cumbria B, Raughton Head YFC) was placed 2nd for Best Chair in
the competition. Ben Cooper (Cumbria A, Lowick YFC) was awarded 2nd place for
Best Proposer. Best Opposer, 1st place was presented to Luke Hodgson (Cumbria
A, Lowick). Robbie Tuer was placed joint 2nd for Best Opposition Seconder along
with Guy Gilliat of East Riding YFC.
The Cumbria YFC competitors gave their all in The Senior Member of the Year
competition with Eden Valley YFC’s Amy Swinbank taking 3rd place for Cumbria B,
Greysouthen YFC’s Sarah Emmott placed 4th for Cumbria A and Robbie Tuer from
Raughton Head YFC placed 6th for Cumbria C.
The full results for the Northern Area Weekend will not be known until the Jump
Rope, Commercial Dance and Sports competitions are able to take place, hopefully
at a later date once covid-19 restrictions are eased.

The following teams and competitors now go forward to the NFYFC finals which will
(covid restrictions allowing) take place at the Staffordshire Show on the 10th July:
                        Junior Public Speaking: 1st – Cumbria A (Raughton Head YFC)
                        Junior Reading: 2nd – Cumbria C (Raughton Head YFC)
                        JMOTY: 1st – Ruth Cooper (Cumbria A, Lowick YFC)
                        Situations’ Vacant: 2nd – Amy Bowness (Cumbria B,
                        Greysouthen YFC)

                    Hedge Planting
                    A very big well done to Robbie Hutchinson and James
                    Hoggarth from Grayrigg YFC and Tom Barker and Ben
                    Sowerby from Eden Valley YFC for braving the awful weather at
                    the weekend to help plant hedges at Lane Farm for the
                    Westmorland County Agricultural Society Stewardship Scheme.
A muddy, but very worthwhile cause!”

Citizens Advice
We’ve had a lot of issues receiving our post recently and
haven’t seen our usual postie around in a little while. I
know that a couple of Christmas cards I sent in December
still haven’t been received. And some of my neighbours
who are shielding, and completely reliant on shopping online, have had some of their
deliveries delayed too. Is there anything I can do?
You’re not alone. We know posties are currently working very hard, but we’ve seen a
huge increase in the number of people coming to us for advice about post and parcel
Letters—If you haven’t received any letters in your post, think about if there’s
anything you were expecting like bills that might be due soon. If you’re missing a bill
you could check your account online to see how else you could pay. Lots of
businesses offer online chat, email and phone as a way to contact them.
If you’re worried about missing letters about any benefits you receive you can contact
the Department for Work and Pensions on the number given on any previous letters
you’ve had. If you have questions about Universal Credit and don’t have a digital
account, you can call the Universal Credit helpline on 0800 328 5644. You can check
Royal Mail’s website for updates on areas which may be experiencing delays.
Parcels—If you bought something from a business to be delivered, it’s the seller’s
responsibility to make sure the item is delivered to you.
If the seller used a courier, they should chase the courier to find out what’s happened
to your order - it’s not your responsibility.
Check the delivery address you gave the seller. Then contact them and ask where
your order is.
If the seller claims they've delivered it or don't know where it is, you can ask for a
redelivery. You might be able to get a refund in some circumstances where the
delivery time was essential and you let the trader know ahead of time.
Under the Consumer Rights Act, you can ask the seller to deliver the item again if the
item wasn’t delivered either by an agreed date or within a reasonable time - usually
within 30 days. If the new delivery fails to come within a reasonable time you can ask
the trader for a refund.
If you ordered something from a private seller or if you think a seller had
broken the law by refusing to deliver an item, you can contact the Citizens
Advice consumer helpline for help.
Free, confidential advice and help is available from South Lakes Citizens Advice on
any aspect of debt, consumer problems, benefits, housing, employment or any other
problems. South Lakes Citizens Advice is still delivering a service - Telephone and
Digital Advice. How to access:
• Call 015394 46464 - this is being staffed from 9:30 - 12 noon
• Adviceline: 03444 111 444
• Email advice via our submission page on our website
• Help to Claim (Universal Support): 0800 144 8 444

Grizedale Arts
Launching The Farmer's Arms Garden School
Would you like to improve your gardening skills and confidence? Whether you have a
garden or not, The Farmer's Arms Garden School is an opportunity to learn tried and
tested ways to grow fruit, vegetables, trees and flowers that will thrive in our local
climate and conditions.
Situated on a sunny plot at the beautiful Nibthwaite Grange Farm, with the support of
owners John Atkinson and Maria Benjamin, the School’s programme and fees will
support The Farmer’s Arms project and supply produce to its kitchens.
Beginning on Saturday April 18th (10am-4pm), eight monthly Saturday sessions

across the year will introduce you to a calendar of seasonal activities as we garden
for food and for fun in this hands-on, practical course. The sessions (a total of 48hrs
tuition) will give you the confidence to plan and tackle growing projects big and small,
as we cultivate a plot together. We will:
• Design, plant and maintain beautiful, wild-life friendly borders
• Create and harvest productive vegetable beds
• Prune and harvest fruit trees and bushes
• Address common challenges from weeds to slugs
• Share recipes and ideas for using and storing fresh produce to enjoy year-round
You will learn in a small group of up to 10, and there will be chances in every session
to discuss and seek advice on all your gardening questions. Each session will
conclude with us sharing some home-baking in the plot’s Outdoor Classroom. The
course is devised and taught by artist and Lawson Park’s Head Gardener Karen
Guthrie, a lifelong gardener who has led the transformation of Lawson Park from fell-
side to productive garden over the last two decades.
Individual sessions are £30 each (to be booked in advance), or buy the full 8
session course for £200. Concessionary rates are £20 / £150. For further details
and to book a place, visit or contact Valley Project
Manager, Emma Sumner ( | 015394 41050).

District Councillor Report
Covid 19 Update—The number of new Covid 19 infections dropped by a half in the
week ending 5th March and the infection rate in Cumbria dropped to 37 cases per
100,000 as opposed to 61 per 100,000 in England. South Lakeland is about the
lowest area in Cumbria at 19, as of 8th March. 41% of all eligible Cumbrians have
also received their first vaccination. So with Lockdown and the Vaccination
campaign, we are looking at a return to normality. However, there is no need for
complacency just yet. Grants are still available and change regularly as restrictions
alter. The SLDC web page is
Visitor Management—With Spring on the way, the prospect of Lockdown
restrictions easing and the foreign holiday ban, this means that normality in Coniston
and the Crake valley involves being overrun by visitors. To cope with this, the
National Park, in partnership with various agencies, like the Police, SLDC, CCC,
National Trust have formed a Tactical Visitor Management Group and developed
specific area visitor management plans. There is one specific to around Coniston and
another around Hodge Close/Tilberthwaite. They have been reviewed by the local
Parish Councils
These plans include regular Ranger and Police patrols, clearer signage, controlling
the movement of Camper Vans on narrow roads and the provision of litter bins. To
prevent parking congestion, the Park is encouraging Pop up Car Parks and likewise
for temporary Camp sites to limit the amount of fly camping. The park is also
recruiting Welcome Hosts , who will be in hotspots like Brown Howe and Monk
Coniston to help visitors and promote the Countryside Code, linked in with a National
campaign. The patrols will be dealing with infringements through education and
enforcement. It is worthwhile to remember that these infringements are locals as well
as visitors.

Another problem we are seeing throughout the area is illegal off-roading. This is
being addressed in some of the local visitor management plans and with the local
Farmers Arms, Lowick—The Farmers Arms has been bought through Grizedale
Arts and funded by a mixture of local buy in and grants. The aim is to refurbish the
property, open up the Pubic bar and turn it into a local Community Hub/Arts venue. It
is still in the purchase process, but is taking a bit longer due to furlough and Covid
related issues.
District Councillor Issues—Many of you will know that Anne Hall, after many years
of devoted local service decided to retire late last year. So, we are down to 2 from 3
District Councillors, with a Bye election in May. All I can say is that Anne is hard act
to follow and Tracy, myself and her replacement will strive to uphold the standards
she has set over years. Thank you Anne.
As Councillors, we are allocated a budget of £1000 each that we can use to improve
the area in terms of Environment, Culture, Social and Education issues. We have
given money to refresh Planters, renovate the Institute loos, rewilding Lowick green,
the Women’s Institute and to Rusland Horizons , so an eclectic mix. The money has
all been allocated, for this year ending March 1st 2021.
Greening Campaign—Tracy and myself, have attended several workshops and are
looking at setting up and co-ordinating green projects around the Broughton and
Coniston ward. We are currently looking at what various eco type projects are going
on in each area. What I would love to see is the involvement, with children and with
local businesses to develop not only projects, but to develop green industry and
business in the area. If you have any queries, please contact me on 077784 30926,
or Stay Safe, Keep Healthy
                                                         Ian Wharton and Tracy Coward

                     PARISH COUNCIL REPORTS
Coniston Parish Council
Local government in Cumbria is about to be shaken up. The two-tier system of
Cumbria County Council and District Councils, such as South Lakeland, will change.
There are two options available for consideration:
Cumbria County Council is proposing one unitary authority to control the whole of
Cumbria. South Lakeland Council, Barrow Council and Lancaster City Council are
proposing working together to combine and to create a unitary authority 'The Bay'.
Other alternatives suggested by local authorities which you may wish to consider are:
Copeland Council and Allerdale Council have proposed that Coniston would be
included in what they describe as ‘Cumbria East’ along with Eden Council, South
Lakeland Council and Barrow Council.
Eden Council and Carlisle Council are proposing that Coniston would be included in
what they describe as ‘Cumbria South’ along with South Lakeland Council, Barrow
Council and Copeland Council.
There are advantages and disadvantages with each of these options and you are
asked to give consideration to which you would prefer. The Parish Council has been
asked to support the bid by The Bay Authority, but would like to hear from residents
before making a decision. If you would like to share your opinion please write to The

Clerk, Coniston Parish Council, Bluebird Lodge, Coniston, LA21 8AJ, alternatively
you could email Your feedback will be anonymised and will be
presented at the next Parish Council meeting on the 18th April.

The National Park has a new role, Visitor Support Volunteer, for people who will give
some of their time this summer to provide visitors advice and share their local
By joining our volunteer programme you'll be helping to ensure that visitors enjoy the
National Park in a sustainable and responsible way; by helping to keep car parks and
roads clear, by advising about keeping the landscape pristine, and by sharing new
areas and ways to explore the Lake District. These roles will not only be supporting
visitors to the area, but they will also be supporting local communities and
businesses to recover from the economic problems created by coronavirus.
Further information can be found at

The Parish Council discussed the proposal by the Royal Horticultural Society Roots
of Remembrance Project to plant trees in commemoration of sacrifices made and the
loss of loved ones during the Covid-10 pandemic. Consideration was given as to
whether we should plant a tree, or trees, on the Memorial Green to replace the trees
which were felled a few years ago. This area already has a wildflower area which we
hope will come into its own this summer, however, there was no clear view as to
whether the areas should include a replacement tree.
The Parish Council would like to hear your opinions on this issue. Please write to
express what you would want developments you would like to see on the Memorial
Green to The Clerk, Coniston Parish Council, Bluebird Lodge, Coniston, LA21 8AJ,
alternatively you could email As with the other consultation
your feedback will be anonymised and will be presented at the next Parish Council
meeting on the 18th April.

               A THOUGHT FOR THE MONTH by Rev. David Gregg
                           APRIL 1ST : ALL FOOLS’ DAY
In my lifetime, we’ve seen great progress with things like cameras (Box-Brownies to
Digital), cars (starting handles to Hybrids), tape and video recorders (spools to
DVDs) and music-players (turntables to I-pods) to mention just a few! But even I
was astonished one quiet Saturday morning in Haddenham Vicarage to turn the page
in the “Independent” and see a large advert by Canon Copiers, saying, “Now that we
have perfected the photocopier and the fax machine, we are researching the
‘teleporter’, which will atomize actual documents, pass them along the telephone
wires and reconstitute them the other end.” “Wow!” I thought. “Whatever next?” A
page or two later I came upon an advert by Virgin Airlines. It said that their medical
experts had advised them that drinking fizzy Champagne at high altitude could be
dangerous, if the bubbles got into your bloodstream. So they had commissioned a
special flat Champagne, which they were going to call “Chateau de Plateau”, for the
safety of their passengers! “Hang on! Hang on!” I thought. “Champagne is made by
co-operatives. No Champagne anywhere is called ‘Chateau de …’ anything!” For
some reason I then glanced at the date at the top of the page – Saturday April 1st!! I

groaned, and went back to the front page, and sheepishly re-read an article that had
so impressed me – about the French archaeologists who had unearthed the
birthplace of Asterix the Gaul!!
At a Christmas rag concert at my theological college in Bristol, we once had a very
skilled musician at the piano, in white tie and tails. During the interval he played
extracts from “The Nutcracker Suite”. When he got to “The Dance of the Sugar
Plum Fairy” the curtains opened to reveal a trio from the college rugby team,
complete with tutus, wings and wands prancing around on the stage. In response to
the gales of laughter, the heavily bearded hooker broke off and stomped to the front
of the stage. Hands on hips and glaring menacingly, he said, “Wot’s the matter?
Ain’t you lot never seen a fairy before?” A plant from the back row (me!) squeezed
a further laugh with, “Not a hairy fairy!” It went down so well that the Vicar and I
repeated the stunt at a parish concert at St. Mark’s, Barrow. This time it was me
sporting the beard – for real! The things we do for England!
“Playing the fool” is one thing (and not always a bad thing, some of us will be relieved
to discover!) but being a fool is something else, and we are constantly warned
against it in the scriptures: The fool says ‘There is no God’ (Psalm 14:1) Fools
despise wisdom and instruction (Proverbs 1:7) The foolish rich man built barns (Luke
12:20) The foolish man built his house on sand (Matthew 7:26) The foolish virgins
had no oil (Matthew 25:2) But there is another side. We may be counted as foolish
for our faith in Christ (1 Corinthians 1:27), and we may sometimes be called upon to
be “Fools for Christ’s sake” (1 Corinth. 4:10). Let us pray that we may always know
the difference between the two.
“For the message about the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to
us who are being saved it is the power of God. For we proclaim Christ crucified, a
stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles, but to those who are called,
both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. For God’s
foolishness is wiser than human wisdom, and God’s weakness is stronger than
human strength.”

                        From the Registers
        26th February     Mary Booth at St Luke’s, Lowick
        29th March        Jean Valerie Rozée at Beetham Crematorium
        31st March        Daisy Burton at St Mary’s, Penny Bridge

                      The Vicar and the Churches of the Benefice of
                      Coniston and the Crake Valley are praying that
                          you have a blessed and restful Easter

                                  HAPPY EASTER!
Wills, Lasting Powers of Attorney, Probate
                    Offices in Millom & Barrow-in-Furness
                  Free no obligation home visits available in
       Coniston, Hawkshead, Broughton-in-Furness & Furness Peninsula

          Janette Carroll – Licensed Probate Practitioner
                         Tel: 01229 820021
                      Brown & Murray Legal Services Ltd
         Authorised & regulated by Council for Licensed Conveyancers

Please note, this firm are holding all the Wills and deeds for Thomas Butler & Son
           which closed in Broughton-in-Furness in December 2018.

Peter Harrison
 •   General Building Work
 •   Stonemason
 •   Brickwork
 •   Slate Roofing etc.

      Broughton Tel 01229 716386
          Mobile 07718 611973

Coniston Co-operative
     Society Ltd

   Traditional Village Store
Great range of food and wines
  all at competitive prices.
           Lowick Green Farm
            Poultry Breeders
            Free range eggs
 Homemade jams, chutney and gifts
     Support your local business
       Shop supplies on request
Meat to order, fruit, vegetable & salad
     boxes available, pre-ordered
   Deliveries may be an option after                  Chris Parker
               lockdown                     GARDENING SERVICES — All general
Tel 01229 885110 Mob 07525 188381         gardening work undertaken, grass cutting,
                                           hedge cutting, flagging and patio laying
       ADVERTISING SPACE                     PARKER & SON
     Please email the editor                  07552189116 / 07837712377
                                           6 North Lonsdale Terrace, Ulverston Cumbria
                        Please email the editor

        M T Wood & Sons
        Roofing Contractors                    E.J.H Gardening Services
             All aspects of
                                           Struggling to keep the weeds at bay, not
        roofing ˖ slating ˖ tiling
                                             enough hours in the day to keep the
25 year manufacturer’s warranty with all
          Topseal Flat Roofs               grass short? Keep your leisure time for
            Estimates free                     yourself and take advantage of
            01229 861020                         E.J.H. Gardening Services

       ambleside opticians
                                                S.A. Garnett (Dairyman)
local independent community eyecare          Delivering in Blawith, Water Yeat and
  eye examination and contact lenses          Lowick areas, Mon and Fri evening.
     glaucoma & cataract screening          Fresh milk and orange juice in reusable
             diabetic eye examinations     bottles, eggs, cream, cheese, yoghurt etc
            emergency eye care service                 Tel 01229 716326
               Tel: 015394 31331

                          Precision Tree Services
                  Based in the Lake District Tel: 07730 276279
              Certified & Insured - Tree Felling - Pruning - Hedge Cutting
                              On-site Firewood Processing
                                Paul Livesey - Arborist
Ian Whiteway Dip. Cons.
 Bookbinding and Restoration
         Antiquarian to modern
               Please ring
                                             Achieve relaxation, health and wellbeing
       Nibthwaite 01229 885024
                                                        in your own home
                                                     Mobile: 07711 049886
      also books bought pre -1960

                                     Ian Nelson
                            ELECTRICIAN &
                      INTRUDER ALARM ENGINEER
                         Friendly and Professional Service
                               Fully Guaranteed work
                 Tel: 01229 885426 24 hour answering service
                                Established 1971

         Joint Adventures                            Wooden Floor
       Unit 2, Lake Road Coniston               Sanding and Finishing Ltd
   Plan your next adventure with us!            contact Adam on 07483 855937
 For individuals, families and groups:                    or email
Gorge Scrambling, Kayaking, Canoeing, 
    Rock Climbing, Wild Cat Island
      Adventure and much more.                       CHIMNEY SWEEP
    Tel: Adam on 07967 380734                                Est 1992
                                               Competitive rates, Fully insured
         Beauty by Becky                               Distance no object
              Penny Bridge                   For all your open fires, stoves and solid
Gel nails, waxing, lashes, manicure and                     fuel Agas
                pedicure.                                 015394 45117
          Tel 07896 179483                                07763 145594
     @beautybybeckyatpennybridge             Andrew Backhouse Chimney Sweep Ltd

             Sam Clarke                          Angus Braham, Plumber
         Joinery Manufacturer                       (HND Building, C&G Plumbing)

 Traditional box sash windows, staircases,         AB Plumbing Services Ltd
              Hardwood doors                           all work undertaken
     Wood machining & woodturning                       Tel 07777 634141
           Tel: 07789 591619                     2 Malt Kiln Cottages, Grizebeck

THE RED LION                            MICHAEL SYKES
  Lowick Bridge - 01229 885366                  Painting and Decorating
      YOUR FRIENDLY LOCAL                       Interior and Exterior Work
       A warm welcome awaits                   Professional work done and
         from Steve and Lucy                      quality materials used
   Open every day Mon-Fri 5-11pm                       01229 861500
          Sat & Sun 12-11pm                            07811 554527
Good food served Sat & Sun 12-2.30pm
          Mon-Sun 5.30-8pm                        KENDAL HOSTEL
        QUALITY REAL ALES                     Self Catering Accommodation
                                          Beds from £20 or Rooms from £30 per
        DICK MORRISON                      night, or hire the whole hostel 65 bed
          Spark Bridge                             over 12 rooms for £850
                                             01539 724066 or 07795 198197
         Plastering - Painting
        Property Maintenance
      4 wheel drive cherry picker
            01229 885472
            07919 062659
                                               Property Maintenance
                                              Handyman Chris Clinch
         W & A Todd Ltd                   Quality workmanship, no job too small.
 Woodburning and multifuel stoves                 Reliable and affordable
                                          Painting, plumbing, electrical, joinery,
         HETAS Registered
       Monumental Sculptors                           07952 778608
      Slate and granite memorials
  Low Ghyll Farm, Kirkby in Furness,        Carpet Cleaning Unlimited
              LA17 7YB                      For beautifully clean carpets and
  Tel: 01229 889115/07768 626678           upholstery, ring Peter Jewell for free                   quotation and advice
                                                      01229 885685
                                                       member of the
Jayne Dennison Physiotherapy                National Carpet Cleaners’ Association
    Chartered Physiotherapy and
          Sports Injury Clinic
Registered with HCPC, and most major        Dave Pearce Tree Services
         insurance companies.                      Tree work including
Over 20 years of experience and a broad           Dismantling & Pruning
           range of expertise.                   Woodland management
                                              Firewood processing & supply
  Ulverston Clinic Tel 01229 586000                 Tel 01229 861137
   Barrow Clinic Tel 07423 378087                    07753 472229               Qualified & Insured

The Britannia Inn, Penny Bridge
                                          Real Ales, log fires and BT Sport,
     Stanbrooks of Kirkby Ltd offer                dogs welcome.
      quality wall and floor tiling and
 professional bathroom fitting throughout Open from 5pm Monday to Friday,
the South Lakes area. Alongside this we           3.30pm Saturday and Sunday
   undertake a wide variety of property   Delicious home cooked food served :
maintenance work. Contact us for a free           5.30 - 8pm Thursday to Saturday
                  quote at:                       4.30 - 8pm Sunday                Tel: 01229 861783
            Tel: 07817 590 590                         @lakesbritannia

                                             Home-made light snacks & lunches
                                              using locally sourced ingredients
                                            Seating indoors or out with lake view
                                                Free parking. Dogs welcome

           Brantwood, East of Lake,      Bespoke catering for our weddings, events,
             Coniston, LA21 8AD              groups & private parties. Licenced-
                015394 49025   

                                                        Our Plaice
                                                   Traditional Chippy
                                                  Lake Road, Coniston
                                          Opening Tuesday to Saturday and Bank
                                                  Holidays 4 til 8.30pm
                                                     Tel: 015394 41339

                                                    Coniston Carers
                                          Providing domiciliary care for age 18+
                                            in Coniston, Torver and Hawkshead
                                                 Established over 25 years
                                                Contact Elaine or Brenda on
                                                     Tel: 015394 41868

The Flower Shop
   Hawkshead Old Road, Coniston
Flowers for every occasion, delivered locally
          Open 7.30am to 3.00pm
                   Wednesday / Sunday
                   7.30am to 12.00 noon
                     Contact Anne on
                      015394 41609

   Coniston and Torver Dairy
               Hawkshead Old Road,
                    Coniston                         Discover and explore the
Local milk in bottles, eggs, butter, cream
               and yoghurt.                           Half days, full days or longer
Locally grown potatoes and vegetables in         8 & 16 SEAT VEHICLES AIRPORT/RAILWAY
                                                   TRANSFERS WEDDINGS AND GROUP
Winter opening hours: 8.30am to 3.30pm                         TRANSPORT
     closed Wednesday & Sunday

     Black Beck Farm, Bouth                               Tel: 07814 728390
      Caravans and Camping
Holiday Caravans          Shepherd’s Hut              Usher Construction
Glamping Lodges       Gypsy Bow Top
Camping area with electric hook-ups
Tents, touring caravans and motorhomes                  Building and Joinery
                welcome                                  Coniston, Cumbria                    Office 015394 41209
            Tel: 01229 861284                             Mobile 07921 003840
          The Ship Inn and                         Visit:
         Greenodd Brewery
 A friendly pub with its own brewery, serving      Chris Harrison (Landscapes)
  up to 5 hand pumps of our own real ales!      All types of stone walling, fencing, patios.
Open 5 -11pm Wednesday, Thursday, Friday               Grass cutting, hedge cutting
            2 - 11pm Saturday                             Pick-up and trailer hire
           2 - 10.30pm Sunday
                                                       stone delivered from the quarry
   Tel: 01229 861553 / 07782 655294
                                                       Tel Lowick 07739 027632

Helen Stoker                        Crakeside Fish & Chips
  Advanced Clinical Sports Therapist             Greenodd, Cumbria LA12 7RE
 Treatment for musculoskeletal pain and                  Frying Times
                injuries                         Mon-Thurs 11.30am - 2pm
            Based in Ulverston                                4.30pm - 8pm
            Tel: 07507 719202                    Fri - Sat    11.30am - 8pm              Sun          12noon - 4pm
          www.genkisportstherapy                  5 star “scores on the doors”

      Bay Computer Services                            APC Joinery
     PC repair and maintenance                  Building on Traditional Values
 System installation, Internet problems                   Alan Crowe
  fixed. Prompt and reliable service,    
          advice and information               5 Stonydale, Ulverston LA12 9PQ
     Contact David on 01229 869949                    Tel: 01229 585619
                                                     mobile 07703 554114
         mobile 07799 381757
                                                    McDermott Coal
          Garden Maintenance
                                                   & Chimney Sweep
                                                       Brett McDermott
           Fencing and Paving
               Digger Work                        Coal enquiry: 01229 585543
             General Tidy up                 Chimney Sweep enquiry: 07771 520206
     Licensed operative for weedkilling             Home: 01229 468898
            Tel: 01229 861500
                                              NACS approved rotary power sweep
           mobile 07811 554527

                                Trevor Clarke Limited
                               Building Contractor
              Established Builders with over thirty years in the trade

                   Extensions                 Conversions & Renovations
                   Plastering                                Re-Roofing
                   Walling & Stonework          Roof & Chimney Repairs
                   Drainage and Groundwork              Patios & Paving
                   Waterproofing & Tanking              Home Insulation
                         For a quality Professional Service
                       Contact us for free advice or estimates
              Tel (Newby Bridge) 01539 530316, mobile 07881 628191
                         For a quality Professional Service

27   Tel:015395 31594
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