Page created by Jesse Cole
Juillet 2018 – Numéro 62


       Le 62e numéro de la veille
       scientifique mensuelle du
Le Centre de recherche interdisciplinaire sur la
violence familiale et la violence faite aux
femmes (CRI-VIFF) publie une veille scienti-
fique sur une base mensuelle afin de fournir aux
principaux acteurs-rices (chercheurs-es, interve-
nants-es, étudiants-es, décideurs-es politiques)
impliqués dans la lutte contre la violence conju-
gale, l’accès aux plus récentes connaissances
théoriques, méthodologiques et pratiques qui                 TABLE DES MATIÈRES
les accompagneront dans leurs réflexions et
dans leurs pratiques.
                                                          Articles scientifiques                  2
Cette veille scientifique réunit les publications         Chapitre de livre                       6
du dernier mois sur les différentes dimensions            Revue de presse                         6
de la violence conjugale. Ces publications sont           Évènements                              9
de nature multiple : écrits scientifiques, littéra-       Activités du CRI-VIFF                   10
ture grise, articles de journaux, rapports ou
fiches synthèses du CRI-VIFF et autres évène-
ments pertinents.

Nous vous souhaitons une bonne lecture !                   « La violence, sous quelque forme qu’elle se
                                                           manifeste, est un échec » Jean-Paul Sartre
L’équipe du CRI-VIFF

                                                      En voici donc l’édition du mois de juillet 2018
                                                      qui est rendue possible grâce au soutien finan-
                                                      cier du Gouvernement du Québec.

Juillet 2018 – Numéro 62

             Articles scientifiques1                                             Fujisawa, T. X., Shimada, K., Takiguchi, S., Mi-
                                                                                    zushima, S., Kosaka, H., Teicher, M. H., & Tomo-
                                                                                    da, A. (2018). Type and timing of childhood mal-
                                                                                    treatment and reduced visual cortex volume in
 Karsberg, S., Bramsen, R. H., Lasgaard, M., &
                                                                                    children and adolescents with reactive attachment
    Elklit, A. (2018). The Association Between Distinct                             disorder. NeuroImage: Clinical, 20, 216‑221.
    Categories of Child Abuse Experiences and Da-
                                                                                 Gürkan, Ö. C., Ekşi, Z., Deniz, D., & Çırçır, H.
    ting Violence in Early Adolescence. Journal of Fam-
    ily Violence, 1-12.                                                             (2018). The Influence of Intimate Partner Violence
                                                                                    on Pregnancy Symptoms. Journal of Interpersonal
 Kovar, C. L. (2018). Reproductive Coercion: Baby,
                                                                                    Violence, 0886260518789902.
    If You Love Me.. Journal of Maternal Child Nursing,
                                                                                 Howarth, E., Moore, T. H., Stanley, N., MacMil-
    43(4), 213-217.
                                                                                    lan, H. L., Feder, G., & Shaw, A. (s. d.). Towards
 Ombayo, B., Black, B., & Preble, K. M. (2018). Ad-                                an ecological understanding of readiness to en-
    olescent–Parent Communication Among Youth                                       gage with interventions for children exposed to
    Who Have and Have Not Experienced Dating Vi-                                    domestic violence and abuse: Systematic review
    olence. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, 1-                            and qualitative synthesis of perspectives of chil-
    10.                                                                             dren, parents and practitioners. Health & Social
                                                                                    Care in the Community, 0(0).
 Reyes, H. L. M., Foshee, V. A., Chen, M. S., Gott-
    fredson, N. C., & Ennett, S. T. (2018). Consequenc-                          Jouriles, E. N., McFarlane, J., Vu, N. L., Maddoux,
    es of Involvement in Distinct Patterns of Adoles-                               J., Rosenfield, D., Symes, L., … Paulson, R. (2018).
    cent Peer and Dating Violence. Journal of Youth                                 Mothers’ posttraumatic stress and child adjust-
    and Adolescence, 1-13.                                                          ment problems in families seeking services for
                                                                                    intimate partner violence. Journal of Consulting and
 Saint-Eloi Cadely, H., Pittman, J., Pettit, G., Lans-                             Clinical Psychology, 86(7), 604‑614.
    ford, J., Bates, J., Dodge, K., & Holtzworth-
    Munroe, A. (2018). Predicting Patterns of Intimate                           Lewis, M. L. (2018). A Tool to Support Childbirth
    Partner Violence Perpetration from Late Adoles-                                 Educators to Help Women Cope with Loss of a
    cence to Young Adulthood. Human Development                                     Pregnancy due to Domestic Violence. International
    and Family Studies Faculty Publications.                                        Journal of Childbirth Education, 33(3), 36‑41.

                                                                                 Marimuthu, Y., Sarkar, S., Sakthivel, M., K, Y., N,
                 ENFANCE ET MATERNITÉ                                               B., & Sarveswaran, G. (2018). Association of social
                                                                                    factors with low birth weight: a narrative review.
 Costello, L. F., & Klein, S. (2018). Racial/Ethnic                                International Journal Of Community Medicine And
    Differences in Determinants of Trauma Sympto-                                   Public Health, 5(8), 3171‑3175.
    matology among Children in the U.S. Child Wel-
    fare System Exposed to Intimate Partner Violence.                            Mvo, Z., Ntlantsana, V., Bengu, N., Millar, J.,
    Journal of Family Violence, 1‑13.                                               Roider, J., Bhoola, R., … Goulder, P. (2018). Un-
                                                                                    met needs of high-risk mothers reduce success of
 Field, S., Onah, M., van Heyningen, T., & Honik-                                  antiretroviral treatment in HIV-infected infants.
    man, S. (2018). Domestic and intimate partner vio-                              South African Medical Journal, 108(8), 609‑610.
    lence among pregnant women in a low resource
    setting in South Africa: a facility-based, mixed
    methods study. BMC Women’s Health, 18(1), 119.
1 Veuilleznoter que les liens hypertextes indiqués dans cette section vous mènent, non pas à l’article en format PDF, mais sur la page du journal scienti-
fique où vous trouverez de plus amples détails sur l’article. Dans certains cas, les journaux scientifiques fournissent un accès gratuit à l’article en for-
mat PDF, mais ce n’est pas systématique.

Juillet 2018 – Numéro 62
 Neamah, H. H., Sudfeld, C., McCoy, D. C., Fink,
   G., Fawzi, W. W., Masanja, H., … Fawzi, M. C. S.         Crockett, C., Cooper, B., & Brandl, B. (2018). Inter-
   (2018). Intimate Partner Violence, Depression, and         sectional Stigma and Late-Life Intimate-Partner
   Child Growth and Development. Pediatrics,                  and Sexual Violence: How Social Workers Can
   e20173457.                                                 Bolster Safety and Healing for Older Survivors.
                                                              The British Journal of Social Work, 48(4), 1000‑1013.
 O’Reilly, R., & Peters, K. (2018). Opportunistic
   domestic violence screening for pregnant and             Forsdike, K., O’Connor, M., Castle, D., & Hegarty,
   post-partum women by community based health                K. (2018). Exploring Australian psychiatrists’ and
   care providers. BMC Women’s Health, 18(1), 128.            psychiatric trainees’ knowledge, attitudes and
                                                              preparedness in responding to adults experienc-
 Pun, K. D., Rishal, P., Infanti, J. J., Bjørngaard, J.      ing domestic violence, Australasian Psychiatry,
   H., Koju, R., Schei, B., … Group, on behalf of the         1039856218789778.
   A. study. (2018). Exposure to domestic violence
   influences pregnant women’s preparedness for             Halicka, M., Halicki, J., Kramkowska, E., & Szaf-
   childbirth in Nepal: A cross-sectional study. PLOS         ranek, A. (2018). Suggestions for Prevention
   ONE, 13(7), e0200234.                                      Measures Based on Polish Research Concerning
                                                              Older Victims of Domestic Violence. The British
 Sancho Rossignol, A., Schilliger, Z., Cordero Cam-          Journal of Social Work, 48(4), 982‑999.
   paña, M. I., Rusconi Serpa, S., Epiney, M., Huppi,
   P., … Schechter, D. S. (2018). The association of
   maternal exposure to domestic violence during            Hartley, C. C., & Renner, L. M. (2018). Economic
   childhood with prenatal attachment, maternal-              Self-Sufficiency among Women Who Experienced
   fetal heart rate, and infant behavioral regulation.        Intimate Partner Violence and Received Civil Le-
   Frontiers in Psychiatry.                                   gal Services. Journal of Family Violence, 1‑11.

 Sharman, L., Douglas, H., Price, E., Sheeran, N., &       Muir-Bouchard, S. (2018). Using digital technolo-
   Dingle, G. (2018). Associations Between Unin-              gy to engage and mobilise young people to end
   tended Pregnancy, Domestic Violence, and Sexual            violence in intimate relationships: lessons from
   Assault in a population of Queensland Women.               Bolivia. Gender & Development, 26(2), 341‑358.
                                                            Nguyen-Feng, V. N., Morrissette, J., Lewis-
 Tomy, C., Mani, M. R., Deepa, S., Christy, S. A., &         Dmello, A., Michel, H., Anders, D., Wagner, C., &
   Johnson, A. R. (2018). Intimate partner violence           Clark, C. J. (2018). Trauma-sensitive yoga as an
   experienced by pregnant women availing antena-             adjunctive mental health treatment for survivors
   tal care at a rural hospital in South Karnataka. In-       of intimate partner violence: A qualitative exami-
   ternational Journal Of Community Medicine And              nation. Spirituality in Clinical Practice, No Pagina-
   Public Health, 5(8), 3548‑3552.                            tion Specified-No Pagination Specified.

                                                            Penti, B., Timmons, J., & Adams, D. (2018). The
 OUTILS, PROGRAMMES ET INTERVENTIONS                          Role of the Physician When a Patient Discloses
                                                              Intimate Partner Violence Perpetration: A Litera-
 Afrianty, D. (2018). Agents for Change. Bijdragen           ture Review. The Journal of the American Board of
   Tot de Taal-, Land- En Volkenkunde / Journal of the        Family Medicine, 31(4), 635‑644.
   Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia, 174
   (1), 24‑46.                                              Rizo, C. F., Wretman, C. J., Macy, R. J., Guo, S., &
                                                              Ermentrout, D. M. (2018). A novel intervention
 Creech, S. K., Benzer, J. K., Ebalu, T., Murphy, C.         for system-involved female intimate partner vio-
   M., & Taft, C. T. (2018). National implementation          lence survivors: Changes in mental health. Ameri-
   of a trauma-informed intervention for intimate             can Journal of Orthopsychiatry, No Pagination Spec-
   partner violence in the Department of Veterans             ified-No Pagination Specified.
   Affairs: first year outcomes. BMC Health Services
   Research, 18(1), 582.
Juillet 2018 – Numéro 62
                                                           Easteal, P., Holland, K., Breen, M. D., Vaughan,
 Ryan, J., Esau, M. V., & Roman, N. V. (2018). Leg-        C., & Sutherland, G. (2018). Australian Media
   islative response to family violence in South Afri-      Messages: Critical Discourse Analysis of Two Inti-
   ca: A family centered perspective. Aggression and        mate Homicides Involving Domestic Violence.
   Violent Behavior, 42, 1‑8.                               Violence Against Women, 1077801218780364.

 Thomas, K. A., Goodman, L. A., Vainer, E. S.,            Faller, Y. N., Wuerch, M. A., Hampton, M. R., Bar-
   Heimel, D., Barkai, R., & Collins-Gousby, D.             ton, S., Fraehlich, C., Juschka, D., … Zederayko,
   (2018). “No Sacred Cows or Bulls”: The Story of          A. (2018). A Web of Disheartenment With Hope
   the Domestic Violence Program Evaluation and             on the Horizon: Intimate Partner Violence in Ru-
   Research Collaborative (DVPERC). Journal of Fam-         ral and Northern Communities. Journal of Interper-
   ily Violence, 1‑13.                                      sonal Violence, 0886260518789141.

 Wydall, S., Clarke, A., Williams, J., & Zerk, R.         Femi-Ajao, O. (2018). Intimate partner violence
   (2018). Domestic Abuse and Elder Abuse in                and abuse against Nigerian women resident in
   Wales: A Tale of Two Initiatives. The British Jour-      England, UK: a cross- sectional qualitative study.
   nal of Social Work, 48(4), 962‑981.                      BMC Women’s Health, 18(1), 123.

 Yousefnia, N., Nekuei, N., & Farajzadegan, Z.            LaCroix, J. M., Colborn, V. A., Hassen, H. O.,
   (2018). The relationship between healthcare pro-         Perera, K. U., Weaver, J., Soumoff, A., … Ghah-
   viders’ performance regarding women experienc-           ramanlou-Holloway, M. (2018). Intimate partner
   ing domestic violence and their demographic              relationship stress and suicidality in a psychiatri-
   characteristics and attitude towards their man-          cally hospitalized military sample. Comprehensive
   agement. Journal of Injury and Violence Research, 10     Psychiatry, 84, 106‑111.
                                                           Satyen, L., Piedra, S., Ranganathan, A., & Gol-
          POPULATIONS SPÉCIFIQUES                           luccio, N. (2018). Intimate Partner Violence and
                                                            Help-Seeking Behavior among Migrant Women in
                                                            Australia. Journal of Family Violence, 1‑10.
 Acosta, D. F., Gomes, V. L. O., Oliveira, D. C.,
   Marques, S. C., & Fonseca, A. D. D. (2018). Social      Suga, T. (2018). An Analysis of Surveys on Do-
   representations of nurses concerning domestic            mestic Violence by Japan’s Cabinet Office (1999-
   violence against women: study with a structural          2017). Open Journal of Social Sciences, 06, 56.
   approach. Revista gaucha de enfermagem, 39,
   e61308‑e61308.                                          Weiss, N. H., Darosh, A. G., Contractor, A. A.,
                                                            Forkus, S. R., Dixon-Gordon, K. L., & Sullivan, T.
 Alangea, D. O., Addo-Lartey, A. A., Sikweyiya,            P. (2018). Heterogeneity in emotion regulation
   Y., Chirwa, E. D., Coker-Appiah, D., Jewkes, R., &       difficulties among women victims of domestic
   Adanu, R. M. K. (2018). Prevalence and risk fac-         violence: A latent profile analysis. Journal of Affec-
   tors of intimate partner violence among women            tive Disorders, 239, 192‑200é
   in four districts of the central region of Ghana:
   Baseline findings from a cluster randomised con-
   trolled trial. PLOS ONE, 13(7), e0200874.                       PROBLÉMATIQUE GÉNÉRALE

 Ali, P. A., O’Cathain, A., & Croot, E. (2018). Influ-    Aitken, R., & Munro, V. E. (2018). Domestic abuse
   ences of Extended Family on Intimate Partner Vi-         and suicide, 29.
   olence: Perceptions of Pakistanis in Pakistan and
   the United Kingdom. Journal of Interpersonal Vio-       Amir-ud-Din, R., Fatima, S., & Aziz, S. (2018). Is
   lence, 0886260518785378.                                 Attitudinal Acceptance of Violence a Risk Factor?
                                                            An Analysis of Domestic Violence Against Wom-
                                                            en in Pakistan. Journal of Interpersonal Violence,

Juillet 2018 – Numéro 62
 Anitha, S., Yalamarty, H., & Roy, A. (2018).            Khan, S., & Klasen, S. (2018). Female employment
  Changing nature and emerging patterns of do-              and Spousal abuse: A parallel cross-country analysis of
  mestic violence in global contexts: Dowry abuse           developing countries (Working Paper No. 249).
  and the transnational abandonment of wives in             Courant Research Centre: Poverty, Equity and
  India. Women’s Studies International Forum, 69,           Growth - Discussion Papers.
                                                          Krishnan, K. (2018). gendered discipline in global-
 Brem, M. J., Shorey, R. C., Rothman, E. F., Tem-          ising India. Feminist Review, 119(1), 72‑88.
  ple, J. R., & Stuart, G. L. (2018). Trait Jealousy
  Moderates the Relationship Between Alcohol              Laufer, L., & Ayouch, T. (2018). Violences conju-
  Problems and Intimate Partner Violence Among              gales, famille,     vulnérabilité.   Topique,    (143),
  Men in Batterer Intervention Programs. Violence           151‑167.
  Against Women, 24(10), 1132‑1148.
                                                          Mancera, B. M., Mungal, A. S., De Santis, J., &
 Chakraborty, S. P., & Chatterjee, P. (2018). the un-      Provencio-Vasquez, E. (2018). Reflections of Men
  safe sex: the female binary and public violence           of Mexican Origin: A Grounded Theory Study of
  against women. Feminist Review, 119(1), 165‑167.          Intimate Partner Violence Risk Factors. American
                                                            Journal of Men’s Health, 1557988318787617.
 Dutt, A. (2018). Locating Patriarcky In Violence
  Against Women In India: Social, Legal And Alter-        Mansour, F., & Mohdy, H. A. (2018). Intimate
  native Responses. PEOPLE: International Journal of        Partner Violence among Women with Female In-
  Social Sciences, 4(2).                                    fertility. American Journal of Nursing Research,
                                                            American Journal of Nursing Research, 6(5), 309‑316.
 Garcia-Jimenez, M., Cala, M. J., Trigo, M. E., & de
  la Mata, M. L. (2018). Women’s Disengagement            Quigley, B. M., Levitt, A., Derrick, J. L., Testa, M.,
  From Legal Proceedings for Intimate Partner Vio-          Houston, R. J., & Leonard, K. E. (2018). Alcohol,
  lence in Southern Spain: Variables Related to Le-         Self-Regulation and Partner Physical Aggression:
  gal Proceedings. Crime & Delinquency,                     Actor-Partner Effects Over a Three-Year Time
  0011128718789857.                                         Frame. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 12.

 Gladden, P. R., & Cleator, A. M. (2018). Sexual         Ridings, L. E., Moreland, A. D., & Petty, K. H.
  Assault and Intimate Partner Violence. In T. K.           (2018). Implementing trauma-focused CBT for
  Shackelford & V. A. Weekes-Shackelford (Éd.),             children of veterans in the VA: Providing compre-
  Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science        hensive services to veterans and their families.
  (p. 1‑10). Springer International Publishing.             Psychological Services.

 Habigzang, L. F., Schneider, J. A., & Frizzo, R. P.     Silva, C. D., Gomes, V. L. O., Fonseca, A. D. D.,
  (2018). Evaluation of the Impact of a Cognitive-          Gomes, M. T., & Arejano, C. B. (2018). Representa-
  Behavioral Intervention for Women in Domestic             tion of domestic violence against women: com-
  Violence Situations in Brazil. Universitas Psycho-        parison among nursing students. Revista gaucha de
  logica, 17(3), 12.                                        enfermagem, 39, e63935‑e63935.

 Jacquot, M., Thévenot, A., Chevalérias, M.-P., &        Smaniotto, M., & Melkonyan, A. (2018). Violences
  Metz, C. (2018). Violences conjugales : l’énigme          domestiques et avortement sélectif en Arménie.
  du lien aux racines de l’infantile. Topique, (143),       Topique, (143), 57‑71.
                                                          Vincenzo, M. D., & Troisi, G. (2018). Jusqu’à ce
 Jordan, C. E., & Pritchard, A. J. (2018). Mandatory       que la mort nous sépare. Silence et aliénation
  Reporting of Domestic Violence: What Do Abuse             dans les violences conjugales. Topique, (143),
  Survivors Think and What Variables Influence              111‑124.
  Those Opinions? Journal of Interpersonal Violence,

Juillet 2018 – Numéro 62
                                                             Communauté LGBTQ+ : faire la lumière sur les
 Yakubovich, A. R. ., alexa. yakubovich@spi. ox.
                                                              violences sexuelles, La Tribune
  ac. u., Stöckl, H., Murray, J., Melendez-Torres, G.
  J., Steinert, J. I. ., Glavin, C. E. Y. ., & Humphreys,
                                                             Coupe du monde : les violences conjugales aug-
  D. K. . (2018). Risk and Protective Factors for Inti-
                                                              mentent-elles de 38% quand l'Angleterre perd?,
  mate Partner Violence Against Women: Systemat-
  ic Review and Meta-analyses of Prospective-
  Longitudinal Studies. American Journal of Public
                                                             Davantage de soutien aux victimes d'actes crimi-
  Health, 108(7), e1‑e11.
                                                              nels, L’œil Régional
 Yoshikawa, K., Shakya, T. M., Poudel, K. C., &
                                                             De moins en moins d'infractions criminelles à La-
  Jimba, M. (2018). Agreement on Reporting Inti-
                                                              val, Ici Radio-Canada
  mate Partner Violence Among Nepalese Couples:
  A Cross-Sectional Study. Journal of Interpersonal
                                                             Des chercheuses ont recensé 78 féminicides au
  Violence, 0886260518788371.
                                                              Canada depuis le début de 2018, L’Actualité
                                                             Droits des femmes: SOS culture mobilise les
 Zimmermann, M. (2018). The Relationship Between
                                                              femmes contre le mariage forcé, MaliWeb
  Domestic Violence and Terrorism: A Comparison Be-
  tween the United Kingdom and the United States             Halte Drummond arrime la recherche à la pra-
  (M.A.). The University of North Carolina at Chap-           tique, L’Express
  el Hill, United States -- North Carolina.
                                                             Il est désormais obligatoire d'immatriculer ses
                                                              armes à feu, Le courrier du Sud

            Chapitre de livre                                Lancement de l'appel de projets 2018-2019 - 1 750
                                                              000 $ pour soutenir les victimes d'actes criminels,
                                                              Groupe CNW
 Paziotopoulos, P. A (2018). Risk Assessment in
  Domestic Violence and Stalking Cases. Dans
                                                             La Nouvelle-Zélande créé un congé pour les vic-
  Christina M. Holbrook, David E. Bixler, Eugene
                                                              times de violence conjugale, La Presse
  A. Rugala, Carri Casteel (dir.), Workplace Vio-
  lence: Issues in Threat Management (p. 56-69).
                                                             Le Nouveau-Brunswick annonce l'adoption de
  New York: 1st Edition.
                                                              cinq jours de congé payé en cas de violence conju-
                                                              gale, CDEACF
            Revue de presse                                  Le Réseau-femmes fait peau neuve, L’Action
                                                             Les impacts de la violence conjugale sur les en-
 #BienvenueChezMoi : un hashtag pour accueillir              fants, Le Soleil
  les victimes de violences conjugales le soir de la
  finale, LCI                                                Les outils en ligne contre le harcèlement et les
                                                              violences conjugales se multiplient, RTL Info
 26,7 millions $ à des organismes d’aide aux vic-
  times d'actes criminels, TVA Nouvelles                     Les violences conjugales en hausse pendant la
                                                              coupe du monde, Top Santé
 C'est un départ pour les Demois'Ailes, Le Nouvel-
  liste                                                      Lutte contre les violences aux femmes: un nou-
                                                              veau front ouvert, Cameroon Tribune
 Comment parler des violences faites aux femmes
  en littérature?, Le Devoir                                 Mieux garantir la sécurité des victimes de vio-
                                                              lence conjugale, Le Devoir

Juillet 2018 – Numéro 62
                                                          City Council approves 2 percent home-sharing
 Nouveau rapport sur la prévention de la violence
                                                           fee for domestic violence, Chicago SunTimes
  au Québec : les communautés LGBTQ+ toujours
  invisibles, CDEACF
                                                          Collective approach to ending domestic violence,
                                                           Rocky View Weekly
 Plus de violence conjugale pendant la coupe du
  monde, Le Devoir
                                                          Domestic abuse cases down, Jersey Evening Post
 Près de 12.000 faits de violences sexuelles en 2017,
                                                          Domestic violence homicides rose in 2016, state
  Le Soir
                                                           report says, The Press of Atlantic City
 Shediac : un nouveau centre pour aider les vic-
                                                          Domestic violence service in Wicklow to close its
  times de violence à refaire leur vie, Acadie Nou-
                                                           doors; Residents “left in limbo”, WicklowNews
                                                          Domestic violence: The warning signs, Rutland
 Soutenir la maison de l'espoir, Le Nouvelliste
 Un viol sur deux a lieu au sein du couple, Sud
                                                          Domestic violence unit opens in Rockingham,
                                                           97,3 CoastLive
 Violence conjugale : l'intervention d'urgence re-
                                                          Domestic violence: Use of life-saving tool uneven
  mise en question au N.-B., Ici Radio-Canada
                                                           among police departments, Burlington Free Press
 Violences conjugales : le "téléphone grave danger"
                                                          Domestic violence victims able to take a new form
  est-il un outil efficace?, Le Journal du Dimanche
                                                           of leave, Stuff
 Violences conjugales : qu'est-ce que le téléphone
                                                          Domestic violence victims reaching out to fellow
  grand danger? CNEWS
                                                           survivors through cooking, ABC News

                                                          Drug abuse makes domestic violence 'more vi-
                                                           cious', but it is not the cause, The Recorder
 Advising family law litigators, protectors and cli-
                                                          Dubbo community urged to be aware of White
  ents on domestic violence issues, The Lawyers
  Daily                                                    Ribbon message, Daily Liberal

                                                          From the community: Join the Walk to Empower
 Almost 50 women were killed by domestic vio-
  lence in three - despite reporting their abusers,        Domestic Violence Victims, Chicago Tribune
                                                          Furnishing Homes For A New Life After Domes-
 Annual 5K in Kennebunk supports services for
                                                           tic Violence, KGOU
  domestic violence victims, Journal Tribune
                                                          Grant Award Announcement for Assistance to
 Bulgarian human rights groups blast ‘wicked’
                                                           Victims of Domestic Violence, My News
  court ruling on domestic violence, Emerging Eu-
                                                          Healthy relationships education offers a real
                                                           chance to reduce domestic violence, The Conver-
 Chicago Increases Short-Term Rental Tax to 6% to
  Support Victims of Domestic Violence, VRMintel
                                                          How benefits changes could mean survivors of
 Children affected by domestic abuse to benefit
                                                           domestic abuse are forced to choose between
  from £8 million fund, GOV UK                             'poverty and safety', Wales Online

Juillet 2018 – Numéro 62

                                                         Program promotes safety from domestic violence,
 Implement domestic violence act effectively:
  Maneka Gandhi tells states, The New Indian Ex-
                                                         Purple Light Nights to shine awareness on do-
                                                          mestic violence, Times Bulletin Media
 Intersection: Law Enforcement and Domestic Vio-
  lence Calls, 90.7 WMFE
                                                         Report on lethal domestic violence in Santa Clara
                                                          County highlights vulnerability of elderly cou-
 Kansas City Considers Requiring Landlords To
                                                          ples, The Mercury News
  Allow Domestic Violence Victims Out Of Leases,
  KCUR 89.3
                                                         Rising Up to Support Those Affected By Domestic
                                                          Violence, Pronobo Australia
 Lakeland hairstylist creates nonprofit for domes-
  tic violence victims, Bay News 9
                                                         Searches related to domestic violence spiked dur-
                                                          ing both World Cup semi-finals, NewStatesman
 Legislation Introduced to Combat Domestic Vio-
  lence, Big Island Now
                                                         'Serious' risks of domestic violence in new online
                                                          health system, Brisbane Times
 Manning Great Lakes Police District launch White
  Ribbon initiative, Wingham Chronicle
                                                         Seward announces $15K to benefit domestic vio-
                                                          lence services in Herkimer Co. , WKTV
 More domestic violence victims seeking help dur-
  ing summer months, News 4 San Antonio
                                                         Spain’s deputy PM proposes “yes means yes” law
                                                          for sexual assault cases, El Païs
 More than 800,000 kids living in homes with do-
  mestic violence reveals shock report, Mirror
                                                         Speak out against domestic violence, Rising Sun
 New domestic violence laws being drafted in
                                                         Study Examining Impact Of Domestic Violence
  South Australia, ABC News
                                                          On Workers In NL, VOCM News
 New group puts focus on domestic abuse, Gibral-
                                                         The campaign against domestic violence should
  tar Chronicle
                                                          never end, NewCastle Herald
 New ordinance would let domestic violence vic-
  tims break leases in Kansas City, ABC News             This New Guide Is Designed to Help Domestic
                                                          Abuse Victims in Smart Homes, Fortune
 New Rockingham/Kwinana Domestic Violence
  Unit launched , The West Australian                    Training will help Wisconsin police gauge if do-
                                                          mestic abuse is likely to end in homicide, Journal
 New State Law Gives Added Protection To Do-             Sentinel
  mestic Violence Victims, WABE
                                                         UN probe into NZ domestic violence rates called
 New Zealand grants domestic violence victims            for, Otago Daily Times
  paid leave, BBC News
                                                         World Cup run sparks surge in domestic violence
 Parents can promote gender equality and help            in England, group says, The Globe and Mail
  prevent violence against women. Here's how,
  ABC News                                               York City Council proposes paid time off for vic-
                                                          tims of domestic violence, WGAL
 P.E.I. seeking feedback on bill affecting leave for
  victims of domestic violence, CTV News

Juillet 2018 – Numéro 62

                                                      Le système de justice pénale pour les adoles-
                                                       cents: le connaître pour mieux intervenir au-
Formations                                             près des victimes. Reconnue par l’Ordre des
                                                       travailleurs sociaux et des thérapeutes conju-
                                                       gaux et familiaux du Québec (OTSTCFQ). Les 6
Programme de formation 2018-2019 de L’associa-         et 7 novembre 2018 à l’Hôtel Le Dauphin (600,
tion Québécoise Plaidoyer-Victimes. Année 2018-        boul. Saint-Joseph, Drummondville) et les 5 et 6
2019; Québec, Trois-Rivières, Montréal.                février 2019 au Best Western St-Jérôme (420,
                                                       Monseigneur Dubois, St-Jérôme). Pour vous
 Intervenir auprès de groupes sectaires ou de         inscrire veuillez consulter la page suivante :
  communautés fermées : s'outiller pour protéger
  les enfants. Reconnue par l’Ordre des travail-       activites/2011-10-10-10-37-49?
  leurs sociaux et des thérapeutes conjugaux et        layout=edit&id=294
  familiaux du Québec (OTSTCFQ). Les 12 et 19
  octobre 2018 à l’Hôtel Classique (2815, boul.       Thérapie orientée vers les solutions : un outil
  Laurier, Québec) et les 16 et 23 novembre 2018       efficace pour aider les victimes de trauma. Re-
  à l’Hôtel le Président (3535, rue King Ouest à       connue par l’Ordre des travailleurs sociaux et
  Sherbrooke). Pour vous inscrire veuillez con-        des thérapeutes conjugaux et familiaux du
  sulter la page suivante :        Québec (OTSTCFQ) et l’Ordre des psycho-
  index.php/22-services-et-activites/                  logues du Québec (OPQ). Les 4 et 5 octobre
  formations/361-formation-therapie-orientee-2         2018 à l’Hôtel Le Montagnais (1080, boul. Tal-
                                                       bot, Québec), les 8-9 novembre 2018 à l’Hôtel
 Charte canadienne des droits des victimes : la       Le Manoir (8 avenue Cabot, Baie-Comeau) et
  connaître pour améliorer nos pratiques. Recon-       les 28 et 29 mais 2019 à l’Hôtel Le Dauphin
  nue par l’Ordre des travailleurs sociaux et des      (600, boul. Saint-Joseph, Drummondville). Pour
  thérapeutes conjugaux et familiaux du Québec         vous inscrire veuillez consulter la page sui-
  (OTSTCFQ). Le 11 octobre 2018 à l’Hôtel Clas-        vante :
  sique (2815, boul. Laurier, Québec). Pour vous       services-et-activites/2011-10-10-10-37-49?
  inscrire veuillez consulter la page suivante :       layout=edit&id=304

 Les victimes face au système de justice: le con-   Colloques
  naître pour mieux intervenir. Reconnue par
  l’Ordre des travailleurs sociaux et des théra-
  peutes conjugaux et familiaux du Québec             Colloque Tapickotc Otamirotan—Travaillons
  (OTSTCFQ). Les 24 et 25 octobre 2018 à la            ensemble ! organisé par Femmes Autochtones
  Commission des droits de la personne et des          du Québec (FAQ). Les 11 et 12 septembre 2018,
  droits de la jeunesse (360, rue Saint-Jacques,       de 8h30 à 16h30, à l’Hôtel Gouverneur
  Montréal). Pour vous inscrire veuillez consulter     Montréal (Place Dupuis). Pour plus d’informa-
  la page suivante :          tions, vous pouvez contacter Isabelle Paillé à
  index.php/services-et-activites/2011-10-10-10-       l’adresse courriel
  37-49?layout=edit&id=136                             Pour vous inscrire veuillez consulter la page
                                                       suivante :
                                                       e     /    1     F   A     I     p    Q      L

Juillet 2018 – Numéro 62


 Congrès International des Recherches Fémi-
  nistes dans la Francophonie – 8e édition. Es-
  paces et enjeux des savoirs féministes : réali-
  tés, luttes, utopie. Organisé par les Congrès
  internationaux des recherches féministes dans
  la francophonie (CIRFF). Du 27 au 31 août
  2018 à l’Université Paris Nanterre. Pour vous
  inscrire veuillez consulter la page suivante :
  in scri pti on s/ in sc ri p tion s - 7 516 20. kj sp?

     Activités du CRI-VIFF

Colloques, Congrès & Université d’été

 Édition 2018 de l’Université d'été Trajetvi sur
  les violences conjugales et les violences faites
  aux femmes. 20 au 24 août 2018, de 9h à 17h,
  Local C3061du Pavillon Lionel-Groulx de
  l’UdeM (Montréal) & disponible en webi-
  naires. Formation accréditée par l’OPQ,
  L’OTSTCFQ & par la Faculté des sciences

Pour plus d’informations sur nos activités, vous
rendre sur le lien : Activités du CRI-VIFF.

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