Mary's News for Life - AUTUMN 2021 - Mary MacKillop Today
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Mary’s News Educ at ion fo r Life AUTUMN 2021 ■ Why Education for Life is so important ■ How the Sisters of Saint Joseph’s legacy in Timor-Leste is being honoured ■ See how community projects in Australia are improving lives through education and more...
Kini’s Story of Women’s Leadership in Fiji Kini is a young woman living in Fiji. She married young, has two children and is unemployed. Dear Friends Experiencing challenges in her and Supporters marriage, Kini finds herself moving from house to house This edition of our newsletter celebrates one of our core values – seeking support from others in ‘Education for Life’. At every stage of her community. the life cycle, it’s important to keep When Kini joined our Women’s learning. It’s how we can continue Leadership training, she learnt to grow as healthy individuals many crucial things – from knowing and contributing members of our her rights to new skills like sewing, community. screen printing, and making bags This is why our programs focus on and baskets. lifelong learning in many areas, Since participating in ranging from traditional literacy and Human Rights training, numeracy to broad life skills. she now is fully aware You can read more about why of her rights and the ‘Education for Life’ is important on services available page 3. I share some of my personal for her. Kini is now experiences as a teacher in Sydney confident to speak and my time living in Timor Leste. out and express her feelings. She decided to The inspiring transformations I go for counselling, and witness every day are happening it was with this support because of your support. that she could feel as far away as the hotels on Malolo People like you are supporting women motivated to move on with life for Island. She has also started to sell like Kini in Fiji, who was able to the sake of her two children. her handicrafts at market days. receive Women’s Leadership training Today, Kini continues to grow in The young determined Kini didn’t for financial independence and confidence and independence. She stop there. She is now also the vice emotional resilience (see this page for has started her own business where president of her local women’s club! her story). she makes traditional handicrafts And you can find out about some We are thrilled to share uplifting including “salusalu” or traditional of our latest projects right here in stories of empowering change – just garlands, bags and baskets together Australia, collaborating with First like Kini’s. Your support makes with screen printed sulus. Her Nations communities and Sudanese these transformations possible! customer orders are coming in from refugees (page 6). After a tough year battling the Inspired by Australia’s first saint, Mary MacKillop Today empowers communities in Australia and overseas pandemic, I believe we can look to to realise their dignity through education, health, financial inclusion and livelihoods. All photos Mary MacKillop Today unless otherwise stated. When necessary, names have been changed for privacy. the life of Saint Mary MacKillop for Front Cover: Teacher with students in Timor-Leste inspiration. During her most difficult Mary MacKillop Today acknowledges the traditional owners and custodians of the trials, Mary persevered to provide land, past, present, and emerging, on which our offices are located. access to education for all. Thank you for your kind generosity to Mary MacKillop Today is fully accredited by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. To maintain accreditation, Mary MacKillop Today’s systems, policies and keep Mary’s legacy alive! processes are rigorously reviewed by the Australian Government. Mary MacKillop Today is a member of the Australian Council for International With gratitude, Development (ACFID) and complies with industry standards of good practice, transparency and accountability. Jane Woolford Mary MacKillop Today is a Registered Charity with the Australian Charities and Chief Executive Officer Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC), the national regulator of charities. Mary’s News Today Autumn 2021 2
Why ‘Education for Life’ is important Education is one of the best investments a country can make to alleviate poverty. Through her time working with communities around the world, Mary MacKillop Today’s CEO, Jane Woolford, has come to deeply appreciate the relationship between education and poverty. Jane shares why she believes ‘Education for Life’ is important. “So often, children miss out on the areas of significant need for supporters that makes our Education education because of poverty. education – both in Australia and for Life programs possible around the When families are in hardship, it overseas. world. Thank you for your support, means their access to learning is “I think back to the first time I arrived especially during this time of increased compromised. That affects their ability in Timor Leste in 2001 to help rebuild vulnerability due to the pandemic. to live a full, healthy life. Schooling communities after the conflict. I saw is an opportunity to build skills, schools burnt down. The Sisters of capabilities, wellbeing, and confidence. St Joseph were there helping people Did you know? Missing out on school puts a person’s to support the education system. ■ Around 1 in every 5 children chance of later gaining employment Timor Leste has come a long way worldwide are not in school at risk. They won’t be job-ready or but there’s still significant need – so money-wise. ■ Girls are 1.5 times more likely I’m grateful to still be involved in to be excluded from primary The theme ‘Education for Life’ is developing literacy and life skills with education than boys about enabling access to education young people, parents, and teachers throughout the various stages of life. in their own Tetun language. In the ■ Every additional year in As humans, we never stop learning. later stages of life as adults, education school can increase a woman’s earning by 10-20% To ignite a passion in the earliest years remains important. means opening windows to the world. Source: United Nations Educational, I see increased vulnerability levels Scientific and Cultural Organisation This early learning builds our own where people face a lack of literacy Here’s how your support “ Teaching showed me that the greatest impact you have is not necessarily the marks on paper – it’s the stimulation and inspiration you provide around learning. It was exciting to see my students building a made Education for Life possible in 2020 547 teachers and 35 ” ■ vision of their place in the world. community educators were trained to provide literacy strengths so we can contribute to our and early learning education skills, even here in Australia. Support life benefiting 5,662 children community and develop compassion There’s a real need for training in to help others. I think of Mary life skills. That’s why, for example, ■ 550 adults accessed informal MacKillop’s words – ‘Find happiness in Mary MacKillop Today is running life skills training, such as making others happy.’ ” workshops in budgeting and financial budgeting workshops Like Saint Mary MacKillop, Jane spent literacy in Central Western NSW to ■ 1,332 parents and caregivers time as an educator in the classroom – give people economic independence developed skills to support teaching English at a secondary school and escape cycles of growing debt.” their children’s learning at in Western Sydney. She shared what Saint Mary MacKillop was a teacher home a privilege it was to teach and build and saw education as a pathway out ■ 75 First Nations students connections with students. of poverty. Supporters like you are were supported in their Having firsthand experience in helping to carry on her legacy. It is tertiary studies teaching, Jane has come to see the generosity and compassion of Support life-changing work by including Mary MacKillop Today in your will A gift in your will, of any size, is a powerful way to leave a legacy for future generations. Your gift will help vulnerable communities and continue the vital work of Saint Mary MacKillop. Call Elizabeth on 02 8912 2712 to find out more. Mary’s News Today Autumn 2021 3
Training teachers with skills for lifelong learning in Timor Leste Timor Leste will celebrate 18 years of independence this year in May. We remember the humble beginnings of the work of the Sisters of St Joseph who walked alongside the Timorese throughout the years of the Indonesian occupation and after the 1999 post-referendum violence. This turbulent time left schools in their education. The Sisters she didn’t have any resources, such destroyed and a severe lack of trained remained determined to help in as textbooks, and she struggled to teachers to support young students the face of hardship, building upon find ways to improve the learning their Tetun literacy program so that environment for her students. After children could enjoy stories in their joining our Tetun Literacy and own local language. Despite major Teacher Training program, Anabela improvements in education across told us about the impact on her Timor Leste, there is still a lot of work teaching abilities. to do. Anabela is a schoolteacher in Timor Leste. When we met her, she shared how difficult it was to teach because “ When I started the training, it increased my ability in terms of new approaches and methods for teaching. I received some resources such as history books, posters and stationery. I learned about classroom management, child development, child protection and inclusive education. I have become a self-confident teacher. I am guiding children’s learning through games and music. I am always motivating This project receives support from the Australian Government through the and encouraging my students to be actively involved in lessons and ” Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP) present in school every day. – Anabela, teacher in Timor Leste and Edmund Rice Foundation Australia. Providing inclusive education in remote areas in Papua New Guinea As part of our mission to around, the rights of people with provide Education for Life, we disability. Looking to the future, we are doing everything we can to are establishing a community-based make sure no one is left behind. approach to overcome both ‘out-of- Unfortunately, children with school’ and ‘in-school’ barriers for disability can face significant children with disability. challenges and barriers when it A wonderful Graduation Day to comes to accessing high quality celebrate! education in Papua New Guinea – In December, six children with especially in remote areas. disability graduated from the Mary MacKillop Today, in Edmund Rice Play Schools in partnership with the Callan Services specialised services as well as gain Vanimo and are set to join the National Unit, is working with support to enter the mainstream mainstream school system in 2021. the Vanimo Inclusive Education schooling system. A wonderful celebration was held Resource Centre (IERC) on Community-based rehabilitation to farewell the children and prepare the volunteer-led ‘Inclusive volunteers are working with them for a smooth transition to Communities’ project in the Sandaun families and teachers to promote primary school. Province. Through this project, inclusive practices in schools and This project receives support from the children with disability and their communities. The volunteers also Australian Government through the Australian families are supported to access advocate for, and create awareness NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP). Mary’s News Today Autumn 2021 4
Helping parents get involved in education in Peru At Mary MacKillop Today, we believe can impede a child’s ability to finish education doesn’t just happen within their schooling and realise their full the classroom, but also in the home potential. and within the community. Thanks to the generosity of date, we have run workshops for 86 Positive parental engagement in supporters, we are providing training teachers across 7 schools in Peru on formal learning gives students the workshops in partnership with local how to strengthen the relationships best possible chance at succeeding organisation, Centro de Educación, between family, community, and at school and achieving brighter Organización y Promoción del teachers. These workshops have futures. Yet, in rural areas of Peru, Desarrollo de Ilo (Centre for supported 600 parents to take parents are less likely to be involved Education, Organisation and the an active role in their children’s in their children’s education, which Promotion of Development, Ilo). To learning. “ The parents education project that has been implemented in our school is strengthening the capacities of teachers and tutors especially. We try to emotionally support the students in these situations so that they also feel strengthened and more resilient. Parents are responding well too, they are supporting their children a lot. This is very important for students and their development as well. - Hugo Castillo Rojas, Director of Mariscal Domingo Nieto School, Peru ” “ I think it’s important that we try to help in any way we can” Meet Christine, one of our valued supporters “ When I retired, I wanted to give back. I already knew about Saint Mary MacKillop, and that she was a woman of strong convictions. She didn’t have it easy – it was hard enough to start a movement to provide education, let alone doing it as a woman during the 1800s. I chose to support Mary MacKillop Today because of its focus on education. I know the Sisters of St Joseph are still doing so much to keep Mary’s work going. I think it’s important that we try to help in any way we can. I recently signed We are so thankful for the up to donate monthly. I’ve been sending in stamps for a while now too – I was generosity of our supporters! astounded that such a simple act could make a difference. I’m also a happy Together, we follow in the footsteps ethica* customer. I like that the money from what I buy can help women in Peru of Saint Mary MacKillop and break to make their own income. down cycles of disadvantage. For anyone thinking about becoming a supporter, I want to say that it’s not a One of our passionate donors, hard thing to do. Every dollar counts, it doesn’t have to be a large amount. But Christine, recently shared why and how she supports Mary MacKillop Today. it gives you the satisfaction of knowing you’re helping someone with less. *ethica is the fair-trade company of Mary MacKillop Today. Visit at ” WE WANT A simple way to support Education for Life is to collect YOUR USED new or used stamps and send them to: Mary MacKillop Today No stamp STAMPS! Reply Paid 88663, required! North Sydney 2059 Mary’s News Today Autumn 2021 5
The impact of Community Grants in Australia Our Community Grants program has invested in over 600 life-changing projects across the country since 1995. We partner with organisations who empower Australia’s most marginalised people to improve their lives through education. Here are some recent examples of Learning for Life in action – projects funded by Community Grants! The Children’s Dreaming Project whole animation process from Josephite Refugee Mentor creating the Claymation versions Support The Children’s Dreaming Project, of the Seven Sisters characters, Tjitjiku Tjukurpa, is developing a to building the backdrops and set The Josephite Refugee Mentor collection of tri-lingual educational design, and recording Foley sound Support program assists people who resources to preserve local languages effects for the animation. are new to Australia to gain access to and pass on cultural knowledge education. Mentors are matched with An online learning platform was to future generations of young students of disadvantaged refugee built to host the newly created Aboriginal people in South Australia. backgrounds who are transitioning collection of digital resources and to Under the guidance of cultural from school to tertiary study. assist educators across Australia in custodians, Tjitjiku Tjukurpa is teaching Aboriginal content in the The program was started by Sr Maria working with children to teach and classroom – something students and Sullivan, a Sister of Saint Joseph, in record ancient Inma (song, dance families can also access at home. the 1980s. Over the years, Sr Maria and drawings) in Pitjantjatjara and has worked with countless refugees Tjitjiku Tjukurpa was an initiative of Yankunytjatjara languages, through – growing and adapting the program Carclew — a South Australia cultural the exploration of the culturally to support their unique needs for organisation dedicated to artistic significant Seven Sisters Dreaming. building meaningful careers that outcomes by and for young people The collection of educational break the cycle of poverty. — and delivered in partnership with resources includes two stop-motion Lee-Ann Buckskin & Associates. In 2020, nine young women were animations telling the Dreaming supported with personalised story of how the Seven Sisters came mentorship through the project. to be. A two-week residency saw Although there is currently a focus on children working with renowned supporting Sudanese students, these Claymation artist, Jonathan Daw, to incredible women had come from a recreate the Seven Sisters Dreaming variety of places around the world as a contemporary children’s including Sudan, Iraq and Kenya animation. – and many were born in refugee Students took these ancient stories camps. of magic and desire, hot pursuit The supportive mentorship has and escape, and the power of family assisted students to overcome ties – and transformed them into barriers like unemployment, lack Claymation films of their imagining. of education, and intergenerational The students were involved in the trauma – to study for tertiary qualifications in a number of areas that will help secure a brighter future, such as nursing, teaching, and social science. STAY CONNECTED L5, 12 Mount Street North Sydney NSW 2060 02 8912 2777 9am – 5pm AEST Mon-Fri Photographic Stills from Seven Sisters Claymation, created by students from Pukatja (Ernabella) Anangu School with lead artist, Jonathan Daw. Mary’s News Today Autumn 2021 6
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