Circular Economy - past, present, future
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Circular Economy – past, present, future Lithuania webinar, 25 March 2021 Dr h.c.mult. Walter R. Stahel Full Member of the Club of Rome, Visiting Professor, Fac of Engineering, University of Surrey, 1 25 March 2021 Stahel Lithuania webinar 1
The origins of Circularity: 1 Nature: water, wood, wool, leather, food, stones, minerals. 2 good husbandry (poverty, scarcity): use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without. 3 infrastructure: designed for durability 25 March 2021 Stahel Lithuania webinar 2
Shower economics – consumer goods inflow Production in-FLOW measured (GDP) F L O W food and fodder, Consumption energy, water, drinks F L O W outflow “waste” estimated management out-FLOW 25 March 2021 Stahel Lithuania webinar 3
bath tub economics - three business domains inflow Linear water in-FLOW measured Industrial (GDP) Economy quantity & quality F L O W stock Circular & Performance unknown, Economy STOCK quality & quantity F L outflow “waste” O W estimated management water outFLOW 25 March 2021 Stahel Lithuania webinar 4
The Circular Economy is about stocks - quantity and quality are intertwined • natural capital (EU bioeconomy: arable land, water, forests, fish stock, biodiversity) • human capital (labour, skills, expertise, wisdom) • cultural capital (monuments, landscapes, music) • financial capital (investments, wealth) • manufactured capital (materials, objects) • and immaterial (embodied water and CO2; liability). The industrial economy is about flows ! 25 March 2021 Stahel Lithuania webinar 5
Two industrial economy models MORE IS MORE linear manufacturing economy $$$ states border zero-life products resources materials manufacturing distrib. P.O.S. use waste liability ECONOMIC ACTORS in USERS STATES mining production logistics waste managers LESS is more Circular Circul ar Economy Performance Economy 25 March 2021 Stahel Lithuania webinar 6
Depreciated value is one pillar of the linear economy: An insurance agent went to a museum and accidentally hit a statue. Museum guard: That is a 500 year old statue you have broken! Insurance agent: Thank God. I feared it was a new one. Note: the circular economy is based on functional or use value 25 March 2021 Stahel Lithuania webinar 7
The Circular Economy is silent, invisible, local thus ecologic X Container ports, ships, trains Logistics- and Shopping Centers warehouse on wheels, trucks at the Brenner Delivery drohnes ? Note: the industrialStaheleconomy 25 March 2021 Lithuania webinar is visible and noisy 9
The Circular Economy is about economics, innovation, competitiveness (and decentral) • The era of ‘R’ – Reuse, Repair, Reman of objects • The era of ‘D’ – De-linking to recover molecules • Innovation in materials, components, systems • CE is a new trend of intelligent decentralisation • Selling performance instead of atoms, objects • Spreading the knowledge • Innovative policy making • Measuring the immaterial or invisible 25 March 2021 Stahel Lithuania webinar 10
The origin of the Circular Industrial Economy 1976: economics, innovation, competitiveness managing stocks of objects locally BARRIER labour-intensive the small service activities loops remanufacture X embodied X THE PROFIT resources re-use recycling repair renovating buildings, renting goods, maintain & upgrade refill, resell, the large loop infrastructure second-hand, Source: 25 MarchStahel/Reday, 2021 1976 - the potential for substituting Stahel Lithuania webinar manpower for energy 11
from end-of-life to the circular material as-pure-as-new the era economy, maintaining value of ‘D’ The view of a mature CIE 2020 resources (atoms) and purity of stocks Point of atoms end-of end-of- service-life service-life production Point of Sale or Service product use Reuse, Repair the circular user economy, the era maintaining value & utility, Remanufacture of ‘R’ quality & quantity of stocks 25 March 2021 Stahel Lithuania webinar 12 Source: Stahel, Walter R. (2019) Circular Economy – a user's guide, Routledge
Reducing national CO2 emissions by 66% Societal benefits of the circular economy in comparison to the present economy (Sweden & 6 countries) macro-economic I/O Study by Skanberg-Wijkman 2016. circular energy material combined scenario efficiency scenario GHG — 50,1% — 28% — 5% — 66% additional + 4% jobs + 100’000 + 200’000 +>300’000 +>500’000 trade + 0.4% + 0.4% + 0,2% + 0,25% balance of GDP of GDP of GDP of GDP Circular-Economy-and-Benefits-for-Society.pdf This is why politicians should be interested ! 25 March 2021 Stahel Lithuania webinar 13
The era of ‘R’, good husbandry, owner-users of objects are in control to maintain the value and utility of stocks of objects by extending their service-life through • Reuse, Refill, Repair, Remanufacture, Reprogram and technological upgrading, • preserve materials, embodied water, energy, • greatly reduce CO2 emissions and waste, • create local skilled jobs, • save money and provide resource security. 25 March 2021 Stahel Lithuania webinar 14
from end-of-life to the era of as-pure-as-new ‘D’ resources (atoms) Point of end-of atoms end-of- service- service-life life production Point of Sale or Service product use the era the circular user economy Why of ‘R’ maintaining value, quality & quantity of stocks of objects 25 March 2021 Stahel Lithuania webinar 15 Source: Stahel, Walter R. (2019) Circular Economy – a user's guide, Routledge
Why! the era of ‘R’ creates local skilled jobs Societal benefits of the Circular Economy micro-eco: product-life extension creates local jobs and prevents waste (substituting manpower for energy) 10 years 20 years 30 years LABOUR factory LABOUR factory factory LABOUR parts parts parts Source: Stahel, 25 March Walter 1982 2021 Stahel Lithuania webinar 16
ICE1 Redesign Remanufacture is local, cheap & green: In 1995, the 59 trains of German Rail had been in cheaper service for 15 years, covering 15 million km each. 87% • Redesign costs were € 3 million per train, versus € 25 million for a similar new train. • Redesign preserved 80% of resources - resource savings 16’500 tons of steel, 1180 tons of copper - prevented 35’000 tons of CO2 emissions & 500’000 tons of mining waste per train. The Redesign included a technological upgrading of the rolling stock, and allowed to add more seats. 25 March 2021 Stahel Lithuania webinar 17
Who takes decisions in the era of ‘R’ ? The owner- aa users, 25 March 2021 Stahel Lithuania webinar 18
from end-of-life to the era of as-pure-as-new resources (atoms) ‘D’ Point of end-of atoms end-of- service- service-life life production Point of Sale or Service product use the era the circular user economy maintaining value, of ‘R’ quality & quantity of stock 25 March 2021 Stahel Lithuania webinar 19 Source: Stahel, Walter R. (2019) Circular Economy – a user's guide, Routledge
The era of ‘D’ was born when Science uncoupled man from Nature’s circularity The Anthropocene unleashed scientific progress: • physics: the nuclear bomb & civil uses (health) • chemistry: synthetic materials, plastic, agrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, hormones, • metallurgy: multitude of metal alloys, Man-made (synthetic) materials impose a man- made responsibility at the end: the era of ‘D’. 25 March 2021 Stahel Lithuania webinar 20
The era of ‘D’, the legacy from the Anthropocene, who is in charge for zero carbon and zero waste ? to maintain the value and purity of elements (atoms, molecules), by recovering pure molecules: • through technologies to De-polymerize, De-alloy, De-laminate, De-vulcanize materials, De-coat objects, De-construct infrastructure and buildings, and by re-refining catalytic materials, implying: • non-mix collection methods, disassembly and non- destructive maximum-value recovery processes, • technologies to recover atoms and molecules. 25 March 2021 Stahel Lithuania webinar 21
Value not retained in the Swedish materials system Material value in % in bio m3/tons in billion SEK SEK in % at end of retained after material Swedish use before one full cycle value lost recycling collection statistics all materials 55 13 24% 42 n.a. Steel 29 9 32% 20 75-95% Alu 3.1 1.2 40% 1.2 (- e) high Plastic 0.8 10 8% 92 53% +7% 15 energy 25 March 2021 Stahel Lithuania webinar 22 Material economics (2018) Ett värdebeständigt svenskt materialsystem (Retaining value in the Swedish Materials System. English Summary)
multidisciplinary innovation in systems, materials (molecules) and components • behavioural sciences and psychology, • systems solutions (PV-coated steel cladding), processes, components to upgrade stocks, • material sciences to prevent a continued era of ‘D’ legacy of the Anthropocene: – circular energy (e.g. hydrogen, bio-methane), – circular chemistry (tracable molecules, CCU), – circular ceramics, – circular metallurgy (tracable alloys), -- life-sciences of the Bio-Anthropocene. 25 March 2021 Stahel Lithuania webinar 23
In recycling, the speed of the circular flow is crucial (reversed aggregate interests), e.g. coke can, 3 week life user behaviour and durability of objects resource volume 100% 100% 27 cycles average life of reusable 75% 50 % recycling rate glass bottles with deposit 75 % recycling rate 50% 25% 90 % recycling rate 3 week life-cycles 7 17 TIME 0 1/2 12 2 years 25 March 2021 recycling versus Stahel Lithuania webinar reuse 24
novel systems from end-of-life to as-pure-as-new the era materials, of ‘D’ components resources (atoms) Point of end-of atoms end-of- service- life service-life production spare less Point of Sale repairs, or Service remanufacture better than new product use the circular user economy the era Source: Stahel, Walter R. (2019) of ‘R’ maintaining value, Circular Economy – a user's guide, 25 March 2021 quality & quantity of stock25 Stahel Lithuania webinar Routledge, London
Systems innovation ‘eDumper’ - the biggest energy self-sufficient electric vehicle world-wide. • it transports 65 tonnes of A perpetum mobile? material from an uphill quarry to a cement factory downhill. • each downhill trip under load charges the batteries and enables it to drive back uphill empty, intelligently exploiting the differences in altitude and weight of the two trips. 13 Jan 2021 Stahel RWTH Aachen CE & Circular Sciences 26
Circular energy includes green hydrogen, ammonium (X-15), iron powder (NL) and geothermal CHP but also such concepts as integrated energy management systems and energy service companies: • the first plastic-to-hydrogen facility in the UK uses DMG (Distributed Modular Generation) technology, • photocatalytic water splitting can be done with a quantum efficiency of almost unity, • steam reformation of bio-methane can split the methane molecule (CH4) into carbon dioxide (CO2) and hydrogen (H2), or turn bio-methane into hydrogen and graphite. • Japan, Norway, EU, Shell, electric utilities producing green hydrogen. 25 March 2021 Stahel Lithuania webinar 27
Chemical circularity through intelligently designed plastic (PDKs) Polydiketoenamines (PDKs), a new type of recyclable polymer with low energy and water consumption. The source materials are 100% recoverable as pure monomers that can be used (even in the presence of additives, glass fibres) to recreate the same polymer. Brett Helms Research Group at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,, Nature Chemistry, May 2019, v.11. p. 442-448, 25 March 2021 Stahel Lithuania webinar 28
Circular chemistry in the era of ‘D’ New opportunities: innovative technologies and methods to recover atoms and molecules as pure as virgin, through De-polymerize, De-alloy, De- laminate, De-vulcanize, De-coat objects, and • a method of converting mixed plastic waste into hydrogen gas, which can be used as a clean fuel, and high-value solid carbon, using a new type of catalysis, which uses microwaves to activate catalyst particles to effectively ‘strip’ hydrogen from polymers. • Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU), carbon chemistry to replace the petro-chemistry. 25 March 2021 Stahel Lithuania webinar 29
Chemistry: U.S. cemetery of windmill blades, cut in 3 A suitable 25 March 2021 case to De-laminate Stahel Lithuania webinar 30 Source: Bloomberg news
Circular bio-chemistry in the era of ‘D’ • technology to convert end-of-life tyres into liquid hydrocarbons and carbon black, • technique of engineered microbial communities to digest PET and polyurethane into Bio-PU molecules, • mutant bacterial enzyme reduces bottles to chemical building blocks that are used to make new bottles, • engineered enzyme that breaks down polyethylene terephthalate (PET) into its constituent monomers, • thermolysis process of mixed plastic waste produces gas and paraffin oil which can be used as raw material for the production of new plastic granules. 25 March 2021 Stahel Lithuania webinar 31
process innovation Converting waste water into drinking water, and recovering non-renewable natural resources, e.g. phosphorous, from waste water streams. 25 March 2021 Stahel Lithuania webinar 32 Source: NATURE
Circular chemistry in the era of ‘R’ New opportunities: innovative chemicals to optimise the use phase (operation and maintenance) of the stocks of objects: • buildings and infrastructure (eg. Sika), • maintenance and cleaning, • equipment remanufacture (eg. de-coating), • innovative repairs, golden sewing. 25 March 2021 Stahel Lithuania webinar 33
Circular Society equals regional cultural solutions • Japanese Kintsugi, golden sewing, • repair cafés in Europe, • Amish communities in the USA, 25 March 2021 Stahel Lithuania webinar 34
Circular metallurgy Circular metallurgy includes reusing steel beams, re-refining tailings and urban ores, remanufacture components, sustainable steel making (H2) and • tracable alloys, • a simple, inexpensive technology to improve the purity of recycled aluminium by removing iron, • iron powder as a new circular fuel (Dutch Brewery). This iron fuel is CO2-free, reusable, safe, compact and easy to transport. 25 March 2021 Stahel Lithuania webinar 35
Resource losses in Ni-use and recycling a suitable case to De-alloy % of Ni lost in use % of Ni recovered 25 March 2021 Stahel Lithuania webinar 36
Chemistry: innovative wear elements (grinding stones) in reman processes Circular metallurgy: • Speno rail grinding: in-situ remanufacturing of railheads instead of replacing rails. • quality better than new, tolerance 1/100 mm vs 1/10 mm, Speno International • at half the cost. 25 March 2021 Stahel Lithuania webinar 37
Reusable materials (ceramics) Porcelain, recovering material through grinding, Ceramic coatings (RollsRoyce jet turbines) Composite powder, developed by UK’s Cookson Group, can be pressed into any form and, magnetised, becomes an extremely powerful permanent magnet. After use, this smart material can be demagnetised by grinding it back into a powder, then remixed for its next use. To benefit from the successive life cycles of smart materials, manufacturers will have to lease the material to component manufacturers with a return guarantee, imposing the strategy of selling performance on all levels. 25 March 2021 Stahel Lithuania webinar 38
(Life)sciences of the Bio-Anthropocene • Coldzymes (enzymes from Antartica), • synthetic molecules, molecular sciences, • engineered molecules, • DNA, CRISPR, mRNA, • medicines on demand, • circular by definition? • industrial innovation or applied biology? 25 March 2021 Stahel Lithuania webinar 39
by Walter R. Stahel, June 2019, Routledge 25 March 2021 Stahel Lithuania webinar 40
Circular economy is part of a new trend of intelligent decentralisation • robots & additive manufacturing; nanostructured micro-reactors to produce high-purity chemicals and short-lived tracer elements needed in medical applications; carbon nano-tubes (CNTs), • local energy production, photovoltaic and micro- hydro-electricity production, waste-to-biogas, • medicines on demand, • crowd mapping, resilient cities, re-industrialisation of regions through the era of ‘R’, • micro-breweries and -bakeries, -credit, -insurance, • urban farming, 25 March 2021 Stahel Lithuania webinar 41
intelligent decentralisation 25 March 2021 Stahel Lithuania webinar 42
6 The Performance Economy owner-managers are in control The most sustainable Circular Economy business models, exploiting efficiency, sufficiency & systems solutions. Economic actors selling performance retain the ownership of and liability for objects, and • internalise all costs of risks and waste, • save transaction and litigation costs, • gain corporate resource security. 25 March 2021 Stahel Lithuania webinar 43
Commercial quantum leaps The Performance are a booster of the Economy O- Circular Economy Retained V-L Business Models ownership & liability sharing goods molecules Toxic economy as a as a Release service service Inventory selling performance O&M ff OEM skills function skills guarantees 25 March 2021 Stahel Lithuania webinar 44
Selling performance through appropriate for ‘sufficiency’ solutions rural areas ‘organic’ waste water treatment plants are low-cost (no ‘bricks’ or pumps), create biotopes and flood basins, have no sludge (waste) issue – but need space (4 m2/habitant). 25 March 2021 Stahel Lithuania webinar 45
Molecules as a service • Agrochemical management services, • Novartis’ money back guarantee for medicines. Re-refining catalytic chemicals in combination with rent-a-molecule business models: • solvents: SafeChem (Dow), UNIDO in Africa, • lubrication oils (Castrol), Business models beyond catalytic chemicals: • license-to-mine - metal leasing - strategies for mining companies and governments would give both players a smaller short-term income than selling the minerals but guarantee constant long- term 25 March 2021 revenue and political stability. Stahel Lithuania webinar 46
Real wealth is based on use, not ownership Aristotle 25 March 2021 Stahel Lithuania webinar 47
Summary, the talk in a nutshell 4 25 March 2021 Stahel Lithuania webinar 48
thank you for listening Dr h.c. Walter R. Stahel, Visiting Professor, University of Surrey Founder-Director, The Product-Life Institute, Geneva, 1 49 25 March 2021 Stahel Lithuania webinar 49
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