Closing Statement of the Executive Committee Electronic meeting 2/2021

Page created by Diane Patterson
Closing Statement of the Executive Committee Electronic meeting 2/2021
Executive Committee Meeting Electronic Session no. 2/2021 – May 24-25, 2021

                                             Closing Statement of the
                                                Executive Committee
                                           Electronic meeting 2/2021

                                         Last updated by HK/LB
                                         26 June 2021
Dear Members of the Executive Committee,

Thank you for your participation and proactive engagement during our Electronic meeting on 24-25 June
2021 specially during the Virtual Session by TEAMS held on 23rd June. Your input is greatly appreciated
in discussion of key items.
Please find the decision taken by the Executive Committee as follows.
Approved items:
       1. Closing statement of its Electronic Meeting held 18-19 May 2021 including notes from the
          virtual session.
       2. The establishment of the “Compensation Committee”
       3. The appointment of the new Chair of the Sustainability Committee
Endorsed items (to be proposed to Council)
       1. IGU finance and Annual Report 2020
       2. The appointment of Mr. Carlos Cortes Simon as the new EXC member serving as Regional
          Coordinator of Latin America & Caribbean area
       3. The appointment of Mr. Didier Holleaux as EXC member in substitution of Mr. Jean-Marc
          Leroy (Engie members representing Associated Members).
       4. Setting up of IGU-UK as a company in the UK owned by IGU (Switzerland)
       5. A The appointment of Mr Andy Calitz as Secretary General of the IGU as of 16 July 2021

       6. Granting Mr Andy Calitz the Power of Attorney to sign and/or undertake any necessary
          administrative, legal or financial functions on behalf of the IGU as of 16 July 2021

       7. Granting Mr Andy Calitz the Power of Attorney to represent IGU-UK and to undertake any
          necessary administrative, legal or financial functions on behalf of the IGU-UK entity as of 16
          July 2021 including the registration at UK Companies House, the appointment of Officer
          Bearer as Director with all legal, administrative and financial powers to fulfil the requirements
          of IGU-UK entity

All item received overwhelming endorsement/approval from EXC members through the voting platform.
The outcome allows us to make smooth and timely transition of the Secretariat of the IGU giving power of
the attorney represent the IGU to the incoming Secretary General to engage proactively.

I am grateful to all of you for the strong support and hereby close the Electronic Session 2/2021 of the
Executive Committee meeting. Please stay safe and healthy until we meet again.
Looking forward to seeing all of you in person in the near future.
Sincerely yours,

Joe M. Kang , President of IGU

List of Decisions

1. The EXC approve the Closing statement of its Electronic Meeting held 18-19 May 2021
   including notes from the virtual session.
2. The EXC endorse IGU finance and Annual Report 2020

3. The EXC endorse the appointment of Mr. Carlos Cortes Simon as the new EXC member serving
   as Regional Coordinator of Latin America & Caribbean area
4. The EXC endorse the appointment of Mr. Didier Holleaux as new EXC member in substitution of
   Jean-Marc Leroy from Engie, as representative of Associates Members.
5. The EXC approve the appointment of Ms Noor Suhaila Othman as the new Chair of the
   Sustainability Committee

6. The EXC endorse setting up of IGU-UK as a company in the UK owned by IGU (Switzerland)
       a. All shares in IGU-UK to be held by IGU (Switzerland)
       b. Registration at UK Companies House
       c. Appointment of one Office Bearer with all legal, administrative, and financial powers

7. The EXC endorse the appointment of Mr Andy Calitz as Secretary General of the IGU as of 16
   July 2021

8. The EXC endorse granting Mr Andy Calitz the Power of Attorney to sign and/or undertake any
   necessary administrative, legal or financial functions on behalf of the IGU as of 16 July 2021

9. The EXC endorse granting Mr Andy Calitz the Power of Attorney to represent IGU-UK and to
   undertake any necessary administrative, legal or financial functions on behalf of the IGU-UK
   entity as of 16 July 2021 including the registration at UK Companies House, the appointment of
   Officer Bearer as Director with all legal, administrative and financial powers to fulfil the
   requirements of IGU-UK entity.

10. The EXC approve the establishment of the “Compensation Committee” and accountability for
    annual report to the Executive Committee.

Liste des décisions

       1. Le Comité Exécutive de l’UIG (CEX) a adopté l’ordre du jour de la réunion du CEX.
       2. Le procès-verbal de la réunion électronique du CEX à le 18 au 19 mai 2021, y compris les
          notes de la session virtuelle a été approuvé.

       3. Le CEX a approuvé les finances de l'UGI et le rapport annuel du 2020.

       4. Le CEX a cautionné la nomination de M. Carlos Cortes Simon en tant que nouveau membre
          du Comité Exécutif en tant que Coordinateur Régional de l'Amérique Latine et des Caraïbes.

       5. Le CEX a cautionné la nomination de M. Didier Holleaux en tant que nouveau membre du
          EXC en remplacement de Jean-Marc Leroy d'Engie, en tant que représentant des Membres
       6. Le CEX a approuvé la nomination de Mme Noor Suhaila Othman en tant que nouvelle
          présidente du comité de développement durable

       7. Le CEX a cautionné la création d'IGU-UK en tant que société au Royaume-Uni détenue par
          IGU (Suisse)
             a. Toutes les actions de IGU-UK seront détenues par IGU (Suisse)
             b. Inscription à la « UK Companies House » ( Registre des sociétés)
             c. Nomination d'un titulaire de charge doté de tous les pouvoirs juridiques, administratifs
                et financiers

       8. Le CEX a cautionné la nomination de M. Andy Calitz en tant que secrétaire général de l'UGI
          à compter du 16 juillet 2021

       9. Le CEX a cautionné l'octroi à M. Andy Calitz de la procuration pour signer et/ou entreprendre
          toutes les fonctions administratives, juridiques ou financières nécessaires au nom de l'UGI à
          compter du 16 juillet 2021

       10. Le CEX a cautionné l'octroi à M. Andy Calitz de la procuration pour représenter IGU-UK et
           entreprendre toutes les fonctions administratives, juridiques ou financières nécessaires au nom
           de l'entité IGU-UK à compter du 16 juillet 2021, y compris l'enregistrement à la UK
           « Companies House » (Registre des Sociétés), la nomination d'un officier porteur en tant
           qu'administrateur avec tous les pouvoirs juridiques, administratifs et financiers pour répondre
           aux exigences de l'entité IGU-UK.

       11. L'EXC a approuvé la création du « Comité de rémunération » et la responsabilité du rapport
           annuel au Comité exécutif.


Opening by the President of the IGU

The President, Mr Joe M. Kang, welcomed all Executive Committee members and invited guests to
Electionic meeting. The President asked for any comments or additional agenda items. No comments
were received on the agenda.

Agenda item 1.1: Updated Communications, Outreach and Advocacy plan
Mr Paddy Blewer Public Affairs Director gave a presentation about the IGU Communications, Outreach
and Advocacy Plan 2021.

Agenda item 1.2: Implementation Team (IMTE) Report
Mr Luis Bertrán, The Secretary General of the IGU, informed EXC about the task of the IMTE including
selection of the new Secretary General, organisation and staffing, the new Headqurter of the IGU in London.
IMTE is dissolved as the task is accomplished.

Agenda item 1.3: Pandemic Advisory Group (PAG) Report
Mr Terrence Thorn, Secretary of PAG, informed EXC of the key achievement of the PAG. The President
thanked PAG members for their hard work and contribution to the IGU. The remaining long term agenda
of Modernisation of IGU is handovered to Management team.

Agenda item 1.4: Update on Events
Mr. Bong K. Park, Chairman of the National Organisation Committee(NOC) of the World Gas Conference
(WGC) 2022 gave a presntation about the progress of the WGC 2022 in Daegu as well as vaccination plan
in South Korea.
Mr Rodney Cox, IGU Events Director, gave an update on the WGC 2022 in Daegu, South Korea, LNG
2023 in St. Petersburg, Russia, and IGRC 2024 in Banff, Canada.

Agenda item 1.5: IGU History Book
The Secretary General informed EXC of the the publication of the IGU history book package celebrating
the 90th year anniversary of the IGU. The package has three pieces, the 90 years history book, Spanish
booklet of period 2016-2021 and 2021 Member Year Book.

Agenda item 2.1: Member changes and IGU membership statistics
Mr. Carlos Cortés Simon, the Executive Chairman of the Chilean Natural Gas Association was introduced
to EXC by the President. He serve a new EXC member of the IGU carrying out the position of the Regional
Coordinator for Latin America and Caribbean area subject to the Council approval.
The EXC expressed its gratitute to Mr. Jean-Marc Leroy for his contribution to IGU as an EXC member
since June 2018. The President welcomed Mr. Didier Holleaux, new EXC member replacing Mr. Jean-
Marc Leroy.
The Secretary General gave a presentation about the IGU membership statistics including progress and
achievement during the Spanish Secretariat 2016 -2021.

Agenda item 2.1: IGU Finances and Annual Report 2020
The Secretary General gave a presentation about the IGU account 2020 and actions taken to minimise the
financial impact of the COVID19 Pandemic in 2020. He put an emphasis on the efforts made to deliver
better financial position to the Permanent headquarters of the IGU in Lodon.

Agenda item 2.3: Secretary General handover with empowerment of new Secretary
General , setting up IGU UK as company in London , closing Implementation Team,
setting up Compensation Committee
The Secretary General informed the EXC about the IGU buisness model to establish Permanent
Headquarters in London, UK as well as the background for the setting up IGU-UK as a company owned
by the IGU. (Switzerland)
In addition to this, it is essential to grant power of attorney to Mr. Andy Calitz, incoming Secretary General
to represent both IGU-UK and the IGU (Switzerland) to make the handover of the Secretary Genreal
position in time. As such EXC was asked to vote at the voting platform to endorses granting Mr Andy
Calitz the Power of Attorney to sign and/or undertake any necessary administrative, legal or financial
functions on behalf of the IGU-UK as well as IGU as of 16 July 2021. That includes the registration at UK
Companies House, the appointment of Officer Bearer as Director with all legal, administrative and financial
powers to fulfill the requirements of IGU UK entity.
As for the esatblishment fo the Compensation Committee within the EXC, An EXC member ask for the
background of establishing compensation committee and the Secretary Genreal gave further clarification
on the background.
Agenda item 6: Next meetings

The IGU Secretary General informed the EXC about the next meeting to be held 22 October in a virtual
meeting hosted from London

The President thanked all members for their continuous contributions during the 2nd EXC Electronic
meeting in 2021 and asked EXC members to go vote for nine (9) approval items on the EXC voting
platfrom. On 26 June 2021 President closed the IGU Executive Committee (EXC) electronic meeting held
23-24 June 2021 with the closing statement.

List of participants at the EXC Electronic meeting 24-25 June 2021

(Those who connected to the voting platform and casted vote)

IGU Officers
President                                 Mr Joo-Myung Kang
Vice President                            Ms LI Yalan
Immediate Past President                  Mr David Carroll
Secretary General                         Mr Luis Bertrán Rafecas
Deputy Secretary General                  Mr Andy Calitz
Chair of Coordination Committee (CC)      Mr Jewongwook Khang
Vice Chair of Coordination Committee      Mr Yang Lei

Participants of the Executive Committee
Based on Chairing an IGU Committee:

China, P. R. of                                     China Gas Society
                                                    Ms Lixin Che
France                                              Association Francaise du Gaz (AFG)
                                                    Mr Patrick Corbin
Germany                                             Deutscher Verein des Gas- und Wasserfaches e.V.
                                                    Mr Gerald Linke
Japan                                               The Japan Gas Association
                                                    Mr Satoshi Yoshida
The Netherlands                                     Royal Dutch Gas Association - KVGN
                                                    Mr Han Fennema
Russian Federation                                  Gazprom
                                                    Mr Andrey Sapozhnikov
USA                                                 The American Gas Association
                                                    Ms Karen A. Harbert

Based on Charter membership representatives:
Argentina                                           Instituto Argentino del Petróleo & del Gas (IAPG)

Mr Patricio Da Ré
Australia                                        Australian Gas Industry Trust
RC, North East Asia & Australasia                Mr Graeme Bethune
Belgium                                          Association Royale des Gaziers Belges
                                                 Mr Jean-Pierre Hollevoet
Czech Republic                                   Czech Gas Association
                                                 Mr Andreas Rau
Iran                                             National Iranian Gas Company (NIGC)
                                                 Mr Mostafa Sepehrian
Norway                                           Petoro AS
                                                 Mr Pål Rasmussen

Based on Associate membership representatives:
CNPC                                             Mr Liu He
ENAGAS                                           Mr Francisco P. de la Flor

Royal Dutch Shell                                Mr Ajay Shah
Equinor                                          Mr Peder Bjorland

the Regional Coordinators:
Europe                                           Mr Andrea Stegher
Middle East and Africa                           Mr Khaled Abubakr
Russia, Black Sea and The Caspian area           Mr Marcel Kramer

Special invitees of the President
Mr Bong K. Park, Chairman National Organisation Committee WGC 2022
Mr Carlos Cortes, Candidate for Regional Coordinator for Latin America & Caribbean region
Mr Didier Holleaux, IGU Premium Associate member representative for ENGIE as of 1 July 2021
Mr Dong Hoon KIM, Director, Korean Presidency
Ms. Tang Xuan, Deputy Director, Chinese Vice Presidency

Members of the Secretariat
Ms Lesley Coldham, Membership Engagement Director
Mr Paddy Blewer, Public Affairs Director
Ms Tatiana Khanberg, Manager Public Affairs
Mr Hyun-Chang KIM, Senior Advisor to the Secretary General
Ms Marcela Martínez Serret, Senior Advisor to the Secretary General
Mr Håkon Olav Huglen, Advisor to the Secretary General
Ms Marta Gonzalez Rodriguez, Advisor to the Secretary General
Ms Emma Siobhan, Advisor to the Secretary General
Ms Luisa Peris, Executive Assitant
Ms Emma Cooper, Executive Assitant

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