Chair and Trustee Appointment Brief 2020

Page created by Charlie Owen
Chair and Trustee Appointment Brief 2020
Chair and Trustee
Appointment Brief
Chair and Trustee Appointment Brief 2020
Thank you for your interest in joining Citizens       By helping people with the underlying cause of
Advice Gosport as our new Chair or Treasurer.         their problems and making sure they don’t get
                                                      worse, we save the government and public
At Citizens Advice Gosport we believe no one          services hundreds of millions of pounds every
should have to face problems without good             year. We also look out for people as the
quality, independent advice. That’s why we’re         statuatory consumer watchdog for the energy
here: to give people the knowledge and the            and post industries.
confidence they need to find their way forward -      We show where things are going wrong and how
whoever they are, and whatever their problem.         to help make it better for people.

We are part of a network of independent               We are looking for individuals that share our
charities offering confidential advice online, over   ambition and have the skills and ability to
the phone, and in person, for free. When we say       contribute to our Organisation. Please find
we’re for everyone, we mean it. People rely on us     further information about us, our work,
because we’re independent and totally impartial.      organisation and specific role profiles in this
We also give advice on consumer rights on             appointment brief.
our consumer helpline, support witnesses in
courts through the Witness Service and                We are a charity that is capable of making an
give pension guidance to people aged over 50.         impact in our community. If you are interested in
                                                      joining us in either of these key roles, we would
No one else sees so many people with so many          be delighted to hear from you.
different kinds of problems, and that gives us a
unique insight into the challenges people are
facing today. With the right evidence, we can         Yours faithfully,
show big organisations – from companies right
up to the government – how they can make              Valerie Kelly,
things better for people. We see how problems         Chief Officer
can be linked.

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Chair and Trustee Appointment Brief 2020
About Citizens Advice
Our Vision                                         Our Values

Everyone will be able to access advice to find a   We’re inventive: We’re not afraid of trying new
way forward.                                       things and learn by getting things wrong. We
                                                   question every idea to make it better and we
Our Mission                                        change when things aren’t working.

We provide free, confidential and independent      We’re generous: We work together, sharing
advice to help people overcome their problems.     knowledge and experience to solve problems.
We are a voice for our clients and consumers on    We tell it like it is and respect everyone.
the issues that matter to them.
                                                   We’re responsible: We do what we say we’ll do
                                                   and keep our promises. We remember that we
                                                   work for a charity and use our resources

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The difference
Citizens Advice makes
Last year Citizens Advice helped to solve the          Millions of people every year receive advice from
problems of 8 in 10 of the people who we gave          us. In total we helped 2.8 million people in
advice to directly. 9 in 10 said that our advice had   person, by phone, email or web chat.
helped them find a way forward and 9 in 10             Our advice website had over 34.5 million visits
would recommend us to a friend. Our service            and the site had 54.5 million pageviews. We
saves society money. In 2018-19 the advice we          provide support in 2,540 locations across
delivered directly saved government and public         England and Wales with 21,400 volunteers and
services at least £435 million - that’s £2 for every   8,150 staff.
£1 spent on the service.

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The impact made by
Citizens Advice in 2019-2020

     34,500,000          visits to our

     1,344,000       people helped
                     face to face

     1,010,000       people using our
                     phone service

     483,000      people contacting our
                  consumer helpline

     436,000      people getting help by
                  email or webchat

                witnesses through the
                Witness Service

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Citizens Advice
Governance                                            Our Trustees duties and responsibility

We are an independent charity, part of the               Set the overall direction and support the
national Citizens Advice network, which values           development of the organisation
diversity, promotes equality and challenges              Hold the staff to account to make sure we are
discrimination.                                          meeting the needs of the local community
                                                         Work to maintain the Performance and
Our service puts clients at the heart of all we do.      Quality Framework set through the national
We employ 9 paid staff, some on specific                 Citizens Advice network
projects. Over 40 volunteers bring many                  Employ our staff and control the finances
different skills, experiences and diversity to our       Earn and retain the respect of key local
organisation, and deliver most of our frontline          individuals and organisations
services. All our staff and volunteers benefit from      Give local people a say on our work through
thorough training, to meet the national Advice           our public Annual General Meeting and other
Quality Standard. We are committed to equality           feedback and consultation methods
and diversity.                                           Make sure our work complies with relevant
                                                         charity and other law
Our Trustee Board

As an independent charity, we have our own
board of trustees, who are ultimately responsible
for the quality and type of services we provide.

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Becoming a trustee for
Citizens Advice Gosport
What does a trustee do?                               How much time is involved in volunteering as
                                                      a trustee?
Trustees are volunteers who are expected to use
their skills, knowledge and experience to help        Most trustee boards meet in the evenings to
guide and govern their local Citizens Advice. They    allow people to fit around full-time employment
work with the Chief Officer and other staff to        or studying. However, outside of meetings,
shape strategy and give direction.This includes       trustees may be required to give additional
making sure that their local Citizens Advice is:      support, such as working with members of staff
                                                      on key projects (such as budgeting, recruitment
   Doing what it was set-up to do, such as            or communications).
   offering high quality advice services to the
   local community.                                   What are the criteria required to become a
   Complying with the law, including upkeep of        trustee?
   premises, insurance, recruitment and
   equipment.                                         Local Citizens Advice trustee boards welcome
   Securing money to meet current and new             people of all ages, backgrounds and experience
   demands, and that all funds are used               who are passionate about advice services and
   responsibly.                                       can bring innovative ideas, unique perspectives
   Recognised and valued by local                     and good judgement. Sometimes, a local Citizens
   organisations, funders and people, who are         Advice will be looking for a trustee with a specific
   aware of the vital service their local Citizens    skill-set, such as experience in law, advice
   Advice provides.                                   services or fundraising. If so, this should be
                                                      outlined in the role profile and description.
Attendance at regular meetings is expected by all
trustees. Sometimes trustees will get involved in     What are the benefits of becoming a trustee?
additional governance projects, such as
supporting fundraising, developing strategy or        Training - all trustees are given training so that
overseeing HR procedures.                             you know what is expected of you and how to
                                                      carry out your role.
Within a board, some trustees will have a specific    Experience - being a trustee is a good
role, such as being the Chair, Treasurer or           experience to put on your CV. It shows that you
Secretary. These positions have defined               can hold a position of responsibility, work with
responsibilities, such as chairing and facilitating   others and help to lead and guide an
meetings (Chair), overseeing the budget               organisation.
(Treasurer) and taking and circulating minutes        Satisfaction - as a trustee, you would be helping
(Secretary).                                          to deliver a vital local service that, along with
                                                      other local Citizens Advice, helps millions of
                                                      people every year to find a way forward.

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Chair Role
About this role within the Board of Trustees          External relations:
                                                         Act as a confident, fluent ambassador for the
The Chair will hold the Board and Senior                 cause, the charity and its work
Management Team to account for Citizens                  Maintain active relationships with key
Advice Gosport's Strategic Focus, providing              stakeholders
inclusive leadership to the Board of Trustees,           Act as a spokesperson for the organisation
ensuring that each Trustee fulfils their duties and      Represent Citizens Advice Gosport at external
responsibilities for the effective governance of         functions, meetings and events
the charity.
                                                      Efficiency and effectiveness:
The Chair will also support the Chief Officer and         Chair meetings of the Board of Trustees
ensure that the Board functions as a unit, and            effectively and efficiently, bringing
achieve agreed objectives. The Chair will act as          impartiality and objectivity to the decision
an ambassador of Citizens Advice Gosport.                 making process
                                                          Ensure that Trustees are fully engaged and
Responsibilities                                          that decisions are taken in the best, long-
                                                          term interests of Citizens Advice Gosport and
Strategic leadership:                                     that the Board takes collective ownership
    Provide leadership to Citizens Advice Gosport         Work closely with the Chief Officer to give
    and its Board                                         direction to Board policy-making and to
    Ensure that the Board operates within its             ensure that meetings are well planned,
    charitable objectives, and provides a clear           meaningful and reflect the responsibilities of
    strategic direction                                   Trustees
    Ensure that the Board fulfils its duties to           Monitor that decisions taken at meetings are
    ensure financial accountability                       implemented

   Ensure that the governance arrangements
   are working in the most effective way
   Develop the knowledge and capability of the
   Board of Trustees
   Encourage positive change
   Ensure that the Board of Trustees
   incorporates the right balance of skills,
   knowledge and experience needed to govern
   and lead effectively

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How to apply
To apply to become a trustee for Citizens Advice     Recruitment
Gosport or express your interest in the role of
Chair, follow the three easy steps:                  Trustee Role: ongoing.

                                                     Chair Role:
STEP 1 - Go to our Citizens Advice Gosport
website and click on our          Closing date: November 2020
volunteering opportunity page or type the            Prospectus interviews: December 2020
following URL                                        Final panel interview: January 2021
port_volunteerinfo.html                              Queries

STEP 2 - register your interest by clicking on       If you wish to have an informal discussion about
‘Apply now’, which will take you to an online form   the opportunity to become a trustee, have any
where you can submit your contact details            queries on any aspect of the appointment
                                                     process, or need additional information please
STEP 3 - Our team at Citizens Advice Gosport will    contact our Office Administrator on
then get in touch with you, letting you know         02392 604605 or email
more about the role and the application process. or
This will probably involve filling out an  
application form and attending an interview.

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Citizens Advice helps people find
a way forward.

We provide free, confidential and independent
advice to help people overcome their problems.
We are a voice for our clients and consumers on
the issues that matter to them.

We value diversity, champion equality, and
challenge discrimination and harassment.

We’re here for everyone.

© Citizens Advice Gosport, September 2020.
Gosport Citizens Advice Bureau is an operating name of Citizens Advice. Registered charity number 1116994
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