Bus 2020 The Case for the Bus - Greener Journeys

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Bus 2020 The Case for the Bus - Greener Journeys
Bus 2020
T h e C a s e f o r t h e Bus
Bus 2020 The Case for the Bus - Greener Journeys
Bus 2020
The Cas
        e for th
                 e Bus
Bus 2020 The Case for the Bus - Greener Journeys
by Claire Haigh

I am sure we are all pleased that the economy is
on the mend. The challenge now is to make sure
people, young and old, in all parts of the country,
can share in the benefits of prosperity. Moreover,
we must ensure that a growing economy doesn’t
come at a cost to our natural environment.

Buses can, and must, be part of       solutions to promote investment
the solution. Every day, they carry   in bus infrastructure, maintain
millions of people to work, to        free bus passes for older people,
the shops and to education and        and encourage more people to
training. Buses help older people     commute by bus.
to continue to be part of their
                                      Our proposals all provide taxpayers
communities, as volunteers or
                                      with high value for money, and
as carers. Furthermore, buses
                                      clear benefits for the wider
are a cost effective way to reduce
                                      economy. Every pound invested
road congestion and cut carbon
                                      in buses is a sound investment in
                                      our communities, our environment
Over the life of the next             and our future prosperity.
Parliament, Britain has a valuable
opportunity to harness the
potential of the bus, to make the
economy stronger, help the job
market to work better and build
a more inclusive society. In this     Claire Haigh
paper, Greener Journeys sets out      Chief Executive, Greener Journeys

  Bus 2020
Bus 2020 The Case for the Bus - Greener Journeys
Delivering a lasting prosperity,
throughout Britain

Buses are the lifeblood of the UK economy.
Every year, bus users make 1.4 billion
shopping trips and spend an estimated
£27 billion on retail goods1.

Buses are the main mode of travel    KPMG LLP found that better              Greener Journeys believes that
to city centres and are used even    network performance would               the next Government should
more than cars. Buses account for    reduce the costs associated with        issue a National Statement on
29% of spending in cities.2          delays. There would also be wider       Local Bus Infrastructure, to
                                     economic benefits: businesses           encourage local decision-makers
Buses have a vital part to play in
                                     could link up with suppliers;           to invest in bus infrastructure,
reducing traffic congestion in
                                     consumers would have better             as part of local transport plans.
urban areas, which costs the UK
                                     access to retailers; and local labour
economy at least £11 billion per
                                     markets could work more                 The Statement would describe
year.3 The best solution is to
                                     efficiently. Bus users would have       what the Government expects the
make better use of Britain’s road
                                     more reliable services, with fewer      bus sector to deliver in return for
capacity. That means investing
                                     delays and shorter journey times.       public funds. Growth Deal awards
more in local bus infrastructure
                                     Congestion would be reduced, the        would be linked to the quality of
and selective priority measures
                                     local air would be cleaner and          the Strategic Economic Plans, and
to make transport networks
                                     noise levels lower.                     these would have a supporting
work better.
                                                                             Local Transport Plan.
                                     These benefits should be delivered
Detailed analysis for Greener
                                     in the most efficient way possible.     The Statement would provide
Journeys by KPMG LLP shows that
                                     From this year, the Department for      guidance on best practice, showing
targeted investment in such
                                     Transport will devolve much of its      how bus-related infrastructure can
measures would typically generate
                                     capital funding to the Local            improve network performance and
£3.32 of net economic benefit for
                                     Growth Fund, with Local Enterprise      help local economies to grow.
each £1 of cost incurred.4
                                     Partnerships making the decisions
                                     on spending. Transport initiatives
                                     will need to compete for capital
                                     investment with other growth
                                                                                Detailed analysis for
                                                                                Greener Journeys by
                                                                                KPMG LLP shows that
                                                                                targeted investment in

                £27 billion                                                     such measures would
                                                                                typically generate £3.32
                                                                                of net economic benefit
                                                                                for each £1 of cost
Every year, bus users make 1.4 billion                                          incurred.
shopping trips and spend an estimated
£27 billion on retail goods.
Bus 2020 The Case for the Bus - Greener Journeys
Enabling everyone to take
part in the life of Britain

                                                                                Buses are especially
                                                                                important to those on
                                                                                low and moderate
                                                                                incomes. 48% of the
Buses are a vital part of                                                       lowest income group
                                                                                and 36% of the second
an inclusive society.                                                           lowest group do not
                                                                                have access to a car.

Concessionary travel schemes          Concessionary travel brings             However, these benefits have
provide older and disabled people     important benefits to bus               been placed at risk. As their
across Great Britain with unlimited   passengers who do not use the           budgets have been reduced,
free bus travel. The policy is very   scheme. Free passes encourage           local authorities have had to
popular, with four out of five of     more people to use the bus,             make difficult choices.
those eligible taking up free bus     so operators need to provide
                                                                              There is a longer-term challenge.
passes, and has resulted in a big     additional services. Services are
                                                                              Between 2012 and 2037, the
increase in demand for bus travel.    more frequent and waiting times
                                                                              number of people in England aged
In 2013, it delivered more than       at bus stops are shorter.
                                                                              over 60 is expected to grow from
1.2 billion trips to 12 million
                                      With better services, people use        12 million to 18 million.7 This will
pass holders.5
                                      the bus instead of their cars. There    make the case for the scheme even
Working with KPMG LLP, Greener        is less road congestion, lower levels   stronger.
Journeys has analysed the benefits    of air pollution and fewer traffic
                                                                              Greener Journeys is calling on
of the Concessionary Travel           related accidents.
                                                                              the next Government, and its
Schemes in England, Scotland
                                      Free bus passes are good for the        successors, to make a firm
and Wales. (The study did not
                                      economy and society as a whole.         commitment to ensuring that
examine the administration of the
                                      With more freedom to travel, older      the concessionary travel
schemes and their reimbursement
                                      people are more able to contribute      schemes remain in place, with
                                      as volunteers, as mentors, event        secure and adequate funding.
We found that each £1 spent on        organisers and fundraisers. They
concessionary bus travel generates    have new opportunities to look
at least £2.87 in benefits to bus     after children and to care for
pass users and to other bus           others.
passengers and other road users.6
                                      Free bus passes encourage older
Older and disabled people have        people to be more active, and as
easier access to shops and can
access healthcare and other
services and activities. Bus pass
                                      a result they have better health
                                      and well being.                         +6 million
users are more able to visit family
and friends.                                                                  Between 2012 and 2037,
                                                                              the number of people in
                                                                              England aged over 60 is
                                                                              expected to grow from 12
                                                                              million to 18 million. This
                                                                              will make the case for the
                                                                              scheme even stronger.
Getting Britain’s
people to work

Every day, almost 2.5 million people all over
Britain travel to work by bus, and a million
more use the bus as a vital back up.8 Every
year, those bus commuters create more than
£64 billion worth of goods and services.9

Buses are especially important to      Greener Journeys proposes a
commuters on low and moderate          new Bus Bonus, to make it
incomes. 48% of the lowest             easier and cheaper for people
income group and 36% of the            to travel to work by bus. The
second lowest group do not have        Bus Bonus would help more
access to a car.10                     people to find jobs and                £2.17 in
Many people depend on buses to         encourage people to switch
get to their place of education or     from car to bus, reducing traffic
training. More than half of all        congestion and reducing
students are frequent bus users.11     harmful vehicle emissions.
And buses are essential for job                                               Research for Greener
seekers, given that 77%                The Bus Bonus would work in            Journeys by KPMG LLP
have no access to a car.12             a similar way to the childcare         shows that for each
                                       voucher scheme currently in            £1 of foregone tax,
Transport costs are second only        place.
to housing and fuel in their share                                            the Bus Bonus would
of total household spending13.         Research for Greener Journeys          generate £2.17 in benefits.
The affordability of getting to work   by KPMG LLP shows that for
presents a genuine challenge to        each £1 of foregone tax, the Bus
many households.                       Bonus would generate £2.17 in
                                       benefits.14 Bus users would gain
But bus passengers have been           from lower fares and improved
affected by reductions in revenue      service quality. Employers would
spending on transport. One result      save in National Insurance
has been higher fares.                 contributions. The labour market
People should be encouraged to         would work better, which would
choose the bus – a low carbon,         be good for UK plc. And everyone
flexible mode of transport –           would benefit from less noise
to commute to work.                    pollution, better air quality, safer
                                       roads and lower vehicle emissions.
    Institute for Transport Studies,
                                                Greener Journeys, Bus 2020:
     Buses and Economic Growth, 2012             The Case for the Bus, 2014
    Institute for Transport Studies,
                                                Institute for Transport Studies,
      Buses and the Economy II, 2013-            Buses and the Economy II, 2013
    Cabinet Office Strategy Unit,
                                                Institute for Transport Studies,
     An analysis of urban transport, 2009        Buses and Economic Growth, 2012
    Greener Journeys and KPMG,
                                                 Department for Transport, National
     A National Statement on Local Bus            Travel Survey: 2012, Revised 2013
     Infrastructure Executive Summary,      11
                                                 Institute for Transport Studies,
     2014                                         Buses and Economic Growth, 2012
    Greener Journeys, The costs and        12
                                                 Institute for Transport Studies,
     benefits of concessionary bus travel         Buses and the Economy II, 2013
     for older and disabled people in
     Britain, 2014                          13
                                                 ONS, Family Spending, 2014
    Greener Journeys, The costs and        14
                                                 Greener Journeys, Tax Incentives
     benefits of concessionary bus travel         for Bus Commuters, 2014
     for older and disabled people in
     Britain, 2014
Bus 2020
    The Cas
            e for th
                     e Bus

Greener Journeys
3rd Floor Drury House
34-43 Russell Street
London WC2B 5HA

About Greener
Greener Journeys is a campaign
dedicated to encouraging
people to make more sustainable
travel choices.
It aims to increase the value of
bus and coach travel in stimulating
economic growth, reducing
congestion and CO2 emissions and
enabling access to jobs, retail, leisure
and vital services. Launched in 2009,
Greener Journeys is a coalition of
Britain’s leading bus companies and
other supporters including Transport
for London, RAC Foundation,
Passenger Focus, Confederation
of Passenger Transport (CPT),
Passenger Transport Executive
Group (PTEG), and Campaign
for Better Transport. Its primary
funders are bus companies Arriva,
FirstGroup, Go-Ahead and
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