UNESCO CREATIVE CITIES NETWORK - Membership Monitoring Report
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United Nations Designated UNESCO Creative City Cultural Organization in 2015 UNESCO CREATIVE CITIES NETWORK Membership Monitoring Report TARTU UNESCO CITY OF LITERATURE 2015-2019 Life is hard in this town, but it’s harder still to write about the town for people who don't live here. I do. And have survived. Maybe. But I love that town. With unbrushed teeth. Without a condom. Without love, with hatred, with myself. With the river that counts more than me. With alternating seasons that overwhelm me. A couple of days, a couple of girls and the Sky like a skeleton above it all. The face of this town has been perpetuated into my shoulder as stigma, a traffic light into death. A town which in its academic essence has promised to be more than a town, cannot be quite pure. The river flowing right in its middle, must wash something away. Although I don’t understand why it should be us. The riverbanks standing firm as questions. There is always an opportunity in the flow of a river, although time has no mercy. There is no almighty name of God in a flow. But here I am, in this town named Tartu. Heavy is the sky of this town, so heavy that it seems impossible to write prose here. Hannes Varblane, poet (Translated by Kersti Unt) 1
CONTENTS 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY number. Although it is not entirely possible to outline the cause and effect relationship and distinguish the causes behind this kind of processes the UCCN mem- Tartu, widely recognised as the educational and intel- bership is clearly one of them. lectual capital of Estonia, is a city where an in-depth 1. Executive summary 3 academic approach, traditions and heritage tend not The stakeholders in the field feel more confident to be in juxtaposition but rather in symbiosis with re- about their activities, there is a stronger nation-wide 2. General information 4 bellious thought, youthful openness and spontaneous recognition of the city’s role and identity as an intel- action. The poetic notion of time moving at a different lectual and cultural hub and a noticeably increased 3. Contribution to the Network’s global management 5 pace in Tartu, the sometimes slow and dreamy, yet awareness of being included in a world-wide cultural dynamic cultural atmosphere of the city has attracted discourse and therefore even more motivation to 4. Major initiatives implemented at the local level to achieve the 6 intellectuals and evoked creative thought for cen- contribute. objectives of the UCCN turies. Literature and the poetic mind have always had a special role in constituting this atmosphere The UCCN and especially the opportunity to work 4.1 Literature and urban space 6 and while being historically a city of cultural diversity, with the friendly and inspiring family of the Cities of 4.2 Literary festivals, regular events and campaigns promoting reading 8 Tartu welcomed the designation as UNESCO City of Literature has presented a unique opportunity to 4.3 Improving the status of writers, supporting and acknowledging 10 Literature in 2015 as an opportunity to engage its significantly increase international collaboration in the creative work in the field unique cultural experience, literary heritage as well as field. The international projects such as residencies 4.4 Initiatives related to literary education and encouraging the reading 11 the contemporary scene in international exchange of as well as performances and workshops by visiting habit of children and youth ideas, to learn from and collaborate with cities who guests have contributed to the diversity of the local value culture and creativity, and also to strengthen literary scene and have also improved its accessibility, 5. Major initiatives implemented through inter-city cooperation to 12 the local, as well as international, recognition of the enabling foreigners in the city, especially international achieve the objectives of the UCCN city’s identity as a diverse literary hub. students to participate without a language barrier. The membership has also enabled us to introduce 5.1 Tartu City of Literature International Residency Program 12 The application process took several years in Tartu our writers and our rich literary heritage to other 5.2 Bus Poetry International 13 enabling the engagement of all literary organisations cultures and cities and although joint projects can 5.3 Drop the Mic 14 and institutions ensuring an infrastructural unity. sometimes be more challenging for cities represen- 5.4 Cities of Literature - The Sound of Future: a multimedia presentation 14 Shortly after the designation, in early 2016 an agree- ting the smaller languages, this challenge can be at Tartu International Literary Festival Prima Vista 2018 ment was signed between the Tartu City Government turned into an opportunity regarding translations - for 5.5 Participation in the joint projects and campaigns of UCCN 15 and Estonian Literary Society according to which the Tartu it has become a dynamic driver for a more stra- Society functions as the main coordinator and focal tegic approach towards translating Estonian literature 6. Proposed action plan for the forthcoming mid-term period of 16 point for Tartu City of Literature. Although the Society (and in the UCCN context especially the works of four years is responsible for representing the city in the network, authors from Tartu) into other languages. communicating with the partners, launching and co- ordinating several local and international projects, our Turning challenges into opportunities characterises 6.1 Presentation of a maximum of three initiatives, programmes or 16 view is that the designation and the identity of Tartu the current strategic approach of the city on many projects aimed at achieving the objectives of the Network locally City of Literature belongs to the city in the widest levels. Already during the application process a com- 6.2 Presentation of a maximum of three initiatives, programmes or 17 mittee of the representatives of many literary and sense possible and connects all writers and readers, projects aimed at achieving the objectives of the Network on an the municipality, and the various organisations and educational institutions was summoned to outline international level, particularly those involving other member cities institutions. The current report aims to reflect this the central objectives of Tartu as a City of Literature. in the Network approach by mapping projects and initiatives under- These objectives were formulated as follows: 6.3 Estimated annual budget for implementing the proposed action plan 19 taken not only by the Society as Tartu City of Litera- 6.4 Plan for communication and awareness 19 ture Office but by several actors in the literary field 1) Encouraging and developing the reading habit, who very often also join forces. including educational programmes and the popula- Appendix 20 risation of reading and literature in a variety of ways Summarising the experience of the past four years, 2) Developing the literary scene, extending the co- it can be noted that the literary scene in Tartu has operation and partnerships between different become significantly more vibrant with the average cultural organisations and institutions; increasing of 30 literary events taking place per month at pre- the international reach and cooperation sent - considering the population of the city, a notable 3) Contributing to the development of creative writing, literary studies and translating 4) Protecting the freedom of speech and creative TABLE: the municipal support for literature- freedom related projects 2016-2018 5) Supporting the diversity of the literary culture YEAR 2016 2017 2018 TOTAL The short-term City of Literature strategies, both the SUM € 36 200 € 68 060 € 64 120 € 168 380 previous 3-year strategy (2017-2019) as well as the NUMBER 7 17 19 43 one for 2020-2024 (to be completed in January 2020) OF build on these five pillars. The strategy 2017-2019 fo- PROJECTS cused on the following areas of action: increasing the 2 3
mobility of writers and organizers of literary events; building an environment that supports the diversity, 2. GENERAL INFORMATION 3. CONTRIBUTION TO THE NETWORK’S GLOBAL MANAGEMENT: sustainability and openness of the literary sector by finding balance between coordination and spon- 2.1 Name of city 3.1. Number of UCCN annual meetings Two international conferences of the Estonian Soci- taneous thought; encouraging the reading habit in attended in the last four years (please ety for Digital Humanities have also been organised children and youth and their engagement in the lit- TARTU in Tartu. In 2017 Wikimedia Estonia, Estonian Society note that a regular participation in these of Digital Humanities, CAA Estonia and several other erary scene; strengthening the connection between literature and the city space to popularise literature 2.2 Country meetings is compulsory): partners organised a 2-day conference and 1-day grad- and enrich the urban environment; expanding the ESTONIA uate school seminar with the title „Open licenses, open UCCN Annual Meetings content, open data: tools for developing digital human- international reach of the literary scene of Tartu and increasing awareness about Estonian literature. 2.3 Creative field of designation Ostersund, Sweden, 2016 ities”. The event took place under the auspices of the LITERATURE Enghien-les-Bains, France, 2017 Estonian Presidency of the Council of the EU and part The main objectives and the City of Literature stra- Krakow, Poland, 2018 of the conference was held at the Estonian Literary tegies are closely linked to the long-term strategic 2.4 Date of Designation Fabriano, Italy, 2019 Museum. The 6th Estonian Digital Humanities Confer- approach towards culture on the municipal level. December 12th, 2015 ence “Data, humanities & language: tools & appli- Cities of Literature Subnetwork Annual Meetings Creativity is strongly integrated in the development cations” was held at the University of Tartu in 2018. 2.5 Date of submission of the current Dublin, Ireland, 2016 strategy Tartu 2030: first created in 2006 and re- Barcelona, Spain, 2017 Participation in international conferences and vised in 2015, the vision of the strategy interprets report Iowa City, USA, 2018 meetings: the development of Tartu as a city of intertwined December 31st, 2019 Norwich and Nottingham, UK, 2019 - Second UNESCO Creative Cities Beijing Summit unity of knowledge, entrepreneurship, modern environment, care, and creativity. Culture and cre- (Beijing, China): June 2016 ativity have been further strategically highlighted in 2.6 Entity responsible for the report 3.2 Hosting of a UCCN annual meeting and the governance of the city with the Cultural Strategy ESTONIAN LITERARY SOCIETY dates: 0 for Tartu 2030 (KU30) approved by the City Council 3.5 Financial and/or in-kind support provid- in 2018. The vision of KU30 envisages Tartu as a city 2.7 Previous reports submitted and ed to UNESCO’s Secretariat in order to en- 3.3 Hosting of a working or coordination working towards being an internationally attractive dates sure the management, communication and meeting addressed to one or more specific and intellectually inspiring city of exuberant creative visibility of the UCCN (type of contribution, industries, being open to new things and combining N/A UCCN creative field representatives: 0 heritage with modern life, and being an inclusive estimated value, main objectives, and dates): 2.8 Focal points of contact city that is environmentally aware and has a strong 3.4 Hosting of an international conference sense of community. This strategic approach is Focal point for the management of the designation: or meeting on specific issues salient to the The mission and the activities of the UCCN are sup- directly linked to the great joint effort of the citizens ported by Tartu via programming as well as via direct of Tartu, the bid for the title of European Capital of Creative Cities with a large participation of Marja Unt and in-kind promotional activities such as communi- Culture 2024 that resulted in being awarded the title Coordinator, Tartu UNESCO City of Literature members of the Network: cation materials of Tartu City of Literature and in August 2019. The bid book and artistic concept Estonian Literary Society promotion of the projects in the context of UCCN. International conferences in Tartu prepared by the City Government in collaboration Vanemuise 19, 51003 Tartu, Estonia Financial input also includes the costs of participation with numerous partners - individuals, organisations, eks@kirjandus.ee One of the biggest regular international literary at UCCN Annual Meetings and the Cities of Literature enterprises and educational institutions - bears the tartu.kirjandus.ee conferences in Tartu is the biennial conference of meetings. In-kind support also includes evaluations title The Arts of Survival aiming to express the power the Estonian Association of Comparative Literature of the applications for designation, participation in of the arts in affecting Europe’s future in three larger Main contact person from Tartu City (ECLA). During the past four years two conferences the subnetwork’s working group Project Cooperation, areas of life: environmentally friendly culture with a Government: have been organised by ECLA in cooperation with communication and consultations with prospective focus on real human communication, strong com- the University of Tartu: cities (for example Viljandi and Leeuwarden who are munities and essential skills for living and, indeed, Kristel Kalda - The 12th ECLA international conference Influence Head of Culture Service now members of the UCCN) and contributions to the survival in the coming years. and Originality in Literary Creation in 2017 communication and information materials developed Department of Culture, Tartu City Government - The 13th ECLA international conference Current Raekoja plats 12, 10114 Tartu by the Cities of Literature such as the press pack of With the strategic vision and the future European State of Literary Theory, Research and Criticism in the subnetwork as well as the Welcome Guide desig- Capital of Culture status strongly linked to the aims Kristel.Kalda@raad.tartu.ee (Non-”Centric”) National Cultures tartu.ee ned for new members. of Tartu City of Literature as well as the UCCN Mission Objectives and the Sustainable Develop- In 2017 the 28th European Meeting of Cultural Jour- ment Goals, the City of Literature Office will work nals took place in Tartu. This meeting was organized 3.6 Membership of the Steering Group and hard in the following years to build even stronger by the European network of cultural journals Euroz- period: 0 collaboration with partner cities within that context, ine in cooperation with Eurozine partner journal highlight the UCCN membership in its initiatives, Vikerkaar, the Institute of Social Studies at the Uni- and, last but not least, foster greater inclusiveness. versity of Tartu and the Estonian cultural organisa- 3.7 Participation in the evaluation of appli- The spirit of the town where the sky, as the poet tion SA Kultuurileht. 100 editors and intellectuals cations (number of applications evaluated says, is so heavy that it seems impossible to write from Europe’s leading cultural journals and the per year): prose here is carried by its people - past, present, public participated in the event focusing, among and future. other topics, the democratic pros and cons of the 2017, number of applications: 13 digital revolution. 2019, number of applications: 18 4 5
4. MAJOR INITIATIVES IMPLEMENTED AT THE LOCAL LEVEL TO Video-mapping literary Tartu Bus Poetry ACHIEVE THE OBJECTIVES OF THE UCCN: Inspired by similar experience of other Cities of In 2015 Estonian Literary Society launched the Bus Literature, especially that of the project Storymap in Poetry project that introduces poetry on stickers in These initiatives are in line with SDGs 4; 5; 11; 13; 16 Dublin, Estonian Literary Society as Tartu City of Tartu city buses. Bus Poetry places literary works in Literature Office started recording literary videos in the everyday urban space, aiming to promote lite- Numbers below the descriptions of initiatives refer to their link to the following objectives of the UCCN the urban space in 2015. First focused on writers rature and reading as well as to make the everyday reading their texts with specific places as motifs or environment more meaningful and the public trans- 1. making culture and creativity an essential component of sustainable urban development, policies and sources of inspiration in the respective environ- port experience more attractive thus also encoura- actions, notably through participatory approach and partnerships involving the public and private sectors ments the project later also involved readings of ging the sustainable means of transport. Poems are and civil society; older literary works as well as writers and cultural displayed on stickers in the interior of city buses, the 2. strengthening the creative economy, notably through the creation, production, distribution and enjoyment historians talking about writers and literary places. selection of authors and texts alternating regularly. of cultural goods and services; During four years 24 video clips have been recorded Each selection features 10 different poems by diffe- 3. improving access to and participation in cultural life, notably for marginalized or vulnerable groups and and although planned as a separate web platform rent authors, the texts are selected by the Estonian individuals, and fostering youth engagement and gender equality; initially the project will be connected to Tartu in Fic- Literary Society while the authors can also propose 4. developing hubs of creativity and innovation and broadening opportunities for creators and professionals tion database in early 2020 via Youtube links so that texts. Bus Poetry introduces the richness of Estonian in the cultural sector; the videos will be integrated into the rich collection poetry as well as texts in translation. In 2017 the 5. integrating culture and creativity into local development strategies, policies and plans; already available. The project will continue in 2020 poetry selection was dedicated to the UNESCO Cities 6. bolstering awareness-raising on the UCCP, as well as enhancing the impact of culture and creativity in with 10 new videos planned to record during one of Literature introducing texts from 12 partner cities, sustainable urban development year and English subtitles added to a selection of 3 Cities of Literature were also included in the 2019 existing and new videos. selection and the project will continue to involve the UCCN in the future. The project has received a warm In line with UCCN objectives 1, 2 and 3 welcome among the citizens and feedback has been 4.1 LITERATURE AND URBAN SPACE very positive. Jutupeatus / Story Stop Development of the database In line with UCCN objectives 1, 2 and 6 Tartu in Fiction In 2018 the Republic of Estonia celebrated its 100th anniversary. Several people, institutions and organi- The database Tartu in Fiction compiled by the sations contributed to the celebration with a variety Tartu Public Library since 2005 is based on the idea of projects and events. Jutupeatus / Story Stop is a of presenting Tartu through fiction. The database gift from Tartu Public Library that partly is based on contains texts by mostly Estonian writers which the library’s long experience of connecting literature describe Tartu, its people, places, historical land- and places for the database Tartu In Fiction. Story marks and everyday life as well as the spirit of Tartu Stop is a nationwide project that has resulted in 100 and its characteristic phenomena such as students, signboards placed all over the country linking litera- cafes, jackdaws or slum architecture. One can ture and stories with the places they were inspired search it by names, book titles or keywords and find by. Each story is available in audio and text and is whole poems, fragments of prose and poetry, maps Writers on the Wall. Photo: Alar Madisson accessible on the webpage via the QR-codes on the and pictures. The aim of the project is to preserve signboards. our cultural history, to create ties between mental and physical space and to help a student, researc- Photo exhibition Tartu Writers In line with UCCN objectives 2 and 3 her or local historian in finding and linking sources on the wall of the Estonian and data. A further goal is to introduce Estonian Literary Museum Bus poetry. Photo: Marja Unt culture in other countries by compiling translated Training program for City of Literature anthologies using the materials in the database. tour guides and guided tours with The database, as a valuable source of information Since early 2019 photos of 38 local writers are exhi- and as a phenomenon connecting literary heritage bited on the wall of the Estonian Literary Museum. Tartu City of Literature Map certified City of Literature guides with the urban environment, has inspired several The concept - wall exhibitions of photos where further actions and initiatives including social media people look out of the windows and are visible to In 2017 a bilingual map of the literary Tartu was Aiming to offer diverse narratives and professional campaigns and books (two literary guides to Tartu passersby, was created by the photographer of the published as a result of collaboration between the introduction of literary Tartu, the City Government based on the database were published in 2018) as Literary Museum, Alar Madisson over a decade ago Department of Culture of Tartu City Government and in cooperation with Tartu Folk University launched a well as the mobile application TartuFic developed in and several such exhibitions either of cultural figures Estonian Literary Society. The map includes referen- new program for tour guides in 2017 offering training 2017 in cooperation between Tartu Public Library or academics enrich the public space of Tartu. The ces to the main literary landmarks, museums, libraries to become a certified city of literature guide. Currently and the NPO Kohalugu. Implementing projects that new exhibition is the first one to focus specifically on and bookshops as well as a brief introduction of Tartu four guides are certified as City of Literature guides. expand the outreach of Tartu in Fiction and make writers, including the three who have been awarded as a City of Literature and the UCCN. The map also At present there are 8 literature-related tours avai- the most of its potential will be part strategy of Tar- the City Writer scholarship so far. The exhibition will includes some Tartu-themed reading recommenda- lable, some of those also for international groups (in tu as UNESCO City of Literature for 2020–2024 as it remain on the wall for seven years and might also be tions. The map is available free of charge at the main German, English or Swedish). also was for in for the previous 4 years. expanded in the near future. cultural venues as well as online. In line with UCCN objectives 2, 3 and 6 In line with UCCN objectives 1, 2, and 3 In line with UCCN objectives 1, 2 and 3 In line with UCCN objectives 2, 3 and 6 6 7
4.2 LITERARY FESTIVALS, REGULAR EVENTS Tartu International Literary Festival City of Literature Reading rent profile with the emphasis being on active parti- AND CAMPAIGNS PROMOTING READING Prima Vista Recommendation cipation, meaning that the program tries to offer as much as possible events that the children and youth put together or perform at themselves instead of just Prima Vista, the biggest literary event in Tartu, is an Launched very recently, in November 2019, the new being the audience. The program also features mee- international festival taking place annually. Initiated campaign promoting reading is an initiative by the tings with writers (both Estonian authors and interna- in 2004 as a joint venture of Tartu University Library, Department of Culture of Tartu City Government. tional guests), literary tours and games in the city etc. Tartu Public Library, Tartu Department of the Esto- Every month more and less known people in the city The central organising team cooperates closely with nian Writers Union and Estonian Literary Society,, share their most recent inspiring reading experience schools and teachers to get the students involved. Prima Vista has become a week-long cultural pro- and explain why they’d recommend the book to The festival also organises a poetry slam and an open gramme focused on literature but also involving other others. The recommendations are published on the mic event for youth, events at the Public Library for fields of art. The varied and creative programming city’s website and shared in social media. The first primary school students, workshops for grown-ups makes it one of the most diverse festivals in Estonia. recommendation was given by the current City Writer, on different topics related to literary education, and The aim of the festival is to promote literature, to Vahur Afanasjev, in December, the Mayor of Tartu, literary walks in the city. A writing competition is enrich the cultural life in Estonia and also to intro- Urmas Klaas shared his recommendation. announced prior to the festival the jurys of which are duce foreign literatures in order to support the buil- formed of high school and university students. The Crazy Tartu x_Luulur and Iso Pullo. Photo: Heleri Keeman ding of cultural bridges between different cultural In line with UCCN objectives 1, 3, and 6 festival aims to offer as informal, simple, and sponta- communities. neous an atmosphere as possible to make the young Festival Crazy Tartu Celebration of the World Poetry Day – people feel more comfortable at the events and Presenting leading and emerging authors from encourage them to be active participants. Estonia and abroad and currently attracting an a poetry tour in the city Hullunud Tartu / Crazy Tartu is an international audience of about 10, 000 people of all walks of life In line with UCCN objectives 1, 2 and 3 interdisciplinary festival that takes place in Novem- and age groups, the festival promotes literary practi- In 2018 the UNESCO Cities of Literature, inspired ber since 2010. The festival, initiated by the Esto- ces as the centre for amalgamation of arts and and as by the experience of Granada City of Literature, nian poet Jaan Malin and organised in cooperation a powerful medium for mobilizing community initia- launched the joint celebration of World Poetry Day with the Estonian Literary Society and the Estonian tives. The festival’s traditions include an annual main on March 21st. Each city has had its own unique app- Writers’ Union, brings together writers, poets, theme as a source of inspiration for the organi- roach to the celebration and in Tartu a poetry tour in musicians and visual artists from all over Estonia zers and guests, a rotating choice of partner city, and the city takes place - consecutive poetry readings at and also from abroad. One of the aims of the a patron (a co-curating Estonian author contributing cafés and bars as well as in Tartu Public Library from festival is to offer to the audience as many unseen to the program), projects to inspire new stories and noon until evening. The concept is in a way a ’poetry or unheard things as possible. Since the beginning poems, book donation campaigns to improve the route’ – the schedule and the order of the readings there have been different venues for the festival: access to books for disadvantaged social groups is related with logical movement routes in the city. in 2010 it took place at the former psychoneuro- (prison libraries, day centres for the elderly etc), an Two or three poets perform at every venue and the logical hospital, in 2011 in the old anatomical information search game for youth, a book fair and audience as well as the performers themselves are theatre, in 2012 in the former printing house that an open air library called Park Library. Over the past encouraged to come along from one place to the houses now the Paper Museum, in 2013 - at the four years the festival has expanded its local net- next. In addition to writers, poetry is performed by former church of the University of Tartu, in 2014 work of partners and strengthened its international high school students at an event at Tartu Public – at the house of Tartu New Theatre. In 2015 the cooperation, including creative writing workshops Library organised in cooperation with the Association Tartu Literature House. Photo: Toomas Liivamägi festival took place parallelly with the European mentored by international guests, collaboration with of Estonian Language Teachers. The WPD celebra- Poetry Slam Championship at Vilde restaurant and the guests of Tartu City of Literature residency pro- „ tion has contributed to raising awareness about the café. Since 2016 the festival has moved to more gram as well as guest authors from UNESCO Cities of The Program of Tartu Literature House Poetry Day itself as well as the UCCN, and taking the common event venues but still tries to use the Literature (for example Christine Dwyer Hickey from events to cafés and bars has helped to integrate the space in uncommon ways as much as possible to Dublin and Leanne Moden from Nottingham). Since the UCCN designation Tartu Literature House, private sector more into the literary scene of Tartu. evoke an inspiring sense of oddity. The festival a literary centre owned jointly by Tartu Department of offers a diverse and concentrated programme, Prima Vista received the EFFE quality label for 2015– the Estonian Writers’ Union and the Estonian Literary In line with UCCN objectives 1, 2, 3 and 6 combines spoken word, experimental and per- 2016 and 2019–2020. Society, has become noticeably more vibrant with formance poetry with more traditional reading both the owners as well as several other organisa- and creates an experience almost out of bounds In line with UCCN objectives 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 tions based in the house contributing to the diverse in boundless November. The UCCN membership Tartu Festival of Children’s and Youth public program the house offers all year round. has helped to expand the international reach of Literature Founded in late 2015, only a few weeks before the festival and further development plans include Tartu was designated UNESCO City of Literature, strengthening the collaboration by finding ways “Prima Vista is a festival of Tartu, it has This festival is a new initiative launched in 2017 in the independent bookshop Utoopia (Utopia) has to include both writers as well as visual artists and the face of the city. It is organised by the played a significant role in enriching the events cooperation between the Estonian Literary Society, musicians from the UCCN cities in the program. best professionals in Tartu and with great program in the house by hosting salons and discus- Tartu Public Library and the Association of Estonian dedication. I have seen it myself how it Language Teachers. Initiating and developing this sion nights both on more general topics as well as In line with UCCN objectives 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 gets very busy already at Christmas time with a focus on specific authors and books as well festival was part of Tartu City of Literature Strategy so that everything could be ready by 2017-2019. Although big literary festivals such as as monthly literary quiz nights. The bookshop has spring.” Prima Vista in Tartu also feature programs for child- also become one of the key partners in many long- Kristiina Ehin ren and youth, this new 4-day festival taking place term projects. At the same time the regular Literary writer annually in mid-October tries to build a rather diffe- Tuesdays, a program run by Tartu Department of the 8 9
Estonian Writers Union, continues to be at the core of the Literature House programming, offering different types of literary events weekly. During other week- days also several workshops and book presentations take place. Except for working meetings and some workshops that require pre-registration, all events at Tartu Literature House are open to the public and free of charge. With investment by the owners as well as Tartu City Government the conditions in the house 4.3 IMPROVING THE STATUS OF WRI- TERS, SUPPORTING AND ACKNOWLED- GING CREATIVE WORK IN THE FIELD The City Writer Grant Founded in 2016 by Tartu City Government in co- „ „I am happy that there are so many good writers in Tartu, their work contributes to the activities of Tartu as a City of Literature and the City Writer Grant gives them an opportunity to dedicate themselves to their work even more.“ 4.4 INITIATIVES RELATED TO LITERARY EDUCATION AND ENCOURAGING THE READING HABIT OF CHILDREN AND YOUTH Writers To Schools operation with Tartu Cultural Endowment, the one- Urmas Klaas have also noticeably improved and will continue to do Since 2015 the City Government offers support to year Tartu City Writer Grant is awarded to a writer Mayor of Tartu so to support the concept of Tartu Literature House the schools of Tartu to invite writers to perform. engaged in the writing of fiction or nonfiction, who as a creative hub open to everybody where traditions Every year each municipal school can use the sup- stimulates literary life in Tartu and helps to shape the Literary Awards and innovative ideas can meet and develop. port measure to invite one writer, literary critic or city’s reputation as an internationally recognised, lite- rature friendly city. In order to apply for the Grant, translator. The program is coordinated by the City In line with UCCN objectives 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 Several nationwide literary awards and competitions Government in cooperation with Tartu Department one has to submit a vision of the role of Tartu City Writer to Tartu Cultural Endowment, which the appli- are either founded by local organisations, funded by of the Estonian Writers Union who acts as an advisory cant must be ready to perform after receiving the the municipality or announced in Tartu, such as the party for schools and teachers to help them select the grant, and to provide an overview of their previous Betti Alver Debut prize awarded by Tartu Department performers and get in touch with the writers. creative activities as well as future plans. The three of Estonian Writers Union, the Gustav Suits Poetry grantees selected so far have been very vocal and award funded by Tartu Cultural Endowment and the In line with UCCN objectives 1 and 3. active in the cultural (and not just cultural) scene of First Step debut award founded by the literary fes- the city, each in their own style. tival Prima Vista. A new annual award for children’s/ youth literature was announced in 2015 by Tartu The first city writer, the renowned poet Kristiina Ehin, City Government given every year to an author of an had a number of readings as well as talks during 2017 outstanding book for children or youth. Since 2017 not only at cultural events but also at business and the winner of the award is also one of the guests of local government events giving a good example of how honour at Tartu Children’s and Youth Literature Festi- writers can be included in the society in a much more val. Although not founded in or by Tartu, several other comprehensive way. The city writer in 2018, the chil- literary awards have been established over the past Tarslämm 2018. Photo: Uku Peterson dren’s author Mika Keränen decided to concentrate 4 years that have connections to Tartu – for example on schools meeting with school children all over the the annual Ants Oras Literary Criticism Award found- city as well as in the neighbouring regions. The cur- ed in 2015 by the editors of Estonian cultural maga- TarSlämm Poetry Slam Competition zines and papers, is traditionally announced in Tartu. rent city writer, poet and prose author Vahur Afanas- jev has a monthly column in the biggest local newspa- The tradition of regular poetry slam competitions per and he also focuses on bringing literary and other Several writing competitions are organised for child- began around 2012 in Tartu, initiated and promoted sectors closer such as creative technology and IT. ren and youth as well as adults every year, focused by the poet Jaan Malin. The scene has been constan- not only on poetry and fiction but also other genres tly evolving ever since and hosting the European Po- Since 2018 the Department of Culture of Tartu City of writing; notably, competitions of literary reviews German writer Dorothea Flechsig at Tartu Children’s etry Slam Championship in November 2015 signi- such as the review competition Ulakass (Stray Cat) for Literature Festival 2019. Photo: Annika Aas Government coordinates video shoots with the City ficantly contributed to the experience of local orga- Writer at the end of every year to summarize their schoolchildren and the review competition for youth nisers and performers. Currently organised by NPO experience. organised for the first time in 2019 by the youth Book as a gift Lavaluule TarSlämm has become the biggest poetry literary magazine Värske Rõhk. Some competitions live show in Estonia with poetry slam nights taking In line with UCCN objectives 1, 2 and 6 are experimental - in 2019 the international interdis- place from autumn to spring at the restaurant-club ciplinary festival Crazy Tartu announced yet another In 2017 the City Government initiated a new tradi- Vilde ja Vine. The finale is organised during the Lite- writing competition, a rather extraordinary one thus tion - every year the city gives a free book - that of rary Festival Prima Vista. Over the years TarSlämm matching the name and profile of the festival – the the same year’s winner of Tartu Children’s Literature has built various international links, including par- writing competition called 5002 Characters invites Award - to all students of the age group that cor- ticipation in the international spoken word project participants to send fictional texts or essays of the responds to the main target audience of the book. Borderlines in Spring 2019. Foreign authors are often length of exactly 5002 characters, the additional chal- The books are distributed during Tartu Festival of invited as guest performers, most of whom also lenge being the requirement that all works have to Children’s and Youth Literature, some of them given lead a creative writing workshop during their visit. In be submitted in handwriting. The competition, while to the students personally by the Mayor during the Autumn 2018 the founder of poetry slam Marc Kelly at first giving an impression of absurd rules, aims to opening ceremony of the festival. Smith performed at TarSlämm and delivered a series highlight two very necessary skills – the skill to stay of workshops as a result of collaboration between in specific limits while phrasing one’s thoughts and In line with UCCN objectives 1 and 3 the organisers of TarSlämm and the Department ideas, and the ability to write by hand – something of Cultural Research of the University of Tartu. The that is quickly decreasing in the context of contempo- audience of the regular slam nights has grown from rary technology. The first results will be announced in around 30 people to an average of 60 people. November 2020. Tartu City Writer 2019 Vahur Afanasjev giving a In line with UCCN objectives 1, 2, 3, and 4 reading recommendation. Photo: Kiur Kaasik In line with UCCN objective 2 10 11
The course Phenomenological Tartu 5. MAJOR INITIATIVES arts program Insomniacathon introduced and first 5.2 Bus Poetry International „ at the University of Tartu produced in Tartu by Ron Whitehead. Tartu City of IMPLEMENTED THROUGH Literature Residency Program continues to aim at The project Bus Poetry launched by the Estonian Literary Society in 2015 became a platform for intro- forging long-lasting relationships with the guests of In 2016 a new MA-level course The Phenomenologi- INTER-CITY COOPERATION the program, enhancing translation opportunities, ducing works by writers from UNESCO Cities of Litera- cal Tartu was developed at the University of Tartu to introduce the various possibilities for researching the TO ACHIEVE THE OBJECTI- and being open to innovative ideas the residencies ture during 2017-2018. Each city was asked to pro- pose a poem (maximum 20 lines) by a writer related can bring forth. sense of place using the methods of various disci- VES OF THE UCCN to their city and arrange a license agreement with the plines based on the example of Tartu. The course In line with UCCN objectives 1, 2, 4 and 6 author. The translations into Estonian were made by deals with the history and story of place as they apply Estonian translators (all translations from the original to Tartu and the University of Tartu, through the These initiatives are in line with SDGs 4; 5; 11; 13; 16; 17 language). With 12 cities participating, the citizens of learning of various fields of activity. Vividly demonstra- Tartu had the opportunity to read the works of the ting how various disciplines can be used to examine „The Tartu City of Literature Writer’s following authors: the same subject, the course is taught by lecturers 5.1 Tartu City of Literature International Residency was a wonderful opportunity Husam Al-Sarray from different departments and includes also a carto- Residency Program to be able to work in an inspiring space Baghdad (translated by Amar Annus) graphy workshop conducted by a specialist from the at the Ristikivi Museum whilst also Joan Oliver/Pere Quart biggest Estonian map publisher Regio, a Tartu City gathering new material from the rich Barcelona (translated by Jüri Talvet) Launched in 2017, the program is open to all writers of Literature tour with the focal point coordinator as Kerrie O’ Brien and translators (translating from Estonian to other cultural life and resources of the city. well as analyses of the several cultural and fictional Dublin (translated by Kersti Unt) languages) from across the world, who meet the crite- I was able to work on my next collection, layers of the history of Tartu. By now the course has Wiebke Hartmann ria. Since 2018 two residents per year are hosted connect deeply to the Estonian literary Heidelberg (translated by Maarja Kangro) been taught twice and 62 students have participated - one in spring and one in autumn. The program tradition and also develop the perfor- Anna Świrszczyńska altogether. offers a 2-month stay at the house of the former ming and teaching aspects of my practice“ Krakow (translated by Hendrik Lindepuu) Karl Ristikivi Museum, a scholarship and compen- In line with UCCN objectives 1, 4 and 5 Nataša Velikonja sation of travel costs, an opportunity to visit places Andy Willoughby Ljubljana (translated by Rauno Alliksaar) and perform at venues in other cities and a contact writer-in-residence in Tartu in Autumn 2019 Bohdan Ihor Antonych person who is responsible for making arrangements Lviv (translated by Maarja Kangro) for performances, meetings and tours and helps to Lisa Gorton make contacts in the local literary scene. In spring the Melbourne (translated by Kersti Unt) resident is invited to participate and perform at Tartu Bragi Olafsson International Literary Festival Prima Vista; in autumn Reykjavik (translated by Lemme-Linda Saukas) the central partner festival of the program is the Ari Yasan Interdisciplinary Festival Crazy Tartu. From 2017-2019 Ulyanovsk (translated by Kersti Unt) Tartu has hosted 5 residents: Andrej Tomažin from Viktor Špaček Slovenia, Darran Anderson from Ireland, Gabi Csutak Prague (translated by Rauno Alliksaar) from Hungary, Ron Whitehead from USA, and Andy Diane Brown Willoughby from UK. Dunedin (translated by Kersti Unt) The number of applications for every call has been In 2018 three more poems from the Cities of Litera- steadily growing since 2018 (number of applications ture were included in a new selection, written by: per call: 2017 - 19; 2018 I - 18; 2018 II - 21; 2019 I - Alan Spence University of Tartu. Photo: Marja Unt 23; 2019 II - 32) and there have been applicants from Edinburgh (translated by Kersti Unt) all continents of the world. Although the program is Bridie Squires and Georgina Wilding Free literary training seminars for not designed exclusively for Cities of Literature or Nottingham (translated by Kersti Unt) UCCN in general, the impact of spreading the infor- kindergarten teachers mation about calls can be seen in the percentage of AHN Keum-ja Bucheon (translated by Kersti Unt) applicants either from or closely connected to UNESCO Cities of Literature - the average of 30% per In order to improve the literary knowledge of kinder- In line with UCCN objectives 1, 2, 4 and 6 each call. Among them are also two of the selected garten teachers an annual training seminar takes residents - Andrej Tomažin from Lviv City of Literature place since 2015; every kindergarten in the city and Darran Anderson who has lived long-term can send one person free of charge each year. The in Edinburgh City of Literature. Pere Quart / Barcelona training aims to support and advise the teachers in Ood Barcelonale (lõpukatkend) Kae end, Barcelona. their work on teaching children to read. The training Ära laula, Barcelona. Kuula oma südant, mil on põksumisest villand. In addition to performances, meetings with the public Ära peatu. Nuta väheke iga päev, kui Maa kinnisilmi is organised by the Cultural Department of Tartu City alustab uut tiiru. connections made between the residents and the Tasapisi, ära lase end eksitada Government and the Estonian Children’s Literature lehtedest, mida tuul endale nõuab puudelt. Ega uute tiibade ettekuulutusest. local literary sector, the impact of the program inclu- Tööta. Vaiki. Centre. Ära usalda ajalugu. Unista temast ja tee teda ümber. des two books currently in the translation process Valva merd, valva mägesid. Mõtle lapse peale, keda endas kannad. to be published in Estonia (a poetry collection by In line with UCCN objectives 1 and 3 Katalaani keelest tõlkinud Jüri Talvet Andrej Tomažin and a bilingual poetry book by Ron Insomniacathon 2019 poster, design Lilian Mengel. bussiluule Whitehead) and a new type of event practised by the literary festival Prima Vista - a 24-hour collaborative 12 13
5.3 Drop the Mic „ “Drop the Mic has been an motivating experience supporting both personal creative development and collabora- tion of the participants. It has offered international collaboration and perfor- mance experience and helped to con- nect with creative professionals in 5.5 Participation in the joint projects and campaigns of UCCN Over the past four years Tartu City of Literature has participated in several joint projects initiated by other Cities of Literature, including the following initiatives. Inspired by Granada City of Literature, the Cities of Literature have jointly celebrated World Poetry Tartu has had the honour to participate in two inter- national delegate programs organised by our part- ner cities. In December 2018 Krakow City of Litera- ture organised the delegate program Connect, which brought together cultural managers to Krakow for a week of exchange, learning and networking. Tartu was represented by Berk Vaher, the director of Tartu Department of the Estonian Writers Union. In September 2019 Melbourne City of Literature in different cultures.” Day since 2018. The cities organise different events collaboration with Melbourne Writers Festival hosted The mobility project Drop the Mic – Nordic-Baltic and share each other’s information and photos in an international meeting of literary programmers Kaisa Kuslapuu Poetry Slam Network was initiated in 2016 by Reyk- social media during the day, a joint international where Tartu was represented by Annika Aas, the chair participant in the programme since 2018 javík, Krakow and Tartu Cities of Literature with the press release describing the events in each city is of the board of Tartu International Literary Festival participation of Heidelberg City of Literature and a also issued prior to the event. Prima Vista. poetry slam organization in Copenhagen, Denmark. The first stage of the project ran from September 5.4 Cities of Literature - The Sound of Future: Reykjavik City of Literature organised exhibitions Several collaborative projects have been linked to the 2016 – September 2017, aimed to engage the over- a multimedia presentation at Tartu Interna- Reykjavik Reads in 2016 and Read the World UCCN Annual Meetings. In 2017, the Cities of Litera- lapping worlds of songwriting and poetry in an effort tional Literary Festival Prima Vista 2018 in Reykjavik in 2018 that introduced authors and ture were introduced at an exhibition GéoPoétique to advance participative literary arts; integrate com- texts from Cities of Literature. Tartu participated in during the UCCN Annual Meeting in Enghien-les- munities; increase social and cultural understanding; both with poems and introductions of local poets Bains. Tartu was represented at the exhibition by a engage youth and build a strong international com- Timo Maran and Hannes Varblane. quote from the renowned local author Mehis Hein- munity of poets and event organizers; and create saar. In 2018 Heidelberg City of Literature and a sustainable Nordic-Baltic network for knowledge/ Initiated by Melbourne City of Literature the Fabriano City of Crafts and Folk Art collaborated talent exchange & mentorship via slam poetry. Five project Slam-O-Vision, a spoken word version of to produce a specially bound and printed anthology meetings took place in different cities and there were Eurovision took place for the first time in 2019. Poets celebrating literature and its vital place in world five participants altogether from Tartu. The second from 8 Cities of Literature competed via videos that culture. 51 poets from 28 Cities of Literature are phase began in 2018 with the newly designated Lille- were uploaded on a dedicated website, the partici- featured in this unique book. All texts have been hammer City of Literature as the fifth partner in addi- pating cities give their votes by the end of August and written or printed on handcrafted, folio-sized paper tion to Tartu, Reykjavik, Krakow, and Heidelberg. This the inaugural Slam-O-Vision Champion - Babs Gons from Fabriano UNESCO City of Crafts and Folk Art. phase has been planned as a 3-year program and from Utrecht - was revealed on Friday, September The paper was sent from Fabriano via Heidelberg to with a more comprehensive profile compared to the 6th during Melbourne Writers Festival. Tartu was rep- all UNESCO Cities of Literature worldwide and, after first one - the program engages very different styles Prima Vista 2018 visual resented by Maris Pedaja, the winner of Tartu Poetry being filled with literary works, was sent all the way of poetry and verbal performance and encourages Slam „TarSlämm“ 2019. Her poem that entered the back to Fabriano where the book has been bound. the interdisciplinary interplay of poetry with spoken In 2018 Tartu International Literary Festival Prima competition, „Skin and Fleas“ was part of the interna- The book was gifted to the Mayors of Krakow and word, slam, rap and hip-hop, and songwriting. So far Vista invited UNESCO Cities of Literature to be featu- tional project „Borderlines“. Katowice by the mayors of Heidelberg and Fabriano emerging authors from Tartu, Reykjavik, and Lilleham- red in the multimedia presentation The Sound of at a special presentation during the XII annual mer, two from each city per meeting, have participa- The Future that was part of the opening ceremony In 2018, Tartu had the opportunity to be a partner meeting of the UNESCO Creative Cities Network. ted in 4 meetings - one in Tartu, one in Krakow and of the festival (the title matching the main theme of of the project Re:Vision - a program of workshops From Tartu, poets Hasso Krull and Maarja Pärtna two in Reykjavik; the meeting in Tartu resulted in a Prima Vista 2018). The partners were asked to send that were run by the Critical Poetics Research Group wrote a literary piece of art in Estonian on the performance of the participants at the literature either a short video clip of a writer or literary figure at Nottingham Trent University, in collaboration with Fabriano paper for the anthology. During the Krakow festival Prima Vista. Both stages of the project have reading a passage/poem related to the theme; or a Nottingham UNESCO City of Literature. In and Katowice meeting, Krakow City of Literature been supported by the Nordic Culture Point. future-themed quote by an author from the respec- November 2018, Joanne Dixon from Nottingham also coordinated the project Multipoetry that tive city in writing or video; and photo materials about Trent University delivered a research-led creative- involved poetry projections in Krakow city center, In line with UCCN objectives 2, 4 and 6 their current or completed projects. The presentation critical writing workshop in Tartu. The workshop Tartu was represented with an excerpt from a poem was integrated into the opening show and shown reached a variety of writers, aged from 18 to 65, and by the poet Indrek Hirv. During the 2019 annual between speeches with all 27 partner cities repre- included participants whose first languages were meeting in Fabriano, the Cities of Literature pavi- sented via photos and logos and a number of them Estonian, Hungarian and Finnish. It included reading lion was designed using photo and video materials also in video clips. The visual design was made by and discussion of short works of literature, philoso- from the cities; the input from Tartu consisted photos Lilian Mengel, the head of design of the festival, and phy and critical texts, consideration of art and other of highlight events, a video of Tartu Poetry Slam sound design by Berk Vaher, member of the board of objects, and creative writing exercises. The workshop competition and a video of Tartu City Writer 2018, Prima Vista. The opening show was broadcast live on was followed by an online mentoring course that in Mika Keränen. University of Tartu Television and the materials have turn resulted in a new publication Writing the Con- been preserved for possible future development into temporary: Poetry and Postcards from UNESCO Cities Tartu has also taken part in several online campaigns a separate Cities of Literature presentation. The pre- of Literature (Trent Editions, 2019) where two authors of the Cities of Literature such as the Summer sentation helped to grow local awareness about the from Tartu workshop are featured - an emerging Reading List social media campaign (2016-2018), UCCN and the individual Cities of Literature and also author Piret Põldver and the Hungarian writer Gabi recommendations of Children’s books during the contributed to the interpretation of the Network’s Csutak who was the writer-in-residence in Tartu at World Literacy Day and other book promotion activities in the context of future. the time. The workshop took place during the inter- activities. national festival Crazy Tartu and as a poet, Joanne Drop the Mic participants 2019 In line with UCCN objectives 1, 2 and 6 Dixon also performed at the festival. In line with UCCN objectives 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 14 15
Beneficiaries: citizens of Tartu, authors of the 6.2 Presentation of a maximum of three 6. PROPOSED ACTION PLAN FOR THE FORTHCOMING MID- quotes. initiatives, programmes or projects aimed TERM PERIOD OF FOUR YEARS: Expected results: culturally attractive urban space, at achieving the objectives of the Network public interest in the works of authors whose quotes on an international level, particularly those 6.1 Presentation of a maximum of three Beneficiaries: the citizens of Tartu, including writers, are displayed, increased inclusion of the citizens in involving other member cities in the Network initiatives, programmes or projects aimed publishers, teachers, students. literary activities, increased awareness of the identity of the city as a City of Literature and the UCCN at achieving the objectives of the Network Expected results: a quality literary blog with conti- 1 Development of the residencies and locally nuously growing amount of content and increasing In line with UCCN objectives 1, 2, 3 and 6 other mobility projects number of followers; increased public awareness of the UCCN and the city’s identity as a City of Literature; Project description: Tartu City of Literature will 1 City of Literature blog and podcasts better feedback for the organisers of literary events. continue with the existing residency program as well 3 Celebrating International as the mobility project Drop The Mic and will develop Project description: In December 2019 Tartu City In line with UCCN objectives 2, 3, 4 and 6 Literacy Day additional residency/mobility opportunities, including of Literature launched a dedicated blog that publis- The Project Cooperation working group of the Cities writers exchanges with partner cities. An exchange hes information, essays, interviews and other texts of Literature has developed a strategy for collabora- program is already planned for 2020 with Norwich related to the local literary scene, authors, works, tive projects outlining the main areas of action, inclu- City of Literature - in March Norwich will host a writer and the activities of the network. Special attention ding joint celebration of international days related to from Tartu for one month and Tartu will host a writer will be given to interdisciplinary art and events. Addi- literature. International Literacy Day will be jointly from Norwich in May. tionally, a series of audio podcasts will be recorded - celebrated in the Cities of Literature starting from interviews with local or visiting authors (for example 2020 and as with World Poetry Day celebration, each The existing residency program has been open to the guests of residency programs), critics, transla- city will choose its own way organising it. While Esto- writers as well as translators who translate Estonian tors, literary scholars. nia ranks among the highest in the world for basic literature into other languages. Based on the results literacy, there are other types of literacy that can still of the previous calls the City of Literature working Objectives: The blog and the podcasts aim to re- 2 Our Favourite Quotes be seen as a challenge, including media literacy, criti- group has come to the conclusion that a separate flect the current literary processes as well as discuss cal literacy, and information literacy. Socially vulne- program for translators needs to be developed. The global challenges, including the ways to achieve the Project description: Bringing literary works into the rable groups also need attention. Starting from 2020 working group aims to outline the details of this new SDGs, in the context of creativity, humanities and public space to promote writers and reading as well Tartu plans to celebrate the International Literacy Day program during 2020 so that it could be launched in critical thinking. The project will provide feedback to as to make the everyday urban space more meaning- with several projects aimed at different target audien- 2021. event organisers - while literary festivals and other ful and thought-provoking is an important part of ces; these projects include readings at day centres major events have several strategies to gain media Tartu’s strategy as a City of Literature. In addition for the elderly and the children’s hospital as well as The development of mobility opportunities also inc- coverage prior to the events there is a noticeable to the Bus Poetry a new project will be launched in literary salons that focus on storytelling skills, media ludes collaboration with Tartu International Litera- lack of professional feedback which the blog will 2020 - Our Favourite Quotes is a simple initiative that literacy, digital literacy and information literacy. Local ture Festival Prima Vista to offer the festival as a help to compensate via event reviews and posts of includes displaying quotes from literary works on schools will also be engaged with the Association of platform for micro-meetings of the Cities of Literature impressions. By offering diverse quality content the LED-technology light pads that will be put on the Estonian Language Teachers as one of the key partners. delegates. Starting from 2020 an official invitation will project also helps to reach different target audi- windows of various buildings in the city. The core idea be sent to the focal points of the Cities of Literature ences, including the young generation as well as of this project is inclusiveness - using a contact form Objectives: Celebrating International Literacy Day will prior to the festival. During the festival the visiting education professionals as the audio materials, for on the City of Literature website everyone can sug- highlight the importance of literacy; the aim of the lite- representatives have an opportunity to observe the example, can also be used in teaching. One of the gest the quotes they think should be written on the racy-related projects is to increase the awareness of festival and participate in working meetings with the challenges for many UCCN cities is raising public pads and the coordinators will select from these sug- the various types of literacy and improve people’s skills. local literary organisations. In collaboration with the awareness of the network, its mission and the activi- gestions. The quotes will be replaced every 3 months Department of Culture of Tartu City Government, the ties of the members. We believe that addition to and a calligrapher will be included in the project to Stakeholders: the projects will be implemented by festival will also include a Cities of Literature themed public campaigns and media communication awa- write the texts on the tabs. A project manager will be different stakeholders - the Department of Culture of event of the series Culture Compass, the capacity reness can be increased by offering quality content hired whose tasks include managing the suggestions the City Government will look for ways to collaborate building forum for cultural managers, entrepreneurs while highlighting Tartu as a City of Literature and for quotes and contacting the authors to reach an with social institutions, Estonian Literary Society and and others that facilitates experience sharing. the mission of the UCCN. agreement on publishing the quotes. Tartu Department of the Estonian Writers Union will organise events at Tartu Literature House and the Objectives: Expansion of the international collabora- Stakeholders: The project will be implemented by Objectives: In addition to promoting literature and Association of Estonian Language Teachers will tion is one of the key objectives in Tartu City of Lite- Estonian Literary Society in partnership with seve- contributing to the dynamism of the urban space coordinate Literacy Day celebrations at schools. rature strategy for 2020-2024. UCCN membership as ral other organisations such as Tartu Department the project also aims to increase the inclusion of the well as the forthcoming European Capital of Culture of the Estonian Writers Union, bookshop Utoopia, citizens in the cultural scene. The opportunity to parti- Beneficiaries: the citizens of Tartu and the partner year 2024 are a context where special attention literary festival Prima Vista, local writers, critics, cipate also helps to make people more aware of the institutions needs to be paid to supporting mobility and providing translators, scholars, and publishers. The existing city’s identity as a City of Literature. opportunities for exchange of ideas and experience. partnership with the Department of Cultural Expected results: more attention to different types Development of the residency/mobility programs aims Research of the University of Tartu that presents Stakeholders: Estonian Literary Society will be the of literacy, improved literacy skills, increased aware- to have a noticeable impact on the following areas of Estonian Literary Society as one of the main centres coordinator of the project; all citizens who potentially ness about the SDGs, the UCCN membership and the action included in the UCCN Mission Statement: of apprenticeship for the students of literature will contribute to the project by suggesting quotes, can activities of Cities of Literature - sharing experiences, knowledge and best practices; be developed further by engaging the students in be seen as stakeholders as well as the authors whose - professional and artistic exchange programmes and conducting interviews and writing texts for the blog. quotes will be displayed. In line with UCCN objectives 1,3 and 6 networks 16 17
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