Central Ohio Chapter - Find us on social media - *virtual event* *virtual event* *virtual event* - Cystic Fibrosis Foundation

Page created by Ted Higgins
Central Ohio Chapter - Find us on social media - *virtual event* *virtual event* *virtual event* - Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
Central Ohio Chapter

 2021 Special Events
     Cincinnati/Dayton Office                    Central-Ohio@cff.org             Columbus Office
         P: 513-533-9300                        www.cff.org/CentralOhio           P: 614-890-6565

                                                      Great Strides
                                                        Pep Rally
                                                   *virtual event*
                                                     April 2021 TBD
                                                                               Team CF is the Greater Cincinnati &
 Great Strides provides opportunities for         Central Ohio Great                Dayton running team that
 all people within our local community to
 get involved forming teams with friends,         Strides Celebration          participates at the Cincinnati Flying
                                                                               Pig Marathon. Turn your miles into a
  family and colleagues. Our virtual walk          *virtual event*                 mission to raise money and
day will be a fun celebration where we will           May 15, 2021                 awareness for cystic fibrosis.
  rejoice in all of the great strides we’ve                                     Multiple race options with varying
taken as a CF community to get us closer        For more information visit:    fundraising minimums are available.
     to finding a cure for cystic fibrosis.      www.cff.org/greatstrides
                                                                                  Flying Pig MArathon
                                                                                    *virtual event*
                                                    Cincinnati/Dayton                     May 1-2 2021
                                                     CF Cycle For life               Location: Cincinnati, OH
                                                      September 2021 TBD                  Website: TBD
                                                         Location TBD
                                                         Website: TBD
                                                                                  National Endurance
    Enjoy a fully supported, scenic
                                                         Columbus                     Celebration
   ride with multiple route options                   CF Cycle for life            *virtual event*
     and well-stocked rest stops,                      September 18, 2021          Join us as we celebrate the
     bike mechanics, support and                    Location: Brew Dog Canal       accomplishments of all our
    gear vehicles, and a finish line                     Winchester, OH            endurance events in 2021!
             celebration!                                 Website: TBD
                                                                                     October 2021 TBD

                                                   Find us on social media
                                       Cincinnati/Dayton Office                Central Ohio Office
                                              @CFF_Cinci                               @CFF_CentralOhio
                                              /CFFGreaterCincinnati                   /CFFCentralOH
                                              @CFF_Cinci                               @CFF_centralOH
Central Ohio Chapter - Find us on social media - *virtual event* *virtual event* *virtual event* - Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
We can’t wait to come together and
    CF Golf Classic participants will           celebrate the CF Foundation’s
       enjoy a day on the course             milestones as you help us get closer             Sips and Giggles is a virtual
   – great for networking with other          to finding a cure for cystic fibrosis.          benefit fundraiser for the CF
  professionals, entertaining clients,        Begin your night with cocktails and            Foundation where guests will
      and team building with co-             hors d’oeuvres and an exciting silent          enjoy a night of robust wine and
    workers. Prizes will be awarded            auction, followed by an exclusive           scrumptious appetizers with a few
  to the top three teams and various          three-course dinner accompanied                   giggles along the way.
   contests throughout the course.           with wine pairings. Stay for live music
                                                   and dance the night away!

         CF Golf Classic                              65 Roses Gala                               Sips & Giggles
            July 12, 2021                               October 16, 2021                          October 2021 TBD
    Location: Traditions Golf Club                 Location: Hard Rock Casino                       Location TBD
              Hebron, KY                                 Cincinnati, OH                             Website: TBD
            Website: TBD                                  Website: TBD

                             Cincinnati's Finest is a formal affair honoring outstanding
                              professionals who demonstrate leadership qualities and         Cincinnati's Finest
                                 shine in the Greater Cincinnati community. Finest
                              Honorees embark on a 16-week-long campaign to raise                 August 2021 TBD
                                awareness and funds for the CF Foundation, which                   Location TBD
                             supports CF research, patient services, and other mission-            Website: TBD
                                                  focused activities.

                             Columbus’ Brewer’s Ball will be honoring Columbus’
                            best and brightest professionals. These honorees show
                            exemplary leadership, are active in their communities,
                                                                                                Brewer's Ball
                               and have excelled in their profession or business.               August 2021 TBD
                              These leaders are not only making a positive local            Location: The Historic Barn
                             impact, they’re also committed to supporting the CF       at Jorgensen Farms, Westerville, OH
                                             Foundation’s mission.                                 Website: TBD

                                                                 Mail your donations to:
      The mission of the Cystic Fibrosis
 Foundation is to cure cystic fibrosis and to
 provide all people with CF the opportunity
   to lead long, fulfilling lives by funding
                                                             Cincinnati/Dayton Office                Columbus Office
research and drug development, partnering                     4420 Carver Woods Dr                      PO Box 324
   with the CF community, and advancing                        Cincinnati, OH 45242                 Blacklick, OH 43004
        high-quality, specialized care.
Central Ohio Chapter - Find us on social media - *virtual event* *virtual event* *virtual event* - Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
Annual Fund
   Your gift of support to the Annual Fund provides important, unrestricted resources that help us
   accelerate our efforts to pursue a cure for cystic fibrosis, fund development of new therapies,
   and help all people with cystic fibrosis live longer, healthier lives. To make a donation, visit the
   link below.
                         Cincinnati:                                         Columbus:
            http://fightcf.cff.org/cincinnati-anf              http://fightcf.cff.org/centralOH-anf

   65 Roses Club
   You’re invited to join the 65 Roses Club, a special group of Cystic Fibrosis Foundation donors dedicated to finding a cure
   for cystic fibrosis. Members make a monthly gift which provides consistent, reliable support to the CF Foundation, that
   helps those living with CF lead longer, healthier lives by advancing high-quality care and innovative research. Whatever
   amount you choose to give, you will remain part of a strong community that supports people with cystic fibrosis. For more
   information visit www.cff.org/give-monthly

                             Volunteer Opportunities

    Tomorrow’s Leaders is the Cystic                                                                             A CF Foundation Grampion is a
       Fibrosis Foundation’s young                         CF Foundation teamMATEs are                            grandperson who is passionate
   professional program, designed to                     volunteers who help “Make Adding                         about helping those with cystic
      offer like-minded professionals                        Tomorrows Easier.” You can                        fibrosis (CF) live their best life. They
     leadership skills and networking                      choose volunteer opportunities                       are the ultimate champions for not
     opportunities while they make a                      that best match your interests and                     only their grandchild but others'
   difference in the lives of those with                     skills. For more information                            grandchildren. For more
   cystic fibrosis. For more information                                contact:                                       information contact:

 Cincinnati/Dayton:   Columbus:                         Cincinnati/Dayton:   Columbus:                      Cincinnati/Dayton:            Columbus:
  Natalie Riusech   Jennifer Hughes                        Megan Craig        Cara Pick                        Megan Craig                 Cara Pick
 NRiusech@cff.org JHughes@cff.org                        MCraig@cff.org    CaPick@cff.org                    MCraig@cff.org             CaPick@cff.org
   513-533-9300      614-890-6565                         513-533-9300      614-890-6565                      513-533-9300               614-890-6565

 Foundation-Sponsored Indoor and Outdoor Events and Gatherings: The Foundation is closely following the evolving coronavirus outbreak. We will continue
    to monitor coronavirus guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and assess whether we need to change any scheduled events. To
  reduce the risk of getting and spreading germs at CF Foundation-sponsored events, we ask that everyone follow basic best practices by regularly cleaning
your hands with soap and water or with an alcohol-based hand gel, covering your cough or sneeze with a tissue or your inner elbow, and maintaining a safe 6-
     foot distance from anyone with a cold or infection. Medical evidence shows that germs may spread among people with CF through direct and indirect
 contact, as well as through droplets that travel short distances when a person coughs or sneezes. These germs can lead to worsening symptoms and speed
decline in lung function. To further help reduce the risk of cross-infection, the Foundation's attendance policy recommends inviting only one person with CF to
 attend the indoor portion of a Foundation-sponsored event at a specific time. For the outdoor portion, the Foundation recommends that all people with CF
                                                   maintain a safe 6-foot distance from each other at all times.
Central Ohio Chapter - Find us on social media - *virtual event* *virtual event* *virtual event* - Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Central Ohio Chapter - Find us on social media - *virtual event* *virtual event* *virtual event* - Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Central Ohio Chapter - Find us on social media - *virtual event* *virtual event* *virtual event* - Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Central Ohio Chapter - Find us on social media - *virtual event* *virtual event* *virtual event* - Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Central Ohio Chapter - Find us on social media - *virtual event* *virtual event* *virtual event* - Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
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