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Juillet 2018 – Numéro 62 VEILLE SCIENTIFIQUE DU CRI-VIFF SUR LA VIOLENCE CONJUGALE Le 62e numéro de la veille scientifique mensuelle du CRI-VIFF Le Centre de recherche interdisciplinaire sur la violence familiale et la violence faite aux femmes (CRI-VIFF) publie une veille scienti- fique sur une base mensuelle afin de fournir aux principaux acteurs-rices (chercheurs-es, interve- nants-es, étudiants-es, décideurs-es politiques) impliqués dans la lutte contre la violence conju- gale, l’accès aux plus récentes connaissances théoriques, méthodologiques et pratiques qui TABLE DES MATIÈRES les accompagneront dans leurs réflexions et dans leurs pratiques. Articles scientifiques 2 Cette veille scientifique réunit les publications Chapitre de livre 6 du dernier mois sur les différentes dimensions Revue de presse 6 de la violence conjugale. Ces publications sont Évènements 9 de nature multiple : écrits scientifiques, littéra- Activités du CRI-VIFF 10 ture grise, articles de journaux, rapports ou fiches synthèses du CRI-VIFF et autres évène- ments pertinents. Nous vous souhaitons une bonne lecture ! « La violence, sous quelque forme qu’elle se manifeste, est un échec » Jean-Paul Sartre L’équipe du CRI-VIFF En voici donc l’édition du mois de juillet 2018 qui est rendue possible grâce au soutien finan- cier du Gouvernement du Québec. 1
Juillet 2018 – Numéro 62 Articles scientifiques1 Fujisawa, T. X., Shimada, K., Takiguchi, S., Mi- zushima, S., Kosaka, H., Teicher, M. H., & Tomo- da, A. (2018). Type and timing of childhood mal- ADOLESCENCE ET JEUNES ADULTES treatment and reduced visual cortex volume in Karsberg, S., Bramsen, R. H., Lasgaard, M., & children and adolescents with reactive attachment Elklit, A. (2018). The Association Between Distinct disorder. NeuroImage: Clinical, 20, 216‑221. Categories of Child Abuse Experiences and Da- Gürkan, Ö. C., Ekşi, Z., Deniz, D., & Çırçır, H. ting Violence in Early Adolescence. Journal of Fam- ily Violence, 1-12. (2018). The Influence of Intimate Partner Violence on Pregnancy Symptoms. Journal of Interpersonal Kovar, C. L. (2018). Reproductive Coercion: Baby, Violence, 0886260518789902. If You Love Me.. Journal of Maternal Child Nursing, Howarth, E., Moore, T. H., Stanley, N., MacMil- 43(4), 213-217. lan, H. L., Feder, G., & Shaw, A. (s. d.). Towards Ombayo, B., Black, B., & Preble, K. M. (2018). Ad- an ecological understanding of readiness to en- olescent–Parent Communication Among Youth gage with interventions for children exposed to Who Have and Have Not Experienced Dating Vi- domestic violence and abuse: Systematic review olence. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, 1- and qualitative synthesis of perspectives of chil- 10. dren, parents and practitioners. Health & Social Care in the Community, 0(0). Reyes, H. L. M., Foshee, V. A., Chen, M. S., Gott- fredson, N. C., & Ennett, S. T. (2018). Consequenc- Jouriles, E. N., McFarlane, J., Vu, N. L., Maddoux, es of Involvement in Distinct Patterns of Adoles- J., Rosenfield, D., Symes, L., … Paulson, R. (2018). cent Peer and Dating Violence. Journal of Youth Mothers’ posttraumatic stress and child adjust- and Adolescence, 1-13. ment problems in families seeking services for intimate partner violence. Journal of Consulting and Saint-Eloi Cadely, H., Pittman, J., Pettit, G., Lans- Clinical Psychology, 86(7), 604‑614. ford, J., Bates, J., Dodge, K., & Holtzworth- Munroe, A. (2018). Predicting Patterns of Intimate Lewis, M. L. (2018). A Tool to Support Childbirth Partner Violence Perpetration from Late Adoles- Educators to Help Women Cope with Loss of a cence to Young Adulthood. Human Development Pregnancy due to Domestic Violence. International and Family Studies Faculty Publications. Journal of Childbirth Education, 33(3), 36‑41. Marimuthu, Y., Sarkar, S., Sakthivel, M., K, Y., N, ENFANCE ET MATERNITÉ B., & Sarveswaran, G. (2018). Association of social factors with low birth weight: a narrative review. Costello, L. F., & Klein, S. (2018). Racial/Ethnic International Journal Of Community Medicine And Differences in Determinants of Trauma Sympto- Public Health, 5(8), 3171‑3175. matology among Children in the U.S. Child Wel- fare System Exposed to Intimate Partner Violence. Mvo, Z., Ntlantsana, V., Bengu, N., Millar, J., Journal of Family Violence, 1‑13. Roider, J., Bhoola, R., … Goulder, P. (2018). Un- met needs of high-risk mothers reduce success of Field, S., Onah, M., van Heyningen, T., & Honik- antiretroviral treatment in HIV-infected infants. man, S. (2018). Domestic and intimate partner vio- South African Medical Journal, 108(8), 609‑610. lence among pregnant women in a low resource setting in South Africa: a facility-based, mixed methods study. BMC Women’s Health, 18(1), 119. 1 Veuilleznoter que les liens hypertextes indiqués dans cette section vous mènent, non pas à l’article en format PDF, mais sur la page du journal scienti- fique où vous trouverez de plus amples détails sur l’article. Dans certains cas, les journaux scientifiques fournissent un accès gratuit à l’article en for- mat PDF, mais ce n’est pas systématique. 2
Juillet 2018 – Numéro 62 Neamah, H. H., Sudfeld, C., McCoy, D. C., Fink, G., Fawzi, W. W., Masanja, H., … Fawzi, M. C. S. Crockett, C., Cooper, B., & Brandl, B. (2018). Inter- (2018). Intimate Partner Violence, Depression, and sectional Stigma and Late-Life Intimate-Partner Child Growth and Development. Pediatrics, and Sexual Violence: How Social Workers Can e20173457. Bolster Safety and Healing for Older Survivors. The British Journal of Social Work, 48(4), 1000‑1013. O’Reilly, R., & Peters, K. (2018). Opportunistic domestic violence screening for pregnant and Forsdike, K., O’Connor, M., Castle, D., & Hegarty, post-partum women by community based health K. (2018). Exploring Australian psychiatrists’ and care providers. BMC Women’s Health, 18(1), 128. psychiatric trainees’ knowledge, attitudes and preparedness in responding to adults experienc- Pun, K. D., Rishal, P., Infanti, J. J., Bjørngaard, J. ing domestic violence, Australasian Psychiatry, H., Koju, R., Schei, B., … Group, on behalf of the 1039856218789778. A. study. (2018). Exposure to domestic violence influences pregnant women’s preparedness for Halicka, M., Halicki, J., Kramkowska, E., & Szaf- childbirth in Nepal: A cross-sectional study. PLOS ranek, A. (2018). Suggestions for Prevention ONE, 13(7), e0200234. Measures Based on Polish Research Concerning Older Victims of Domestic Violence. The British Sancho Rossignol, A., Schilliger, Z., Cordero Cam- Journal of Social Work, 48(4), 982‑999. paña, M. I., Rusconi Serpa, S., Epiney, M., Huppi, P., … Schechter, D. S. (2018). The association of maternal exposure to domestic violence during Hartley, C. C., & Renner, L. M. (2018). Economic childhood with prenatal attachment, maternal- Self-Sufficiency among Women Who Experienced fetal heart rate, and infant behavioral regulation. Intimate Partner Violence and Received Civil Le- Frontiers in Psychiatry. gal Services. Journal of Family Violence, 1‑11. Sharman, L., Douglas, H., Price, E., Sheeran, N., & Muir-Bouchard, S. (2018). Using digital technolo- Dingle, G. (2018). Associations Between Unin- gy to engage and mobilise young people to end tended Pregnancy, Domestic Violence, and Sexual violence in intimate relationships: lessons from Assault in a population of Queensland Women. Bolivia. Gender & Development, 26(2), 341‑358. PsyArXiv. Nguyen-Feng, V. N., Morrissette, J., Lewis- Tomy, C., Mani, M. R., Deepa, S., Christy, S. A., & Dmello, A., Michel, H., Anders, D., Wagner, C., & Johnson, A. R. (2018). Intimate partner violence Clark, C. J. (2018). Trauma-sensitive yoga as an experienced by pregnant women availing antena- adjunctive mental health treatment for survivors tal care at a rural hospital in South Karnataka. In- of intimate partner violence: A qualitative exami- ternational Journal Of Community Medicine And nation. Spirituality in Clinical Practice, No Pagina- Public Health, 5(8), 3548‑3552. tion Specified-No Pagination Specified. Penti, B., Timmons, J., & Adams, D. (2018). The OUTILS, PROGRAMMES ET INTERVENTIONS Role of the Physician When a Patient Discloses Intimate Partner Violence Perpetration: A Litera- Afrianty, D. (2018). Agents for Change. Bijdragen ture Review. The Journal of the American Board of Tot de Taal-, Land- En Volkenkunde / Journal of the Family Medicine, 31(4), 635‑644. Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia, 174 (1), 24‑46. Rizo, C. F., Wretman, C. J., Macy, R. J., Guo, S., & Ermentrout, D. M. (2018). A novel intervention Creech, S. K., Benzer, J. K., Ebalu, T., Murphy, C. for system-involved female intimate partner vio- M., & Taft, C. T. (2018). National implementation lence survivors: Changes in mental health. Ameri- of a trauma-informed intervention for intimate can Journal of Orthopsychiatry, No Pagination Spec- partner violence in the Department of Veterans ified-No Pagination Specified. Affairs: first year outcomes. BMC Health Services Research, 18(1), 582. 3
Juillet 2018 – Numéro 62 Easteal, P., Holland, K., Breen, M. D., Vaughan, Ryan, J., Esau, M. V., & Roman, N. V. (2018). Leg- C., & Sutherland, G. (2018). Australian Media islative response to family violence in South Afri- Messages: Critical Discourse Analysis of Two Inti- ca: A family centered perspective. Aggression and mate Homicides Involving Domestic Violence. Violent Behavior, 42, 1‑8. Violence Against Women, 1077801218780364. Thomas, K. A., Goodman, L. A., Vainer, E. S., Faller, Y. N., Wuerch, M. A., Hampton, M. R., Bar- Heimel, D., Barkai, R., & Collins-Gousby, D. ton, S., Fraehlich, C., Juschka, D., … Zederayko, (2018). “No Sacred Cows or Bulls”: The Story of A. (2018). A Web of Disheartenment With Hope the Domestic Violence Program Evaluation and on the Horizon: Intimate Partner Violence in Ru- Research Collaborative (DVPERC). Journal of Fam- ral and Northern Communities. Journal of Interper- ily Violence, 1‑13. sonal Violence, 0886260518789141. Wydall, S., Clarke, A., Williams, J., & Zerk, R. Femi-Ajao, O. (2018). Intimate partner violence (2018). Domestic Abuse and Elder Abuse in and abuse against Nigerian women resident in Wales: A Tale of Two Initiatives. The British Jour- England, UK: a cross- sectional qualitative study. nal of Social Work, 48(4), 962‑981. BMC Women’s Health, 18(1), 123. Yousefnia, N., Nekuei, N., & Farajzadegan, Z. LaCroix, J. M., Colborn, V. A., Hassen, H. O., (2018). The relationship between healthcare pro- Perera, K. U., Weaver, J., Soumoff, A., … Ghah- viders’ performance regarding women experienc- ramanlou-Holloway, M. (2018). Intimate partner ing domestic violence and their demographic relationship stress and suicidality in a psychiatri- characteristics and attitude towards their man- cally hospitalized military sample. Comprehensive agement. Journal of Injury and Violence Research, 10 Psychiatry, 84, 106‑111. (2). Satyen, L., Piedra, S., Ranganathan, A., & Gol- POPULATIONS SPÉCIFIQUES luccio, N. (2018). Intimate Partner Violence and Help-Seeking Behavior among Migrant Women in Australia. Journal of Family Violence, 1‑10. Acosta, D. F., Gomes, V. L. O., Oliveira, D. C., Marques, S. C., & Fonseca, A. D. D. (2018). Social Suga, T. (2018). An Analysis of Surveys on Do- representations of nurses concerning domestic mestic Violence by Japan’s Cabinet Office (1999- violence against women: study with a structural 2017). Open Journal of Social Sciences, 06, 56. approach. Revista gaucha de enfermagem, 39, e61308‑e61308. Weiss, N. H., Darosh, A. G., Contractor, A. A., Forkus, S. R., Dixon-Gordon, K. L., & Sullivan, T. Alangea, D. O., Addo-Lartey, A. A., Sikweyiya, P. (2018). Heterogeneity in emotion regulation Y., Chirwa, E. D., Coker-Appiah, D., Jewkes, R., & difficulties among women victims of domestic Adanu, R. M. K. (2018). Prevalence and risk fac- violence: A latent profile analysis. Journal of Affec- tors of intimate partner violence among women tive Disorders, 239, 192‑200é in four districts of the central region of Ghana: Baseline findings from a cluster randomised con- trolled trial. PLOS ONE, 13(7), e0200874. PROBLÉMATIQUE GÉNÉRALE Ali, P. A., O’Cathain, A., & Croot, E. (2018). Influ- Aitken, R., & Munro, V. E. (2018). Domestic abuse ences of Extended Family on Intimate Partner Vi- and suicide, 29. olence: Perceptions of Pakistanis in Pakistan and the United Kingdom. Journal of Interpersonal Vio- Amir-ud-Din, R., Fatima, S., & Aziz, S. (2018). Is lence, 0886260518785378. Attitudinal Acceptance of Violence a Risk Factor? An Analysis of Domestic Violence Against Wom- en in Pakistan. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 0886260518787809. 4
Juillet 2018 – Numéro 62 Anitha, S., Yalamarty, H., & Roy, A. (2018). Khan, S., & Klasen, S. (2018). Female employment Changing nature and emerging patterns of do- and Spousal abuse: A parallel cross-country analysis of mestic violence in global contexts: Dowry abuse developing countries (Working Paper No. 249). and the transnational abandonment of wives in Courant Research Centre: Poverty, Equity and India. Women’s Studies International Forum, 69, Growth - Discussion Papers. 67‑75. Krishnan, K. (2018). gendered discipline in global- Brem, M. J., Shorey, R. C., Rothman, E. F., Tem- ising India. Feminist Review, 119(1), 72‑88. ple, J. R., & Stuart, G. L. (2018). Trait Jealousy Moderates the Relationship Between Alcohol Laufer, L., & Ayouch, T. (2018). Violences conju- Problems and Intimate Partner Violence Among gales, famille, vulnérabilité. Topique, (143), Men in Batterer Intervention Programs. Violence 151‑167. Against Women, 24(10), 1132‑1148. Mancera, B. M., Mungal, A. S., De Santis, J., & Chakraborty, S. P., & Chatterjee, P. (2018). the un- Provencio-Vasquez, E. (2018). Reflections of Men safe sex: the female binary and public violence of Mexican Origin: A Grounded Theory Study of against women. Feminist Review, 119(1), 165‑167. Intimate Partner Violence Risk Factors. American Journal of Men’s Health, 1557988318787617. Dutt, A. (2018). Locating Patriarcky In Violence Against Women In India: Social, Legal And Alter- Mansour, F., & Mohdy, H. A. (2018). Intimate native Responses. PEOPLE: International Journal of Partner Violence among Women with Female In- Social Sciences, 4(2). fertility. American Journal of Nursing Research, American Journal of Nursing Research, 6(5), 309‑316. Garcia-Jimenez, M., Cala, M. J., Trigo, M. E., & de la Mata, M. L. (2018). Women’s Disengagement Quigley, B. M., Levitt, A., Derrick, J. L., Testa, M., From Legal Proceedings for Intimate Partner Vio- Houston, R. J., & Leonard, K. E. (2018). Alcohol, lence in Southern Spain: Variables Related to Le- Self-Regulation and Partner Physical Aggression: gal Proceedings. Crime & Delinquency, Actor-Partner Effects Over a Three-Year Time 0011128718789857. Frame. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 12. Gladden, P. R., & Cleator, A. M. (2018). Sexual Ridings, L. E., Moreland, A. D., & Petty, K. H. Assault and Intimate Partner Violence. In T. K. (2018). Implementing trauma-focused CBT for Shackelford & V. A. Weekes-Shackelford (Éd.), children of veterans in the VA: Providing compre- Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science hensive services to veterans and their families. (p. 1‑10). Springer International Publishing. Psychological Services. Habigzang, L. F., Schneider, J. A., & Frizzo, R. P. Silva, C. D., Gomes, V. L. O., Fonseca, A. D. D., (2018). Evaluation of the Impact of a Cognitive- Gomes, M. T., & Arejano, C. B. (2018). Representa- Behavioral Intervention for Women in Domestic tion of domestic violence against women: com- Violence Situations in Brazil. Universitas Psycho- parison among nursing students. Revista gaucha de logica, 17(3), 12. enfermagem, 39, e63935‑e63935. Jacquot, M., Thévenot, A., Chevalérias, M.-P., & Smaniotto, M., & Melkonyan, A. (2018). Violences Metz, C. (2018). Violences conjugales : l’énigme domestiques et avortement sélectif en Arménie. du lien aux racines de l’infantile. Topique, (143), Topique, (143), 57‑71. 99‑110. Vincenzo, M. D., & Troisi, G. (2018). Jusqu’à ce Jordan, C. E., & Pritchard, A. J. (2018). Mandatory que la mort nous sépare. Silence et aliénation Reporting of Domestic Violence: What Do Abuse dans les violences conjugales. Topique, (143), Survivors Think and What Variables Influence 111‑124. Those Opinions? Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 0886260518787206. 5
Juillet 2018 – Numéro 62 Communauté LGBTQ+ : faire la lumière sur les Yakubovich, A. R. ., alexa. yakubovich@spi. ox. violences sexuelles, La Tribune ac. u., Stöckl, H., Murray, J., Melendez-Torres, G. J., Steinert, J. I. ., Glavin, C. E. Y. ., & Humphreys, Coupe du monde : les violences conjugales aug- D. K. . (2018). Risk and Protective Factors for Inti- mentent-elles de 38% quand l'Angleterre perd?, mate Partner Violence Against Women: Systemat- Libération ic Review and Meta-analyses of Prospective- Longitudinal Studies. American Journal of Public Davantage de soutien aux victimes d'actes crimi- Health, 108(7), e1‑e11. nels, L’œil Régional Yoshikawa, K., Shakya, T. M., Poudel, K. C., & De moins en moins d'infractions criminelles à La- Jimba, M. (2018). Agreement on Reporting Inti- val, Ici Radio-Canada mate Partner Violence Among Nepalese Couples: A Cross-Sectional Study. Journal of Interpersonal Des chercheuses ont recensé 78 féminicides au Violence, 0886260518788371. Canada depuis le début de 2018, L’Actualité MÉMOIRES ET THÈSES Droits des femmes: SOS culture mobilise les Zimmermann, M. (2018). The Relationship Between femmes contre le mariage forcé, MaliWeb Domestic Violence and Terrorism: A Comparison Be- tween the United Kingdom and the United States Halte Drummond arrime la recherche à la pra- (M.A.). The University of North Carolina at Chap- tique, L’Express el Hill, United States -- North Carolina. Il est désormais obligatoire d'immatriculer ses armes à feu, Le courrier du Sud Chapitre de livre Lancement de l'appel de projets 2018-2019 - 1 750 000 $ pour soutenir les victimes d'actes criminels, Groupe CNW Paziotopoulos, P. A (2018). Risk Assessment in Domestic Violence and Stalking Cases. Dans La Nouvelle-Zélande créé un congé pour les vic- Christina M. Holbrook, David E. Bixler, Eugene times de violence conjugale, La Presse A. Rugala, Carri Casteel (dir.), Workplace Vio- lence: Issues in Threat Management (p. 56-69). Le Nouveau-Brunswick annonce l'adoption de New York: 1st Edition. cinq jours de congé payé en cas de violence conju- gale, CDEACF Revue de presse Le Réseau-femmes fait peau neuve, L’Action ARTICLES FRANCOPHONES Les impacts de la violence conjugale sur les en- #BienvenueChezMoi : un hashtag pour accueillir fants, Le Soleil les victimes de violences conjugales le soir de la finale, LCI Les outils en ligne contre le harcèlement et les violences conjugales se multiplient, RTL Info 26,7 millions $ à des organismes d’aide aux vic- times d'actes criminels, TVA Nouvelles Les violences conjugales en hausse pendant la coupe du monde, Top Santé C'est un départ pour les Demois'Ailes, Le Nouvel- liste Lutte contre les violences aux femmes: un nou- veau front ouvert, Cameroon Tribune Comment parler des violences faites aux femmes en littérature?, Le Devoir Mieux garantir la sécurité des victimes de vio- lence conjugale, Le Devoir 6
Juillet 2018 – Numéro 62 City Council approves 2 percent home-sharing Nouveau rapport sur la prévention de la violence fee for domestic violence, Chicago SunTimes au Québec : les communautés LGBTQ+ toujours invisibles, CDEACF Collective approach to ending domestic violence, Rocky View Weekly Plus de violence conjugale pendant la coupe du monde, Le Devoir Domestic abuse cases down, Jersey Evening Post Près de 12.000 faits de violences sexuelles en 2017, Domestic violence homicides rose in 2016, state Le Soir report says, The Press of Atlantic City Shediac : un nouveau centre pour aider les vic- Domestic violence service in Wicklow to close its times de violence à refaire leur vie, Acadie Nou- doors; Residents “left in limbo”, WicklowNews velle Domestic violence: The warning signs, Rutland Soutenir la maison de l'espoir, Le Nouvelliste Herald Un viol sur deux a lieu au sein du couple, Sud Domestic violence unit opens in Rockingham, Info 97,3 CoastLive Violence conjugale : l'intervention d'urgence re- Domestic violence: Use of life-saving tool uneven mise en question au N.-B., Ici Radio-Canada among police departments, Burlington Free Press Violences conjugales : le "téléphone grave danger" Domestic violence victims able to take a new form est-il un outil efficace?, Le Journal du Dimanche of leave, Stuff Violences conjugales : qu'est-ce que le téléphone Domestic violence victims reaching out to fellow grand danger? CNEWS survivors through cooking, ABC News Drug abuse makes domestic violence 'more vi- ARTICLES ANGLOPHONES cious', but it is not the cause, The Recorder Advising family law litigators, protectors and cli- Dubbo community urged to be aware of White ents on domestic violence issues, The Lawyers Daily Ribbon message, Daily Liberal From the community: Join the Walk to Empower Almost 50 women were killed by domestic vio- lence in three - despite reporting their abusers, Domestic Violence Victims, Chicago Tribune INews Furnishing Homes For A New Life After Domes- Annual 5K in Kennebunk supports services for tic Violence, KGOU domestic violence victims, Journal Tribune Grant Award Announcement for Assistance to Bulgarian human rights groups blast ‘wicked’ Victims of Domestic Violence, My News court ruling on domestic violence, Emerging Eu- Healthy relationships education offers a real rope chance to reduce domestic violence, The Conver- Chicago Increases Short-Term Rental Tax to 6% to sation Support Victims of Domestic Violence, VRMintel How benefits changes could mean survivors of Children affected by domestic abuse to benefit domestic abuse are forced to choose between from £8 million fund, GOV UK 'poverty and safety', Wales Online 7
Juillet 2018 – Numéro 62 Program promotes safety from domestic violence, Implement domestic violence act effectively: Post-Chronicle Maneka Gandhi tells states, The New Indian Ex- press Purple Light Nights to shine awareness on do- mestic violence, Times Bulletin Media Intersection: Law Enforcement and Domestic Vio- lence Calls, 90.7 WMFE Report on lethal domestic violence in Santa Clara County highlights vulnerability of elderly cou- Kansas City Considers Requiring Landlords To ples, The Mercury News Allow Domestic Violence Victims Out Of Leases, KCUR 89.3 Rising Up to Support Those Affected By Domestic Violence, Pronobo Australia Lakeland hairstylist creates nonprofit for domes- tic violence victims, Bay News 9 Searches related to domestic violence spiked dur- ing both World Cup semi-finals, NewStatesman Legislation Introduced to Combat Domestic Vio- lence, Big Island Now 'Serious' risks of domestic violence in new online health system, Brisbane Times Manning Great Lakes Police District launch White Ribbon initiative, Wingham Chronicle Seward announces $15K to benefit domestic vio- lence services in Herkimer Co. , WKTV More domestic violence victims seeking help dur- ing summer months, News 4 San Antonio Spain’s deputy PM proposes “yes means yes” law for sexual assault cases, El Païs More than 800,000 kids living in homes with do- mestic violence reveals shock report, Mirror Speak out against domestic violence, Rising Sun New domestic violence laws being drafted in Study Examining Impact Of Domestic Violence South Australia, ABC News On Workers In NL, VOCM News New group puts focus on domestic abuse, Gibral- The campaign against domestic violence should tar Chronicle never end, NewCastle Herald New ordinance would let domestic violence vic- tims break leases in Kansas City, ABC News This New Guide Is Designed to Help Domestic Abuse Victims in Smart Homes, Fortune New Rockingham/Kwinana Domestic Violence Unit launched , The West Australian Training will help Wisconsin police gauge if do- mestic abuse is likely to end in homicide, Journal New State Law Gives Added Protection To Do- Sentinel mestic Violence Victims, WABE UN probe into NZ domestic violence rates called New Zealand grants domestic violence victims for, Otago Daily Times paid leave, BBC News World Cup run sparks surge in domestic violence Parents can promote gender equality and help in England, group says, The Globe and Mail prevent violence against women. Here's how, ABC News York City Council proposes paid time off for vic- tims of domestic violence, WGAL P.E.I. seeking feedback on bill affecting leave for victims of domestic violence, CTV News 8
Juillet 2018 – Numéro 62 Évènements Le système de justice pénale pour les adoles- cents: le connaître pour mieux intervenir au- Formations près des victimes. Reconnue par l’Ordre des travailleurs sociaux et des thérapeutes conju- gaux et familiaux du Québec (OTSTCFQ). Les 6 Programme de formation 2018-2019 de L’associa- et 7 novembre 2018 à l’Hôtel Le Dauphin (600, tion Québécoise Plaidoyer-Victimes. Année 2018- boul. Saint-Joseph, Drummondville) et les 5 et 6 2019; Québec, Trois-Rivières, Montréal. février 2019 au Best Western St-Jérôme (420, Monseigneur Dubois, St-Jérôme). Pour vous Intervenir auprès de groupes sectaires ou de inscrire veuillez consulter la page suivante : communautés fermées : s'outiller pour protéger les enfants. Reconnue par l’Ordre des travail- activites/2011-10-10-10-37-49? leurs sociaux et des thérapeutes conjugaux et layout=edit&id=294 familiaux du Québec (OTSTCFQ). Les 12 et 19 octobre 2018 à l’Hôtel Classique (2815, boul. Thérapie orientée vers les solutions : un outil Laurier, Québec) et les 16 et 23 novembre 2018 efficace pour aider les victimes de trauma. Re- à l’Hôtel le Président (3535, rue King Ouest à connue par l’Ordre des travailleurs sociaux et Sherbrooke). Pour vous inscrire veuillez con- des thérapeutes conjugaux et familiaux du sulter la page suivante : Québec (OTSTCFQ) et l’Ordre des psycho- index.php/22-services-et-activites/ logues du Québec (OPQ). Les 4 et 5 octobre formations/361-formation-therapie-orientee-2 2018 à l’Hôtel Le Montagnais (1080, boul. Tal- bot, Québec), les 8-9 novembre 2018 à l’Hôtel Charte canadienne des droits des victimes : la Le Manoir (8 avenue Cabot, Baie-Comeau) et connaître pour améliorer nos pratiques. Recon- les 28 et 29 mais 2019 à l’Hôtel Le Dauphin nue par l’Ordre des travailleurs sociaux et des (600, boul. Saint-Joseph, Drummondville). Pour thérapeutes conjugaux et familiaux du Québec vous inscrire veuillez consulter la page sui- (OTSTCFQ). Le 11 octobre 2018 à l’Hôtel Clas- vante : sique (2815, boul. Laurier, Québec). Pour vous services-et-activites/2011-10-10-10-37-49? inscrire veuillez consulter la page suivante : layout=edit&id=304 content/article?layout=edit&id=333 Les victimes face au système de justice: le con- Colloques naître pour mieux intervenir. Reconnue par l’Ordre des travailleurs sociaux et des théra- peutes conjugaux et familiaux du Québec Colloque Tapickotc Otamirotan—Travaillons (OTSTCFQ). Les 24 et 25 octobre 2018 à la ensemble ! organisé par Femmes Autochtones Commission des droits de la personne et des du Québec (FAQ). Les 11 et 12 septembre 2018, droits de la jeunesse (360, rue Saint-Jacques, de 8h30 à 16h30, à l’Hôtel Gouverneur Montréal). Pour vous inscrire veuillez consulter Montréal (Place Dupuis). Pour plus d’informa- la page suivante : tions, vous pouvez contacter Isabelle Paillé à index.php/services-et-activites/2011-10-10-10- l’adresse courriel 37-49?layout=edit&id=136 Pour vous inscrire veuillez consulter la page suivante : e / 1 F A I p Q L Se5t_z3pZtoX_r_aLpXRVqLAX5k2HFKOsDard 9blVGJYBt93g/viewform?c=0&w=1 9
Juillet 2018 – Numéro 62 Congrès Congrès International des Recherches Fémi- nistes dans la Francophonie – 8e édition. Es- paces et enjeux des savoirs féministes : réali- tés, luttes, utopie. Organisé par les Congrès internationaux des recherches féministes dans la francophonie (CIRFF). Du 27 au 31 août 2018 à l’Université Paris Nanterre. Pour vous inscrire veuillez consulter la page suivante : in scri pti on s/ in sc ri p tion s - 7 516 20. kj sp? RH=1486044663710 Activités du CRI-VIFF Colloques, Congrès & Université d’été Édition 2018 de l’Université d'été Trajetvi sur les violences conjugales et les violences faites aux femmes. 20 au 24 août 2018, de 9h à 17h, Local C3061du Pavillon Lionel-Groulx de l’UdeM (Montréal) & disponible en webi- naires. Formation accréditée par l’OPQ, L’OTSTCFQ & par la Faculté des sciences infirmières. Pour plus d’informations sur nos activités, vous rendre sur le lien : Activités du CRI-VIFF. 10
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