Protecting Kids. Providing Hope. 2018 - 2018 Children's Rights Benefit & Inspiration Awards

Page created by Bertha Pena
Protecting Kids. Providing Hope. 2018 - 2018 Children's Rights Benefit & Inspiration Awards
2018 Children’s Rights
Benefit & Inspiration Awards
Protecting Kids. Providing Hope. 2018 - 2018 Children's Rights Benefit & Inspiration Awards
          living in 28 places by the time         medication, discrimination based
          you’re 16—moving, on average, at        on sexual orientation and severed
          least twice a year—all of your life’s   family ties. They are America’s most
          belongings stuffed into a trash bag.    vulnerable children; and their lives
          Now imagine that this awful cycle       and futures are at stake.
          began when you were only 5 years
                                                  Their right to a safe and healthy

          old, too young to make sense of
                                                  childhood counts. Their right to
          the instability—or why your parents
                                                  an education counts, Their right to
          aren’t by your side.
                                                  take a fair shot at life counts. And
          More than half a million children       they are counting on all of us to
          spend time in the custody of child      make it right.
          welfare systems annually. They are
                                                  They aren’t someone else’s
          exposed to abuse, unnecessary

                                                  responsibility; they are all of ours.
          institutionalization, over-
Protecting Kids. Providing Hope. 2018 - 2018 Children's Rights Benefit & Inspiration Awards
Kids.    About Children’s
              Every day, children are harmed by     physical restraints at an all-boys
              America’s broken child welfare,       state juvenile detention center.
              juvenile justice, education, and
                                                   • We developed a targeted
              healthcare systems. Through
                                                     advocacy campaign in six states
              relentless strategic advocacy and
                                                     to keep LGBTQ youth safe in
              legal action, we hold governments
                                                     child welfare, juvenile justice and

              accountable for keeping kids
                                                     homeless systems.
              safe and healthy. Children’s
              Rights has made a lasting impact,    • We filed the first class action
              protecting hundreds of thousands       suit to shine a federal spotlight
              of vulnerable children and we are      on the overuse of psychotropic
              poised to help millions more. They     medications on kids in foster care
              are depending on us… and you.          (Missouri).

                                                   • We joined a coalition of advocates
              In 2017 alone:                         to testify about the harmful impact
                                                     of restrictive housing on young
             • We drove reform in 12 states
                                                     adults at Rikers.
               making life better for tens of
               thousands of children.               We could not have done this
                                                    amazing work without the support
             • We launched a groundbreaking
                                                    of partners like you and, with your
               case in Iowa challenging lack of
                                                    support in 2018, we can continue
               mental health care and improper
                                                    to ensure our systems of care protect
               use of solitary confinement and
                                                    our most vulnerable Americans.
Protecting Kids. Providing Hope. 2018 - 2018 Children's Rights Benefit & Inspiration Awards
  PAST PARTICIPANTS      Rosie Perez     Swizz Beatz &      Natalie Morales    Malcolm Gladwell     “Ne-Yo”         Marcus     Darrell McDaniels
     INCLUDE:                             Alicia Keys                                             Shaffer Smith   Samuelsson

The 2018
Rights Gala
 On October 16th, 2018, we invite        The theme of this years gala is
 you to join 300 of New York City’s      highlighted in our new tagline:
 most prominent industry leaders         Protecting Kids. Providing Hope.
 and philanthropists in playing a
                                         Past notable participants in the
 vital role in one of the greatest
                                         Benefit Gala have included Chef
 social justice movements of our
                                         Marcus Samuelsson, NBC anchor
 time. Together, let’s inspire lasting
                                         Natalie Morales, singer Ne-Yo,
 change for America’s vulnerable
                                         actress Rosie Perez, musician
                                         and producer Run-D.M.C., writer
                                         Malcolm Gladwell, producer
                                         Swizz Beatz and singer Alicia Keys,
                                         and other inspiring trailblazers.
2018 Co-Chairs                                                                                                   Honorees

JAMES STANTON                       KELLI SHAUGHNESSY                     MOLLY GOCHMAN                          The Fostering the Future Award
James Stanton is President of the   Kelli Shaughnessy is the founder      Molly Gochman is an award-winning      will go to an inspiring former foster
World Wide Group, one of New        and CEO of SSY Designs. She           activist and artist whose work has     youth and entrepreneur,
York City’s largest real estate     was employed in the corporate         been exhibited throughout the          Sixto Cancel, CEO Think of Us.
development firms. He was project   world of Goldman Sachs and            United States and internationally.     Sixto founded Think of Us to leverage
manager for the Park Belvedere,     Bank of America, where she            She is also the lead advisor to the    technology to improve the life
Vanderbilt and Shorehaven           honed her business skills. SSY        Stardust Fund, a philanthropic         outcomes of foster youth aging out
condominium projects, and as co-    is the culmination of a keen          initiative that seeks to empower       of the system. Sixto was recently
chairman of Manhattan Marketing     understanding of trendsetting         socially excluded populations –        selected as a Forbes “Top 30 Under
Inc., supervised the sales and      fashion and affordable pricing.       particularly women and girls. In       30 Social Entrepreneur” and was
marketing of 2,000 condominiums     Kelli is a vocal advocate for Hour    2014, Ms. Gochman created Red          recognized by the Obama White
in New York City. He sits on the    Children, Children’s Rights, and      Sand Project, an international         House as a “White House Champion
board of the squash program of      Dream Extreme. She has used her       activist artwork that raises           of Change.”
Southampton Youth Services and is   entrepreneurial expertise to create   awareness of the vulnerabilities
                                                                                                                 The Children’s Champion Award will go
a founder of the Hamptons Squash    direct philanthropic channels to      that lead to human trafficking.
                                                                                                                 to a corporate leader who is bettering
Academy.                            utilize in a soon to launch           She has served on the board of
                                                                                                                 the lives of vulnerable children through
                                    “Love Me, Love You” collection.       the Texas Civil Rights Project, is a
                                                                                                                 socially conscious business practices.
                                                                          board member of The Freedom
                                                                                                                 This year’s award will be presented to
                                                                          Fund and was recently named one
                                                                                                                 the technology platform BOX.ORG for

                                                                          of New York’s New Abolitionists by
                                                                                                                 building capacity of social impact
                                                                          the New York State Anti-Trafficking
                                                                                                                 organizations that foster children’s
                                                                                                                 well-being around the globe.
                JORDAN ROTH
                As President of Jujamcyn Theaters, Jordan Roth oversees
                five Broadway theatres, whose productions include
                the Tony Award-winning Best Musicals The Book of Mormon
                and Kinky Boots, as well as Springsteen on Broadway,
                Frozen, Angels in America and Mean Girls.
2018                                                         SPONSOR

Fostering the Future
An exclusive opportunity to present our signature Fostering The Future Award, showcasing a

young adult who embodies the resilient spirit of the children in the f oster care system.

  • Two tables seating 20 guests.

  • COMPANY’s logo and link on Children’s Rights website and recognition across our digital
    channels, in total reaching more than 500,000 followers worldwide.

  • COMPANY featured in an article about COMPANY’s support in the Children’s Rights newsletter,
    distributed to supporters, donors, policy makers and influencers across the U.S.

  • COMPANY’s logo featured on the video screens at the event as well as in our social mini-
    documentary series.

  • Full-page COMPANY recognition in the event program.
  • COMPANY’s name featured in all publicity materials and all pre-event promotional assets.

  • COMPANY’s logo on event step-and-repeat banner in front of which high-profile guests will be
    photographed by members of the press.

  • COMPANY’s logo on digital event invitation - distributed to more than 5,000 invitees.

  • COMPANY representative to introduce award.

  • COMPANY’s support acknowledged from the podium during the program.

  • Exclusive COMPANY branding opportunities at event reception.

Benefits throughout the year— Access to VIP donor briefings, private networking opportunities and
supporter events.

Commitment: $100,000
2018                                                        SPONSOR

  • One table seating 10 guests.

  • COMPANY featured in an article about COMPANY’s support in the Children’s Rights newsletter,
    distributed to supporters, donors, policy makers and influencers across the U.S.

  • COMPANY’s logo featured on the video screens at the event.

  • Full-page COMPANY recognition in the event program.

  • COMPANY’s name featured in all publicity materials and all pre-event promotional assets.

  • COMPANY’s logo on digital event invitation—distributed to more than 5,000 invitees.

  • COMPANY’s support acknowledged from the podium during the program.

Benefits throughout the year— Access to VIP donor briefings, private networking opportunities and
supporter events.

Commitment: $50,000
2018                                                         SPONSOR

Defender Guardian
Defender Table:

  • One table seating 10 guests.
                                                                Guardian Table:

                                                                  • One table seating 10 guests.

  • A half-page recognition of COMPANY’s support in the           • COMPANY recognition within the evening’s printed
    event program.                                                  program
  • COMPANY’s logo on the digital event invitation—
                                                                Commitment: $12,500
    distributed to more than 5,000 invitees.

  • COMPANY’s name mentioned in gratitude from the
    podium the program.

Commitment: $25,000

Hero                                                            Supporter
Children’s Rights Hero:                                         Children’s Rights Supporter:

  • Includes two prominent seats at the dinner, listing on        • Includes one prominent seat at the dinner, listing on
    the invitation and in the evening’s printed program.            the invitation and in the evening’s printed program.

Commitment: $5,000                                              Commitment: $2,500
For more information
                                  Board of Directors

                                  Megan Shattuck, Chair
                                  Lewis Tepper, Vice Chair

contact:                          Daniel Galpern, Treasurer
                                  Bethany Pristaw, Secretary
                                  Joseph Warren Belluck
                                  Michael Borofsky
                                  Kasseem ‘Swizz Beatz’ Dean

Megan Lewis

                                  Lawrence J. Fox
                                  Jay Galluzzo
                                  Jerry Garcia        Molly Gochman
                                  Honorable Bryanne Hamill
                                  Chiara Trento Mai
                                  Alan C. Myers
                                  Jay Neukom           Alice Rosenwald   Sandy Santana
                                  Peter D. Serating
                                  Anne Strickland Squadron
                                  James Stanton

                                  Advisory Council
                                  Rachael De Chacon
                                  Christen Douglas
                                  Karyn Froseth
                                  Steven Haedrich
                                  Jill Hayman
                                  Greg Hecht
                                  Christy Irons
                                  Sandra Kapell
                                  Mark Lindsay
                                  Enid Maran
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