Centered SEP 2021 Vol. 22 | 01 - Community Services Center Taipei

Page created by Elizabeth Bowen
Centered SEP 2021 Vol. 22 | 01 - Community Services Center Taipei
Centered                         on TAIPEI
                                                                                          Vol. 22 | 01

A publication of the Community Services Center

                                                 2021 FALL & WINTER ACTIVITIES CATALOG INSIDE
Centered SEP 2021 Vol. 22 | 01 - Community Services Center Taipei
Centered SEP 2021 Vol. 22 | 01 - Community Services Center Taipei
CONTENTS                            September 2021 volume 21 issue 1

CSC                                                                             SPORT
From the Editors                                                    5           Ready to Bounce Back?                                      7
September 2021 Center Gallery                                       6
Book Club                                                           6           CULTURE
CSC Business Classified                             inside back cover
                                                                                Want to Write a Book? Hang On, it's a Wild Ride!           9

                                                                                Nimen dong ma?                                           11
                                                                                Chinese Poet Xu Zhi Mo (Part I)                          12
 Publisher                    Community Services Center, Taipei
 Editor                       Suzan Babcock
 Co-editor                    Richard Saunders
 Advertising Manager          Naomi Kaly                                        SUPPLEMENT
 Magazine Email     
 Tel                          02-2836-8134
                                                                                2021 Fall & Winter Activities                             17
 Fax                          02-2835-2530

 Printed by                   Farn Mei Printing Co., Ltd.
                              1F, No. 102, Hou Kang Street, Shilin
                                                                                The Happy Gourmet             4
                              District, Taipei                                  The Secret to Great Coffee		 19
                              Tel: 02-2882-6748 Fax: 02-2882-6749
                                                                                Jane Goodall: Our Children, Our Future Leaders		 22
 Centered on Taipei is a publication of the Community Services Center,
 25, Lane 290, Zhongshan N. Rd., Sec. 6, Tianmu, Taipei, Taiwan                 Agents of Change for Our Environment		24
 Tel: 02-2836-8134                                                              The Rise and Fall of a Coral Kingdom (Part I)		27
 fax: 02-2835-2530

 Correspondence may be sent to the editor at coteditor@
                                                                                TRAVEL Freelance writers, photographers and                   East Rift Valley: Hualien County                         29
 illustrators are welcome to contact the editor to discuss editorial and
 graphic assignments. Your talent will find a home with us!

 Copyright 2021. All rights reserved. Material in this publication may not
 be reproduced without the written consent of the copyright owner.

  COT is printed on FSC certified 100% post-consumer recycled fiber. The
  paper is certified in accordance with the rules of the Forest Stewardship
  Council which promotes environmentally responsible, socially beneficial and
  economically viable management of the world's forests.

                                                                                           SEPTEMBER 2021   3
Centered SEP 2021 Vol. 22 | 01 - Community Services Center Taipei
The Happy Gourmet

            Adam McMillan’s Delicious Seafood Delight
           1 green capsicum (thinly sliced)
           3 green onions (bulb and 1 inch of stem), chopped
           120 grams sharp cheddar cheese (grated)
           10 medium shrimp (shell, head, tail off; I like to use Australian
           tiger prawns. I also save the shells and heads to make a reduced
           shrimp sauce for a little extra kick.)
           2 strips bacon, fried and diced
           1 380-gram bag riced cauliflower

           1. Sauté the shrimp and remove from pan.
           2. Add riced cauliflower and stir for 5 minutes, or until the
              moisture has evaporated.
           3. Add the cheese and stir until melted.
           4. Add capsicum, green onions, bacon, shrimp and gently mix              Serves two people
              together until well blended.                                     Preparation time: 10 minutes
           5. Serve immediately.                                                 Cooking time: 8 minutes

 4   SEPTEMBER 2021
Centered SEP 2021 Vol. 22 | 01 - Community Services Center Taipei
                                     Power in Numbers installation
                                     A collaboration with Scubar on the
                                     beach in Fulong, August 17-19th, 2021                     FROM         Please send email submissions, comments, and feedback to
                                     by La Benida Hui
                           ,                                     THE
   Plastic Bottles:1638, lighters: 55, Bottle caps: 68, food
   packaging: 46, cutlery: 27, plastic bags:16, styrofoam: 11 bags,                                      At a recent Zoom meeting, the topic of the “new normal”
   Total trash bags: 65, Total weight: 273.1kg                                                        generated a lot of discussion. Rather than hashing over a
   10hrs of cleaning (1day, 2 shifts, 14 people)
                                                                                                      doomsday list of negatives, however, the participants focused
                                                                                                      on and presented pro-active thoughts and suggestions for
   COT Team                                                                                           community engagement. Several community organizations
                                                                                                      and resources were mentioned, among them the Community
                                                                                                      Services Center and the Center’s community-based magazine,
                                                                                                      Centered on Taipei (COT).
                                                                                                         The Community Services Center (or the Center as it’s
                                                                                                      affectionally known) was established in 1987 to address a need
        Suzan Babcock        Richard Saunders           Naomi Kaly                       KC           within the international community for professional counseling
                Editor               Co-editor Advertising Manager          Graphic Designer
                                                                                                      services in English. Currently, the Center’s counseling services
               coteditor@ naomi@communitycenter.      graphicdesigntaipei.                                        and team of highly professional and dedicated counselors,
                                                                                                      psychologists and consultants are augmented by many programs
   Featured Contributors                                                                              and activities which continue to be community-based, and are
                                                                                                      a valued approach for connecting with and better serving the
                                                                                                      international and local communities.
                                                                                                         COT was established in 2000 by the Community Services
                                                                                                      Center. As a comprehensive cross-cultural community-based
                                                                                                      English lifestyle magazine, it is an important resource for the
Dr. Dorothy Bonett   Daniel Cunningham         Kenneth Dickson           La Benida Hui                Center and the diversified communities which it serves.
                                                                                                         For the past 21 years, COT has also been an important
                                                                                                      resource and cross-cultural volunteer community platform
                                                                                                      for sharing articles on a wide range of topics including trends,
                                                                                                      travel, food, literature, art and photography, education, business
                                                                                                      profiles, fashion, health, counseling and the environment.
                           Kelly S.C. Kok         Elizabeth Lam                                          This month’s issue of COT focuses on different aspects of
                                                                                                      Taiwan’s environment, with Dr. Jane Goodall: Our Children, Our
    Art, Photography and Writing Contributors                                                         Future Leaders by Kelly S.C. Kok (Executive Director of the Jane
    Dr. Dorothy Bonett            Hsu Family Archives           Joseph Reilly                         Goodall Institute Taiwan), The Rise and Fall of a Coral Kingdom
    Daniel Cunningham             La Benida Hui                 Richard Saunders                      by Elizabeth Lam, and Agents of Change for Our Environment by
    Kenneth Dickson               Kelly S.C. Kok                Rosemary Susa                         La Benida Hui.
    Heather Gatley                Elizabeth Lam                 Taiwan Squash                            Thankfully, the Center is now able to resume Mandarin
    The Jane Goodall              Louis Lam                     Grace Ting
    Institute Taiwan              Virginia Lee                                                        language classes along with a fun-filled catalogue of activities
    Jess Gosling                  Adam McMillan                                                       to choose from. To whet your appetite, check out renowned
                                                                                                      Taiwanese chef Ivy Chen’s class Taiwanese Please, for healthy
    Pick COT up at:                                                                                   vegetarian recipes, or the Iconic Taiwan Embroidery Workshop
                                                                                                      with Kara Walls, or create your own stylish pair of origami
    Community Services Center, No. 25, Lane 290, Sec. 6,
    Zhongshan North Rd.                                                                               earrings with Naomi Watanabe at her Using Origami for Creating
    Sprout – No. 33, Sec. 7, Zhongshan North Rd.                                                      Beautiful Earrings class.
    George Pai’s Beauty – No. 14, Tienmu East Rd.
    Ooh Cha Cha – 207, Sec.2, Nanchang Rd.
                                                                                                      Sue and Richard

                                                                                                   Accountant                    Monica Cheng
                            COMMUNITY SERVICES CENTER                                              Programs Manager              Rosemary Susa
                                                                                                   Director of Development and
                                                                                                   Events                        Helen Peterson
    The Community Services Center (CSC) is a non-profit foundation. CSC provides                   Coffee Mornings Coordinator   Leslie McFarlane
    outreach and early intervention through counseling, cross-cultural education and               Communications                Pia Munk-Janson
    life skills programs to meet the needs of the international community in Taipei.               Mandarin Chinese Teacher      Gloria Gwo
    CSC offers the opportunity to learn, volunteer, teach and meet others. Check out
    our website and drop by The Center to chat with us
                                                                                                   Systems Manager               Samson Debele
    about our programs. You can also email us at                       Counseling Interns            Ximena Lopez

    Director                       Adam McMillan                                                   Volunteers                    Miyuki Boice, Gwen Harris, Leslie McFarlane,
                                                                                                                                 John McQuade, Bunny Pecheco, Lucy Torres
    Office Manager                 Grace Ting
                                                                                                                                 Bai Win Antiques
    Counselors                     I-wen Chan, Katherine Chang, Hui-shiang Chao,                   Benefactors                   European Chamber of Commerce
                                   Anne Cheng, Jung Chin, Chiao-Feng Chung, Cerita Hsu,                                          Grand Hyatt Taipei
                                   Lily Lin, Miranda Lin, Emilie Ma, Kuang-Shan Wan
                                                                                                                                 Concordia Consulting
    Consultants                    Anne Cheng, Tom Cole, Wendy Evans, Mary Lagerstrom,             Premier Sponsors              ICRT
                                   Michael Mullahy, Sofia Vintimila                                                              San Fu Global

    Counseling Admin.              Joanne Chua

                                                                                                                    SEPTEMBER 2021          5
Centered SEP 2021 Vol. 22 | 01 - Community Services Center Taipei
                                                           A percentage of all proceeds of items sold at the Gallery will go to the Center. Please
                                                           remember that by displaying your items or shopping at the Gallery, you will be helping the
                                                           Center to continue to provide valuable services to the international community.


         Vandana Mengane is an Indian artist based in Taipei, Taiwan. Her work specializes in unique creations which use clay, acrylic, oil
         and water colors on various bases like canvas, wood, fabric & necklace string. She has created a platform called Anahata Artisan.
         The focus of Anahata Artisan's creation is on the characteristics of Anahata which are blessing, peace, harmony, love, empathy,
         purity and compassion of one towards self and towards others. The exhibition at the Community Services Center will focus on color
         therapy and meditation. All paintings will highlight seven important colors that can help enhance our physical and mental health.

         PORCELAIN DECAL ART BY MASAKO LIANG                                  SAHAR SHAIKH

                                                                                                                    Sahar's collection includes
                                                                                                                    necklaces, chains, hand-
                                                                                                                    crafted silver jewelry
                                                                                                                    embedded with semi-
                                                                                                                    precious stones, tops and
         Masako Liang presents her beautiful porcelain tablewares,                                                  tunics in cotton prints and
         spoons, plates, teacups (in the shape of a rice steamer) and                                               silks and lightweight scarves
         bowls, decorated with vintage and cute modern Taiwanese                                                    in dazzling, vibrant colors.
         and Japanese designs.

                                                                                        NEW BOOKS BY LOCAL AUTHORS
                                MORNING BOOK CLUB                                                       Never Forgotten -
                                American Gods                                                           The Story of the Japanese Prisoner of
                                by Neil Gaiman, 2001.                                                   War Camps in Taiwan during World
                                Date: September 14th                                                    War II
                                After three years in prison, Shadow                                     by Michael D. Hurst MBE
                                has served his time. But as the                                         ISBN: 978-986-89430-1-8 Price:
                                days and hours until his release tick                                   NT$1200
                                away, he can feel a storm brewing.
            Two days before his release date, his wife Laura dies                                       THE GOLDEN KHAN -
            in a mysterious car crash, in adulterous circumstances.                                     The secret to absolute power
            Dazed, Shadow travels home, only to encounter the                                           by A. H. Wang
            bizarre Mr. Wednesday, who claims to be a refugee
            from a distant war, a former god, and the king of                                           ISBN: 9574383156,
            America. Disturbing, gripping, and profoundly strange,                                      978-9574383153
            Gaiman’s epic novel sees him on the road to the heart                                       Price: NT$450
            of America. Basis for the 2017 Starz TV series.

 6    SEPTEMBER 2021
Centered SEP 2021 Vol. 22 | 01 - Community Services Center Taipei

          o u n  c  e Back ?
    y to B
Read Squash courts re                                open after four months
                                   of closure during the nationwide le
                                   three epidemic alert.
                                                                                              TEXT: DANIEL CUNNINGHAM
                                                                                              IMAGES: TAIWAN SQUASH

            ack in the summer of 2017,
            when I relocated from
            Shanghai to Taipei, there was
            a hefty question weighing on
 my mind - Where can I play squash?
    I grew up playing squash in the UK,
 where it’s considered a niche sport,
 despite having a sizable community of
 players and several world-famous clubs.
 In Taiwan, however, there can’t be more
 than a few hundred people playing
 squash on a regular basis.
    Having played in Shanghai, I’d heard     wrote a message to the Taiwan Squash      Taiwanese squash player of all time, and
 of decent players in Taipei. Squash         organization on Facebook, asking for      resident coach at the club. Although
 spread across the region from Hong          their advice on where to play. They       I played there for three years, often
 Kong, Singapore and Malaysia, but it’s      were very helpful and after a lengthy     practicing with his father Devin (who’s a
 yet to reach the level of popularity that   discussion, they convinced me to join a   legend of the Taiwanese squash scene)
 other racket sports like badminton and      club called Go Gym at Taipei Stadium.     and his students (some of whom are
 tennis enjoy.                                  The reason I decided to join Go Gym    formidable players in their own right
    As I was packing my bags for Taipei, I   was James Huang, the most successful      too) I’ve yet to get on court with James.

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                                                  during the soft lockdown, this is a great
                                                  time to get active and pick up a new
                                                  sport. The health benefits of squash are
                                                  formidable. It’s a high intensity sport
                                                  and the top players can burn over a
            It wasn’t until a few years later,    thousand calories per hour.
         after I gave up my membership at Go         On top of that, you can make new
         Gym, when I finally met the Taiwan       friends, practice your language skills
         Squash folks who originally helped me    and maybe open doors for the future.
         out. Spookily, the organization was      Squash is growing in popularity all
         co-founded by James’ younger sister.     around the world, especially at the
            Taiwan Squash is a team of five       top US colleges, which all have varsity
         squash-aholics (pictured above, right    squash teams.
         to left): Tigger, Tina, “Squashman”         If you’ve never played squash before
         Ray, Jimmy and Johnny. Nowadays, I       then why not hire a coach? Taiwan
         regularly join them and a larger group   S q u a s h re c e nt l y l a u n c h e d a n e w
         of players on court at NTU sports        website, which lists the locations of
         center.                                  public squash courts nationwide, and                Daniel Cunningham is
            There are actually lots of squash     where you can find a coach too.                     International Project
         courts all across Taipei, which are         Visit the official Taiwan Squash                 PR and Marketing
         publicly accessible and not expensive    website to learn more: w w w.                       Manager at DDG
                                                                            Taipei, specialising in
         to play on either. The average price
                                                                                                      cultural and creative industries. He was
         is NT$100-200 per hour, and you can         You can also watch matches from
                                                                                                      the International Media Liaison of the
         often just turn up to play without a     all of the tournaments hosted by
                                                                                                      2018 Golden Pin Design Award and the
         reservation.                             Taiwan Squash on their official YouTube             Golden Pin Concept Design Award.
            Since many of us have put on weight   channel and Facebook page.

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                                                      TEXT: JESS GOSLING        IMAGES: WEB

                hen I first thought about       international teachers contacted me                      if I could write a guide to support
                writing a book, I hadn’t        through the website, and it occurred                     these teachers, one that focused on
                realized the personal           to me that this information could also                   an exciting and rewarding alternative
                journey I would embark          support a much wider audience. So,                       career path overseas. With this in mind,
on. There was so much I didn’t know             I set up a Facebook page and group                       I began to reflect upon what teachers
about the new skillsets needed, such as         called New to International School                       needed to know to successfully
the style of writing a book, the cover,         Teachers, which aimed to specifically                    relocate, such as a good overseas
correct formatting, and publishing              s u p p o r t t e a c h e rs c o n t e m p l a t i n g   location and school, and once this was
the final work. In addition, the project        a move, or those who are new to                          in place, how to thrive when living and
would require deep reflection on the            teaching overseas.                                       teaching abroad. However, I didn’t
teaching experiences of both myself                Through both my group and other                       just want to present my viewpoint on
and my colleagues. The idea of such             UK-based Facebook teaching groups,                       this, so I started to research and post
a text had developed from my blog,              I became aware that many teachers                        questions on international teacher
www.jessgoslingearlyyearsteacher.               were unhappy in their home countries.                    forums, as well as having discussions
com. Through creating and developing            Some teachers were suffering from                        with my colleagues.
this blog I came to realize how much            exhaustion, they felt over-worked,                          I began to rework my original blog,
t h e re wa s to s ay a b o u t b e i n g a n   a n d o f te n ex p e r i e n c e d a l a c k o f        which became a basic outline of the
international teacher.                          support from senior management                           book, from which I could draw out
   It was midway through 2020 that I            in their school. Reading these posts,                    chapters and sub-sections. I worked
started my blog, which centered on              I recognized that their experiences                      through the text with my editor, current
what teachers needed to do to teach             had mimicked some of my own back                         and former colleagues, and shared the
internationally, as well as my personal         home. I left the UK in 2009, after I had                 blog with others, who gave me lots of
experiences of international teaching. I        become frustrated by the poor working                    much-appreciated feedback.
then considered the best way to share           conditions in state-maintained schools.                     However, juggling full-time work and
this writing, which I decided would be              After my Facebook group had been                     developing the book most evenings
through my own website. Prospective             online for several months, I wondered                    started to take a toll on me. I gave

                                                                                                SEPTEMBER 2021   9
Centered SEP 2021 Vol. 22 | 01 - Community Services Center Taipei

         myself very little time to decompress                                                                  daughter embraced me and told me
         and relax, as I simply didn’t know                                                                     she was proud. It was a relief, but also
         how to. As the Christmas holidays                                                                      a terrifying moment. What if it wasn’t
         approached, I felt I needed to take a                                                                  good enough?
         break, but at the same time, I carried                                                                    No matter how many colleagues
         a pang of nagging guilt for not sending                                                                had read and applauded my work, as
         further work through to my editor. At                                                                  always, there was still a nagging doubt
         one point I took a week off to “slow                                                                   it wouldn’t be well-received by the
         down” and didn’t work on the text.                                                                     public. Several days after the publishing
         Self-reflecting on this time, I realize                                                                date, however, I received positive
         that these “breathers” between writing                                                                 reviews from strangers, who included
         chapters were helpful, as I was able to                                                                a director of an international teacher
         slow down and give colleagues more                                                                     recruitment company. This was a
         time to return the edited texts.                                                                       turning point for me, towards believing
            After this short breather, I returned                                                               my work is valuable and good enough
         to writing in January. By April, I was                                                                 for publication.
         nearing the end of the drafting and                                                                       To conclude, writing the book was
         re-drafting process, and came to what                                                                  an all-consuming, but fascinating,
         I considered would be the penultimate                                                                  experience. The challenges of self-
         chapter. I explained to my editor                        designers through the online group,           publishing were both frustrating and
         that I was done, as I didn’t think I                     Fiverr, I decided upon one who used           challenging at times. In the final stages,
         needed to detail the different types                     InDesign software to create book              the sheer magnitude of the task felt
         of international teachers and their                      interiors. His work looked beautiful,         overwhelming.
         experiences which we had originally                      with dropped caps and strong headers,            However, my expertise developed,
         discussed. Upon hearing this, my editor                  although I provided lots of suggestions       as did my understanding of the
         paused, then told me that she felt that                  and feedback during the design of the         importance of working with others
         this was one of the most important                       text, too.                                    on what I had first considered a solo
         parts of the book. So, somewhat                             The designer expected a fully              project. Through collaboration, the text
         reluctantly, I returned to the text.                     reviewed, finished piece of work, so          was authenticated, expanded upon
            What I hadn’t expected was how                        there was a very tense moment after I         and developed, providing excellent
         much I would thoroughly enjoy                            sent the work back with text changes,         insider knowledge. I also learned to
         c r e a t i n g t h o s e f i n a l c h a p t e r s. I   only for it to be returned abruptly in        slow down, to be patient, and wait for
         wondered how best to represent the                       complaint. My heart sank, as I was so         feedback, as some of the best insights
         varied experiences of international                      close to finishing. I was honest with him,    from others took time.
         teachers. This section, I knew, would                    explaining that as a self-published author       I feel proud that I have accomplished
         need to be approached differently                        I had no idea of this process, and I was      this huge task, and my knowledge of
         from the remainder of the book to                        truly sorry. Following this discussion, and   self-publishing has grown significantly.
         fully authenticate the thoughts and                      promise of a tip to compensate for the        My little blog has transformed into
         experiences of others. I involved them                   extra work, his responses returned to his     something which may inspire unhappy
         in the writing process by distributing                   usual upbeat style.                           teachers or those considering leaving
         questionnaires which provided detail-                       Meanwhile, I was finding out how           the profession, to follow the advice
         rich replies and valuable insights and                   to obtain an ISBN number in Taiwan.           contained in the guide thus giving them
         feedback from spouses, teachers with                     Through responses on Taipei-based             the confidence to change their lives by
         children, teaching couples, single                       Facebook forums, I discovered I should        teaching abroad.
         teachers, and other expats involved in                   apply through the website of the                 My book is available worldwide, both
         education.                                               National Library in Taipei. Immediately,      digitally and in paperback:
            When I had finished these last                        I became worried about this task as              https://jessgoslingearlyyearsteacher.
         chapters, I assumed my work was done.                    I struggled to understand a website           com/book-launch/
         However, there were further milestones                   translated through Google. However,
         to reach. I began by investigating how                   with a little support via the helpdesk,       Jess Gosling is an
         to create a great cover.                                 the National Library issued ISBNs for         international Early Years
            For this, I enlisted a group of trainee               both my digital and print copies.             teacher, currently working in
         designers. At first this didn’t work out,                   This process of finalizing the book        Taipei. Her teaching career
         so I began to mock-up my own images                      occupied my mind and time for more            of over ten years has taken
                                                                  than four weeks, three of which were          her on adventures around the
         to guide their design, and after a month
                                                                                                                world, including Egypt and Vietnam. She
         of revisions, the cover was completed.                   in my school holidays. I felt guilty for
                                                                                                                likes to blog, and regularly writes articles
         At this point I naively thought the                      the time I wasn’t reconnecting with
                                                                                                                for numerous publications, including
         design of the interior of the book would                 my young daughter. Nevertheless,              the Times Educational Supplement. She
         be straightforward.                                      after such a lengthy process, the             recently authored her first book, Becoming
            After researching several interior                    moment came when I hit “publish.” My          a Successful International Teacher.

 10   SEPTEMBER 2021

A Teacher's Day appreciation poem for Gloria Gwo,
        The Center's Mandarin instructor

  Nimen dong ma?

        They came from the west and they came from the east,
           they all had one purpose, to learn some Chinese.
             The weather was hot and the Center was cool,
              and so in September they all started school.
                   A is for Alex, who grew up in Spain,
              she told me that I should behave on a plane.
       There was Becca and Michelle who wore the same frock,
           the first learned quite quickly, ‘cos she was a doc.
         There was Lotte and Susan, who’d both been a nurse,
              I felt very safe, when things got much worse.
             And Jason the expert at gambling for sausage,
            flew way off to Texas and quite off the message.
                 We had Takta and Lilian and Lila at first,
         they moved on quite soon as we followed the course.
             We had Sarah with twins who spoke Japanese,
               and told us of boats and the US sea breeze.        Heather Gatley is a retired English
                                                                  literature teacher who likes to write
         There was peerless Virginie who passed all the tests,
                                                                  about her travels. You can read more
              she left us all standing and ate no frogs’ legs.    of her work in the online magazine
          With a ni yao and mei you she soon knew the drill, She was born in Cyprus
                                                                  and has lived in Singapore, Peru, El
           and was fluent in no time which made us quite ill!     Salvador, Switzerland, Germany, Spain,
              And have I neglected to mention someone?            The Netherlands and Wales, and now
                                                                  lives in Taiwan. She has four chapbooks
                 Maybe because I was being hen mang.              of poetry available on
               Oh Gloria, our laoshi, what can we all say?        I n d i g o S k y ( a b o u t Wa l e s ) ; To m b s
                                                                  of Gold (England); Last Boat to
             Just thank you so much for the great memory!         Brienzersee (Europe) and The Cliffs at
                                                                  Qingshui (Asia)

                                                          SEPTEMBER 2021            11

         Chinese Poet
         Xu Zhi Mo
                                                                                  – Part I

                                                                 inety years ago in China, in             fell in love with English culture and
                                                                 1931, a poet came crashing               literature.
                                                                 down from the sky. His                      This was surprising. Chinese at the
                                                                 airplane slammed into a                  time tended to think of Europe as
                                                  mountain and he died. His name was                      having an inferior culture, though they
                                                  Xu Zhimo. The nation went into intense                  knew that it had better technology and
                                                  mourning. The thirty-four year old Xu                   more military might. Chinese civilization
                                                  had only been writing poetry for about                  is five thousand years old and they
                                                  ten years, but in that time, he had                     had been at the center of Asia for all
                                                  not only transformed a five thousand                    of that time. Even when “barbarians”
                                                  year-old tradition, but had become a                    succeeded in conquering China they
                                                  celebrity who was much beloved. Xu’s                    had always realized the superiority
                                                  influence remains strong today; it’s rare               of the Central Nation, and adopted
                                                  to meet a Chinese who cannot recite                     its knowledge and its ways after a
                                                  some of his verse. He is indisputably                   time. When Xu entered King’s College,
                                                  China’s greatest modern poet, but he                    Cambridge, however, in fall 1921, it
                                                  is not yet well known in Europe and                     was clear that he was not dealing
                                                  America. This is a pity because he was                  with barbarians there. The beautiful
                                                  perhaps the most international of                       buildings at King’s are hundreds of
                                                  Chinese authors, and did a great deal to                years older than anything he had seen
                                                  open China up to influences from the                    in China, and the natural surroundings
                                                  rest of the world.                                      impressed him even more. It was
                                                     X u Z h i m o w a s b o r n i n X i a s h i,         t h e p e o p l e h e m et, t h o u g h, w h o
                                                  Zhejiang Province, on January 15th,                     influenced the young man the most.
                                                  1897. Qing dynasty China was on                         Xu met literary lions like Katherine
                                                  t h e d efe n s i ve. T h e “C e nt u r y o f           Mansfield. He became friends with
                                                  Humiliation,” had begun in 1842 with                    Arthur Waley, E.M. Forster, Roger Fry
                                                  the First Opium War and China had                       and Goldsworthy Lowes Dickinson.
                                                  been forced to sign a series of unequal                 They learned from each other. He read
                                                  treaties, losing territory; sovereignty;                voraciously — Keats, Wordsworth,
                                                  respect. Xu’s father wanted him to                      Joyce, Baudelaire. Thomas Hardy was a
                                                  have a Western education thinking                       particular favorite (they also met). And
                                                  that this would lead to success. So                     Xu became determined not just to write
                                                  Xu l e a r n e d C h i n e s e c l a s s i c s, b u t   Chinese poetry, but to write poetry of a
                                                  concentrated on preparing to study                      certain kind. He wanted to write xinshi:
                                                  a b r o a d, l i ke m a ny e l i t e C h i n e s e      “new verse.’”
                                                  youths of the time. In 1918, he went                       What was meant by “new verse” in
                                                  to America, studied at Clark College,                   China at that time? This was poetry
                                                  got his B.A. in 1919, and then earned                   in the vernacular — the language
                                                  an M.A. from Columbia University in                     that people spoke. In 1921, this was
                                                  1920. Then he left America for England,                 a very new idea. Understanding this
                                                  where he planned to continue the                        is key to understanding Xu Zhimo’s
                                                  study of government and finance. He                     accomplishment. All literature in
                                                  wanted to become China’s Alexander                      Chinese at the beginning of the 20th
                                                  H a m i l to n a n d h e l p h i s n at i o n b y       century was written in the classical
                                                  creating a modern system of banking.                    language called wenyanwen. This is a
                                                     But something unexpected happened                    different language from modern Chinese
                                                  in England. Xu Zhimo fell in love. He                   – at least as different as classical Latin

 12   SEPTEMBER 2021

 is from modern Romance languages.           Italian models to write the first great             was in England, too. She had left and he
 The difficulty of learning to read and      vernacular English verse. Here is my                was following her home. For her sake,
 write meant that a large segment of         translation of his most famous poem,                he had already gotten the first modern
 the population was illiterate. Language     written in 1928.                                    divorce in China.
 reform was thus a necessary task if            Xu p u b l i s h e d h i s p o e m s i n t h e
 China wanted to become a modern             new literary magazines beginning in
 nation. Xu was not the first person to      1922, and his first book, Zhimo de shi,             Dorothy Trench Bonett’s
 realize this fact, and reformers such as    (Zhimo’s poems) appeared in 1925. A                 award-winning book
 Hu Shi (1891-1962) had been working         Night in Florence followed in 1927, and             Broad Sea and Empty Sky
 with this problem. By the 1920s they        then Tyger! (titled after Xu’s translation          contains the largest number
                                                                                                 of poems by Xu Zhimo ever translated
 had succeeded in creating clear and         of the poem by William Blake) in 1931.
                                                                                                 into English. She is also the author of
 concise vernacular prose. But although      The posthumous collection Cloud
                                                                                                 Repairing the Sky: Tales of Myth and
 poetry had been written (Hu Shi himself     Wandering was published in 1932.                    Magic from Old China. A Yale graduate,
 had made attempts) the “new verse”             Xu left Cambridge and returned to                she lived in Taiwan and taught at the
 was unsatisfactory. Critics had begun to    China in 1922. This was because he had              Chinese Culture University in 1981.
 say that true poetry in the language that   fallen in love with a woman while he
 people spoke might be impossible to
    Then Xu Zhimo began to publish his
 poems. He was not the only important                         Cambridge, Farewell Again
 modern poet to begin to write at this
 time, but he was the first to be really                                          再別康橋
 successful in his attempts, and he was
 the best. Somehow, he managed to
                                                                          I came to you softly, Cambridge.
 take foreign forms, and even meters
                                                                              And softly I say goodbye.
 (often drawn from English) and meld
                                                                          I wave a hand in a soft farewell
 them with everyday Chinese language,
                                                                         To the clouds in your Western sky;
 creating poetry that reads naturally,
 is memorable and is also extremely
                                                                   The gold willows on your river's banks--
 lyrical. It was an achievement which
                                                                      Are the twilight sun's new brides,
 rivals that of Chaucer using French and
                                                              And their lovely shadows in the lights of the waves
                                                                        Move in my heart like its tides.

                                                                         In the soft mire under the water,
                                                                         Green plants swagger luxuriantly
                                                                       In the gentle waves of the river Cam
                                                                             I gladly a plant would be.

                                                                      That pond in the shadow of the elms
                                                                    Not a clear spring, but heaven's rainbow--
                                                                     Colors crumbling in algae white as milk
                                                                        Drizzling rainbow dreams below;

                                                                   Looking for dreams?--grasp a punting pole
                                                                    And through green grass punt upstream,
                                                                       Stars' radiance will fill your boat
                                                                        In those stars' refulgence--sing--

                                                                       But I hear no flutes, no pipes tonight
                                                                            And I have no voice to sing.
                                                                        Even the insects seem struck dumb
                                                                            On this summer's evening--

                                                                      In silence I came to you, Cambridge,
                                                                             In silence I say goodbye;
                                                                       I shake my sleeve as I say farewell,
                                                                     And I take not one cloud from your sky.
Xu Zhimo (徐志摩) is also Romanized
as Hsu Chih-mo or Hsu Tsemou (his

                                                                                        SEPTEMBER 2021   13
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                                                                                                Lina Lo,            PhD, CPCC, ACC
                                                                                                Personal and Professional Development Coach
                                                                                                working with expats to master their constant
                                                                                                transitions through roles, cultures, and locales.
                                                                          Launching Mental Fitness Training
                                                                          I’m launching the 6-week Positive Intelligence Mental Fitness program to
                                                                    CM    support you to navigate lockdowns and ace the new normal, and most
                                                                          importantly to train your mental muscles to react positively to uncertainty
                                                                          in life once and for all. For a comprehensive description of this 6-week
                                                                          program, please see: I’m
                                                                          excited to start this journey with you. If you are ready to proceed or you
                                                                          have questions, feel free to email me directly at

                                                                          Introducing Just Be, a Blog for Expats

                                                                                          As expats, we are spread out all over the globe with many
                                                                                          having parents in one country, children in another, and
                                                                                          our workplace in a third. In the era of Covid-19, the
                                                                                          majority of us have been sheltering in place at home,
                                                                                          continuing working as professionals and acting as
                                                                          caregivers and teachers. Separation and inability to travel add to the
                                                                          worry, stress, isolation, anxiety, and a strange sense of homelessness.
                                                                          Follow me in Just Be @LinkedIn to explore how being, rather than
                                                                          doing, can better support us through uncertainty.

          Taiwan 101: Essential Sights, Hikes
           and Experiences on Ilha Formosa
                         by Richard Saunders

                             Taiwan is a perfect illustration of
                         the saying that good things come in
                         small packages. In comparison with
                         more popular tourist destinations in
                         the Far East, Taiwan is very modest
                         in size, but despite its diminutive
                         scale, the island has an astonishing
                         amount to offer the curious explorer.
                             The two volumes that make up
                         Taiwan 101 are the perfect guide for
                         exploring the very best of Taiwan:
                         not only the island’s finest hikes,
                         but also its best historic towns and
                         cities, brightest traditional festivals,
                         unique Chinese and aboriginal
                         cultural riches, and its little-known
        natural wonders such as eternal flames, mud
        volcanoes and badlands.
           Together, Taiwan 101 Volumes 1 and 2 present
        Taiwan’s finest attractions to anyone who wishes to
        get to know this island of kaleidoscopic charms, and
        comes with detailed information on getting around
        by public transport, and accurate GPS coordinates
        of nearly 800 fascinating places.

14   SEPTEMBER 2021
Fall & Winter
Welcome To The Center
                                                                                 August, 2021
Dear Center Friends,
                                                                                                           Registration Information
Welcome to the Community Services Center.
                                                                                                Advance registration is required for all Center activities. Registration may be
The Center is a non-profit organization with a mission to serve the international               done by phone, email, online or in person. For online registration please go
community in Taiwan through a broad range of services. Through our Activities                   to the Center’s website:
Program, which this catalog highlights, we offer a wide array of classes and tours to
help introduce you to life in Taiwan. We believe that the better you get to know and            Payment is due at least one week prior to the start of any activity. Some
understand Taiwan's culture and customs, the richer your experience here will be. We            activities may require earlier payment. Should an activity become fully
also offer activities with a focus on learning a new skill or staying healthy and fit. We are   subscribed and a wait list created; payment will be due upon request. We
pretty sure if you take a good look at our offerings that you will find something that will     cannot guarantee your place until full payment is received.
interest you.
As we prepare to go to print we are finding it difficult to predict what will be happening      The Center reserves the right to cancel any activity due to insufficient
                                                                                                enrollment or other unforeseen events. We make every effort to promptly
this September when our new schedule of programs is set to begin. Everything will
                                                                                                notify all registered participants.
depend upon the COVID-19 situation in Taiwan. Please know that safety comes first
and we apologize in advance if we have to make any last minute schedule changes or
                                                                                                Refund and Credit Policy
cancel any of our programs.
                                                                                                Activities cancelled by the Center:
                                                                                                  • Full refund will be issued. Refunds can be collected until the last day of
If the need arises, we will try to offer some activities online. Our Chinese language
                                                                                                     the semester.
classes in May and June were conducted online and we are prepared to utilize this
                                                                                                  • Cancellations due to Taipei city/government closures, i.e. typhoon days,
format again if necessary. We recommend that you stay informed via our website (www.                 are exempt from this policy. No refunds or make-up classes will be and also the Center's Facebook page (The Center Taipei).                     offered.
                                                                                                Activities cancelled by the participant:
For now, we recommend that you take a look through this catalog and register for some             • No refund will be issued. Class credit is available on the following
activities. In addition to learning and exploring, joining Center classes is a great way to          terms:
meet new people with similar interests.                                                              o A full credit will be issued as long as the registration is cancelled at
                                                                                                        least one week prior to the first class meeting or actual date of the
We look forward to seeing you at the Center.                                                            activity. After that time, we are unable to give credits.
                                                                                                     o Class credits may be applied to other Center activities within the
                                                                                                        current term or to the term that immediately follows.

Rosemary Susa               Gwen Harris                 Grace Ting
Programs Manager            Programs                    Office Manager                             Center office hours are Monday – Friday, 9:00am – 5:00pm
P.S. Please note that our Welcome Coffee is scheduled for Thursday, September 6th.
We invite you to join us to learn about our programs and meet the Center's staff and             No. 25, Lane 290, Zhongshan N. Rd., Sec. 6, Shilin District, Taipei 11161
instructors.                                                                                             Tel. 02-2836-8134 Email:
Fall/Winter Activities at a Glance...
         Dates                 Activity                                   Course #      $$$          Dates                     Activity                                    Course #     $$$

SEPTEMBER                                                                                       NOVEMBER
Sep 06 to Oct 20   Survival Chinese I: Session 1                            32       $5400      Nov 01 to Dec 06   Joint Mobility for Optimal Health                         22       $3000
Sep 06 to Oct 20   Survival Chinese II: Session 1                           33       $5400      Nov 01 to Nov 15   Beginning Crochet Workshop                                28       $2100
                   Survival Chinese III/IV and Beginning Chinese                                Nov 01 to Dec 15   Survival Chinese I: Session 2                             39       $6300
Sep 06 to Oct 20                                                            34       $5400
                   Conversation: Session I                                                      Nov 01 to Dec 15   Survival Chinese II: Session 2                            40       $6300
Sep 06 to Oct 20   Evening Survival Chinese I                               35       $5400                         Survival Chinese III/IV and Beginning Chinese
Sep 07 to Dec 14   Intermediate Chinese Conversation                        36       $9900      Nov 01 to Dec 15                                                             41       $6300
                                                                                                                   Conversation: Session 2
                   Intermediate Chinese Study Group: Reading and                                Nov 01 to Dec 15   Evening Survival Chinese II                               42       $6300
Sep 07 to Dec 14                                                            37       $9900
                   Writing Chinese Characters
                                                                                                Nov 01 to Dec 15   Evening Survival Chinese I: Session 2                     43       $6300
                   Beginning Chinese Study Group: Reading and
Sep 07 to Dec 14                                                            38       $9900      Nov 03 to Dec 01   Chakra Yoga Flow with Yoga Chandrika                      23       $2750
                   Writing Chinese Characters
                   Shidong Market Tour or “What is That Vegetable and                                              English Conversation: Improve Your Speaking Skills in
Sep 09                                                                       1       $ 600      Nov 03 to Dec 08                                                             29       $3600
                                                                                                                   a Fun and Interactive Way
                   How Do I Cook It?”
                                                                                                Nov 04             Hike to Mt. Shamao                                        11       $ 800
                   SATURDAY AT THE CENTER!
Sep 11             Shi Dong Market Tour or “What is That Vegetable           2       $ 600      Nov 05             Easy Stir Fries, the Taiwanese Way                        47       $1200
                   and How Do I Cook It?”                                                                          SATURDAY AT THE CENTER!
Sep 14             Donghu to Neigouxi Ecological Center                      3       $ 700      Nov 06             A Movable Feast: A Cultural Foodie Tour Through           12       $1400
Sep 14 to Nov 23   Yoga for Wellness: Flow with Embodied Awareness          21       $4400                         Dadaocheng
                   Kickstart Your Stay in Taiwan: Newcomer Orientation               $1000 or   Nov 09             Yongkang Street Area Tour                                 13       $ 800
Sep 16                                                                       4                                     SUNDAY AT THE CENTER!
                   Workshop                                                          $1400      Nov 14                                                                       14       $ 700
                                                                                                                   Stories of Wanhua: A Historic Walking Tour
Sep 17             Taiwanese Please: Healthy Vegetarian                     44       $1200
                                                                                                Nov 18             Exploring Beautiful Wulai                                 15       $1600
Sep 24             French Cooking: Basque Country Cuisine                   45       $1200
                                                                                                                   Håkonskager and Specier: Danish Butter Cookies
                   SATURDAY AT THE CENTER!                                                      Nov 19                                                                       48       $1200
                                                                                                                   for the Holidays
Sep 25             A Tour of the National Palace Museum: History and         5       $ 950
                   Highlights                                                                                      SATURDAY AT THE CENTER!
                                                                                                Nov 20             Studio Portrait Photoshoot Day at Minim                   16       $3500
                   SUNDAY AT THE CENTER!                                                                           Photographic Studio
Sep 26                                                                      24       $1400
                   Iconic Taiwan Embroidery Workshop
                                                                                                                   SUNDAY AT THE CENTER!
Sep 28             Using Origami to Create a Beautiful Pair of Earrings     25       $1000      Nov 21             The Way of Tea: An Introduction to the Japanese           17       $1100
                   Ecologically Grown: Farm Tour and Vegetarian                                                    Tea Ceremony
Sep 30                                                                       6       $1750
                   Lunch                                                                        Nov 22 to Nov 29   DIY Holiday Ornaments Workshop                            30       $1800
                                                                                                Nov 23             Hiking Guizikeng                                          18       $ 700
Oct 01             Incredible Indian Cuisine                                46       $1200
                                                                                                Nov 30             The Lin Family Mansion and Garden                         19       $ 900
                   SATURDAY AT THE CENTER!
Oct 02                                                                       7       $1650      DECEMBER
                   Keelung Islet Adventure
Oct 04             Porcelain Decal Art                                      26       $1200      Dec 03             French Cooking: Soup and Soufflés                         49       $1200
Oct 05             I Can Draw! Bringing Out Your Inner Artist               27       $ 900      Dec 07             Soap Making Workshop: Easy, Fun and Eco-Friendly          31       $1800
Oct 07             POW Tour: In the Steps of the Men of Kinkaseki            8       $1600      Dec 09             Battleship Rock Trail Hike                                20       $ 800
Oct 08             Lengshuikeng to Juansi Waterfall Hike                     9       $ 800                         Healthy and Delicious: Cooking with a Bamboo
                                                                                                Dec 10                                                                       50       $1200
Oct 21             Stories of Dadaocheng: A Historic Walking Tour           10       $ 800                         Steamer
Arts, Culture & Tours in Taiwan                                                                                       The Community Services Center | Tel: 02-2836-8134, e-mail:

#              Activity         Day(s)        Dates       # of Sessions     Time      $$$         Meet@         Instructor                                             Description

             Arts, Culture and Tours in Taiwan
                                                                                                                                   Bright, colorful and noisy, the Shidong Market is the place for all
                                                                                                                                   your produce needs. Join Ivy and learn some helpful hints and tips
     Shidong Market Tour                                                                                                           on what to buy, where to buy it, and how to be sure it's fresh. Ivy will
                                                                                                Shi Dong
     or “What is That                                                     9:00am -                                                 also show you how to select meat, chicken, fish and seafood. She
1                               Thu        Sep 09              11                    $600       Market       Ivy Chen
     Vegetable and How Do                                                 11:30am                                                  will point out the shops that sell organic products and teach you how
                                                                                                Entrance 2
     I Cook It?”                                                                                                                   to recognize and ask whether a store is selling organic. If you get
                                                                                                                                   hungry or thirsty during the tour, don't worry, there are many options
                                                                                                                                   to satisfy your cravings!

     CENTER! Shi Dong                                                                           Shi Dong                           For those who cannot join us during the week, we are offering our
                                                                          9:00am -
2    Market Tour or “What       Sat        Sep 11              11                    $600       Market        Ivy Chen             most popular tour on a Saturday! Please refer to Activity #1 for course
     is That Vegetable and                                                                      Entrance 2                         description.
     How Do I Cook It?”
                                                                                                                                   The trailhead for this hike is near Kangning Hospital, and only about
                                                                                                                                   ten minutes from the Huzhou MRT Station. Nice dirt paths lead
                                                                                                                                   through a lovely forest to a viewpoint overlooking Dahu Park. Along
                                                                                                                                   the way is a small mountain temple where we will stop for a quick
                                                                                                                                   rest. The second part of the hike is a bit of a climb and although you
                                                                                                Huzhou                             are unlikely to need them, there are ropes for assistance. The trail
     Donghu to Neigouxi                                        11         9:30am -
3                               Tue        Sep 14                                    $700       MRT Sta.      Jennifer Turek       continues through a forest until you reach the Neigouxi Ecological
     Ecological Center                                                    12noon
                                                                                                Exit 1                             Center. If the center is open, we can have a look inside at the large
                                                                                                                                   topographic map of the area, which is pretty cool! From here, we will
                                                                                                                                   walk up the road (about one KM) to catch a bus that will bring us to
                                                                                                                                   one of the nearby MRT stations. Wear sturdy shoes with a good grip.
                                                                                                                                   Bring your EasyCard for the bus; and water, snacks and rain/sun/
                                                                                                                                   insect protection, as needed.

                                                                                                                                   You’ve found a place to live; work and school have started. What
                                                                                                                                   next? Join the Center’s Newcomer Orientation Workshop for a fun
                                                                                                                                   introduction to living in Taiwan, and learn what you need to know to
                                                                                                                                   help smooth the way as you settle into your new life. The program
     Kickstart Your Stay                                                                                                           includes an overview of Taiwan; key historical events impacting
                                                               11         8:30am -   $1000                    Amy Liu and
4    in Taiwan: Newcomer        Thu        Sep 16                                               The Center                         Taiwan today; cultural perspectives, customs and holidays; and social
                                                                          2:00pm     or $1400                 Center Staff
     Orientation Workshop                                                                                                          “Do’s and Don’ts.” Also included will be lots of practical daily life tips;
                                                                                                                                   typhoon, earthquake and disaster awareness; plus general health and
                                                                                                                                   medical information. For lunch, there are two options: bring your own
                                                                                                                                   from home, or the Center can provide a simple lunch for an additional
                                                                                                                                   NT$400. Please let us know when registering.

    Transportation included   Snacks, lunch or meal included                                                 Please check for the most recent updates.       2021 Fall & Winter Activities [v]
Arts, Culture & Tours in Taiwan                                                                                            The Community Services Center | Tel: 02-2836-8134, e-mail:

#              Activity         Day(s)        Dates       # of Sessions      Time           $$$      Meet@           Instructor                                             Description

                                                                                                                                        Join the Center for an introductory tour of the National Palace Museum
                                                                                                                                        (NPM). Led by Margaret Lo, a seasoned NPM Docent and Guide, this
                                                                                                                                        tour will cover a brief history of the NPM and some highlights of the
                                                                                                                                        Museum's collections. We will start from the first floor, walk through
                                                                                                                                        the galleries of permanent exhibitions and end on the third floor. The
                                                                                                   B1 Level of                          tour will focus on about 25 pieces, including the Qianlong Emperor's
                                                               11         10:15am -                the NPM                              Curio Boxes, the Buddhist Sculpture from the Northern Wei Period,
5    A Tour of the National    Sat        Sep 25                                    $950                          Margaret Lo
                                                                          12noon                   Near the                             ceramics from the Song Dynasty, enamel-painted porcelain, bronzes
     Palace Museum:
                                                                                                   Info Counter                         (food and wine vessels), jades, and some calligraphy and paintings.
     History and Highlights
                                                                                                                                        Tour participants will come away with a general understanding of
                                                                                                                                        how to appreciate the different materials used and their cultural
                                                                                                                                        significance. Entrance to the NPM and headset rental included. We
                                                                                                                                        recommend staying after the tour to visit other areas of the Museum
                                                                                                                                        at your leisure.

                                                                                                                                        Are you ready to get out of the big city and into the countryside to
                                                                                                                                        see life on the farm? Do you like healthy and delicious food? Then
                                                                                                   Corner of
                                                                                                                                        join Ivy on a visit to an ecologically friendly farm and learn all about
     Ecologically Grown:                                                                           Zhong Shan
                                                                          9:00am -                                                      the techniques used to grow pesticide-free fruits and vegetables. Tour
6    Farm Tour and             Thu        Sep 30               1                           $1750   N. Rd. Sec.    Ivy Chen
                                                                          2:30pm                                                        the farm, help to pick some fresh vegetables and enjoy a delicious
     Vegetarian Lunch                                                                              6 and Lane
                                                                                                                                        vegetarian lunch. Comfortable clothing and sturdy shoes suitable for
                                                                                                                                        walking around the (possibly muddy) farm are a must. Transportation,
                                                                                                                                        farm activity and a vegetarian lunch are included.
                                                                                                                                        This very small volcanic islet rises out of the ocean off the northeast
                                                                                                                                        coast of Taiwan. Out-of-bounds to the public for many years due
                                                                                                                                        to typhoon damage, the islet was reopened in the spring of 2021.
                                                                                                                                        Keelung Islet's ecology is remarkably unspoiled, despite its proximity
                                                                                                                                        to Taipei. On this trip, we will take a train from Taipei to Keelung. We
                                                                                                                                        will then share taxis to the Bisha Harbor where we will hop on a boat
                                                                                                                                        for a journey through Keelung's busy harbor and across the sea to the
                                                                                                                                        islet, five kilometers offshore. We'll have two hours to explore the islet
     SATURDAY AT THE                                                                                                                    with a local guide. We will visit the picturesque harbor area and the
     CENTER!                                                              9:00am -                                                      path which follows the shoreline around to the beautiful opposite side,
7                              Sat        Oct 02               1                           $1650   MRT Sta.       Jennifer Turek
     Keelung Islet                                                        3:00pm                                                        enjoying views out into the ocean and back towards the main island
                                                                                                   Exit 4
     Adventure                                                                                                                          of Taiwan. We will then make our way up a number of steps to see
                                                                                                                                        the lighthouse that sits at the highest point of Keelung Islet. This tour
                                                                                                                                        will end on the train back to Songshan Station. Wear sturdy walking
                                                                                                                                        shoes; bring your Easy Card for the train, plus plenty of water, snacks
                                                                                                                                        and rain/sun protection. NOTE: There will be water on the boat but
                                                                                                                                        there is nothing for sale on the islet or at the harbor. Bring everything
                                                                                                                                        you need for the trip. Ferry fees are included. Shared round-trip taxis
                                                                                                                                        to be paid by participants on the day. Please have small change/NTD
                                                                                                                                        notes with you.

    Transportation included   Snacks, lunch or meal included              Ferry included                          Please check for the most recent updates.       2021 Fall & Winter Activities [vi]
Arts, Culture & Tours in Taiwan                                                                                      The Community Services Center | Tel: 02-2836-8134, e-mail:

#               Activity         Day(s)        Dates       # of Sessions     Time      $$$      Meet@           Instructor                                             Description

                                                                                                                                  It is not a well-known fact, but in 1942, the Japanese began bringing
                                                                                                                                  Allied POWs (Prisoners of War) to Taiwan from Southeast Asia and
                                                                                                                                  held them under horrendous conditions until Japan surrendered in
                                                                                              Corner of
                                                                                                                                  1945. The largest of the six camps in Taiwan was in Kinkaseki, today's
     POW Tour: In the                                                                         Zhong Shan
                                                                           8:30am -                                               Jinguashi. This fascinating, full-day historic tour will take us from
8    Steps of the Men of        Thu        Oct 07               1                     $1600   N. Rd. Sec.    Michael Hurst
                                                                           3:00pm                                                 Ruifang to Jinguashi via Jiufen along the route taken by the POWs and
     Kinkaseki                                                                                6 and Lane
                                                                                                                                  will include stops at the Gold Mining Museum (admission fee included)
                                                                                                                                  and the POW Memorial Park on the site of the camp. A portion of the
                                                                                                                                  proceeds from this tour are donated to the Taiwan POW Society. Bring
                                                                                                                                  water, a packed lunch and rain/sun protection as needed.

                                                                                                                                  From the Jiantan MRT Station we will travel by public bus up to
                                                                                                                                  Yangmingshan (YMS) and will begin our hike from the parking lot at
                                                                                                                                  Lengshuikeng, a popular destination due to the free hot springs. We
                                                                                                                                  will see the famous Milk Pond, so named because the water looks
                                                                                                                                  like milk due to precipitated sulfur deposits in the lake. Next, we will
                                                                                                                                  cross the Jingshan Suspension Bridge. You can take a photo on the
                                                                                                                                  bridge and have Qixingshan (Seven Star Mtn.) as the backdrop. We
                                                                                                                                  will pass along a forest trail toward Qingtiangang but will take a turn
     Lengshuikeng to                                                       8:45am -           Jiantan MRT                         which will lead us to Juansi Waterfall. In Chinese, juansi means “spun
9                               Fri        Oct 08               1                     $800                   Dory Chung
     Juansi Waterfall Hike                                                 1:00pm             Sta., Exit 1                        silk.” The water crashing over the rocks on its way down is said to
                                                                                                                                  resemble spun silk. From Juansi we will walk to YMS Park and take
                                                                                                                                  the bus back to the Jiantan MRT Station. This hike is about 5K with
                                                                                                                                  360M descending. It is mostly along stone paved trails with more
                                                                                                                                  downhill than uphill. (For someone with knee problems, please note.)
                                                                                                                                  Overall, it is a moderately strenuous hike for beginners and easy for
                                                                                                                                  regular hikers. Please wear proper footwear—shoes with a good grip
                                                                                                                                  are best. Bring your EasyCard for the bus; and water, lunch and sun/
                                                                                                                                  rain/insect protection as needed.
                                                                                                                                  Back by popular demand! The Dadaocheng District was one of
                                                                                                                                  the first settled areas of Taipei. In recent years, the area has seen
                                                                                                                                  significant gentrification, but between its modern window coverings
                                                                                                                                  and tiles there are plenty of relics from a grander past. This tour will
                                                                                                                                  explore the area's mansions and shophouses, many hidden off the
                                                                                                                                  main tourist routes. It will trace the stories of the first residents of
     Stories of                                                                                                                   Taipei and the sometimes chaotic events that shaped their lives.
                                                                1          9:30am -           Beiman MRT
10   Dadaocheng: A              Thu        Oct 21                                     $800                   Tom Rook             We'll start just outside the old north gate of the city and wind our
                                                                           12:30pm            Sta., Exit 1
     Historic Walking Tour                                                                                                        way through old alleys and lanes, ending at the site of one of the
                                                                                                                                  city's first bridges. Tom, known for his amazing hand-drawn maps
                                                                                                                                  of Taiwan's cities and neighborhoods, has walked every inch of this
                                                                                                                                  area (and drawn it too). He will use his extensive collection of maps,
                                                                                                                                  photos, and drawings to help bring the past to life. This tour ends at
                                                                                                                                  the Daqiaotou MRT Station. Don't miss the chance to join Tom on this
                                                                                                                                  fascinating walking tour of Taipei's oldest neighborhood.

     Transportation included   Snacks, lunch or meal included                                                Please check for the most recent updates.       2021 Fall & Winter Activities [vii]
Arts, Culture & Tours in Taiwan                                                                                        The Community Services Center | Tel: 02-2836-8134, e-mail:

#               Activity         Day(s)        Dates       # of Sessions     Time         $$$     Meet@           Instructor                                             Description

                                                                                                                                    Mt. Shamao, which reaches a height of 634 meters, is a parasitic
                                                                                                                                    volcano cone. Its round, bell shape was formed by the slow-flowing,
                                                                                                                                    highly viscous lava that erupted from Mt. Qixing, and the depression
                                                                                                                                    in its center is the result of lava in the crater contracting as it cooled.
                                                                                                                                    In Chinese shamao means “gauze cap,” and Mt. Shamao gets its
                                                                                                                                    name because of its strong resemblance to the black gauze headgear
                                                                                                                                    worn by Chinese officials in dynastic times. Among the historic
                                                                                                                                    sites we will see along the way are the tomb of the grandmother of
                                                                                                                                    Qing Dynasty scholar Chen Xia-Lin, the Chen-He boundary stone,
                                                                           9:00am -             Jiantan MRT
11    Hike to Mt. Shamao        Thu        Nov 04               1                      $800                    Dory Chung           and Prince’s Pavilion; along the trail you can also see tree species
                                                                           1:00pm               Sta., Exit 1
                                                                                                                                    planted during the Japanese occupation, including Taiwan cherry and
                                                                                                                                    Formosan sweet gum. This hike is about 4.5K, with a 227M elevation
                                                                                                                                    change. Much of the hike is along a stone-paved trail and relatively
                                                                                                                                    flat. However, there are steep steps (about 1KM) that we will take to
                                                                                                                                    climb up one side of the mountain and then back down another set,
                                                                                                                                    making this hike possibly challenging for beginners but moderate for
                                                                                                                                    regular hikers. Step haters, beware! Please wear proper footwear—
                                                                                                                                    shoes with a good grip are best. Bring your Easy Card; and water,
                                                                                                                                    lunch and sun/rain/insect protection as needed.

                                                                                                                                    Join Ivy to learn about local Taiwanese culture, history and food,
                                                                                                                                    on this fun neighborhood and foodie experience. We will begin
                                                                                                                                    this tour at a local market, then visit some famous old streets and
                                                                                                                                    explore some interesting shops. Along the way we will have the
      CENTER!                                                                                   Shuanglian
                                                                           9:30am -                                                 chance to taste a selection of tasty treats. Our final destination is a
12    A Movable Feast: A        Sat        Nov 06               1                      $1400    MRT Sta.       Ivy Chen
                                                                           1:00pm                                                   neighborhood temple where there are many small eateries that come
      Cultural Foodie Tour                                                                      Exit 2
                                                                                                                                    to life during the lunch hour. What begins each day as a quiet and
      Through Dadaocheng
                                                                                                                                    contemplative space in front of the temple transforms into a festive
                                                                                                                                    street café. Here’s a chance to join the party and enjoy your lunch
                                                                                                                                    with the locals. Lunch and tastings included.

                                                                                                                                    Join Derek for a walking tour of the Yong Kang Street area and
                                                                                                                                    discover some hidden gems in this trendy and popular neighborhood.
                                                                                                                                    Our first stop is Qingtian 76, for a tour of this old and beautifully
                                                                                                                                    maintained Japanese house that is now a lovely café. Next we will
                                                                                                                                    visit the exhibits at the Mongolian and Tibetan Cultural Center and
                                                                                                Dongmen                             participate in a tsampa and milk tea-making activity. Tsampa or
      Yongkang Street Area                                      1          9:30am -
13                              Tue        Nov 09                                      $800     MRT Sta.       Derek Wang           tsamba is a glutinous meal usually made from roasted barley flour, and
      Tour                                                                 1:30pm
                                                                                                Exit 4                              is a dietary mainstay in central Tibet, the Himalayans and Mongolia,
                                                                                                                                    where it is known as zamba. Then, we will stroll around the Yong
                                                                                                                                    Kang Street area where Derek will introduce us to some of the many
                                                                                                                                    interesting shops and eateries in this lively neighborhood. If you have
                                                                                                                                    time to stay for lunch after the tour, there are many options to choose
                                                                                                                                    from. Wear comfortable walking shoes.

     Transportation included   Snacks, lunch or meal included          Tea/Beverage Included                   Please check for the most recent updates.       2021 Fall & Winter Activities [viii]
Arts, Culture & Tours in Taiwan                                                                                      The Community Services Center | Tel: 02-2836-8134, e-mail:

#               Activity         Day(s)        Dates       # of Sessions     Time        $$$     Meet@           Instructor                                             Description

                                                                                                                                   Back by popular demand! Taipei was originally split into two
                                                                                                                                   settlements: Dadaocheng to the north, and Wanhua in the south.
                                                                                                                                   Wanhua is the less gentrified of the two and is a vibrant jumble of
                                                                                                                                   every era. On this tour we will visit one of the best preserved old
                                                                                                                                   streets in the city and some of the earliest temples. Meandering
      SUNDAY AT THE                                                                                                                through the streets and little hidden alleyways, we'll also take in a lot
      CENTER!                                                   1          10:00am -                                               of its less well-known sites and learn about the area's checkered and
14                            Sun          Nov 14               1                    $700      Temple MRT     Tom Rook
      Stories of Wanhua:                                                   12noon                                                  often insalubrious history. Tom, known for his amazing hand-drawn
                                                                                               Sta., Exit 1
      A Historic Walking Tour                                                                                                      maps of Taiwan's cities and neighborhoods, has walked every inch
                                                                                                                                   of this area (and drawn it too) and he will use his extensive collection
                                                                                                                                   of maps, photos, and drawings to help bring the past to life. This
                                                                                                                                   tour was so popular that we decided to include it again this fall.
                                                                                                                                   Don't miss the chance to join Tom on this fascinating walking tour of
                                                                                                                                   Taipei's oldest neighborhood.
                                                                                                                                   Join Jennifer for a lovely day trip out to beautiful Wulai, known for its
                                                                                                                                   hot-spring hotels and indigenous aboriginal culture. We will see the
                                                                                               Corner of                           magnificent waterfall, ride the scenic cable car, stop at the Aboriginal
                                                                                               Zhong Shan                          Handicraft Center, visit the Wulai Atayal Museum and stroll along
      Exploring Beautiful                                                  8:30am -
15                              Thu        Nov 18               1                      $1600   N. Rd. Sec.    Jennifer Tong        the quaint Old Street. If you haven’t yet been to Wulai, here is your
      Wulai                                                                3:30pm
                                                                                               6 and Lane                          chance! There are places on the Old Street to purchase snacks and
                                                                                               290                                 drinks; time permitting, we may be able to sit down for a simple lunch
                                                                                                                                   (not included). We do recommend bringing snacks/lunch with you,
                                                                                                                                   just in case. Cable car and entrance fees included.
                                                                                                                            Have you been considering a family photo to send out for the
                                                                                                                            holidays? Or maybe it is time to update your family photographs?
                                                                                                                            If so, then this is your chance to make it happen. Create timeless
                                                                                                                            images of you and your loved ones to treasure, as Minim
                                                                                                                            Photographic Studio captures you on an analogue film camera. For
      CENTER!                                                                                  Minim
                                                                                                              Naomi Goddard one day only, their photographers are offering this special Center
      Studio Portrait                                                      9:00am -            Photo-
16                              Sat        Nov 20               1                      $3500                  and Minsik    invitation to their studio for a unique photoshoot at a discounted rate.
      Photoshoot Day at                                                    7:00pm              graphic
                                                                                                              Jung          Each participating person/group will be assigned a 30-minute time
      Minim Photographic                                                                       Studio
                                                                                                                            slot with the photographer who will use 1 roll of 120mm film to take
                                                                                                                            your portrait photos. Each sitting will result in 10 different images that
                                                                                                                            will be later developed, scanned and sent to you digitally. Group size
                                                                                                                            for this activity is between 1-5 people. Please contact the Center if
                                                                                                                            your group size exceeds this number.
                                                                                                                                   Harmony, respect, purity and tranquillity are the central ideas of the
                                                                                                                                   Japanese tea ceremony. It is a unique and ritualistic event with many
                                                                                               Farès          Professor Tsai       distinctive steps, including preparing the utensils, serving the tea
      The Way of Tea:                                                      9:50am -
17                              Sun        Nov 21               1                      $1100   Academy        Fong Chi and         and even how one drinks the tea. In this introductory class you will
      An Introduction to                                                   11:30am
                                                                                               Dojo           Yin Yin Wang         experience a formal Japanese tea ceremony, performed by Urasenke
      the Japanese Tea
                                                                                                                                   Tea Master Tsai and the chance to prepare your own bowl of matcha
                                                                                                                                   green tea to enjoy with some traditional Japanese sweets.

     Transportation included   Snacks, lunch or meal included          Tea/Beverage Included                  Please check for the most recent updates.       2021 Fall & Winter Activities [ix]
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