Come-Everything Is Ready 2019 - World Day of Prayer International

Come-Everything Is Ready 2019 - World Day of Prayer International
2019                     WORLD DAY OF PRAYER
Volume XLV—A Publication of the World Day of Prayer International Committee

                    Come—Everything Is Ready

                                       W RIT T E N B Y W D P WO M E N O F S L OV E N I A
Come-Everything Is Ready 2019 - World Day of Prayer International
World Day of Prayer Writing Committee, Slovenia
                                                                                    SOCIAL MEDIA

F EAT URE S                                WD P AROUND THE
                                           WO RLD
03   From the Chairperson
     Now We All Know the Taste             07     Europe                            To access the Journal online visit
     of Potica Cake!
                                           17     Africa
04   Worship Service Bible Text                                                             Like WDPIC on Facebook at
     Luke 14:15-24
                                           23     Asia                            

05   From the Writer Country
                                           27     Caribbean & North America                  Follow WDPIC on Instagram at
     Come—Everything Is Ready              31     Latin America                    
42   Leading Together                      36     Middle East
                                                                                    The Asia, Europe and Pacific Regions all
45   From the Executive Director           39     Pacific                           have Facebook pages too!
     Around the Table                                                               • WDP Asia
                                                                                    • WDP Europe
49   WDP at a Glance                                                                • WDP Pacific Region

                                                                                            Visit the National Committee
                                                                                            website by clicking on the link
                                                                                            displayed after their report!

                      On the Cover: Artwork by Rezka Arnuš for the program written by WDP Slovenia.

World Day of Prayer   2 Journal 2019
Come-Everything Is Ready 2019 - World Day of Prayer International

                              Now We All Know the
                              Taste of Potica Cake!
                                               B Y LAURE NCE GANGLOFF

Dear WDP friends,                                                                          of Slovenia. “We were very close to the
                                                                                           Slovenian women and their concerns.”

I hope you are sitting comfortably and
  are ready to read over the global pic-
ture of the movement! It is a unique op-
                                                                                           Don’t forget to take a look at the “WDP
                                                                                           at a glance” page. It will give you an
portunity to discover how WDP was                                                          overview of the global movement we
celebrated beyond your region and your                                                     participate in. When we think we are
country.                                                                                   small, let us remember how big we are,
                                                                                           when we are all united in prayer!
By reading this entire beautiful maga-
zine, you will discover how the program’s                                                  In 3 years, we will have the chance to
main biblical text, Luke 14:15-24, can be                                                  take a global picture of our movement
understood in different ways. During                                                       under the theme “New Heart. New
this years’ Service, WDP groups identi-                                                    Mind. Called to Hope” (Ephesians 1,18).
fied themselves in the different figures      Laurence Gangloff, WDPIC Chairperson         The World Day of Prayer International
of the parable of the great banquet. For                                                   Committee Meeting in Scotland will be
some WDP groups, it was obvious that                                                       held from June 12 to 19, 2022. Save the
we, women, are being called to welcome        By reading these pages, you will notice      date! Why not to start putting aside £1
everybody like the master of the house.       some recurrent terms, like: table, ban-      every day to prepare for your commit-
For other groups, it was clear that we,       quet, delicious potica, “no good excuses”,   tee’s participation?
women, must act like the servant, con-        and of course, many “thank you to the
stantly leaving the house, inviting every-    Slovenian sisters.”                          Before I finish with thanking you for
body to come, proclaiming that “there is                                                   your commitment to WDP, I would like
still room.” And finally for others, they     The Slovenian voices were heard all          to ask you to receive the next worship
felt closer to the last guests: the poorest   around the world. This is one of the mir-    service materials like a gift. They come
and vulnerable.                               acles of WDP! The concerns about being       from our Zimbabwean and Ni-Vanuatu
                                              foreigners, getting old and being left be-   sisters. As you receive these prayerful
The master, the servant, the expected         hind at the farm, or the integration of      gifts, please listen to new voices with
guests and the poor and lame new              Roma people, the fight against violence      recognition. Add a prayer, if needed but
guests, are personages in the parable,        or drugs and alcohol addiction… it gave      do not change the text.
whose message is to affirm that nobody        us so much reason for rethinking, con-
is excluded. When God invites, there is       versing, and trying to find a way to lo-     Thank you, and be sure, that you are
still more room. Amazing how one bibli-       cally address some of these challenges.      blessed by God!
cal text can provide such deep, animated      Women all around the world easily
and different meanings for everyone.          could identify themselves in the women

                                                                                             World Day of Prayer   3 Journal 2019
Come-Everything Is Ready 2019 - World Day of Prayer International
Worship Service Bible Text
                                                        LUKE 14:15-24*

  TAIWAN                                                                            LUXEMBOURG

The Parable of the                                ALBANIA
Great Dinner

O     ne of the dinner guests, on hearing
      this, said to him, “Blessed is anyone
who will eat bread in the kingdom of
God!” Then Jesus said to him, “Someone
gave a great dinner and invited many.
At the time for the dinner he sent his
slave to say to those who had been in-
vited, ‘Come; for everything is ready
now.’ But they all alike began to make
excuses. The first said to him, ‘I have
bought a piece of land, and I must go
out and see it; please accept my re-          angry and said to his slave, ‘Go out at      come in, so that my house may be filled.
grets.’ Another said, ‘I have bought five     once into the streets and lanes of the       For I tell you, none of those who were in-
yoke of oxen, and I am going to try them      town and bring in the poor, the crippled,    vited will taste my dinner.’”
out; please accept my regrets.’ Another       the blind, and the lame.’ And the slave
said, ‘I have just been married, and          said, ‘Sir, what you ordered has been        *New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright ©
therefore I cannot come.’ So the slave re-    done, and there is still room.’ Then the     1989 the Division of Christian Education of the
turned and reported this to his master.       master said to the slave, ‘Go out into the   National Council of the Churches of Christ in the
Then the owner of the house became            roads and lanes, and compel people to        United States of America. All rights reserved.

World Day of Prayer    4 Journal 2019
Come-Everything Is Ready 2019 - World Day of Prayer International

            “Come—Everything Is Ready”
                                              B Y WDP WOME N OF SLOVE NIA

 SLOVENIA                                        SLOVENIA

A     s soon as we heard the theme as-
      signed to us, we felt it was very fa-
miliar to our context. As Slovenian
                                               we started visiting some projects for
                                               possible WDP support. Some of the
                                               needs and initiatives taken to meet
                                                                                           We worked intensely to advertise our
                                                                                           events because we wanted as many par-
                                                                                           ticipants as possible. In the end, we
people are friendly and open handed,           them had not been previously obvious        added two more locations, making a
the service reflected our feeling that         to many of us.                              total of eight different places following
there is a place for everybody at the                                                      the WDP program. One of the services
table. Everybody is welcome, nobody is         The theme was inspired by the Holy          counted with the participation of a
left aside. The idea of inclusiveness          Spirit and it had a great impact on peo-    young choir. There were three additional
helped people to understand that God’s         ple. In the jam-packed Ljubljana’s Cathe-   children’s programs, two with Roma chil-
invitation is to all, even though it can be    dral, the Catholic bishop and the           dren and one with children from the
accepted or rejected. However, when            Evangelical-Lutheran bishop sat to-         mothers’ shelter we are supporting.
considering the guests we became more          gether during the service. Many people
sensitive to those around us and our           saw in the Bishops’ gesture a sign of a     We are thankful to the secular and reli-
desire to help grew. We learned the            very important ecumenical action. Both      gious media for their publications and
pressing needs of the community when           bishops wrote us a supporting letter.       broadcasts. It was quite surprising to see

       The idea of inclusiveness helped people to understand that God’s invitation
                    is to all, even though it can be accepted or rejected.

                                                                                             World Day of Prayer   5 Journal 2019
Come-Everything Is Ready 2019 - World Day of Prayer International
SLOVENIA                                                               SLOVENIA

how well the media responded to this
small movement and how well they
represented the goals and principles of
World Day of Prayer to the general
public. It is our hope that this will result
in more local groups and children’s
programs springing up in the next few
years, as well as an increase of ecumeni-
cal awareness in our highly secularized
predominantly Catholic country.

Many WDP women from other countries
in Europe visited Slovenia. They came
to learn about us first hand, and to
experience how much we had in com-             our collaboration and networking with        WDP known in Slovenia, as well as in
mon. We built so many new relation-            them all.                                    communicating the situation of Slovenia
ships, as people wanted to help us with                                                     to the world. How did this experience
project support and visits. This gave us       To be a writer country was a terrific (and   impact us? We realized we can do any-
the opportunity to examine our own             a tiring) experience. We were not really     thing! We managed to be part of an in-
country with the eyes of outsiders. They       aware of what it implied when we first       ternational event!
encouraged us, gave us strength and            applied back in 2012. But after all, we
support to go further with our move-           were happy, thankful and quite proud of
ment in Slovenia. We want to deepen            ourselves! We succeeded in making the

World Day of Prayer    6 Journal 2019
Come-Everything Is Ready 2019 - World Day of Prayer International
  ALBANIA                                                                                       ARMENIA

ALBANIA                                     AUSTRIA
                                                                                                   Ready” shows us that on God’s side
                                                                                                   everything is ready for us and the
We felt that the theme this year
                                                                                                   question for us is - what we have
came from one of the most beauti-
                                                                                                   done for this relationship? We are
ful passages in the Bible. We were
                                                                                                   all invited to the feast by God’s
able to relate to the Bible story and
                                                                                                   grace and not because one of us
share our different stories and per-
                                                                                                   worthier than the other. We should
sonal experiences of being invited
                                                                                                   not make any space for discrimina-
to God’s table and how we have in-
                                                                                                   tion in our communities.
vited others to our table. We heard
the message and we say that there
are still empty seats at God’s table. We,     ARMENIA                                         AU S T R I A
as Christian women, want to go out into       The theme was a big blessing for all of us      Most of the women in Austria were al-
the world and invite everyone to our          and we thank our Slovenian sisters for          ready quite familiar with Slovenia but
table. We are a poor country with a cor-      their hard work in developing this pro-         they were still able to learn new and inter-
rupted system and many atheists. We           gram! In our service there were two in-         esting things about the country, and en-
rely on each other and work as a com-         teractions. First, all the participants tried   gage themselves more in depth with the
munity to solve any issues plaguing us.       to mention one thing that takes up the          history and culture of our neighbors. The
For example, we organize a bazaar             most time in their day and second, one          highlight this year was that during the
around every Christmas or Easter where        prayer that they want to put on the table       preparatory phase we had a strong inter-
people can buy and sell things they cre-      where everything is ready. It was rele-         change with our sisters in Slovenia. The
ate. The proceeds then will attend peo-       vant for the issues of today because            artist behind the artwork, Rezka Arnuš,
ple in need. Next year we would like to                                                       was invited to exhibit a collection of her
                                              sometimes we find ourselves too busy to
organize a soup kitchen!                                                                      works in the rooms of the WWDP office in
                                              make time for God. “Come - Everything Is
                                                                                              Austria and she was even present during

                                                                                                World Day of Prayer    7 Journal 2019
Come-Everything Is Ready 2019 - World Day of Prayer International
history of political tension, and success-
                                                                                            fully grasped the opportunity after the
                                                                                            collapse of a corrupt system to restore
                                                                                            and normalize their country. Ethnical
                                                                                            and religious tolerance is another mark
                                                                                            of wisdom and maturity of the Slovenian
                                                                                            society. We were very much impressed
                                                                                            by the recognition of the cultural contri-
                                                                                            bution of the Reformation to the extent
                                                                                            of making Reformation Day a national
                                                                                            holiday in a prevailingly Catholic coun-
                                                                                            try. They are a stimulating example to
                                                                                            us! The Bible study proved to be a valu-
                                                                                            able supplement to the program. The
                                                                                            scripture leaves us with no excuse if we
                                                                                            overlook our task. We have been invited
                                                                                            by God to the Kingdom and we are
                                                                                            gladly the Lord’s servants.

                                                                                            C R OAT I A

                                                                                            The program written by women in Slove-
                                                                                            nia, our neighboring country, was very in-
                                                                                            spirational. The long-standing common
                                                                                            history of our two countries in the former
                                                                                            Yugoslavia has left a mark on our ways of
                                                                                            life, thinking, and problems we face as a
                                                                                            society and as women. The divine table is
the opening of the exhibition. In addition,   preparations and celebration of the pro-      always ready and everyone is invited,
there was big support from the Slovenian      gram. We produce a promotional leaflet        which is often not seen in our daily life be-
Embassy to promote the exhibition and         that is handed out at several ecumenical      cause we choose the people we invite to
the WWDP celebration. Slovenian               activities in the city. We take turns cele-   our tables and homes. The Lord teaches
women who live in Austria participated in     brating the program in a different church     us that inclusivity, not exclusivity, is the
celebrations all over the country. Partici-   each year. We expect that it creates op-      practice we should follow in life. All
pants appreciated the liturgy because it      portunities for new people to hear about      women and men are equal in the eyes of
included challenges we also face in our       the movement and get involved.                God and all are worthy irrespective of
country, especially the social exclusion of
                                                                                            their social status, religious affiliation or
people with disabilities.                     Facebook: Wereldgebedsdag België              skin color. For the first time, a worship
Website:                                                            service conducted by the Vinkovci branch
Facebook: Weltgebetstag der Frauen in         B U LG A R I A                                was held outdoors. Random passers-by,
Österreich                                    The program gave us a feeling that            children and people with disabilities joy-
                                              Slovenia is an especially blessed country.    fully engaged in worshiping and sharing
B E LG I U M                                  Not only does it have a beautiful and         personal testimonies.
We try to reach out and invite different      friendly nature, but it seems that the
churches in our city to take part in the      society has been able to overcome a           Website:

World Day of Prayer   8 Journal 2019
Come-Everything Is Ready 2019 - World Day of Prayer International
DENMARK                                                      ENGLAND, WALES & NORTHERN IRELAND

Facebook: Svjetski molitveni dan                                                            Website:
Hrvatska - World day of prayer Croatia                                                      Facebook: Women’s World Day of Prayer
                                                                                            England Wales and Northern Ireland
DENMARK                                                                                     Twitter: @WWDPforEWNI
We received several comments from
local organizers about how enjoyable                                                        E S TO N I A
this service was. The women in our coun-                                                    Services were held across five towns. Our
try could easily identify with the women                                                    local service is usually held in Tallin, but
of Slovenian and felt very close to the is-                                                 this year it was held in a small Baptist
sues they raised. Their concerns about         present WDP in their town or village in a    church in a nearby parish called Viimsi.
being foreigners, getting old and being                                                     This was the first time our service was
                                               meaningful way. This activity is highly
left behind, and interacting with Roma                                                      held outside of Tallin and the differences
                                               beneficial to and ensures the growth of
people gave us all a reason to think, con-                                                  were astounding! The church hall was
                                               the movement. The response to this
verse together and find a way to tackle                                                     full of eager participants who were all
these challenges locally. We do our best       years’ service was highly positive. One
                                                                                            personally touched by the theme. We
in our daily lives to underline the link be-   participant stated, “One of the best serv-
                                                                                            choose to have a short sermon, done by
tween prayer and action. The news we           ices I’ve heard in years – current, rele-
                                                                                            a local pastor, and held discussions
hear on the radio, see on the TV, and per-     vant, emotive; it raised issues that could
                                                                                            based on the theme afterwards. It was
ceive in our own neighborhoods and             be as relevant down the road here as on
                                                                                            quite a lively moment! It started as shar-
around the world are reminders that            the other side of the world.” The majority   ing in small groups and then two leaders
now, more than ever, our powerful              of our branches attribute the success        took the microphone to lead the conver-
prayers and our actions towards a peace-       to three key parts: a table prepared in      sation over the hall. The atmosphere
ful world are what matters most.
                                               sight of the congregation with six fea-      was very warm and open. Everyone gave
Website:                  tured women invited as guests, an in-        thanks for such a wonderful service writ-
                                               strumental interlude between the             ten by our Slovenian sisters.
E N G L A N D, WA L E S &                      women’s stories, and a meditation based
N O RT H E R N I R E L A N D                   on the artwork. These parts of the serv-     FINLAND
Our committee held more than 60                ice helped those present to concentrate      The theme highlighting the importance
Preparation Days across the country to         on the theme and on its relevance in         of hospitality was very contemporary
help the local branch’s participants to        their context.                               for the people of our country today.

                                                                                              World Day of Prayer    9 Journal 2019
Come-Everything Is Ready 2019 - World Day of Prayer International

Recently, our government has been tack-       GERMANY
                                                                                         the Christian women and especially with
ling the topic of immigration which has                                                  the Slovenian women, who made this
garnered strong opposition views                                                         day very special for us. There is empow-
among our citizens. Violent news stories                                                 erment and joy in our hearts.
attributed to refugees began to danger-
ously turn minds radical against immi-                                                   Catchy, cheerful and folkloristic
gration. But should a whole group of                                                     melodies, a joyful invitation to the ban-
individuals be judged by the actions of                                                  quet, and a challenging Bible story
some? The WDP service reminded us of                                                     opened our doors and hearts. The serv-
God’s love for all and encouraged us to                                                  ice inspired us to try new ideas just as
keep our hearts and minds open. The                                                      the man in the Bible story. We made a
Bible story was dramatized as a pan-                                                     live stream of the service available and
tomime while one person read the para-                                                   many people appreciated the opportu-
ble. It raised animated discussions          our invitation was ignored. How can we      nity to share in the celebration. It breaks
among our participants. We enjoyed           extend the prayerful spirit beyond this     our hearts to know that some churches
learning about our European sisters and      one single day? Does the love that burns    still do not allow Christians from other
praying in unity with them.                  in our hearts urge us to invite others to   denominations to join in their worship,
                                             come and partake in the celebration? We     therefore we send an ecumenical com-
Website:                         laid out the table after having grasped     muniqué to all of our church leaders ask-
                                             the importance of caring for God’s cre-     ing them to open God’s table to all
FRANCE                                       ation for future generations. It was like   Christians!
                                             seeing the illustration of a church open
We thank our sisters from Slovenia for a
                                             to all women, children, youth, and men.     Website:
generous invitation! The worship service
was well balanced and prayerful. The                                                     Facebook: Weltgebetstag
                                             Website:         Twitter: @weltgebetstagD
Bible text illustrated the theme perfectly
                                             Facebook: Journée Mondiale de Prière        Instagram: @weltgebetstag
and we identified with each of the char-
                                             France - JMP
acters. The invitation was a demonstra-
tion of what receiving our neighbors is
all about. We often think of ourselves                                                   On the day of the celebration, we saw
first, but let us learn to accept what our   On the first Friday of March, the alarm     the fruits of our hard labor in promoting
neighbors have to offer. During the serv-    clocks ring in millions of German houses.   WDP after some of the vital changes our
ice we considered how we would react if      We long to feel strongly connected to all   committee introduced to the activity.

World Day of Prayer   10 Journal 2019
GREECE                                                              HUNGARY

There is a need to revive the movement       uplifting to see the
and increase participation. Our local        pictures of Sloven-       ICELAND

service was one of the most special and      ian women and lis-
heartwarming celebrations we have ever       ten to their stories
held. Former drug addicts gave a sincere     in the worship serv-
testimony about their struggle and how       ice. The invitation to
they were able to overcome addiction         pray with them be-
and enjoy God’s gifts. Their story re-       came more realistic
minded us that God works miracles and        and personal. We
nothing is impossible even when you          focused on the chil-
feel totally helpless and hopeless in your   dren’s program to
life. The time devoted to spontaneous        extend our invita-
prayers united us all and helped us feel     tion to the younger
the spiritual presence of our Lord. Let us   generation. One                             suffering the harm inflicted by war. We
all remind ourselves that God loves each     youth said: “Although I am Hungarian,       felt close to our sisters throughout the
one of us, no matter our color, our race,    when I was reading the service and pray-    service. The beauty, smell, and taste of
our financial situation, our mistakes…       ing with Slovenia, my heart shined in       Slovenian culture were showcased in
stop judging and start loving instead.       red, white and blue colors.”                our decorations and refreshments. We
                                                                                         were inspired by the theme and the
H U N G A RY                                 Website:                 WDP motto to support an ecumenical
To invite someone or to accept an invita-    Facebook: WDP Hungary - Ökumenikus          organization dedicated to assisting
tion in our context today is a big chal-     Világimanap                                 women and children who are Syrian
lenge. It is hard both personally and                                                    refugees. The stories of the women and
                                             ICELAND                                     children have motivated our prayers to
communally to open up for each other,
and to make a really effective invitation.   We loved the program. It was very           take on the form of prayerful action. A
We, as servants of God, need to be more      thought provoking to learn about the        yearly prayer walk in Vestmanna has
resourceful, braver and trusting in God’s    different circumstances of women’s live     also been organized to make WDP more
invitation. The preparation process and      in Slovenia. The hardships upon Slovenia    visible in our community.
meditation reflected on difficulties like    in the midst of war, as a former Yugoslav
how to address somebody, how to accept       country, reminded us of the days of         Facebook: Alþjóðlegur bænadagur
each other, how to handle excuses and        World War II. Groups of women in our        kvenna
how to build communities. It was really      country prayed every day for those

                                                                                         World Day of Prayer   11 Journal 2019
IRELAND                                                               ITALY

IRELAND                                        and celebrated it in
                                               March. The problems they              LUXEMBOURG
We received a lot of positive feedback
                                               outlined in the service are
from participants about how reflective,
                                               the same ones we experi-
thoughtful, and meaningful the theme for
                                               ence everyday: migration,
the meditation and worship service, and
                                               loneliness of the elderly, un-
also the children’s program were. In
                                               certain future for the youth,
preparation for the service, it became ap-
                                               and prejudice towards Roma
parent to us that the women of Slovenia        people. It was important to
highlighted many issues that are experi-       realize how much in com-
enced globally. The theme spoke of inclu-      mon we share. The churches
sivity and so for the first time ever, a WDP   that form our committee are
                                                                                            WDP movement is all about. It re-
service led by committee members was           involved with a project called “Mediter-
                                                                                            minded us that we should always have a
held at the Mosney Reception Centre for        ranean Hope” which consists of humani-
                                                                                            free seat at the table and be ready to
asylum seekers and refugees. It reflected      tarian corridors to allow the safe transit
                                                                                            welcome anyone. Participants discov-
the welcoming nature of God where all          of migrants in need of escape from a cri-
                                                                                            ered a country not so far from their own
are included and loved. Our committee’s        sis in their region. However, our govern-
                                                                                            with very similar issues. The story of the
local service was televised and broad-         ment is currently trying to launch new
                                                                                            Slovenian woman struggling with prob-
casted on Ireland’s National TV and Radio      laws that would criminalize projects like
                                                                                            lems associated with alcohol really
Broadcaster. Our musical guest was a           this one. We pray that the relationships
                                                                                            touched a lot of people, as it is a very
group of brilliantly talented, visually im-    among people will improve. This year we
                                                                                            common issue in our country. It made us
paired musicians called Classic Harmony.       were able to reach out and invite new
                                               women to the WDP movement who                aware that there is always a solution
Our guest speaker was an asylum seeker
from Malawi who shared with us her story       have embraced the motto and principles with the help of friends and the Lord. In
                                               enthusiastically.                            the end, we all face the same situation
of arriving in Ireland nearly 10 years ago.
                                                                                            and we must continue to seek ways to
                                               LUXEMBOURG                                   help women in our community, and pro-
Facebook: Women’s World Day of Prayer
                                                                                            mote the positive message behind the
Ireland                                        Our worship service was full of enthusi-
                                                                                            WDP movement.
                                               asm expressed by the children and
I TA LY                                        adults who participated. The theme was
                                               used as a real invitation for all in our
We felt very close to our Slovenia sisters                                        
                                               community to come and see what the
as we prepared for their worship service                                                    Facebook: WDP Lëtzebuerg

World Day of Prayer    12 Journal 2019
NORWAY                                                              PORTUGAL

N O RWAY                                      jointly prepared the service.
                                              We came together in God’s            POLAND
Last autumn our committee visited Slove-
                                              Grace Lutheran Church, and
nia and met with the dedicated WDP
                                              the woman who led the
women responsible for writing the serv-
                                              liturgy sat at a symbolic
ice. We were able to see firsthand how
                                              table placed at the front of
they worked with the trauma healing
                                              the church. Our thoughts
project. The experience inspired and mo-
                                              and prayers were with the
tivated us to work just as hard. A great
                                              Slovenian women who told
number of churches opened their doors         us their stories through the
for this great prayer event. In the town of   worship service. God with
Tønsberg, seven denominations were rep-       great love and kindness in-                   was simple and relevant. It made us
resented and each member took turns           vites us to the feast. We reflected on
reading through the service. Refresh-                                                       reflect on those who need us the most
                                              God’s invitation, on our relationship
ments were served before the service to                                                     but are often forgotten because we do
                                              with our Creator and with other human
increase youth participation. In Dram-                                                      not always consider them a priority.
                                              beings. As an ecumenical community,
men, 18 denominations participated and                                                      The local groups prepared invitations
                                              in our churches, we promote respect
a 14 year old boy was in charge of the                                                      to the celebrations not only for fellow
                                              and understanding of others from our
technical equipment. In Oslo, the Salva-      communities. We ask God constantly to         Christians, but also for friends and
tion Army beautifully decorated their         open our eyes and hearts to the needs         neighbors, who may not have heard
space with Slovenian elements and baked       of other people. Let us have trust in God’s   God’s call. In our country, it is not easy to
a potica. The Mission Church in Kråkstad      grace and accept the invitation. Let us       call people to the church but we main-
hosted a service and one participant said     go with joy and bring others too, as it       tain a positive attitude and do our best
“This is a unique opportunity to lift each    was the exhortation of our sisters from       to spread the message. In Porto, there is
other up in prayer, together with women       Slovenia.                                     a church activity held once a month
who carry heavy burdens.”                                                                   called “Tea of the 5” in which different
                                              Website:                 church groups get together and cele-
Website:                Facebook: Polska Rada Ekumeniczna             brate under a common biblical theme
                                                                                            and worship together. Our group took
POLAND                                        P O RT U G A L                                this opportunity to share the theme of
In Poznan, representatives of Lutheran,       The worship service program under the         the Slovenia worship service and pro-
Methodist and Roman Catholic churches         theme “Come – Everything Is Ready”            mote the WDP movement.

                                                                                            World Day of Prayer      13 Journal 2019
REPUBLIC OF GEORGIA                                                   ROMANIA

REPUBLIC OF GEORGIA                             prayers on one
                                                single country.
The theme was very consonant for the
                                                While preparing for
Transcaucasia countries, where hospital-
                                                the celebration we
ity is important. Therefore, our communi-
                                                learned the impor-
ties responded to Slovenia’s invitation
                                                tance of denomina-
with great enthusiasm! We work hard
                                                tions collaborating
every year to prepare for the celebration
and promote the WDP movement. In                with each other and
2018 we hosted a women’s seminar in             respecting the tra-
Kvareli, which many people wanted to at-        ditions and beliefs
tend. More than what we prepared for!           of others. Although
                                                we are all different we know that we are      given out as gifts. Everyone immersed
Across five days, participants received
                                                the beloved children of God! As guests at     themselves in the Slovenian culture by
comprehensive information about the
                                                the Lord’s Table we are able to share our     decorating their spaces with the flag,
WDP writer country. They creatively stud-
ied the biblical theme, learned songs, did      love, spiritual goods, healing, encourage-    artwork, and photos, and singing the
needlework related to the focus country,        ment, and strength with the people            hymns provided. The theme was
acted out scenes, and watched documen-          around us. The Roman Catholics, Protes-       thought provoking and many could re-
taries and feature films about Slovenia.        tants, Orthodox, Evangelicals, women,         late to the issues highlighted by the
They were also given posters and music          men, children, the elderly, people with       Slovenian women. Listening to their sto-
CDs for the worship programs. Earlier in        special needs, and those who speak differ-    ries reminded us that it is important to
the year, we held regular rehearsals with       ent languages – celebrated together. The      hear about the struggles of women
representatives of different churches.          theme truly made us feel ready to worship     around the world so we know what to
Those activities really united us. The WDP      and the royally set table was a symbol for    pray for and what actions need to be
program was also conducted during chil-         the unity with our Lord. In God, we are all   taken to seek justice.
dren’s Sunday school, where they enjoyed        the same, thus loved, protected, and shel-
learning about the country and doing arts       tered.                                        We began offering Information Days
and crafts.                                                                                   around the country. At this activity, local
                                                S C OT L A N D
                                                                                              WDP organizers can get help and advice
ROMANIA                                         We received positive remarks from or-         when preparing for the service. This has
Every year it is great to feel the connection   ganizers across our country about how         become also an excellent opportunity to
with all our sisters and brothers around        wonderful this service was. Tables were       invite younger individuals to the church
the world as we all concentrate our             set, invitations sent, and carnations         and get familiar with the movement.

World Day of Prayer     14 Journal 2019
SERBIA                                                                       SLOVAKIA


                                                                    around the Lord’s Table    and participate in WDP events. During
                                                                    and having a grand feast   the celebration we met a man from
                                                                    together. We are proud     Slovenia living in Slovakia, who was sur-
                                                                    of the ecumenical coop-    prised to hear that people all over the
                                                                    eration between our        world were praying for his small country!
Website:                                     churches and strive to
Facebook: World Day of Prayer Scotland          move forward in our journey of seeking to      Facebook: Ekumenický Svetový deň
                                                live in a reconciling way.                     modlitieb žien Slovenská republika
SERBIA                                                                                         Facebook:
                                                S LOVA K I A                                   sdmslovensko/
Our country and Slovenia were formerly
part of the Yugoslavian republic. We are        God invited us all this year to share in
                                                prayer a sense of spiritual unity with the     S PA I N
very familiar with them and share many
of the same traditions, culture, and histor-    Slovenian women. This program was              Services were celebrated in Madrid,
ical contexts. During the service we could      particularly important to us because of        Barcelona, Sabadell, Los Rubios, Alicante
not help but remember some of the warm          the many similarities between our coun-        and Zaragoza. We enjoyed learning
memories of visiting Slovenian spas and         try and Slovenia, including how similar        about the history of Slovenia, their diffi-
drinking water out of wells. We were also       the names sound. We felt very close to         culties and their newfound prosperity.
reminded of the painful memories of the         our sisters knowing that the climate,          Indeed, we all found their history rele-
Yugoslav war in the 90s that led to our         culture, traditions, and overall life in       vant in light of the resurgence of politi-
separation as independent countries. We         Slovenia were familiar to us. Even the         cal tensions in Spain. The exchange of
are grateful to God, that after a very turbu-   potica cake mentioned is similar to a nut      cultural experiences that the WDP offers
lent period in our history we have man-         strudel we often make.                         brings new life to our churches. This year
aged to live in peace, tolerance, and                                                          we were pleased to reincorporate the Sal-
understanding for many years. We prayed         Our service was organized at a Roman           vation Army into our national committee.
sincerely and wholeheartedly for the well-      Catholic Church and was attended by            As they have taught us: “Those who arrive
being and prosperity of Slovenia and its        many women, men, and youths. Before            on one side of the table to receive often
people. We look forward to sitting to-          the main service, a youth mass was held        move in time to the other side of the
gether with our brothers and sisters            to encourage young people to attend            table to serve.” We all experience love

                                                                                               World Day of Prayer    15 Journal 2019
SWEDEN                                                             SWITZERLAND

and warmth in the banquet of God. We            UKRAINE
                                                                                           which was very suitable for a shared
give thanks to God for the opportunity                                                     meal after the worship service, a tradi-
to be faithful servants in the world and                                                   tion in many communities. Successful
for the privilege of sharing our faith with                                                and failed invitations were discussed by
sisters from other communities.                                                            the community from personal perspec-
                                                                                           tives during the meditation.
Many of our local groups expressed
appreciation for a well composed and           Facebook: Sveriges Ekumeniska Kvin-         UKRAINE
relevant worship service. The celebration      noråd - SEK
easily balanced both a joyful and serious                                                  The WDP service was celebrated with
tone. It was a joy to be part of a worldwide   SWITZERLAND                                 much interest and enthusiasm. The Bible
prayer community and reflect on the                                                        text and theme helped us bring together
seriousness of the message given. Many         A group of members from our commit-         people of different denominations in
agreed that we have to continue                tee had the opportunity to visit WDP        common prayer for all. During the WDP
to pray for peace and reconciliation.          Slovenia in May 2018. They were guided      preparation process, we realized the im-
Groups enjoyed baking potica, singing          by a member of the Slovenian commit-        portance of knowing not only our needs
“Celebration”, and dramatizing the             tee and had beautiful and impressing        but the needs of others. Because there are
Bible text with a liturgical dance. In         encounters with persons of local institu-   many similarities between the historical
Sollentuna, a Slovenia female reverend,        tions our committee has helped support.     past of Slovenia and Ukraine, we identi-
spoke about her childhood back home            One of the organizations, Zavod Pelikan     fied ourselves in their struggles and
and the meaning behind the items lay           Karitas Materinski Dom, is a safe haven     prayed for our common issues.
out on the table. In another church, a         for women and their children who are
Slovenian woman wore her beautiful folk        living in distress situations. This per-    It is important for us to feel like we are an
dress and a male Slovenian pastor pre-         sonal experience inspired our regional      integral part of the Christian community.
sented a slide show of his country. He         and local WDP events and celebrations.      WDP helps us with that and leads us to
invited the congregation to sign a card        As Switzerland is a major immigration       be aware about what goes on in the
 for a parish in Slovenia he would visit.      destination for Slovenians, many Sloven-    world, the problems and joys of different
At another church, a young Slovenian           ian women participated in several WDP       peoples. It encourages us to face our own
woman sang hymnals in her native               services. They enriched the celebrations    problems. We are in the middle of war
language.                                      with their musical, cultural and culinary   and every day we pray for our soldiers. We
                                               contributions! Celebrations were often      send them supplies when possible and
Website:            presented as an invitation to a banquet,    patiently await their return home.

World Day of Prayer    16 Journal 2019
                                                                   The theme of this celebration challenged
                                                                      us to take our rightful positions as
                                                                     Christian women and bring hope to
                                                                    the broken hearted and to have mercy
                                                                            on the trouble minded.

After hearing the stories of the Slovenian
women and the issues they raised we re-
alized those problems are faced in our
country as well. The broken vessels in
our midst need to be made aware that
the invitation to God’s table is always
available. The word of God is about
peace and love. The women created are
talented, blessed, and favored. The
theme of this celebration challenged us
to take our rightful positions as Christian
women and bring hope to the broken
hearted and to have mercy on the trou-
ble minded. It challenged us to strive to     French speaking worship services. The        internal displacements of populations
be a better nation, where no one is poor      different denominations and ecumeni-         fleeing armed conflicts. It is our duty of
or abused. We will not refuse his call and    cal associations enhanced the experi-        solidarity to support our brothers and
invite anyone we can to our table. Each       ence of celebrating together under a         sisters with food, shelter, and basic care.
preparatory meeting we have brings            common program. The theme chal-              We put into practice the hospitality, the
growth to the fellowship when women           lenged our committee to reaffirm that        love and the compassion that the Lord
and the youth gather to experience            our duty as Christians and ambassadors       expects of us.
WDP. Our ecumenical relationships grow        of Christ is to love God and love our
stronger every year.                          neighbor by inviting on every occasion,      D E M O C R AT I C R E P U B L I C O F
                                              people from all social strata, without any   THE CONGO
Facebook: World Day of Prayer-                discrimination. We must offer hospital-      God invites us to share in the feast,
Botswana                                      ity and share our bread with others in-      which is actually the word of the Lord,
                                              cluding those we deem as enemies. Our        but very few listen to it and put it into
CAMEROON                                      country is going through a deep socio-       practice. The speaker reminded the
In the four corners of the country, there     political crisis in the North West and       whole congregation to participate in the
was cohesion between the English and          South West regions. This has caused          meal that gives eternal life and that

                                                                                           World Day of Prayer     17 Journal 2019
GHANA                                                                  IVORY COAST

heals. We must not look for reasons,                                                    which is slowly diminishing in our coun-
pretexts, or excuses as these will make                                                 try as a result of rapid urbanization.
us miss the good news that is the word                                                  However, we realized that no matter
of life. The inspired prayers to God have                                               how difficult things may appear, God al-
challenged us to a high dimension of                                                    ways provides. The hope we have in
our Christian faith. As for the celebra-                                                Christ was revitalized. One person said,
tion, the program was translated into                                                   “God is truly good; a table is set for us
the local language and distributed to                                                   every day. We wake up in the morning
each province. The banquet table was                                                    without money, and by the end of the
prepared as suggested by the Slovenian                                                  day God has set a table before us. Never
sisters. We collaborated perfectly with                                                 a day passes without us having some-
the leadership of the Protestant,                                                       thing to eat.”
Catholic, and the Salvation Army
Churches. We also involved young peo-                                                   The Bible study materials were used ex-
ple in reading the liturgy and singing in   Beyond the Bible study, we organized        tensively by various women’s groups in
choirs.                                     skits based on the great feast and the      the churches at various meetings. Chil-
                                            women participating got all dressed up      dren services were held in three loca-
GABON                                       for the occasion. The scripture of Luke     tions, which was very exciting. One of
                                            14:15-24, was complemented by a read-       them evolved into a great party with a
Our National Committee has always
                                            ing of Isaiah 25:6-9. The feast has been    long table set up with assorted food and
worked under the inspiration of the
                                            prepared, the invitation sent, and the      sweets.
WDP motto “Informed Prayer. Prayerful
                                            veil that has been stretched over all na-
Action.” We initiated a number of activi-
                                            tions has been destroyed. The Lord is al-   I VO RY C OA S T
ties to be able to identify those in need
                                            ways there for us to provide us with
and provide support. Then, we organized                                                 On the day of the WDP program, we all
                                            salvation. We need to make ourselves
prayer retreats to attend those people.                                                 felt as if we were Slovenians. Listening to
                                            available and accept the call.
Catholics and Protestants are the two                                                   the voices of the Slovenian women, we
major groups engaged in WDP and we                                                      became aware of the different condi-
want to expand our ecumenical relation-                                                 tions our own sisters face in their daily
ships. This is our hope. The theme of the   The theme sparked several discussions       lives. The sharing of their experiences
program reaffirmed that commitment.         about food security and agriculture,        gave hope to many who felt lonely, aban-

World Day of Prayer   18 Journal 2019
KENYA                                                                         MALAWI

doned and sometimes even stigmatized.        a great blessing it        MAURITIUS
Through the Bible passage they under-        will be for us all to
stood that our Lord has a plan for those     eat in the Kingdom
who are rejected and helpless. The Lord      of God.
prepared everything for those who rely
on him. They decided, at the end of the      M A L AW I
celebration, to mobilize and become          The WDP women of
agents of their own personal develop-
                                             Malawi thank the
ment and empowerment. The fact that
                                             women of Slovenia
several denominations come together to
                                             for inviting us to the
intercede in the same spirit for a better
                                             set table and praise
life for the Slovenian sisters is proof of
                                             the Lord. The theme
the unity in Christ Jesus, our common
                                             was very touching
savior. Indeed we are all members of the                                                  in Mauritius, and in that way we pray for
                                             and it showed us that we must live in the
same body; the body of Christ.                                                            both countries. The service began with a
                                             moment of the feast and rejoice in our
                                             communities and churches. More of us         chorus rendition of “All United in Jesus”
                                             need to receive Jesus and open our doors     and was followed by “Celebration” from
We firstly want to thank the WDP             to the more poor and vulnerable in our       the Slovenia program. In the capital, the
women of Slovenia for writing a wonder-      society. We were blessed enough to cele-     preaching was done by the Treasurer of
ful service under the theme “Come –          brate the service once again in a stadium    the National Committee of the World
Everything Is Ready” The scripture clearly                                                Day of Prayer. She also organized a big
                                             in the Mangochi district. We were hon-
tells us that we must have a good rela-                                                   meal where everyone was invited, in-
                                             ored that the First Lady of the Republic
tionship with each other. We must con-
                                             of Malawi attended the service just as       cluding the homeless who come on
sider other people and not selfishly
                                             she did last year. Her presence motivates    Saturdays for worship and a hot meal.
think about ourselves. When we are
                                             and encourages all the women in our          The potica cake, prepared by a youth,
united we can achieve our goals. We
                                             country. Jesus’ love and grace will be       was served as a dessert. Participants
asked ourselves, what have we done to
                                             preached and practiced every day in our      enjoyed learning about the similarities
our friends for them not to accept our in-
                                             lives and the Holy Spirit will guide us as   and differences of the two countries.
vitation? Why did we ignore their invita-
                                             we take on the challenge of serving oth-     The Bible study was well animated and
tion? Participants really enjoyed
                                             ers in need.                                 made us reflect on how the story could
discussing and reflecting on the theme.
Many agreed that we should never turn                                                     be called a “parable of excuses,” like an
                                             M AU R I T I U S                             invitation that goes into nothingness.
to spite or revenge if our invitation goes
unanswered. We must forgive and con-         We always celebrate the WDP program          Jesus teaches us the price of a life of
tinue to open our hearts to others. What     on March 12, which is Independence Day       discipleship.

                                                                                          World Day of Prayer   19 Journal 2019
NIGERIA                                                                                SIERRA LEONE

                                                                                           the WDP celebration, the Archbishop of
                                                                                           our main cathedral used the theme as
                                                                                           an invitation during the Eucharist – God
                                                                                           calling to each and every one to receive
                                                                                           the body and blood of Christ. The cele-
                                                                                           bration itself was a success. Getting to
   SEYCHELLES                                                                              learn and understand the situation of
                                                                                           those living in other countries has al-
                                                                                           ways been of key interest. Slovenia is a
                                                                                           far-away country with differences and
                                                                                           similarities to our country, the beauty of
                                                                                           God’s creation! Pictures and information
                                                                                           pamphlets outside of the church drew a
                                                                                           crowd. Even tourists participated in the
                                                                                           service and shared in the festivities.

                                                                                           SIERRA LEONE
                                                                                           The theme was very stimulating and has
NIGERIA                                      plagued by insurgency, violence, ban-
                                                                                           empowered the WDP to move forward.
                                             ditry and kidnapping, resulting in inse-
Our WDP committee would like to un-                                                        Our community was very pleased with
                                             curity, economic hardships and untold
derscore the importance of appreciating                                                    the program as it allowed us to get a
                                             suffering. The ideas generated by the
and reciprocating God’s radical love. The                                                  clear visual picture of Slovenia. We used
                                             services dwell on the need to make our-
theme to us was about honoring God’s                                                       the prayers and contextualized them to
                                             selves examples so that others will know
invitation to love one another, to love                                                    our own situation. Women from differ-
                                             the love and acceptance of God.
our enemies and forgive them their tres-                                                   ent ecumenical backgrounds shared
passes. The invitation is an opportunity                                                   their own experiences and reflections of
                                             S E YC H E L L E S
for us to partake in God’s grace and                                                       the theme. For example, one explained
mercy in our everyday lives and into eter-   Long before our committee started basic       how she was able to get an education as
nity, after we are welcomed into the         preparations for our WDP service, we as       an adult, after growing up illiterate, and
Kingdom prepared for us. Why should          a church discussed and tried to under-        how she is helping others do the same.
we take God’s love for granted by mak-       stand how and why God created us to           Another woman shared how she was
ing excuses that are not even tenable        serve. To serve God, not only by attend-      once an alcoholic but through prayers
with respect to our fellow human be-         ing church but by supporting and pray-        and support was able to change her
ings? Recently, our country has been         ing for our brothers and sisters. Prior to    lifestyle completely.

World Day of Prayer   20 Journal 2019
SOUTH AFRICA                                                       SUDAN

    We are children of the light and it is
    our mission to go out into the world
    and enlighten those in the darkness
        and bring them to the feast.

Apart from the worship service a conven-     the motto of the WDP. Several projects        those who were invited for supper but
tion was held on the 18th of May to help     are underway such as handing out food         made excuses as to why they could not
us examine the theme more critically.        parcels to those in shelters, bringing san-   attend. We must be more committed to
Key speakers were present and they           itary napkins to young girls in school,       the promises of God’s work.
spoke on the theme from different            supplies for those staying in hospitals or
points of views, from financial manage-      retirement homes, and soup kitchens.          TO G O
ment to anti-corruption.                                                                   The WDP program opens our eyes to a
                                             Website:                       new country every year and asks us to in-
                                                                                           tercede. By our prayers the Lord can offer
                                             S U DA N
Congregations across our country made                                                      solutions to the struggles we share glob-
great efforts to present the theme as        We had five major services with over          ally. From the other side of the world we
proposed in the program. Rosemary was        3,000 participants. The children and          could feel the presence of our sisters in
used to encourage participants to sym-       youth participated by singing, reading,       Slovenia during the worship service. The
bolically spread the lovely smell of God’s   and acting in dramatizations. It was a        theme reminded us of the love of God
mercy in the world. In Johannesburg, the     great honor and all the people felt           for all of humanity. God so loved the
seating was arranged in a manner that        united in spirit. We were grateful for the    world that his son was given to wipe us
had all participants seated at the table.    opportunity to learn about a new coun-        of our sins and guide us to the Kingdom.
Slovenian cakes were served. Carnations      try, especially when we realized that we      We are children of the light and it is our
either crafted from tissue paper or fresh,   had so much in common. Our women              mission to go out into the world and en-
were given out to participants. One char-    and the youth shared their experiences        lighten those in the darkness and bring
acteristic of WDP in South Africa is that    of also suffering from alcoholism and         them to the feast. It is like when one
churches work together on an ecumeni-        drug abuse.                                   withdraws from the community because
cal platform, where the service is pre-                                                    they feel as if they cannot contribute
sented in English, Afrikaans and Zulu.       The theme was meaningful for us. It           positively, and then with prayer and reg-
                                             taught us a lesson on how God always          ular visits, the person returns to the
Our WDP women are very focused on            call us towards the Kingdom, but we do        community with renewed light.
practical ways to spread the Gospel and      not always listen or respond, just like

                                                                                           World Day of Prayer    21 Journal 2019
TOGO                                                       ZIMBABWE

UGANDA                                      participation. They were able to reflect   year we learn more about the love of God
                                            on the Bible story by performing drama-    which transforms us and gives us hope.” A
Even though, our story does not repre-
                                            tizations. Churches have begun to in-      participant made this comment during
sent a national committee in Uganda,
                                            clude WDP on their calendars, meaning      the celebrations held in March. It re-
the WDP program was celebrated in
                                            that WDP is the only program cele-         minded us that the worship service unites
Kampala by a group of South Sudanese
                                            brated that day. We have been able         us all – the young, the old, the country we
Christians at St. Stephen Kitara Church.
                                            to spread the word about the movement
We had 62 participants from the                                                        pray for, and the communities we live in.
                                            throughout the country and people
Catholic, Presbyterian and Episcopal                                                   The Slovenia program itself highlighted
                                            have come to cherish the WDP because
Churches. It was organized by the Pres-                                                the importance of loving one another. To
                                            each year the theme brings new under-
byterian Church of South Sudan Kam-                                                    avoid discrimination and to make time to
                                            standing. The theme this year had
pala Parish. To be united together in a     us focus on inclusiveness and caring       speak to God and intercede for the needy,
new experience was the highlight of the     for others, not only in our churches       mothers of children with special needs,
celebration! We are excited to have par-    but in our communities. Our committee      and others. We believe that when we pray
ticipated in the prayers and we look for-   has taken this lesson along with our       for others, others will be praying for us,
ward to it again next year!                 motto “Informed Prayer. Prayerful          for most of the challenges being faced are
                                            Action” to support women, orphans,         global issues. We need to encourage our-
ZAMBIA                                      and the other underprivileged as a         selves into action and act upon God’s
We hosted several services with thou-       way of putting wheels to our prayer        word to show the world that we want
sands of participants. We made the serv-    and taking action.                         things to be better for everyone.
ice available in seven different
languages making it available to as         ZIMBABWE
many people as possible. Youth centers      “Through these World Day of Prayer serv-
held services which ensured youth           ices our lives are transformed for each

          We have been able to spread the word about the movement throughout
         the country and people have come to cherish the WDP because each year
                          the theme brings new understanding.

World Day of Prayer   22 Journal 2019
  BANGLADESH                                                           HONG KONG

The theme this year was very motiva-
tional and inspiring. The Bible story
under “Come – Everything Is Ready” de-
fined to us how God invites all people to
the table. We live in a pluralistic society
where people of different faiths and eth-
nic backgrounds coexist. It can be diffi-
cult at times to live together peacefully
but during events like WDP, we can feel
the spirit of ecumenism. We take these
opportunities to welcome those, who do
not know Christ, into our hearts just as      world has helped to open up our hearts     glory. Our pastor focused on the core
God has called us to the table. God’s love    and minds. Learning about the problems     message of the theme. We too often re-
and grace is for everyone.                    and suffering of others, the WDP helps     sist or delay responding to God’s invita-
                                              Christians in our country to engage        tion, and our excuses may sound
Facebook: @nccbfanpage                        through informed prayer and prayerful      reasonable but greater efforts must be
                                              action from a global perspective.          made to respond to God’s call.
                                              Our worship service began by listening     Website:
World Day of Prayer is jointly organized
                                              to the stories of the Slovenian women.
by seven denominations, coordinated by                                                   J A PA N
                                              We thanked God for leading the Sloven-
the Hong Kong Christian Council. The          ian people to overcome their hardships.
celebration is very meaningful for our                                                   It must be emphasized that, for the very
                                              A joint women’s choir from the different   first time, a WDP celebration was held in
churches. Focusing annually on a differ-      denominations sang together for God’s      Tokyo during the evening to give
ent country from another part of the

                                                                                         World Day of Prayer    23 Journal 2019
MALAYSIA                                                           PAKISTAN

younger women a chance to attend the                                                       N E PA L
program after work. This development is                                                    It was a blessing for the Asian Church
important for us as we intend to get                                                       Women’s Conference to celebrate World
young people to participate in the serv-                                                   Day of Prayer. Although we were a small
ices and involved in the movement. We                                                      group from different churches and dif-
started distributing leaflets and promot-                                                  ferent faiths, we had a wonderful time
ing WDP’s motto of “Informed Prayer.                                                       together. We began the service with a
Prayerful Action.” Those who participated                                                  song, and by remembering the women
for the first time were very impressed by                                                  and children around the world, espe-
the theme and felt like they were united                                                   cially our sisters in Slovenia who pre-
through the worship service. They ex-                                                      pared the program. Learning about
                                             depicts today’s response to God’s call by
pressed their appreciation for the ecu-                                                    WDP and the culture of Slovenia was
                                             many. Similar to the three characters in
menical movement. Regardless of the size                                                   very enriching. The description of the
                                             the parable, many of us give excuses for
of the venue or the number of partici-       not coming to God’s table. In today’s hec-    artwork was inspiring and heartwarm-
pants, many groups made various efforts      tic life with many challenges, our priori-    ing. We felt connected with our Sloven-
to enliven the celebration. Examples of      ties are different and God takes second       ian sisters and close in spirit. After
those initiatives are selling crops they     place. Some people are very status con-       reading the Bible story there was a mo-
farmed themselves, getting traditional       scious and will inquire who the invited       ment of sharing and discussion. To-
Slovenian recipes from the embassy, and      guests are before accepting an invitation     gether we joined hands to glorify God
holding a Q&A conversation about the         to a party. If one attends a feast only to    and uplift the WDP sisters in prayer. We
theme after the worship service.             find that those present were the out-         thank our sisters for sharing with us in
                                             casts of society, I wonder what their reac-   prayer and allowing us to be a part of the
Website:    tion will be. Will they walk out or accept    World Day of Prayer movement.
and                            those present?
Facebook: @nccinjapan                                                                      PA K I S TA N
                                             The worship services were conducted in        World Day of Prayer is celebrated across
M A L AY S I A                               various churches and some women               Pakistan among different denomina-
The theme “Come - Everything Is Ready”       dressed up in Slovenian dresses. Chil-        tions that include Church of Pakistan
is a challenge for people today. What        dren excitedly learned about Slovenia         (union of former Anglican and Lutheran
will their reaction be to this invitation?   and made a bee headband from card-            churches), United Presbyterian Church,
The passage taken from the Bible             board.                                        and the Salvation Army. We do it with

World Day of Prayer   24 Journal 2019
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