White Bear Lake Area Schools - 2021-2022 Preschool Registration Guide Four-Star Rated

Page created by Veronica Reynolds
White Bear Lake Area Schools - 2021-2022 Preschool Registration Guide Four-Star Rated
White Bear Lake Area Schools

2021-2022 Preschool Registration Guide

                        Four-Star Rated
                     Parent Aware Program
                 Proudly Using Best Practices for
                     Preparing Children for
White Bear Lake Area Schools - 2021-2022 Preschool Registration Guide Four-Star Rated
Program Information
    White Bear Lake Area Preschool
    A Place to Learn, Grow, and Prepare for Kindergarten
    White Bear Lake Area Preschool provides a safe
    and nurturing environment for a child’s first school
    experience away from home.
    Age-appropriate activities provide a variety of meaningful
    hands-on learning experiences in the areas of reading
    and math readiness, science and social studies, art
    and sensory, music, and dramatic play. This positive
    preschool experience allows children to make a successful
    transition to kindergarten.                                       Our Preschool has a
    White Bear Lake Area Preschool practices are aligned              4-Star rating...
    with the White Bear Lake Area School District                     the highest attainable!
    kindergarten expectations.                                        White Bear Lake Schools'
                                                                      Preschool programs have
    Bienvendidos! Un Lugar para Aprender, Crecer y
                                                                      earned a 4-Star Parent Aware
    Prepararnos para el Kínder
                                                                      rating. Parent Aware's Star
    La escuela Preescolar de White Bear Lake provee un                Ratings help parents find
    ambiente seguro y maternal para la primera experiencia            programs that go above and beyond to prepare
    de los estudiantes fuera de su hogar. Las actividades,            children for school and life.
    apropiadas para la edad de los niños, proveen la
                                                                      To Earn a 4-Star rating - Schools must prove
    oportunidad para aprendizaje significativo en las áreas
                                                                      they are excelling in the use of best practices in
    de preparación para el Kinder: en las matemáticas,
                                                                      preparing kids for kindergarten by:
    lectura, ciencias naturales y sociales, arte, música, juego
    dramático, y educación física. Esta experiencia positiva de
                                                                        Obtaining extra in-depth training.
    preescolar apoye una transición exitosa al Kinder para los
    niños que participen.                                               Building strong, caring relationships with each
    Ib Qhov Chaw Kawm, Txhawb nqa, Thiab Pab
    Rau Qib Kindergarten                                                Adopting the latest approaches in keeping
                                                                         children's learning on track.
    White Bear Lake Area Preschool muaj txoj kev nyab xeeb
    thiab txhawb nqa pab rau menyuam txoj kev kawm rau                  Committing to daily activities and routines that
    lub sij hawm thaum menyuam tsis nyob hauv vaj hauv                   help children learn and grow.
    tsev.                                                               Focusing on children's health and safety.
    Muaj yam qhia raws li tus menyuam hnub nyoog thiaj                Learn more at www.parentaware.org.
    pab kawm yam paub nyob raws li nyeem ntawv thiab
    ua lej, science thiab social studies, kos duab thiab yam
    pom thiab saib tau, suab paj nruag, ua yeeb yam, dhia
    ua si, suab lus thiab kev siv lus. Kev kawm preschool
    muab thiab txhawb nqa menyuam txoj kev kawm kom
    menyuam kawm ntawv keej thaum mus kawm qib
    White Bear Lake Area Preschool txoj kev qhia ntawv
    yog muaj raws li lub tuam ntawv White Bear Lake
    Area School District cov ntaub ntawv kawm nyob qib

2                                For updates & new activities visit www.isd624.org/EarlyChildhood
White Bear Lake Area Schools - 2021-2022 Preschool Registration Guide Four-Star Rated
Program Information
White Bear Lake                              Preschool Sites                                Contact
Area Preschool                               Birch Elementary - BIR

White Bear Lake Area Preschool
                                             1616 Birch Lake Avenue
                                             White Bear Lake
offers school-year long classes.                                                            Programs, Registration,
The program includes:                        Hugo Elementary - HU
                                             14895 Francesca Avenue                         Events & Class Openings
 Licensed teachers and trained              Hugo                                           Main Office
  assistants in every classroom                                                             651-653-3100
                                             Normandy Park Ed. Center - NP
 Low child/teacher ratio                    2482 County Road F East                        Early Childhood
                                             White Bear Lake                                Darcy Rodriguez
 Ongoing assessment using
  Teaching Strategies Gold to                Lakeaires Elementary - LK                      Early Childhood Supervisor and
  measure students growth in                 3963 Van Dyke St                               Family Education
                                             White Bear Lake                                651-653-3102
  all areas of early childhood
                                             Tamarack Nature Center - TAM
 Creative Curriculum used in all            5287 Otter Lake Road                           Early Childhood Special
  classes                                    White Bear Township                            Education - Birth to Five
 On-site specialists to meet                Otter Lake Elementary- OT                      Angela Drange
  individual needs                           1401 County Rd H2,                             Early Childhood SpEd Supervisor
                                             White Bear Lake                                651-653-3101
 Outdoor play areas and gyms                                                               angela.drange@isd624.org
  designed and equipped especially           North Oaks - NO
  for young children                         North Oaks East Recreation                     Early Childhood Program
Families are welcome to tour the             Building -5 Mink Lane
preschool sites at their convenience.        North Oaks
                                                                                            Angie Lundblad
Please call 651-653-3100 to schedule a                                                      Early Childhood Program
preschool tour.                                                                             Specialist
Early Childhood Special
Special Education services are provided
free of charge to children birth to age five.                                                 Toileting Skills
Children younger than three are generally
seen at home by teachers and specialists.                                                     Three-year-olds
Services for children 3-5 years old may                                                       Children should be mostly
include:                                                                                      bathroom independent,
                                                                                              knowing when they need to
 Integrated classroom opportunities                                                          use the bathroom, and are
 Speech/Language, Occupational and                                                           having few accidents.
  Physical Therapy                                                                            Four-year-olds
 Home visits/community resource                                                              Children need to be
  information                                                                                 completely toilet trained.
 Multi-disciplinary educational                                                              * Special circumstances are
  assessments                                                                                 accommodated due to medical
Call 651-653-3100 for more information.                                                       needs.

                                For updates & new activities visit https://earlychildhood.isd624.org/                         3
White Bear Lake Area Schools - 2021-2022 Preschool Registration Guide Four-Star Rated
Welcome to Full Day Preschool
    Extended Day                            New Full Day Preschool for 2021-2022 Year!
    Families who are registered for         Age 4 by Sept 1, 2021
    full day preschool can register
                                            This full day, year-before-kindergarten program is designed to help
    for Extended Day at Elementary
                                            children prepare to enter kindergarten with the skills and behaviors
    School Sites. For information about
                                            necessary to be successful. Children who are four years old on or
    Extended Day hours and rates:
                                            before September 1 of the current school year and are toilet trained are
                                            eligible to enroll.
                                            Children work on listening, personal and social development, language
    Or go oinline at:                       and literacy, thinking and math skills through guided play, group time,
    httpt://communityservices.isd624.       and social interaction. Activities include language arts, math, science,
    org                                     art, large muscle (gym/outside), dramatic play, blocks, and music.
                                            White Bear Lake Early Childhood Preschool Includes

                                                ‹ Minnesota Licensed teachers and trained assistants in every class
                                                ‹ Ongoing assessment using Teaching Strategies Gold to measure
                                                  students growth in all area of early childhood development
                                                ‹ Creative Curriculum in all classes

                                            Program Hours at Elementary Sites: Mon- Fri. 9 am- 3:40 pm
                                            Program Sites: Birch, Hugo, Lakeaires, and Otter
                                            Dates: Sept. 13 - Jun. 3, 2022 (follows the WBL preschool calendar)
                                            Cost: $650 per month

                                            School Readiness Plus -
                                            4 year old Preschool
                                            Age 4 by Sept 1, 2021
                                            This is a year-before-kindergarten preschool option for students who
                                            live within the Birch Lake, Willow Lane, Lakeaires or Vadnais Heights
                                            Elementary school boundaries. In order to enroll in this preschool at
                                            a reduced rate, a student must meet one of the following eligibility

                                                  ‹ Homeless                                    ‹ At-risk Early Childhood
                                                  ‹ Foster Care                                   Screening score
                                                  ‹ English Language Learner                    ‹ Income
      Transportation options
        may be avaiable for                 If your student does not meet any of these criteria, your child(ren) is still
         full day preschool                 eligible to attend for a fee. The cost will be based on our School Readiness
                                            Plus sliding fee scale. For more information call #651-653-3100.
       students who attend
       full day preschool at                Program Hours at Elementary Sites: Mon- Fri.                   9 am- 3:40pm
      their home elementary                 Program Sites: Birch, Willow, Lakeaires, and Vadnais Elementary
               school                       Dates: Sept. 13 - Jun. 3, 2022 (follows the WBL preschool calendar)

4                                For updates
                                     Register &
                                              atnew activities visit www.isd624.org/EarlyChildhood
White Bear Lake Area Schools - 2021-2022 Preschool Registration Guide Four-Star Rated
Welcome to Full Day Preschool
Returning for the 2021-2022 school Year                                                  Class Fees
White Bear Lake’s North Oaks Full-day Preschool                                          All class costs are for the entire
                                                                                         school year (Sept - May). Parents
Age 4 by Sept 1, 2021                                                                    will be invoiced a monthly
       *Children must bring their own lunches/No Extended Day                            fee based on program costs.
Options for the North Oaks Preschool Site                                                Payments are due the first day of
                                                                                         each month. Tamarack Nature
Dates: Sept. 13 - Jun. 3, 2022 (follows the WBL preschool calendar)
                                                                                         Preschool fees are higher to cover
Days: Monday- Friday                                                                     the costs of a Ramsey County
Hours: 8:30 am - 3 pm                                                                    Naturalist. There is an additional
                                                                                         one time non-refundable fee
Cost: $650 per month                                                                     of $100.00 for out of district
Location: North Oaks East Recreation Building 5 Mink Ln. North Oaks                      residents attending Tamrack
                                                                                         Nature Center Preschool.

New for the school Year 2021-2022!                                                       School Readiness
                                                                                         Your child may qualify for tuition
3 Full Days Preschool                                                                    assistance based on the following
Age 4 by Sept 1, 2021                                                                    eligibility requirements which
This preschool program is offered at two locations:                                      include:
                                                                                             ‹ Income
Hugo Elementary                                                                              ‹ Homeless/Foster Care
                                                                                             ‹ Home first language
Dates: Sept. 13 - Jun. 3, 2022 (follows the WBL preschool calendar)
                                                                                             ‹ Health and development
Days: Mon/Wed/Fri
                                                                                         School Readiness tuition
Hours: 9:00 am - 3:40 pm                                                                 assistance forms are available
Additional Options: May qualify for transportation, Access to Nutrition                  in the Normandy Park Early
Services, and Extended Day offered at this location                                      Childhood Office.
Cost: $500 per month
Location: 14895 Francesca Ave, Hugo

Normandy Park Education Center
Dates: Sept. 13 - Jun. 3, 2022 (follows the WBL preschool calendar)
Days: Mon/Wed/Fri
Hours: 8:30 am - 3:00 pm
Additional Options: *Students must bring their own lunch everyday* No
Extended Day offered at this location
Cost: $500 per month
Location: 2482 County Road F East, WBL

                                                                                         For more information call 651-
                             For updates & new activities visit https://earlychildhood.isd624.org/                            5
White Bear Lake Area Schools - 2021-2022 Preschool Registration Guide Four-Star Rated
Half Day Preschool
    Nature Preschool                      3 Year Old Classes                             4-5 Year Old Classes
    For 3-5 year olds                     Age 3 by Sept 1, 2021                          Age 4 by Sept 1, 2021
    The program at Tamarack Nature        This preschool opportunity will                Classes are focused on helping
    Center revolves around nature         allow children time to practice                children become independent
    - learning from it, about it and      social skills as they begin to interact,       learners and giving them the
    within it. Classes include the        cooperate, and develop their first             skills necessary to be successful in
    implementation of our Creative        friendships. Classroom activities              kindergarten. Curriculum is designed
    Curriculum and Teaching               will include a focus on turn-taking,           to address all areas of development
    Strategies Gold assessment in         sharing, playing games, pretend play,          and reinforce mastery of skills
    their daily outdoor experiences. A    small and large group learning.                required for kindergarten readiness.
    Tamarack Naturalist is an integral    T/TH - A      8:30-11 am         NP            T/W/TH          8:30-11 am      NP
    and collaborative member of the                                                      T/W/TH          12:30-3 pm      NP
                                          T/TH - B      8:30-11 am         NP
    teaching team.
                                          M/W           8:30-11 am         NP            M-TH            12:30-3 pm      NP
    Hoppers - 3-4 year olds
    (Age 3 by Sept 1, 2021)               T/TH          12:30-3pm         NP             T/W/TH          9:00-11:30 am   HU
    T/TH      9:00-11:30 am   Tam         T/TH          9:00-11:30 am      HU            M-TH            12:45-3:15 pm   HU
                                          T/TH          12:45-3:15 pm      HU
    Jumpers - 3 year olds
    (Age 3 by Sept 1, 2021)
    T/TH      9:00-11:30 am   Tam

    Leapers - 3½-5 year olds
    (Age 3½ by Sept 1, 2021)
    M/W/F     9:00-11:30 am   Tam

    Skippers - 3½-5 year olds
    (Age 3½ by Sept 1, 2021)
    T/TH      1:00-3:30 pm    Tam

    Bounders - 4-5 year olds
    (Age 4 by Sept 1, 2021)
    M/W/F     1:00-3:30 pm    Tam

    Tamarack Nature Center
    5287 Otter Lake Road
    White Bear Township
    Tamarack has an outdoor Nature
    Play Area and Discovery Garden
    with daily nature exploration

       Preschool class times                                      ECFE Parent-Child Classes
       are subject to change                                            2021-2022 Registration
       based on school start                      The ECFE brochure with class descriptions, registration information,
     times and/or availability                         and materials will be available in late April or early May.
        of transportation for                                ECFE registration begins Thursday, May 6.
       our special education

6                                 Forupdates
                                 For  updates&&new
White Bear Lake Area Schools - 2021-2022 Preschool Registration Guide Four-Star Rated
Preschool Registration
Preschool Registration                   How To Register for Preschool
       Register online at:
                                         The White Bear Lake Area Schools Community Services registration is
                                         online. www.whitebear.ce.eleyo.com. A confirmation email will be sent when
 T: 651-653-3100 Fax: 651-653-3155
                                         your student has been placed in their class and your payment account will be charged.
We offer payment options
                                                          (This process can take up to 10 business days)
to assist families with payments.
The first payment is due on the first
day of class. Payments are due the      2021-2022 Preschool Registration
first of each month.
9- Monthly Payments by Building            Registration begins February 23rd For all families
Half Day Preschool                          White Bear Lake Area (WBLA) Preschool is accepting registrations for
                                            the 2021-2022 school year. This brochure and registration form are
2 days/wk NP/HU             $175
                                            available online at www.whitebear.ce.eleyo.com.
2 days/wk TAM               $250
3 days/wk NP/HU             $240           Registrations will be accepted online and in-person at Normandy Park
3 days/wk TAM               $350            Education Center.
4 days/wk NP/HU            $305         Registrations MUST include the following items or your enrollment
                                        will not be accepted
9- Monthly Payments by Building             A non-refundable $55 registration fee
Full Day Preschool                          Copy of birth certificate (new families only)
3 days/wk NP/HU             $500            Current immunization record *required every year
5 days/wk HU/BIR/OT/NO $650                  Fax: 651-653-3155
                                        If you have any questions, call 651-653-3100.
Students outside of the White
Bear Lake Area School District
boundary attending Tamarack
Nature Preschool, will be charged an     Tuition Assistance
additional non-refundable $100.00
fee.                                     Pathway I Early Learning Scholarships Are Available
                                         Call 651-653-3100 to inquire about tuition assistance
                                         Applications are available at the Normandy Park office. More details are
                                         available at:

                                         For scholarship information available in other languages, call 651-665-0150
                                         or 1-866-807-6021
                                         Yog nyob hauv ob lub nroog ntxaib: 651-665-0150
                                         En el área metropolitana, Ilame al: 651-665-0150
                                         Magaalada gudahed wac:

                                        Register at https://whitebear.ce.eleyo.com/                                              7
White Bear Lake Area Schools - 2021-2022 Preschool Registration Guide Four-Star Rated
White Bear Lake Area Schools                                                                            Non-Profit
 Early Childhood Program                                                                                Organization
 Normandy Park Education Center                                                                          US Postage
 2482 County Road F East                                                                                    PAID
 White Bear Lake, MN 55110                                                                             Twin Cities, MN
                                                                                                       Permit No. 3363

                             White Bear Lake Area Schools

 Early Childhood Screening
 Screen at Three
 Early Childhood Screening is required by the state of Minnesota
 for all children prior to entering kindergarten. White Bear Lake
 Area School District provides this screening at no charge.
 3 reasons to screen at age 3
   Screening can help ensure school success
   If health or developmental concerns are identified,
    educational services are readily available
   It is fun for children and provides caregivers with valuable
    information regarding child development

 Register online at www.whitebear.ce.eleyo.com
 or call 651-653-3100 with your child’s name,
 date of birth, your name, and phone number.                                    New Screening
 Early Childhood Screenings
 Normandy Park Education Center                                                 Screening is being done in a one
 2482 County Road F East, White Bear Lake, MN 55110                             on one format.
                                                                                We suggest one parent accompany
                                                                                the child and no siblings at
                                       April 2021                               screening appointments.
February 2021
 5th 8:30–10:30 am    12:15–2:15 pm      9th    8:30–10:30 am   12:15–2:15 pm   Plexiglass screens and masks are
 19th 8:30–10:30 am   12:15–2:15 pm      14th   8:30–10:30 am   12:15–2:15 pm
                                                                                used by screening staff.
 26th 8:30–10:30 am   12:15–2:15 pm      15th   8:30-10:30 am   12:15-2:15 pm
                                         16th   8:30-10:30 am   12:15-2:15 pm   All materails are cleaned in
March 2021                               23rd   8:30-10:30 am   12:15-2:15 pm   between appointments. Masks are
 5th 8:30–10:30 am    12:15–2:15 pm      30th   8:30–10:30 am   12:15–2:15 pm   required for adults.
 19th 8:30–10:30 am   12:15–2:15 pm
 26th 8:30–10:30 am   12:15–2:15 pm    May 2021                                 If you have questions about our
                                         7th 8:30–10:30 am      12:15–2:15 pm
                                                                                current screening procedures
                                         14th 8:30–10:30 am     12:15–2:15 pm
                                                                                Please call Darcy at 651-653-3102
                                                                                for more information.
White Bear Lake Area Schools - 2021-2022 Preschool Registration Guide Four-Star Rated White Bear Lake Area Schools - 2021-2022 Preschool Registration Guide Four-Star Rated
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