April - June 2020 (Quarter 1) - Doncaster CCG

Page created by Kyle Padilla
April - June 2020 (Quarter 1) - Doncaster CCG
April – June 2020 (Quarter 1)
This quarter’s ‘We Asked, You Said, You Did’ Report is the first report published by the CCG since the Coronavirus lock-down. The way
we work has changed significantly and all our face-to-face meetings and engagement has been stopped as a result of the pandemic.
Meetings and events have been cancelled and we have moved our work on-line. We appreciate some groups may find it difficult to
engage with us as a result and we are keen to make sure we have ways of making sure these groups are not ignored.

Below are some of the areas where we have engaged with local patient groups and members of our local community during the last
Quarter and the outcomes as a result.

We asked…                  You said…                      We did…                                  Outcome…
As soon as the             We have been asked for         Our coronavirus page of the CCG          We have included the latest information
coronavirus pandemic       information in different       website is the most visited page with    on staying safe and well, together with
started we were tasked     formats, including in easy     approximately 2,600 visits each month.   details of signs and symptoms of
with making                read versions and in various                                            coronavirus and how to get a test.
information available to   community languages.           We have recently divided this
the public which is                                       information into several pages, to make We regularly update this information to
easy to understand         We also include this           it easier to navigate and find the      provide a trusted source of information
and in suitable formats    information in our regular     relevant information.                   for the public, staff and patients.
and also regularly         updates to staff and primary
updated. We asked          care and through our social    Where we can, we use photographs of
people on social media     media and website.             local people shared by the Doncaster
to provide their                                          communications cell.
thoughts and views on
services and get in
touch if they had any

April - June 2020 (Quarter 1) - Doncaster CCG
We asked…                 You said…                       We did…                                  Outcome…
From the beginning of     Staff members at the CCG        We asked staff to participate through    12 members of staff shared their desk
the lock-down period in   have been keen to share         our weekly email to staff and included   tops with us and provided their tips and
March, we asked our       their experiences with us and   the feedback on Connect, the staff       tools for combining work and being at
staff to share with us    provide details of their        intranet site. We ran the ‘Desktop       home.
how they were finding     working day, including their    Challenge’ from March to June.
working at home and       health and well-being                                                    Staff told us they find these features
send us a photograph      routines and what they do                                                help to build engagement and connect
of their desk.            when not working to promote                                              with each other, by offering and sharing
                          well-being.                                                              how they are coping with the current
Staff are working in                                                                               situation.
kitchens, bedrooms,
living rooms and                                                                                   We can’t meet each other face-to-face
adapting well to the                                                                               at the present time, but we can connect
new ways of working.                                                                               through our regular updates and intranet
                                                                                                   site to feel more in touch and connected.

                                                                                                   Finding out about our colleagues helps
                                                                                                   to build our understanding and
                                                                                                   appreciation of their individual situations.

In May we celebrated      Feedback we received was        We included details of Captain Tom       Captain Tom Moore raised over
the magnificent           extremely positive and we       Moore’s walk on our staff intranet and   £32,000,000 and was invited to open the
achievement of            celebrated the achievements     social media. We also featured his       Nightingale hospital in Harrogate.
Captain Tom Moore as      wholeheartedly.                 fundraising in Dr Crichton’s Blog in
he walked round his                                       April and also for Mental Health
garden to raise funds     Captain Moore raised this       Awareness Week in May.
and awareness for         staggering amount just
NHS charities.            before his 100th Birthday in

April - June 2020 (Quarter 1) - Doncaster CCG
We asked…                  You said…                         We did…                                  Outcome…
In April we became         People told us they were          We included details of our services      Our information channels have been
aware that people          unsure whether services           remaining open on our website, in our    strengthened and consolidated and we
were not using health      were open or not and              social media and also in the local       are working together with our partners
and care services as       whether it was safe to attend     press.                                   across Doncaster effectively.
much as we would           or visit.
expect them to, and so                                       We joined together with our partners     Our posts about the Coronavirus facility
we began a campaign        Many activities have been         from health and care across Doncaster    have reached approximately 66,000
to highlight how our       cancelled and initial advice      to include details in our Doncaster      people in Doncaster.
services are open for      was to stay at home and           Covid social media: @CovidDoncaster
business and how to        avoid unnecessary contact.        on Twitter and Facebook.
get in touch with health
and care services                                            We Also share information through the
during the current                                           Comms Cell in a weekly newsletter for
Coronavirus situation.                                       local residents.

                                                             We developed a local Doncaster
                                                             Coronavirus facility that can treat
                                                             people should they have Coronavirus
                                                             symptoms. This provides assurance
                                                             that help and support is and continues
                                                             to be available should people need
                                                             face to face help, support and

We asked if people         Older and vulnerable people       We included details in Dr Crichton’s     We are working across South Yorkshire
could help others          may need help with shopping       Blog for Volunteer’s Week in June and    looking at the role of volunteers and how
during the coronavirus     and everyday tasks,               on our website of how to volunteer to    we engage effectively with the voluntary
pandemic and we gave       particularly if they live alone   help others.                             and community sector. We aim to build
details of the local and   and have no family close by.                                               upon this work to increase resilience
national volunteering                                                                                 and sustainability within the sector.
opportunities.             Patients with serious illness
                           and long term conditions
                           may also be shielding and
                           unable to leave their home.

April - June 2020 (Quarter 1) - Doncaster CCG
We asked…                You said…                       We did…                                    Outcome…
In June we celebrated    We know the Covid-19            We began working with our primary          Dr David Crichton’s Blog explained just
Carers Week and the      pandemic has meant even         care providers two years ago, to agree     how exhausting it is for carers and that
theme highlighted this   more people have taken on       how we can best support patients who       we should make our services as easy to
year was ‘Making         unpaid caring roles to look     are also carers. We are revisiting this    access as possible for carers and think
Caring Visible’.         after a loved one. Many         work and finding out how we can help       about ‘walking a mile in their shoes’.
                         people are unsure of the        practices to adopt registers of carers
                         help and support available to   and assign a carers co-ordinator to        The CCG is an active participant in the
                         them as carers, including       improve access to services for their       council’s Carers Strategic Oversight
                         from their primary care         carers.                                    Group and is keen to highlight good
                         practice, and we worked with                                               practice in support for carers. We
                         our local partners to help      We used our website and social media       regularly promote Carers Week and
                         signpost people to the right    to highlight the ways we can support       Carers Rights Day in November to
                         support.                        carers in Doncaster as well as our staff   promote services and good practice for
                                                         who are carers.                            carers.

UPDATE: In February      PPG members like the            We took PPG members through the            A growing number of PPG members are
2020, we attended the    campaign and six themes         campaign to date, including the reach      now sharing NHS Doncaster CCG
Patient Participation    align with feedback they        and the impact of the campaign so far.     primary care messages on Facebook
Group (PPG) network      have received from their                                                   and Twitter, and an increasing number
to seek the views of     local practices.                It was agreed that Healthwatch             of local practices are sharing these
members of the                                           Doncaster would send details of the        messages directly with their patients.
primary care campaign    PPG network members             campaign, ahead of each launch so
and discuss their        asked if they could be          PPG members can take an active role
questions about the      included in emails to local     in encouraging local practices to
development of           practices when elements of      display materials and support them to
Primary Care             the campaign launched.          communicate and engage with their
Networks in Doncaster                                    patients.

April - June 2020 (Quarter 1) - Doncaster CCG
What we are likely to be asking you next . . .
Reporting Period: Quarter 2, July – September 2020

   •   We are working with our colleagues from the council and the Minorities Partnership Board to help us engage and
       communicate effectively with people from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) groups around Covid-19, to ensure they
       are able to stay safe. We know people from BAME groups have been disproportionately affected by coronavirus and we are
       working together to improve the situation locally for Doncaster residents. Our work will start with a survey to find out how
       people from these groups want us to communicate and engage with them, and this will populate our high level
       communications and engagement plan which we are sharing with the Communications Cell in July.

   •   As a result of the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic, we are working with Healthwatch Doncaster to seek the views of patients
       and members of the public that have accessed local primary care services since lockdown began in March 2020. Patients and
       members of the public are encouraged to take part in the survey and share their views, particularly on online and video
       consultations. A similar survey is also live for patients to have their say on their experiences of visiting Doncaster Royal

   •   We are also working with Healthwatch Doncaster to seek the views of patients that have accessed our urgent and emergency
       care services during the Covid-19 pandemic. This follows on from a project Healthwatch undertook in 2019, however with the
       current situation around Covid-19 we would like to find out how patients have found our services with the changes they had to
       make in response to the pandemic.

   •   As part of planning for ‘Flu clinics this winter, Healthwatch will be conducting a survey to seek the views of patients and
       members of the public of whether they plan to have their vaccination, and how and where they would like to receive it this
       year. Patients and members of the public are encouraged to take part in the survey and share their views, to help local health
       services to deliver the ‘Flu clinics more efficiently, safely and conveniently.

   •   We will be holding our 2019-20 Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 2 September from 3:30pm to 5:30pm. This will be an
       important opportunity for patients and members of the public to join us, hear about some of the work that has taken place over
       the last financial year and ask questions to the senior management team at NHS Doncaster CCG. We are asking our
       colleagues, providers, partners, patients and members of the public to join us for a virtual AGM and to send us any questions
       they have for our Q&A session.

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