Children's Centres Family Fun

Page created by Cory Olson
Children's Centres Family Fun
Support for residents

Family Fun
March/April 2021 | 08 edition

               Hello everyone! We hope you are all well – there has been so much
 your child    happening and many changes to catch up on since the last edition.
               We’ve celebrated World book day, International Women’s day,
               Mother’s day and Easter. We’ve reached a milestone of over 20
million people being vaccinated so far in the UK, we’ve heard about the roadmap
out of lockdown and the steps we’ll be taking to get us back to ‘normality’ and
we’ve finally come to the end of home schooling and children have
returned back to school (yipeee!). The clocks have
sprung forward signalling the start of
spring and we have welcomed the
usual, inevitable April showers!
Whew, what a round up!
With the new road map now
in place, we will be able
to welcome you all back
into our children’s centres
for some much longed for
face to face interaction and
a good old play. We hope
you’ve missed us nearly as
much as we’ve all missed
you! We look forward to
welcoming you back soon
– take care until then.

101899 (3.21)
Children's Centres Family Fun
Speech and Language tip of
                                                                                the month: Offer Choices
                                                                                Offering children choices gives
                                                                                them the opportunity to engage
                                                                                in language. It helps your child
                                                                                to choose the right word and
                                                                                repeat it back to you, rather than
                                                                                answering “yes” or “no”.
World Book Day
                                                                                You should always try and offer
World Book Day was celebrated          their language and stimulate their
                                                                                a choice even when you know
on 4 March this year. It is a day      imagination skills. Even at a very
                                                                                what your child wants. This gives
to promote the enjoyment of            young age, reading encourages
                                                                                them the opportunity to hear and
books and reading, especially for      babies to look, point and touch. It
                                                                                learn words. For example, asking
children. The aim is to get children   helps with their social development
                                                                                “do you want to play with the ball
interested in and to develop a         and thinking skills. Books improve
                                                                                or the train?” while holding up or
love of books whatever their age.      language by encouraging your
                                                                                pointing to each object so they
Usually, nursery and school aged       child to copy sounds, recognise
                                                                                are clear which is the ball and
children are invited to attend         pictures and learn new words.
                                                                                which is the train or “would you
school/ nursery dressed as their       It’s important to begin reading
                                                                                like an orange or a banana?”.
favourite book characters. Even        to your child from an early age
children’s centres get involved with   because the roots of language are        Depending on your child’s age or
dressing up too! Unfortunately,        developing in a baby’s brain before      speech ability, at frst, they may
due to the pandemic and social         they can even talk! There are so         not respond or they may point.
restrictions we were unable to host    many benefts from reading with           If this happens, say the name of
our normal events like we usually      your child so start enjoying that        their choice again to reinforce the
would to celebrate World Book          together time and have fun with it!      word. For example, “you want
Day this year.                                                                  the banana, here’s your banana”.
                                       In keeping with the book and story
                                                                                Gradually encourage your child
Reading aloud to children and          theme, why not try making some
                                                                                to attempt the word before giving
looking at books together is           delicious ‘Chicken Licken Goujons’
                                                                                it to them.
important as it helps to develop       following our recipe below.

In April we celebrate Easter which     These are sold reasonably cheaply        Another fun way to use a paper
is a very important day in the         in Pound shops.                          plate is to make an Easter bunny
Christian calendar.                                                             bonnet. In the centre of a paper
                                       Or how about making an Easter
                                                                                plate draw some bunny ear shapes
Easter signifes new beginnings         bunny mask? All you need is a
                                                                                and colour in the inside of the ears
and is a sign of hope and new life.    paper plate, cut out some bunny
                                                                                with crayons or paint. Then, using
It also means the start of spring      ears to stick to the top of the plate.
                                                                                scissors, carefully cut out the area
and hopefully the start of some        Cut out 2 eyes for your child to
                                                                                between the ears and the inner rim
good sunshine although as we           see through and get them to draw
                                                                                of the plate. Older kids can have a
know, we can never depend on the       a nose for their bunny or even
                                                                                go with scissors, but you may need
English weather! If you are lucky      stick a pom pom on the plate to
                                                                                to get it started for them, by poking
enough to dodge the April showers      represent the nose. Stick on some
                                                                                the scissors through the plate.
and grab some sunshine, why not        pipe cleaners for whiskers or just
                                                                                Make sure you keep the bottom
get the kids outside for an egg        draw them on and give the bunny
                                                                                of the ears attached to the paper
hunt? The eggs don’t have to be        a mouth and teeth. If you have
                                                                                plate, and don’t cut through the
chocolate, how about decorating        any spare elastic, use sticky tape
                                                                                outer rim. Fold out the ears so they
some hard boiled eggs, then hiding     either side of the mask to secure
                                                                                stand up. Your bunny Easter bonnet
them around the garden or even         the mask over your child’s face or
                                                                                is now ready to wear.
around the house. You could also       just simply use a lolly stick at the
use plastic, reusable, coloured egg    bottom of the mask so the mask
cases and put some treats inside.      can be held up over their face.
Children's Centres Family Fun
Lockdown and the impact
on Child Development
The natural optimism of spring,
longer and brighter days,
combined with our preparation
for the end of lockdown has
given sight of the light at the
end of the tunnel.
During this most challenging
period, those of us with babies
and young children will have
found spending more time within
our own homes with our families,
has had both negative and
positive outcomes.
This is a normal response to the
diffculties we have faced and
we have got through it by the
support and understanding of        Delicious Chicken Licken Goujons Recipe
our families and friends.
                                    Ingredients                        the breadcrumbs, making sure
As a community, Lambeth                                                they are coated all over.
                                    • 3 chicken breasts
Children Centres’ have worked
                                      (about 350g skin removed)        3. Grease the baking tray with
hard to support local families,
                                    • 1 egg                            a little oil and place the chicken
ensuring they are all are aware
                                    • 3tbsp of plain four              goujons on the tray. Add some
of available support and those                                         black pepper. Bake in the oven
who needed it were receiving it.    • 3 slices of bread crumbled
                                      into breadcrumbs                 for about 20 minutes until the
As we came together as                (see Top Tips)                   coating is golden and crisp and
a community during the              • Ground black pepper              the chicken is cooked through.
lockdown, demand for services       • 1tbsp of oil                     Serving suggestions
highlighted the importance
                                    You will need:                     The goujons can be served
of the psychological support.
                                    • Chopping board                   with baked potatoes or potato
Available services were identifed
                                                                       wedges and vegetables or a
through our existing Better Start   • Knife
                                                                       salad. Goujons make great
programme.                          • 3 bowls                          fnger food for little ones
As a frst step to meeting this      • Fork
                                    • Baking tray                      Top tips
need, we identifed programmes
that we knew would have the                                            • Make breadcrumbs by using
                                    1. Turn the oven on to gas mark    bread at least a day old. Toast
greatest positive impact on
                                    6 (200°C/400°F) so it can heat     lightly and then break it up
children and families. Talking      up. Cut each chicken breast into into crumbs with your fngers.
Therapies and the REAL (Raising     about 4 strips.                    Children can help with this (allow
Early Achievement in Literacy)
programmes provided the initial     2. Crack the egg into a bowl and the toasted slices to cool frst)
                                    whisk with a fork. Put the four    • Children enjoy helping to dip
stage in assessing parents
                                    and breadcrumbs into separate      and coat the chicken strips.
                                    bowls. Dip the chicken strips into Make sure they wash their hands
A survey, conducted by The          the four, the egg and then into    well before and after doing this.
Parents-Infants Foundation,
completed by more than              For more delicious and healthy family recipe ideas, visit the HENRY
5,000 parents varying from          website
Children's Centres Family Fun
young parents and infuencers from Black, Asian and minority ethnic
communities captured the impact COVID-19 was having on all babies
and parents from all ages and backgrounds.
It indicated that almost seven out of ten parents had found the ability
to cope with pregnancy, labour and the care of their baby/child during
lockdown had been impacted; due to feelings of anxiety and a desire
for more support from either family or friends.
Further fndings noted:
• Parents felt that babies were clingier and others felt that their babies
  cried more.
• Only one in ten parents of toddler age children maintained face to
  face contact with a health visitor.
• Families from low-income households, under 25 or from ethnic
  minority communities were particularly affected by the pandemic.
Lessons learned during the frst lockdown have informed our provision
the most resent lockdown, helping us identify the services that are
most in demand to support children and parents during this time.
Responding to the long-term impact that the lockdown has had on
our babies and young children’s development will require ongoing
conversations with families and professionals.
The key to having the most positive impact on children’s development
is to take individual needs in to account. We are working on developing
different ways and strategies, as we strive to continue to provide
services and support to our families in a new, unique, practical and
COVID safe way.

 We’re here to help
 Lambeth children’s centres are opening up and offering one to one
 and small group sessions such as Stay and Play, Chatterbox and
 Chat & Play as well as delivering adult learning courses. Due to social
 distancing, there are limited spaces and all sessions are bookable
 only. Please contact your local children’s centre for more information
 on what’s available and how to book. Alternatively, you can call
 the Lambeth central helpline: 020 7926 2369 from 9am to 5pm,
 Monday to Friday or fill in this form and someone will get in contact
 with you.
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