Page created by Carol Garner

82nd Annual Commencement

      Friday, June 15, 2018
            6:30 p.m.

Kelso High School, Schroeder Field
Commencement Address
                                Max Anderson
                   Owner, Anderson & Anderson Advisory, LLC

    Max Anderson is an LCC alumnus and former
    women’s soccer coach. He served a combined
    17 years on the LCC Foundation Board and
    Board of Trustees.
    After attending LCC, Anderson received
    a Bachelor of Arts from the University of
    Washington and a Juris Doctorate from the
    University of Puget Sound School of Law.
    Along with his brother John, Anderson owns
    and operates Anderson & Anderson, LLC, an
    investment advisory firm located in Longview.
    The firm has served as the LCC Foundation’s
    Investment Advisor since 2014.
    In 2017, the Anderson Family donated $50,000 to the Lower Columbia College
    Foundation in honor and memory of their parents, David M. and Mary P. Anderson.
    The ‘Anderson Family Pavilion’ was named after the family in recognition of their
    ongoing support of the college, which has reached nearly $100,000.
    Anderson is extensively involved in community service. In addition to LCC, his
    many associations include the Cowlitz County Economic Development Council,
    The Healthcare Foundation, Rotary Club of Longview, St. Rose Catholic School,
    and youth sports. He lives in Longview with his wife Karen. They have four children.

Lower Columbia College Commencement Program
                         Prelude Concert
                         LCC Symphonic Band
                     Dr. Robert W. Davis, Director

   “March No. 1” from Pomp and Circumstance by Edward Elgar

            Heather Mansy, Chair, LCC Board of Trustees

              Alma Mater and National Anthem
                        LCC Combined Choirs
                        Gina Challed, Faculty

                  Christopher Bailey, J.D., President

                   Commencement Address
                          Max Anderson
             Owner, Anderson & Anderson Advisory, LLC

                          Student Awards
            Brendan Glaser, Vice President of Instruction
           Nolan Wheeler, Vice President of Administration

                         Student Speaker
       Clinton Howard, President, Associated Students of LCC

      Award of Degrees, Certificates, and Diplomas
            Heather Mansy, Chair, LCC Board of Trustees
                    Christopher Bailey, President
                  Kirc Roland, Director of Athletics
         Michal Ann Watts, Faculty, Transitional Studies/CEO

                         LCC Symphonic Band

Guests, for safety reasons, please remain in your seats until the faculty
 and all graduates have exited the stadium. We invite all of you to join
   us outside the stadium for a reception in honor of our graduates.
2017–2018 Outstanding Student Award Recipients
    Female Scholar Athlete............................................................................... Madison Crews
    Male Scholar Athlete........................................................................ Samuel Trend-Beacom

    Business & Information Technology
    Accounting Technician...................................................... Roxanne Frasier, Michelle Jones
    Administrative Services Manager....................................................................Emma Olivier
    Business Management........................................................... Brenna Kandoll, Cheryl Palm
    Business Transfer....................................................................Jacob Klopp, Aaron Reichert
    Computer Science............................................................................................John Hooper
    Information Technology Systems.................................................................. Zachary Dreier
    Medical Office Administration......................................................................... Tiffany Foster

    Industrial Technology
    Automotive Technology................................................................................Daniel Hegdahl
    Diesel Technology............................................................................................ Deven Miller
    Machine Trades............................................................................................... Joshua Cobb
    Welding......................................................................................................... Bethony Jones

    International Program
    International Program......................................................................................Emma Olivier

    Language & Literature
    College Level English..................................................................................... Nolan Luedke
    Pre-College English................................................................................ Lindsey Chambers
    Spanish.........................................................................................................Lillian Peterson

    Applied Mathematics................................................................................... Orion Strassner
    Pre-College Mathematics................................................................................Ann Radcliffe
    Transfer Mathematics.......................................................................................Aaron Lopez

    Natural Sciences
    Biology................................................................................................................Jacob Laes
    Chemistry...........................................................................................................Blade Ware
    Earth Science..............................................................................................Andrew Hobson
    Engineering......................................................................................................Aaron Lopez
    Physics.............................................................................................................. Larry Girard

    Nursing, Allied Health & Education
    Early Childhood Education...................................................................................... Lori Hall
    Education.......................................................................................................McKenna Paul
    Medical Assisting.............................................................................................. Nicole Davis
    Nursing.........................................................................................................Aileen Shepard

Performing & Visual Arts
Art..................................................................................................................... Nicole Davis
Communication Studies............................................................................. Alayna Dalgleish
Drama............................................................................................................... Anais Torres
Music............................................................................................................Gabrielle Riggs

Social Sciences
Anthropology.....................................................................................................Travis Hood
Chemical Dependency...................................................................... Isabell Cruz-Chisholm
Criminal Justice - AAS...................................................................................Kyle Koopman
Criminal Justice - DTA...................................................................................... Jared Carter
Economics..................................................................................................... Jade Jennings
History............................................................................................................ Christian Teal
Psychology..................................................................................................Sarah Westlund
Sociology...........................................................................................................Katlin Baker

Student Programs
Student Government................................................................................... Scotty Renslow

Transitional Studies
Adult Basic Education................................................................................. Felicia Sadburry
English as a Second Language.................................................... Alberta Rodriguez-Flores
Excellence in Nursing Awards
Fall 2017......................................................................... Elizabeth Brassfield, Sean McNeil
Winter 2018...................................................................Jamie Nygaard, Michelle Simmons
Spring 2018........................................................................... Caitlin Giamello, Layne Riggs

Longview Kiwanis Natural Science Award................................ Cole R. James

All-Washington Academic Team...........................Clinton Howard, Marinda Strine

Lower Columbia College Scholastic Achievement Awards
Transfer Degrees................................................................... Caitlin Giamello, Jacob Klopp
Professional Technical...................................................... Roxanne Frasier, Daron Wallace

Community College President’s Award
Washington State University-Vancouver......................................................Clinton Howard

Lower Columbia College Honors
Hall of Honors...................................................................................................Aaron Lopez

A Brief History of Academic Dress
    Academic dress evolved over many years from the robes worn by medieval
    students, usually clerics in the cathedral schools and monasteries established by
    the Catholic Church. In 1321, the University of Coimbra began requiring its faculty
    to wear gowns (most likely for warmth in the unheated medieval buildings). Later the
    various colleges of the University of Cambridge adopted specific styles and color
    combinations for its faculties. On May 26, 1895, institutional representatives met at
    Columbia University to establish a uniform code for U.S. academic attire.
    The hood bears the colorful standard of academic symbolism, revealing the level of
    the degree, the academic field of learning in which the degree was earned, and the
    institution that conferred the degree.
    Made of the same material as the gown, the hood varies in length from 3 feet for the
    bachelor’s degree, to 3.5 feet for the master’s and 4 feet for the doctoral degrees.
    The color or colors of the lining of the hood indicate the institution that conferred the
    degree. The hood is trimmed or edged in a border either two, three, or five inches
    wide for the respective degrees. The border color represents the faculty or field of
    study in which the degree was awarded.
    Approved cap of the academic costume is the mortarboard, a stiff 9-inch square on a
    soft cap made of the same cotton poplin or spun rayon as the gown. Velvet material
    is reserved for the Doctor’s degree. A silk cord with tassel is attached to the button in
    the center of the board. The length of the cord and tassel may vary with the degree
    of the wearer. The tassel and cord may be black for any degree, but only the Doctor
    may wear a gold metallic cord and tassel. The tassel may reflect the color of the field
    in which the degree was earned, and a few institutions use tassel colors to indicate
    academic honors.
    These colors represent the various fields of learning:
    Arts, Letters, Humanities............... White              Music............................................... Pink
    Business, Commerce..................... Olive               Nursing........................................ Apricot
    Education................................ Light Blue        Oratory, Speech.....................Silver Gray
    Economics...................................Copper          Philosophy...............................Dark Blue
    Engineering................................ Orange          Physical Education.............. Sage Green
    Fine Art......................................... Brown     Public Administration........ Peacock Blue
    Forestry....................................... Russet      Public Health...................... Salmon Pink
    Journalism................................. Crimson         Science......................................... Yellow
    Law............................................... Purple   Social Work...................................Citron
    Library Science............................ Lemon

2017–2018 Graduates
(HH) = Highest Honors: Students who have maintained a grade point average of
3.8 to 4.0 are awarded their degrees with the highest honors. Both Honors and High
Honors graduates wear a gold cord.
(H) = Honors: Students who have maintained a grade point average of 3.5 to 3.79
are awarded their degrees with honors.
(PTK) = Phi Theta Kappa: LCC students with a grade point average of 3.5 or better
are invited to join Phi Theta Kappa and remain members in good standing. Phi Theta
Kappa members wear a gold stole.
(RS) = Running Start: These students are graduating from both LCC and their
high school because they took LCC classes while still in high school. Running Start
students wear a white cord.
Red, white and blue cords honor graduates who are veterans. We are grateful for
their service.
A red/black cord indicates a TRIO Student Support Services graduate. Many are the
first in their family to graduate from college.
A purple/gold cord indicates the graduate is a member of Phi Rho Pi, the National
Forensics Honor Society for two-year colleges.
A navy blue cord indicates the graduate is a member of student government (ASLCC).
A gold medallion indicates a member of the All-Washington Academic Team.

                     Associate in Arts & Sciences
Hailey Nicole Johnston                     Courtney Michelle Welty
Janae Celeste Smith (H)

                     Associate in Applied Science
Ali A. Abas                                Katie Lynn Brown
Cassidy Brook Aguirre                      Johnathon A. Campos
Jesus M. Alejandro Jauregui                Justin L. Collins (H)
Justin David Baker                         Corina R. Comstock
Brandi Faun Ballinger (H)                  Erika C. Currier (HH, PTK)
Payton Allan Barker                        Joe Darr
Lilia Melisse Bechtel                      Nicole R. Davis
Kyle S. Boren                              Brad Daniel Delano
Robert Bruce Bornstedt                     Zachary Alan Dreier (H, PTK)
Joe C. Boydstun (HH)                       Julie A. Ducharme (H)
Amber N. Brandhorst                        Courtney Elizabeth Evans
Ashley R. Bromley                          Cheyenne Jontae Evans
                                                                      (Continued next page)
Associate in Applied Science (continued)
    Brooke Elizabeth Flint              Maria L. Mix
    Angelo Folz-Edwards (H)             Kayla Montrose Morris (H, PTK)
    Roxanne M. Frasier (HH)             Dennis Lee Mowery
    Stacie M. Freeman (PTK)             Jennifer Lynn Nelson
    Jill M. Garvey                      Daniel Michael Thomas Neves (H, PTK)
    Jessica A. Gonzalez                 Brayan E. Ortega
    Ryan R. Grable                      Cheryl F. Palm (HH)
    Colby Jonathan Gratzer (H)          John H. Pankratz
    Kevin A. Gray-Mainor                Heidi Leanne Parsons
    Katelyn L. Gwin (HH, PTK)           Stanley Morris Payne
    Sean S. Haller                      Joshua M. Pena (H, PTK)
    Devin Nicole Hamm                   Samantha Renae Penny
    Michelle Ann Hanberry (HH)          Violet Irene Peterson
    Meghan Rose Harper                  Whitney Kay Reavely (HH)
    Kristina Renee Harris               Jeffrey Forrest Reeves (H)
    Tyler J. Hartshorn (PTK)            Alexis M. Richardson (H)
    Matthew Taylor Haynes (RS)          Gary M. Rotz (H, PTK)
    Scott A. Houston (H, PTK)           Simeon J. Rutherford (RS)
    Coty F. Howell (H)                  Jessica Michell Schrader (H, PTK)
    Bryan H. Hua                        Adam Joseph Sharpe
    Taylor Paul Jacoste (HH, RS)        Jonas F. Sharron (HH)
    Sherre D. Jarquin (HH, PTK)         Erika C. Shaw
    Kayla D. Johnston                   Lucas Sibert
    Randi Marie Johnston                Jesse Scott Stewart (HH)
    Michelle D. Jones (HH)              Christin Elaine Storedahl
    Brenna A. Kandoll (HH, PTK)         Linda M. Turner (HH)
    Ma Luisa Valencia Kell              Brian J. Ure
    Kyle Dirk Koopman                   Emily N. Valenzuela
    Theresa Marie Lewis (H)             Heather Marie Varner (H, PTK)
    Henry Chil Loon Li                  Davina Lynn Vasquez
    Danyelle Atrisha Lopez              Daron R. Wallace (HH, PTK)
    Crystal Yvonne Lorensen (H, PTK)    Stephen W. Wargo III (H)
    Arix Lizbeth Martinez-Avilez        Cheyenne Rose Weaver (HH)
    Louie J. Marx                       Kyle A. Webb
    Dwane A. Mathers                    Britni Michelle West
    Tyene Edyth McDaniel (H)            Charlene M. Whisman
    Makyla Marie Meeuws (RS)            Samantha Jane Wishard
    Autumn M. Mendez (H)                Ian E. Wood (RS)
    Dennis Pat Miles (H)                Austin Robert Wyman
    Jeff M. Miller (H)

Associate in Applied Science—Transfer
Alan Boles                         Melissa Marie Housden
Alexander M. DeJaynes (HH, PTK)    Seth M. Huhta
Christopher E. Dunleavy (H, PTK)   Jessica Tashay Johnson
Ian M. Ford (H)                    Chauntelle J. Karlsen
Taylor Kay Biddix                  Amanda Michele Kendle
Cherokee Boman                     Sarah Leanne Krume (H)
Sheldon R. Brasel Jr. (H)          Amanda Nicole Leatherwood
Bryan R. Carey                     Sean R. McNeil (H)
Tyler R. Covel                     Nataliya V. Mikityuk
Tara L. Demma (HH)                 Bailey K. Mitchell (H)
Samantha Elaine Eisele (H)         Myhanh V. Nguyen (H)
Troy G. Ek                         Jennifer Marie Poe (HH)
Rebecca Jean Fabian                Monica Marie Richards
Melissa Ann Farleigh               Isatou Sinera (H)
Kelly K. Gaspar                    Benjamin Seth Stewart (H, PTK)
Rachael R. Gregory                 Kailie Mae Sullivan (H)
Zenebech Lemlem Hagos (HH)         Kathryn Jessica-Sara Trembly (HH, PTK)
Carol A. Hall (HH)                 Christohpher J. Walker (HH)
Kaitlyn Elizabeth Hort (HH)

                   Associate in Sciences–Transfer
Rachael M. Carrigan                Aaron Giovany Lopez (HH)
William Ian Darling                John David Thaddeus Muir
Kelsey Eric Engebo                 Omar Dario Hernandez Ruiz
Zorion Martin Hampton (RS)         Kelby B. Sandvick (H, PTK, RS)
Avery Shane Herbert                Eleanor G. Stalick (HH, PTK, RS)
John William Hooper (H)            Aleksandrs B. Toombs (H)
Cole R. James (H)                  Tingyi Xie
Joseph Aaron Jurvakainen

Associate in Arts (DTA)
     Jared S. Akin                        Kendra M. Cordero (HH, RS)
     Elizabeth Rose Aceveda (RS)          Cora Jean Cornell (HH, PTK)
     Dakota E. Adelblue                   Brandon Lee Cotton
     Megan O. Albright                    Madison Renee Crews (HH)
     Ella C. Alvarino (H, RS)             Alayna Rose Dalgleish (H, PTK, RS)
     Ivan Antonio Amezquita (H)           Dawson Jet Dai Dang (HH, RS)
     Katiejoy Amanda Anderson (RS)        Tara A. Darvell (RS)
     Megan L. Anthony (RS)                Kyle R. B. Daugherty (H)
     Marena Elizabeth Araujo (RS)         Mei Paj Davis (H)
     Blayze Ikaika Arcano-Llacuna         Brooke G. Deering (HH, RS)
     Aira Shannica R. Aromin (HH, RS)     Bryce J. DesArmo (RS)
     Emily D. Ashby (RS)                  Aaron W. DeWitt (RS)
     Kaylor Patrice Auger                 Miriam Michele Dobyns (H, PTK, RS)
     Christina Lau’ren Bailey             Anastasia Mary Dolan (HH, RS)
     Julia Leann Barrett                  Shanay Danielle Dotson
     Mitchell Lee Barrett                 Jenna Lea Dowling (RS)
     Angel Nicole Beaudoin (H, RS)        Savannah C. Drake (RS)
     Tayla May Beavers (H, RS)            Tanesha Sharlynn Dunkin
     Gabrielle Renee Bennett (RS)         John T. Durham
     Alice R. Berishev (H, RS)            Jonathon D. Eastman
     Aaron Thenephew Bianchi (H)          Samantha Elaine Eisele (H)
     Katlyn T. Bigley                     Stephanie Nichole Ferrell
     Kendal Rae Bishop (HH, RS)           Claire Elisabeth Fisher (H, RS)
     Emilee E. Bollibon                   Klinton J. Flowers (H, RS)
     Jenna B. Bowman (RS)                 Jayde Miranda Ann France
     Grant E. Bowser (HH, RS)             Ayleen Marie Frasier (HH, RS)
     Daylen D. Box (RS)                   Shane A. Fretwell (HH, PTK, RS)
     William Smith Braack (H, PTK, RS)    Cheyenne N. Gilbertson
     Katelyn Marie Brandenburg (H, RS)    Madison E. Gilchrist (RS)
     Connor S. Braune (RS)                Jacob R. Gisby (RS)
     Cory D. Bryan (H)                    Dana Shane Glovick (H, PTK, RS)
     Arielle Nadine-Louise Burnett        Jamie Lynn Godwin
     Blaise Christopher Byman (RS)        MacKenna M. Goldsbary (RS)
     Brielle M. Byman (RS)                Kaitlyn Marie Gomes (HH)
     Edwin D. Byman                       Noelia Lizbeth Gonzalez-Jimenez (RS)
     Corbyn D. Byrnes (RS)                Jocelyn Christine Goodnight (RS)
     Glenn John Y. Cervantes (H)          Eddy Joan Gould
     Khloe Kaylin Clark (H)               Alison R. Gower (HH)
     Kristen Sue Cole                     Victoria Rose Gower (H)
     Olivia Rae Conradi                   Michael A. Grindstaff (H)

Associate in Arts (DTA) (continued)
Kylie Jo Grisham (RS)                   Rylee Nikole Johnson (RS)
Raquel O. Guajardo                      Austyn Rae Kent
Harrison Matthew Guler (H, RS)          Megan E. Kern (H)
Allyssa M. Gustafson (HH)               Janette P. Kessler (H)
Alyson Taylor Hall (RS)                 Danica Belle Killinen (H, RS)
Carol A. Hall                           Michael L. Kimball
Camryn Lea Hansen (RS)                  Mica Sativa Marie Kincade (RS)
Blair E. Harris (H)                     Ashlin C. King (HH, RS)
Fawn Allison Harris (H)                 Kaylie Lynn Kingsley
Khyrsten B. Hart (RS)                   Danielle Soyun Kirk (H, RS)
Briana L. Harvill                       Kyndil Linn Kirkendoll (RS)
Anna B. Hatfield (H, RS)                Isaac J. Kjose (H)
Lovina D. Hayes (H, RS)                 Danielle Rose Klee (HH, RS)
Seaira A. Hazeltine (RS)                Sandra Gail Kleger
Alicia Drew Hemberry (RS)               Katelyn Ashton Komes (HH)
Taite Michael Hensley (H, RS)           Alyssa M. Koskiniemi (H, RS)
Maria Isabel Hernandez (RS)             Vikchai Tiger Ky
Jasmine A. Hibberd                      Paul D. Lacy (HH)
Carly Marie Hieber (H, RS)              Jacob Harlan Laes (HH, PTK, RS)
Lillian Ann Hill                        Alex K. LaFontaine (RS)
Chase Jake Hodkinson (H)                Megan Elizabeth Laird (H, RS)
Jacob V. Hoffmann                       Gabriel G. Larson (H, RS)
Timothy James Hofford                   Spencer A. Lester (RS)
Veronica Nicole Holyk (RS)              Brayden R. Liebe (HH, RS)
Travis Taylor Hood (H)                  Amanda L. Lilya (H)
Brittany Jean Hope                      Anna Elisa Linares (RS)
Joel A. Horton                          Keenan A. Lindsey (H, RS)
Alison Elizabeth Houglum (H, RS)        Nicholas D. Long
Bethany Marie Houtchens (HH, PTK, RS)   Madison M. Lord
Clinton Scott Howard (HH, PTK)          Nolan Edward Luedke (H)
Aiden W. Hunter (PTK)                   Danielle Marie Lund (H)
Samantha Ray Ith (HH, RS)               Caleigh Lynn Maffett (HH, PTK)
Michaela Leigh Jackson (HH)             Nicole Maureen Mallars
Julia J. Jacky (HH, RS)                 Daniel Robert Malone Buoy
Jessica R. James (RS)                   Savanna Rose Manuel (HH, RS)
Lily Ting-Marie James                   Christopher Lloyd Marthaller
Ayla Nicole Jessop (H, RS)              Ethan Andrew Mason
Mariah Lynn Johnson (RS)                Joshua D. Mason (RS)

                                                                 (Continued next page)
Associate in Arts (DTA) (continued)
     Madison Massey                       Jaret L. Rakoz (RS)
     Dalton Charles Mattison              Scotty K. Renslow (HH, PTK, RS)
     Elise M. Mayfield                    Yaritza Joceline Reyes (RS)
     Emily A. McCoy (H)                   Joseph L. Rhoades
     Emma Rose McLaughlin (HH, PTK)       Cameron Chase Rhoda (RS)
     Hailey Renee McNally (HH)            Marie Ann Rich (H, RS)
     Allison Isabelle McReary (RS)        McKenzie Dawn Richardson (RS)
     Rachael Lynn Meder (RS)              Radley D. Risner (H)
     Jeffrey Neal Meyers (HH, RS)         Griffin O. Riutta (RS)
     Chandler Michalek                    Robert Paul Riutta (HH)
     Molly Marie Mickelson (RS)           Christine I. Robbins
     Blake A. Middleton (RS)              Aro R. Roberts
     Megan E. Mueller                     John Z. Roberts (RS)
     John David Thaddeus Muir             Melany D. Roggow
     Ricky David Muzzy                    Debrah A. Rolfe (HH, RS)
     Dimitri R. Myers (H)                 KayeLyn Elizabeth Rowton (H, RS)
     Laura Kirsten Nelson                 Brian J. Sanchez
     Dyani MaryLouise Nytka-Brown         Maria Shadany Sanchez-Felix (RS)
     Rian A. Orr (H, RS)                  Jamie Lynn Sansbury
     Sarah Ila Oswalt                     Isabella E. Schafer (HH, RS)
     Courtney Ann Packard (HH, PTK)       Sarah M. Schill
     Keesha Faye Page                     Isaac Stephen Schwartz
     Miranda F. Paine (RS)                Kimberlee M. Seals
     Robert James Painter (H, PTK, RS)    Katelyn Ann Sedig (HH, RS)
     Amanda Rose Pardue (HH)              Rebecca Irene Seher
     LianHua Grace Marie Parr (HH, RS)    Katherine D. Sharer (H, RS)
     Jordi Lynnae Parsons (H, RS)         Bailey Rae Silva (H)
     McKenna A. Paul (HH)                 Brooklyn Luraine Silva (H, RS)
     Stanley Morris Payne                 Andres L. Smiley
     Travis C. Paynter                    Alivia M. Smith (RS)
     Shyanne L. Peaker                    Ethan Robert Smith (H, PTK)
     Courtney Lynn Pecha                  Miranda Elizabeth Smith (RS)
     Shana M. Penta                       Rose Dove Smith (HH, RS)
     Lillian M. Peterson (H, PTK)         Sarra R. Soladey (HH, PTK, RS)
     Ross E. Philbrook (H, RS)            Samantha M. Sosa (H, RS)
     Rebecca Joy Pickner (RS)             Allie Marie Soyars (HH, PTK)
     Ariana G. Preciado (RS)              Taylor Louise Spears (RS)
     Shawn Alan Preston                   Makenna R. Speed (H, RS)
     Reed Everett Prewitt                 Kolby M. Spicer (HH, RS)
     Ann G. Radcliffe (HH, PTK)           Jack W. Spiess (RS)
Associate in Arts (DTA) (continued)
Haylee Hazel Stack (HH, RS)            Diana I. Vidal Bueno (H)
Trisha A. Stahley (HH)                 Halley Renee Ware (HH, RS)
Eleanor G. Stalick (HH, PTK, RS)       Kellie Ruth Webber (RS)
Zachary L. Stariha                     Olivia Jacklyn Weisenborn
Dawson H. Stenersen (HH, RS)           Courtney Christian Werner
Krysten Anne Stewart (HH, PTK)         William A.D. Wesley (H)
Marinda J. Strine (HH, PTK, RS)        Arrah M. Westling (RS)
Jacob D. Sturm (RS)                    Maya Lynne White (H, RS)
Colten J. Sullivent                    Harlan Michael Williams (PTK)
Camden Dean Swanson (HH, PTK, RS)      Sarah Jean Williams
Spencer Rick Sweet                     Shelbee Renee Wilson (H)
Nicole Renae Taylor                    Ellie Mei Le Winn (H, RS)
Warren Preston Taylor (RS)             Olivia Lane Winters (H)
Christian Alain Teal (HH, PTK, RS)     Maegan Cheryl Witt
Evan M. Teal (RS)                      Kelsey Laine Woelk (RS)
Justine Noel Tenkley                   Gunnar L. Womack
Kharece Kathleen Tevis                 Beau Jeffrey Wood
Taylor Ann Toftemark (H)               Ellie Bronwyn Woodard (RS)
Anais Andrea Torres Gonzalez           Gloria Z. Woods (H, RS)
Sam Trend (H)                          Kaytrina May Lynn Woodward (HH)
Anna C. Trendell (RS)                  Kaitlyn M. Wright (RS)
Jeffrey Roger Tripp                    Kylea Sue Young (H, RS)
Trystan Kayelee Turner                 Sierra Young (RS)
Vladislav V. Vasilichenko
Alexandreah Lynn Vaughn (H)
Colton R. Verhoef (H)

                      Associate in Major (DTA/MRP)
Ashlie Renee Anderson                  Michelle Annette Buhman
Jamila Archer (H)                      Jodi Lynn Byman (HH)
Matthew Clifford Bartness              Michael Anthony Chambers (PTK)
Jenna L. Barton (H)                    Xuxin Chen
Brittney Rebecca Benedict              Erika A. Dailey (H)
Alexa R. Bond (H)                      Jennifer K. Davidchik (H)
Elizabeth Jolie Brassfield (HH)        Angela M. Davis (H)
Dena M. Brawley                        Kristin Irene Ellison (HH)
Amanda N. Britt                        Brooke A. Fleager (HH)

Associate in Major (DTA/MRP) (continued)
     Jenny Lee Ford (H)                  Candace M. Melerine (H)
     Matthew Todd Frank                  Jose Mendoza
     Hirut T. Geberehanna                Leslie Christine Miller
     Dagmawi A. Getahun                  Kyann Helena Muonio (HH)
     Caitlin Nicole Giamello (HH, PTK)   Gloria Dorothy Nakigudde (H)
     Brenda Rae Giberson (H)             Karen Ngo (H)
     Olga Goncharenko                    Caren Cathleen-Connell Noehl
     Patricia G. Gonzalez (H)            Mildred Mae Nyberg
     Leslie N. Gonzalez (H)              Jamie Nichole Nygaard (HH, PTK)
     Qiuyi Gu                            Matthew Scott Paulus (H)
     Monica E. Guisinger (H)             Valerie Gayle Peerboom (H)
     Ashley E. Hall (HH)                 Karena Loraine Pierce (HH, RS)
     Yianne Huang                        Pavel Pavlovich Pisarchuk (RS)
     Semere S. Huckleberry               Sergei P. Ponkratov
     Bianca Elisabeth Huhta (H)          Sarah Jane Randall
     Patrick Pal Istvan                  Michael E. Rea (H)
     Lily Ting-Marie James               Aaron Mathew Reichert (HH)
     Emily Ann Jennings (H)              Raven N. Riedesel (H)
     Alexandria Shannon Kahakua          Violetta Roberts (H)
     Heidi Lynnette Kangas               Heather Rose-Marie Rogers (H)
     Jill Alison Kaski (H)               Aileen Shepard (HH, PTK)
     Syrah Abrielle Kettlety (H)         Michelle Renae Simmons (HH, PTK)
     Jacob A. Klopp (HH)                 Lily M. Simonis
     Rachael B. LaBerge                  Jaynie Renae Snaza (H)
     Megan J. Leake                      Savannah R. Sprouse (H)
     Cole W. Leppert (H)                 Shawntel Mae Staats (HH)
     Wenyu Li (H, PTK)                   Taylor Rayanne Sweeney
     Michelle Nicole Lien                David Nikolayevich Tsybikov
     Ashleigh Leann Linn                 Amy Marie Wakatake (HH)
     Ashley J. Masters (HH, RS)          Kortni Lynn Waldo
     Kiana Leolani Mawae                 Leah O. Walker (H)
     Casey Michael Maxwell               Zhuo Yao (HH)
     Melissa Fay Maynard                 Makenna Lynne Zintz
     Kody A.J. McCarthy (H, PTK)         Katie L. Zuchero
     Jori Marie McEntire (H)
     Troy Hunter McGowen

Certificate of Proficiency
Robert Bruce Bornstedt                    Theresa Marie Lewis
Amber N. Brandhorst                       Danyelle Atrisha Lopez
Kasey M. Brown                            Arix Lizbeth Martinez-Avilez
Matthew Curtis Burgy                      Louie J. Marx
Laurel Tierre Ceniceros                   Dwane A. Mathers
Nicole R. Davis                           Janet Njeri Mwai
Heidi L. Edwards                          Violet Irene Peterson
Cheyenne J. Evans                         Estefani Melisa Ramirez
Brooke Elizabeth Flint                    Whitney Kay Reavely
Angelo Folz-Edwards                       Erika Christine Shaw
Kevin A. Gray-Mainor                      Lucas Sibert
Devin Nicole Hamm                         Christin Elaine Storedahl
Rendell O. Harris                         Stephen W. Wargo III
Bryan H. Hua                              Kyle A Webb
Aaron Krell                               Samantha Jane Wishard
Kristi Latshaw

                              CEO Graduates
Johnathan Armstrong           Tiarra Karrer                  Isaiah Rein
Tessa Beck                    Michael J. Lavendar            Adonya Rooney
Eli Bernal                    Eian Longnecker                Kayla Shiloh
Dacoda Biggs                  Kyle Mendoza Lopez             Shalene Sonnabend
D’Allen Black                 Skye Lowe                      Rylea Jo Thomasson
Theodore Garcia-Boldlt        Chase Lowe                     Ezra Thompson
Jade C. Brown                 Gabriel Luchmun                Peyton Torma
Arryn Cox                     Alexsys Pheonyx Manning        Ashten Marie Wagoner
Kessiah Daggett               Adrian Martinez                Antonio Waldo
Joseph James Duncan           Jordan McIntyre                Austin Wanderscheid
Taylor Finkas                 Courtney Miller                Gabriel Watkins
McKenzie Christiana Fraenza   A.J. Nodurft                   Frank Wilson
Mykela Frisbie                Sebastian Omnik                Logan Wornick
Paula Castillo-Garcia         CheyeAnna Celine Peroutka      Crystal Xhepaj
Rylee Grizzle                 Tanner J. Peterson             Kyle Yankee
Troy Hopkins                  Anthony Phelan                 Logan Young
Skyler Jones                  Katelynn S. Rather

High School 21+
     Garrett Alton		           Lindze L. Lawrence			Grant C. Ross
     Rosa I. Bernal		          Erika Sanchez Lopez		Kayla R. Roundtree
     Robert D. Brandhorst      Araceli Salas Magana		Felicia M. Harper Sadberry
     Emilia Cabrera		          Brandon Malakowsky		Maria L. Santiago
     Amilynn J. Campisi		      Brandon Mapes			James B. Schick
     Bunna Chhun		             Marcel Markiewicz			Krista L. Shipman
     Holly Swogger-Cogburn     Nathaniel L. Martin			Dulce G. Ramirez Solorzano
     Thomas Cummings		         Natasha McLaughlin		Brittany Stroud
     Abbigail Duke		           Sarina Mendez			Minna P. Sutinen
     Natalee L. Foxglove       Sheila Nichols			Lorraine P. Suttles
     Laurie L. Free		          Sally Nunn 			Patricia Swanson
     Erika D. Freeman          Cynthia Pack			Christopher Tauti
     Holly Garay               Carrie M. Parker			Sandra E. Villar
     Griselda Gonzalez         Brandon Patroni			Yiqiong Wang
     Oscar E. Cabrera Gonzalez Nghiem Pham			Rachael A. Webb
     Richard Hazeltine         Nagwa Pomerinke			Miranda Werner
     Christopher B. Johnson    Shawna Prelle			Angela White
     Edwin K. Karuru			Manuel L. Rascon			Loyed Williams
     Beau J. Kesler		          Heidi Reinhardt			Summer R. Willson
     Burrell Knotts			Linda Rios			Ashley A. Wornick
     Ratjiporn Kruasing			Kyra Robertson			Yan Xia Yang

     Chloe Elliston		         Thomas Flood		           Lydia Davies
     Jacob Everett		          Cassidy Sutton		         Colby Martinot
     Catherine Ellis		        Alexander Heinl		        Tristin Ruzek
     Richard White		          Austen Huffman		         Laura Gomez
     Bryan Sanchez		          Tayhae Murphy		          Lauren Haakinson

           Join Us for a Reception
            Celebrating Our 2018
                Sponsored by the LCC Foundation
Lower Columbia College Board of Trustees
Heather Mansy, Chair                 Bob Gregory               George Raiter
Steve Vincent, Vice Chair            Heidi Heywood

                            College Administration
Christopher C. Bailey (2011), President
    B.A., Western Washington University; J.D., University of Washington School of Law
Brendan Glaser (1990), Vice President of Instruction
   B.S., University of Northern Colorado; M.B.A., Pacific Lutheran University
Sue Orchard (2016), Vice President of Student Services
   B.A. and M.A., Eastern Washington University; Psy.D, Pacific University School of
   Professional Psychology
Kendra Sprague (2011), Vice President of Foundation, Human Resources & Legal Affairs
   B.A., Washington State University; J.D., Willamette University College of Law
Nolan Wheeler (1994), Vice President of Administration
   A.A., Lower Columbia College; B.A., Western Washington University;
   M.B.A., University of Phoenix
Wendy Hall (2003), Associate Vice President of Effectiveness & College Relations
  B.A., Whitman College; M.P.A., University of Washington
Karen Joiner (1993), Executive Dean of Instructional Programs & Director of Nursing
   A.A., Lower Columbia College; B.S.N., University of the State of New York;
   M.S., University of Portland
Kyle Hammon (2008), Dean of Instructional Programs
    B.S., M.S., University of Oregon
Tamra Bell (2007), Dean of Instructional Programs
   A.A., Lower Columbia College; B.S., M.S., Warner Pacific College
Melinda Harbaugh (2013), Dean of Instructional Programs & Library Director
    B.A., Louisiana State University; Masters in Instructional Technology, Georgia
    Southern University
Theresa Stalick (2011), Associate Dean for Basic Education
   B.A., University of Oregon; M.A., University of Idaho

                Lower Columbia College Associations
Rich Gushman, President, LCC Foundation
Tracy Stanley, Chief Steward, Washington Federation of State Employees
Brad Benjamin, President, LCC Faculty Association
Clinton Howard, President, Associated Students of LCC
Lower Columbia College Faculty
     1974                           2002                      2010
     David N. McCarthy, Ph.D.       Donald Derkacht           Merry Bond
                                    Armando Herbelin, Ph.D.   Cameron Castrejon*
                                                              Gina Challed
     Michael J. Strayer             2003
                                                              Brittany Johnson*
                                    Dawn Draus
     1984                                                     Mavoureen Rister*
                                    David L. Rosi
     David L. Benson                                          Loreen Schultz*
                                    2004                      Michael Skeie*
                                    Klint D. Hull
     Susan Jackson*                                           2011
                                    Louis LaPierre, Ph.D.
     Rhonda Meyers                                            Jennifer Houge
                                    Annette Ward
     Trudy Woods*                                             Corry Kile
                                    2005                      Holly McShane*
                                    Kurt Harbaugh*            Lucas Myers
     Maggie A. Stuart
                                    Mary M. Leach             Julie Pecore*
     1993                           Allison McCrady*          Barry J. Walther ±
     Anita Quirk, J.D.              Connie Ramos
     Richard J. Swee ±                                        2012
                                    2006                      Robert Davis, Ph.D.
     1994                           Suzanne Akins-Field *     Nicole DiGerlando
     Alex Emerson                   Timothy Allwine
     Kam V. Todd                                              2013
                                    Hiedi Bauer
                                                              Mark Gaither
     1995                           Nadine Lemmons
                                                              Amber Lemiere
     Nonnie Weaver                  Sylvia Yarbrough-Hall*
                                                              Gary Roeske
     1996                           2007                      Josie Zbaeren
     Terri Skeie                    Courtney Shah, Ph.D.
     Judy VanderMaten*              2008                      Jacquelyn Dailey
     1997                           Brad Benjamin             Mary Hebert
     Ken Ecklund                    Dana Cummings
                                    James Dillinger
     1998                                                     Trey Batey, Ph.D.
                                    James Franz
     Randal D. Byrum                                          J. Haynes-Hughes, Ph.M.
                                    Katrina Fuller
     Sue Homme*                                               Jason Malozzi
                                    Jessica Kooiman*
     James Tucker*                                            Elizabeth Richard
                                    Peteris Livins, Ph.D.
     Ann R. Williamson                                        Stefan Rijnhart
                                    Stefanie Neill
                                                              Shari Samuels, Ph.D.
     1999                           Elena Ross
                                                              Nathan Shepherd
     Becky Connolly                 Michal Ann Watts
     Jeanne L. Hamer                                          2016
     Claudia Moreno*                                          Alex Brehm
                                    Lori Babbick*
     Tamara Norton                                            Lindsay Keevy
                                    Elizabeth Engel
     Jim C. Stanley                                           David Pittsley
                                    Katie Graham* ±
     2000                           Michael Kohlmeier*        Morgan Salisbury, Ph.D.
     Adam Wolfer, Ph.D. ±           Deane Morrison*           2017
     2001                                                     Jennie Mynhier
     Bryn Byker*                                              Esther Sexton
     Ray Cooper*
     Kathy Stafford                                                                  * Affiliate
                                                                             Faculty Marshals
2017–18 Lower Columbia College Retirees
Special thanks to the following LCC faculty and staff for their outstanding
service and dedication to our students and staff.
Faculty                            Classified Staff                 Exempt
David Benson (6/18/18)             Joyce Mills (7/31/17)            Rodney Ramer (4/30/18)
Cary Rhode (1/2/18)                Christopher Nelson (5/25/18)     Carleen Wolgamott (9/4/18)
                                   Karla Rivers (8/31/18)
                                   Tamie Yokel (9/5/17)
                                   Jim Young (9/5/18)

            Lower Columbia College Emeritus Recipients
Dr. Vernon Pickett, President Emeritus, 1997       Ms. Helen Kuebel, Dean Emeritus, 2011
Dr. Donald Fuller, Dean Emeritus, 1998             Dr. James McLaughlin, President Emeritus, 2011
Mr. Hilmar Kuebel, Dean Emeritus, 1999             Mr. Mike Dugaw, Faculty Emeritus, 2011
Mr. Bruce Cardwell, Trustee Emeritus, 2000         Mr. George Dennis, Faculty Emeritus, 2011
Mr. Gary Healea, Trustee Emeritus, 2005            Mr. Richard Kelley, Faculty Emeritus, 2011
Dr. Kurtz Carpenter, Faculty Emeritus, 2005        Dr. Jerry Zimmerman, Faculty Emeritus, 2013
Mr. Lionel Livermore, Faculty Emeritus, 2005       Ms. Kathy Meier, Faculty Emeritus, 2014
Ms. Carol McNair, Faculty Emeritus, 2006           Mr. Don Correll, 2017
Ms. Ann Mottet, Trustee Emeritus, 2006             Mr. Dave Cordero, 2017
Dr. Clint Benjamin, Faculty Emeritus, 2008         Ms. Darlene de Vida, 2017
Mr. Lyle Lovingfoss, Trustee Emeritus, 2009        Ms. Sharon Layton, 2017
Ms. Kathy Demarest, Faculty Emeritus, 2010         Dr. Joel Schaaf, 2017
Ms. Mary Harding, Vice President Emeritus, 2010    Mr. Mark Bergeson, 2018
Ms. Mary Stone, Faculty Emeritus, 2011

Lower Columbia College Alma Mater
These welcome halls that we have come to know
As we push forward
Where we’ve learned and come to grow                                            The music and lyrics for
Have helped us look ever onward                                                 LCC’s new Alma Mater
Standing with our Alma Mater                                                    were introduced in 2017.
Always by her side                                                              Composer: Yana Pisarchuk,
We will travel near and far                                                     LCC Class of 2017.
But always on our mind and deep within our hearts                               Lyricist: Alex Blum,
LCC we will always cherish thee                                                 LCC Class of 2016.
Our community among the rivers three
Thanks to you, Our beloved LCC

         Special Thanks to:
         The Lower Columbia College Foundation for sponsoring
         portions of this event. For more information about the
         LCC Foundation, please contact the Foundation office,
         360.442.2130, or go to
         Banda’s Bouquets, for providing the floral arrangement.

  Note: Restrooms are located mid-level in the stadium near the elevators.
  Portable restrooms are located behind the stadium on the ground level.

Commencement Photos
LCC contracts with GradImages to take professional photographs of each graduate
during Commencement. At the Commencement rehearsal, graduates can provide
contact information, either e-mail or mailing address, to receive photo proofs
and instructions on how to purchase copies. Find more information and a link at

Lower Columbia College provides equal opportunity in education and employment and does not discriminate on
the basis of race, color, national origin, age, perceived or actual physical or mental disability, pregnancy, genetic
information, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, creed, religion, honorably discharged veteran or
military status, or use of a trained guide dog or service animal. All inquiries regarding compliance with access, equal
opportunity and/or grievance procedures should be directed to Vice President of Foundation, HR & Legal Affairs,1600
Maple Street, PO Box 3010, Longview, WA 98632, Phone number, 360.442.2120, Phone number/TTY 800.833.6388.
Learn more at
1600 Maple Street, Longview, WA 98632
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