Program Winterwind 2019 Umeå Feb 4-6 - international Wind Energy Conference

Page created by Tony Casey
Program Winterwind 2019 Umeå Feb 4-6 - international Wind Energy Conference
                                  Winterwind 2019
                                  Umeå • Feb 4-6
Cover photo: ENERCON GmbH.

                             international Wind
                              Energy Conference
Program Winterwind 2019 Umeå Feb 4-6 - international Wind Energy Conference
Welcome to this year’s
Winterwind conference in Umeå!                                                                                                                                                                                                  Free Wifi
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                P5 Event & Conferens
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Network: KONFERENS-GUEST Open network no code required
I take great pride in welcoming all of you to the 11th Winterwind International Wind Energy
Conference. The expansion of wind power in cold climates is taking place at an increasingly rapid pace                                                                                                                          Exhibition area
so it is important to continue to keep up to date with the latest development.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Network: KONFERENS-GUEST2 Code: konferens1234
Winterwind offers, besides a techno-social field trip, two days of highly interesting presentations
and discussions about how we best take on the challenges. It will be an inspiring and useful program                                                                                                                            Väven scenen (Main stage)
with international experts in place who will highlight challenges, consequences and opportunities in                                                                                                                            Network:  _UK_Guest

                                                                                                                                                        Photo: Eva Hedman
innovation, research and development.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Open your browser User name: wp51 Code: 4496
You will also have plenty of time to network and create valuable relationships with both industry
colleagues and other players in the industry, so please make the most of your participation and take
this fantastic opportunity to socialize with representatives from leading companies, organizations and

                                                                                                                                                                            Swedish Energy Agency supports research
                                                                             Ulla Hedman Andrén Director of Operations Swedish Windpower Association
Welcome!                                                                              Project Manager Winterwind International Wind Energy Conference                                                                 TUESDAY

Swedish Windpower Association                                                                                                                                               As Sweden’s primary wind power R&D funding agency, the Swed-
                                                                                                                                                                            ish Energy Agency finances research conducted by universities
                                                                                                                                                                            and industries through several R&D programmes.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Power Technology Centre support technology-oriented research
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    within prioritized areas defined in Sweden’s strategy for wind
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    power. We support larger demonstration projects through our
About                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               programme Pilot- och demonstrationsprojekt. The agency also
Swedish Windpower Association represents all producers. The asso-                year. As a member you have a discount on the report.                                       We also help companies to develop and commercialize energy              provide specific support to SMEs to promote Swedish energy
ciation has over 30 years of experience. It started with the visionary
                                                                                 We publish the magazine; Tidningen Svensk Vindkraft                                        technology. The overarching goals are to achieve Sweden’s targets       technology and energy innovations both nationally and interna-
entrepreneurs, landowners and others, who invested in one or a few                                                                                                          and national objectives for a renewable energy system, contribute       tionally.
                                                                                 The magazine aims to work for continued development and dis-
turbines, but today we represent everything from the smaller to the big                                                                                                     to business development, and increase jobs and export.
                                                                                 semination of knowledge-enhancing information on wind power. To
actors. We are an established referral body and a committed party in                                                                                                                                                                                The agency has also, together with the Swedish Environmental
                                                                                 nuance the debate, to convey research findings and information on
energy Sweden who believes in the power of collaborations.                                                                                                                  The Swedish Energy Agency deals with many different issues that         Protection Agency, initiated the work to define a national strategy
                                                                                 technical development, to monitor and review the wind power indus-
Our main purpose is to promote the development of wind power at                                                                                                             affect the wind energy expansion. We host the web portal vindlov.       for a sustainable wind energy expansion in Sweden.
                                                                                 try as well as the work of government and politicians.
reasonable economic and financial conditions. We are involved in                                                                                                            se, which gathers the regulations regarding the permit process, and
wind power related projects and educations, we inform about research             We are an experienced conference organizer
                                                                                                                                                                            we also finance research on wind power’s environmental effects          Internationally, the agency is
results and technological development, often in close collaboration with         We annually arrange conferences and informative seminars as:
                                                                                                                                                                            through the R&D programme Vindval. The initiative Nätverket för         active within IEA Wind TCP and
both authorities, organizations and the business community.                      • Winterwind International Wind Energy Conference. Winterwind
                                                                                   found early its own niche in wind energy in cold climate and gathers                     Vindbruk is a network that aims to increase knowledge about wind        supports the Swedish involve-
Members benefits
                                                                                   every year the world’s wind energy professionals.			                                     power and to work for local development where wind power is be-         ment in the European project
We have contract partners for specially made member benefit offers for                                                                                                      ing expanded. The R&D programme VindEl and the Swedish Wind             NEWA.
                                                                                   Organized by Swedish Windpower Association since 2008.
example; a customized wind power insurance developed by the broker
Marsh, specially written to cover a wind turbine and its special activities.     • RE-Scandinavia. A conference about energy power purchase
For electricity trading we offer a framework agreement via NEAS energy             agreements, corporate PPAs. Organized by the Swedish
A/S. By negotiate an agreement for our members as a group we can                   Windpower Association in cooperation with the Danish
offer an agreement that is at the top of the market. Also, in collaboration
with MAQS, we offer our members an hour of free advice in connection
with having a case you want to discuss, and a discount on following
                                                                                   Wind Energy Association who collectively represent more
                                                                                   than 5,000 MW of operating wind power capacity. In partnership
                                                                                   with Re-Source.
                                                                                                                                                                            We support GIVEWATTS
hours, if needed. MAQS has many years of experience in handling wind                                                                                                        We do not share any gifts to our presenters. Instead, we donate money to those
                                                                                 Members of the Swedish Windpower Association receive a discount                            who need it better. Givewatts is a non-profit organisation bringing clean and safe
power projects that span all phases. And if you have an interest in the
                                                                                 on standard prices at our events.                                                          energy to people in developing nations. They distribute renewable energy solutions to
Nordic renewable market, don’t miss this opportunity to take part of the
                                                                                 The association is open to everyone. Among our members are be-
most important price effecting news and forecasts. Bodecker Partners                                                                                                        school children and their families that live in areas without access to electricity.
                                                                                 sides producers, both private individuals, suppliers and wind power
electricity certificate report contains the latest updates on politics,                                                                                                     Solar energy lights replaces dirty kerosene and wood, allows children to read their
                                                                                 developers among others.
growth and price forecasts in Sweden and Norway. This comprehen-                                                                                                            homework and doctors to operate after dark and much more.
sive report is much appreciated among windpower owners, banks and                More about members benefits and the association at:
energy companies. It is available in English and published 5 times per 

                   organizer                                      supportive partner                                  Media partners
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         EDUCATION & Jobs
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Take the opportunity to present in writing your company and the job opportunities
                                                                        sponsors                                                                                                                                         that you offer, during Winterwind! You will reach both senior professionals who are
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         seeking for new challenges and students. The Job Corner is in located in the exhibition

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         NOTE: Job ads must specify were/how to apply or a contact person incl. contact
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         information, as we do not handle any documents at the booth.

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Program Winterwind 2019 Umeå Feb 4-6 - international Wind Energy Conference
Numerical Weather Prediction
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            of Supercooled Low Stratus
            4                                                                                                                                                      Importance sampling for ice                Using 1Hz data to monitor                     Clouds over Heterogeneous
                                                                                                                                                                   throw in QBlade                            turbine integrity                             Surfaces using the MUSC
                                                                                                                                                                                      Matthew Lennie,                                   Carla Ribeiro,      One-Dimensional Model: First
                                                                                                                                                                        Technishe Universitat Berlin (18)                                DNV GL (39         Results
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Erik Janzon, Uppsala
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Universitet (9)
                  FIELD TRIP DAY                                                                                                                                   Uncertainties and choices in ice                                                         Improving short-term
                                                                                                                                                                   risk assessments - How to get              Proof of concept of a tower                   forecasting of turbine icing
                                                                                                                                                                   the results you want                       based blade icing detection                   using machine learning
    10:00-18:00   Field trip day (The time of return in Umeå is approx.)                                                                                                               Markus Drapalik,       system for low to moderate                             Till Beckford, DNV GL, UK (6)
                                                                                                                                                                            Institute of Safety and Risk      icing sites
    18.00-20.00   Poster and exhibition set-up                                                                                                                           Research, University of Natural                       Pieter Jan Jordaens,         Probabilistic forecasting of wind
                                                                                                                                                                          Resources and Life Sciences,                                 OWI-Lab (17)         power production losses due to
    18:00-20:00   Registration                                                                                                                                                           Vienna, AT (15)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            icing              Esbjörn Olsson,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         SMHI (31)

            5                                                                                                                                        14.30-15.30   Break
                                                                                                                                                                   Poster presentations moderated by Bengt Göransson
    TUESDAY                                                                                                                                                         Nabralift Tower:               On the formation of an      A new approach for                    The effect of atmos-
                                                                                                                                                                    Challenges of Icing            icing atlas in Austria      the assessment of ice                 pheric aerosol particles
                                                                                                                                                                    Conditions in Open                  Heimo Truhetz, Wegener induced power losses                  on cloud icing rate
    08:30-10:30   Registration and Exhibition                                                                                                                       Tower Structures                     Center for Climate and
                                                                                                                                                                         Emilio Rodriguez Saiz,         Global Change (WEGC),                                                   Antti Ruuskanen,
                                                                         Main Hall                                                                                     Nabrawind Technologies,                     University of
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Graz, Austria (38)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Patrice Roberge,           Finnish Meteorological
                                                                                                                                                                                     Spain (48)                                               Université Laval (7)               Institute, FI (32)

                  OPENING SESSION                            KEYNOTE PRESENTATIONS                               OPEN INNOVATION
                  Moderator: Linda Vikström                                                                      CONTEST                                                                                      Pre-construction site
                                                                                                                                                     15:30-17:00   Health, Safety and                                                                       Commercial
                  Welcome                              Joint efforts towards a       Why we do all the           Open Innovation Contest                           Environment (HSE) incl. ice                assessment, measurements,
                              Ulla Hedman Andrén
                                                       fossil free future            things we do                                                                  throw and noise                            models and standards                          Chairs: Eva Sjögren and Matthew
    10:00-11:30    Director of Operations Swedish                                                                Jury                                                                                         Chairs: Jeanette Lindeblad and                Wadham Gagnon
                                                                                                                                                                   Chairs: Olivia Andrén and René Cattin
                           Windpower Association                                                                 Linus Palmblad, Åsa Elmqvist,                                                                Sven-Erik Thor
                                                                                                                 René Cattin & Ville Lehtomäki.
                  Short introduction                          Daniel Gustafsson,
                                                                                                                           led by Tanja Tränkle,
                                                                                                                                                                   A cross-comparison of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                              WICE 2.0                                      Blade based ice detection –
                                  Göran Ronsten             Head of Development                  Karin Bodin,                                                      IceThrower database with                                                                 knowledge base for efficient
                                                                                                                        RISE Research Institues                                                               – The new generation of ice loss
                             Program coordinator            Sweden Vattenfall (55)          CEO Polarbröd (56)                                                     10 years of SCADA and                                                                    operation in cold climate
                                                                                                                                of Sweden (57)                                                                models
                                                                                                                                                                   meteorological forecast data -                                                           conditions            Timo Klaas,
    11.30-13.00                                                                                                                                                    What can we learn?
                  Lunch                                                                                                                                                                   Rolv Bredesen,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Stefan Söderberg,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Wölfel Wind Systems GmbH (47)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     DNV GL, SE (23)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Presenting ice detector re-
                  Poster presentations moderated by Ingvar Bartholdsson and Carl-Arne Pedersen                                                                               Kjeller Vindteknikk, NO (35)
    12:30-12:55                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             search results from wind turbine
                  Clear air in cold         Wind-farm-scale         Verification of            Load monitoring           Icing Predictions
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            field tests and icing wind tunnel
                  climates: perfor-         blockage in stable      numerical weather          and lifetime as-          for the Canadian
                                                                                                                                                                   R.Ice: Risk Analysis of Wind               Validation of pulsed Lidar as                 tests              Tatu Muukkonen,
                  mance of continu-         regime associated       model predictions          sessment for wind         Wind Energy
                  ous-wave ground-          with cold climates      and wind turbine           turbine towers            Industry                                  Turbine Icing                              ice detector                                                    Labkotec Oy, FI (43)
                                                                                                                                                                                       Alexander Stökl,                                Timo Karlsson,
                  based lidar                                       production-loss                                                                                            Energiewerkstatt e.V. (21)                                 VTT, FI (11)      fos4X experience improving the
                                                                    due to ice using                                                                                                                                                                        performance of wind farms
                                                                    ceilometer meas-                                            Simon-Philippe                                                                                                              installed in cold climate
                                                                    urements                                                Breton, Environne-                                                                                                                               Christian Lindemann,
                                                   Till Beckford,         Niklas Sondell,              Carsten Ebert,     ment et Changement                                                                                                                                     fos4X GmbH (19)
                                                                          Modern Energy,        Wölfel Wind Systems         Climatique Canada                      State of the art risk reduction of         Effective validation for time
                          Wulstan Nixon,     DNV GL, Netherlands
                           ZX Lidars (33)                    (42)           Sweden (44)         GmbH, Germany (49)        (ECCC), Canada (54)                      wind power facilities                      series icing modelling using                  Increased turbine efficiency
                                                                                                                                                                                                              operational SCADA data                        during icing conditions by
                                                                                                                                                                                          Daniel Swart,                             Christian Jonsson,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            means of pre-emptive
                                Väven                                    P5 Event                                   P5 Room 1                                           Lloyd’s Register Consulting (28)                            ABO Wind, DE (8)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            blade heating control
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Michael Moser, eologix sensor
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         technolocy gmbh, AT (45)
                  Health, Safety and Environ-               De-/anti-icing including new                 Forecasting cloud physics
    13:00-14:30                                                                                                                                                                                               Cold climate test center
                  ment (HSE) incl. ice throw                technologies, ice detection &                and aerodynamics                                                                                                                                   Field Validation of a Hot-Air
                                                                                                                                                                                                              in Sweden
                  and noise                                 control incl. standards                                                                                                                                  Martin de Maré, RISE Research          Blade Deicing Retrofit
                  Chairs: Liselotte Aldén and               Chairs: Chairs: Åsa Elmqvist and             Chairs: Emelie Bolin and                                                                                           Institues of Sweden (52)                              Daniela Roeper,
                  Magnus Fjelde                             Shigeo Kimura                                Sten Lillienau                                                                                                                                                 BorealisWind, Canada (12)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Is wind industry ready for dis-
                  IEA Wind Task 19: International           Unmanned aerial vehicles                     Forecasting of atmospheric ic-                                                                                                                     ruptive solutions?
                  Recommendations for Ice Fall              (UAVs) in cold climate and wind              ing – validation and applications                                                                                                                   Martins Ummers, Aerones, Latvia (2)
                  and Ice Throw Risk Assess-                energy applications, Richard                 within wind energy
                  ments                                     Hann                                                                                                                                                                                            To heat or not to heat?
                                      Andreas Krenn,             Norwegian University of Science                                       Leon Lee,                                                                                                               Xavier VANWIJCK, XANT, Belgium
                              Energiewerkstatt e.V. (20)      and Technology (NTNU), Norway (3)                           Kjeller Vindteknikk (25)                                                                                                                                        (46)

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Program Winterwind 2019 Umeå Feb 4-6 - international Wind Energy Conference
11.30-13:00                                                                                        Laboratory and full-scale
                                                                                                   Case study; controlled environ-                         Benchmarking                               Design and construction
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                testing, small wind turbines
                                                                                                   ment in up-tower blade repairs
                                                                                                                       Ville Karkkolainen,                 Chairs: Tanja Tränkle and                  Chairs: Helena Wickman and
                                                                                                                                                           Andreas Krenn                                                                        Chairs: Carla Ribeiro and
                                                                                                                      Bladefence Oy (14)                                                              Stefan Söderberg
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Martin de Maré

                                                                                                   Clear air in cold climates: per-
                                                                                                   formance of continuous-wave                                                                                                                  Validation of Droplet Size in
                                                                                                   ground-based lidar                                                                                 Construction of wind farms in
                                                                                                                                                           How efficient is your blade                                                          the VTT Icing Wind Tunnel Test
                                                                                                            Wulstan Nixon, ZX Lidars (33)                                                             cold climates areas – Owner’s
                                                                                                                                                           heating?                                                                             Section
                                                                                                                                                                            André Bégin-Drolet,
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Engineer experiences
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Tuomas Jokela,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Joachim Binotsch,
                                                                                                   Nabralift Tower: Challenges of                                                   Canada (4)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Ramboll, Germany (30)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         VTT Technical Research Centre
                                                                                                   Icing Conditions in Open Tower                                                                                                                                    of Finland Ltd (24)
                                                                                                       Emilio Rodriguez Saiz, Nabrawind
                                                                                                                Technologies, Spain (48)                                                              Design features of wind diesel            Siemens Gamesa test case:
                                                                                                                                                           Performance benchmark                      hybrid power plants in Russian            extreme cold start-up validation
                                                                                                                                                           analysis of four Ice prevention            Arctic climate, Viktor Elistratov,        of a wind turbine gearbox by
    17:00-        Mingle and poster presentations in exhibition hall.                                                                                      system                                     Science-education center                  the use of a large climatic
                  Open innovation awards, based on presentations in Session 1,                                                                                                   Timo Karlsson,       «Renewable energy sources»                test chamber
                  will be presented by Ville Lehtomäki at 17:30.                                                                                                                    VTT, FI (10)             Peter the Great St. Petersburg                        Pieter Jan Jordaens,
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Polytechnic University, Russia (16)                              OWI-Lab (51)
                  Networking dinner - only for pre-booked                                                                                                                                             Icing alleviation for wind                Industrial research on the
                                                                                                                                                           Benchmark of four Blade-based
                                                                                                                                                                                                      turbines with no ice-protected            design of wind turbines for icing
                                                                                                                                                           Ice Detection Systems
                                                                                                                                                                                                      blades                                    conditions
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Masafumi Yamazaki,                                  Inken Knop,
                                                                                                                                                                              Paul Froidevaux,
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Kanagawa Institute of Technology                       Technische Universität
                                                                                                                                                                         Meteotest AG, CH (36)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       (34)                      Braunschweig, DE (40)

             6                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  EFAFLU test case: cold start-up
                                                                                                                                                           Wind turbine rotor icing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                validation of transformer pumps
                                                                                                                                                           detectors performance
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                by the use of a large climatic
    WEDNESDAY                                                                                                                                              evaluation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                test chamber
                                                                                                                                                                              Charles Godreau,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Daniele Brandolisio,
                                                                                                                                                                           Nergica, Canada (22)
                                Väven                                 P5 Event                                P5 Room 1                                                                                                                                               OWI-Lab, BE (50)

    09:00-10:30   Wind turbine manufacturers                                                                                                 13:00-14:00   Lunch
                  Moderator: Linda Vikström                                                                                                                Poster presentations moderated by Fredrik Lindahl
                  Technology retrofit and service                                                                                                          Case study; controlled           To heat or not to heat?       Increased turbine               Is wind industry ready
                  approach for performance                                                                                                                 environment in uptower                                         efficiency during icing         for disruptive solutions?
                  optimisation in cold climates                                                                                                            blade repairs                                                  conditions by means of
                    Ulrik Rydstroem, Siemens Gamesa                                                                                                                                                                       preemptive blade heat-
                                Renewable Energy (41)                                                                                                                                                                     ing control
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Michael Moser,
                  Nordex advanced Anti-Icing
                                                                                                                                                                      Ville Karkkolainen,            Xavier VANWIJCK,        eologix sensor technolocy      Martins Ummers, Aerones,
                  System for N149/4.0-4.5                                                                                                                            Bladefence Oy (14)              XANT, Belgium (46)                  gmbh, AT (45)                      Latvia (2)
                                     Konrad Sachse,
                         Nordex Energy GmbH, DE (5)

                  ENERCONs strategies for                                                                                                    14:00-15:00   Grand finale Next?
                  minimizing and assessing icing
                  losses                                                                                                                                   Moderator: Linda Vikström
                                    Julian Schödler,
                                  ENERCON, DE (27)
                                                                                                                                                           IEA Wind Task 19 – key results
                  Vestas Cold Climate Solutions                                                                                                            from 2016-2018 and future
                                                                                                                                                           plans 2019-2021
                             Brian Daugbjerg Nielsen,
                                                                                                                                                                                 Ville Lehtomäki,
                                       Denmark (53)
                                                                                                                                                                       KjellerVindteknikk, FI (26)

                  Break, Poster presentations moderated by Jeanette Lindeblad
    10.30-11:30                                                                                                                                            Q&A from the audience
                  Blade based ice detec-       Presenting ice detector         fos4X experience im-         Field Validation of a Hot-
                  tion – knowledge base        research results from           proving the performance      Air Blade Deicing
                  for efficient operation in   wind turbine field tests        of wind farms installed      Retrofit                         14:40-14:50   Summary of Conference
                  cold climate conditions      and icing wind tunnel           in cold climate
                                   Timo Klaas, tests                                                                                         14:50-15:00   Final words
                   Wölfel Wind Systems GmbH               Tatu Muukkonen,            Christian Lindemann,                Daniela Roeper,                                   Ulla Hedman Andrén,
                                         (47)           Labkotec Oy, FI (43)             fos4X GmbH (19)      Borealis Wind, Canada (12)                         Director of Operations Swedish
                                                                                                                                                                         Windpower Association

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Program Winterwind 2019 Umeå Feb 4-6 - international Wind Energy Conference
Meet our Sponsors and Exhibitors                                                                                                                  spans onshore and offshore
                                                                                                                                                  wind power, solar, conventional
                                                                                                                                                  generation, transmission and
In the exhibit hall you’ll meet interesting companies and organizations offering                                                                  distribution, smart grids, and
                                                                                                                                                  sustainable energy use, as well
services and products specific to your business within renewables.                                                                                as energy markets and regu-
                                                                                                                                                  lations. Our experts support
See here our sponsors and exhibitors for the 2019 conference.                                                                                     customers around the globe in        Neas Energy is an international     Uppsala University Campus           Labkotec ice detectors are spe-
Please visit their stands, websites and social media channels.                                                                                    delivering a safe, reliable, effi-   energy asset management com-        Gotland provides capacity           cially designed for wind turbines
                                                                                                                                                  cient, and sustainable energy        pany owned by Centrica plc.         building and research commu-        in icy conditions. LID-3300IP
                                                                                                                                                  supply. Our testing, certifica-      Neas Energy provides physical       nication in the Swedish National    Ice Detector improves turbine
Supportive partner:                                                                                                                               tion and advisory services are
                                                                                                                                                  delivered independent from
                                                                                                                                                                                       and financial optimization of
                                                                                                                                                                                       renewable and conventional
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Wind Utilization Network,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           and offers a large selection of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               production reliability and reduc-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               es risks caused by ice forma-
                                    project. We have calculated                                               to make them one of the main
                                                                                                                                                  each other.                          energy assets, for independent      multi-disciplinary wind power       tion. LID warning light system is
                                    icing and losses due to icing for                                         businesses by 2020. EnBW
                                                                                                                                                                                       power producers, on all major       courses and a Master pro-           designed for protecting people
                                    over a hundred wind farms. In                                             offers planning, construction,
                                                                        InnoEnergy is the innovation                                                                                   energy markets in Europe.           gramme in Wind Power Project        and property. The system warns
                                    addition, we have been validating                                         operation, maintenance and
                                                                        engine for sustainable energy                                                                                  The headquarter is located in       Management.                         people for icing conditions by
                                    the performance of the de-icing                                           servicing for wind turbines from
                                    systems and anti-icing systems      across Europe supported by            one source. EnBW plans to in-
                                                                                                                                                  Sponsors:                            Aalborg, Denmark and it has                                             giving an ice alarm.
The Swedish Energy Agency                                               the EIT. We support and invest                                                                                 offices in London, Hamburg,
                                    for several of the large manu-                                            vest more than five billion euros
works for a sustainable energy                                          in innovation at every stage                                                                                   Düsseldorf, Stockholm, Oslo
                                    facturers and also assisted in                                            by 2025 in the further expansion
system, combining ecological                                            of the journey – from class-                                                                                   and Gothenburg.
                                    the development of warranties                                             of renewable energies, and
sustainability, competitiveness     connected to icing and de-icing     room to end-customer – to             Sweden is among the target
and security of supply.             systems. Kjeller Vindteknikk has    accelerate the development            markets for onshore wind.           VTT Technical Research                                                                                       Nibe Element Wind Solutions,
The Agency finances research        more than 20 years of experience    of market-ready solutions. We                                             Centre of Finland is a visionary                                         Vindval collects and provides       NEWS, are supplying heating
for new and renewable energy        with wind in complex terrain and    work in three essential are-                                              research, development and                                                scientific knowledge of wind        solutions for turbines erected in
technologies, smart grids, and      cold climate.                       as: Education to help create an                                           innovation partner. We drive                                             power’s impacts on humans           cold climates.
vehicles and transport fuels of                                         informed and ambitious work-                                              sustainable growth and tackle                                            and nature. The program is          It means, heating of all critical
the future. The Agency supports                                         force; Innovation Projects to                                             the biggest global challenges                                            a cooperation between the           applications in the nacelle to
commercialization and growth                                            create commercially attractive       Nordex Group offers reliable         of our time, turning them into       Bladefence is a specialist for      Energy Agency and the Swedish       make it possible to start up,
of energy related cleantech.                                            technologies that deliver real       and high efficient multi-meg-        growth opportunities. We go          wind turbine blade condition        EPA.                                after a stand still situation. We
                                                                        results to customers; Business       awatt wind turbines for nearly       beyond the obvious to help the       analysis, repairs and mainte-                                           make de-icing systems based
                                                                        Creation to support entrepre-        all geographical regions. Also       society and companies to grow        nance. The company utilises                                             on hot air as well as heating
                                                                        neurs and start-ups growing          part of the Nordex Group’s offer                                          advanced skylift equipment and
Sponsors:                           ENERCON products are known
                                                                        their innovative offerings. With     are solution-driven innova-
                                                                                                                                                  through technological innova-
                                                                                                                                                  tions. We have over 30 years         UV-curing blade repair method
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               blankets for curing of blade
                                    for their innovative technolo-                                                                                                                                                                                             repair.
                                                                        our network of 380+ partners,        tions, a dense service network,      of cold climate wind energy          in its operations. In combina-
                                    gy, outstanding reliability and                                          preventive maintenance, an
                                                                        we build connections across                                               experience, and a successful         tion, these enable operations       Vindforsk is a technical research
                                    excellent returns on investment,                                         anti-icing system with warranted
                                                                        Europe, bringing together in-                                             commercialisation of blade           in harsh weather conditions,        programme run by Energiforsk
                                    worldwide. With their tried and                                          performance, and end-to-end
Join our journey towards a                                              ventors and industry, graduates                                           ice prevention technology.           cutting-edge efficiency and         – the Swedish Energy Re-
                                    tested drive system, constant                                            modernization. Nordex Group
fossilfree future. We are one                                           and employers, researchers and                                            Wind energy activities cover         minimise turbine downtime.          search Centre and financed by
                                    technological sophistication and                                         has installed more than 22 GW
of the leading actors in the                                            entrepreneurs, businesses and                                             the value chain from resource        The company was certified by        the Swedish industry. The aim is    Ramboll is a leading engineer-
                                    high quality standards, the com-                                         worldwide and has offices in
European energy transition and                                          markets, and create a fertile                                             assessment, system integration,      Germanischer Lloyd for blade        to hoard and share knowledge        ing, design and consultancy
                                    pany has been setting bench-                                             more than 25 countries around
with approximately 3000 MWs                                             environment in which we can                                               turbine technology to O&M. We        repairs in 2012 as the first com-   to strengthen the knowledge         company employing 14,000
                                    marks in the wind energy indus-                                          the world. The Swedish subsidi-
of installed capacity we are                                            sell the innovative results of our                                        serve our customers through di-      pany in the Nordic countries.       base of the Swedish wind power      experts globally.
                                    try for more than 30 years now.                                          ary is located in Uppsala.
among the leading developers                                            work.                                                  rect contract research, but also                                         industry and the energy sector.     Based on more than 30 years of
                                    Currently, the product catalogue
and operators of wind and           includes turbines ranging from                                                                                through national and transna-                                                                                experience in the wind industry,
solar in Europe. In Sweden this     800 kW to 4.500 kW. ENERCON                                                                                   tional R&D collaboration.                                                                                    we offer a full range of services
includes ambitious investments      has already installed more than                                                                                                                                                                                            that cover the entire life cycle
in Blakliden&Fäbodberget and        29.000 turbines worldwide                                                                                                                                                                                                  of a project, from planning and
other future projects, many with    with a total rated power of 49,9                                                                                                                                                                                           project development to design,
cold climate challenges.            gigawatts.                                                               Wicetec Oy is wind turbine                                                Wölfel Wind Systems is focused      CUE DEE was founded 1978            procurement, implementation
We are also proud beeing                                                                                     blade heating technology pro-                                             on Structural Health Monitoring     and since 2001 we have been         and follow-up on operation,
                                                                        Connected Wind Services                                                   Tensar International can provide
active in: climate smart solu-                                                                               vider. Our technology prevents                                            of the complete wind turbine.       supplying masts to the wind en-     maintenance, and finally to
                                                                        Welcome to a truly connected                                              cost-, carbon- and time-sav-
tions for homes and cities,                                                                                  ice to accumulate on blade                                                We deliver reliable data analysis   ergy sector. Cue Dee has been       decommissioning.
                                                                        world where you get everything                                            ing solutions to any wind farm
partnerships with industry                                                                                   surface and therefore enables                                             (Structural Intelligence) for       a market leader in the Nordic       Our portfolio includes the suc-
                                                                        you need from one professional,                                           project. We are a world-leading
explore fossilfree solutions for                                                                             continuous turbine operation                                              lifetime assessments, increase      countries for many years and        cessful completion of projects
                                                                        experienced and service-mind-                                             manufacturer and provider
steel, cement and datacenters,                                                                               throughout the winter when the                                            of energy yield as well as ice      developed a complete range of       in 21 countries in offshore wind
                                                                        ed Independent Service Pro-                                               of subgrade stabilisation and
charging infrastructure for elec-                                                                            winds are high and energy de-                                             and damage detection for rotor      masts and accessories quality       and 60 countries onshore.
                                                                        vider. Our highly skilled service                                         soil reinforcement solutions
trification of transport sector.                                                                             mand and price is peaking. The                                            blades. Additionally we manu-       designed to be the best choice
                                    WPS is one of Sweden’s largest      technicians provide you with                                              to overcome common ground
Our message is therefore clear;                                                                              patented technology is availa-                                            facture systems for reduction of    for the wind industry.
                                    ISP for service and maintenance     unrivalled knowledge and dedi-                                            engineering problems in con-
we at Vattenfall want to enable                                                                              ble for new turbines as well as                                           vibrations and structure-borne
                                    of wind turbines.                   cation. For more than 25 years,                                           struction and civil engineering.
our customers a fossilfree living                                                                            retrofit to existing turbines with                                        noise.
                                    We are flexible, efficient and      we have focused on getting the                                            With expert technical services
within one generation.                                                                                       field proven lifetime of 20 years.
                                    our skilled technicians with a      best possible yield for the full                                          and an international network of
                                                                                                             Wicetec staff consists of highly
                                    local presence make us the best     lifetime of your assets. As Eu-                                           partners, Tensar provides pro-
                                                                                                             skilled professionals with firm
                                    choice for a reliable partner. In   rope’s first Independent Service                                          fessional support and impartial                                                                              DEKRA is working for increased
                                                                                                             experience of wind power in
                                    our booth you will also find our    Provider, we apply best practic-                                          advice for projects, from prod-                                                                              safety in a variety of industries
                                                                                                             cold climate environment.
                                    cooperating partners:               es gained from decades of work                                            uct selection and engineering                                            eologix produces flexible,          through independent inspec-
                                    Blade solutions; leading the way    with operators and owners at a                                            design, to on-site construction      FT Technologies are the leading     retrofittable smart sensor          tion, testing and certification.
                                    in repair and development of        wide array of locations − from                                            guidance. Tensar’s innovative        manufacturer of ultrasonic wind     solutions. Founded in 2014, a       DEKRA is Europe’s leading
                                    blade heating systems for wind      the single standing turbine to                                            and high-performance geogrid         sensors for turbine control. At     team of 14 is dedicated today to    expert organization with 40
                                    turbines in arctic and sub-arctic   the largest wind farms.                                                   and geotextile products offer        Winterwind we are introducing       energy self-sustaining, wireless    000 employees in more than
Kjeller Vindteknikk is one of the   locations. We use state of art                                                                                professional methods that have       our new FT742 wind sensors          sensors. eologix’ key prod-         50 countries. With our long ex-
leading service providers within    patented repairing methods.         EnBW is one of the largest                                                benefitted thousands of ac-          with, enhanced measurement          uct - installed on more than        perience from the wind energy
meteorology on infrastructure       BRS Sweden AB; an ISP for           energy suppliers in Europe,          DNV GL delivers world-re-            cess-roads, working platforms,       range & accurcy now available       150 turbines - is designed for      industry, we can support the
in the Nordics. Within wind         blade inspection and repair. Our    supplying electricity and energy     nowned testing and advisory          crane hard standings, em-            with acoustic air temperature       ice detection and temperature       customer to reach high safety
power, we provide measure-          IRATA certified technicians per-    solutions to around 5.5 million      services to the energy value         bankments, railways and other        output. The FT sensors are          measurement on rotor blades,        both during construction of a
ments, analysis and modeling        form their work from a suspend-     customers. EnBW aims to              chain including renewables and       infrastructure projects around       easily heated, which helps to       minimizing downtimes caused         new plant and in operation of
for all stages of the wind power    ed platform and via rope.           expand renewable energies            energy efficiency. Our expertise     the world.                           improve AEP and reduce LCoE.        by ice accretion or de-icing.       existing plants.

                                                                                                                                    >>>                                                                                                                                            >>>         9
Program Winterwind 2019 Umeå Feb 4-6 - international Wind Energy Conference
Exhibitors:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 600
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           0 re
                                                                                                                                                            Sweden’s largest magazine about wind power                                                                                ade
             EMD International A/S
     EMD International A/S is a
     software and knowledge centre
     supplying companies and insti-
                                        As an independent research in-
                                        stitute RISE offers a wide range
                                        of cutting-edge research and
                                                                             Opatina works with safety. We
                                                                             work as safety or HSE repre-
                                                                             sentatives in different projects,
                                                                                                                   SOMMER is focusing on
                                                                                                                   environmental measuring for
                                                                                                                   the past 30 years. Our Ice
     tutions worldwide with software,   innovation services. Customers       heavy construction and wind-          Detection System (IDS) for the
     consultancy services, training     and partners will find us dedi-      craft. Opatina help you in plan-      recognition and measurement
     and know-how within the fields     cated in developing value-cre-       ning or execution of your project     of icing conditions the IDS helps
     of project design, planning,       ating future solutions within a      as HSE and BAS P/U and HSE            to optimize the operation and
     documentation and operation of     range of technology areas.           manager. We have a wide range         reduce maintenance costs on
     environmentally friendly energy    Our test and demonstration           of experience and we work to          wind turbines and blades, by
     projects.                          facilities EMD
                                                   are important  for A/S
                                                        International        give you the full range of exper-     recognizing and measuring ice
                                        innovations before entering    the   tise in your project.                 as early as possible.
                                        market – so is the full-scale test                                                                                  The magazine Tidningen Svensk Vindkraft aims to promote
                                        station in northern Sweden.                                                                                         the continued development of wind power, nuance the public
                                        Focusing on measurements,                                                                                           debate, convey research findings and information on technical
                                        test, validation and certification
                                        activities for the cold climate                                                                                     developments, and monitor and review the wind power industry
     Enetjärn Natur helps compa-        wind industry we offer the arena                                                                                    as well as the work of the Government and politicians.
     nies, authorities and organ-       for technology verification in
     izations in challenging land       demanding conditions.                Greenpipe For more than 15                                                     With an advertisement in the magazine, you will reach wind
     use issues to combine busi-                                             years we have been designing          UL works to help the ener-               power stakeholders in Sweden, such as wind power owners and co-owners,
     ness with sustainable solutions                                         and producing split pipes and         gy industry mitigate risk and            electricity companies, contractors, developers, government agencies, county
     for nature and biodiversity.                                            sold them to clients caring for       navigate complexity associated
     We help our customers make                                              the environment all over Europe.      with renewable resources. A
                                                                                                                                                            administrative boards, libraries, ministries, members of parliament, newspapers
     timely decisions through field                                          SnapSplitPipes™ is a reliable         global trusted advisor providing         and other people with an interest in wind power.
     inventory, impact assessments,                                          cable protection system that          access to proven science and
     strategies and consulting. We                                           will protect its content to 100%.     expert engineering, by offering
                                                                                                                                                            The magazine is published 5 times a year by
     are also hired to “clean up”       Our company Aerones invented         Thanks to the innovative design,      innovative solutions to meet the         the Swedish Windpower Association.
     environmental trials where         heavy-lift drone and developed       the pipes will hold together at       unique challenges of the renew-
     natural environment issues have    technology for wind turbine          all times, making sure that the       able energy industry. Services           Contact
     not been analysed enough.          maintenance (deicing, clean-         cables inside is always protect-      encompass expert advice from             Editorial:                                         Look out for
     When the operator is affected      ing, coating). Aerones Nordic        ed, just like it is supposed to be.   project inception to decom-
     by supplementary requirements      will start service operations in     The installation is made quick        missioning, testing, inspection,
                                                                                                                                                            Ads:                                                     Peter, Chief Editor & Magnus, Sales Manager
     and delays, we help to move        Sweden and Scandinavia in the        and easy without any tools            certification, verification and
     the process forward.               first quarter this year.             needed.                               auditing.


                                                                                                                                                       ENERCON Cold Climate Solutions
                                                                                                                                                       EFFICIENT AND SAFE TECHNOLOGY WHERE THERE IS A RISK OF ICE FORMATION
                                                                                                                                                       Extreme climate conditions like those at Cold Climate sites demand flexibility and specialised technological solutions. In the winter
                                                                                                                                                       months in particular, it is entirely possible that ice formation will also occur on rotor blades. This can lead to loss of yield or may
                                                                                                                                                       even cause a standstill of the wind turbine. ENERCON’s sophisticated ice detection technology has been working to counteract
                                                                                                                                                       this since 2004. All ENERCON wind energy converters can be delivered as cold climate versions, meaning that the power curve at
                                                                                                                                                       WEC operation is not affected at temperatures above -30°C. This helps to reduce any downtime and losses of yield to a minimum.


     10                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                11
Program Winterwind 2019 Umeå Feb 4-6 - international Wind Energy Conference
Sailing into the
wind power business
The interest in sailing was one of the reasons why Canadian Matthew Wadham-Gagnon, part
of the Winterwind program committee, ended up in the wind power industry.

“I wanted to travel after finishing my Master’s Degree      In 2011, he started working for Nergica, a center of     work in Canada. But it doesn’t mean it’s a bad idea        “I always hope to find out about new technologies or
in Mechanical Engineering, and I am a passionate            applied research in renewable energies, in Gaspé, Que-   and maybe it just requires a small adaptation... That’s    methods that might change the way we think about
sailor so I went to Australia for a year where I hoped      bec, as a project manager in research and innovation     part of what we like to do at Nergica; technology          ice protection systems. And one day, maybe this
to get a fix of both traveling and sailing. I ended up      about seven years ago. He is now Nergica’s business      adaptation,” says Matthew Wadham-Gagnon.                   year, maybe next year, maybe in ten years, there will
working as a Structural Engineer doing finite element       development manager.                                                                                                be an icephobic coating that will revolutionize the
analysis jobs for a variety of industries and applica-                                                               This will actually be his sixth time attending the         industry!”
tions. I also managed to do quite a bit of sailing too!”,   Canada has, according to Matthew Wadham-Gagnon,          conference in the last seven years.
says Matthew Wadham-Gagnon.                                 incredible onshore wind resources which translates to    “Winterwind has a great balance between the scien-
After the year in Australia he went to the UK and did       high capacity factors (CF) often in the 35-40 percent    tific community and the industry. It is the conference     This article has been fact checked by Göran Ronsten,
more FEA mostly for high-performance compos-                range. High average wind speeds and high air density     to get up to date on wind energy in cold climate. I also   researcher and project coordinator of the Winterwind
ite sailing yachts (and did more sailing). The same         due to low temperatures in the winter contribute to      love how the conference has been held in different         Conference in Åre.
company had a wind energy business unit and there           these high CFs.                                          cities across Northern Sweden, I get to discover new
was an opportunity for Matthew to continue working          “Wind turbines, particularly in Eastern Canada, are      places every time and a bit of local culture.”
for them while based in Quebec, in his home country         often placed on the tops of hills and mountains and      “I look forward to seeing familiar faces and meeting
Canada. “At this point I was no longer doing FEA,           are often exposed to icing conditions. Our climate is    new ones, as well as finding out what are the latest
instead, I was implementing new composite materials         very similar to the Scandinavian climate, although we    developments and innovations – but also how we are
and composite processing methods in wind turbine            probably have more freezing rain.”                       getting closer to standardization. I expect to learn and
blade manufacturing plants in North and South               During the Winterwind conference he expects to ex-       to have fun,” he says.
America.“                                                   change best practices regarding wind power challenges    One of the innovations that he is really looking
“There are a lot of jobs in wind energy in Quebec,          and solutions in cold climate.                           forward to seeing will, most likely, not be presented at
and fortunately for me, in my hometown of Gaspé.”           “If something works in Europe it doesn’t mean it will    the 2019 conference.                                       Text: Peter Wiklund

     NAME: Matthew Wadham-Gagnon
     WORK: Business development manager at Nergica, Gaspé, Canada
     and member of the program committee for Winterwind.
     AGE: 38
     LIVES: Gaspé, Québec, Canada.
     FAMILY: Married, three children.
     CURRENT PROJECTS: “Lately, we’ve been working on projects involving operation-
     al icing forecasts at Nergica. Operational forecasts combined with observational
     data and ice detection technologies have the potential to improve certain types of
     ice-prevention systems as well as be useful for operation and maintenance planning.
     We are also planning on releasing a study on a rotor ice detection benchtest that
     was conducted on our test site.”
     LEISURE TIME ACTIVITIES: “Skiing (backcountry and with kids at local hill), hockey,
     did I mention sailing?”

12                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Winterwind 2019   13
Program Winterwind 2019 Umeå Feb 4-6 - international Wind Energy Conference
     - An internationally established
     meeting place
     Winterwind is probably the world’s largest cold-climate-focused
     windpower conference. In addition to being a very important
     meeting place for industry representatives, the goal is to
     contribute to solving the practical problems that, among other
     things, low temperatures, icing, large distances and complex
     terrain cause.
     Low temperatures are not as big a challenge in        lightning strikes, been to install heating elements
     Sweden as in countries with inland climates. In       mounted on the blade surface all the way out to
     these places special versions of steel, welding       the blade tip, from where ice can be thrown at
     joints, seals, component heating, operating           high speed. One manufacturer has solved this
     parameters and lubricants have to be developed        problem by designing the lightning protection
     and used. For the staff, the working conditions       system so that it by itself is used to power the
     can be so severe that one only has 15 seconds to      heating elements.

                                                                                                                                                   Cold Climate Experts
     carry out a task outdoors without gloves. When
     the temperature drops below minus 20 degrees,         In the large wind farms in northern Sweden,
     the output power may need to be reduced so as         major investments are required in new roads
     not to damage components that become brittle          and grid extensions. Once these have been built,
     at low temperatures. We have recently seen indi-      there must not only be suitable conditions for
     cations from Sweden that lubricants in gearboxes      service personnel to stay within reasonable
     are too viscous even at such high temperatures        distance from the new workplaces, there must
     as around zero degrees. This means that the low       also be service personnel. Since the courses for
     temperature problems can occur more frequently
     than we previously expected.
                                                           technicians have been downsized for a few years,
                                                           the lack of trained service technicians is now gre-
                                                                                                                    Wind Measurements
     Iced up wind turbine blades do not only reduce
                                                           at. Targeted training initiatives are underway but
                                                           how well does the industry succeed in attracting
                                                                                                                    Ice Measurements
     production but they also pose a danger to staff       students?                                                Energy Assessment
     and the public who are in their vicinity. At the
     time of Winterwind 2008, only one manufactu-          Several of the presentations at Winterwind 2019          Due Diligence
     rer was able to deliver de-icing systems and the
     de-icing capability was, for de-icing power and
                                                           address work environment issues and risks in
                                                           connection with ice-throw. At the conference             Short Term Forecasting
     personal safety reasons, limited to de-icing on
     stationary wind turbines on one downward-fa-
                                                           and in the exhibition room, we also get the
                                                           opportunity to ask researchers and manufactu-
                                                                                                                    Risk for Ice Throw
     cing blade at a time. A lot has happened since        rers what solutions they have on the drawing
     then.                                                 board. Are split blades and towers a possible and
                                                           cost-effective solution to handle transports in
     Today, several wind turbine manufacturers can         complex terrain? Do not miss the opportunity
     deliver de-icing systems with the capability to       to help develop and even take over technology
     prevent ice from building up on the blades. With      that is not yet commercialized through the Open
     hot air circulating in the blades, a manufacturer     Innovation Contest!
     is able to de-ice wind turbines in operation under
     light to moderate icing conditions. To counte-        Göran Ronsten, program coordinator
     ract severe icing, high heat output is required on    Winterwind 2008-2019
     the leading edge of the blade. For this purpose,
     electrically heated elements are mounted just
     below the blade surface, which saves energy by
     not having to heat the entire blade volume. The
     development is driven by the fact that the end
     users are requesting guarantees also for severe
     icing conditions.                                                                                           Ville Lehtomäki                   Lars Tallhaug
     A special challenge has previously, for the fear of                    Photo: Janne Persson, Salabim
                                                                                                                 +358 50 370 7669                  +47 951 34 839

14                                                                                                                                                                                15
Program Winterwind 2019 Umeå Feb 4-6 - international Wind Energy Conference
New model makes ice
forecasts more accurate
Ice accretion on rotor blades is caused by several factors. A new
model that takes account of the water content of the air has allowed
consulting firm DNV GL to improve the forecasting further.

A previous model, launched in 2015 by the Nor-        or even within 30 minutes. The data obtained
wegian consulting firm, was based on a modified       from measurements from the wind farm can be        ABOUT THE NEW MODEL:
variant of the Finnish scientist Lasse Makkonen’s     sent directly to the model’s algorithms and be     The new icing model uses the ability of
20-year-old model. The older model was based          processed immediately. That way, measurements      machine learning classification mod-
on wind speed, moisture level, atmospheric            and analyses are made in close to real time.       els to find patterns in multivariate data
pressure, solar radiation and the shape and speed     At present, DNV GL is on its way to deliver        sets, improving the accuracy of the
of the rotor blades.                                  the new model to customers in Turkey and           prediction of icing conditions between
Makkonen’s model gave relatively good predic-         Scandinavia.                                       1 hour and 2 days in the future.
tions of the amount of ice accretion on rotor         But you need more than just a good ice model,      The new model also introduces liquid
blades during a limited time period and its effect    Beatrice Brailey emphasises:                       water content into the ensemble of me-
on production.                                        “To make it work, you need a proper baseline       teorological forecasts, where previous
But an important piece of the puzzle was miss-        for comparisons, i.e. you need to start with a     models have used only forecasts of
ing: the liquid water content of the air when it      good production forecast. Otherwise you have       relative humidity as a proxy for water
hits the blade.                                       no way of knowing the size of the loss caused by   content. An adapted Makonnen mod-
“We have now updated the model with new               ice accretion and how much you have to gain by     el is then used to calculate ice load on
algorithms and improved the accuracy of when          using our ice formation model.”                    turbine blades, and a power reduction
ice accretion occurs,” says Beatrice Brailey of                                                          model makes icing corrections to the
DNV GL.                                                                                                  forecast energy production.
                                                                     Text: Jonas Hållén Photo: DNV GL
Ice accretion on rotor blades may cause severe
production losses for wind turbines in cold
climates. Previous studies have shown that ice
may cause production losses by up to 13 percent
in a year. In certain months, when conditions are
particularly likely to cause ice accretion, more
than half of the expected production may be lost.
In extreme cases, ice may cause production to
stop for days, or even months.
                                                      Beatrice Brailey:
Already in 2003, DNV GL began its work on
models aimed at predicting when and how much
ice would accrete in the short term (looking at
hours, not days). The company’s models were           Having obtained her MSc in physics
introduced in more than 50 GW of installed            and sustainable energy, Beatrice Brailey
capacity.                                             joined DNV GL in 2008 as a forecast-
The 2015 forecasting model allowed wind energy
                                                      ing analyst. She now has ten years of
companies to improve the accuracy of their pro-
                                                      experience in analysing the company’s
duction forecasts with one percentage point in an
entire year. In the coldest months of the year, the   weather forecasts and the methods used
                                                                                                                                                     On our way towards a fossilfree future
improvement was up to five percentage points.         to create them. Her focus is on condi-

                                                                                                                                                     Proud sponsor 2019
The new model improves this result by an addi-
tional 0.6 percentage points.                         tions in the Nordic region and
“These figures may seem insignificant, but an in-     Scandinavia.
crease of one percentage point in the accuracy of     Beatrice Brailey has specialised in
the production forecast for a 30 MW wind farm
                                                      improving the wind forecasting mod-
may result in a SEK 60,000 revenue increase in
a single winter. For many wind farms, this could      els provided by DNV GL to customers
make the difference between profit and loss,”         worldwide. In recent years, she has
Beatrice Brailey explains.
                                                      therefore worked on DNL GV’s
The forecasts from the model can provide              short-term forecasting
information on ice accretion within an hour,          of ice accretion.

16                                                                                                                                                                                            17
Program Winterwind 2019 Umeå Feb 4-6 - international Wind Energy Conference
                                                       HOW EXPERIENCE MAKES A DIFFERENCE
                                                       10+ GW of pre-construction projects and 600+ years of turbine data analysed in the Nordic region

                                                       SAFER, SMARTER, GREENER

            Ice Prevention Systems
                                                   Cost and time effective solution
                                                   for access roads and working platforms
                                                        Save up to 50% in time and costs
                                                        Reduce CO2 emissions                         2001-2018     MSL       *

                                                                                                    Used in over

                                                   •    Increase bearing capacity and design life
                                                   •    Save on aggregate by up to 50%
                                                                                                    Wind Farm
     Leading supplier of blade heating solutions                                                     Projects
                                                                                                                         Weak ground
                for new turbines and retrofits
                                                                                                                   * Mechanically Stabilised Layer

18                                                                                                                                                                            19
3-4 September 2019

          A meeting point for potential buyers and sellers of
          renewable energy Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs)
          Meet with potential buyers and sellers of renewable energy at Re-
          Scandinavia’s event for the most affordable technologies such as
          wind power and solar power. Corporate renewable energy PPAs are
          attracting much attention – politically and among renewable energy

          For whom?
          The suppliers of electricity gain from the long-term revenue stability
          of the Corporate PPAs while the offtakers of long term renewable
          energy contracts gain an easily identifiable supply of renewable
          energy, thus mitigating the risks of price hikes.

          Why attend?
          Inspiring and instructive presentations brought to you by centrally
          placed players in the field of power purchase agreements. And get
          a chance to look into the structure and outlook of major deals within
          the market. Take part in knowledge sharing and networking, and not
          least matchmaking for new business opportunities.

          Welcome to Malmö – we look forward to seeing you!


 3-4 September 2019                    Malmö Sweden
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