Page created by Everett Kramer
                                VOLUME XXXIII, ISSUE 6 • NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019


111 Wexford Club Drive | Hilton Head Island, SC 29928 | (843) 686-8810 |
Table of                             Welcome
                     Contents                               Dear Wexford Property Owners:
                     Message from the GM, 2
                     Letter from the Board President, 3     Elections/ Ballots/                                      (completion for Heritage Week)
                                                                  Board                                              and on budget ($1.4 million).
                     Member Services, 4
                                                                                                                     Contractors have been selected
                     Welcome New Members, 4                  Voting is underway for our                              and contracts negotiated for
                     Harbour News, 5                      2020 Operating and Capital                                 many of the line items associated
                     Warren’s Wildlife, 6-7               Budgets, for several proposed                              with the project, including pool
                                                          Covenant and By-Law Changes,                               contractors, engineers, site work
                     Clubhouse Corner, 8-9
                                                          and for your three new Board                               preparation, travertine suppliers
                     Holiday Wine Pairings, 10            members who will serve from              Susan Fishel      and more. Thank you to the
                     Marketing News, 11                   2020 through 2022. Please plan General Manager/COO Pool Construction Committee
                     Tennis News, 12                      to join us on November 7th                                 for your many hours of
                     Golf News, 13-15                     for Candidates night. This year, 7 of your dedicated work.
                     Security News, 16                    neighbors have signed up to run for the
                                                          Board, and you can meet them and hear them                    Activities
                     Wexford Foundation News, 17
                                                          speak at a Town Hall Meeting organized by         There have been lots of property transfers
                     Croquet News, 17                     the Nominating Committee. We will also over the past few months. Twenty-two
                     Spotlight on Members, 18-19          videotape the event, and it will be posted improved properties and 2 lots have sold year-
                     Calendar, 20                         online within a week following the meeting.     to-date and another 6 homes are currently
                                                             We are grateful to our three Board members under contract and scheduled to close before
                                                          who are completing their terms. Lesley Green year-end. Our new property owner initiation
                                                          has provided expertise in her roles as Board fee is currently at $380K and forecasted to be
                                                          Secretary, House & Social Chair, and ASC at $480K for 2019. We are planning a New

                     Wexford                              liaison. George Volanakis came back for a Member Happy Hour in November so that
                                                          second round on the Board after a break of you have the opportunity to greet some of the

                                                          many years and has spent countless hours with new neighbors that you may not have met.
                                                          guidance on the Infrastructure Committee, as
                                                          well as Greens and Grounds. And, of course,       Our busiest quarter of the year is in
                                                          we are thankful for Paul Klasing. Paul has process. We are in the process of enjoying
                     Board of Directors —                 served 6 years on the Board, and 4 of those as our October festivities with Spooktacular
                     Officers:                            President. The management team and I have and a special Costume Happy Hour. The
                       President:                         valued his leadership, support, advice and Wexford Yacht Club and staff are excited
                        Paul Klasing                      patience. As a team, we have completed many about our new Festival of Lights party — as
                       Vice President:                    successful projects and gotten through several we enjoy decorated boats in the Harbour.
                        Bill Haverland                    Hurricanes. The amount of time and energy And, new this year, Santa will arrive by boat!
                                                          devoted to this role is tremendous.
                       Secretary:                                                                         Our Annual Meeting will take place on Friday,
                        Lesley Green                                   Key Projects                         December 13th. Reservations are filling up
                       Treasurer:                                                                           for the Member Holiday Party on Saturday,
                                                             Painting of the exterior of the Clubhouse      December 14th!
                        Dan Cornell                       started at the end of October.                       As we prepare for the Thanksgiving, I am
                     Directors:                              Asphalt paving of Bridgetown, Fairfax,         grateful for my many blessings. Among them,
                       Rick Anderson                      Coventry and Berkshire is in process.             I am thankful for our wonderful property
                       Hilary Drammis                        Installation of new Pedestals and repairs to   owners who provide the employees with
                       David Jackson                      the wiring on Docks 7 and 9 has started. Please   a special work environment, and with our
                       Bill Murray                        let Dockmaster Mark Dryden know as soon           wages and benefits. Wexford’s culture and
                                                          as possible if you would like to order a new
                       George Volanakis                                                                     friendliness are special. It is the team’s and my
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                                                          Pedestal for your dock behind your home.          privilege to serve you and care for your unique
                     Administration Office:                  The upper Pool renovation and lower            amenities and assets.
                     Monday – Friday                      Pool construction projects are in process.
                                                                                                                                      Happy Holidays,
                     9:00 AM – 5:00 PM                    As also reported in last month’s Club Times,
                     843-686-6950                         the project is expected to be on schedule                                             Susan
   Hello Friends and Neighbors,                                     these storms as we do. Their dedication should never be taken
                                                                    for granted and certainly can’t be outsourced to contract labor

        nother holiday season is upon us                            or third parties. I hope you share my appreciation for this tal-
        and thus the theme for this final                           ented group of people and while none of us are perfect, I know
        2019 edition of the Club Times                              they strive for perfection in their daily duties whether we meet
is Thankfulness. My list, much like yours                           them in person or as they work all night at the gate or early in
I’m sure, is full of people to thank.                               the morning, so we can enjoy our outdoor activities.
    First and foremost, I’m thankful to live                            Before I wrap with a special thank you for a special inspira-
in this great country. Listening or read-                           tional leader, I’d like to say Thank You to my colleagues who
ing the daily news can easily create stress                         have served on the Wexford Board of Directors during my 6
                                                  Paul Klasing      years on the Board. We are blessed to have intelligent, con-
and identify our opportunities, however
all things considered we are fortunate to           President       scientious volunteers on the board who strive to do the right
benefit from the freedoms and opportu-                              thing for Wexford and all owners. A difference of opinion is
nity for prosperity provided by those who laid the groundwork       invaluable, and I’ve benefitted from many diverse perspectives
for innovation, democracy, and capitalism. A special heartfelt      and talents. I truly hope the future Boards will remain focused
Thank You to the brave men and women who fought and died            on nurturing and maintaining our facilities, infrastructure, and
in foreign and domestic battles and those who continue to he-       employees in a manner that ensures Wexford remains a special
roically fight to defend our democracy.                             place to reside and work.
                                                                        Finally, I’ll finish with the number one reason I believe
    Secondly indulge me for a personal shout out — I’m thank-
                                                                    Wexford has recovered from Hurricanes, financial crises, and
ful for my wonderful wife (probably should have started with
                                                                    flourished as a community which both new and existing prop-
Karen as she will most likely remind me), daughter Paige, son-
                                                                    erty owners continue to invest in. Mrs. Susan Fishel has been
in-law Christopher, who nurture me when I need support and
                                                                    with Wexford for 14 years, specifically, and General Manager
likewise tolerate my shortcomings.
                                                                    for 7 years. She continues to work tirelessly on our behalf.
    Certainly, my life (and hopefully yours) is fuller and enjoy-   I’ve been thankful to be associated with such a talented, in-
able in part to the neighbors and acquaintances we are blessed      spirational person in such a unique position as the Wexford
to call friends within our Wexford Plantation and the Hilton        Plantation General Manager. Every issue is a personal issue for
Head community. The Island has a special culture and char-          each resident/employee and Susan’s compassion, empathy, and
acter that is difficult to replicate. If we would have been told    commitment to fairness is a set of enviable leadership skills.
when we were 16 years old that we would be lucky enough             Susan-On behalf of all Wexford owners and residents I’d like
to call Hilton Head Island our home for some of our years, I        to say THANK YOU and we wish you continued professional
think most of us would have taken up the offer!                     success as well as good health and happiness for you and your
    My final group of folks to recognize and say Thank You to       family.
is the 100 or so employees who work and earn a living as part           I’ve been honored to serve you as your President the last 4
of the Wexford community. Whether the employee is work-             years, and I’ve tried to always keep in mind what is in the best
ing outside in 100+ degrees, preparing or serving us dinner,        interests of our Wexford owners and our valued employees.
or coordinating our golf, tennis, boating activities, I think we    That’s all Folks!!
can all agree their attention to detail and genuine concern for         Happy Holidays and continued good health and happiness
our happiness shines through every day. I was fortunate to wit-     to y’all!
ness up close the tireless efforts expended by our employees
before, during, and after Hurricane Mathew and subsequent                                                             Take Care,
threats of the devastating forces of nature. These people and
their families have the same stresses and distractions from                                                                 Paul
                                                                                                                                        3 • The Club Times
Member Services
                                                        Kelley Smith                         Welcome
                                                 Member Services Coordinator
                                                     (843) 686-8810, ext. 114

                                    Turkey Trot 5K                                           Urs & Judy Bernegger
                                         Saturday, November 30
                     Join us and help burn all those Thanksgiving calories!
                                                                                             16 Bridgetown Road
                     Registration begins at 10 AM at the clubhouse. Race to begin at 10:15
                     am. Cost is $10 per person. Light refreshments and beverages served
                     at the finish line! Sign up with Kelley Smith, Member Services.

                               Drop and Dine:
                             Christmas PJ edition
                                   Friday, December 20 from 6-9pm
                                        in the Waterford Room
                     Drop your little ones off while you enjoy a night out! The kids
                     may order off the dinner menu and will enjoy making Christmas              Alex Ziskind &
                     ornaments, and watching a fun Christmas movie, along with snacking       Novella Karwatsky
                     on popcorn. Don’t forget to wear your Christmas PJ’s! The cost is $20
                     per child. Sign up with Kelley Smith, Member Services. *All children    12 Bridgetown Road
                     must be picked up by 9 pm (no exceptions)!

                                        Giving Tree                                           Chris & Luci Holuta
                                                                                              10 Harrogate Drive
                     ‘Tis the season of giving back! Stop by the Clubhouse and pick up an
                     ornament tag from our Giving Tree! All donations will go to Deep
                     Well and Family Promise of Beaufort County. All donated items must
                     be returned unwrapped to Member Services by Friday, December 13.

                              Gingerbread House
The Club Times • 4

                     Sunday, December 8 at 3:30 pm in the Waterford Room
                     Gingerbread house decorating will be held during the Festival of
                     Lights. The cost is $14 per person. Please sign up with Kelley Smith,
                     Member Services.
Harbour News
          Mark Dryden                                   Warren Holland                                  Wanda Marshall
      Harbourmaster                                      Dockmaster                                   Harbour Attendant
        843-686-8813                                    843-686-8813                                     (843) 686-8813
         mdryden@                                        wholland@                                       wmarshall@                                  

Taking stock of our many blessings as boaters
   t’s autumn — the beginning of my             Thanksgiving, we’re thankful to be able to
   favorite time of year!                       spend time with other boaters, learn a new       Mark Your Calendar
        In honor of our “favorite fall” time    skill or two, and (sometimes) leave a boat
                                                                                                         November 13-14
(my concession to American English)             show with a great deal. Not to mention
                                                seeing all the new toys to play with.                    Edisto Overnight
holiday season, I thought we should share
just a few of the things we are most thankful                New technology                                December 8
for as boaters.                                   In many ways, new technology like                      Festival of Lights
                                                smartphones, GPS and enhanced reality,
                                                have made boating a safer, more enjoyable            HARBOUR CENTER
                                                activity. You can try new things and visit            HOLIDAY HOURS
                                                new places without having to worry about             Thanksgiving: 8am-2pm
                                                whether or not you’ll be able to find your          Christmas Eve: 8am-2pm
                                                way back — and for adventurous boaters,              Christmas Day: Closed
                                                that’s something to be thankful for!
                                                                                                    New Year’s Eve: 8am-4pm
                                                                                                    New Year’s Day: Closed

                                                                                               places is something we’re grateful for.
                                                                                                    Entire days spent on the water
        Family time and memories                                                                  Like most boaters, you probably try to
   Boating offers an unparalleled level of                                                     stay on the water as long as possible. When
family time and togetherness — which                                                           you’re able to spend an entire day, from
you probably know by now! Look back at                                                         sunrise to sunset, on the water, that’s an
all the memories you’ve made on board, as                                                      accomplishment worth sharing!
a child or as the head of a family of your                                                          Passing down a love for boating
own… or perhaps this summer, even what                                                            Finally, there are few things an
seemed like simple, routine days on the                                                        experienced boater can do that are as
water turn out to mean a lot and will stay                                                     rewarding as passing down the passion to
in a child’s mind long after.                                   Fido on board                  the new generation or to a fellow boater.
          Thanksgiving on board                    Bringing man’s best friend on board         You may have learned to love boating at a
   We are very lucky to have the type           is one of a boater’s greatest pleasures. As    young age, so it’s especially meaningful to
of weather that we can celebrate                boaters, we love to be able to bring our pet   be able to pass it down yourself.
“Thanksgiving” on the water. It is a truly      on the water with us so they can appreciate       Remember to share what you’re thankful
fun twist on the traditional holiday routine.   the trip just as much as we do!                for with friends and family! Today we let
If you’ve done this already, you know how                     New destinations                 the pace of life get in front of us, boating by
                                                                                                                                                 5 • The Club Times

enjoyable it can be — and if you haven’t,          We all love traveling to new destinations   its very nature makes us slow down a little.
why not make plans to do so this year?          — and fortunately for boaters, there’s            And of course, from everyone here at the
             Boat show season                   always something new to explore. Whether       Wexford Harbour Center, we would like
   There’s nothing like getting the boat        you’re cruising up the coast or to another     to wish you a happy Thanksgiving, and a
of your dreams at a price you love. This        area entirely, being able to explore new       prosperous and peaceful Holiday Season.
                                            WEXFORD WILDLIFE
                                                        with Warren Holland, Low Country Master Naturalist

                                                                                                  Everyone I know in the boating industry has a mink story. Fast
                                                 Blue Bird                                      creatures with an uncanny ability to glide thru the water. Can be
                        We have a very healthy population of blue birds in the plantation       quite the headache for boaters but cool animals. Was never able to
                     and I love to see them. Came in one morning and this one was               verify it but I am fairly certain that this mink was a mom with kids
                     singing his heart out on top of a light at the lock. Pretty colors in      somewhere near the harbour or the marsh just outside the lock.
                     the morning light.                                                         She was very active and almost a daily visitor to us.

                                                                                                                     Great Horned Owl
                                                                                                   This one of my favorite things to photograph this year. I was very
                                                                                                fortunate to be able to see this family of owls go thru the entire cycle
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                                           Tricolored Heron                                     of nesting to brooding to hatching to fletching. The parents took
                        Gorgeous little birds with lot of colors. I enjoyed this shot because   over an osprey nest and made it their own. Captured this picture of
                     it almost looks more like a painting. This one was working the bank        an owlet sitting outside the nest. I like how it is peering around the
                     inside the harbour jumping from docks to the wall. Caught him              tree trunk to keep an eye on me. I tried very hard to sneak up on
                     “shaking” the water off hopefully with a belly full.                       them multiple times, but they always spot me right away.
   It is no secret I love birds of prey and lucky for me we have a growing
population of ospreys around the plantation. When these boys and girls get back
from South America it is always a welcoming sight. Caught this one before a
feeding season stretching out his wings on the mast of sailboat in the harbor.
Watched it leave the sailboat and go to work in the harbor snatching a nice               Red Bellied Woodpecker
mullet out the water then retreating back to the pines to enjoy his breakfast.
                                                                                    Another bird that seems to have a healthy
                                                                                  population in the plantation. They love the Sable
Red Shoulder Hawk                                                                 Palmettos around the harbor. I heard this one
   Saw this guy working                                                           before I saw it. He was pounding away on the
the marsh over beside the                                                         palmetto grabbing everything he could. He worked
clubhouse. Seemed to miss                                                         the tree for quite some time before moving on to
whatever he was after and                                                         the next. Commonly mistaken for Red Headed
found this pine tree to take                                                      woodpeckers. When trying to ID woodpeckers
a little break on. Bright                                                         always pay attention to the back patterns.
morning sun really lighting
up his eyes and chest.
Also, got a good look at his
talons. Beautiful birds but
tricky to ID from a red-
tailed hawk.

                                                                                     Not exactly a wildlife picture but one I really
                                                                                  enjoyed shooting. This is from the oyster roast last
                                                                                  year at the harbour center. Snagged the moment
                                                                                  Johnny the oyster man pulled these delicacies
                                                                                  from the pot. Oysters are my favorite thing about
                                                                                  the Lowcountry this time of year. As vital as they
                          Little Blue Heron                                       are for the ecosystem, they are very tasty to eat.
                                                                                  When I was younger, I prided myself on how many
                                                                                                                                         7 • The Club Times

  Another very pretty heron that is not as common as some of the other herons     I could shuck and eat in one sitting. I love them
but still a fairly common bird. Caught this one fishing the lagoon on the golf    all ways they come, but raw with a Woodford neat
course which made a great contrast between his varying blue colors and the        to chase or steamed on a cracker are my favorite.
green lilies in the background. It has that famous crouching walk as they stalk   Don’t toss that pea crab away either! I’ll take that
their prey and snatch them up in an instant.                                      as well.
Clubhouse Corner
                       Frank M. Copeland III                                Jennifer Arnold                                     Ted Coleman
                          Executive Chef                                 Clubhouse Manager                              Food & Beverage Director
                            843-715-0915                                    843-715-0913                                      843-715-0914
                             fcopeland@                                       jarnold@                                         tcoleman@

                                              Reservations are welcome at the Clubhouse, online through Club Dining or
                                                        by calling our Reservations Line directly at (843) 715-0912.
                        Reservations are greatly appreciated, and cancellations are accepted up to 48 hours in advance of the events unless otherwise stated.

                               Thanksgiving Buffet                                                                  Prime Rib &
                                      Thursday, November 28th
                             Seatings at 12pm, 12:30pm, 2pm and 2:45pm
                                                                                                                   Lobster Night
                     The Wexford Thanksgiving                                                                       Friday, November 29th
                     Grand Buffet is the best on                                                                Seating times from 5:30-7:45pm
                     the island and is not to be
                                                                                                            A Wexford holiday tradition returns with a
                     missed. Join us for a bountiful
                                                                                                            special a la carte menu featuring slow roasted
                     buffet that will feature a chilled
                                                                                                            USDA prime rib, lobster tails, Charleston fish
                     seafood station, fall soup and
                                                                                                            and artisanal pasta. The culinary team will feature
                     salads, carving stations with
                                                                                                            a great selection of salads, soups and desserts to
                     Turkey and Honey Glazed
                                                                                                            round out this day “After Thanksgiving” special
                     Ham, Grilled Seasonal Fish,
                                                                                                            menu. 72 Hour cancelation applies
                     Traditional Thanksgiving sides
                     and desserts will complete this

                     huge culinary showpiece.
                     Adults $40++, Children 5-12 $19++, 4 & Under Complimentary
                     Country Club Attire Requested — no denim please. 72 Hour Cancellation
                     applies to this event
                                                                                                                Wine Sale
                             Thanksgiving ‘To-Go’                                                             Sunday, December 1st-
                                                                                                              Friday, December 13th
                                                                                                            Featuring great holiday pricing
                     Orders must be made by Noon on Friday, November 22nd
                                                                                                            to stock your cellars.
                     Pick-up Thursday, Nov. 28th from 11am-1pm. Please state pick-up time
                     when ordering. 72 Hour Cancellation Policy applies

                       To-Go Menu
                       Pan of Mashed Potatoes (Serves 4) $14++
                                                                                                            Bubbles & Baubles
                       Traditional Cornbread Dressing or Apple Sausage Stuffing (Serves 4)                     Friday, December 6th from 6-8pm
                       $15++                                                                                Join us for a sip-and-shop event complete with
                                                                                                            Champagne for tasting while you browse. We
                       Quart of Gravy $10++
                                                                                                            will also have several local boutiques here with
The Club Times • 8

                       Macaroni and Cheese (Serves 4) $13                                                   items to complete Santa’s gift list! This is a
                       Pan of Green Beans (Serves 4) $12++                                                  perfect event to work on your holiday shopping
                                                                                                            while having a relaxing evening with friends!
                       Rolls or Cornbread for 4ppl, $8++
                                                                                                            Would you like to join us for dinner? Let us
                       Pumpkin Pies $18 each++                                                              know at 843-715-0912.
Festival of Lights                                                              CLUBHOUSE
                      Sunday, December 8th                                                            CLOSURES
                4:30 pm — Santa arrives for pictures
                                                                                                   The Clubhouse will close at
          5:30-7:30 pm — Dinner Buffet at the Clubhouse                                         1:30pm, due to a private event
  7:30-8:30 — Boat Viewing, S’mores Martinis and Hot Chocolate                                  on Saturday, November 2nd.
                           (Dockside)                                                              The Clubhouse will be
$36pp++ Adults/ $18pp++ kids over 5-12; complimentary for 4 and under
                                                                                                closed for dinner service for
Menu Highlights:                                                                                the Foundation Gala event on
Build your own Baked Potato, Salad and Chili Station, Carved Petite Tenderloin of Beef,         Saturday, November 9th.
Shrimp and Scallop Seafood Newberg over Egg Noodles, Roasted Winter Vegetables,                    The Clubhouse will be
and desserts featuring: Chocolate Chip Cookies, Fall Apple Crisp,Vanilla Ice Cream              closed for dinner service
A children’s buffet will include: Chicken Fingers, Sweet Fries, Honey Mustard                   on Thanksgiving,Thursday,
                                                                                                November 28th.
                                                                                                   The Clubhouse will be closed
             Member Holiday Party                                                               for ala carte dinner service due
                                                                                                to a private event on Saturday,
                    Saturday, December 14th at 6:30pm                                           November 30th.
Please save the date for the Wexford Holiday Party. This year’s event will feature                 The Clubhouse will be
a cocktail hour with passed hors d’ oeuvres, delightful stations that include a raw             closed for dinner service due
bar and also a sushi display. Chef Frank will be preparing a delicious surf & turf              to a private event Saturday,
entrée followed by a special dessert. Dance the night away to The Adrian Duke                   December 7th.
Project. Price is $125++ per person. Space is limited. Due to popularity of this                   The Clubhouse will be closed
event, guests cannot be accommodated as Wexford Owners will have priority for                   for ala carte lunch and dinner
reservations. One Week Cancellation Applies for this event                                      service Saturday, December 14th
                                                                                                for Member Holiday Party and
             New Year’s Eve Dinner                                                                 Wednesday, December 25th
                                                                                                the Clubhouse is closed for
                        Tuesday, December 31st                                                  Christmas.
               Reservations will be offered from 6-8:30 pm                                         The Clubhouse will be closed
Your New Year’s Eve dinner will be offered as a seasonal a la carte menu featuring              January 1st-January 21st for
ingredients such as Lobster, Foie Gras, Wagyu Beef, Chilean Sea Bass, West Cost                 annual maintenance work and
Oysters and Truffles with a selection of wonderful cheeses or sweets to finish the              will reopen for lunch service on
meal. As a toast to the New Year, we’ll offer a complimentary Champagne toast at                January 22nd.
the beginning of your meal! The bar and Clubhouse will be open until 10:30 pm.

                                             Hours of Operation
  DINING                                                                           RESERVATIONS
   Lunch: Tuesday - Saturday, 11:30 am - 2:30 pm                                   Reservations are welcomed at the Clubhouse,
                                                                                   online through Club Dining or by calling our
   Dinner: Thursday - Saturday, 5:30 - 8 pm            TO GO ORDERS                Reservations Line at (843) 715-0912.
   Sunday Brunch: 11 am - 2 pm                       To go orders can be placed    Reservations are greatly appreciated and
   Sunday Pub Night: 5:30 - 8 pm                      by calling (843) 686-8821.   cancellations are accepted up to 48 hours in
                                                                                   advance of events unless otherwise stated.
                                                                                                                                   9 • The Club Times

   Tuesday - Wednesday: 11:30 am - 5 pm                              Complimentary Coffee Service:
   Thursday - Saturday: 11:30 am – 9 pm                              Tuesday - Sunday mornings until 10 am
   Sunday: 11 am - 8 pm                                              Traditional Happy Hour:
  Bar hours are subject to change depending on volume.               Complimentary Hors D’oeuvres:Thursdays 6-7pm
HOLIDAY FOOD & WINE PAIRING 101                                                           with Ted Coleman, Sommelier

                      Perfect wine adds to Thanksgiving experience
                           Toast with Bubbles!                                            heavy in body they can pair with just about any food found on
                                                                                          your Thanksgiving table. They are both light and fruit forward
                         Sparkling wines are a great way to                               which match up well with cranberry sauce, sweet potatoes and
                      get the party started. I recommend                                  of course, the Turkey!
                      a Sparkling Rosé or Prosecco that                                        If you prefer a more fruit forward wine, I suggest Pavillon
                      are both semi-sweet and tend to                                     Chavannes Cuvee Ambassador 2017, Cotes du Brouilly (which
                      agree with a wide variety of palates.                               is a Beaujolais). $20 per bottle by the case is a tremendous value.
                      Their light fruit flavors can pair well                                  If you prefer a more balance of fruit and dry, earthy tones I
                      with anything from cranberry sauce                                  recommend you try an Oregon Pinot Noir from the Willamette
                      to stuffing. One of my favorites is                                 Valley called St. Innocent Shea Vineyard. The 2015 vintage of
                      a Tasmanian Sparkling Rosé called                                   this wine is incredible and comes to you at $45.99 per bottle
                      Jansz Brut. Special Member pricing                                  by the case.
                      comes in at $18.75 per bottle when ordering a 6-pack case.
                                                                                                       Everyone has a Sweet Tooth!
                                                           Side Dish
                                                       Suggested Pairings                     What pairs with traditional
                                                                                          Thanksgiving desserts like
                                                     White wines that pair with side      Pumpkin or Pecan Pie?
                                                 dishes: Dry wines such as Sancerre,      I suggest a glass of sweet
                                                 Chablis or Vouvray are homerun           late-harvest Sauternes or a
                                                 pairings due to their citrus and         delicious Sandeman Port wine.
                                                 herbaceous flavor profiles. Sancerre     Dining at the Clubhouse for
                                                 is always well liked at any dinner       Thanksgiving? Allow us to
                                                 table and the 2018 Henri Bourgeois       make suggestions for your post-
                                                 Sancerre goes for $20.85 per bottle      meal wine!
                                                 by the case.
The Club Times • 10

                                                                                             Please contact Ted Coleman at tcoleman@wexfordplantation.
                                Main Course Suggested Pairings                            com if you are interested in any of these wines. Remember,
                         You probably want to invest in some light red wines to satisfy   you can purchase these wines beforehand and bring with you
                      the red wine drinkers at your table. Pinot Noir and Beaujolais      to your Thanksgiving meal at the Clubhouse with a minimal
                      are the top Thanksgiving wines that come to mind. While not         corkage fee!
Digital Marketing and how Wexford uses it
D                                                                          Marketing News
          igital marketing is a way to promote brands and products
          online and through other digital channels. Most businesses
          have a specific audience they are trying to reach, and digital
marketing aims to help businesses reach these target consumers
through the internet and other digital avenues. Digital marketing is
vital for modern businesses because the internet plays a significant
                                                                                       Kryssie Todd
role in how today’s consumer makes purchasing decisions. The               Director of Communications & Marketing
internet also impacts how consumers actually purchase their             
products and services.                                                               (843) 686-6950, ext. 107
   The days of browsing at a physical store location and asking sales
associates for more information about products are gone. Now,
                                                                           targeted audience and have created a “look-a-like” from that
consumers use the internet to get the information they need to
                                                                           audience. 85% of our target audience actively participate on
make an informed purchasing decision, even if they still visit the
                                                                           Facebook and 77% have acted after seeing an ad on a social
physical store location to make their final purchase.
                                                                           network in the last year.
   That’s where digital marketing comes in. It helps your business
                                                                              Finally, another way we grow leads through digital marketing is
reach these consumers wherever they are in their digital buyer’s
                                                                           search engine marketing. Leveraging strategic targeting, tailored
                                                                           ad extensions, and paid search, are maximizing our presence and
   At Wexford, we focus three goals to increase awareness;
                                                                           performance in search engines to reach high intent audiences when
programmatic display/site retargeting, social media advertising, and
                                                                           they are actively searching for us, similar communities, and more.
search engine marketing.
                                                                           90% of home sellers and buyers use Google, 45% use Yahoo, 37%
   With programmatic display/site retargeting, we are effectively
                                                                           use Bing, and 22% are less likely to go past the first page of search
and efficiently reaching the people most likely to be interested in
                                                                           results. In the past year, 79% of our audience have acted after seeing
Wexford Plantation with display banner ads. We are targeting an
                                                                           a sponsored search result.
audience on a broad network of sites based on people searching for
real estate and specific price points, as well as visiting competitor’s
websites and industry-related sites. We are also retargeting recent
                                                                                             Kryssie’s Holiday Tips
visitors of 70% of website visitors who               This holiday season, take time to think about what you are
are retargeted with display ads are more likely to convert on our          thankful for. Spend some quality time with your families and loved
website.                                                                   ones. Indulge in some tasty holiday treats and enjoy some delicious
   Social media advertising focuses on growing our audience and            holiday cocktails.
reaching our current followers through a variety of targeting                I am very thankful for my family, faith, friends and especially my
options, leveraging engaging written and visual content while              husband!
targeted users browse Facebook. We have developed a custom                   Happy Holidays Everyone!

                                                                                                                                                    11 • The Club Times
Patrick Mason                                      Tennis                                               Mike Pollard

                      Director of Tennis                                                                                 Head Tennis Professional
                      (843) 686-8816, ext. 150                                                                           (843) 686-8816, ext. 152

                      Tennis Tip:                                                                    USTA Ratings
                      Work on your weakness                                                 USTA New ratings will be out around Thanksgiving.
                                                                                            We hope to have some very competitive teams
                                                                                            represent Wexford and win the State Tournament!

                                 hat’s your weakest shot? We all have that one shot we
                                 go to great lengths to avoid hitting during a match.
                                 Whether it’s your return of serve, your backhand volley,
                      or any other shot, the fix is just 90 minutes away!
                        Did you know that in only three ½ hour lessons you will hit
                                                                                                Mark Your Calendar
                      that shot approximately 1,500 times! The tennis professional
                      can correct your technique and the repetitions will correct any                             November 8
                      weaknesses you may have.                                                                   Tennis Social
                                                                                               Wexford hosts South Beach Racquet Club for a
                                                                                             tennis social from 3-5pm. Cost is $15 per person.

                                    Congratulations                                                          November 14 & 16
                                                                                                              Wexford Pro-Am
                          Congratulations to our                                                 This year marks the 20th year of the Wexford
                      very own Director of Ten-                                               Pro-Am! Come out Thursday night to the Tennis
                      nis, Patrick Mason! He has                                                 Center and enjoy Happy Hour and a fabulous
                      been a part of the Wexford                                             tennis exhibition! Watch some of the island’s top
                      family for 25 years! Thank                                                tennis professional’s battle in a round robin for-
                      you, Patrick, for all you do                                             mat for a cash prize. Then on Saturday, it’s your
                      for Wexford!
                                                                                                chance to play with the pros.We will have two
                                                                                               flights of great tennis.The morning round will be
                                                                                             9:30-11:30.The afternoon round 12:30-2:30. Cost
                                                                                                                 is $50 per player.
                                                                                                                 November 29
                                                                                                 Work Off The Turkey Round Robin
                                                                                              10am-12pm. Come join us at the Wexford Tennis
                                                                                               Center to play some “After Turkey Tennis”. It’s a
                                                                                               fun way to burn off some of those calories from
                                                                                              the feast the day before! Cost is $15 per person.
                                                                                                                 December 13
                                                                                                                Club Challenge
                                                                                                Wexford hosts Long Cove for the annual Wex-
                                                                                               ford/Long Cove Challenge from 2-4pm. We will
                                                                                                have drinks and appetizers after the matches at
                      to Patrick and Mike
                      as they became pro-                                                                 the tennis center. Cost is $20.
The Club Times • 12

                      fessionally certified                                                                      December 27
                      Pickle Ball coaches                                                             End of the Year Tennis Party
                      with the Profes-                                                           2-4pm.This is our last round robin of the year.
                      sional Pickle Ball                                                                     Cost is $15 per person.
Scott Hunter
Director of Golf
(843) 686-8812, ext. 141
                                           Golf News                                                           Kyle Turner
                                                                                                        1st Asst. Golf Professional
                                                                                                         (843) 686-8812, ext. 142

                                                                                     Bobby’s Basics

                                                                                Short Putts
                                                                           he 5- to 10-foot range on the putting
                                                                           green can give some of us a lot of
                                                                           trouble, costing us valuable strokes over
                                                                the round. Here are a couple of helpful tips to get
                                                                these short-range putts to fall.
                                                                  First, be decisive about your line and set up
                                                                squarely to your aiming point. Next, get your
                                                                eyeline directly over top or just inside of the Bobby Blanken
                                                                ball, this will help with more solid and consistent

     Congratulations to
                                                                contact. Lastly, keep your trailing elbow close to the body to help
                                                                the putter swing on a more consistent arc.
                                                                  Give these few pointers a try and see more short-range putts find

      Scott Hunter and                                          their way into the cup.

        Paul Klasing!
  On Tuesday, October 8th, Wexford’s Director of Golf, Scott
Hunter, and Wexford Board President Paul Klasing participated
in the Club Car CPGA Pro-Official Championship at Belfair.
This dynamic duo took home first place and were deemed the
Champions! Congratulations from all of us at Wexford!

                                             Mark Your Calendar
                Thursday, November 14                                             Friday, December 6
                        Solheim Cup                                          Ugly Sweater Nine & Dine
    Friday, November 15 & Saturday, November 16                          Thursday, Dec. 12 - Saturday, Dec. 16
                     Ringer / Ringer                                          Golf Shop Christmas Sale
                 Saturday, November 23                                     BIG savings on Golf Shop merchandise!
               Couples Golf Tournament                                            *Select items are excluded.
                Thursday, November 28                                           Tuesday, December 24
            Thanksgiving Day, 8:30 shotgun                                  Christmas Eve, 8:30 Shotgun
            Golf operation / golf shop closes at 2pm                       Golf operation / golf shop closes at 2pm
     Monday, December 2 & Tuesday, December 3                                 Wednesday, December 25
                                                                                                                                      13 • The Club Times

        HH Hospital Auxiliary Golf Tournament                                        Christmas Day
         Ccourse opens approximately 3pm on Tuesday                            Course and Operation Closed
                 Thursday, December 5                                           Thursday, December 26
                WWGA Fall Closing Day                                                Normal operation

                      Ladies Invitational, Overall Gross Champions — Mary      Ladies Invitational, Overall Net Champions — Sandy Stuckert,
                      Ann Soldo, Deb Ferguson, Jan Pittelli, Maggie O’Malley        Diane Stevens, Donna Harpose, Michelle Staarmann
The Club Times • 14

              Men’s Member Guest — Flight Winners


and Steve

                                                    15 • The Club Times
Safety reminders for the holiday season
                      W                                                Security News
                                   ith the Holiday Season upon us,                                                       Always remember to unplug lights
                                   we find ourselves reflecting on                                                    before changing a bulb. If you need to get
                                   the past year and find ourselves                                                   on a ladder to hang lights, make sure you
                      thankful for those who have helped to shape                                                     have a spotter and try to use a wooden or
                      security in a most significant way. We value
                      our relationship with the Membership and
                                                                                                Marvin                fiberglass-re-enforced plastic one instead of
                                                                                                                      a metal one.
                      look forward to working with you in the                                  Morrison                  Do not overload extension cords or
                      year to come.                                                           Chief of Security       connect too many strings together, as the
                                                                                                                      general rule is three, but check with the
                      Security Tips for the Holidays                                           mmorrison@
                         To help make your holiday gathering a                                (843) 686-8817             Turn off your lights before going to bed
                      success, please notify Security, as we can                                                      or leaving the house. We understand you
                      help you develop a parking plan. With the                                                       spend all that time decorating and you want
                      on-street parking restrictions, many times         When parking, lock the vehicle, take         to show it off, but we would also hate for
                      the solution is right next door, as many have    the keys, and conceal valuables, preferably    you to return or wake up to a fire.
                      worked together by allowing a neighbor to        in the trunk. During hours of darkness,
                      park in your driveway. Security can provide      park and walk in lighted areas to the extent
                                                                                                                        Always appoint a designated
                      directions to your guests with monitoring        possible.                                                  driver
                      the traffic to help avoid problems.                When returning to your vehicle, carry           Before the evening starts, appoint a
                         While out and about, present an alert         your keys in your hand and be ready to         designated driver. While holiday festivities
                      appearance. Be aware of your surroundings;       unlock the door and enter as quickly as        are a great time to get loose, you never want
                      scan the area from time to time. Avoid           possible. As you approach your vehicle, scan   to do so in a way that endangers others. If it
                      concentrating so hard on shopping that           the area, glance underneath the vehicle, and   is impossible to appoint a designated driver,
                      you fail to keep track of your surroundings,     take a quick look inside before entering.      there are many options that do not require a
                      others near you, or your personal property.        You should certainly avoid leaving any       person who is under the influence to drive.
                      Wear conservative, comfortable clothing.         packages or shopping bags visible, by          You might be able to stay overnight and
                      Grip carried items firmly and avoid leaving      locking them in the trunk or placing           drive in the morning, catch a taxi, or take
                      them unattended. Carry minimal cash and          them out of sight.                             advantage of the increasing popularity of
                      valuables, wear minimal jewelry.                                                                ridesharing apps to get home safely.
                         Shop with friends or relatives if possible;             Fire prevention                         Remember this is your home, your
                      there IS safety in numbers. As you shop, be         Only purchase UL-listed lights and          community; so slow down, watch for
                      alert in crowded places. Among pickpockets’      extension cords.                               the pedestrians or animals who may be
                      favorites are revolving doors, jammed aisles,       If you are decorating outdoors use          crossing or walking along a roadway, don’t
The Club Times • 16

                      elevators, and public transportation stops       products that are rated for outdoor use,       be distracted by cellular telephone calls or
                      and vehicles, especially at rush hour. Carry     inspect them for any damage that may           texting while driving, obey the posted traffic
                      the day’s most expensive purchases closest       have occurred while in storage. You should     signs and most importantly, Don’t Drink
                      to your body, and don’t carry so much you        never place lighting in any of your pine       and Drive.
                      lose the ability to react quickly                straw landscaping.                                Have a Safe and Wonderful Holiday!
    Consider donating to Wexford Foundation
       s the holiday season draws near,    to support many of those on Hilton              This past year, donations to the
       this is a busy time of the year     Head and in Beaufort County. The           Foundation came from approximately
       for the Wexford Charitable          Foundation’s mission to help local         20% of Wexford’s members, and we
Foundation. From the final preparations    charities provide basic healthcare and     thank each of these donors for their
for our ‘Midnight Masquerade’ Gala &       education, and to fight hunger and         support! In this season of giving, if you
Auction held on November 9th to the        homelessness in our community has          haven’t already done so, we sincerely
culmination of our Grants Committee’s      established Wexford as a tangible force    hope you might consider joining your
work in December, the Foundation’s         for good and demonstrates the real         neighbors in donating to the Wexford
Trustees and committees are actively at    compassion that lives within our gates.    Foundation. With your donation — be
work on behalf of all of our supporters.       With an all-volunteer board of         it large or small, you will be changing the
   Monies raised at the Gala & Auction     trustees and committees focused on         lives of disadvantaged children, families
represent one third of the Foundation’s    grants, fundraising, development and       and seniors living and working in our
annual funding, and a very special         communication, we closely monitor the      local community.
thanks goes out to Gala Event co-chairs,   impact that our grants achieve, and we          Please visit our website at
Shari Anderson and Sue MacCormack,         are proud that 97% of all funds raised to learn more
Auction chair Cathy Sumpter and their      go directly to the charities we support.   about the charities that we support and
committee members who have worked          In seven short years, the Foundation       the various ways in which you can donate
all year long to make the evening          has donated over $1M to 33 deserving       and support your Wexford Foundation.
memorable and a great success.             charities, and with the ongoing support    We very much look forward to your
   Event proceeds, together with           of our members, we will continue to help   joining us in the future and we also take
generous donations from many Wexford       those in need. But we do need everyone’s   this opportunity to thank all those who
members, enable the Foundation             help!                                      have supported us over the past years.

Croquet News
           ith the cooler fall temperatures, our
           members can enjoy the Wexford croquet
   Wine and wickets will be held on the last Sunday
of each month at 4pm. It is an opportunity to meet
old and new friends. No prior experience is needed.
The game is easy to learn and fun to play.
  Every Tuesday a group gathers for golf croquet.
Games will start at 9am during October, then at
10am in November.
   If you want lessons, Contact Harvey Geiger or Jan
Jones for complementary private, group, or family
   Croquet has many formats including 9 wicket or
                                                                                                                                    17 • The Club Times

what is popularly known as “back yard croquet.” The
Wexford lawn can be set up for 9 wicket. This past
summer, Pam and Harvey Geiger competed in the
Big Lobster Nine Wicket Tournament on Mt Desert
Island in Maine and were runner-up in their flight.
Spotlight on Members
                                                                 Boat Commissioning

                                                                              Congratulations to Peter Carlson, New Commodore!

                      Congratulations to Cathy Sumpter, New Vice Commodore!

                                                RC Sailing
The Club Times • 18
Spotlight on Members
       Viva La Vino

                      Kids Craft Corner

Ladies’ Night Out
                                          19 • The Club Times
       Sunday                      Monday                    Tuesday                   Wednesday                Thursday                       Friday                   Saturday
                                                                                                                                       1                         2

                                                                                                                                             Speaker Series:        Kids Craft Corner
                                                                                                                                           Dr. Frank Rodriguez   Clubhouse Closes at 2pm

3                          4                           5                           6                       7                           8                          9
                               Clubhouse Closed                                                                     Meet the
      Daylight Savings         Golf Course Closed                                        Ladies Bridge         Candidates Night                                   Clubhouse Closes at 2p
                                 3D Discussion                                                              Traditional Happy Hour                                for Foundation Dinner

10                         11                          12                          13                      14                          15      Board Meeting     16
                               Clubhouse Closed                                      Ladies Bridge          Traditional Happy Hour
                               Golf Course Closed                                   Edisto Overnight             Solheim Cup               ETC Annual Meeting           Ringer Ringer
                                 3D Discussion                                     WWGA Annual Meeting         Edisto Overnight              Prime Rib Buffet         20th Annual Tennis
                                                                                                             20th Annual Pro Pro              Ringer Ringer                Pro Am

17                         18                          19                          20                      21                          22                        23
                                Clubhouse Closed
                               Golf Course Closed                                        Ladies Bridge      Traditional Happy Hour                                18-Hole Couples Event
                               LWGA Golf Outing                                                                 Speaker Series:
                                 3D Discussion                                                                Senator Tom Davis

24                         25                          26                          27                      28                          29                        30
                               Clubhouse Closed                                                                                            Work Off the Turkey
                               Golf Course Closed                                         Ladies Bridge      Thanksgiving Shotgun            Round Robin              Turkey Trot 5k
                                 3D Discussion                                                             Thanksgiving Grand Buffet          Prime Rib &        Clubhouse Closing at 2pm
                                                                                                                                             Lobster Night

      DECEMBER 2019
       Sunday                      Monday                    Tuesday                    Wednesday               Thursday                       Friday                   Saturday
1                          2     Clubhouse Closed      3                           4                       5                           6                         7
                               Golf Course Closed                                                                                             Ugly Sweater
                                 3D Discussion             HH Hospital Auxiliary          Ladies Bridge    Traditional Happy Hour            Nine and Dine            Clubhouse Closed
                               HH Hospital Auxiliary          Tournament                                                                   Bubbles and Baubles        for Dinner Service
                                  Tournament                                                               WWGA Fall Closing Day
                                                                                   Holiday Wine Sale
8                              9                       10                          11                      12                          13                        14
      Festival of Lights       Clubhouse Closed                                                                                            Wexford/Long Cove
     Gingerbread House         Golf Course Closed                                         Ladies Bridge     Traditional Happy Hour             Challenge             Member Holiday Party
         Decorating              3D Discussion                                                                                              Annual Meeting

                                                                       Holiday Wine Sale
15                         16                          17                       18                         19                          20                        21
                               Clubhouse Closed
                               Golf Course Closed                                         Ladies Bridge     Traditional Happy Hour            Drop & Dine
                                 3D Discussion

22                         23                          24                          25                      26                          27                        28
                                                              Christmas Eve
                               Clubhouse Closed              Clubhouse Open             Merry Christmas!    Traditional Happy Hour           End of the Year
                               Golf Course Closed               for Lunch                                                                     Round Robin

29                         30                          31

                               Clubhouse Closed            New Year’s Eve Dinner
                               Golf Course Closed

                     Visit for weekly golf and tennis schedules.
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