Chief Executive Appointment of - BIAZA

Page created by Theresa Palmer
Chief Executive Appointment of - BIAZA
Appointment of
Chief Executive
Chief Executive Appointment of - BIAZA
from the Chair
of Council

Dear Candidate

Many thanks for your interest in the role of Chief Executive      WWT’s conservation successes and strong research
for the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust. Now in our 75th year,        and evidence-based work is supported by a large
the Trust is in a strong position despite all that is affecting   membership, and the thousands of visitors to our
us and every organisation at the moment. However, there           ten UK sites (in normal times). Of course, we need
is so much more to do. The global pandemic, combined              more members and more visitors – even if we have to
with the twin crises of biodiversity loss and climate change,     overcome pandemics to make that happen.
mean that WWT must continue to change and adapt to
                                                                  The employees and volunteers at WWT are simply
meet these challenges going forward.
                                                                  exceptional, whether they are counting Bewick’s Swans,
Almost all life depends on wetlands for water, food or            catching eels in the rain, opening up streams for all
habitat. As the UK’s leading wetland conservation charity         in urban conservation work in Slough, ensuring that
for the last 75 years, WWT has built a reputation as a            globally threatened birds in our care are healthy or
conservation pioneer, saving wetlands and wetland                 welcoming the small children at our sites to come
species, providing essential conservation evidence and as         face-to-face with a duck for the first time.
experts in wetland management, restoration and creation.
                                                                  We are looking for a Chief Executive who can take
WWT inspires people around the world to live sustainably
                                                                  WWT forward, ensure our voice is heard, influencing
with wetlands and to value the amazing things healthy
                                                                  decisions in Government here and internationally,
wetlands achieve for people and nature alike. WWT is a
                                                                  inspiring and leading our fantastic employees and
£25m organisation with 400 employees and over 1000
                                                                  volunteers to help create an organisation that will
volunteers. It manages over 3,000 hectares of nationally
                                                                  attract more support from members and many others.
important wetlands in the UK across ten sites, welcoming
over one million visitors a year and has major conservation       The rest of this pack sets out some more details about
programmes in Madagascar, Cambodia and China.                     the work we do. More information can be found on our
                                                                  website. I hope you find this vision compelling and we
With big ambitions ahead, WWT is now seeking to appoint
                                                                  very much look forward to hearing from you.
a Chief Executive to ensure a greater impact for wetlands
and across the wider environmental sector and fulfil its          Thank you
charitable objectives. This role has the opportunity to look
to the future, to grow WWT and to increase the impact the
organisation has through its targets of creating 100,000
hectares of wetland in the UK and inspiring a further million
                                                                  Barnaby Briggs, Chair of Council
people to take action for wetlands. Growing the finances
and the number of members and other supporters of the
trust is an essential source of strength for the Trust.

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Chief Executive Appointment of - BIAZA
Our vision
The Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust protects wetlands and the wildlife that depends on it.

Our mission
We conserve, restore and create wetlands, save wetland           They are part of our natural infrastructure, providing
wildlife, and inspire everyone to value the amazing things       essential protection against environmental issues
healthy wetlands achieve for people and nature.                  like flooding, drought and pollution. More than one
                                                                 billion people depend on wetlands; 40% of the world’s
Why Wetlands?                                                    species rely on wetlands. More than a quarter of all
We are facing a climate, nature and wellbeing crisis.            carbon in the ground is held by wetlands. Yet they are
Wetlands are the answer.                                         disappearing three times faster than forests.

Teeming with biodiversity, providing homes for many              But there ‘s hope. Unlike ancient woodland and
endangered species and multiple resources for people,            rainforest that take centuries to regenerate, new
wetlands are found all over the world from the mightiest         technology means WWT can create new wetlands
delta to the humblest pond.                                      in a matter of months and years.

Our history
WWT was founded by Sir Peter Scott in 1946.

The son of Antarctic explorer Captain Scott, Peter was           WWT grew from strength to strength during Peter’s life
an Olympic sailing medallist, a well-known painter               and since his death in 1989. We now welcome a million
and broadcaster. He was the founding chair of WWF –              visitors each year to ten Wetland Centres in the UK, and
he even drew their famous panda logo.                            we undertake more research and conservation projects
                                                                 around the world than ever.
He set up the Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust at Slimbridge as a
centre for science and conservation open to the public.          For more information on our timeline since 1946 click here.

Peter and his family presented the BBC’s first live television
wildlife programmes from his artist’s studio overlooking the
lakes at Slimbridge, from where he brought a love for the
British countryside into millions of homes.

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Chief Executive Appointment of - BIAZA
Our Strategy
Our current strategic plan covers the period 2017 – 2022 and sets out our aims
including developing more connected and healthy wetlands, inspiring more people
to engage with wetlands and connecting them with wetlands where they live and
work, and offering solutions to conserve the world’s most threatened wetland
hotspots and improve the livelihoods of their people.

For the full strategic plan, please click here.            It has identified four overarching ambitions for the charity:

Refocus for the Future                                     1. A bigger and better network of wetlands, that is
                                                              more able to sustain healthy wetland nature and
Prior to the coronavirus pandemic, WWT embarked
                                                              provide nature-based solutions, including responses
on a strategic review, involving wide consultation with
                                                              to the impact of the climate emergency.
employees, trustees and external experts.
                                                           2. The majority of the public are significantly more
Using the 2017-2022 Strategy as a valuable foundation,
                                                              connected to and benefiting from wetlands and one
the strategic review highlighted the need to further
                                                              million people are directly taking action for wetlands.
focus our work to better benefit wetlands, more
nimbly respond to current environmental challenges         3. In our priority countries wetlands are effectively
and opportunities, and to do all this within a realistic      valued and considered in local, national and
financial framework.                                          regional decision-making.

Refocus for the Future is a robust plan to ensure WWT      4. Key international decision-makers value wetlands and
remains able to fight for the world’s wetlands and the        we have built a global community of highly skilled
wildlife that depend on them now and over the long term.      individuals delivering the creation and management
                                                              of wetlands and mobilising wetland support.

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Chief Executive Appointment of - BIAZA
Our Strategy
Under this plan we hope to develop new ways for
people to support and engage with WWT to make
wetlands relevant to their everyday lives, make our
visitor centres more commercially viable, improve
digital systems and reporting, and increase the
contribution of volunteers over the long term.

The changes resulting from the Refocus for the Future
plan are already underway. There is ongoing flexibility
within the implementation of Refocus plans that allow
for the new Chief Executive to drive WWT’s growth and
increased impact through priorities and focus areas.

WWT is a charity registered with the Charity Commission
in England and Wales and with the office of the Scottish
Charity Regulator. The charity was founded in 1946 and
converted to a charitable company limited by guarantee,
registered in England and Wales in 1993.
                                                            For information on our annual reports and accounts,
WWT has four, wholly-owned subsidiary companies,
                                                            click here.
each registered in England and Wales.
                                                            Each subsidiary company has its own Board of Directors
Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust (Trading) Ltd carries out
                                                            responsible for running each company. The Chief Executive
commercial activities, mostly retail and catering, at
                                                            and at least one other member of WWT’s Management
WWT’s centre. Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust (Consulting) Ltd,
                                                            Board sit on each company’s board.
known as WWT Consulting, provides environmental
consultancy services. Wetlands Advisory Service is now      WWT’s Management Board, consisting of WWT’s
dormant. Wildfowl Trust (Holdings) Ltd does not trade,      Directors, oversees the day-to-day running of the
but acts as trustee of property for WWT. Each of the        Trust. The Chief Operating Officer has responsibility for
trading subsidiaries donates its taxable profits to WWT     these activities, reporting to the Chief Executive, who is
every year, under the Gift Aid scheme.                      ultimately accountable to the Chair of Council.

                                                            All members of the Council are volunteers who give
                                                            freely of their time and have no beneficial interest
                                                            in the group or charity. More information about the
                                                            Council can be found here.

                                                            For more information on our sustainability impact and
                                                            reporting, click here.

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Chief Executive Appointment of - BIAZA
Job description
Reporting into WWT’s Council, the Chief Executive has overall accountability for the
strategic direction, performance, promotion, values and culture of the organisation.

The Chief Executive will act as WWT’s chief ambassador,        • Ensure the organisation is fit for purpose, is performing
representing the organisation in the UK and internationally.     effectively and that its functions, systems and
Key responsibilities include, though are not limited to:         processes support the successful implementation
                                                                 of the Strategy.
                                                               • Drive strong commercial and financial management
• Lead the implementation of WWT Strategy and the
                                                                 of the charity, including accessing significant external
  Refocus programme, working with the Council, and the
                                                                 funds as well as overseeing budgets, preparation of
  Management Board led by the Chief Operating Officer.
                                                                 annual accounts and required reporting.
• Inspire and support a talented and experienced Chief
                                                               • Lead and support the Chief Operating Officer whilst
  Operating Officer and Management Board through
                                                                 remaining well informed of operational matters and
  championing their role within WWT and supporting
                                                                 overseeing that goals and targets remain on track.
  their personal development and wellbeing.
                                                               • Lead the further development of WWT’s culture and
• Engage and inspire across all levels of the whole
                                                                 be a role model in its implementation.
  organisation, to support, challenge and build WWT to
  deliver greater impact for wetlands and the people           • Champion equality, diversity and inclusion as well
  and wildlife that depend on it.                                as health and wellbeing for WWT employees and
                                                                 visitors alike.

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Chief Executive Appointment of - BIAZA
Job description

Promote and represent WWT                                  Governance and strategy
• Communicate WWT’s beliefs, brand, vision and             • Ensure strong and effective relationships between
  philosophy through external advocacy in the UK and         Management Board and Trustees.
                                                           • Proactive in focusing on WWT’s charitable purpose in
• Develop and maintain strong and positive relationships     the 21st century to evolve an organisation to be fit for
  with key external stakeholders* so that opportunities      the future and able to deal with long term issues, risks
  to create bigger, better wetlands are created and          and opportunities.
                                                           • With designated employees, ensure governance
   Including local, regional and central governments,
                                                             procedures are up to date including compliance,
   policy makers, statutory bodies, developers, funders,     financial and risk management issues, involving the
   supporters, partners and individuals.                     Council as appropriate.

• Maximise the potential of WWT’s voice to influence       • Accountable for legal, regulatory and contractual
  government policy, and to ensure WWT’s ability to          compliance and ensuring that the welfare of workers,
  respond to political change and opportunities.             visitors, living collections and assets is protected and
                                                             maintained appropriately.
• Clearly articulate the value and impact of wetlands,
  both now and for the future, and WWT’s commitment to
  them to a wide range of audiences including the media.

• Build partnerships, relationships and collaborations
  to maximise income and support and maintain
  financial sustainability for WWT.

• Champion and inspire the future generations of

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Candidates will be required to demonstrate experience and achievement against the
majority of the following areas. How something is achieved and delivered is as
important as what the result is:

Essential:                                                    • Exceptional communication, presentation and
                                                                interpersonal skills.
                                                              • Experience of advocacy, engaging with external
• Demonstrable experience of senior leadership in a
                                                                stakeholders to influence social change or public
  large organisation, working across a range of sectors
                                                                policy, an experienced media performer and used to
  and stakeholders.
                                                                using social media and digital outreach.
• Experience of operating at Board level and capable
                                                              • Sound knowledge of fundraising with a successful track
  of working with and alongside the WWT Council and
                                                                record of leading income growth from a range of sources
                                                                and personally developing relationships with funders.
• An authentic, inspiring and empowering leader who
                                                              • Is positive and innovative in the face of
  genuinely wants to help and support others and
                                                                environmental challenges.
  respects their views and needs.
                                                              Governance and strategy
• Is collaborative and demonstrates a flexible
  approach, nurturing resilience in their self and others.    • Strong commercial acumen and a proven ability to
                                                                take complex, varying sources of information and
• Support the development of and be an ambassador
                                                                sensitively interpret into simple actions which inspire
  for making WWT an even better place to work and
                                                                and drive results through its people.
                                                              • Proven track record of engaging, supporting and
Promote and represent WWT                                       motivating organisations, communities and people,
• A passion for conservation and the environment                to embed change, encourage forward-thinking and
  and a broad understanding of, and engagement in,              deliver results over the short and long term.
  current and future environmental issues.
• Excellent negotiating skills and ability to influence
                                                              • A track record of relevant professional experience in
  others, especially working in partnerships, alliances or
                                                                conservation and/or a related field.
  informal collaborations.
                                                              • Experience working in a not-for-profit organisation
• Skilful external representation skills and ability to act
                                                                or mission-led organisation.
  as WWT’s ambassador to a wide range of audiences.
                                                              • Expertise in supporting and driving strategic and
• Sound understanding of political environments and
                                                                cultural organisational change.
  the ability to build new relationships at a senior level
  across civil servants, parliamentarians and local           • An awareness of the context in which WWT operates,
  government leaders.                                           including politically and internationally.

                                                              • Competence as a media spokesperson.

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Chief Executive Appointment of - BIAZA
Management Board

                              Patron – HRH The Prince of Wales
                                  President – Kate Humble
                                       Vice Presidents

                                    Council (Trustees)
                                Chairman – Barnaby Briggs

                                        Chief Executive

                                    Chief Operating Officer
                                        Kevin Peberdy

                   Director of
                                           Director of
  Director of       Marketing                                      Director of       Senior PA to
                                            Finance &
 Conservation      & Supporter                                    Operations          Directors
                                         Support Services
James Robinson    Development                                    Matthew Carter    Rebecca Jordan
                                            John Rew
                 Corinne Pluchino

                                                                                    PA to Directors

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Chief Executive Appointment of - BIAZA
How to apply
To apply, please submit a CV and covering letter,             Perrett Laver will conduct an executive search process
detailing how you fulfil the role description and personal    in parallel with the public advertisement of the role.
specification to         Longlisted candidates will be invited to interview with
vacancies/ quoting reference 4962, deadline for               Perrett Laver in late-March and the Selection Panel will
application is 9am GMT Monday 1st March 2021.                 subsequently meet to decide upon a final shortlist in
                                                              mid-April. Subsequent formal and informal interviews
The headquarters for WWT is Slimbridge Wetland
                                                              will take place in late-April.
Centre in Gloucestershire, however, the base location
for this role is negotiable. Please note, when travel
safely resumes there is a need for regular national and
international travel in order to fulfil the requirements of
this role. The salary is competitive and commensurate
with the seniority of the appointment.

WWT is an equal opportunities employer and all applications will be considered solely on merit.

Protecting your personal data is of the upmost importance to Perrett Laver and we take this responsibility very
seriously. Any information obtained by our trading divisions is held and processed in accordance with the relevant
data protection legislation. The data you provide us with is securely stored on our computerised database and
transferred to our clients for the purposes of presenting you as a candidate and/or considering your suitability for a
role you have registered interest in.

Perrett Laver is a Data Controller and a Data Processor, as defined under the General Data Protection Regulation
(GDPR). Our legal basis for much of our data processing activity is ëLegitimate Interests’. You have the right to object
to us processing your data in this way. For more information about this, your rights, and our approach to Data
Protection and Privacy, please visit our website

                                                                      APPOINTMENT OF CHIEF EXECUTIVE                     10
8-10 Great George Street

T: +44 (0)20 7340 6200
F: +44 (0)20 7340 6201
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