City of Burnaby Curbside Calendar 2018

Page created by Ron Marsh
City of Burnaby Curbside Calendar 2018
City of Burnaby Curbside Calendar 2018
City of Burnaby Curbside Calendar 2018
Avviso importante: la brochure è disponibile online.                
  Informations importantes: La Brochure est disponible en ligne.

  Separate your waste into one of these waste streams:
            Green Bin:
            Food scraps, food-soiled paper and yard trimmings. Collected weekly.

            Containers, newspapers, glass and paper products. Collected weekly.

            Waste that can’t be composted or recycled. Collected every other week.

            Drop Off:
            Materials accepted at the City’s Eco-Centre or through a Provincial Take-Back Program.

                                       Coexisting with Wildlife
 Recycle It                            Many of the wildlife encounters in Burnaby can be prevented by responsibly
 Right!                                managing garbage, green bin and recycling and other attractants.

 Please ensure you are
                                       How to Manage Your Garbage & Food Scraps
 recycling right and
 placing the correct                   • Store all materials inside the house, shed or secure enclosure until the
 materials into your                     morning of collection;
 green bin, recycling                  • Rinse blue box and grey box recyclables to remove residues;
 and garbage. The City
                                       • Freeze food waste and add it to your green bin on the morning of
 of Burnaby actively
                                         collection, and
 checks for contamination
 during collection. Placing            • Wash your garbage and green bin regularly with a mild soap or vinegar
 unacceptable materials                  and water solution (Note: Do not pour down any outside drains, only onto
 into your green bin,                    grass or gravel surfaces).
 recycling or garbage
                                       How to Manage Other Attractants
 containers could lead
 to your materials not
 being collected and/
 or receiving fines for
 contamination.                        Remove outdoor    Clean barbecues    Remove bird     Feed pets and      Pick fruit &     Compost
                                          fridges &          after use     feeders during   store pet food   berries as soon    correctly
                                           freezers                          bear season        inside       as they are ripe

                                       For more information visit

Recycle it Right! + Coexisting with Wildlife
City of Burnaby Curbside Calendar 2018
Set it. Point it. Space it. Bring it Back In.

• Set it out
		 Set out your garbage, green bin, and recycing in
   the lane or street you normally use by 7:00 a.m.
   on your collection day.
		 Do not place your containers out the night
   before collection.

• Point It
		 Place containers so the arrows on the lid point
    towards the centre of the lane or street (handles
    will face your property).

• Space It
		 Place your containers so that there is at least                          3m                                         3m

    1m (3ft) of space on all sides and 3m (10ft) of
                                                                              1m                                1m         1m    1m
    clearance above.

• Bring It Back In                                                        Side View                    Front View

		 Garbage bin, green bin and recycling
   containers must be removed off of
   the lane or street by 10:00 p.m. on
   your collection day and secured                                                                     View

		 on your property.

   Need a different size Garbage or Green Bin?                                (604) 294-7972

   Garbage Bin Sizes                                                         Green Bin Sizes

        120L       180L       240L         360L                                       180L        240L              360L

 •		 Missing, or damaged Garbage or               Keep track of your containers.
     Green Bin?                                   Write your address on the lid of your containers. Record
        (604) 294-7972                            the serial number on the front of your containers.

 •		 Need a new Blue Box or Grey Box
     or Yellow Bag? Replacement boxes                                              • Write your address on the lid.
     and yellow bags are available for                                               With a permanent marker write your address
                                                                                     in the white space provided.
     pick up at City Hall or the City’s Eco-
                                                                                   • Record your serial number.
                                                                                     On the front of your container there is a serial
                                                                                     number that is unique to identifying your
                                                                                     container. Record this number on the white
     (604) 294-7972                                                                  space below and keep it for your records.                                                                 GARBAGE/GREEN BIN SERIAL NUMBER

On Collection Day + Your Bins
Your Food isn’t Garbage

  About 40% of a typical residential household’s garbage is food scraps and food-soiled paper
  products. Help reduce waste by placing your food scraps and food-soiled paper, along with your
  yard material, into your Green Bin for composting.

 Recycle your food scraps in 3 easy steps:

      Collect Your food scraps in a          Empty your kitchen               Place your Green Bin out on
      container of your choice. Line         container into your Green        your scheduled collection
      container with newspaper or            Bin along with your yard         day. Your Green Bin does
      brown paper bags to keep it            material.                        not have to be full to be
      clean.                                                                  collected.

  Green Bin Tips:
                                       • Keep Green Bin in a shady area,      For more Green Bin Tips, visit:
  Keep your Green Bin clean and
                                         out of direct sunlight or inside a
  avoid odour:
  • Wrap your scraps using news-
                                       • Keep lid closed to deter pests.
    paper, boxboard or paper
    bags before placing in Green       • Freeze food scraps before
    Bin.                                 placing them in the Green Bin.

  Green Bin (Food Scraps and Yard Material)
  What Goes In                                          What Stays Out

            Yes                                                     No

                                                        Please Remember:

              (up to 4” diameter)

  For more information, visit

Green Bin
Burnaby, Let’s Recycle More!

 Recycling It Right
 Not everything is accepted for recycling. Please ensure you sort your materials right and keep
 unrecyclables out of your recycling.


                                                                                         Bubble              Bows

                                                                                         Pictures       Soiled Pizza Box

              Yes                                                                                   No

                                                                                        Chips and       Plastic Bags/
                                                                                       Candy Wrap        Styrofoam

                                                                                      Broken Dishes    Mixed Plastics
                                                                                       and Glasses

        Yes                                                                                  No

                                                                                                      Broken Dishes

  Setting out Recycling



  RECYCLING REMINDERS:                                              QUESTIONS?

                                                                       (604) 294-7972

Banned Materials

   Residential Curbside
   Garbage Collection
   •		 Only one (1) garbage bin is allowed per
   •		 All garbage must be bagged and fit into
       garbage bin with the lid closed.
   •		 Only place items that cannot be recycled
       or composted in your Garbage Bin.
   •		 Garbage is collected every other week.
   •		 Between collection days, remove
       garbage bin from lane or street and store
       in a secure location on your property.
   •		 To upsize or downsize your garbage bin,
       please call (604) 294-7972.


   For more information, visit

   Large Item Pick-Up                                Appliance Pick-Up
   Do you have an old couch, mattress or other       Do you have an old stove or fridge that needs to go?
   furniture you no longer want? Give us a call at   Get it to the curb or lane (where you normally place
   (604) 294-7972 before you place it outside,       your garbage for collection), leaving at least 1 metre
   and we can arrange your pick-up date.             away from your Garbage or Green bin, then give us a
                                                     call at (604) 294-7972 to arrange a pick-up.
   •		All mattresses and boxsprings must be
     wrapped in plastic.

 Garbage, Large Item + Appliance Pick-up

 Come in. We’re open!
 The City’s Eco-Centre is open 7 days/week (except holidays) for residents to drop off extra curbside recyclables,
 yard trimmings and more!

 Recycling Drop off
           We Accept

                  Printed Paper

                   Paper Drink                                                                                        Hot and Cold
                     Holder                                                                                            Drink Cups

                                  Mixed Plastics                                                                   Paint and Cooking


  Green Waste Drop Off

  Materials Accepted                               Yes
                                                                                                                (up to 4” diameter)

  Not Accepted                                     No
                                                                                                                                            Tree Stumps/
                                                                                                                                           (larger than 4”

                                                                Lougheed Highway
                                                                                                                                             Br oadway

  Green Waste Drop Off Reminders:

  •		 Drop off charges apply.

                                                                                                                                              ing Street

  •		 No commercial drop off between                                                         Sti ll Creek Dr.   ECO-CENTRE

  		 9:00 a.m. -10:30 a.m. (M-F).

                                                                                                STILL CREEK

                                                                                                WORKS YARD              Sti ll Creek Dr.

  •		 Residents can drop off up to 100kg for
                                                                         Willingdon Avenue

      free per day. If load exceeds 100kg, the                                                                           Regent Street
      entire load is charged at the full tipping                                                       Trans Canada Highway

      rate (Proof of residency required).

                                                                                                Canada Way

                                                              4855 Still Creek Drive (west of Douglas Rd.)

                                                              Monday to Sunday 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. (except holidays)

  For more information, visit

Take it Back - It’s FREE

     Take-Back Programs
     These items are not accepted in the City’s curbside recycling program or at our Eco-Centre, but you
     can still recycle them through a Provincial Take-Back Program, and keep them out of the garbage.

     Find a drop off location:                                                            Collection                 Download the City’s Collection App
        (604) RECYCLE (732-9253)                                                          App                        to find your nearest drop off depot
        BCRecycles.or                                                                                                for these materials.

     For more information, visit

 Additional Disposal
 For extra garbage that does not fit in your regular garbage bin, or if you have materials that
 we don’t accept, such as building or renovation materials, please take these items to a Regional
 Disposal Facility.

 North Shore Transfer Station         Coquitlam Transfer Station
 30 Riverside Drive West              1200 United Blvd
 (South of Dollarton Hwy)

                                 Dollarton Hwy
      N O R T H                                                                                        Brun
   V A N C O U V E R                                              North Shore                                                                                   e   ed Hwy
                                                                     30 Riverside Drive

                                                                     North Vancouver
                                                                                                                                    King Edward Street

                                                                                                                                                           C O Q U I T L A M

                                                                                                                                                         Trans C
                                                                                                                                                                      Hw   y
                                 Trans Canada Highway

                  IRONWORKERS’                                                                                                                              Unit
                    MEMORIAL                            Burrard Inlet                                                                                           ed Boulev

                                                                                                                             1200 United Blvd.
                                                                     B U R N A B Y

HOURS OF OPERATION                                                                                 HOURS OF OPERATION
October 1 to March 31:                                                                             Weekdays: 5:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Weekdays: 5:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.                                                                      (Recycling drop-off opens at 8 a.m.)
(Recycling drop-off opens at 8 a.m.)                                                               Saturday (Oct 1 – Mar 31): 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Saturday: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.                                                                         Saturday (Apr 1 – Sep 30): 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Sundays and Statutory holidays: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.                                                   Sunday and Statutory holidays: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
April 1 to September 30:                                                                           (closed December 25 and January 1)
Weekdays: 5:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.                                                                     For more information, and accepted
(Recycling drop-off opens at 8 a.m.)                                                              materials, visit,
Saturday: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.                                                                        call (604) 432-6200 or email
Sundays and Statutory holidays: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.                                         .

 Additional Recycling + Disposal
Seasonal Information

     Don’t Leaf it on the
     Leaves blown from your property onto
     streets could pose safety concerns and cover
     catch basins, potentially resulting in localized
     flooding due to clogged catch basins. Help
     us by not blowing leaves from your property
     onto the street, and remove any leaves or
     debris away from catch basins so the water can easily drain.

     For more information about leaf collection,

     Be Snow Smart
     Although our winters may be milder on the west coast of Canada,
     you need to be ready to handle cold snaps, frosty roads and snowfall.

     During winter conditions, everyone has a role to play to ensure streets and
     sidewalks are safe.

     Get in the know about snow, visit

                 Watermain Flushing
                 The City’s Engineering Department has an annual program of flushing and cleaning

                 This activity may cause pressure fluctuations, some discoloration and sediment in
                 the water supply reaching your home or business. These conditions should be of
                 short duration and do not pose a health hazard.

                 If your water appears discoloured after our crews have finished flushing, clear your
                 water by running a cold water tap. If you have questions or specific concerns, please
                 contact the Engineering Department at (604) 294-7221.

                 Water Restrictions
                 Water is a valuable resource, and we can all take steps to conserve water,
                 particularly during the warm summer months when water use almost doubles.
                 Please see for more information, and for watering

     Let it Grow, Naturally!
     In April 2009, the City of Burnaby passed the Pesticide Use Control Bylaw that restricts the
     use of cosmetic pesticides. Many conventional pesticides can no longer be used for lawn
     and garden beautification and maintenance on residential and City lands, even if they are
     legally allowed for sale. Having a pesticide free yard does not mean the end of your yard!
     Your lawn and garden can be healthy and pest free without using chemical pesticides.

     Please see for more information and a
     list of permitted pesticides that are safer alternatives.

Seasonal Information
Curbside Collection Map 2018                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Collection App

                                                                                                                                                                                           NE   T RD

                                         ZONE 1A

                                                                                                                                            I NL
                          HASTINGS ST

                                                              GEORGI A ST

                                                                                                                                                                        ZONE 2A
                         GI LMORE AV

                                                                                                                  KENSINGTON AV
                                            ZONE 1B
                                       LOUGHEED HY

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Never miss

                                                                  TRANS CANADA HY

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    GAGLAR DI WY
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               a collection
                                                 WILLI NGDON AV

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  E   D

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               day again!
                                                                                                                                                                        WINSTON ST

                                       ZONE 3A                                                                                                                   ZONE 2B                                            C   AN

                                                                                   GI LPIN ST                                                                                                                   S
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Download Burnaby’s collec-

                       BURKE ST

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               tion app on your smartphone

                                                                  BOND ST



                   KI NGSWAY
                                                                                                        ZONE 4A                                                                                                                                                                or tablet to get instant access



                                                                                                                                                                                                         TH                               AV

                                                                                                              OAKLAND ST                                                                                                             TH                                        to your garbage, recycling


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               and green bin information.


                                                                                                  KI N                                                     EL
                                                                                                                                                             L            ST

                                                                                                      GS                                                         DS

                        IMPERIAL ST                                                                                                                  EL        ON
                                                                       NELSON AV


                                                                                                             AY                        ELWELL ST

                                                                                                                                            KI NGSWAY
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Burnaby’s collection app
                        ZONE 3B
                                                                                   ROYAL OAK AV

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               allows you to:
                                                                                                                      GI LLEY AV

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               • Set up collection

                                                                                                                                                 I TH

                                                                                                        ZONE 4B

                       MARI NE WY                                                                                                                                      2018 Residential Garbage                                                                                • Identify materials accepted
                                                                                                                                                                       Collection Zones                                                                                          in the City’s residential

                                                                                       RD                                                                                AB                                                                                                      recycling, green bin or

                                                                              RN                                                                                                    ZONE 1

                                                                                                                                                                                    ZONE 2                                                                                       garbage program;
                                                                                                                                                                                    ZONE 3
                                                                                                                                                                                    ZONE 4
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               • Locate drop off depots
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 using a searchable
                                                                                                                                                                                    STAT HOLIDAYS
                                                                                                                                                                                    NO PICK-UPS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 database; and
                                                                                                                                                                               G SHOWS GARBAGE DAY                                                                             • Report missed collection,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               2017-10-24                        graffiti, street light outages
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 and more using the
               Step 1: Locate your property on the New Collection Map and note what
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 “Report a Problem” feature.
               Collection Zone your property is in (e.g. Zone 1, 2, 3 or 4).
               Step 2: Next note the New Collection Zone colour within that Zone (e.g. Zone                                                                                                                                                                                    How to get the app:
               1A = Dark Pink, Zone 1B = Light Pink). This colour will tell you what day of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               • Download it from iTunes
               week your materials are collected.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Store, or the Android
               Step 3: Find your matching colour on the New Collection Calendar.                                                                                                                                                                                                 Market (search mywaste);
               • If the letter ‘G’ appears in your Collection Zone colour = Garbage, Green Bin 		                                                                                                                                                                                or
                  and Recycling is being collected that week.                                                                                                                                                                                                                  • Visit
                • If the letter ‘G’ does not appear in your collection Zone colour = Green Bin 		                                                                                                                                                                                collectionapp
                  and Recycling is being collected that week.

    Curbside Collection Calendar 2018

    DECEMBER 2017                                                                                                            JANUARY 2018                                                                              FEBRUARY 2018                                                             MARCH 2018
M                  T            W            T                    F                                               M                T         W             T            F                                          M                  T           W            T       F                    M      T       W       T       F
                                                                  1                                               1                2         3             4            5                                                                                      1       2                                           1       2
                                                                                                                  G                G        G            G            G                                                                                        G                                                   G
4                  5               6         7                    8                                               8                9         10          11            12                                           5                 6            7           8       9                     5     6       7       8       9
G            G            G                 G                                                                               G           G        G               G                                                        G                G          G            G                           G       G       G       G
11                 12          13           14                    15                                              15               16        17          18            19                                          12                13           14           15      16                   12     13      14      15      16
    G               G                   G       G                                                                 G                G        G            G                                                     G                    G           G              G       G                   G       G       G       G
18                 19          20           21                    22                                              22               23        24          25            26                                          19                20           21           22      23                   19     20      21      22      23
G            G            G                 G                                                                               G           G        G               G                                                        G                G          G            G                           G       G       G       G
25                 26          27           28                    29                                              29               30        31                                                                    26                27           28                                        26     27      28      29      30
    G               G                   G       G                  G                                              G                G        G                                                                  G                    G           G                                          G       G       G       G

              APRIL 2018                                                                                                           MAY 2018                                                                                         JUNE 2018                                                      JULY 2018
M                  T            W            T                    F                                               M                T         W             T            F                                          M                  T           W            T       F                    M      T       W       T       F
2                  3            4            5                    6                                                                1         2             3            4                                                                                              1                    2      3       4       5       6
    G               G                   G       G                  G                                                                    G        G               G                                                                                                                         G       G       G       G       G
9                  10          11           12                    13                                              7                8          9          10            11                                           4                 5            6           7       8                     9     10      11      12      13
G            G            G                 G                                                                     G                G        G            G                                                     G                    G           G              G                               G       G       G       G
16                 17          18           19                    20                                              14               15        16          17            18                                          11                12           13           14      15                   16     17      18      19      20
    G               G                   G       G                                                                           G           G        G               G                                                        G                G          G            G                       G       G       G       G
23                 24          25           26                    27                                              21               22        23          24            25                                          18                19           20           21      22                   23     24      25      26      27
G            G            G                 G                                                                     G                G        G            G            G                                        G                    G           G              G                               G       G       G       G
30                                                                                                                28               29        30          31                                                        25                26           27           28      29                   30     31
    G                                                                                                                       G           G        G               G                                                        G                G          G            G                       G       G

     AUGUST 2018                                                                                                  SEPTEMBER 2018                                                                                          OCTOBER 2018                                                       NOVEMBER 2018
M                  T            W            T                    F                                               M                T         W             T            F                                          M                  T           W            T       F                    M      T       W       T       F
                                1            2                    3                                               3                4         5             6            7                                          1                  2           3            4       5                                           1       2
                          G                 G                                                                               G           G        G               G         G                                              G                G          G            G                                                   G
6                  7               8         9                    10                                              10               11        12          13            14                                           8                 9           10           11      12                    5     6       7       8       9
                    G                   G       G                  G                                              G                G        G            G                                                     G                    G           G              G       G                   G       G       G       G
13                 14          15           16                    17                                              17               18        19          20            21                                          15                16           17           18      19                   12     13      14      15      16
G            G            G                 G                                                                               G           G        G               G                                                        G                G          G            G                                   G       G       G       G
20                 21          22           23                    24                                              24               25        26          27            28                                          22                23           24           25      26                   19     20      21      22      23
    G               G                   G       G                                                                 G                G        G            G                                                     G                    G           G              G                           G       G       G       G
27                 28          29           30                    31                                                                                                                                               29                30           31                                        26     27      28      29      30
G            G            G                 G                                                                                                                                                                             G                G          G                                        G       G       G       G

    DECEMBER 2018                                                                                                            JANUARY 2019                                                                      AB
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ZONE 1                                     STAT HOLIDAYS
M                  T            W            T                    F                                               M                T         W             T            F
3                  4            5            6                    7                                                                1         2             3            4                                                            ZONE 2                                     NO PICK-UPS
G            G            G                 G                                                                                               G            G            G
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ZONE 3                                G    SHOWS GARBAGE DAY
10                 11          12           13                    14                                              7                8          9          10            11
    G               G                   G       G                                                                           G           G        G               G                                                                   ZONE 4
17                 18          19           20                    21                                              14               15        16          17            18
G            G            G                 G                                                                     G                G        G            G
24                 25          26           27                    28                                              21               22        23          24            25                                                           2018 Residential Christmas tree collection: January 15-
    G               G                   G       G                  G                                                        G           G        G               G                                                                  25 for Single and Two-Family residences. Place the tree
31                                                                                                                28               29        30          31                                                                         out for collection on your week and it will be collected
G                                                                                                                 G                G        G            G                                                                          during these two weeks.

                                                                                                                                                                                                              For more information:

    Zone Map + Collection Calendar
Need Help?
                         City Contacts

             Garbage, Recycling & Green Bin
         Staffed information line: (604) 294-7972
                  M-F 8:00 a.m.- 4:45 p.m.
          24-Hour Touch-tone Information Line:
                      (604) 294-7089
                      Follow us:

                     Other Resources
   BC Recycling Hotline: (604) RECYCLE (732-9253)
      BC Recycling Recyclepedia:
Metro Vancouver Recycles:

  Burnaby, Let’s Recycle More!

   City of Burnaby Engineering Department 4949 Canada Way, Burnaby, BC V5G 1M2

                     Printed on 100% post-consumer recycled paper
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