Page created by Allan Turner


           August, 2020
     205 Oak Street, Boonton, NJ 07005
                   HANDBOOK 2020 – 2021
                          Mrs. Cathy Robben,

The Classical Forensics League (CFL) is a league of schools and organizations represented by
teams of students in Grades 6 to 8. The CFL seeks to foster the skills in rhetoric through

All students participating in the CFL Meets will prepare selections in the areas of Reading,
Declamation, Drama, and Humor. Prior to the CFL Meet, team members should be chosen
based on skill and preparedness at the school's/organization’s own In-House Competition. A
suggested schedule for In-House team formation competition dates is listed below.

Fee per team to participate in the CFL: $60.00. Cash or checks payable to Mrs. Cathy Robben,
due by or before our second meet date of December 14, 2020. Failure to submit payment
will forfeit your team’s participation in the league.

Please remember that team members' selections for any meet must be in accord with Christian
principles and appropriate for middle school aged children and younger as siblings of members
often attend competitions. Team coaches will be asked to provide the names of the competitors,
along with the name of their selections and authors, as well as the name of their judge, by the
preceding Thursday of each meet.

             “Suggested” Team Formation Competition Dates
                          Reading – Monday, October 5, 2020
                     Declamation – Monday, November 30, 2020
                         Drama – Monday, February 22, 2021
                            Humor – Monday, April 26, 2021

                                  League Meet Dates
                             Reading – Monday, October 19
                         Declamation – Monday, December 14
                               Drama – Monday, March 8
                                Humor –Monday, May 10
READING - October 19, 2020

This category concerns the reading of a story or a scene selection from a story. The competitor's
delivery should be dramatic and engaging, but the hearers should still sense that a story is being
read to them. Readers in audiobook stories are good examples of what judges are looking for.
Consider that your facial expressions, gestures, and eye contact also affect scores.

Reading selections should be 3-5 minutes in length (shoot for 4 – 4 ½, for initial timing).
Selection should be printed in easy-to-read type (Times Roman, 14) and arranged in a small,
hand-held, binder (5”x 7”). Pagination of the selection should correspond with a natural break in
the reading of the story. If the competitor memorizes the reading, they should look as if they are
still reading. The reader may make some gestures, but not at the expense of “reading.”

                         DECLAMATION - December 14, 2020

This category consists of delivering a published speech or part of a speech from memory. In this
case, the competitor is trying to deliver a message or convince or convert their audience. This is
not drama, so the competitor should remember they are delivering a speech, not pretending to be
a character who is delivering a speech. Competitors will be judged on the visual and vocal
elements of the performance, including memorization, interpretation, facial expressions,
gestures, and use of voice.

Selections should be 3-5 minutes in length (aim for 4 – 4 ½ minutes) and must be memorized.
Competitors may take a few steps around the room and make gestures. Selections should NOT
be humorous in nature; if so, the competitor will lose points. Humorous selections should be
saved for the humor competition. There may be some funny elements, but a speech by a
comedian is not recommended.

                                 DRAMA – March 8, 2021

This category consists of an individual performing from memory a dramatic selection.
Selections can be chosen from plays, books, prose, poetry, or movies. One or more pieces of
literature may be used, so long as they are united by a common theme, with the same author, and
the same subject. Songs, speeches, and song lyrics are prohibited. This may be a monologue or
may involve multiple characters (No more than three to avoid confusion). Competitors will be
judged on the visual and vocal elements of your performance, including memorization,
interpretation, facial expressions, gestures, and use of voice.
Drama selections should be 3-5 minutes in length (shoot for 4 – 4 ½) and must be memorized.
You may take a few steps around the room and make gestures. Selections should NOT be
humorous in nature, save humorous selections for Humor.

                                 HUMOR – May 10, 2021

This category consists of presenting a memorized published selection of theater, literature,
television, movie, or another medium that is designed to be humorous. This includes, but is not
limited to, stand-up comedy. Humor selections should be 3-5 minutes in length (4 – 4 ½
minutes) and must be memorized. You may take a few steps around the room. You will be
judged on memorization, interpretation, facial expressions, gestures, and use of voice.

Forensics coaching secessions outside of the meets should consist of public speaking games and
exercises and the practice of team members’ selections. Team members should prepare
selections in each category and practice delivering their selections 10 to 15 minutes every day.
All team members should be prepared to participate in all in-house competitions and outside

The forensics coach should schedule presentation days in each category, (suggested dates on
page 1) so that all team members will have an opportunity to get feedback from
others, including teachers/tutors and parents. This can ease any anxieties the competitor may be
experiencing and help in the formation of the team for the league meets.

Important Guidelines for each team member

           •   Each student is responsible for choosing their own selections and bringing them
               to the forensics coaching secessions. Selections should be submitted to the coach
               for approval as soon as possible. Team members should not memorize a selection
               that has not been approved.

           •   Selections for Declamation, Drama and Humor are to be memorized on their own

           •   Two copies of the approved selection are to be brought to the forensics secession.
               Each selection must include the team member's name, email, title of selection, and
               author at the top of each page. Pages should be numbered, formatted in double-
               space type, set in Times New Roman, or similar font, and checked beforehand for
               errors. Handwritten selections should not be accepted.
•   Keep in mind that selections must be appropriate for a Christian league and for
           middle school-aged and younger audiences. Themes with graphic violence, sex,
           suicide, abortion, or dysfunctional family will not be permitted. Similarly,
           profanity will not be permitted. Keep in mind that the message of the selection
           and quality of the literature affect these determinations. For example, a pro-life
           speech may discuss abortion without graphic details, but a novel about a pregnant
           teen contemplating abortion would be inappropriate. Mary Shelley or Edgar Allen
           Poe selections would be encouraged as long as violence is not excessively

       •   Selections can be edited for time, pace, and appropriate content. For example, it is
           often wise to eliminate some or all of the “he said” type text. Swear words can be
           changed. Excessive descriptions or narrations may be cut for time.

       •   We are a League. CFL members are expected to be respectful in their behavior,
           to give constructive comments to each other, and to be attentive to presentations.
           CFL members are expected to obey all school rules, respect CFL coaches,
           parents, teachers/tutors, and all those in authority.


Each team is to supply one judge for the league meets. Judges may not be a CFL coach,
parent or guardian of a competitor. Memorization (except for Reading), use of voice, eye
contact, interpretation, and proper selection for the category are some of the areas in which
team members will be judged. Meets will consist of students presenting their selections in
two rounds to two opposing teams judges. The top six students with the highest scores and
classroom ranking after two rounds of presentations will advance to a final round. All CFL
members are encouraged to attend the final round where the top six students will present
their selections to the entire league and all judges.

Overall Forensics Achievement Awards: Student’s scores are cumulative throughout the
school year. After the Humor Meet, the top six students with overall high scores for the
entire year will receive an overall achievement award. Schools will also be awarded first,
second, and third place.
Important Points for the Meets

   •   CFL members may submit at least six team members and two alternates to represent
       their school per meet.

   •   CFL meets will start promptly at 3:30 pm and run for several hours. Please arrive no later
       than 3:15 to receive student score sheets, pray as a league, and hear meet logistics.

   •   There is no charge to attend meets so guests are encouraged to attend to learn about
       forensics competition and to support the league.

   •   If you are scheduled to be at a meet and will be late or unable to attend, please contact
       Mrs. Robben as soon as possible. Text or call 908-268-2171. Please know that meets
       will not be postponed but team members will be welcomed as soon as they arrive.

   •   Students may not be approached about their Forensics selection other than congratulating
       them on a job well done. Please see Mrs. Robben for all other concerns or questions.

                            NON-LEAGUE TOURNAMENT

In May, Union Catholic High School hosts a middle school forensics tournament inviting
students from all across North New Jersey. It is an open competition, encompassing Reading,
Declamation, Drama, and Humor. Everyone encouraged to participate, and they open the
tournament to fifth graders as well. Information will be forwarded as soon as it is received from
Union Catholic.
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