Church of the Sacred Heart - Parishes Online

Page created by Ernest Curtis
Church of the Sacred Heart - Parishes Online
Church of the Sacred Heart

                                          PARISH MISSION STATEMENT

    Together we foster a welcoming spirit of unity while honoring our
 diversity which leads to a graced harmony among us since Christ is the
                       center of all we are and do.
                                      Fourth Sunday of Easter ~ May 8, 2022
“Human beings, while capable of the worst, are also capable of rising above themselves, choosing again what is good, and
making a new start.” (Pope Francis) We have a difficult time figuring out what is true and best for us. There are many voices
talking and so many trying to get our attention. We wrongly convince ourselves that the true voice is the voice of progress, the
one that speaks of contemporary wants and desires, enticing us with the latest trends and causes. We are taught, by listening to
the voices around us, that truth is found in feelings and thought, and ideals must match current and popular human wants.
Because we feel a particular way it must be true. Then, we find a shepherd who empathizes with us and affirms us. We follow
that voice even though listening to that voice will render us powerless and lead us to harm. There are many with me in this
procession to this pasture. I must be on the right path and listening to the right voice. We are very confused. What can keep
us safe and from harm? Where do we go to find life, love, and happiness? Jesus tells us that he is the way, the truth, and the
life. The only way to get to Truth, who is God, is through him. There is no other way. The Church, the gate around God’s
pasture of life, is charged with the mission of directing us where God desires that we go. In the midst of all of the conflicting
voices around us, the voice of truth is often muffled in all of the noise, but it beckons us to a life of virtue and grace. Helping
us understand who we are and where we have to be, it discerns the voice of God, providing us with the safety net we need to
stay straight on our path to life eternal. We have to trust the voice of God, the true Shepherd, even when it does not mirror
what we want and what others may believe. Faith goes way beyond feeling and involves a radical trust in someone who can lead
us and form us. At day’s end, if we do not know to find our way home, we will be truly lost. ©LPi

PRIESTS                                     PARISH OFFICE                               PASTORAL ASSOCIATE
Rev. Charles M. Schwartz                    103 Fourth St. Riverton, NJ 08077           856-829-1836
                                                                                        Fran Stinsman
Pastor, ext. 11                                                               
                                            Leslie Crofton, Secretary, ext. 10
Mr. Robert Bednarek                                                                     LITURGICAL MUSIC MINISTRIES
Mr. Joseph Donadieu                         RELIGIOUS EDUCATION                         856-786-5380
                                                                                        Susan Barnett, Associate
Mr. Kenneth Heilig                          102 Fourth Street - Family Center
Mr. Michael Stinsman                                                                    BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS
                                                                                        856-829-0090 ext. 14
All Deacons — ext. 10                       Bonnie Campbell, Coordinator                John Scouler, Facilities Manager
                                            Joanne Moore, Secretary

Church of the Sacred Heart - Parishes Online
Page 2                                                                     Sacred Heart Church ~ Riverton, New Jersey

                   SACRED HEART CHURCH
                    PARISH INFORMATION

                        PARISH OFFICE
          103 Fourth Street, Riverton, NJ 08077-1205
                    Monday through Friday
         8:30 am — 12:00 noon & 1:00 pm — 4:00 pm                     Monday, May 9, 2022
              RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE                              8:00 am      Jacqueline M. Schwartz
   Family Center, 102 Fourth Street, Riverton, NJ 08077-1206                             r/o Father Chuck
                    Tuesday through Friday
                                                                                   Thomas Cunningham
                     12:30 pm — 4:30 pm
                                                                                         r/o Patricia Cunningham
                           Saturdays                                               Special Intentions for Paula
                      2:30 pm — 3:30 pm                                            Schwartz Sapp
                                                                                         r/o Father Chuck
             GENERAL INFORMATION                                      Tuesday, May 10, 2022
NEW PARISHIONERS                                                      8:00 am      Patrycia Pellegrino
Are always welcome, please register at the parish office.                                r/o The Pellegrino Family
MOVING?                                                                            Tony Garbett
Please notify us if you are moving out of the parish or changing                         r/o His Wife, Therese
your address or telephone number.                                                  Joe Horan
                                                                                         r/o His Family
Please call the rectory as soon as possible to make arrangements.
Parish registration must be confirmed and eligibility certificates
                                                                      Wednesday, May 11, 2022
for Catholic Godparents must be presented. Godparent and              8:00 am      Communion Service
sponsor certificates may be obtained by those who have received       Thursday, May 12, 2022
all Sacraments in the Catholic Church. CALL LESLIE AT 856-829-        8:00 am      Deceased Members of the
0090 X 10.                                                                         Catholic Daughters #2124
                                                                                         r/o Catholic Daughters
Arrangements should be made at the rectory at least ONE YEAR IN                    Maurice Jenkins
ADVANCE.     Please contact us to receive guidelines for the                             r/o His Family
celebration of marriage.                                                           Anna & William Cronin
                                                                                         r/o Their Son, Bill & Leona
                                                                      Friday, May 13, 2022
                                                                      8:00 am      Daniel Lyons
                                                                                         r/o Mike & Bonnie Campbell
                                                                                         & Family
                              Angela Cheesman                                      Special Intentions for Adam
                                                                                         r/o Karen Schuman
                                                                Liz                Special Intentions for Frank
LaSalle                                                                            Maduzia, Jr.
                                                           Joanne                        r/o His Aunt & Uncle, Leona
Lavin                                                                                    & Bill Cronin
                                                                      Saturday, May 14, 2022
                                                                      8:00 am      Joseph Matera
                                                                                         r/o Michael & Andrea
Joseph Vanak
                                                                      4:00 pm      John L. Jordan
                                                                                         r/o Mary Lou
                                                                                   Dennis Nettleton
                                                                                         r/o Howard & Nancy Andrews
                        Rick Muraresku Baby Daniel Evans,                          Jim Walls
                                                                                         r/o Bill & Jo Ann Corbi

                   Joan Lynch and Jean Duschek
                                                                                             Continued on Page 3
Church of the Sacred Heart - Parishes Online
Fourth Sunday of Easter ~ May 8, 2022                                                                         Page 3

                                                                         WEEKEND MUSIC — MAY 8TH
                         PLEASE PRAY FOR
                     OUR SICK AND HOMEBOUND                   635     Morning Has Broken
                                                              466     The King of Love My Shepherd Is
                  Linda Agosti, Patricia Baxter, Margaret     329     Gift of Finest Wheat
                (Peg) Brooks, Bert Cahill, Jr, Tom Cairns
III, Sharon Connor, Esther DiLeonardo, Joe DiLeonardo,        167     Alleluia! Alleluia! Let the Holy Anthem Rise
Tanya DiMaio, Rosemary DiTaranto, Deacon Joe Donadieu,
Ruth Donadieu, Diane Donnelly, Fr. George Dudak, Kathy
                                                              Happy Mothers Day
Ellis, Helen Engel, Elizabeth Falkiewicz, Carol Fiorentino,
Marianne Ford, Stephanie Forker, Nicole Funkhouser,           We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate
Marianne Gasper, Glenn Godwin, Joe Gross, Marlie &
Megan Guicheteau, Jamie Hall, Maddie Harris, Mary Hayes,
                                                              all the Mothers of Sacred Heart Parish on your special
Deacon Ken Heilig, Mary Ann Herron, Gerald Higgins,           day and to thank you for lovingly sharing the gift of
Marilyn Iannacone, Henry Irons, Glenn D. Jackson, Vernon      life with your family and the gift of faith with our
Jenkins, Madison Jones, John Jordan, Marie Kenkelen,          parish family. May Our Blessed Mother and Heavenly
John Kennedy, Marybeth Kennedy, Regina Kurtz, Matthew
                                                              Father continue to bless you for being such wonderful
Laverty, Willow Laverty, Joe Leahy, David MacWilliams,
Molly Maerten, Travis Martin, Bill Max, Harry McCurdy,        reminders of their love for us.
William McGonigal, Ashley McKeon, Mary Meeks, Amanda
                                                              Father Chuck, the Deacons and staff
Milewski, Melissa Milewski, Mary Moynahan, Shawn
Mulvihill, Skip Muraresku, Marty O’Halloran, Millie
Opperman, Judy Palait, Mary Theresa Pepper, Joseph &
Mary Ellen Raday, Chris Reteneller, Marty Schlindwein,
Michael Stanley Schneider, Bob Schumann, Linda Sekula,
Charles & Susan Sharpe, Bill & Theresa Sherwin, Ed
Siemietkoski, Gwen Smith, Rob M. Smith, Joanne Soden,
Carol Spence, Nicole Stavely, Millie Flannery Strohm, Tim
Svitak, Eileen Thress, Amy Tuccillo, Paul Ugolick, Gigi
Urbano, Donna Van Hoy, Bob Venango, Richard Wark,
Betty Weinert, Dennis Willoughby and Joan Willoughby

If you or a family member would like prayers during Mass                           MEMORIALS
from our parishioners please call the parish office.
                                                                    The Sanctuary Lamp Burns This Week
                    Care of the sick:     If a family                In Thanksgiving for Answered Prayers
                    member is sick or homebound and                           At the Request of
                    would like to receive Communion                                Barbara
                    please contact Dawn Vermes at
                                                                  Please remember to be
                                                               reverent in Church before the
                                                                    Blessed Sacrament.
                                                                           FINANCIAL STEWARDSHIP
Mass Intentions Continued
                                                                                   May 1, 2022
Sunday, May 15, 2022
7:30 am     Patricia McInerney                                                     $11,686.00
                   r/o James & Christina Walls                          Electronic giving for April 2022
9:30 am     Hazel & Danny Gonnella
                   r/o The Hadley Family
            Louise Grena                                      Thank you very much to all of you who have been
                   r/o Bill Brown                              kind enough to drop off or mail in your weekly
11:30 am    Joseph Matera                                                        offerings.
                   r/o His Children
            Joseph Wiseman                                              Please remember Sacred Heart
                   r/o Walt & Maryann Williams                         in your Last Will and Testament
Church of the Sacred Heart - Parishes Online
Page 4                                                       Sacred Heart Church ~ Riverton, New Jersey

Since this is First Communion weekend, I thought to share with you this article:

10 amazing facts about the power of the Eucharist by Sr. Theresa Aletheia Noble, FSP

1) Union with Christ: Reception of Jesus in the Eucharist fuses our being with that of Christ. St.
Cyril of Alexandria describes it as similar to "when melted wax is fused with other wax." The
Christian journey is a journey to become like Christ, to "abide in him" and he in us. The Eucharist is
the means for this to happen.
2) Destruction of venial sin: The Eucharist destroys venial sin. Through sin, the fervor of our
charity can be dampened by venial sin. But when we receive the Eucharist we are united with
Charity himself, which burns away the vestiges of our venial sins and leaves us cleansed and ready
to begin again.
3) Preservation from mortal sin: While we should refrain from receiving the Eucharist when we are
aware of being in a state of mortal sin, we should receive the Eucharist as much as possible when we
are able because it preserves us from grave sin. It is as if the Eucharist's power washes away the
venial sin in our souls and then covers us with a protective coat which helps us to stay away from
serious sin.
4) Personal relationship with Jesus: Many Christians speak of the importance of a personal
relationship with Jesus, which is very true. But it is primarily through the Eucharist that we can
truly have an intimate encounter with the Person of Jesus. Benedict XVI once pointed out this
"Today, there is a need to rediscover that Jesus Christ is not just a private conviction or an abstract
idea, but a real person, whose becoming part of human history is capable of renewing the life of every
man and woman. Hence, the Eucharist, as the source and summit of the Church's life and mission,
must be translated into spirituality, into a life lived 'according to the Spirit'" (Sacramentum Caritatis).
5) Gives life: According to the Catechism, the Eucharist "preserves, increases, and renews the life of
grace received at Baptism" (CCC 1392). In other words, reception of the Eucharist increases the life
of grace already present within us. The Christian journey is a journey to become like Christ, to
"abide in him" and he in us. The Eucharist is the means for this to happen.
6) Unity with the Body of Christ: Since we are united more closely to Christ through the Eucharist,
we are therefore united more closely to all the other people who receive the Eucharist! In other
words, the Eucharist is like the glue that keeps us united with Jesus and all our brothers and sisters
in the Church.
7) Commits us to the poor.
8) Spiritual consolation: Holy Communion is a foretaste of the joys of heaven so it can produce joy
in us as we experience real unity with God. If we are feeling beaten down by the difficulties of life, we
can come to the Eucharist, our font of joy, and ask the Lord to fill us with his consolation and peace.
9) Peacemaking: In the Synod on the Eucharist in 2005, the bishops discussed how the reception of
the Eucharist in war-torn areas transformed the people of God and gave them the impetus to seek
"Thanks to Eucharistic celebrations, peoples engaged in conflict have been able to gather around the
word of God, hear his prophetic message of reconciliation through gratuitous forgiveness, and receive
the grace of conversion which allows them to share in the same bread and cup."
10) Provides a focal point for our lives: If we really understood the profound nature of the Eucharist,
we would begin to center our lives around Holy Communion. There is nothing more important that
can happen in our lives. Not football games, or get-togethers or picnics. There is nothing more
important than our weekly appointment to receive the medicine of the Doctor of souls, Jesus.
All of these amazing effects and more can be yours this Sunday! Or better yet, try going to a daily
Mass near you. But remember that your disposition when receiving the Eucharist can determine
how open you are to the powerful effects. So, be reverent, focused and beg God to give you, through
the power of the Eucharist, all the graces that you need in your life right now.
Like a good Father, he will listen.
Church of the Sacred Heart - Parishes Online
Fourth Sunday of Easter ~ May 8, 2022                                                                   Page 5

Father Chuck’s Homily:                                                               CATHOLIC       DAUGHTERS
Since the deacons are preaching this weekend, I                                      will meet on Thursday,
thought I would share with you my First                                              May 12th at 3:00pm in the
Communion homily:                                                                    Family    Center    Meeting
                                                                                     Room.     We welcome new
You know a long time ago, and in some places                                         members! Come and see if
still, children didn’t always eat at the same table                                  our group is something you
with their parents – they ate at a separate                                          would like to join.    Our
children’s table. When they were thought to be                                       motto is Charity and Unity!
grown up enough then they would join the grown
ups at the big table. That’s sort of what we do
today – you are going to join the grown ups at          We go together like
the table – at the altar – and are going to
receive Communion because we think you’re now           Coffee & Donuts
grown up enough to understand what the
Eucharist is, that you know how to behave
properly at the table of the Lord, that you are
grown up enough to make the promises that
your parents made for when you were babies
your own promises, to realize that what we do
here is very special – that when we receive             The Mother’s Day Spiritual Bouquet envelopes
Communion we receive not some thing but                 can be found at the corners of the Church.
some one very special. We receive Jesus and we          Please put them in the collection or bring them
begin to share in his life in a very special way.
                                                        to the Parish Office. The envelopes will be placed
So today is a very special day – not just because
the family is together and you’re wearing a pretty      on the Altar during May.
dress or a nice suit and you may have party and
presents. But because today you are a little
more grown up than you were yesterday, and you
stand with the rest of the grownups for the very
first time as a full member of the Church – not
just someone who comes to Church and prays
and watches, and that makes every day from
now on, not just this one day, a very special day,
because now you can receive Jesus just like the
grown-ups do.

                                      Liturgical Ministers Schedule
                                 May 14th – May 15th ~ Fifth Sunday of Easter

                     4:00pm                7:30am                  9:30am                  11:30am

Father/Deacons       Father                Father                  Father                  Father

Cantors              Linda Mundy                                   Guitar Group            Sue Wilson
Lectors              Joe Young             Marie Russo             Donna Pointkouski       Pat McDermott

Extraordinary        Bonnie Campbell       Celia Zink              Jim Fitzpatrick         Charlie McGinley
Ministers            Joe Threston          Jack Merget             Nancy DeVece            Need Someone
Church of the Sacred Heart - Parishes Online
Page 6                                                            Sacred Heart Church ~ Riverton, New Jersey

                                                            The heavenly vision given to John is to encourage us
Good Shepherd Hold Us!                                      to persevere and to walk in the JOY of our salvation
                                                            no matter what is going on in our lives. As Jesus
                                                            went on to the magnificence of heavenly glory
                                                            through suffering, He leads us to the life-giving
                                                            fountain flowing from His side for sustenance, and
                                                            refreshment. We may not rejoice while being led off
                                                            to our martyrdom like the early Christians, but we
                                                            can still have the joy and contentment of knowing we
                                                            are in Jesus’ and the Father’s hands.
                                                            Challenges, trials and even persecutions will come
                                                            and go in our lives but we are walking through Jesus,
                                                            with Jesus and in Jesus. He will shepherd us and in
                                                            following our Good Shepherd, He will lead us to the
                                                            ultimate victory. Eternal Life! Let us keep our eyes
Spring is this wonderful time of the year when we           and hearts on the prize, especially when our
celebrate New Life! The new life given to us in the         challenges are overwhelming us.
Pascal Mystery. We are fortunate to live in a climate,
where most years the newness of spring coincides             Fran Stinsman
with Easter. The trees begin to bud and spring
flowers pop their heads up through the ground. All of
this, the birds singing, the flowers blooming and the
warmer weather, sing out in a symphony, the gift of
the Lord to us through His Resurrection.

Even the Gospel and readings in this part of the
liturgical year are beautifully expressing life. Also,
this is the time we celebrate the Sacrament of
Confirmation and Holy Eucharist. Last week over
sixty of the adolescents of Sacred Heart Parish were
anointed as they were Confirmed in their faith. They
are now challenged to follow this faith and
authenticate it in their own lives. We pray that the
Sacred Mysteries of our faith come alive in each of
Today, we celebrate Christ as our Good Shepherd.
We are told as true disciples of Jesus we are to know
                                                            A CAUSE   FOR   REJOICING!
His voice and follow Him. Unfortunately that does
not mean everything will always go smoothly. When           Sacred Heart is very blessed that next Saturday,
we follow the Good Shepherd we are led to mountains         children will celebrating their First Holy Communion
of glory with its joy, illumination, resurrection and       during this holy Easter Season. Saturday, May 14th
singing. But we are also led to the valley of trials with   at 10:00am. We do rejoice with all these children
suffering, burdens, pain and sorrow. God’s word             and their families and welcome them to the Table of
calls us all to still sing!                                 the Lord. May Jesus, our Risen Lord, bless and keep
Discipleship is a challenge to truly follow where the       all these dear children close to his Sacred Heart.
Good Shepherd leads us. To truly follow the voice of
God in His Word. The early disciples followed the
Good Shepherd with joy, whether it be during times
of many conversions or times of great persecutions.
Church of the Sacred Heart - Parishes Online
Fourth Sunday of Easter ~ May 8, 2022                                         Page 7

        Celebration of First Communion
                       Sacred Heart Parish rejoices with these children
                        who will come to the Table of the Lord for the
                          first time during this Holy Easter Season

         Arabella Bednarek                           Madison Keenan
      Ryan Boyle                                     Celine Keisler
      Cole Brann                                     Sebastian Lynch
      Kylie Cassel                                   Lucas Matlack
      Alanna Coller                                  Max Mazzoni
      Francesca Della-Penna                          Myla McConnell
      Bianca DiMedio                                 Vaida Peterman
      Vivian Fencl                                   Elizabeth Quinn
      Giuliana Ferroni                               **Anna Rafter
      James Foster                                   Scarlett Speers
      Charlotte Grahl                                Charles Sperbeck
      *Jocelyn Hadley                                Jaxson Spiker
      Anna Heron                                     Robert Thornton
      Brayden Iannacone                              Lucas Tuscano

                                              * Made her First Communion on May
                                              ** Will make their First Communion
                                              on June 5th
Church of the Sacred Heart - Parishes Online
Page 8                                                             Sacred Heart Church ~ Riverton, New Jersey

The Creed: Differences                                     St. Damien de Veuster of Moloka’I | May 10

                                                                                    People may be familiar with leprosy from
There is a difference between the Nicene Creed and                                  Biblical times, but not so much in the
the Apostles Creed. The Nicene creed says: “For our                                 1800s. However, St. Damien de Veuster of
                                                                                    Moloka’I’ (January 3, 1840 – April 15,
sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate, he
                                                                                    1889) would eventually shed a light on the
suffered death and was buried, and rose again on the                                effects of this devastating disease and allow
third day in accordance with the Scriptures.” The                                   people to see those afflicted with it with
Apostles Creed phrases it this way: “suffered under                                 more compassion and love. Born Joseph
                                                                                    de Veuster in Tremelo, Belgium, he quit
Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried; he                              school at 13 so he could work on the
descended into hell; on the third day he rose again                                 family farm. Feeling called for more,
from the dead; he ascended into heaven. . .”.                                       however, he entered the Congregation of
                                                                                    the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary six
The question is often asked: Why did Jesus descend
                                                                                    years later, where he took the name of a
to Hell (or in some translations the dead)? Hell is for                             fourth-century physician and martyr. His
sinners and bad ones at that, so why did he do that?                                brother, a priest from the same
Part of the problem is how ideas change over time,                                  congregation, fell ill and was unable to go
                                                                                    to his assigned location. Damien quickly
and part of it is translation. Remember when Adam          volunteered in his place and found himself on the Hawaiian Islands
and Eve sinned they were expelled from Eden: “He           in 1864. Two months after arriving, he was ordained a priest of
expelled the man, stationing the cherubim and the          Honolulu and assigned to the Island of Hawaii. In 1873, he visited
                                                           the Hawaiian government’s leper colony on the island of Moloka’I,
fiery revolving sword east of the garden of Eden, to
                                                           where he petitioned to stay permanently to care for their physical,
guard the way to the tree of life. and the gates were      medical, and spiritual needs. After years of working to improve
locked shut.”      So, no one from then until the          their location and those who lived there, he contracted Hansen’s
Crucifixion had entered Heaven. There was a place          disease and died of its complications. St. Damien was canonized by
                                                           Pope Benedict XVI on October 11, 2009. © LPi
for the dead (though not Hell as we know it) – and
there seems to have been different places for the good
and bad (Lazarus and the rich man), but Heaven was
                                                                                         MAY 23, 2022
definitely closed. What Jesus did when he ‘descended
to Hell’ was to go there, to that place of the dead, and                                 RAMBLEWOOD
reveal himself to all those who had died before him                                      COUNTRY CLUB
and were awaiting the Messiah to give them the
choice to accept him as Savior and entered into the                                      MOUNT LAUREL, NJ
newly opened gates of Heaven or reject him and go                                        08054
down into the real Hell, which was also opened.
Here is a quote I found helpful: “In traditional
                                                           $150 PER GOLFER …BOX LUNCH, ROUND OF
Christian theology, the Harrowing of Hell, or "the
                                                           GOLF WITH CART, OPEN BAR, DINNER AND
descent of Christ into Hell" or Hades, is the saving act
of Christ to the souls in Hades between His
Crucifixion and Resurrection. In triumphant descent,       $40… OPEN BAR, DINNER AND AWARD
Christ preached and bestowed salvation to the souls        CEREMONY
held captive there since the beginning of the world.”
                                                           PROCEEDS BENEFIT HOLY CROSS PREP
                                                           STUDENTS AND GRADUATING 8TH GRADE
                                                           STUDENTS THROUGH THE SISTER JOAN
                                                           MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND!
                                                           DETAILED SPONSORSHIP INFORMATION
                                                           ANY FURTHER QUESTIONS, PLEASE CONTACT
                                                           CATHIE SABATINO (609)877-9666
Church of the Sacred Heart - Parishes Online
Fourth Sunday of Easter ~ May 8, 2022                                                              Page 9

                                                                       NEED A MIRACLE?

                                                     Our Lady of Grace Statue is available to visit in your
                                                                home for a week at a time. She has been
                                                                known to bring peace and healing when
                                                                she visits.      The Legion of Mary
                                                                representative will bring the statue to
                                                                your home and lead a brief prayer. Then
                                                                Legion of Mary (Mary Mother of Divine
                                                                Mercy group) will continue to pray for
                                                                your intentions and your family while the
                                                     statue remains in your home. To schedule a visit
SUMMER BASKETBALL CAMP                               please call Angel Sauro at 856-461-3873 (home)
                                                     o r     6 0 9 - 2 3 4 - 8 9 5 5          ( c e l l ) .
Directed by Aly Flanagan, Holy Cross
                                                     Our Lady looks forward to visiting you.
Academy Varsity Girls Basketball Coach
Grades:      Students entering 2nd-9th Grades        Catholic Charities News
(as of September 2022)                               Catholic Charities, Diocese of Trenton and
Dates:       July 11th—14th or (in the event of      Recycle-America have joined forces to provide a
                                                     new service. Now, some one will come to your
rain, camp will be moved indoors to Sacred
                                                     door to collect your clothing and shoes. All items
Heart Gym or rain date of July 15th.)                will be donated to those in need in our local
Times:       2nd-5th: 8:30-10:30am                   community.       Pickups in Burlington County
                                                     are made on Tuesdays. To schedule a pickup,
             6th-9th: 9:30am-12:00pm                 please     call    609-906-0004       or    email
Where:       Riverton Park Basketball Courts Please call or email
                                                     three days prior to pick up day. Thank you.
             Riverton, NJ
Price:       $130 by June 1st
             $140 after June 1st                                  8 BEATITUDES FOR MOTHERS
Contact:     Alyson Flanagan                          Blessed are mothers ~ who did without for us,
             856-607-1004                             they will be rewarded.
                        Blessed are mothers ~ who lost sleep when we
                                                      were sick, they will find rest.
                                                      Blessed are mothers ~ who taught us how to pray,
                                                      they will share in God’s kingdom.
                                                      Blessed are mothers ~ who comforted us, they
                                                      shall be comforted.
                                                      Blessed are mothers ~ who taught us right from
                                                      wrong, they will know justice.
         A PRAYER FOR OUR MILITARY                    Blessed are mothers ~ who showed us the
                        Lord, hold our troops in      Christian life by example, they shall be
                        your    loving    hands.
                                                      Blessed are mothers ~ who shared with us the
                        Protect them as they
                                                      meaning of peace, they shall know peace.
                        protect us. Bless them        Blessed are mothers ~ who taught us the
                        and their families for the    importance of loving God and each other, they shall
selfless acts they perform for us in our time of      see God.
need. I ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord
                                                                  Happy Mother’s Day
and Savior… Amen.
Church of the Sacred Heart - Parishes Online
Page 10                                                   Sacred Heart Church ~ Riverton, New Jersey

                                                    Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

                                                    The Latin-rite Diocesan Bishops of the Ecclesiastical
                                                    Province of Newark met to consider the proposal to
                                                    permanently transfer the observance of the Solemnity
                                                    of the Ascension of the Lord Jesus from Thursday, of
   HEART      TO HEART MINISTRY                     the Sixth Week of Easter to the following Sunday.
                                                    After a lengthy discussion, the bishops decided to
              SOCK DRIVE                            permanently transfer the observance of the
We will be collecting all types and sizes of        Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord Jesus to
socks (new) for men, women and children             the Seventh Sunday of Easer, effective the
(including athletes & sports types).                current year. This Solemnity of the Ascension of the
                                                    Lord Jesus will be celebrated in all the Latin-rite
All socks will be donated to Sacred Heart Parish/   dioceses of New Jersey on Sunday, May 29, 2022,
School in Camden for distribution. Please drop      replacing the liturgical celebration and readings of the
off socks in Church at St. Elizabeth Anne Seton’s   Seventh Sunday of Easter. This will also include the
side altar.                                         celebration of the Liturgy of Hours. Thursday, March
                                                    26, 2022 will be the Thursday of the Sixth week of
      Thank you for your generosity!                Easter (as well as the memorial of St. Philip Neri).
                                                    Sincerely yours in Christ,

             The Holy Innocents Society
                                                    Most Reverend David M. O’Connell. C.M.
             Diocese of Trenton (HIS) has
                                                    Bishop of Trenton
             been providing special education
             for sacramental preparation for
             decades, but HIS was founded to                                               Ukraine
do so much more. Because of this, we are
looking to engage others to join us in our full                                             Feast
mission to do more; for example, advocating
for    more      and   improved    vocational,                                         To support
educational and residential programs; and
keeping families informed on relevant topics.
The need for these services is growing and we
seek to grow along with it. We cannot do it
alone. So, we are seeking parishioners who          Saturday, May 21st at 5:00pm
have a passion for those with special needs
to join us with our work to expand our              Epworth United Methodist
mission programs. We are looking for lots of        501 Morgan Ave, Palmyra
skills; for example, computer, organizational
and research skills. Anything you can work          Tickets: $30 Adults, $15 Children
on with us will be appreciated.                     Contact: Rev. Jere Hopkins-Doerr
      For more information, please call 609-        Homemade        Ukrainian food  &   cultural
403-7139, leave your name, telephone
                                                    experience. All proceeds donated to Ukraine
number and parish or email us at
                                                    refugee relief.
We will contact you as soon as possible. To         Limited seating
see our brochure and additional information
visit   www .dioceseoftrenton. org/h oly-

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