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Grand ClimateChallenges Change Blueprints Climate Change, Air Pollution and Health in Australia Annika Dean Donna Green Grand Challenge on Climate Change November 2017
Preface Increasing greenhouse gas emissions changes have reduced food production The aim of this blueprint is to set out the are on track to interfere with our climate in some regions. But perhaps the most necessary actions to minimise the risk system in dangerous and costly ways. under-appreciated aspect of climate of climate change and air pollution to Over the coming decades, we will change and human health is the interplay human health in Australia. This blueprint experience worsening heat waves, between greenhouse gas emissions, includes several areas of co-benefit increased severity of floods and storms, climatic changes, and air pollution. wherein tackling climate change will also harsher bushfire seasons and rising lead to improved human health. Front This report, Climate Change, Air Pollution sea-levels. But it’s not just the health and centre in this is the benefit to society and Health in Australia, is one of three of our planet that will be affected; of cleaner air; namely, by addressing Climate Change Blueprints launched human health will also be impacted in greenhouse gas emissions and limiting in November 2017. The report was significant and detrimental ways. For air pollution, human health will be compiled by leading experts in the field example, the risks of poor health and significantly improved. A win-win for all. and produced under the auspices of death due to heat stress, malnutrition, the UNSW Grand Challenges program. I commend the Climate Change, Air and food- and water-borne diseases The UNSW Grand Challenges program, Pollution and Health in Australia blueprint are all expected to rise. Vector-borne an initiative introduced in the UNSW as a seminal report outlining the ways we diseases such as malaria are also 2025 Strategy, aims to address the need to tackle the interrelated problems expected to become more widespread biggest issues facing humanity. The of climate change and air pollution for the as global temperatures rise and program leads the debate and facilitates betterment of human health. Via stronger humidity increases. Food will be critical discussions and actions with air pollution regulations, a decarbonised harder to grow and freshwater supply researchers, government, policymakers, energy sector, and redesigned cities will become scarcer in some regions. business and the wider community; on that optimise healthy living in a warming Large scale migration of displaced areas such as refugees and migration, climate, we can mitigate some of the populations will further place a severe inequality, technology in the 21st century, worst impacts of climate change on burden on human health in affected and climate change. human health. communities. War, famine, and disease could become far more widespread, at Since its inception in 2015, the UNSW a time when adapting to climate change Grand Challenge on Climate Change has will be costly and challenging. hosted lectures, events, and facilitated discussions on topics ranging from While attention is often placed on the impacts and security to intergenerational impact of today’s greenhouse gas consequences and adaptation. These emissions on our future, the burning of Scientia Professor Matthew England Climate Change Blueprints represent a fossil fuels and emissions of other climate Lead of the Grand Challenge major effort to inform the community of altering pollutants are already having a on Climate Change the challenges and opportunities facing deleterious impact on human health. For society in the areas of energy, human example, global warming has increased health, and justice. the risk of heat-related death and illness, and regional temperature and rainfall © 2017 UNSW Grand Challenge on Climate Change Design: Equation UNSW Sydney NSW 2052 Printing: Clarke Murphy Print Australia Cover: © Donna Green Clouds above Sydney Title: Climate Change, Air Pollution and Health in Australia Photographs: Donna Green, Pexels, Climate Change Research Centre, UNSW The report should be cited as: Climate Change, Air Pollution and Health in Australia, 2017. A. Dean, ISBN: [978-0-7334-3780-9] D. Green. UNSW Sydney, Grand Challenges, Sydney Australia. Publication Date: 11/2017 Acknowledgements UNSW CRICOS Provider No: 00098G The Climate Change, Air Pollution and Health in Australia blueprint was written by Dr Annika Dean in consultation with an expert advisory group of A/Prof Donna Green, Prof Peter Sainsbury, Prof John Kaldor and Gavin Gilchrist.
GRAND CHALLENGES Contents Executive Summary 2 What other factors also Goal 1: reduce air pollution threaten future air quality through strengthened How are climate change, air and impact health? 7 regulations 10 pollution and health interrelated? 4 What are the main sources Goal 2: commit to 100 per cent Which components of air of air pollution? 7 renewable energy by 2050 12 quality are relevant to health? 4 Electricity generation from coal-fired power stations 8 Goal 3: promote sustainable What are the health impacts and liveable cities 15 Motor vehicle emissions 8 of air pollution? 4 Metal ore and coal mining 8 Goal 4: manage the health What are the costs of air Hazard reduction burns and bushfires 8 risks from poor air quality 16 pollution to the economy? 5 How is air pollution regulated in How does climate change Australia? 9 threaten future air quality? 6 Ground level ozone 6 Particulate matter 6 Bushfires and dust storms 6 Aeroallergens 6 CLIMATE CHANGE, AIR POLLUTION AND HEALTH IN AUSTRALIA 1
GRAND CHALLENGES Executive Summary The world is warming. Since the Industrial Revolution the Air pollution is already a significant health problem in Australia, and burning of fossil fuels – coal, oil and gas – has increased on current trends will worsen in the carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere, this rise driving future. The estimated financial cost of climate change. premature deaths due to air pollution ranges from roughly $11 billion to $24 billion per year. Burning fossil fuels not only drives Climate change and air quality are Many factors contributing to poor air changes to the world’s climate, it also interconnected in three main ways: quality are likely to increase in the has a significant, and growing, impact 1. Climate change has the potential to future. Energy use is projected to on human health. In Australia, this is less increase certain air pollutants. For increase. If this comes from burning acknowledged by governments, the example, atmospheric warming may fossil fuels, it will cause an increase media and, therefore, the general public increase ground level ozone, an air in air pollution and greenhouse gas than the problem warrants. This Blueprint pollutant damaging to human health. emissions. According to the current explains the problem and outlines four emissions-growth trajectory, Australia goals for action. 2. Emissions of air pollutants can also will not meet its emissions reduction influence the climate. Ozone and In Australia, air pollution from burning targets for 2030, committed to as part of black soot particles, for instance, fossil fuels and from industrial the global Paris Agreement on climate have a warming effect on the processes causes about 3,000 change in 2015. climate, while some aerosols have premature deaths a year. That’s eight a cooling effect by blocking out Climate change will also worsen this premature deaths a day, a figure sunlight. century, causing an increase in extreme almost three times the national road toll. weather events such as heatwaves, Changes in atmospheric temperatures 3. Many sources of air pollution and an increase in bushfires with and conditions due to climate change are also important sources of their associated health impacts. will increase that death rate. greenhouse gas emissions, which Simultaneously, the population is are responsible for trapping increasing, ageing and becoming more heat in the atmosphere, causing urban. This means that in the future, climate change. The energy sector, greater numbers of people will be including both combustion of exposed to poor air quality, including coal for power generation and of vulnerable groups, such as the elderly, diesel and petrol in motor vehicles, and those with chronic respiratory is responsible for two-thirds of illness. Combined, these factors will have greenhouse gas emissions in significant detrimental and interconnected Australia. Inefficient combustion of synergistic health impacts. carbon-containing materials is the AIR POLLUTION IS ALREADY main source of many air pollutants Action is urgently required. Australia’s A SIGNIFICANT HEALTH including fine particulates which are greenhouse gas emissions must be particularly damaging to health. cut as part of global action to tackle PROBLEM IN AUSTRALIA, AND climate change. Cuts are also needed ON CURRENT TRENDS WILL to improve air quality and address the growing health problem. WORSEN IN THE FUTURE. THE ESTIMATED FINANCIAL COST OF PREMATURE DEATHS DUE TO AIR POLLUTION RANGES FROM ROUGHLY $11 BILLION TO $24 BILLION PER YEAR. 2 CLIMATE CHANGE BLUEPRINTS
GRAND CHALLENGES This Blueprint suggests four goals 3. Promote sustainable, In the process of addressing health with associated policy actions. These liveable cities. problems due to air pollution, four goals and recommendations are implementing the actions outlined • Develop regional and suburban themselves interconnected. Acting on in this Blueprint would help tackle mini-cities which provide one will have benefits for the others. climate change, energy insecurity opportunities for people to work and unsustainable urban planning. 1. Strengthen air pollution regulations. and play closer to home. To cater for the projected growth in • Establish a National Air Pollution • Transform building stock to net population and urbanisation in the Prevention Act. zero emissions. coming decades, major investments in our energy systems and urban • Develop a national air pollution • Promote active modes of infrastructure will be required. exposure reduction framework. transport, such as walking and cycling. It is critical that we consider the impacts • Legislate binding national on future air quality from decisions emissions limits. • Deliver more public transport made today about energy systems services with improved access. • Establish a national load-based and urban planning. It is essential to licensing scheme with fees that • Set ambitious targets for urban ensure investments set the nation up fully account for the externalities greening to create cooler for a healthy future, instead of locking of air pollution. microclimates and improve air it into an unhealthy one. On health and quality in urban areas. air quality grounds alone, new coal- • Expand state government fired power stations should not be built, inspections of industries and 4. Manage health risks resulting from the life of existing ones should not be increase penalties for industries poor air quality. extended, and new freeways should not that breach their licence • Assess the risk of asthma be constructed. conditions. epidemics and improve early It is possible to tackle the problems • Clean up emissions from coal- warning systems. of air pollution, climate change and fired power stations with best • Develop air quality forecasting energy security simultaneously by practice pollution reduction tools to plan hazard reduction implementing smarter energy policies, technologies. burns. ones that deliver health and economic 2. Commit to 100 per cent renewable co-benefits. If actions are taken now to • Increase monitoring of air energy by 2050. reduce air pollution and greenhouse pollution focusing on known gas emissions, the burden of air • Set a binding national emissions pollution hotspots. pollution on human health and the reduction target to reach net zero • Establish a National Air Quality economy can be significantly reduced. carbon dioxide emissions by Data Service. 2050. • Run a public health campaign to • Extend the Renewable Energy inform people on how to reduce Target to 2040. their personal contribution and • Put a price on carbon dioxide and exposure to air pollution and set an increasing trajectory for climate change. this price. • Provide incentives to consumers to support the broad-scale adoption of electric vehicles and invest in infrastructure for electric vehicles. • Build a high-speed rail link ACTION IS URGENTLY between east coast cities and REQUIRED. AUSTRALIA’S major regional areas. GREENHOUSE EMISSIONS MUST BE CUT AS PART OF GLOBAL ACTION TO TACKLE CLIMATE CHANGE. CLIMATE CHANGE, AIR POLLUTION AND HEALTH IN AUSTRALIA 3
GRAND CHALLENGES How are climate change, Which components of air What are the health impacts air pollution and health quality are relevant to health? of air pollution? interrelated? Air quality is influenced by many factors, Air pollution is responsible for causing Climate change impacts human health the most important being emissions of 3,056 premature Australian deaths in a range of ways, both directly and air pollutants, local weather conditions each year, according to one major indirectly. The direct health effects and topography. study.3 This represents 2.3 per cent include deaths, illnesses, injuries, and of total deaths in Australia per year The main cause of poor air quality is mental trauma caused by an increase in – more than the number of deaths the emission of primary air pollutants. the frequency and intensity of extreme from car accidents on our roads. The Secondary pollutants are formed weather events such as heatwaves, main causes of death attributable to when primary air pollutants, emitted bushfires, floods, storms and cyclones. air pollution exposure are ischaemic directly from a source, then react heart disease (959), stroke (432), lung Climate change is projected to cause an chemically in the air. The source of cancer (351) and chronic obstructive increase in the number of hot days and pollution, the local topography and the pulmonary disease (184). The number of heatwaves.1 Combined with changes in meteorological conditions all affect healthy life years lost each year due to population demographics, heatwave- the rate of air pollution dispersal. For these premature deaths is calculated to related deaths are projected to more example, factors such as wind speed be 27,519.4 than double over the next forty years.2 and direction, humidity, temperature and precipitation affect how quickly air Air pollution also significantly Climate change also influences health pollutants disperse. diminishes the quality of life for people indirectly. For example, climate change suffering chronic respiratory disease. is projected to cause a change in Air pollution can come from both natural Approximately 1 in every 9 Australians the distribution and transmission of and anthropogenic (human-made) – around 2.5 million people – suffer from certain infectious diseases across sources. Natural sources include dust, chronic asthma.5 In 2014-15, there were Australia. Other indirect health effects salt spray from the oceans, volcanic 39,415 reported hospitalisations where include impacts on food and water eruptions and bushfires. Anthropogenic asthma was the main diagnosis, and security, and on levels of conflict. The sources include emissions from power 419 deaths caused by asthma. impacts of climate change on air quality stations, factories, motor vehicles and through increasing airborne allergens hazard reduction burns. While little The detrimental health effects of air (aeroallergens), and ambient air can be done to reduce those natural pollution range from irritation of the pollution are an indirect effect of climate sources of air pollution, it is possible airways to premature death from change on health. to control and reduce anthropogenic a range of causes. Older people, sources. children and people with pre-existing The impact of climate change on air health conditions are most vulnerable quality and health is potentially significant, The most common air pollutants to air pollution. yet in Australia, this area has received damaging to human health in Australia comparatively little attention compared to are: fine and coarse particulate matter; The link between exposure to studies investigating the health effects of gases such as nitrogen dioxide, sulphur air pollution and cardiovascular climate change in relation to heatwaves dioxide, ozone, and carbon monoxide; and respiratory conditions is well and infectious diseases. The issues of air along with airborne lead and a class established. The carcinogenic effects of quality and climate change are, however, of pollutants called air toxics. Fine and air pollution have also been increasingly tightly linked. As the main sources of air ultrafine particulate matter has in recent recognised in recent years.6 7 Health pollution are also the main sources of years been recognised by medical effects can arise from both long-term greenhouse gas emissions, mitigating science to be particularly damaging to cumulative exposure and short-term climate change will deliver a range of human health. Although Australia has acute exposure. health co-benefits. made significant progress over recent decades in reducing some types of pollutants, levels of coarse and fine particulate matter and ground level ozone still regularly exceed national standards. 1 Bureau of Meteorology and CSIRO. (2014). State of the Climate Report. Australian Government, Canberra, ACT, Australia. 2 Department of Infrastructure and Transport. (2013). State of Australian Cities 2013. Australian Government, Canberra, ACT, Australia. 3 Begg S, Vos T, Barker B, Stevenson C, Stanley L & Lopez A. (2007). The burden of disease and injury in Australia 2003. Cat. no. PHE 82. Canberra: Australia Institute of Health and Welfare. Available: [Accessed 25 June 2017]. 4 Ibid (2007) 5 Asthma Australia. (2017). Statistics. Available: [Accessed 10 June 2017]. 6 Raaschou-Nielsen O, Andersen ZJ, Beelen R, et al. (2013). Air pollution and lung cancer incidence in 17 European cohorts: prospective analyses from the European Study of Cohorts for Air Pollution Effects (ESCAPE). Lancet Oncology, 14 (9): 813–22. 7 Krewski D, Jerrett M, Burnett RT, et al. (2009). Extended follow-up and spatial analysis of the American Cancer Society study linking particulate air pollution and mortality. Research Report (Health Effects Institute), 140: 5–114. 4 CLIMATE CHANGE BLUEPRINTS
GRAND CHALLENGES THE DETRIMENTAL HEALTH EFFECTS OF AIR POLLUTION RANGE FROM IRRITATION OF THE AIRWAYS TO PREMATURE DEATH FROM A RANGE OF CAUSES. OLDER PEOPLE, CHILDREN AND PEOPLE WITH PRE-EXISTING HEALTH CONDITIONS ARE MOST VULNERABLE TO AIR POLLUTION. Bronte beach during the Sydney dust storm, 23 September 2009. Credit: Donna Green Particulate matter comprises coarse Ground level ozone can cause throat What are the costs of air particles (PM10), fine particles (PM2.5) and eye irritation, respiratory and and ultrafine particles (PM1). Coarse cardiovascular diseases and premature pollution to the economy? particles approximately the width of death. Nitrogen dioxide is another The health costs from air pollution in a human hair, are small enough to respiratory irritant that can trigger Australia are significant. The annual lodge in the lungs, precipitating or asthma, respiratory tract infections and financial cost is estimated to be in the exacerbating a range of cardiovascular irritation of the bronchi. It has also been order of $11.1 billion to $24.3 billion.9 10 and respiratory illnesses. Fine particles associated with heart disease. Other The cost of asthma alone is estimated are even more damaging to health than health impacts of these gases include to be $655 million, that is 0.9 per cent coarse particles because they can enter eye irritation and exacerbation of of total direct government spending the bloodstream while ultrafine particles symptoms to common aeroallergens.8 on health. The OECD has estimated are believed to have the most serious that the economic cost of Australian Exposure to carbon monoxide adverse health impacts compared with motor vehicle emissions was about decreases the amount of oxygen that both classes of larger particles. $5.8 billion in 2010, up from $2.9 billion can be carried around the body in the just five years earlier.11 The combined blood stream seriously compromising externalities of air pollution and carbon organ function. Carbon monoxide at dioxide emissions from coal-fired power high concentrations (for instance that generation are estimated to be $42/ caused by bushfires) is lethal. MWh for black coal, $52/MWh for brown coal, and $19/MWh for gas.12 8 Tunnicliffe et al. (1994). Effect of domestic concentrations of nitrogen dioxide on responses to inhaled allergen in asthmatic patients. The Lancet, 344: 1733-36. 9 Begg S, Vos T, Barker B, Stevenson C, Stanley L and Lopez A (2007) The burden of disease and injury in Australia 2003. Cat. no. PHE 82. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Canberra. Available: [Accessed 25 June 2017] 10 Access Economics. (2008). The Health of Nations: The Value of a Statistical Life. Report for the Office of the Australian Safety and Compensation Council. Available: http://www. Value_StatisticalLife_2008_PDF.pdf [Accessed 21 Sept 2017]. 11 Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). (2014). The Cost of Air Pollution: Health Impacts of Road Transport. Available: Sbw95suaqHd8BsKiQ-g [Accessed 21 Sept 2017]. 12 Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (ATSE). (2009). The Hidden Costs of Electricity: Externalities of Power Generation in Australia. Available: A& pdf&usg=AFQjCNHRuB5DFQwj6Pi9iNMPqOnt55z2xA CLIMATE CHANGE, AIR POLLUTION AND HEALTH IN AUSTRALIA 5
GRAND CHALLENGES How does climate change Particulate matter Bushfires and dust storms threaten future air quality? The influence of climate change on In areas that are projected to become particulate matter is more complex hotter and drier as a result of climate Climate change will reduce future and less direct than its influence on change, dust storms and bushfires will air quality. Climate change alters ground level ozone. Particulate matter potentially increase, causing particulate meteorological variables that comprises many different components, matter to increase. influence the development, chemical some released directly from the source transformation, transport, dispersion Bushfire smoke contains particulate (primary particulate matter) and some and deposition of air pollutants. Two matter, respiratory irritants and in the air through chemical reactions pollutants particularly influenced by carcinogens such as benzene and (secondary particulate matter). climate change are ground level ozone formaldehyde. These can travel for and particulate matter. Climate change Components of particulate matter thousands of kilometres. Hazard will also affect air quality by increasing are influenced by meteorological reduction burns, which are being the frequency and severity of bushfires variables in different ways. Those most conducted more frequently due to climate and dust storms, and modifying influential are precipitation frequency change, also contribute to increased aeroallergens. and mixing depth (the vertical extent of pollution. Modelling suggests that fine the atmosphere where convection and particulate matter will increase across turbulence cause air pollutants to mix Australia over the lifetime of people alive Ground level ozone and disperse). today as a result of climate change, Ground level ozone is directly mainly due to an increase in fine dust influenced by climate change. This gas More frequent precipitation causes particles and sulphate aerosols. This is formed by an atmospheric chemical a reduction in particulate matter as would lead to a five per cent increase in reaction between sunlight and a number does greater mixing depth.14 The premature deaths, representing a loss of of precursor pollutants including oxides relationship between particulate matter 6,000 years of life annually.18 of nitrogen, methane, volatile organic and temperature is not very strong, compounds and carbon monoxide. but some scientific literature suggests that increased temperature may cause Aeroallergens In most regions around the world, including Australia, where temperature sulphate aerosols and volatile organic Climate change will increase the impact is projected to increase, ground level compounds to transition from the gas of aeroallergens such as pollens and ozone will, therefore, also increase, to the particle phase, contributing to moulds, increasing rates of asthma and especially in places with high levels of an increase in secondary particulate hay fever. For instance, higher carbon existing precursor pollutants. matter.15 16 At the same time, increased dioxide levels may affect flowering plant temperatures may lead to decreased processes causing increased pollen The increase will cause a rise in nitrate aerosols in areas with high levels production, increasing allergenicity associated mortality. For example, of oxides of nitrogen.17 of some pollens, extending the pollen implementing maximum feasible season and changing the growing greenhouse gas emission reductions range of some allergenic plants. It – using currently available technology may also cause the number of asthma – compared to a future scenario where thunderstorms, such as that which little is done to curb emissions, could occurred in Melbourne in 2016, to avoid 5,600 premature ozone exposure increase. This particular storm was the deaths annually from 2030 onwards in cause of a catastrophic asthma epidemic. Australia and Japan.13 13 West, J. J., Szopa, S., & Hauglustaine, D. A. (2007). Human mortality effects of future concentrations of tropospheric ozone. Geoscience, 339: 775–783. 14 Kinney, P. L. (2008). Climate Change, Air Quality, and Human Health. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 35(5): 459–467. 15 Heald, C. L., Henze, D. K., Horowitz, L. W., Feddema, J., Lamarque, J. F., Guenther, A., … Fung, I. (2008). Predicted change in global secondary organic aerosol concentrations in response to future climate, emissions, and land use change. Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres, 113(5): 1–16. 16 Liao, H., Chen, W., & Seinfeld, J. H. (2006). Role of climate change in global predictions of future tropospheric ozone and aerosols. Journal Of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres, 111(March): 1–18. 17 Pye, H. O. T., Liao, H., Wu, S., Mickley, L. J., Jacob, D. J., & Henze, D. K. (2009). Effect of changes in climate and emissions on future sulfate-nitrate-ammonium aerosol levels in the United States. Journal of Geophysical Research, 114: 1–18. 18 Fang, Y., Mauzerall, D. L., Liu, J., Fiore, A. M., & Horowitz, L. W. (2013). Impacts of 21st century climate change on global air pollution-related premature mortality. Climatic Change, 121: 239–253 (supplementary material). 6 CLIMATE CHANGE BLUEPRINTS
GRAND CHALLENGES Hunter Valley coal-fired power station. Credit Donna Green What other factors also As people are more exposed to air What are the main sources of pollution in cities, and older people are threaten future air quality more susceptible to air pollution, these air pollution? and impact health? factors threaten to exacerbate health Urban and regional air pollution comes impacts from air pollution. Australia from a range of point sources and Other factors that could contribute already faces a major health problem diffuse sources. Diffuse sources include to worsening health impacts from from air pollution. Climate change will motor vehicle emissions, domestic air pollution in Australia include make it worse. Mortality and illness wood heaters, hazard reduction burns, population growth and ageing, rates from air pollution should dictate agricultural burns and bushfires. Point urbanisation, and increased transport that we act immediately. And while the sources include some commercial and energy demands. health impacts of air pollution and the activities and industrial facilities such as Australia’s average annual population impacts of climate change are linked, coal-fired power stations and metal ore growth rate is 1.3 per cent per year. At so are the solutions. and coalmines. this rate, Australia’s population will rise from 23.9 million people in 2017 to 39.7 The contribution of different sources million by 2055. At the same time, life varies between urban and regional expectancy is increasing. By 2055, the areas. In order to find out the best way proportion of the population that is over to improve air quality, it is necessary to 65 is projected to more than double.19 understand the respective contributions URBANISATION IS ALSO of these sources. The main sources of air Urbanisation is also projected to pollution nationally are described below. increase, with 74 per cent of Australians PROJECTED TO INCREASE, The contribution of these sources varies projected to live in one of Australia’s WITH 74 PER CENT OF between rural and urban areas and capital cities by 2061, up from 66 per also between seasons. In some areas, cent in 2012.20 In addition, energy and AUSTRALIANS PROJECTED TO domestic wood heaters and agricultural transport demands in Australia are LIVE IN ONE OF AUSTRALIA’S sources are large contributors to local projected to continue to rise over the air pollution, despite not featuring in the next 30 years.21 CAPITAL CITIES BY 2061, UP national figures for the main sources of FROM 66 PER CENT IN 2012. air pollution. 19 The Commonwealth of Australia. (2015). Intergenerational Report Australia in 2055. 20 Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2013). Population Projections, Australia, 2012 (base) to 2101. Available: Lookup/3222.0main+features32012 (base) to 2101 [Accessed 21 Sept 2017]. 21 Bureau of Resources and Energy Economics (BREE). (2011). Australian energy projections to 2034–35, BREE report prepared for the Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism, Canberra. CLIMATE CHANGE, AIR POLLUTION AND HEALTH IN AUSTRALIA 7
GRAND CHALLENGES Blasting at open cut coal mines, such as this one in the Hunter Valley, NSW, release large amounts of coarse particulate matter. Credit Donna Green Electricity generation from Motor vehicle emissions Hazard reduction burns and coal-fired power stations After coal-fired power stations, motor bushfires The National Pollutant Inventory reports vehicle emissions are the second largest Hazard reduction burns and bushfires that electricity generation is the largest source of oxides of nitrogen and carbon contribute significantly to air pollution source of fine particulate matter, oxides monoxide nationally. They are also the in Australia. Hazard reduction burns, of nitrogen and sulphur dioxide. The second largest source of total volatile agricultural burn-offs and bushfires power industry is also the largest organic compounds, and the third largest are recorded in the National Pollutant source of atmospheric mercury. Coal- source of lead and its compounds. Inventory as the main source of carbon fired power stations also emit a range Further, motor vehicle emissions contain a monoxide nationally, and the third of other pollutants including carbon range of other air pollutants, among them largest source of oxides of nitrogen. monoxide, coarse particulate matter fine and coarse particulate matter and air When they occur, hazard reduction and volatile organic compounds.22 toxics such as benzene. In the Sydney burns and bushfires can cause extreme region, motor vehicle emissions are the peaks in air pollution levels. Australia currently has 17 operating main source of coarse particulate matter commercial coal-fired power stations from diffuse sources. in Queensland, Victoria, New South Wales and Western Australia. While these power stations are in non-urban Metal ore and coal mining areas, they are major contributors to Metal ore mining and coal mining are local air pollution. Their pollutants, such respectively the largest and second as fine particulate matter, can travel largest source of coarse particulate vast distances and so can make up a pollution nationally. In addition, metal ore significant proportion of fine particulate mining is the second largest source of pollution concentrations in Australia’s airborne lead nationally and the fourth major cities. A major source of nitrogen largest source of oxides of nitrogen. Metal dioxide and sulphur dioxide in Sydney’s ore mining and coal mining are also the air, for example, comes from electricity second and third largest sources of fine generation from coal-fired power particulate matter respectively. stations located in the Central Coast and Hunter Valley.23 22 Department of Environment and Energy, Australian Government. (2017) National Pollutant Inventory. Available: [Accessed 21 Sept 2017]. 23 EPA. (2012). 2008 Calendar Year Air Emissions Inventory for the Greater Metropolitan Region in NSW, Technical Report No.1 (pp.171; 156). 8 CLIMATE CHANGE BLUEPRINTS
GRAND CHALLENGES Bushfire smoke over the Northern Territory. Credit: Donna Green How is air pollution regulated In each state some form of pollution STATE AND TERRITORY fee scheme is in operation. It requires in Australia? polluting industries to pay a fee for a GOVERNMENTS REGULATE State and Territory governments licence to emit pollution. The scope AIR POLLUTION IN regulate air pollution in Australia. of these pollution fee schemes varies National reporting standards and across jurisdictions. In some states AUSTRALIA. NATIONAL goals have been set for six common air the fee is just enough to recover the REPORTING STANDARDS pollutants known to damage health. cost of administering the licensing regime, whereas in states such as New AND GOALS HAVE BEEN These standards are called the Ambient Air Quality National Environment South Wales, South Australia, Western SET FOR SIX COMMON AIR Australia and Victoria a component Protection Measures (AAQ NEPMs). of the fee, based on the pollution POLLUTANTS KNOWN TO State and Territory governments are required to monitor these six air load emitted, has the objective of DAMAGE HEALTH. incentivising abatement. There are, pollutants, and report on them annually. however, a number of problems with this State and Territory governments system of regulating air pollution, both regulate air pollution through policies, at the national and state level. legislation and strategies, with varying degrees of enforceability. CLIMATE CHANGE, AIR POLLUTION AND HEALTH IN AUSTRALIA 9
GRAND CHALLENGES THE GOALS: GOAL 1: There is, in fact, a relatively linear relationship between exposure to particulate matter and deleterious Scientific literature on the impact of greenhouse gas mitigation suggests Reduce air pollution through higher-level health effects, including premature death. Damage to health that a range of broader health strengthened regulations from exposure to particulate matter and economic benefits arise from The first problem with Australia’s occurs at levels well below the national mitigation. In fact, global studies systems of regulating air pollution stems standards. There is a clear health indicate that the potential health from the fact that the standards and benefit in reducing levels of particulate savings made by cutting greenhouse goals outlined in the AAQ NEPM are matter below the national standards. emissions are more than the costs of not enforced. These standards are not Unfortunately, there is nothing within the abatement in most countries.24 compliance standards, rather, they are AAQ NEPM or state regulations to drive A study modelling the health co- reporting standards and guidelines with air pollution levels below the standards. benefits of greenhouse gas mitigation no penalties applied if states do not By contrast, in recognition of the in Mexico City, São Paulo, Santiago meet them. Indeed, states do regularly fact that there is no safe threshold and New York found that 64,000 exceed the standards. To illustrate, New for some pollutants such as fine deaths, 65,000 cases of chronic South Wales has exceeded the annual particulate matter, the European Union bronchitis and 37 million restricted- average standard for fine particulate introduced an Ambient Air Quality activity days could be avoided per pollution (PM2.5) every year since Directive 2008. This is a mechanism year by making a 10 per cent cut in monitoring was introduced.28 Despite designed to constantly push for greenhouse gas emissions by 2020.25 this, new polluting industries continue emissions reductions towards the best In Australia, no national quantitative to be approved. achievable levels. This directive set study on the health co-benefits of a national exposure reduction target mitigation has been yet undertaken. Action: for PM2.5 for all member states. The Given the health benefits of specific exposure reduction target for greenhouse gas mitigation from establish a National Air Pollution each member state is calculated as overseas studies, the necessity for Prevention Act a percentage reduction of PM2.5 by such research in Australia is long To change the reporting standards into 2020, relative to a reference year of the overdue. Some limited information compliance standards, a mechanism 2010 Air Exposure Indicator. is, however, available. Considering of enforcement must be introduced. An air pollution exposure reduction that air pollution is responsible for Establishing a National Air Pollution framework should be introduced in more than 3,000 premature deaths Prevention Act would encourage Australia to push for reductions in in Australia per year,26 the costs of compliance, as it would enable the particulate matter and other ‘non- air pollution-related mortality alone Federal Government to penalise states threshold’ air pollutants to reach targets have been calculated to be up to for failing to comply with the standards. below the standards outlined in the $24 billion per year.27 A net zero AAQ NEPM. The air pollution reduction emissions economy would clearly deliver substantial health benefits Action: framework would complement the existing AAQ NEPM standards. and, therefore, savings to the health develop a national air pollution budget that could help fund a clean exposure reduction framework energy transition. The second problem with the current To reduce the impact of climate systems of regulating air pollution change on air pollution and health, in Australia is that the AAQ NEPM this Blueprint recommends the standards and goals are treated as following four goals and their a safe limit of air pollution. The associated actions. These goals implication is that human health will and actions should be viewed and, not be affected if air pollution does not where possible, enacted as a system exceed the standards. This is not true. of closely connected strategies – a There is significant evidence to suggest 'policy mix'. that there is no safe threshold for particulate pollution. 24 West, J., Smith, S., Silva, R. Naik, V., Zhang, Y., Adelman, Z., Fry, M. M. Anenberg, S., Horowitz, L., Lamarque, J., (2013). Co-benefits of mitigating global greenhouse gas emissions for future air quality and human health. Nature Climate Change, 3: 885-89. 25 Cifuentes, L., Borja-Aburto, V., Gouveia, N., Thurston, G., & Davis, D. L. (2001). Assessing the Health Benefits of Urban Air Pollution Reductions Associated with Climate Change Mitigation (2000-2010): Santiago, São Paulo, Mexico City and New York City. Environmental Health Perspectives, 109 (3): 419–425. 26 Begg S, Vos T, Barker B, Stevenson C, Stanley L & Lopez A. (2007). The burden of disease and injury in Australia 2003. Cat. no. PHE 82. Canberra: Australia Institute of Health and Welfare. Available: [Accessed 25 June 2017]. 27 Access Economics. (2008). The Health of Nations: The Value of a Statistical Life. Report for the Office of the Australian Safety and Compensation Council. Available: https://www. au%2Fsystem%2Ffiles%2Fdocuments%2F1702%2Fthehealthofnations_value_statisticallife_2008_pdf.pdf&usg=AOvVaw0OMsl1rzJQuAV3sh1jfR4L [Accessed 21 Sept 2017]. 28 Environmental Justice Australia. (2017). Toxic and Terminal: How Australian Power Station Regulation is Failing Communities. Available: url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjNtZ75lLXWAhVJkZQKHdwEBN0QFggtMAE& au%2Fsites%2Fdefault%2Ffiles%2Ffiles%2FEJA_CoalHealth_final.pdf&usg=AFQjCNGQjrp6U0AyYatZTNoJt7jt1rvaFQ [Accessed 21 Sept 2017]. 10 CLIMATE CHANGE BLUEPRINTS
GRAND CHALLENGES Action: Action: and $52 per MWh for brown coal, based on figures adjusted from Europe and legislate binding national install best practice pollution taking into consideration Australian emissions limits reduction technologies to coal- population densities.31 One method by which State fired power stations If load-based licensing fees were governments regulate air pollution is to Setting standardised and binding set at a level that accounted for the require polluting industries to pay a fee emissions limits, based on international full externalities of air pollution, our to obtain a licence or permit to pollute. best practice, would encourage power calculations indicate that the combined These permits or licences set conditions stations to install best-practice pollution licensing fees for the five coal-fired such as pollution limits and how waste reduction technologies. This is an efficient power stations in New South Wales should be managed. There is, though, and effective way to achieve reductions in would be nearly $2 billion per year. In the a lack of consistency in how emissions air pollution emissions in the near term. absence of a carbon price, it makes sense limits are set, both between states and to include carbon dioxide as a scheduled for different industrial facilities. pollutant in load-based licensing schemes. Action: However, this would not be necessary if For instance, because older power a carbon price were to be introduced, as stations and brown coal-fired power establish a national load-based recommended in this Blueprint. stations are dirtier than newer and black licensing scheme with fees that coal-fired power stations, both the fully account for the externalities former have less stringent emissions of air pollution Action: limits. This lack of standardisation in Another problem is that pollution fees emissions limits suggests they are do not reflect the full externalities of expand state government more influenced by what is easily pollution. The cost of obtaining a licence inspections of industries and implementable at low cost than what is to emit pollution is not high enough increase penalties for industries necessary to minimise health effects. to provide polluters with an incentive that breach their licence for abatement. The organisation conditions The emission limits across Australia for any type of coal-fired power stations Doctors for the Environment Australia When polluting industries do breach are very poor by world standards. have calculated that if load-based their pollution licences, they are rarely Despite the fact that nationally, coal- licensing fees in New South Wales were penalised. Within the last ten years, fired power stations are the main calculated to properly reflect the health no coal-fired power station in Australia source of fine particulate matter, no externalities of air pollution, the fees has been penalised for breaching their coal-fired power station in Australia would be 49 times the current levels.30 licence conditions.32 Earlier this year, has an emission limit specifically for This figure is an underestimate as it only however, revelations that AGL has fine particulate matter. In addition, accounts for the health costs associated been knowingly manipulating pollution the emission limit for mercury in all with three air pollutants: sulphur dioxide, monitoring by burning cleaner ‘blended’ states is significantly less stringent nitrogen dioxide and coarse particulate coal in their monitoring smokestack than the equivalent limit in China, the matter. It excludes pollutants known to manipulate pollution estimates, United States and Europe. In Victoria to be damaging to health such as fine prompted the Environment Protection and Queensland, an emission limit particulate matter, mercury and other Authority to investigate all coal-fired for mercury does not even exist. In air toxics. power plants in New South Wales.33 Victoria, the emission limit for coarse To overcome this problem, it is vital Furthermore, this fee does not account particulate matter is also less strict to expand government inspections of for the social and environmental damage than in China, the United States industries and to increase penalties caused by carbon dioxide. Carbon and the European Union.29 for industries found to have breached dioxide is not included in any of Australia’s licence conditions. pollution fee schemes. The externality costs of coal-fired power generation in Australia have been estimated to be $42 per megawatt hour (MWh) for black coal 29 Environmental Justice Australia. (2017). Toxic and Terminal: How Australian Power Station Regulation is Failing Communities. Available: url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjNtZ75lLXWAhVJkZQKHdwEBN0QFggtMAE& au%2Fsites%2Fdefault%2Ffiles%2Ffiles%2FEJA_CoalHealth_final.pdf&usg=AFQjCNGQjrp6U0AyYatZTNoJt7jt1rvaFQ [Accessed 21 Sept 2017]. 30 Doctors for the Environment Australia. (2016). Submission to the NSW EPA on the load-based licensing scheme. Available: au/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0ahUKEwjcoMOspZ_XAhUEkZQKHVqICfcQFggoMAA& au%2Fimages%2Fuploads%2Fsubmissions%2FNSW_-_Review_of_the_load-based_licensing_scheme_submission_12-16.pdf&usg=AOvVaw3vyh162bvzzVapJc8QJm3d [Accessed 2 Nov 2017]. 31 Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (ATSE). (2009). The Hidden Costs of Electricity: Externalities of Power Generation in Australia. Available: & pdf&usg=AFQjCNHRuB5DFQwj6Pi9iNMPqOnt55z2xA 32 Environmental Justice Australia (EJA). (2017). Toxic and Terminal: How Australian Power Station Regulation is Failing Communities. Available: url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjNtZ75lLXWAhVJkZQKHdwEBN0QFggtMAE& au%2Fsites%2Fdefault%2Ffiles%2Ffiles%2FEJA_CoalHealth_final.pdf&usg=AFQjCNGQjrp6U0AyYatZTNoJt7jt1rvaFQ [Accessed 21 Sept 2017]. 33 Hannam, P. (2017). ‘Mindblowing’: NSW EPA probes coal-fired power plants over pollution claims. Sydney Morning Herald. 14th May. Available: mindblowing-nsw-epa-probes-coalfired-power-plants-over-pollution-claims-20170510-gw26lb.html [Accessed 21 Sept 2017]. CLIMATE CHANGE, AIR POLLUTION AND HEALTH IN AUSTRALIA 11
GRAND CHALLENGES GOAL 2: Action: Modelling shows that it is both technically and economically feasible set a binding national emissions for Australia to achieve net zero Commit to 100 per cent reduction target to reach net zero emissions by 2050. To achieve this, it is necessary to switch the stationary renewable energy by 2050 carbon dioxide emissions by 2050, with interim targets focused energy sector to 100 per cent renewable Even with strengthened regulations, on making deep cuts early energy by 2030. The stationary energy air pollution will likely worsen in the sector comprises electricity generation As a generational equity issue, the future without addressing the root of and domestic heating, as well as fuels Federal government must adopt a the problem – burning coal, oil and used in manufacturing and some other binding emissions target of net zero gas. In order to curb the health effects commercial activities. The stationary carbon dioxide by 2050, allowing for of burning these fuels, and to cut energy sector produces the most ambitious interim targets that focus greenhouse gas pollution, the energy health-damaging air pollution and is on making deep cuts early. To do so sector must transition to 100 per cent also the sector that contributes the most would require a 50 per cent reduction in renewable energy. This will have a to greenhouse gas emissions, roughly carbon dioxide emissions each decade significant impact because the energy 33 per cent. for the next two decades. sector accounts for roughly three Achieving reduced emissions in other quarters of Australia’s greenhouse The longer any society delays action areas of the energy sector, such as gas emissions. to cut emissions, the harder and transport and industry, will require a more expensive it will be for future To meet its commitments under the switch away from fossil fuels in the generations to do so. Even though Paris climate agreement, Australia must stationary energy sector. Electric cars statements of targets do not alone reduce its greenhouse gas emissions can only be zero-emission vehicles reduce greenhouse gas emissions, they by 5 per cent below 2000 levels by if the electricity used is from zero- do make the intent of the government 2020 and by 26-28 per cent by 2030. emissions generation. clear and do help link short-term Unfortunately, despite continued decisions to long-term goals. Such After meeting the goal of producing 100 government assurances that the nation statements support business and per cent of stationary energy needs in will meet these targets, government household investment decisions. 2030 with renewable energy, it will be modelling indicates that at current rates necessary to produce more renewable it will overshoot the 2030 target. Instead Targets should be backed with a clear energy to cater for increased demand of achieving a goal of 26-28 per cent strategy with which to reach them: from the industry and transport sectors reductions below 2000 levels, Australia legislation, policy frameworks and as they switch to electrification. is more likely to achieve a reduction of programmes that support the transition, just 5 per cent by 2030.34 and certainty for business investments in renewable energy and energy efficiency. The overall goal of the Paris Agreement This strategy should be supported is to limit the average temperature rise by a public awareness campaign, to below 2 degrees Celsius above demonstrating to the community and preindustrial levels, and to pursue businesses how targets will be reached. efforts to limit the average temperature Everyone should be on board. rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius. To achieve this the world needs to reach net zero emissions by 2050. 34 Commonwealth of Australia. (2016). Australia’s Emissions Projections 2016. Available: url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&ved=0ahUKEwikqrz1s7PWAhXLkZQKHdy8AHMQFgguMAE& %2Fresources%2F9437fe27-64f4-4d16-b3f1-4e03c2f7b0d7%2Ffiles%2Faust-emissions-projections-2016.pdf&usg=AFQjCNHfzapc85ng7cYKv9j4HeUAbfBsVA [Accessed 21 Sept 2017]. 12 CLIMATE CHANGE BLUEPRINTS
GRAND CHALLENGES Action: The South Australian government set a target of meeting half of its electricity with extend the Renewable Energy renewable energy by 2020. South Australia has already achieved this goal and is Target to 2040 aiming for 100 per cent as soon as possible. To facilitate a transition to 100 per Tasmania already provides 93 per cent of its power from renewable energy, but cent renewable energy by 2050, the has set a target of 100 per cent renewable energy by 2022. The Australian Capital Federal Government must extend the Territory has also set a goal of sourcing 100 per cent of its electricity from renewable Renewable Energy Target to 2040, energy by 2020. The Northern Territory and Queensland both have goals to source with targets increasing each year. The half of their electricity from renewable energy by 2030. New South Wales has existing Renewable Energy Target has outlined an ‘aspirational objective’ of reaching net zero emissions by 2050. Victoria facilitated a boom in renewable energy has a renewable energy target of 25 per cent by 2020 and 40 per cent by 2025. in Australia. The Victorian Renewable Energy (Jobs and Investment) Bill 2017 commits Victoria to This year, 2017, set a record for achieving its targets. investments in renewable energy, with $11 billion invested in projects already underway or set to start this Action: Although in 2017 the Federal Government calendar year. There are now over promoted new coal-fired generation, 5,600 MW of renewable energy projects put a price on carbon dioxide this is unlikely to be cost-competitive in the pipeline, close to filling the emissions and set an increasing with renewables, nor attractive to private 5,900 MW gap needed to meet the trajectory for this price investment. It is unlikely to go ahead. Federal Government’s current target of Case in point: the newly approved The second policy mechanism is to acquiring 20 per cent of electricity from Cooper’s Gap wind farm in Queensland. put a price on carbon, and this carbon renewable energy by 2020. Rooftop It will deliver wind power at a cost of $60/ price must increase over time. This will solar photovoltaic (PV) is also projected MWh. This is competitive with a new-build send a clear price signal to investors. to grow from less than 5,000 MW of high efficiency low emissions coal plant, This action would help compensate for installed capacity this year to over which has been estimated (probably the health and environmental costs of 20GW in the next two decades. This is optimistically) by the Minerals Council burning fossil fuels. an increase of more than 300 per cent of Australia to cost between $40-$78/ on current installed solar PV capacity.35 The need to transform the energy sector MWh.38 through these measures is supported by Despite its success in stimulating A carbon price that increases over time the fact that Australia’s coal-fired power investment in renewable energy, would help facilitate the transition from stations are coming to the end of their the lack of ambition of the Federal coal to renewable energy. Funds raised planned lifespans. Even without a carbon Renewable Energy Target has led the through a carbon price could be used to price, Australia’s coal-fired power stations States and Territories to adopt much establish and fund a national transition will likely be phased out by 2040.36 37 stronger and more ambitious targets. authority designed to minimise impacts of Since 2012, roughly one fifth of Australia’s the transition on employees of coal mines To continue to drive long-term coal capacity has been shut down without and coal-fired power stations, as well investment in renewable energy in the any policy directives. The average age of as their surrounding communities. The states and territories, it is imperative Australia’s coal-fired power stations is 36 authority would operate through regional that the Federal Renewable Energy years, with some being much older. The redevelopment, retraining programs and Target is extended in timeframe and normal lifespan of a coal-fired power plant other measures. Funds raised through a scope. There is a strong risk that is around 50 years. carbon price could also be used to help without extending the target, investment fund the transition away from fossil fuels in large-scale renewable energy will to renewable energy. decline after 2020. 35 AEMO (Australian Energy Market Operator). (2017). Electricity Forecasting Insights for the National Electricity Market. Planning_and_Forecasting/EFI/2017-Electricity-Forecasting-Insights.pdf [Accessed 5 Oct 2017]. 36 Climate Council. (2014). Australia’s Electricity Sector: Aging, Inefficient and Unprepared. Available: pdf [Accessed 21 Sept 2017]. 37 Morton, A. (2017). Coal in decline: An energy industry on life support. The Guardian. 24th August. Available: decline-an-energy-industry-on-life-support [Accessed 21 Sept 2017]. 38 Potter, B. (2017). Don’t buy The Minerals Council costings of coal power. Australian Financial Review. 6th July. Available: council-costings-of-coal-power-20170705-gx5enx [Accessed 21 Sept 2017]. CLIMATE CHANGE, AIR POLLUTION AND HEALTH IN AUSTRALIA 13
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