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Computing (CSI)
Division of Computing

Mission: The mission of the Division of Computing                    Students within all majors experience a variety
is to provide students with an opportunity to obtain              of programming environments including many
the knowledge of computing necessary to succeed                   microcomputer systems as well as multi-user
in today’s increasingly technical world. The division’s           environments. Students are exposed to a number
curriculum focuses on both theoretical knowledge                  of modern programming languages appropriate to
and practical applications that enrich analytic,                  their selected majors and gain valuable experience
creative, and research capabilities essential to                  with a wide selection of computer hardware and
success in various computing fields. Our curriculum               resources. This variety of resources coupled with
provides students the opportunities to pursue                     elective courses allows students to personalize the
individual interests through special topic courses,               specialized knowledge they wish to obtain.
internships, and projects that further enhance                       The division also offers minors in both computer
their learning experience outside the traditional                 science and computer information systems.
classroom setting. Introductory courses in various                Students who complete the required courses for the
computer-related topics are offered for non-                      minor can expect to obtain programming skills and
major students.                                                   general computing knowledge.

Student Learning Outcomes
Students will:                                                    COMPUTER SCIENCE
• U nderstand and be able to demonstrate analytic                   ajor: 61 credit hours
                                                                  n M
  and critical reasoning ability through algorithmic                 inor: 22 credit hours
                                                                  n M
  development and software implementation.
• Communicate effectively utilizing current
                                                                  PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS:
  technology in information systems. This includes
                                                                     ajor/Minor GPA required for
                                                                  n M
  the acquisition, summarization, and presentation
                                                                    graduation: 2.25
  of existing and synthesized knowledge.
• Demonstrate an understanding of computer
                                                                     ust take any two science courses with
                                                                  n M
  and communication systems and hardware                            a laboratory requirement
  and software systems, including the design,                        ll courses for the major and minor must
                                                                  n A
  development, implementation, and integration                      be completed with a grade of C- or better
  into an organization.
                                                                  Description of Major: Computer science majors
   Students may obtain a Bachelor of Science                      are provided with the systems programming and
degree with a major in computer science, computer                 problem-solving skills commonly expected in
information systems, computational science,                       technical positions at employers that require strong
cybersecurity, or management information systems.                 analytical and interpersonal skills. In addition,
These majors focus on the scientific and business                 they obtain the necessary theoretical background
views of computing. Students in these majors                      required to pursue further education and advanced
develop the skills essential to becoming quality                  degrees. Majors in computer science should expect
programmers. In addition, the upper-division                      employment in both the industrial sector and
requirements available to each of the majors                      scientific lab environments.
provide the necessary specialized knowledge
and skills.

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COMPUTER SCIENCE                                                    COMPUTER SCIENCE
MAJOR REQUIREMENTS                                   61 crs.        MINOR REQUIREMENTS                            22 crs.
REQUIRED COURSES                                     52 crs.        CSI 130  INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTING I                 5
CSI 130  INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTING I                      5         CSI 230  INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTING II                5
CSI 235  MATHEMATICS OF COMPUTING                         3                  ARCHITECTURE                                3
CSI 300	COMPUTER ORGANIZATION                                      CSI 330	DATA STRUCTURES AND ALGORITHMS              3
         AND ARCHITECTURE                                 3         TWO UPPER-LEVEL CSI ELECTIVES                        6
CSI 335  ANALYSIS OF ALGORITHMS                           3
CSI 345	THE STRUCTURE OF                                           COMPUTER INFORMATION
         OPERATING SYSTEMS                                3         SYSTEMS
CSI 410  SOFTWARE ENGINEERING                             3            ajor: 68 credit hours
                                                                    n M
CSI 450	COMPUTER NETWORKING                                           inor: 22 credit hours
                                                                    n M
         AND COMMUNICATIONS                               3
CSI 465  COMPILER DESIGN                                  3
                                                                    PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS:
CSI 497  SENIOR SEMINAR I                                 1
                                                                       ajor/Minor GPA required for
                                                                    n M
CSI 498  SENIOR SEMINAR II                                2
                                                                      graduation: 2.25
         AND TECHNICAL WRITING (W)                        3            ll courses for the major and minor must
                                                                    n A
MTH 210 CALCULUS I                                        4           be completed with a grade of C- or better
MTH 211 CALCULUS II                                       4
MTH 170 STATISTICS                                        4         Description of Major: Computer information
                                                                    systems majors study a variety of business-related
THREE COURSES FROM THE FOLLOWING                      9 crs.        topics in addition to their programming skills and
                                                                    formal course work in database management,
CSI 366   NUMERICAL ANALYSIS                              3
                                                                    networking, and systems analysis. The course work
                                                                    ensures that the students obtain a thorough view
          ISSUES OF COMPUTING (W)                         3
                                                                    of the modern business world and the impact
                                                                    of information technology on modern business
380-389	AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS                          3
                                                                    practices. Computer information systems majors
CSI 415   DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS                     3
                                                                    are prepared for further education in a graduate
CSI 420   ADVANCED DATABASE CONCEPTS                      3
                                                                    program or for employment in one of many
                                                                    jobs such as database administration, network
          USER INTERFACE DESIGN                           3
                                                                    administration, or applications programming.
          AUTOMATA (W)                                    3
                                                                    COMPUTER INFORMATION SYSTEMS
CSI 440   ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE                         3
                                                                    MAJOR REQUIREMENTS                            68 crs.
          INFORMATION SCIENCE                             3         REQUIRED COURSES                              62 crs.
CSI 480	INDEPENDENT STUDY IN COMPUTING                             CSI 130  INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTING I                 5
          AND INFORMATION SCIENCE                         3         CSI 215  INTRODUCTION TO DATABASES                   3
CSI 337   INFORMATION SECURITY                            3         CSI 230  INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTING II                5
CSI 445   DATA MINING                                     3         CSI 235  MATHEMATICS OF COMPUTING                    3
                                                                    CSI 300	COMPUTER ORGANIZATION
                                                                             AND ARCHITECTURE                            3
                                                                    CSI 315  SYSTEMS ANALYSIS AND DESIGN                 3

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CSI 320	INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY                                      COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE
         MANAGEMENT (W)                                   3
                                                                        ajor: 62-67 credit hours
                                                                     n M
         AND ALGORITHMS                                   3
CSI 415  ADVANCED DATABASE CONCEPTS                       3
CSI 417  PROJECT MANAGEMENT                               3
                                                                        conomics and Finance
                                                                     n E
CSI 450	COMPUTER NETWORKING AND                                        iology
                                                                     n B
         COMMUNICATIONS                                   3             hemistry
                                                                     n C
CSI 497  SENIOR SEMINAR I                                 1             athematics
                                                                     n M
CSI 498  SENIOR SEMINAR II                                2             hysics
                                                                     n P
         AND TECHNICAL WRITING (W)                        3          PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS:
ECO 211 PRINCIPLES OF MICROECONOMICS                      3             ajor/Minor GPA required for
                                                                     n M
ACC 205	PRINCIPLES OF                                                 graduation: 2.25
         FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING                             3             ll courses for the major and minor must
                                                                     n A
                                                                       be completed with a grade of C- or better
         MANAGERIAL ACCOUNTING                            3
MGT 204 PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT                          3
                                                                     Description of Major: The computational science
MKT 205 PRINCIPLES OF MARKETING                           3
                                                                     major emphasizes the use of computers and
MTH 170 STATISTICS                                        4
                                                                     mathematics in the development of solutions
                                                                     to complex problems. Students majoring in
TWO COURSES FROM THE FOLLOWING                        6 crs.
                                                                     computational science take a variety of mathematics
CSI 325  ELECTRONIC COMMERCE                              3          and computer science courses that provide the
CSI 345	THE STRUCTURE OF                                            needed theoretical foundation. Additionally,
         OPERATING SYSTEMS                                3          students take courses in a field of specialization,
CSI 369	SOCIAL, LEGAL, AND ETHICAL                                  which provides an application area. Students
         ISSUES OF COMPUTING (W)                          3          may specialize in economics and finance, biology,
CSI      SPECIAL TOPICS IN COMPUTING                                 chemistry, mathematics, or physics. Students
380-389	AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS                          3          in consultation with a faculty member may
CSI 425  WEB PROGRAMMING                                  3          also develop a field of specialization that meets
CSI 337  INFORMATION SECURITY                             3          individual interests. Computational science majors
CSI 445  DATA MINING                                      3          are prepared for a variety of careers in industry,
CSI 470	INTERNSHIP IN COMPUTING AND                                 research labs, and engineering facilities.
         INFORMATION SCIENCE                              3
         AND INFORMATION SCIENCE                          3          MAJOR REQUIREMENTS                         62-67 crs.
                                                                     REQUIRED COURSES                              42 crs.
MINOR REQUIREMENTS                                   22 crs.         CSI 130  INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTING I               5
                                                                     CSI 230  INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTING II              5
CSI 130    INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTING I                    5
                                                                     CSI 235  MATHEMATICS OF COMPUTING                  3
CSI 215    INTRODUCTION TO DATABASE                       3
                                                                     CSI 300	COMPUTER ORGANIZATION
CSI 230    INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTING II                   5
                                                                              AND ARCHITECTURE                          3
CSI 315    SYSTEMS ANALYSIS AND DESIGN                    3
                                                                     CSI 330	DATA STRUCTURES AND ALGORITHMS            3
CSI 417    PROJECT MANAGEMENT                             3
                                                                     CSI 335  ANALYSIS OF ALGORITHMS                    3
MGT 204    PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT                       3
                                                                     CSI 366  NUMERICAL ANALYSIS                        3
                                                                     CSI 450	COMPUTER NETWORKING
                                                                              AND COMMUNICATIONS                        3
                                                                     CSI 497  SENIOR SEMINAR I                          1

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CSI 498  SENIOR SEMINAR II                                2         MATHEMATICS TRACK REQUIRED COURSES 17 crs.
ENG 360	INTERDISCIPLINARY PROFESSIONAL                             MTH 212 CALCULUS III                                  4
         AND TECHNICAL WRITING (W)                        3         MTH 340 PROBABILITY                                   3
MTH 210 CALCULUS I                                        4         MTH 341 APPLIED STATISTICS                            4
MTH 211 CALCULUS II                                       4         MTH 370	DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS
                                                                             AND MODELING                                 3
ONE COURSE FROM THE FOLLOWING                         3 crs.        MTH 376 GRAPH THEORY                                  3
         OPERATING SYSTEMS                                3         PHYSICS TRACK REQUIRED COURSES                  19 crs.
         ISSUES OF COMPUTING (W)                          3                  AND THERMAL PHYSICS                          5
CSI      SPECIAL TOPICS IN COMPUTING                                PHY 222	UNIVERSITY PHYSICS II:
380-389	AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS                          3                  ELECTRICITY, MAGNETISM,
CSI 410  SOFTWARE ENGINEERING (W)                         3                  AND QUANTUM PHYSICS                          5
CSI 415  ADVANCED DATABASE CONCEPTS                       3         PHY 301 ENGINEERING MECHANICS I: STATICS              3
CSI 440  ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE                          3         PHY 302	ENGINEERING MECHANICS II:
CSI 445  DATA MINING                                      3                  DYNAMICS                                     3
CSI 465  COMPILER DESIGN                                  3         PHY 303 ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS                           3
         AND INFORMATION SCIENCE                          3
         AND INFORMATION SCIENCE                          3
                                                                       ajor: 62 credits
                                                                    n M
REQUIRED COURSES                                18-19 crs.          PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS:
MTH 170     STATISTICS                                    4
                                                                       ajor GPA required for graduation: 2.25
                                                                    n M
or                                                                     ll courses for the major must be completed
                                                                    n A
MTH 340     PROBABILITY                                   3           with a grade of C- or better
ECO 211     PRINCIPLES OF MICROECONOMICS                  3
ECO 212     PRINCIPLES OF MACROECONOMICS                  3         Mission: The mission of this program is to
FIN 308     PRINCIPLES OF BUSINESS FINANCE                3         educate students in technology and in securing
FIN 309     MONEY AND BANKING                             3         cyber systems with both technical and non-
ECO 353     MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS                          3         technical methods.

BIOLOGY TRACK REQUIRED COURSES                       22 crs.        Student Learning Outcomes
                                                                    Students will:
         AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY                            5         • D
                                                                       emonstrate analytic and critical reasoning
BIO 111	PRINCIPLES OF ORGANISMAL                                     ability through the analysis, development,
         AND POPULATION                                   5           and implementation of security solutions to
BIO 211 GENETICS                                          4           cyber systems.
CHE 105 GENERAL CHEMISTRY I                               4         • C
                                                                       ommunicate effectively utilizing current
CHE 106 GENERAL CHEMISTRY II                              4           technology in information systems, which includes
                                                                      the acquisition, summarization, and presentation
CHEMISTRY TRACK REQUIRED COURSES                     17 crs.          of existing and synthesized knowledge.
                                                                    • D
                                                                       emonstrate an understanding of security
CHE 105     GENERAL CHEMISTRY I                           4
                                                                      issues in regards to computer and
CHE 106     GENERAL CHEMISTRY II                          4
                                                                      communication systems. This includes both
CHE 205     ORGANIC CHEMISTRY I                           4
                                                                      hardware and software systems, including
CHE 300     ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY                          5

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 the design, development, implementation,                            MANAGEMENT INFORMATION
 and integration of security systems into an
                                                                     SYSTEMS (MIS)
 organization’s Infrastructure.
                                                                        ajor: 59 credits
                                                                     n M
Description of Major: Students majoring in
cybersecurity are provided with analytical and                       PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS:
problem-solving skills to evaluate and summarize                        ajor GPA required for graduation: 2.25
                                                                     n M
fundamental cybersecurity concepts, theories,                           ll courses for the major must be completed
                                                                     n A
and strategies. Additionally, they are prepared to                     with a grade of C- or better
recommend technical and non-technical security                          apstone: Senior Seminar I (CSI 497)
                                                                     n C
solutions on various cyber systems, interpret and                      and Senior Seminar II (CSI 498)
apply cyber incident response plans, and assess
risks, vulnerabilities and threats to cyber systems.                 Description of Major: Management information
They obtain the necessary theoretical background                     systems majors complete coursework in computing
required to pursue further education and advanced                    and business. They are prepared for graduate
degrees. With a major in cybersecurity, students                     study; for employment as information technology
should expect employment in both the industrial                      managers, systems analysts, or tech consultants; or
sector and in government agencies.                                   for other positions requiring an understanding of
                                                                     information technology in a business setting.
CYBERSECURITY MAJOR REQUIREMENTS                     62 crs.
CSI 215   INTRODUCTION TO DATABASES                       3          MAJOR REQUIREMENTS                            59 crs.
CSI 230   INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTING II                    5          CSI 130  INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTING I                  5
CSI 235   MATHEMATICS OF COMPUTING                        3          CSI 215  INTRODUCTION TO DATABASES                    3
CSI 300 	COMPUTER ORGANIZATION                                      CSI 230  INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTING II                 5
          AND ARCHITECTURE                                3          CSI 315  SYSTEMS ANALYSIS AN DESIGN                   3
CSI 337   INFORMATION SECURITY                            3                   MANAGEMENT (W)                               3
CSI 345	THE STRUCTURE OF                                            CSI 337  INFORMATION SECURITY                         3
          OPERATING SYSTEMS                               3          CSI 417  PROJECT MANAGEMENT                           3
CSI 355 	INFORMATION SECURITY                                       CSI 497  SENIOR SEMINAR I                             1
          POLICY AND LAW                                  3          CSI 498  SENIOR SEMINAR II                            2
CSI 357   ETHICAL HACKING                                 3          CSI 369	SOCIAL, LEGAL AND ETHICAL
CSI 377   SECURE SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT                     3                   ISSUES OF COMPUTING (W)                      3
CSI 434   INTRODUCTION TO CRYPTOGRAPHY                    3          or
CSI 445   DATA MINING                                     3          BUS 324	BUSINESS ETHICS AND CORPORATE
CSI 450	COMPUTER NETWORKING                                                  SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (W)                    3
          AND COMMUNICATIONS                              3          MGT 204 PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT                      3
CSI 457   NETWORK SECURITY                                3          ACC 205	PRINCIPLES OF FINANCIAL
CSI 467   DIGITAL FORENSICS                               3                   ACCOUNTING                                   3
CSI 497   SENIOR SEMINAR I                                1          ACC 220	ACCOUNTING INFORMATION SYSTEMS               3
CSI 498   SENIOR SEMINAR II                               2          BUS 303 BUSINESS LAW I                                3
          AND TECHNICAL WRITING (W)                       3                   BUSINESS DECISIONS                           3
MTH 170 STATISTICS                                        4          MGT 314 ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR                       3
                                                                     MGT 376 OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT                         3
                                                                     BUS 410	MANAGEMENT
                                                                              INFORMATION SYSTEMS                          3
                                                                     MTH 170 STATISTICS                                    4

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Computing (CSI)
CSI 105		                                                        1     CSI 201		                                                  (0-.5)
The fundamentals of database systems will be presented.                This course will focus on topics related to the administration
Different sections will be offered to provide students with the        of information technology systems. Topics vary each semester.
opportunity to learn a database software package. As needed.           Subjects could include, but not be limited to hardware
                                                                       maintenance, life cycle management of hardware and
CSI 106		                                                        1     software, shell scripting, system backup, system replication,
INTRODUCTION TO OPERATING SYSTEMS                                      and basic networking. May be repeated for credit 4 times.
The fundamentals of operating system use will be presented.            Prerequisites: CSI 130 and instructor consent. Each semester.
Different sections will be offered to provide students with
the opportunity to learn the use of an operating system with           CSI 215		                                                       3
different computer systems such as Windows 95, UNIX, and               INTRODUCTION TO DATABASES
the Macintosh. As needed.                                              This course covers the relational model, relational algebra,
                                                                       and SQL. In addition, the course covers relational design
CSI 107		                                                        1     principles based on dependencies and normal forms.
INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER NETWORKS                                      Additional database topics from the design and application-
The fundamentals of accessing and using computer networks              building perspective will also be covered. Prerequisite: CSI 130.
will be presented. Topics may include software and tools for           Fall, annually.
electronic mail, file transfer, terminal access, web browsing,
web page creation, and real-time computer communication.               CSI 220		                                                       3
As needed.                                                             INTRODUCTION TO PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE
                                                                       This course will introduce and explore the syntactic rules
CSI 109		                                                   1-3        and essential concepts necessary for writing programs in a
SPECIAL TOPICS IN COMPUTER USE                                         selected programming language. Specific languages will vary
This course addresses topics related to the use of specific            depending upon demand and perceived importance in the
software packages and/or systems to explore issues related             fields of computing. Prerequisite: CSI 130. As needed.
to a variety of academic disciplines. As needed.
                                                                       CSI 230		                                                       5
CSI 120		                                                        3     INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTING II
COMPUTER CONCEPTS AND APPLICATIONS                                     An introduction to software design techniques necessary
This course is intended to provide students with a general             for writing programs of moderate complexity. The course
perspective on computers and their role and other technology-          provides thorough coverage of control structures, functions,
related areas. The course provides an introduction to various          and arrays. File input and output, pointers, and recursive
common software packages (for example, word processors,                functions are introduced. Primary emphasis is on object-
spreadsheets, and presentation graphics), a history of                 oriented programming including the development of classes,
computers, basic hardware components, commonly used                    inheritance, operator overloading, and polymorphism.
number systems, logic, and algorithmic development. The                This course includes a required 2-hour lab component.
course includes a required 1-hour laboratory component.                Prerequisite: CSI 130. Each semester. IAI-CS911
Each semester.
                                                                       CSI 235 		                                                      3
CSI 130		                                                        5     MATHEMATICS OF COMPUTING
INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTING I                                            This course covers mathematical topics necessary for
An introduction to computing, programming, and problem                 understanding concepts in computer science. Topics include
solving. Topics to be discussed include computer organization,         sets, relations, functions, Boolean algebras, switching circuits,
data and information processing, computer networks, user               number theory, induction, recursion, solving recurrences,
interfaces, professional disciplines in computing, basic               introduction to pseudo-code, probability, elementary counting
programming, and software design techniques. Primary                   techniques, and graphs. May not be taken for credit towards
emphasis is on problem solving with computers. This course             a major in mathematics. Pre/co-requisite: CSI 130. Spring,
includes a required 2-hour lab meeting per week. Each                  annually. IAI-CS915
semester. Prerequisite of high school algebra proficiency or a
co-requisite of MTH 131, 133, or 210.                                  CSI 240		                                                       4
                                                                       INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER SYSTEMS
CSI 140		                                                        4     The course focuses on the operation and administration of
INTRODUCTION TO PROGRAMMING USING JAVA                                 the computer and its role in information systems. The course
This course focuses on an intense introduction to the practice         introduces topics common to all operating systems such as
of programming. Topics discussed include problem solving               CPU scheduling, memory management, and virtual memory.
strategies, algorithmic development, quality programming               This course covers an introduction to computer architecture
practices, and the implementation of algorithms using the              and organization including memory organization, processor
Java programming language. Constructs of the Java language             architecture, and instruction sets. This course cannot be
covered include but are not limited to loops, decision                 used for credit in CS or CIS. Prerequisites: CSI 230 or 140,
statements, and classes. Prerequisites: MTH 133 or equivalent.         or equivalent, and CSI 121. As needed.
As needed.

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Computing (CSI)
CSI 260		                                                       3       CSI 330		                                                        3
EVENT DRIVEN PROGRAMMING                                                DATA STRUCTURES AND ALGORITHMS
This course is an introductory course in event-driven                   A study of common and useful data structures such as
programming. It focuses on designing programs and systems               lists, stacks, queues, trees, graphs, and variations of these
that contain effective Graphical User Interfaces for computer           structures along with the essential and necessary algorithms
users. Platforms for development will include the use of                to manipulate these structures. Algorithms to be covered will
tools such as Visual Basic, web-based HTML forms, or the                include searching and sorting techniques, data traversals,
Java Abstract Windowing Toolkit. Prerequisite: CSI 130.                 graph algorithms, numerical algorithms, string algorithms,
Annually spring.                                                        and hashing. Prerequisites: CSI 230 and CSI 235 or MTH 375.
                                                                        Fall, annually. IAI-CS912
CSI 280-289		                                                   3
SPECIAL TOPICS IN COMPUTING                                             CSI 335		                                                        3
AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS                                                 ANALYSIS OF ALGORITHMS
As needed.                                                              This course introduces the student to tools and techniques
                                                                        necessary in the analysis of algorithms. The course includes
CSI 299		                                                      1-3      a systematic study of algorithms and their complexity with
PRACTICUM IN COMPUTING                                                  application to searching and sorting, pattern matching,
For students at the sophomore level or above who wish to                geometric and graph algorithms, NP-complete, and intractable
arrange a practicum in a laboratory or appropriate business             problems. The student will study mathematical concepts
learning environment in computer science. Prerequisites: 15             including summations, recurrence relations, introductory
hours of related coursework, grade point average consistent             number theory, binomial coefficients, and generating
with departmental graduation requirements, and instructor               functions. Prerequisites: CSI 330, MTH 210. Fall, even years.
consent. Note: No more than 9 credit hours combined total for
this practicum, any internship, or any independent study may            CSI 337		                                                        3
be counted toward the major.                                            INFORMATION SECURITY
                                                                        This course will provide an introduction to basic information
CSI 300		                                                       3       security principles and practices. Topics covered will include
COMPUTER ORGANIZATION AND ARCHITECTURE                                  the CIA (confidentiality, integrity, and availability) model,
This course concentrates on the relationship between                    risk management, access controls, authentication models,
computing hardware and machine language instruction sets                intrusion detection, and vulnerabilities. In addition, basic legal
as well as introductory digital electronics. The course examines        and social issues will also be covered. Prerequisite: CSI 230.
logic gates, machine language, and assembly language.                   Spring, annually.
Students will also study digital electronics and computer
circuit design with small and medium scale integrated circuits.         CSI 345		                                                        3
Several computer systems and microprocessors are used as                THE STRUCTURE OF OPERATING SYSTEMS
examples. Prerequisite: CSI 230. Fall, annually.                        The hardware and software requirements for modern
                                                                        operating systems are studied. Topics include operating
CSI 315		                                                       3       system services, file systems, CPU scheduling, deadlock,
SYSTEMS ANALYSIS AND DESIGN                                             memory management, virtual memory, disk scheduling, and
This course presents concepts, methodologies, and                       concurrent programming. Prerequisites: CSI 300, 330. Spring,
tools required for the successful analysis, design, and                 odd years.
implementation of today’s information systems. The entire
system development life cycle will be covered. In addition,             CSI 355		                                                        3
both structured and object-oriented techniques will be                  INFORMATION SECURITY POLICY AND LAW
presented. Prerequisites: CSI 215, 230. Spring, odd years.              The course will examine issues for policymakers involving
                                                                        technology and the legal system, including privacy issues, civil,
CSI 320		                                                       3       criminal, and administrative law, and information security
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT (W)                                   governance. Additionally, the course assesses policy and legal
This course emphasizes special management considerations                issues that affect security professionals. Students consider
as they relate to data processing environments. Types of                various aspects of security management including civil and
data processing organizations and options for their internal            criminal law, personnel law and constitutional rights of
structure will be addressed. Internal functions and related             individuals, legal compliance, liability, and decision-making.
aspects of data processing from planning through the life cycle         Prerequisites: CSI 337. As needed.
of an automated facility are addressed. Prerequisite: MGT 204.
Fall, even years.                                                       CSI 357		                                                        3
                                                                        ETHICAL HACKING
CSI 325		                                                       3       This course considers attacks, exploits, and techniques used to
ELECTRONIC COMMERCE                                                     penetrate application security defenses and the reduction of
This course offers a practical review of e-commerce and                 vulnerabilities to such attacks. Students learn how to protect
e-business issues. It covers the infrastructure, alternative            systems by first learning how attackers exploit systems. Topics
business models, opportunities, challenges, and pitfalls.               covered include intrusion detection, policy creation, social
Both the relevant technologies and business issues will be              engineering, DoS attacks, spearphishing, mobile code attacks,
discussed and amply exemplified. Prerequisite: MGT 204 or               buffer overflows, and virus creation. Prerequisites: CSI 355.
instructor consent. Fall, odd years.                                    As needed.

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Computing (CSI)
CSI 366		                                                         3     CSI 417		                                                        3
NUMERICAL ANALYSIS                                                      PROJECT MANAGEMENT
An introductory course in numerical methods, including                  This course will cover topics and skills that are necessary for
computational techniques for locating roots of equations,               the successful management of today’s complex information
interpolation, differentiation, integration, approximation, and         technology projects. Scheduling, cost control, and scope
systems of linear equations; to include detection, prediction,          management will each receive extensive coverage. In addition,
and control of computational errors. Problem solving using              team building, risk management, and procurement activities
mathematical software and the design of algorithms is                   will also be covered. Prerequisites: MGT 204 and either CSI 120
stressed. Prerequisites: MTH 212, CSI 230; Same as MTH 366.             or CSI 130. As needed.
Spring, odd years.
                                                                        CSI 420		                                                        3
CSI 369		                                                         3     THEORY OF PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES
SOCIAL, LEGAL AND ETHICAL                                               This course examines the organization of programming
ISSUES OF COMPUTING (W)                                                 languages, with emphasis on design concepts such as
This course addresses the ethical, legal, and social issues             language definition structures, semantics, procedural,
which affect those involved in modern computing. Specific               functional, object-oriented, and logic programming. The
topics will vary from semester to semester but general topics           major features of several programming languages will also
will include issues of privacy, security, and crime as they             be discussed. Prerequisite: CSI 330. As needed.
relate to computing. Prerequisite: Minimum of 12 hours of
completed units in CSI or instructor consent. Fall, even years.         CSI 425		                                                        3
                                                                        WEB PROGRAMMING
CSI 377		                                                         3     This course will investigate the use of programming tools
SECURE SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT                                             that are useful in developing web-based applications. A
Securing software resources is more important than ever as              portion of the course will examine client-side scripting using
many attacks are focused on the application layer. This course          tools such as JavaScript or Java applets. However, the focus
introduces a set of general software security coding practices          will be on server-side tools such as Java servlets, Perl CGI
that can be integrated into the software development                    programs or PHP scripts. The student will study how to use
lifecycle. Topics addressed may include input validation,               these programs to interact with a database system. Standard
output encoding, authentication and password management,                encryption methods for web-based applications such as the
session management, access control, cryptographic practices,            use of SSL, the secure socket layer, will also be presented.
error handling and logging, data protection, communication              Students will develop various projects that illustrate these
security, system configuration, database security, file                 points throughout the semester. Prerequisite: minimum of 15
management, and memory management. Prerequisites:                       credit hours of CSI courses including CSI 215. As needed.
CSI 330. As needed.
                                                                        CSI 430		                                  3
CSI 380-389		                                                     3     COMPUTER GRAPHICS AND USER INTERFACE DESIGN
SPECIAL TOPICS IN COMPUTING                                             This course will introduce the student to programming
                                                                        techniques necessary for the production of programs that
                                                                        produce graphical images and/or use a graphical interface.
As needed.
                                                                        Students will produce programs which use interactive
CSI 410		                                                         3     graphics and will study the necessary theory which underlies
                                                                        modern graphical programming. Topics will include drawing
SOFTWARE ENGINEERING (W)                                                algorithms, matrix manipulations, 2D and 3D rendering
This course provides students with an opportunity to work on            techniques, color models, user interface concepts, interactive
large-scale, group programming projects. Topics will include            graphics, and animation techniques. Prerequisite: CSI 330.
tools for large-scale design, documentation techniques,                 As needed.
programming paradigms (e.g. Object Oriented-Programming),
and portability issues. Prerequisite: CSI 330. Fall, odd years.         CSI 434		                                                        3
CSI 415		                                                         3     INTRODUCTION TO CRYPTOGRAPHIC
ADVANCED DATABASE CONCEPTS                                              METHODS IN CYBERSECURITY
This course will build upon the concepts presented in                   This course provides an introduction to cryptographic
CSI 215. Topics covered will include SQL tuning, and the                methods in cybersecurity, including the design and
implementation, support, and maintenance of relational                  implementation of cryptographic systems. Topics covered
databases. In addition, techniques for architecting, building,          include principles of cryptography, classical ciphers, simple
and scaling databases for future growth will be presented.              cryptanalysis, symmetric primitives, asymmetric encryption
Special emphasis will be given to database security,                    and digital signatures, and protocol design and analysis.
performance, and availability. Prerequisites: CSI 215, 300, 330.        Prerequisites: CSI 230, 235, MTH 170. As needed.
Spring, annually.

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Computing (CSI)
CSI 435		                                                         3      CSI 465		                                                       3
FORMAL LANGUAGES AND AUTOMATA (W)                                        COMPILER DESIGN
This course examines the fundamental limitations and                     The analysis of source code, generation of object code, and
properties of computation. Students will explore various                 the techniques of syntax analysis, symbol table construction,
models of computation including regular expressions, finite              and error checking are considered. Students will work on a
state machines, context-free grammars, push-down automata,               semester project to produce a high-level language compiler.
and Turing machines. Classes of languages including regular              Prerequisite: CSI 330. Spring, even years.
languages, context-free languages, recursive languages,
and RE languages will also be explored. Same as MTH 435.                 CSI 467		                                                       3
Prerequisites: CSI 330, MTH 375, ENG 360. As needed.                     DIGITAL FORENSICS
                                                                         This course covers detection and prevention of intrusions
CSI 440		                                                         3      and attacks, digital evidence collection and evaluation,
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE                                                  automatic intrusion detection, pattern matching and statistical
A study of the techniques and issues related to the study                techniques, firewalls, and vulnerability scanning. Additionally,
of Artificial Intelligence. Software design techniques and               topics regarding seizure, chain of custody, and technical issues
algorithms specific to AI will be covered including neural               in acquiring computer evidence are covered. Prerequisites: CSI
networks, decision trees, game trees, probabilistic algorithms,          355. As needed.
rule-based systems, and search strategies. Applications are
examined in game playing, pattern recognition, robotics,                 CSI 470		                                                    3-8
machine perception, expert systems, natural language                     INTERNSHIP IN COMPUTING
understanding, and machine learning. Prerequisite: CSI 330.              AND INFORMATION SCIENCE
Spring, even years.                                                      No more than three hours of this course may be applied
                                                                         towards the major.
CSI 445		                                                         3
DATA MINING                                                              CSI 480		                                                    1-3
This course is an introduction to data mining. Data mining               INDEPENDENT STUDY IN COMPUTING
is concerned with the extraction of knowledge from large
data sets. The field encompasses techniques from artificial              AND INFORMATION SCIENCE
                                                                         No more than three hours of this course may be applied
intelligence, statistics, and databases. Students are introduced
                                                                         toward the major.
to the concepts, issues, tasks, and techniques of data
mining. Topics include data preparation, exploratory data                CSI 497		                                                       1
analysis, pattern recognition, machine learning, classification,
clustering, evaluation and validation, scalability, and data             SENIOR SEMINAR I
mining applications. Prerequisites: CSI 230, MTH 170. Spring,            This capstone course combines with CSI 498 and requires
odd years.                                                               that students design and define a project. Projects will involve
                                                                         current topics in computing and information science and
CSI 450		                                                         3      incorporate material from several of the courses required for
                                                                         their major. Projects will be researched and documented. Each
                                                                         student will lead a class discussion and make a presentation
AND COMMUNICATIONS                                                       about their project proposal. Other current topics related
This course concentrates on typical hardware interfaces,                 to computing and information science as well as careers in
programming methods, and communication protocols.                        those areas are presented. Prerequisites: Senior standing in
Topics considered in detail include electrical interfaces, data          Computing and 21 CSI credit hours. Fall, annually.
transmission, protocol basics, LAN’s, WAN’s, bridged networks,
interworking, and application support. Prerequisite: CSI 300 or          CSI 498		                                                       2
instructor consent. Fall, annually.                                      SENIOR SEMINAR II
                                                                         This capstone course combines with CSI 497 and requires that
CSI 451		                                                         3
                                                                         students implement a project that was defined in the previous
BUSINESS DATA COMMUNICATIONS                                             course. Projects will involve current topics in computing and
This course presents a survey of fundamental data                        information science and incorporate material from several
communications concepts from a business management                       of the courses required for their major. Projects will be
perspective. Topics covered include networking, distributed              researched and documented with a formal paper completed
applications, network management, security, and the use of               at its conclusion. Each student will lead a class discussion and
the Internet, intranets, and extranets. Prerequisites: BUS 410,          make a formal presentation about their project. Other current
CSI 120. As needed.                                                      topics related to computing and information science as well
                                                                         as careers in those areas are presented. This course will
CSI 457		                                                         3      concentrate on the definition and design of the project to be
NETWORK SECURITY                                                         implemented. Prerequisite: CSI 497. Spring, annually.
This course introduces the student to the goals, tools,
processes, and techniques associated with network security.
Students will examine network intrusions, network traffic,
web attacks, DoS attacks, and corporate espionage. Firewalls,
intrusion detection mechanisms, and Virtual Private Networks
(VPNs) are studied. Students will develop an understanding
of telecommunications and network security protocols used
to prevent, detect, and correct potential vulnerabilities.
Prerequisites: CSI 450, 337. As needed.

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