Page created by Dustin Espinoza
WIZOuk Annual Review

WIZO's YEAR 2018-19                                                                              2   WIZO's YEAR 2018-19                                                                                3

WIZO's YEAR 2018-19                                                                                  WIZO's YEAR 2018-19
Welcome to WIZOuk's Annual Review for the financial year ending 30 September 2019.
                                                                                                     CENTENARY FUNDRAISING PROJECT
This year saw us reach our Centenary fundraising goal and send £1.85 million to Israel for           THE WIZO VOCATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL IN JERUSALEM,
the much needed refurbishment of the WIZO Vocational High School in Jerusalem, WIZO's
‘School of Dreams’.                                                                                  WIZO'S ‘SCHOOL OF DREAMS’.
                                                                                                     Our professional High School features three major vocational tracks: cookery, sound production
The school is very often the last hope of a future for students with severe emotional and            and hair styling. There is a classroom and a communication room with facilities for disabled students
behavioural problems. Failed by mainstream education, it is committed to enabling every student      and special provision for high risk students.
to become skilled in a marketable trade. In the process, students often discover their strengths,
develop an interest in study and choose to apply themselves to a more academic future.

This renovation and refurbishment is more than just a 'make-over'. It has allowed us to introduce
new state of the art facilities and areas for specialised therapy programmes, creating additional
opportunities for learning and to reach young people struggling to achieve their potential and
realise their dreams.

Your generosity has enabled us to turn WIZO's Centenary dream into a reality!

It is only with your ongoing support that WIZO is able to maintain the organisation's 800 projects
throughout Israel, addressing the full spectrum of social welfare needs for vulnerable and
disadvantaged citizens regardless of race, religion or gender at every stage of life.

As we enter our second 100 years, WIZO looks forward to continuing to use all the expertise and
skills gained over the decades to ensure it is one step ahead, developing its work, ready to meet
the increased challenges that come with progress and an evolving society.

It is the commitment of our loyal supporters that makes this possible. This, together with the
interest and wonder we experience from new audiences, and the heartwarming and uplifting
impact on our beneficiaries, feeds our passion and drive to change lives, build futures and
strengthen the fabric of Israeli society.

Warm regards

                                                                                                     Artist impressions of the School

Ronit Ribak-Madari,
Chairperson, WIZOuk                                                                                  Contents
                                                                                                     WIZO's Year 2018-19                           2     Our Numbers                                   14
                                                                                                     WIZO's Impact                                 4     Our Year In Pictures                          16
                                                                                                     WIZO's Experience                             6     Our Year So Far                               17
                                                                                                     WIZO's Passion                                10    Thank You                                     18
WIZO'S IMPACT                                                                             4          WIZO'S IMPACT                                                                                     5

                                                                                                                 5                                                              5
                                                                                                                                                                        Youth villages
WIZO's IMPACT                                                                                              Warm homes for
                                                                                                          the treatment and
                                                                                                                                                                    including dormitories
                                                                                                                                                                      for at-risk students
                                                                                                           rehabilitation of

                                                                                                       vulnerable teenage girls

                           17                           182                                                                                     100
                          'Pearl' groups
                                                   Day Care Centres
                                                serving 15,000 children
                                                                                                             1                          PROGRAMMES
                                                                                                                                                                            Empowerment groups
                                                                                                                                                                             developing life skills

                    for closing educational                                                         Therapeutic village for
                                                 per year, including 19                                                                                                        for teenage girls
                   gaps between elementary
                                               comprehensive Day Care
                                                                                                   children who suffer from
                                                                                                     severe behavioural or
                         school children
                                              Centres for at-risk children                            emotional problems                        TEENS
                                                                                                                                                                              Centres for treating

     Early childhood                                                                                                                                                           girls at high risk of
    education centres                                                                               Vocational schools for                                                    abuse and violence
                                                                  Pedagogical centres              youth who have dropped

                             25,000                                 for training and
                                                                    development for
                                                                                                   out of the school system
                                                                                                                                500                         14                       1
    18                   CHILDREN AND                            those working in early
                                                                  childhood education
                                                                                                                          Children celebrate
                                                                                                                          sponsored Bar and
                                                                                                                                                    Otzma Tzeira groups,
                                                                                                                                                      empowering and
                                                                                                                                                                                Academy for
 Foster homes              BABIES IN                                                                                                                                           and excellence

                                                                                                           1            Bat-Mitzvahs each year      strengthening at-risk
 for babies and                                                                                                                                                                    for girls
                         GOOD HANDS                                                                                                                     teenage girls
children at-risk

                                                                                                  Nationwide educational
                                                                                                  programme to prevent
                                                                                                                               Innovative programmes
                                                                                Legal advice        domestic violence

 Afternoon treatment
                                                                             centres for women
                                                                                                                              for women focusing on life
                                                                                                                              cycles, crises and personal
 and learning centres
  for at-risk children                 1
                              Free information and
                                                                  Leadership programmes                                                          24+
                               advisory hotline for
                            parents of young children
                                                               training women for high-level
                                                                  managerial and political                13,000                              Initiating dozens
                                                                                                                                              of laws to protect
                                                                                                                                               women’s rights
                                                                    positions nationwide            WOMEN BENEFIT
                                                                                                  FROM ENRICHMENT
                                                                         Centres for the
                                                                                                  AND EMPOWERMENT                                 26
                                                                                                                                                Groups for
                                                                    prevention and treatment         PROGRAMMES                                empowering
                                                                      of domestic violence                                                       women

                                                                               Shelters for                     1
                                                                                                                                     Hotline for violent
                                                                                                                                    men seeking to escape
                                                                              abused women                                           a cycle of violence
                                                                                                        Telephone helpline
                                                                             and their children     for working women’s rights
WIZO'S EXPERIENCE                                                                                6   OUR
                                                                                                            EXPERIENCE                                                                                7

WIZO's EXPERIENCE                                                                                    WIZO's EXPERIENCE
Day Care Centres                                  WIZO Centres
WIZO opened its first Day Care Centre in          WIZO Centres operate in more than 70
1926 to support working mothers. Today, an        towns and cities across Israel. They provide a
acknowledged leader in the field of Early Age     supportive environment for the entire family
Education, WIZO operates over 180 Day Care        and often form the hub of a community
Centres for almost 15,000 children from the       offering a wide range of cultural, educational
age of 3 months up to 4 years.                    and social activities to accommodate all
WIZO's trained and experienced caregivers         The 'Warm Home' Programmes for teenagers
engage children in early childhood                and young women who are suffering from
development programmes aimed at                   emotional neglect and living in vulnerable
developing cognitive and physical aptitude        situations operate at the Centres five
from infancy. These programmes encourage          days a week. Here they receive hot meals,
curiosity, experimental learning and self-        counselling and social assistance, enabling
expression, whilst increasing communication,      them to build their self-confidence
speech and reading abilities. Educational         and increase their self-esteem. WIZOuk
games, music activities, movement, art and        contributes towards the running costs of 38
story time are geared to enhance muscle tone,     Centres.
coordination and increase children’s attention
spans. At WIZO’s Rebecca Sieff Day Care           Youth Centres & Youth Clubs                        The Youth Club situated at the Gruss               Youth Villages
Centre in Jerusalem, this includes a sensory      WIZO’s 50 Youth Centres and Youth Clubs            Community Centre in Afula provides a wide          WIZO’s five youth villages are home to
motor centre, a sound listening centre and a      across Israel provide disadvantaged and            spectrum of after school and holiday activities,   5,500 young people from disadvantaged
Lego room.                                        vulnerable teenagers with tutoring, guidance,      such as a music Youth Centre which promotes        backgrounds with 20% living in the school’s
                                                  pre-vocational training, communication,            performance skills among teenagers. WIZO’s         residential dormitories.
Multi-Purpose Day Care Centres                    leadership, sport and science enrichment           Bar/Bat Mitzvah Programme, attended
offering additional services such as social       programmes plus training in music and the          by students from low socio-economic                WIZO’s Nahalal Youth Village, operated
workers and psychologists, cater for children     arts. Many of the Centres also have a library,     backgrounds encompasses an education and           through the Ministry of Education and
referred by social services from 7am to 7pm,      study centre and computer room. Young              cultural programme, focusing on leadership         supported by WIZOuk and Canadian Hadassah
six days a week. These children come from         people are helped to develop their self-           and empowerment. Each boy is given a set           WIZO, caters for 1,500 students aged 11 to 16,
poor or underprivileged backgrounds where         respect and self-esteem and those at-risk are      of tefillin (a traditional religious item) and     some referred by Social Services, with over
many experience neglect or violence at home.      provided with specialist therapeutic facilities.   participates in a formal synagogue service. All    150 of these classed as ‘at-risk’ Ninety come
All children receive three freshly prepared       WIZOuk provides funds towards four Youth           girls, along with their mothers, take part in a    from countries within the former Soviet Union,
healthy and nutritious meals (breakfast, lunch    Centres and Youth Clubs.                           Challah baking ceremony, and at the end of         Europe, Canada, USA and Brazil to complete
and dinner) every day.                                                                               the programme the children are provided with       their schooling through the Na’aleh and Aniere
WIZOuk’s responsibility is to contribute          The Margaret Gold Music Centre in Tiberias         a celebration party.                               youth education programmes. In addition,
towards the operational costs of 29 Day           was established in 1983 and uses music to                                                             some study at the Haifa Technion to receive
Care Centres, located throughout Israel           encourage integration across different social      Schools                                            further scientific and engineering tuition
accommodating almost 2,800 children.              groups with music lessons offered to children      The WIZO Vocational High School ('School of        aiming ultimately to make Aliyah and join
Two of the Centres are in close proximity         as young as six. Children can learn to play        Dreams') in Jerusalem provides life-changing       the IDF.
to hospitals, enabling key workers to take        a variety of instruments and perform at the        support for 100 vulnerable teenagers.
advantage of the best possible childcare whilst   centre’s outdoor auditorium, as well on tours                                                         All children are integrated and given the
at work.                                          around the country and even outside Israel.                                                           same learning opportunities in agricultural
WIZO'S EXPERIENCE                                                                               8    WIZO'S EXPERIENCE                                                                                    9

                                                                                                     WIZO's EXPERIENCE
                                                                                                     Working with Minorities
                                                                                                     WIZO provides vital services for all Israeli        -The ‘Frameworks First’ quality care
                                                                                                     citizens, regardless of gender, race or religion.   programme for WIZO Day Care Centres was
                                                                                                     Projects and programmes across the country          introduced to additional centres.
                                                                                                     support Jewish, Arab, Druze, Bedouin,
                                                                                                     Christian and Circassian citizens, thus helping     -The ‘Resilience’ Hosen Programme, bringing
                                                                                                     to promote a democratic society based upon          different generations together, was further
                                                                                                     respect, understanding, responsibility and          developed and extended to strengthen
                                                                                                     equal opportunity.                                  the ability of students to cope with routine
                                                                                                                                                         stressful situations and anxiety.
                                                                                                     In particular, WIZOuk’s Rainbow House in
                                                                                                     Haifa, provides hairdressing and beauty             -Art and Cultural Diversity projects were set
                                                                                                     courses for around 600 men and women from           up to facilitate dialogue between the diverse
                                                                                                     diverse cultural backgrounds all over the North     cultures of Israel with social gatherings in
                                                                                                     of Israel. The Gruss community centre in Afula      homes and participation in lectures on
                                                                                                     continues to develop well attended                  co-existence.
                                                                                                     Co-existence and Diversity Programmes
                                                                                                     bringing together the different communities         -At Rainbow House in Haifa, administration
                                                                                                     of the region.                                      courses for medical secretaries were newly
                                                                                                     WIZO’s Day Care Centres and Schools
                                                                                                     employ teachers and caregivers from minority        - WIZO operated programmes across
                                                                                                     communities who care for children from all          the country to offer support to women
                                                                                                     sectors of society. Many successful WIZO            experiencing crises at every stage of life–for
                                                                                                     graduates are Arabs who have learned                women preparing for childbirth; for women
                                                                                                     harmoniously alongside Jewish students.             going through divorce; single mothers;
                                                                                                                                                         widows and women of retirement age.
                                                                                                     Moving forward WIZO is using its vast
science (such as dog breeding and horse            Women’s Shelters                                  experience gained over the last 100 years to        - The children and teenage girls at-risk
training), biology, biotechnology, chemistry,      WIZO’s two residential shelters are safe havens   continue to develop new opportunities in this       programme to strengthen and empower
computer science, design, communications           for women and children who have suffered          evolving society to support those in its care.      children was expanded in conjunction with 3
and electrical engineering. The school is highly   violence in the family and are in immediate                                                           warm houses for teenage girls at-risk and 2
regarded as one of the best for agriculture in     danger. WIZOuk supports the running costs         Developments for 2018/19 included:                  additional houses for extremely high-risk girls.
Israel. Nahalal students are ranked amongst        of one residential shelter in Jerusalem which
the top students in the country and the            accommodates up to 12 women and their             - The lateral educational and treatment             -In Beit Heuss, Herzliya Pituach, a series of
induction rate of graduates into the IDF is one    children for a minimum stay of six months         programmes focusing on subjects such as             workshops was provided for reformed addicts,
of the highest in the State of Israel.             and in special cases up to one year. The          nutrition and literacy were broadened.              (together with their spouses), for parents of
                                                   shelter provides food, clothes and toys, as                                                           children with special needs, for men/fathers
The Mahut Programme, which takes place             well as therapy, legal assistance, vocational     - The integration of children at-risk in the        to acquire parenting, communication and
within WIZO’s schools and youth villages, is       training, tutoring, job assistance and support    wider community was increased.                      anger management skills, and for families
aimed at students with learning difficulties and   in locating a new home. In addition, WIZO                                                             to acquire tools to develop and strengthen
ADHD. The ultimate aim is to enable students       helps women gain financial independence as        - Programmes were promoted to maximise              parenting skills.
to have a better quality of life and to achieve    part of a holistic plan that empowers mothers     longer hours in WIZO Day Care Centres and
academic success.                                  to provide a better future for themselves and     day camps and training programmes for
                                                   their children.                                   parents of early age children were widened.
WIZO'S PASSION                                              10   WIZO'S PASSION                                                                                    11


                                                                 GOLDA'S STORY
                                                                 A NEW LEASE OF LIFE
WIZO’S PASSION... IMPACTING THE LIVES OF 4 MILLION ISRAELIS      Five years ago, eighty-seven-year-old Golda’s       Then they came to WIZO Beit Horim in the
44 VOLUNTEER CENTRES ACROSS ISRAEL                               husband of 66 years, passed away leaving her
                                                                 bereft. “My Haim was such a good man. He
                                                                                                                     heart of Tel Aviv.
50 VOLUNTEERING FUNDRAISING FEDERATIONS AROUND THE WORLD         was my prince and I was always his princess,”       “The moment I walked in, I knew that I could
250,000 VOLUNTEERS WORLDWIDE                                     she said. “I did not know how to pay a bill,
                                                                 how to call an electrician, nothing! Why
                                                                                                                     be happy here. You could just sense the
                                                                                                                     warmth and feeling of ‘home’. Everywhere
ALL CHANGING LIVES, BUILDING FUTURES AND STRENGTHENING SOCIETY   would I? Haim took care of everything.”             I looked there were people of my own age
                                                                                                                     sitting, some reading, some engaged in chat
                                                                 For the first year after Haim's death, Golda
                                                                                                                     – and some playing cards, which I love to do.
                                                                 insisted on living in her own home, ignoring
                                                                                                                     Oh, how I missed a good game of cards!”
                                                                 the pleas of her children & grandchildren to
                                                                 live with them in Canada. She refused to even
                                                                                                                     Golda enjoys movies and lectures and takes
                                                                 think of living in a facility for old people, but
                                                                                                                     advantage of the manicures, pedicures, and
                                                                 became depressed and lonely, depending
                                                                                                                     hairdresser. She even tried reflexology and
                                                                 heavily on neighbours who worked long
                                                                                                                     loves her yoga sessions. She is popular, is
                                                                 hours. When Golda’s son visited from Canada,
                                                                                                                     often to be found going down memory lane,
                                                                 he was disturbed to see that his once always-
                                                                                                                     and talks incessantly about her Prince Haim
                                                                 immaculate mother had neglected herself and
                                                                                                                     and her seven grandchildren, her ‘angels’ -
                                                                 took the matter into his own hands, by taking
                                                                                                                     who come to visit.
                                                                 her to view various retirement homes.
WIZO'S PASSION                                                                                  12   WIZO'S PASSION                                                                                 13

DALIA'S STORY                                                                                        NADAV'S STORY
DALIA LOVES TO DANCE                                                                                 REPAIRING NADAV AT
Whenever Dalia hears music, she jumps from          their own nightmares finally slept soundly in    A WIZO YOUTH VILLAGE
her chair and sways her body as gracefully as       their beds.                                      Nadav was a quiet boy, well-mannered and         Slowly but surely, he responded well to
a swan. “She wants to be a ballerina,” Dalia’s                                                       gentle. His mother was a widow who put her       therapy from WIZO counsellors and became
mother explained, her eyes glistening with          The trained child psychologist who worked        heart and soul into raising her only child who   equipped with cognitive, emotional and
pride, “And I will move heaven and earth for        with the children at the women’s shelter was     was studious and excelled at school.             physiological tools to help him cope. Nadav
her to fulfil her dreams.”                          very gentle in her approach to Dalia, letting                                                     regained his enthusiasm for study, and
                                                    the child open up to her at her own pace.        When his mother remarried, Nadav’s world
                                                                                                                                                      adapted well to living in the dormitory.
It was not so long ago that Dalia’s mother had      Through music and movement, Dalia was able       fell apart. He became introverted, and his
                                                                                                                                                      Although he was still worried about the
wrapped her petrified six-year-old daughter         to express her feelings, and this paved the      studies suffered. Eventually, he confided
                                                                                                                                                      safety of his mother, he was more able to
and two-year-old son in blankets and bundled        way for the soothing therapies that              in the school counsellor that every night
                                                                                                                                                      deal with his own personal feelings. When
them into a taxi in the middle of the night.        empowered this little girl to let go of her      he would lay in bed listening to his mother
                                                                                                                                                      his mother visited him, she also received
A social worker accompanied them on a               fear and the dark emotions that had always       screaming, while his new step-father lashed
                                                                                                                                                      much-needed therapy and support to build
long journey to the WIZO women’s shelter            clouded her young life.                          out at her verbally and physically. The one
                                                                                                                                                      up her own self-esteem. She is taking steps
in Ashdod, far from her violent husband’s                                                            time that he tried to defend his mother, his
                                                                                                                                                      to regain her independence by retraining for
reach and their home, which had become the          After their time spent in the WIZO women’s       step-father knocked him to the ground.
                                                                                                                                                      a new career after splitting from her abusive
unhappiest, most dangerous place on earth.          shelter, the family has healed and moved on                                                       husband. Nadav is popular and helpful. He
                                                                                                     After hearing this, the school immediately
                                                    to a different location. Dalia’s mother has      initiated the process for Nadav to be            regards the dormitories as home and has
For long days, Dalia cowered in the corner of       returned to work equipped with new skills and                                                     achieved excellent grades in his school work.
                                                                                                     transferred to a WIZO Youth Village.
the room she shared with her mother and her         new self-worth. Her son is in WIZO Day Care                                                       His relationship with his mother, which was
brother at the shelter, her body shaking in fear.   and Dalia attends a local school. Every week,    When he first came to the WIZO Youth             so fractured when the step-father was on the
In the middle of the night, the screams of her      Dalia attends a ballet class and according to    Village, Nadav was very anxious, displaying      scene, is becoming close once again.
nightmares pierced the silence as the women         her tutor, she has real talent.                  the classic signs of witnessing domestic
in the shelter who had been released from                                                            abuse; he blamed his mother, poor                Nadav’s mother is so grateful to the WIZO
                                                                                                     concentration, difficulties in coming to         Youth Village for the part it has played in
                                                                                                     terms with puberty and limited social skills.    repairing the damage to her son.
OUR NUMBERS                                                                              14   OUR NUMBERS                                                                      15

OUR NUMBERS                                                                                   WIZO'S CHARITABLE EXPENDITURE IN ISRAEL £1.983m

                                                                                              YOUTH CENTRES                                        SHELTERS
                                                                                              & YOUTH CLUBS
WIZOuk’s Income                                                                                      YOUTH
WIZOuk's gross fundraising income for                                                                                                      7%
2018/19 was £2.042m (2017/18 £1.722m).

Legacies                                        Volunteers                                                                  9%                                            SCHOOLS
WIZOuk is deeply grateful to our supporters     Our Volunteers are the backbone of WIZOuk’s
who left a legacy towards WIZO’s work           success and achievements. They include
through gifts in their Wills. Their generous    Trustees, Lay Advisors and supporter groups   WIZO                                                             41%
legacies, which totalled £36k in 2018/19,       who have donated many hours of their          CENTRES
helped support hundreds of vulnerable           time during 2018/19. Fundraising activities
families in Israel.                                                                                                        24%
                                                were carried out across the UK and through
                                                centrally organised events and campaigns.
Group fundraising
Through volunteering their time and             Charitable expenditure
organising a wide range of successful events,   During 2018/19, £1.983m (2017/18                                                                16%
our loyal, dedicated and generous supporter     £2.203m) was made available for projects,
groups across the UK raised £620k during        programmes and capital renovations in               DAY CARE
2018/19. The Trustees are grateful to all the   Israel. This included £650k of previously           CENTRES
Group Chairmen and their committees for         committed grant funding, £806k in respect
their tireless work raising much needed and     of our Centenary Project, £406k from
valuable funds. Group fundraising includes      general funds and £121k from restricted       LEGACIES
amounts raised in respect of the Jewish         funds and accumulated designated reserves.    Legacies are an essential source of               Ena Dora Bard
Women’s Week campaign.                                                                        funding for WIZOuk’s work. A legacy               Beatrice Lilian Dreezer
                                                Projects supported in 2018/19                 from as little as 1% in your Will can make        June Freilich
Events, appeals and campaigns                   Day Care Centres                              a huge difference to those vulnerable and
A variety of successful fundraising events      WIZO Centres                                                                                    Pamela Leah Goldman
                                                                                              disadvantaged citizens who depend on us.
which raised a total of £868k took place        Youth Centres & Youth Clubs                   We are extremely appreciative of bequests         Ronald Law
during the year. This included the Rosh         Schools                                       received from those who remembered us             Norman Myers
Hashanah Appeal (£59k), Centenary Golf Day      Youth Villages                                in their Wills during 2018/19 and extend          Irene Orbaum
(£19k), Commitment Awards (£41k). Literary      Shelters                                      our sympathy and gratitude to their loved         Betty Overlander
Lunch (£28k), Quiz@Home (£27k) and the                                                        ones. We are also most thankful to our
Centenary Gala Dinner (£560k).                                                                                                                  Fay Perloff
                                                                                              supporters who have informed us of their
                                                                                              plans to leave WIZOuk a gift in their Will        Dorothy Lisette Plohn
Jewish Women’s Week,                            Full Accounts are available from              and for wanting to help us continue to            Alan Shepherd
which takes place every May, continues to be    the finance department at WIZOuk.             change lives, build futures and strengthen        Laura Marjorie Sinclair
our most consistently successful fundraising                                                  Israeli society for generations to come.
                                                Please email                                                                 Phyllis Stein
campaign. Carried out by WIZOuk’s volunteers                                                  WIZOuk is part of the Jewish Legacy
through door-to-door collections, as well as    for more information.                                                                           Marie Weisz
                                                                                              campaign which aims to raise awareness
a postal appeal across the country, Jewish                                                    of the importance of Legacy Giving across
Women’s Week in 2018/19 raised £187k.                                                         the Jewish Community.
OUR YEAR IN PICTURES                                                                   16   OUR YEAR SO FAR...                                                                                         17

OUR YEAR IN PICTURES                                                                        OUR YEAR SO FAR...
WIZOuk ran a successful and diverse programme of events which included:


1.                                                          8.

                                                                                            Business breakfast with Mark Regev   WIZO's Storytelling Comp 2019                Quiz@home 2020
                                                                                                                                                                        Sonia Sassoon’s winning team
                                                                                            WIZOuk’s professional network held a very                Despite the anxiety regarding the viability of
                                                                                            successful business breakfast in November                Jewish Women’s Week 2020, the determination
                               5.                                                           2019. This event was sponsored by Bank Leumi             of collectors nationwide and an innovative
                                                                                            and hosted by the Ambassador for Israel to the           virtual campaign, has resulted in us raising over
                                                                                            UK, Mark Regev. Minister Yariv Becher, Head of           £150,000 plus gift aid at the end of September
                                                                                            Mission and Trade Mission, spoke about Israel-           2020, with more donations expected.
2.                                                          9.                              UK Trade Relations at the time of Brexit.
                                                                                                                                                     Other ‘virtual’ events including major fundraisers
                                                                                            In January 2020 a delegation of WIZOuk                   are planned for the future.
                                                                                            members visited Israel to attend the EGM
                                                                                            and celebrations to mark the centenary of                Looking ahead to returning to a pre-Covid work
                               6.                                                           World WIZO. A highlight of the visit was the             schedule we will be reinstating visits to Israel,
                                                                                            rededication of the WIZO Vocational High                 educating and informing about WIZO’s work,
                                                                                            School in Jerusalem.                                     connecting with donors, promoting legacy
                                                                                                                                                     giving, and offering opportunities to support
                                                                                            Among the successful events taking place in              specific areas of WIZO's activities.
3.                                                          10.                             2020 was WIZOuk’s annual quiz@home which
                                                                                            raised an incredible £30,000.                            Covid-19
                                                                                                                                                     The document outlining our 3-year strategic
                                                                                            To mark International Women's Day in March,              plan was underway before the Covid-19
                                                                                            WIZOuk ‘joined hands’ with the UJIA in a social          pandemic began.
                                                                                            media campaign, with proceeds to WIZO’s
                                                                                            warm homes and UJIA’s Al Sanabel projects.               As might be expected, we have had to look
                                                                                            Over £2,000 was raised.                                  very carefully at our initial objectives and
                                                                                                                                                     targets in the light of what the world has been
                                                                                            In March 2020 when Covid-19 gripped the                  experiencing during this time and what may
                                                                                            world, these unprecedented times called for              well be the situation for the foreseeable future.
                                                                                            new ways of working and a concerted effort to
                                                                                            stay connected. WIZOuk was in regular touch              Having established that philanthropy continues,
                                                                                            with its membership to ensure everyone was               we remain with our original objectives, moving
1. Storytelling Competition -    October 2018     6. Chairperson's Tour -     March 2019    safe and well.                                           forward with caution, mindful of the potential
2. Centennial Dinner -        November 2018       7. Jewish Women's Week -      May 2019                                                             impact on attitudes to charitable giving
3. Quiz@home 2019 -              February 2019    8. Rebecca Sieff Day -        July 2019   Virtual events offered opportunities for social          and adapting the focus within our strategy
4. Commitment Awards Tour 2018 - February 2019    9. Ladies Golf Day -       August 2019    interaction, fundraising and to continue to share        accordingly.
5. Pets for Purim -                March 2019     10. Literary Lunch -    September 2019    WIZO’s message.
THANK YOU                                                     18   THANK YOU                                                                    19

Chairperson                  Honorary Patron                       The Brian & Jill Moss                Bronze Patrons
Ronit Ribak-Madari           Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis            Charitable Trust                     The Barrington Family Charitable
                                                                   Suzanne Perlman (dec.)               Trust
President                    Life Benefactors                      Jill Shaw                            Victor Behrman
Michèle Pollock              Dame Vivien Duffield DBE              Loraine & Paul Warren                Lady Bourne
                             Sarah & James Glyn                    Orly & Andrew Wolfson                The Crystal Family
Vice Chairs                  Mina Goodman                                                               D R Fine Charitable Trust
Sarah Levy                   Suzanne Goodman                       Silver Patrons                       Liz Kaye
Ilana Metzger                Richard Harris & Esther Isaacs        Ruth & Henry Amar                    Miriam & Kenneth Keller
                             Myrna & Isaac Kaye                    Beaverbrooks Charitable Trust        Gerald Kraftman
Trustees                     The JE & AV Posnansky                 The Dr. Benjamin Angel Foundation    Angela Landau
David Ashton                 Charitable Trust                      The Bradfield Family                 Lord & Lady Leigh
Stephen Brower               The Archie Sherman                    Merlis & David Cohen                 Shirley Levinson
Russell Cohen                Charitable Trust                      Susan Cresswell                      Elizabeth & David Parlons
Amanda Collins               Lady Steinberg                        Frances Kirsh & Wendy Fisher         The Shanbury Charitable Trust
Sarah Levy                   Leila Wynbourne MBE (dec.)            Lynn & Stuart Glyn                   Esther Tager & Romie Tager QC
Ilana Metzger                                                      The Harris Family Charitable Trust   Michele & David Vogel
Michèle Pollock              Platinum Patrons                      Anne & Malcolm Jacobson
Ronit Ribak-Madari           The Locker Foundation                 Family Katz                          Corporate Sponsors
Jill Shaw                    Judy & David Dangoor                  Roamie Lambert & Nigel Lambert QC    EL AL
Annabel Stelzer              Norma & Leon Pinnick                  Marian Mosselson                     Investec
Michele Vogel                                                      Linda & Harvey Rosenblatt            Bank Leumi
                             Gold Patrons                          Donna & Simon Seruya-Sackman         Mamilla Architecture & Design
Honorary Presidents          Jackie & Rob Ellert                   Annabel & Joe Stelzer
Sarah Glyn                   The Sybilla & Leo Friedler            Ann Susman
Brenda Katten                Charitable Trust                      Linda Tanner
Gina Monty                   Marion & John Josephs
Jill Shaw                    Sarah & Jacob Levy
Ruth Sotnick                 Cheryl & Stuart Lewis
Michele Vogel                Zea Lewis
Loraine Warren OBE           Gabriella & Warner Mandel
Leila Wynbourne MBE (dec.)   Ilana & David Metzger

                                                                                                              Listings correct as of September 2020
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