Page created by Deborah Wells
Focal point for S&T :
Prof Dr Ir Nicolas Gascoin,

                                       COMING IN FRANCE TO WORK AS
                                           A RESEARCHER / PH.D
                                                                                     THE SCIENTIFIC VISA
                                                                                               Version 1 – February 2016

                                     Ce document est la propriété de l’Ambassade de France en Indonésie. Il ne peut être communiqué à des tiers et/ou reproduit sans l’autorisation préalable
                                      écrite de l’Ambassade de France en Indonésie et son contenu ne peut être divulgué. This document and the information contained herein is proprietary
                                       information of French Embassy in Indonesia and shall not be disclosed or reproduced without the prior authorization of french Embassy in Indonesia.
Focal point for S&T :
Prof Dr Ir Nicolas Gascoin,
                                                                                       VISA PROCEDURES

                                                                                                  The host institution legal
                                           The host institution                                      representative (or its                                        The competent Prefecture
                                     1   establishes the Hosting
                                                                                          2      delegate) signs the Hosting                               3          stamps the Hosting

         The Scientific Visa
     exempts the researcher to
       request a work permit                                                                       The Hosting Agreement is                        The national applicant may also request a
                                                                                                     sent to the applicant                         Visa with the mention « Scientifique »
                                                                                                                                                   (scientific) to the relevant diplomatic post

                                         Stay < 3 months
                                                                                                                                                                            Stay ≤ 1 year
                                              The applicant is                                                                                                    Application for
                                           automatically issued a
                                          Short-Stay Visa with « C »
                                                                                                                           !   No need for Resident
                                                                                                                                 Permit procedures
                                                                                                                                                                  Long-Stay Visa

                                                                                                                                                                            Stay > 1 year
                                                                                                                                                                 Application for
                                                                                                                    At the end of the first year of
                                                                                                                                                               Multi-Year Resident
                                                                                                                  stay, during the 2 months prior
                                                                                                                    the expiration of the VLS-TS
                                               Ce document est la propriété de l’Ambassade de France en Indonésie. Il ne peut être communiqué à des tiers et/ou reproduit sans l’autorisation préalable écrite de
                                              l’Ambassade de France en Indonésie et son contenu ne peut être divulgué. This document and the information contained herein is proprietary information of French      2
                                                                Embassy in Indonesia and shall not be disclosed or reproduced without the prior authorization of french Embassy in Indonesia.
Focal point for S&T :
Prof Dr Ir Nicolas Gascoin,

 context                                                                             FOR WHOM?

                                                         FOREIGN NATIONALS
                                                         Non national
           Private / public research /                     of an EU
        higher education organisations                     member
                                                                                       With qualification at least equivalent to a master's degree
        which have been authorized by
       the ministry of higher education
                 and research
                                                         Non national of                Researchers
                                                          another state
                                                          being part of
                                                          the European                    teacher-
                                                                                        researchers                   Coming to France for the aim of leading
                                                                                       Ph.D students
                                                                                                                        scientific researches or delivering
                                                                                        employed for                           university education
                                                           Non Swiss                       studies
                                                            national                        (all kind of

                                      Ce document est la propriété de l’Ambassade de France en Indonésie. Il ne peut être communiqué à des tiers et/ou reproduit sans l’autorisation préalable écrite de
                                     l’Ambassade de France en Indonésie et son contenu ne peut être divulgué. This document and the information contained herein is proprietary information of French      3
                                                       Embassy in Indonesia and shall not be disclosed or reproduced without the prior authorization of french Embassy in Indonesia.
Focal point for S&T :
Prof Dr Ir Nicolas Gascoin,

                                         THE HOSTING AGREEMENT (CONVENTION D’ACCUEIL)
                                           WHAT IS IT?
                                           A single document which justifies to consular authorities :
                                                             Reasons for coming to France
                                                             Ressources
                                                             Accomodation
                                                             Health insurance
              Ph.D students are                              Work accident insurance
               concerned too!!

                                                                                           Host      • Certified by Ministry of Higher Education and Research

             The host institution                                                                                Hosting
                                                                                                                                        • Delivered by host institution
         undertakes that the national
              has the necessary
         ressources but not to be its


                                                                                                                                                              Thanks to Hosting Agreement
                                     •   It is not required to produce a Employment Contract when applying for VISA
                                     •   On the agreement, the host institution could be indicated as the residence adress

                                            Ce document est la propriété de l’Ambassade de France en Indonésie. Il ne peut être communiqué à des tiers et/ou reproduit sans l’autorisation préalable écrite de
                                           l’Ambassade de France en Indonésie et son contenu ne peut être divulgué. This document and the information contained herein is proprietary information of French      4
                                                             Embassy in Indonesia and shall not be disclosed or reproduced without the prior authorization of french Embassy in Indonesia.
Focal point for S&T :
Prof Dr Ir Nicolas Gascoin,

                                                  VISA LONG SÉJOUR VALANT TITRE DE SÉJOUR (VLS-TS)
 procedures                                                       ( LONG STAY VISA EQUIVALENT TO RESIDENCE PERMIT )
                                       & TEMPORARY RESIDENT PERMIT « SCIENTIFIQUE-CHERCHEUR »
 (stay ≥1 year)

                       OFII                                     The VLS-TS allows on its own to be on the French territory without any
       Office Français de l’Intégration
             et de l’Immigration
                                                                              obligation to request a Residence Permit.
      (Migration and Integration French Office)                                          It is valid for 1 year.

                                           HOW TO ACHIEVE THEM?                                     No later than 3 months after the arrival in France

                                                                                                              Filling and transmiting the
                                                                                                            Medical Certificate to the OFII                               Securised sticker is affixed
                                                   Arrival in France                                       in charge of place of residence                                on the passport to validate
                                                                                                                                                                                  the VLS-TS
                                             • Passport                                                •    Passport
                                       1     • Visa                                               2    •    Medical certificate                                   3

                                                          At the end
                                                                        Lodging a Temporary Resident
                                                          of the 1st           Permit application                                              Temporary Resident Permit with
                                                          year of stay                                                                           the mention « Scientifique-
                                                                        to place of residence Prefecture
                                                          (if the stay                                                                             Chercheur » (scientist-
                                                          is extended) no later than 2 months before the                                                researcher)
                                                                                     VLS-TS expiration
                                                                   4                                                                    5
                                                                                                                                                                                        National’s action

                                                                                                                                                                                        French Authorities’ action

                                                                                                                                                                                       Needed documents

                                                    Ce document est la propriété de l’Ambassade de France en Indonésie. Il ne peut être communiqué à des tiers et/ou reproduit sans l’autorisation préalable écrite de
                                                   l’Ambassade de France en Indonésie et son contenu ne peut être divulgué. This document and the information contained herein is proprietary information of French      5
                                                                     Embassy in Indonesia and shall not be disclosed or reproduced without the prior authorization of french Embassy in Indonesia.
Focal point for S&T :
Prof Dr Ir Nicolas Gascoin,

                                                           CARTE/PERMIS DE SEJOUR TEMPORAIRE
procedures                                                 MENTION « SCIENTIFIQUE-CHERCHEUR »

                                                 HOW TO OBTAIN IT?
                                                 Request for                                 Receipt for                               Compulsory                                Picking up the
                                                 Temporary                                   Residence Permit                          medical control                           Residence Permit
                                                 Residence Permit                            applications issue
                                                 to the Prefecture
                                                 during the 2
                                                 months before                                                                                                                       • Mail
        In French official documents you         VLS-TS expiration                                                                                                                     convocation
            may found « RESIDENCE                                                                                                                                                    • at the
         PERMIT » under the following                     • Hosting Agreement                                                                                                          Prefecture in
                     names :                              • Attestation from                                                                                                           person
                                                            the Hosting
        PERMIS DE SÉJOUR / CARTE                            Agreement issuing
          DE SÉJOUR / TITRE DE                              agency that
                SÉJOUR                                      confirmed the
                                                            continuation of                          • Valid for 3 months
                                                            education                                • Certifies lodging of                                                             • Hosting Agreement
                                                            activities planned                         the application                                                                    request attestation
                                                                                                     • Valid only                             • Carried out by the
                                                            by the Agreement                                                                    OFII regional                           • Picking up
                                                          • Form entilted                              accompagnied by                                                                    convocation
                                                                                                       the passport                             delegations
                                                            « Demande de                                                                      • Notification by mail                    • OFII stamps (to pay
                                                            contrôle médical                         • Do not allows to                                                                   taxes indicated in
                                                            en vue de la                               travel through                                                                     the convocation)
                                                            première                                   Schengen Area
                                                            délivrance d’un                                                                                                             Needed documents
                                                            titre de séjour »
                                                            (Request for
                                                            medical control for
                                                            the purpose of                                •    Stay > 1 year
                                                            Residence Permit                              •    For holder of VLS-TS
                                                            first issue)                                  •    May be multi-annual
                                                                                                          •    Labelled « Scientifique-Chercheur »
                                                          Needed documents                                •    = Work Permit required by the French Labor Code

                                            Ce document est la propriété de l’Ambassade de France en Indonésie. Il ne peut être communiqué à des tiers et/ou reproduit sans l’autorisation préalable écrite de
                                           l’Ambassade de France en Indonésie et son contenu ne peut être divulgué. This document and the information contained herein is proprietary information of French      6
                                                             Embassy in Indonesia and shall not be disclosed or reproduced without the prior authorization of french Embassy in Indonesia.
Focal point for S&T :
Prof Dr Ir Nicolas Gascoin,

                                                        CARTE BLEUE EUROPÉENNE (CBE)

procedures                                                                              (EUROPEAN BLUE CARD)
(stay >2 years)

                                     WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW
                                              Allows to stay in France to work on a highly qualified employment with no longer grounded employment
                                               situation abroad.
                                              Maximal duration of 3 years
                                              Renewabled
                                              Reserved to foreigners holding a contract of employment (scientists including)
                                                  • for a period ≥ 1 year
                                                  • with a gross annual remuneration ≥ 1.5 x avarage annual gross salary of a fixed reference

                Allows the worker’s family :                                                                                5 years of residence in
   •       Adult spouses                                                                                                       European Union
   •       Children who have entered france when they
           were minor and have becamed major                                                                              WITHOUT INTERRUPTION
         To benefit in its own right of the Residence
          Permit with the mention « Vie Privée et                                                                           2 years of residence in
       Familiale » (private and family life) renewed untill                                                               France prior to submitting
            the CBE holder fulfills the conditions                                                                              the application
                                                                             Residence                                                 +
                                                                              Permit                                         Justifying of his/her
                                                                                                                           intent to settle in France                                Resident Permit
                                                                                                                                                                                       with mention
                                                                                                                                                                                      « Résident de
                                                                                                                                                                                      longue durée-
                                               VLS-TS                                                                                                                                      CE »
                                              issuance                                                                                                                               (long-term resident
                                                                                                                                                                                      – European card)

                                                Ce document est la propriété de l’Ambassade de France en Indonésie. Il ne peut être communiqué à des tiers et/ou reproduit sans l’autorisation préalable écrite de
                                               l’Ambassade de France en Indonésie et son contenu ne peut être divulgué. This document and the information contained herein is proprietary information of French      7
                                                                 Embassy in Indonesia and shall not be disclosed or reproduced without the prior authorization of french Embassy in Indonesia.
Focal point for S&T :
Prof Dr Ir Nicolas Gascoin,
                                                                    CARTE/PERMIS DE SEJOUR TEMPORAIRE
  Additional                                                        MENTION « SCIENTIFIQUE-CHERCHEUR »
  information                           WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW
                                     2 / 3 / 4 years as a maximum following the research work time remaining specified by the Hosting Agreement

                                     End of Validity                                                                        Ph.D with Hosting Agreement + VLS-TS with « scientifique-chercheur » mention
                                         The renewing may be granted upon presentation of                                       •   may receive a multiannual Residence Permit for 2 years
                                         • the Hosting Agreement                                                                    when the VLS-TS will expire.
                                         • an attestation from the Hosting Agreement issuing                                    •   If thesis supervisor certifies of research works/thesis
                                           authority that confirms the further research/higher                                      defence date > inital 3 years duration : may obtain a
                                           education activities indicated in the agreement                                          multiannual Residence Permit for 3 years

                                      Resident permit withdrawal                                                                     If a national holding a resident permit with the mention
                                        When its holder no longer fulfils the conditions required
                                                                                                                                    « scientifique-chercheur » or « carte bleue européenne »
                                                             for its issuing
                                                                                                                                            is unintentionally deprived of employment.

                                                                                                                                                                    •   during the medical control
                                                                                                            Applicant’s presence is only needed                     •   for picking up the Residence Permit

                                         •      The request for Residence Permit may be done by a representative of the host institution
                                         •      The attestation may be transmitted to the representative who will deliver it to the applicant

                                                    Ce document est la propriété de l’Ambassade de France en Indonésie. Il ne peut être communiqué à des tiers et/ou reproduit sans l’autorisation préalable écrite de
                                                   l’Ambassade de France en Indonésie et son contenu ne peut être divulgué. This document and the information contained herein is proprietary information of French      8
                                                                     Embassy in Indonesia and shall not be disclosed or reproduced without the prior authorization of french Embassy in Indonesia.
Focal point for S&T :
Prof Dr Ir Nicolas Gascoin,

                                                         SPECIFIC SITUATION :
additional                                      RESEACHERS’ SPOUSES AND MINOR CHILDREN
                                                                               SPOUSE                                                                            MINOR CHILDREN
                                                                                                                                 and                     Resident
                                                                                                                             Integration                                               VISA                   CAI
                                                    Resident Permit                                       VISA                                            Permit
                                                                                                                                                               Given to                  Given to          No need
                                       Temporary            May be                                                                                    NO       his/her          NO       his/her           in every
                                                          automaticall                                                                                         majority                  majority
                                         with the
                                                           y renewed                                                                                                                                        cases
                                         mention                         Entitles to
                                                            during the  carrying out
                                      « Vie privée et                         a
                                                                                                        May be              Scientist’s
                                        familiale »
                                                          period of the professional
                                                                                                      resquested               stay
                                       (Private and
                                                           « scientist-   activity
                                        family life)
                                      AUTOMATIC              card »

                                                As the same time as the scientist’s
                                                                                                                             < 12 months
          The VLS-TS cannot be                      The Hosting Agreement allows the
         delivered to the spouse                            2 Visas insuance                                                       No need
         BUT she/he profits from
         the Temporary Resident
                                                                    Subsequently to the scientist’s                                                          > 12 months
         Permit with the mention
        « Vie Privée et Familiale »                                                                                                                               Need
        automatically renewed for                             REQUESTED :
        the lenght of the scientist                  1 copy of the Hosting Agreement
             residence permit.                                       +
                                                 receipt copy of scientist’s Resident Permit

                                                 Ce document est la propriété de l’Ambassade de France en Indonésie. Il ne peut être communiqué à des tiers et/ou reproduit sans l’autorisation préalable écrite de
                                                l’Ambassade de France en Indonésie et son contenu ne peut être divulgué. This document and the information contained herein is proprietary information of French      9
                                                                  Embassy in Indonesia and shall not be disclosed or reproduced without the prior authorization of french Embassy in Indonesia.
Focal point for S&T :
Prof Dr Ir Nicolas Gascoin,

                                          CIRCULATION IN THE SCHENGEN AREA
        The first Residence
        Permit application                                         Transiting through Schengen Area rules depend of the Visa format
      receipt does not allow
        to transit through
         Schengen area
                                     Visa de court séjour                           •maximum staying of 90 days by 6 months in the member countries of
                                                                                     Schegen Area
                                           (Type C)                                 •1, 2 or several entries
                                          (Short stay visa)                         • In case of several entries, total of staying can’t be > 90 days by 6 months

                                     Visa de long séjour                            •Stay > 3 months
                                                                                    •National visa issued by member countries of Schengen Area according
                                          (Type D)                                   their own legislation
                                                                                    •Allows to transit through Schengen Area following the same rules as a
                                          (Long stay visa)                           Residence Permit holder.

                                         Residence                                  •Allows (+passport) to travel under 3 months long
                                                                                    •Includes : authorization of transit through Schengen Area during travel
                                          Permit                                     back to home country with departure from visa delivering country.

                                        Ce document est la propriété de l’Ambassade de France en Indonésie. Il ne peut être communiqué à des tiers et/ou reproduit sans l’autorisation préalable écrite de
                                       l’Ambassade de France en Indonésie et son contenu ne peut être divulgué. This document and the information contained herein is proprietary information of French      10
                                                         Embassy in Indonesia and shall not be disclosed or reproduced without the prior authorization of french Embassy in Indonesia.
Focal point for S&T :
Prof Dr Ir Nicolas Gascoin,

additional                                               OFII’S TAXE PAYABLE BY THE
                                                            NATIONAL FOREIGNER
            The host institution             • First Residence Permit issuance = 340 € (~5 MILLIONS IDR)
            may take care of the
                                             • First renewance = 340 €
                                             • Renewance = 110 € (~1,6 MILLIONS IDR)

                                                                                                                                                              OFII’s Timber

                                      Ce document est la propriété de l’Ambassade de France en Indonésie. Il ne peut être communiqué à des tiers et/ou reproduit sans l’autorisation préalable écrite de
                                     l’Ambassade de France en Indonésie et son contenu ne peut être divulgué. This document and the information contained herein is proprietary information of French      11
                                                       Embassy in Indonesia and shall not be disclosed or reproduced without the prior authorization of french Embassy in Indonesia.
Focal point for S&T :
Prof Dr Ir Nicolas Gascoin,

 additional                               EURAXESS SERVICES (CENTRES DE MOBILITÉ)
                                                                          (HELP FROM MOBILITY CENTERS)
                                      •   Mobility centers network
                                      •   200 centers through 35 European countries
                                      •   23 centers in France
                                      •   Facilitation of information and welcoming for foreigner scientists
                                      •   Personalized services : help to prepare and stay                 MOBILITY CENTERS LISTING

                                     Other Information About Scientific Visa Available On :
                                     French Ministry of Interior

                                                                                                                                                                             France diplomatie

                                     French office for immigration and integration (OFII)

                                                                                                                                                                Professional immigration

                                     Alfred Kastler Fundation (FnAK)

                                            Ce document est la propriété de l’Ambassade de France en Indonésie. Il ne peut être communiqué à des tiers et/ou reproduit sans l’autorisation préalable écrite de
                                           l’Ambassade de France en Indonésie et son contenu ne peut être divulgué. This document and the information contained herein is proprietary information of French      12
                                                             Embassy in Indonesia and shall not be disclosed or reproduced without the prior authorization of french Embassy in Indonesia.
Focal point for S&T :
Prof Dr Ir Nicolas Gascoin,

                                      CONTACT AT FRENCH EMBASSY IN INDONESIA

                                     CV IFI

                                          Ce document est la propriété de l’Ambassade de France en Indonésie. Il ne peut être communiqué à des tiers et/ou reproduit sans l’autorisation préalable écrite de
                                         l’Ambassade de France en Indonésie et son contenu ne peut être divulgué. This document and the information contained herein is proprietary information of French      13
                                                           Embassy in Indonesia and shall not be disclosed or reproduced without the prior authorization of french Embassy in Indonesia.
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