Citrus Exocortis and Citrus Cachexia Viroids in Commercial Groves of Tahiti Lime in México

Page created by Kent Butler
Fourteenth IOCV Conference, 2000—Viroids

 Citrus Exocortis and Citrus Cachexia Viroids
     in Commercial Groves of Tahiti Lime
                   in México
          O. G. Alvarado-Gómez, M. A. Rocha-Peña, S. Silva-Vara,
          J. P. Martínez-Soriano, R. F. Lee, R. Rivera-Bustamante,
                            and P. Ruíz Beltrán

    ABSTRACT. A survey for citrus viroids was carried out on Tahiti lime in several citrus regions
of México. Detection of citrus viroids was conducted by reverse transcription-polymerase chain
reaction (RT-PCR) and sequential polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (sPAGE). Both citrus exocor-
tis (CEVd) and citrus cachexia (CCaVd) viroids were consistently detected in 33 out of 35 samples
analyzed from Tamaulipas, Veracruz, Tabasco, and Yucatán citrus groves. There was no evidence
of infection with other citrus viroids in the samples analyzed. Disease symptoms present in the
groves included in the survey were severe bark cracking on main branches and trunk. These
symptoms were frequently associated with differing degrees of tree deterioration and poor
growth. In addition, infected trees which were grafted on Alemow rootstock had reduced growth in
trunk diameter below the bud union along with brownish lesions on the wood. The consistent
presence of both CEVd and CCaVd in Tahiti lime groves from diverse geographical origins in Méx-
ico indicates the continuing use of infected propagative budwood sources.

    Tahiti (Persian) lime has become                    In the course of several field trips
a profitable citrus crop in México,                  by the second author (MARP)
mostly for its easy suitability for                  throughout the main citrus areas of
export and consumption as fresh                      México, several viroid-like symp-
fruit in local markets. In the early                 toms were observed in Tahiti lime
1980’s, there were only a few thou-                  groves. The symptoms observed
sand ha of Tahiti lime, mostly in the                were severe bark cracking on the
region of Martínez de la Torre, Ver-                 trunk and main branches and
acruz in the Gulf of México. How-                    reduced size of the trees. This work
ever, in the last 15 yr, the crop has                reports the association of citrus exo-
expanded to other parts of the coun-                 cortis (CEVd) and citrus cachexia
try, and currently there are more                    (CCaVd) viroids with these symp-
than 18,500 ha distributed in the                    toms in most Tahiti lime-producing
states of Veracruz and Tabasco in                    areas of México.
the Gulf of Mexico, and Oaxaca on
the Pacific coast. Other states with                 MATERIALS AND METHODS
increasing areas of Tahiti lime are
Yucatan, Chiapas, Jalisco, and                           Plant material. Plant tissue
Colima (2, 5). These plantings of                    sampling was addressed to trees
Tahiti lime plus an additional                       showing poor growth and evident
80,000 ha of Mexican lime place                      bark cracking in twigs and main
México as the principal producer of                  branches. Dates of sample collec-
acid limes worldwide (2, 5).                         tion and temperature ranges are
    Tahiti lime has traditionally                    shown in Table 1. Budwood and ten-
been grafted on sour orange root-                    der tissue was collected from
stock; however, in recent years a sig-               selected trees in Tahiti lime groves
nificant number of new groves have                   in four different citrus regions of the
been planted on either Alemow,                       country: States of Tamaulipas
Volkamer lemon, or Troyer and Car-                   (northeast); Veracruz (mid-Gulf of
rizo citranges (Rocha-Peña, M. A.                    Mexico); Tabasco (southeast Gulf of
personal observations).                              Mexico); and Yucatán Peninsula.

290                                          Fourteenth IOCV Conference, 2000—Viroids

                                 TABLE 1

                                                      RT-PCR            sPAGE
             Date of sample   Temperature range
Area           collection            °C           CEVd     CCaVd     CEVd    CCaVd

Tamaulipas      07/17/96            29-35           7/7     7/7       7/7     0/7
Veracruz        10/02/96            27-33           7/7     7/7       7/7     0/7
Tabasco         01/29/96            20-26           8/8     8/8       8/8     0/8
Yucatán         11/10/97            28-32          11/13   11/13     11/13    0/13
TOTAL                                              33/35   33/35     33/35    0/35

Samples were shipped to the                 of 94°, 55°, and 72ºC for 30 sec each,
Research Unit of INIFAP in Monter-          and 94°, 50°, and 72ºC for 30 sec
rey where they were assayed.                each, for CEVd and CCaVd, respec-
    Reverse transcription-poly-             tively.
merase chain reaction (RT-                     Nucleic acid extraction and
PCR). RT-PCR assays were run for            sequential polyacrylamide gel
the two viroids known to cause cit-         electrophoresis             (sPAGE).
rus diseases: CEVd and CCaVd.               Nucleic acids from tender tissue
Primer sequences for both citrus            from each tree/sample were phenol
viroids was as described by Yang et         extracted and purified by the CF-11
al. (17) and synthesized by Bio-Syn-        cellulose chromatography method
thesis, Inc. (Lewisville, TX). RNA          described by Baksh et al. (1) and fol-
was extracted from the plant tissue         lowed by sPAGE as described by
and viroid-cDNA synthesized as fol-         Duran-Vila et al. (4).
lows: 5 µ g of the final RNA extract           For RT-PCR and sPAGE analysis,
from field or greenhouse indicator          proper healthy, CEVd- and CCaVd-
plants was mixed separately with 20         infected citron or Parson’s Special
pmoles of the appropriate primers           Mandarin plants, respectively, were
for CEVd or CCaVd and 4 µ l of 5X           included in every test.
RT buffer (250 mM Tris buffer, pH
8.3, 375 mM KCl and 15 mM                   RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
MgCl2). The mixture was heated at
94ºC for 3 min and sequentially                The results of the survey for citrus
transferred to ice for 2 min then to        viroids on Tahiti lime groves in Méx-
room temperature for 30 min. Then           ico are summarized in Table 1. Both
the reaction mixture was added: 2 µ l       CEVd and CCaVd viroids were
of 0.1 M DTT, 5 U of AMV reverse            detected in 33 out of 35 field samples
transcriptase, and 500 µ M of               analyzed from Tamaulipas, Ver-
dNTP’s, and the mixture incubated           acruz, Tabasco and Yucatán. When
at 37°C for 1 h. Two µ l of this reac-      the same samples were analyzed by
tion was subjected to DNA amplifi-          sPAGE, only CEVd was detected; no
cation with 40 pmoles of each set of        CCaVd nor any other citrus viroid
primers, CEVd or CCaVd as appro-            was found (Table 1). This may have
priate, in the presence of PCR buffer       been due to a low titer of the viroids
(20 mM Tris buffer, pH 8.4, 50 mM           in the plants sampled since most of
KCl, 2 mM MgCl2, plus 200 µ M               the samples were collected in fall-
dNTP’s and 2.5 U Taq-DNA poly-              winter months of 1996-97. The lack of
merase [Gibco]). PCR reactions were         detection of CCaVd by sPAGE and its
run in a Perkin Elmer thermocycler          relatively easy detection by RT-PCR
Model 9700, with thermal programs           (Table 1) supports this possibility.
Fourteenth IOCV Conference, 2000—Viroids                                            291


   Fig. 1. Disease symptoms associated to viroid infection in Tahiti lime groves in Méx-
ico. (A) Severe bark cracking on branches. (B) Brownish lesions on the wood noticeable
when a portion of the bark is removed at the bud union on plants grafted on Alemow

   The RT-PCR assay has become a              plant pathogens (6), and has also
highly sensitive and powerful tool            been adapted for detection of citrus
for the study and detection of many           viroids (7, 8, 16,17). In our study, we
292                                                  Fourteenth IOCV Conference, 2000—Viroids

used the RT-PCR assays for two                     they were always found as mixed
well-defined CEVd and CCaVd                        infections (Table 1). The effect of
viroid diseases of citrus (12). Other              CCaVd was evident on some trees
citrus viroid groups, such as CVd I,               grafted on Alemow rootstock. These
CVd II, CVd IIa, CVd III, CVd IV                   trees showed a remarkable stunt-
and CVd V, which are frequently                    ing and reduced trunk diameter
associated with CEVd infections (3,                below the bud union, along with
4, 15), may also have been present,                brownish lesions on the wood which
but they were not tested for by the                was noticeable when a portion of
PCR method. Most of these other                    bark was removed at the bud union
citrus viroids generally occur at                  (Fig. 1B).
lower concentrations than CEVd                         CEVd has been reported to com-
and sometimes can escape detection                 monly occur in sweet orange, grape-
by sPAGE when the infected plants                  fruit and mandarin groves in the
are not exposed to warm conditions                 northeastern sates of Tamaulipas
(3, 4 15).                                         and Nuevo Leon (9, 14), and is pre-
    Most trees included in this study              sumed to be widespread in most old
showed symptoms of bark cracking                   citrus groves grafted on sour orange
on trunk and main branches to dif-                 rootstock throughout the country
ferent degrees (Fig. 1A). These                    (10, 11). The occurrence of both
symptoms were commonly associ-                     CEVd and CCaVd in most Tahiti
ated with a reduction of tree size,                lime samples collected from diverse
and sometimes with a marked dete-                  origins provides new information
riorated condition of the canopy and               on the phytosanitary condition of
poor growth. All trees sampled hav-                this crop and indicates the contin-
ing bark cracking symptoms were                    ued use of infected budwood sources
shown to be infected by both CEVd                  for the establishment of new Tahiti
and CCaVd (Table 1). Previous                      lime plantations. There were, how-
reports of bark cracking symptoms                  ever, a few samples that did not
on Tahiti lime in Brazil were associ-              have CEVd and CCaVd, particularly
ated with CEVd on the basis on the                 in groves in the Yucatán Peninsula
reaction on inoculated citron indica-              (Table 1). Inquiry as to the origin of
tor plants (13). Likewise, in a survey             those particular groves revealed
conducted in Venezuela for citrus                  that clean Tahiti lime budwood for
viroids in Tahiti lime trees showing               propagation was brought from out-
bark cracking of branches, CEVd                    side the country.
and other citrus viroids were
detected by RT-PCR and sPAGE (8).                  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
Both CEVd and CCaVd viroids were
present as mixed infections in most                   Support for research on Citrus
of the samples analyzed in México                  Viroids in México from projects
(Table 1). It is not known if the bark             CONACyT No. 4030-N and INIFAP
cracking in trunk and branches is                  No. 039 is greatly acknowledged.
caused by either CEVd or CCaVd, or                 Journal Series Number INIFAP/
the combination of both because                    CIRNE-A136.

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