Celebrating fi lm with live music - WEDNESDAY 16 - SUNDAY 20 MARCH 2022 BOX OFFICE: 01324 506850 | HIPPFEST.CO.UK - Hippodrome Cinema

Page created by Wade Reyes
Celebrating fi lm with live music - WEDNESDAY 16 - SUNDAY 20 MARCH 2022 BOX OFFICE: 01324 506850 | HIPPFEST.CO.UK - Hippodrome Cinema
celebrating film with live music
The Unknown © 1927 WBEI

                                WEDNESDAY 16 – SUNDAY 20 MARCH 2022
                               BOX OFFICE: 01324 506850 | HIPPFEST.CO.UK
Celebrating fi lm with live music - WEDNESDAY 16 - SUNDAY 20 MARCH 2022 BOX OFFICE: 01324 506850 | HIPPFEST.CO.UK - Hippodrome Cinema
WELCOME                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 CONTENTS
                                                                                                                                                          WHAT’S ON
A very warm welcome to HippFest. It’s good to be back!
                                                                                                                                                          HippFest at Home .................................................4-5
We learned so much from HippFest online but now we are                                                                                                                                                                                                   All events
thrilled to be back in person for our 12th edition, and indebted                                                                                          Saturday 12 March ................................................6                              in the
to our audiences, musicians, and partners for sticking with us on                                                                                         Wednesday 16 March ..........................................7-8                              Hippodrome
that roller-coaster journey. We are so grateful to everyone who                                                                                                                                                                                        and online will
has shown their support by donating, tuning in digitally, attending                                                                                       Thursday 17 March .................................................9-10                      be BSL English
live events and connecting with us on social media. Thanks to all                                                                                                                                                                                        supported
of you, we approach HippFest 2022 with fresh film discoveries, old                                                                                        Friday 18 March ........................................................11-14
favourites, long-awaited premieres, new commissions and a larger                                                                                          Saturday 19 March .................................................15-19
than ever community of HippFest fans. The team have combined the best
bits of the new digital adventure with many of the most prized ingredients of previous                                                                    Sunday 20 March ...................................................20-23
Festivals to make a winning formula of great films, great music, and great fun. It’s been                                                                 Performers ..................................................................24-27
a long time coming but now HippFest has come home!
                                                                                                                                                          Tours .................................................................................28      Age 16-25?
Alison Strauss (Arts Development Officer) Film and Media                                                                                                  Explore the Area .....................................................29-30                  Tickets for just
Director, HippFest, Falkirk Community Trust                                                                                                                                                                                                           £4.50 on selected
                                                                                                                                                          Bo’ness Eating and Drinking............................31                                      screenings
                                                                                                                                                          How to get here and Staying Safe ............32
    A very warm welcome to the 12th annual Hippodrome Silent Film Festival.                                                                               How to Book ................................................................33
    It is truly wonderful that HippFest is back at the Hippodrome                                                                                         Our Supporters ........................................................34
    this year. As Chair of Falkirk Community Trust I am delighted
    that the Trust will once again stage one of Scotland’s greatest                                                                                       At A Glance ..................................................................35
    cultural events, in Scotland’s oldest cinema in Bo’ness. I would
                                                                                                                                                          For Festival updates connect with us on:
    like to thank all the funders, artists and audiences who joined
    us online in 2021, and really hope they will be able to join us in                                                                                            HippFest
    person this year. Enjoy the festival.                                                                                                                         @HippFestScot
    David White                                                                                                                                                   HippFest
    Chair, Falkirk Community Trust

What our audiences say
                                         “Wonderful experience, wonderful music, wonderful films”
                                           “Love, Love, Love HippFest. Truly a highlight of my year”
                                              “Fun, innovative, totally different to other festivals”
                                   “Great festival with a world-class programme and a community feel”

    Festival Director: ........................Alison Strauss                Videography: ........................ Strangeboat
    Producer: ..........................................John Humphries       Cinema Advert: ................... Cue the Mustard
    Marketing & Media: ..................Public Image PR                     Festival photography
    Social Media Officer &                                                   credits:......................................... 2019 Kat Gollock
    Online Coordinator: .................Christina Webber                                                                       2018 Findr
    Photography: ................................Kat Gollock, Tom                                                              2015/16/17 Alex Hewitt
                                                        Duffin, Lisa Evans

2            HIPPODROME SILENT FILM FESTIVAL 2022 | BOX OFFICE: 01324 506850                                                                                                                                                                          HIPPFEST.CO.UK      3
Celebrating fi lm with live music - WEDNESDAY 16 - SUNDAY 20 MARCH 2022 BOX OFFICE: 01324 506850 | HIPPFEST.CO.UK - Hippodrome Cinema
HIPPFEST AT HOME ONLINE ONLY                                                                                                                   HIPPFEST AT HOME ONLINE ONLY

                                                                                                                                                                            photo: Mark Tipping

Looking forward to HippFest? We’ve got some great online talks lined up in the run up to
the start of the Festival…                                                                              Mark Kermode in Conversation with Neil
A digital device with internet access is required to view all HippFest at Home content.
                                                                                                        Brand and Mike Hammond (live online)
A String of Pearls:                                    Composing for A                                  Wed 9 March | 19:00
Mandarin Ducks,                                        Movie World Tour                                 £5 | £1 conc.

Butterflies, and Modern                                (online premiere) (pre-record)                   Live Online | 45mins incl Q&A, with BSL-
                                                                                                        English interpretation and live captioning               All live-streamed
                                                                                                                                                                events will have live
Shanghai in the 1920s                                  Wed 2 Mar, 19:00                                 The nation’s best-loved film critic:                   captioning for viewers
(online premiere) (pre-record)                         £FREE but ticketed / 45 mins / with BSL-         Mark Kermode, in conversation with                             at home.
                                                       English interpretation and closed captions       Mike Hammond and Neil Brand.
                                                                                                                                                              All pre-recorded content
                                                                                                        Ahead of the long-awaited premiere
Wed 23 Feb, 19:00                                      Silent film composer and pianist John                                                                       will have closed
                                                                                                        of their musical accompaniment to
£FREE but ticketed / 45 mins / with BSL-               Sweeney joins film composer Dr Chris                                                                            captions.
                                                                                                        FW Murnau’s City Girl (see page 16),
English interpretation and closed captions             Letcher and Screen Music History
                                                                                                        members of the Dodge Brothers
                                                       honours students at the Reid School
A String of Pearls (see pg.21) exemplifies                                                              discuss their unique collaboration with
                                                       of Music (Edinburgh College of Art) for
the kind of “modern cinema” Shanghai                                                                    composer Neil Brand, their respective
filmmakers and intellectuals in the                    a lively conversation with film archivist
                                                                                                        approaches to creating music for
1920s had aspired to achieve before                    and researcher Paul Frith to discuss
                                                                                                        silent film, and their unique take on
the Japanese invasion of Manchuria in                  composing for this unique, international
                                                                                                        this silent era masterpiece.
1931. It is also one of few surviving films            film programme of counterculture
written by Hou Yao (1903–42), who was a                silent film from the 1930s (see page             This is a live event with an opportunity
pioneer in Chinese-language film theory                8). Chaired by HippFest Director: Alison         to pose questions via live chat.
and criticism. In this talk, Victor Fan will           Strauss.
introduce the historical background and
critical discourses of Shanghai cinema in                                                               This live event will be broadcast via Zoom.
relation to this masterpiece.                                                                           To attend this event you must purchase a
                                                                                                        ticket via the Box Office. Full details of how
To tune in to our two online premieres ahead of the Festival, simply visit the HippFest Facebook page   join will then be emailed to ticket-holders
or the Falkirk Community Trust YouTube account at the advertised start times. Alternatively, you can    ahead of the event.
also book a free ticket via the Box Office and be emailed a link ahead of the Premiere if preferable.

4        HIPPODROME SILENT FILM FESTIVAL 2022 | BOX OFFICE: 01324 506850                                                                                          HIPPFEST.CO.UK         5
Celebrating fi lm with live music - WEDNESDAY 16 - SUNDAY 20 MARCH 2022 BOX OFFICE: 01324 506850 | HIPPFEST.CO.UK - Hippodrome Cinema
SATURDAY 12                                                                                                                                                           WEDNESDAY 16

                                                                                                                                                                                          All live-
                                                                                                                                                                                      events will have
                                                                                                                                                                                    live captioning for
                                                                                                                                                                                    viewers at home.

HippFest Community Screening                                                                       Talk

Rowdy Ann & The Boatswain’s Mate (double bill)                                                     Queen of Hearts: Mary Queen of Scots in
                                                                                                   Popular Culture
SATURDAY 12 MARCH | 19:00                        Tonight’s HippFest Community Screening
£10 | £8 conc                                    double-bill is a teaser for three must-see
                                                 programmes at the Hippodrome next                 Wednesday 16 March | 16:00
VENUE: Barony Theatre, Borrowstoun                                                                                                               This event takes place in the Hippodrome and
                                                 week: ‘Gender Rebels’ (Fri 18 Mar Page 11)        £5 | £3.50 conc
Road, Bo’ness EH51 9RS                                                                                                                           will be live streamed. Purchase tickets to attend
                                                 part of our #NastyWomen strand, co-
A riotous double bill featuring two women        curated by Maggie Hennefeld and Laura             Mary is not just Queen of Scots, but          the live event in the venue OR to tune in to the live
who delight in defying convention and            Horak; plus two events celebrating Britain’s      Queen of the movies. Like the plays,          stream, please book an e-ticket via the Box Office.
turning the tables on the men who just           most celebrated female screenwriter of            songs and ballads, the films from             The events will be streamed live via YouTube with
don’t measure up.                                the silent era: ‘Lydia Hayward and the            cinema’s earliest days have portrayed         BSL interpretation and live captioning. We cannot
Cow-girl Ann (Fay Tincher) is Rowdy by           Boatswain’s Mate’; and Not for Sale (Sat 19       the Mary we love to know - passionate,        guarantee that questions submitted digitally will be
name and rowdy by nature, so her father          Mar Page 16)                                      headstrong, and with a dash of                asked during the event.
packs her off to college hoping she will “larn                                                     adulterous spice. In this illustrated talk,
                                                 Dir. Al Christie | USA | 1919 | N/C U | English                                                 All our online talks require a digital device with
to be a lady”. The tutors try to smooth          intertitles | 24m                                 Donald Smith celebrates the Mary
                                                                                                                                                 internet access.You will be sent a viewing link in your
Ann’s “rough corners” but you can’t keep                                                           of legend, while inviting the equally
                                                 With: Fay Tincher, Eddie Barry and                                                              confirmation email 48 hours before the event.
a good woman down and it’s not long              Katherine Lewis
                                                                                                   interesting Mary of history to step out of
before she is putting the men in their place.                                                      the silver screen shadows.
In our second film, Florence Turner plays        Dir. H. Manning Haynes | UK | 1924 | N/C U
widowed landlady Mrs Waters. One of her          With: Florence Turner and Victor McLaglen         1h 30m incl. Q&A.
regulars fancies the easy life and hatches                                                         BSL-English supported event
                                                 Performing live: Jane Gardner (piano)
a dodgy plan to win a place in her heart (or
rather a stake in her assets). But he has        Screening material courtesy of Kino                              ng
                                                                                                                         an |
                                                                                                                              Made poss

                                                 Lorber and BFI National Archive

underestimated the indomitable Mrs W,
who has a plan of her own.
6       HIPPODROME SILENT FILM FESTIVAL 2022 | BOX OFFICE: 01324 506850                                                                                                      HIPPFEST.CO.UK            7
Celebrating fi lm with live music - WEDNESDAY 16 - SUNDAY 20 MARCH 2022 BOX OFFICE: 01324 506850 | HIPPFEST.CO.UK - Hippodrome Cinema
WEDNESDAY 16                                                                                                                                                        THURSDAY 17

                                                                                                 A Movie World Tour: How                        Institute of Amateur
                                                                                                 1930s Amateur Filmmaking                       Cinematographers Award-
                                                                                                 Conquered the World                            winners film programme
                                                                                                 Thursday 17 March | 13:30 – 15:00
                                                                                                 £5 | £3.50 conc                                Thursday 17 March | 16:00
                                                                                                 Join Paul Frith and Keith Johnston             £10 | £8 conc.
                                                                                                 (University of East Anglia), and Melanie       Around the world in seven films…
                                                                                                 Selfe (University of Glasgow) for
                                                                                                 an insightful discussion of amateur            In 1935, during the formative years of
                                                                                                 filmmaking during the inter-war period, to     amateur filmmaking in Britain, the Institute
                                                                                                 complement our IAC World Tour screening.       of Amateur Cinematographers (IAC)
                                                                                                                                                sent out a package of seven award-
                                                                                                 ​​ the 1920s, interest in amateur
                                                                                                 In                                             winning films on a “World Tour”. Arranged
                                                                                                 filmmaking expanded rapidly across the         in conjunction with cine clubs across
HippFest Opening Night                                                                           globe thanks to affordable and widely          the globe (including Australia, India, and
Restoration World Premiere                                                                       available filmmaking equipment and             Japan), this tour represented the breadth
                                                                                                 materials. Although often dismissed, these
The Loves of Mary Queen of Scots                                                                 DIY makers of “home movies” offered
                                                                                                 exciting alternatives to the predominant
                                                                                                                                                of filmmaking styles and genres open to
                                                                                                                                                the amateur filmmaker.
                                                                                                 mainstream movie industry.                     To mark the 90th anniversary of the IAC,
Wednesday 16 March | 19:30
                                                                                                                                                this specially curated programme features
£14 | £11.50 conc                                                                                This talk will consider how the work of the    new 2k scans of the tour films, recently
                                                                                                 ‘serious’ amateur filmmaker pioneers           digitised at the East Anglian Film Archive
Stand aside Saoirse… it’s time to make
                                                                                                 blossomed during this lively period,           and Filmoteca de Catalunya as part of the
way for the silent era’s answer to the most
                                                                                                 producing unorthodox and ground-               research project ‘International Amateur
celebrated and romantic figure in Scottish
                                                                                                 breaking films to rival the mainstream with    Cinema Between the Wars, 1918-39’.
history: Mary Stuart.
                                                                                                 their imagination and creativity.
After the cancellation of our 2020 Festival                                                                                                     We are thrilled to welcome musician/tutor
we are delighted at last to present the                                                          1h 30m incl. Q&A. BSL - English                Chris Letcher and students of the Reid
world premiere of a new restoration of                                                           supported event                                School of Music to perform premieres for
this extremely rare British feature film,                                                                                                       their new compositions for Sister (Japan,
chronicling the Scottish Queen’s life. Full of   Dir. Denison Clift | UK | 1923 | U | 2h incl.                                                  1933) Memmortigo (Spain, 1933). The five
intrigue, betrayal and scandal: her bitter       Narration | BSL-English supported event                                                        remaining films in the programme will be
enmity with John Knox, wars with the             With: Fay Compton, Gerald Ames, Ivan                                                           accompanied by John Sweeney.
unruly Scottish nobility, her fatal marriages    Samson                                           HippFest at Home: To be the first to hear     Performing live: students at the Reid School
to Darnley and Bothwell, her captivity,          Performing live: Andy Cannon (narrator/          more about the process of composing for       of Music (Edinburgh College of Art) and
imprisonment and execution at the hands          explainer), Wendy Weatherby (cello,              these films, Attend our online premiere of
                                                                                                                                                John Sweeney (piano)
of Queen Elizabeth… all are played out in        voice), Frank McLaughlin (guitar, pipes),        a new discussion featuring the musicians in
this ambitious historical costume drama.         David Trouton (piano)                            conversation (see Page 4).
                                                                                                                                                1h 30m incl. Q&A. BSL - English
                                                 Screening material and restoration                                                             supported event
This evening’s screening will be ‘elaborated’    courtesy of Archive Film Agency and
with a performance by the internationally        Celluloid Tapestry
acclaimed professional storyteller Andy
Cannon providing historical context during
                                                                            Made poss
                                                                       an |          ible
                                                                     dh                   w

reel changeovers.
8       HIPPODROME SILENT FILM FESTIVAL 2022 | BOX OFFICE: 01324 506850                                                                                               HIPPFEST.CO.UK           9
Celebrating fi lm with live music - WEDNESDAY 16 - SUNDAY 20 MARCH 2022 BOX OFFICE: 01324 506850 | HIPPFEST.CO.UK - Hippodrome Cinema
THURSDAY 17                                                                                                                                                                  FRIDAY 18

 Scotland’s Year of Stories Commission                                                          Nasty Women Programme

 Journey to the Isles: Marjory Kennedy-Fraser                                                   Gender Rebels (double bill)
                                                                                                Friday 18 March | 11:00                           The Night Rider: Dir. Jay Hunt | USA | 1920 |
 Thursday 17 March | 19:30                       songwriter: Mairi Campbell. Weaving                                                              N/C U | English intertitles | 25m
                                                                                                £7 | £5 conc.
 £14 | £11.50 conc                               together words, music and song                                                                   With: Texas Guinan, Pat Hartigan
                                                 alongside Kennedy-Fraser’s enchanting          Ever since Donald Trump interrupted Hilary
 A mesmerising glimpse into the                                                                 Clinton during a 2016 Presidential Debate,        Rowdy Ann: Dir. Al Christie | USA | 1919 |
 landscapes, folktales and songs that            films, Marion and Mairi will conjure the
                                                                                                #NastyWomen has become a global                   N/C U | English intertitles | 24m
 inspired one of Scotland’s great early          sounds and landscapes captured by this
                                                 key figure of Scotland’s Celtic Revival.       feminist rallying cry. Yet, there is a long and   With: Fay Tincher, Eddie Barry and
 collectors of Traditional Arts.                                                                robust history of women celebrating their         Katherine Lewis
                                                 Performing live: Marion Kenny (storytelling,   own nastiness to speak truth to patriarchal       Performing live: Meg Morley (piano)
 Kennedy-Fraser began collecting                 piano, flute, gu-xheng), Mairi Campbell
 Hebridean songs in 1905, fired by a                                                            power. Meet HippFest’s very own Nasty             Screening material courtesy of Kino Lorber
                                                 (voice, viola)
 desire to preserve and celebrate the                                                           Women in this new programme, co-curated           Co-curated by Laura Horak (Director of
                                                 1h 30m. BSL-English supported event            by Maggie Hennefeld and Laura Horak.
 musical riches of the islands’ people.                                                                                                           the Transgender Media Lab, Associate
 These disarming films, made by                  Screening material courtesy of National
                                                 Library of Scotland Moving Image Archive       For this fun-filled double-bill, our guest        Professor of Film Studies, Carleton
 Kennedy-Fraser herself - provide a                                                             curators showcase two favourites about            University; author of Girls Will Be Boys:
 snapshot of her work and the culture                                                           gender hijinks in the Wild West! Women            Cross-Dressed Women, Lesbians, and
 of the people she devoted her life to                                                          wearing the trousers… and the cowboy              American Cinema) and Maggie Hennefeld
 studying. All the while revealing the                                                          boots to match! Our first Nasty Woman is          (Associate Professor, Cultural Studies
 warmth of her personality and the                                                              Actor-Producer Texas Guinan - a successful        & Comparative Literature, University
 profundity of her passion for the rugged                       ng
                                                                       an |
                                                                            Made poss

                                                                                                Broadway star, who played heroic cowgirls in      of Minnesota; author of Specters of

 beauty of the Hebrides.                                                                        films throughout the 1910s, and here plays a      Slapstick and Silent Film Comediennes).
 Joining us on this journey to the Isles                                                        self-sufficient ranch owner who reluctantly       With an introduction by Pamela
 will be acclaimed and charismatic                                                              decides to enlist the help of a husband. Next     Hutchinson - a freelance writer, critic
 live performer Marion Kenny - one of                                                           meet hugely popular comedy actress Fay            and historian, specialising in silent and
 Scotland’s leading storytellers; and                                                           Tincher as cowgirl Ann… “Rowdy” by name           classic cinema. Pamela is the founder of
 award-winning musician, singer and                                                             and “rowdy” by nature. Tincher worked             silentlondon.co.uk and the author of the
                                                                                                continuously from 1912 to 1928, appearing         BFI Classic: Pandora’s Box.
                                                                                                in more than 160 films, also running a
                                                                                                production company of her own.
10       HIPPODROME SILENT FILM FESTIVAL 2022 | BOX OFFICE: 01324 506850                                                                                                 HIPPFEST.CO.UK       11
Celebrating fi lm with live music - WEDNESDAY 16 - SUNDAY 20 MARCH 2022 BOX OFFICE: 01324 506850 | HIPPFEST.CO.UK - Hippodrome Cinema
FRIDAY 18                                                                                                                                                                        FRIDAY 18

 Wartime propaganda and peacetime
 diplomacy: Edith Cavell on Film 1915–1928                                                             Friday 18 March | 16:00                         The lead role was given to prominent
                                                                                                       £10 | £8 conc                                   stage actress Sybil Thorndike, whose
 Friday 18 March | 13:30                                                                               One of the most controversial films             physical resemblance to Cavell and
                                                  allied propaganda, shining a light on
                                                                                                       of the 1920s Dawn tells the story of            dignified performance add yet more
 £5 | £3.50 conc                                  the diplomatic controversy sparked by
                                                                                                       British nurse Edith Cavell, shot at dawn        weight to this suspenseful war drama.
 An essential look at the compelling historical   continuing interest in the case.
                                                                                                       by the Germans on 12 October 1915 for           Dir.Herbert Wilcox | UK | 1928 | N/C PG |
 events and fictionalised narratives behind       Performing live: Mike Nolan (piano) 1h 30m           helping over 200 Allied soldiers escape         French and Dutch intertitles with English
 this afternoon’s feature presentation Dawn.      incl. Q&A.                                                                                           surtitles | 1h 31m + short accompanied by
                                                                                                       from German-occupied Belgium during
When the German occupiers in Belgium              Screening material courtesy of BFI                   WW1. Diplomatic efforts to minimise the         Forrester Pyke
                                                  National Archive                                     film’s perceived potential for inflaming        With: Sybil Thorndike, Ada Bodart, Gordon
shot Edith Cavell for treason in 1915 they
handed the British and their allies a perfect                                                          anti-German sentiment and disrupting            Craig, Marie Ault
propaganda opportunity to portray the               LIVE STREAM                                        international relations led to censor           Performing Live: Stephen Horne (piano,
enemy as brutal and uncivilized. After                                                                 cuts for British audiences but in Belgium       flute, accordion), Frank Bockius (percussion)
the war international relations shifted             This event takes place in the Hippodrome           the film was released intact. It is this        With an introduction by Lawrence Napper
significantly, and cinema took a key role in        and will be live streamed. Purchase tickets to     uncensored version that we present for
                                                    attend the live event in the venue OR to tune
                                                                                                                                                       Screening material courtesy Belgian Royal
cementing more friendly relations within                                                               our stirring Festival screening.                Film Archive
Europe and in remembrance activities                in to the live stream, please book an e-ticket
                                                    via the Box Office.The events will be streamed     Director Herbert Wilcox was keen to
through battle reconstructions and war
                                                    live via YouTube with BSL interpretation and       ensure realism and historical accuracy
                                                    live captioning. We cannot guarantee that          in his film, using original location footage,
Lawrence Napper’s accessible, illustrated           questions submitted digitally will be asked        scrupulously researched set designs
talk will consider Herbert Wilcox’s                 during the event. All our online talks require a   and one of Cavell’s collaborators – Ada
extraordinary retelling of Cavell’s story in        digital device with internet access.You will be    Bodart – playing herself.
the film Dawn and discuss representations           sent a viewing link in your confirmation email
of the Cavell case on film as part of               48 hours before the event.

12       HIPPODROME SILENT FILM FESTIVAL 2022 | BOX OFFICE: 01324 506850                                                                                                     HIPPFEST.CO.UK        13
Celebrating fi lm with live music - WEDNESDAY 16 - SUNDAY 20 MARCH 2022 BOX OFFICE: 01324 506850 | HIPPFEST.CO.UK - Hippodrome Cinema
FRIDAY 18                                                                                                                                                               SATURDAY 19

                                                            Photo courtesy of Photoplay Productions

 Friday Night Gala                                                                                    Jeely Jar Screening: double bill

 The Mark of Zorro                                                                                    Behind the Screen & Sherlock Jr.
 Friday 18 March | doors 19:00 | Screening       Dir. Fred Niblo | US | 1920 | N/C U | 1h 25m +       Saturday 19 March | 10:00                    Dir. Charlie Chaplin | US | 1916 | U | 23m
 19:45                                           shorts accompanied by Forrester Pyke                 £6 | 2-for-1 with clean jam jar and lid      With: Charles Chaplin, Edna Purviance,
 £16 | £14 conc.                                 With: Douglas Fairbanks, Marguerite De La            A backstage peek at the movies, in the       Eric Campbell
 Dress code: Zorro-esque or HippFest glamour     Motte, Robert McKim, Noah Beery                      inimitable company of silent cinema’s        Dir. Buster Keaton | US | 1924 | U | 45m
 Live pre-screening music by Rapido Mariachi     Performing Live: Neil Brand (piano) and              greatest comedy stars.                       With: Buster Keaton, Kathryn McGuire,
 Dual identity: check! Secret lair: check!       Frank Bockius (percussion)                                                                        Joe Keaton
                                                                                                      Charlie Chaplin plays an overworked
 Black mask and cape: check! The original        This presentation is by arrangement with                                                          Performing live: Neil Brand (piano)
                                                 Photoplay Productions and Patrick J.                 stagehand who gets a shot at
 caped crusader… 1920s style!                                                                         comeuppance when he and his nemesis          BSL-English supported event
 Don Diego Vega (Douglas Fairbanks)                                                                   are enlisted as extras in a pie fight.       Screening material courtesy of Eureka/
                                                 Flipbook short screening material courtesy
 masquerades as an ineffectual fop to            of San Francisco Silent Film Festival                Followed by Buster Keaton as a cinema        L’Immagine Ritrovato & Lobster Films
 bamboozle his enemies and conceal his                                                                projectionist who falls asleep and
                                                 BSL - English supported event
 secret persona: ‘Zorro’: avenger of the                                                              dreams he is the star of a movie about
 oppressed. The first King of Hollywood –                                                             a “crime-crushing” detective. This is
 dashing, athletic Fairbanks, pretty much                                                             Keaton at his very best, featuring a
 defined the swashbuckling genre with                                                                 nonstop string of stage gags, illusions,
 this rip-roaring adventure flick. Featuring                                                          impressive stunts, and a dazzlingly
 horseback stunts, witty chase sequences                                                              brilliant film-within-a-film. This popular
 and sword fighting, this entertaining                                                                Jeely Jar show starts with a fun
 romp achieves a satisfying blend of                                                                  competition for all the audience.
                                                                  This presentation is
 humour and heroics that remains the                              by arrangement with
 benchmark for action films today.
                                                                  Photoplay Productions
                                                                  and Patrick J. Stanbury

14       HIPPODROME SILENT FILM FESTIVAL 2022 | BOX OFFICE: 01324 506850                                                                                                   HIPPFEST.CO.UK       15
SATURDAY 19                                                                                                                                                          SATURDAY 19

 Talk and Screening
                                                 Not for Sale
 Lydia Hayward and The
 Boatswain’s Mate                                Saturday 19 March | 15:00
                                                 £10 | £8 conc.
 Saturday 19 March | 12:45                       Screenwriter Lydia Hayward shows off
 £7 | £5 conc.                                   her sharp-eyed wit and expert ear for
                                                 comic vernacular in this delightful rom-
 British screenwriter Lydia Hayward could
                                                 com .
 spin comedy gold out of any story and
 wrote dozens of screenplays in the 1920s.       Handsome Hollywood leading-man Ian
 She was hailed in the film trade press as       Hunter made his film debut here as
 “the finest scenario writer we have”, but       Martin Bering - a feckless, disinherited
 her fine reputation languishes forgotten        toff, who falls for the charms of Annie
 with the films she worked on. Happily,          Armstrong - the independent mistress
 HippFest is here to change that!                of a Bloomsbury boarding house. The
                                                 downwardly mobile Bering soon learns
 Join Bryony Dixon - curator of silent
                                                 how the other half lives, and learns
 film at the BFI National Archive, and
                                                 what is really valuable in life, under the
 long-time champion of Lydia Hayward
                                                 reforming influence of kind-hearted
 - for an enjoyable introduction to the
 screenwriter’s creative career and
 outstanding contribution to some of the         This well-plotted and entertaining film
 era’s most widely enjoyed films.
 This event includes a screening of the
                                                 features a splendid cast of ensemble
                                                 characters - Annie’s roguish wee brother         City Girl
                                                 John who enlists Bering in his “Anti-
 short comedy The Boatswain’s Mate
                                                 Boarders League”, the dubious Jim who
 written by Lydia Hayward from the                                                                Saturday 19 March | 18:00                     Aly Hirji (rhythm guitar, mandolin), Alex
                                                 is taken on as a rather unpolished butler,
 humorous story by W.W. Jacobs. Florence                                                                                                        Hammond (percussion) and Neil Brand
                                                 and the hilarious gaggle of lodgers who          £16 | £14 conc.
 Turner (famed as the ‘Vitagraph Girl’ and                                                                                                      (piano) this is sure to be a highlight of
                                                 try Annie’s patience with their gossiping        The Dodge Brothers and Neil Brand
 one of the film industry’s first stars) plays                                                                                                  HippFest’s 12th edition.
                                                 and finickity ways.                              perform the Scottish premiere of their
 savvy pub landlady Mrs Waters, the ideal
 woman, according to lazy ex-boatswain           Dir. W.P. Kellino | UK | 1924 | N/C U | 1h 26m   new live musical accompaniment for            Dir. F.W. Murnau | US | 1930 | N/C PG | 1h 28m
 George Benn, who fancies himself as a           With: Mary Odette, Ian Hunter, Gladys            F.W. Murnau’s lyrical and ravishingly
                                                                                                                                                With: Charles Farrell, Mary Duncan, David
 publican by proxy. Benn enlists a “mate”,       Hamer, Mary Brough                               beautiful drama.
 a burly out of work seaman, in an over-         Performing live: Stephen Horne (piano,           Tall, dark, handsome star Charles Farrell     Performing live: The Dodge Brothers and
 complicated plan to appear heroic, in Mrs       flute, percussion). With an introduction by      plays Lem, a farmer’s son who travels to      Neil Brand
 Waters’ eyes. This doesn’t quite go to plan.    Bryony Dixon                                     the Big City, where he falls in love with a   BSL-English supported event
 Dir. H. Manning Haynes | UK | 1924 | N/C U      BSL-English supported event                      disenchanted waitress. Lem brings his         Screening material courtesy of Eureka
 | 24mins                                        Screening material courtesy of BFI National      new gal home to meet the folks, but his
 With: Florence Turner, Johnny Butt, Victor      Archive                                          dominating dad (David Torrence) and
 McLaglen                                                                                         the pack of leering farmhands put the           HIPPFEST AT HOME:
 Performing live: John Sweeney (piano)                                                            young couple’s love to the test. With a         Join Mark, Mike and Neil on 9 March In
                                                                                                  line-up featuring Mike Hammond (lead            Conversation about accompanying silent
 BSL-English supported event                                                                                                                      film and their collaboration on City Girl
                                                                                                  guitar, banjo), broadcaster and film
 Screening material courtesy of BFI                                                               critic Mark Kermode (bass, harmonica),          (see Page5)
 National Archive
16       HIPPODROME SILENT FILM FESTIVAL 2022 | BOX OFFICE: 01324 506850                                                                                               HIPPFEST.CO.UK         17
SATURDAY 19                                                                                                                                                           SATURDAY 19

 Platform Reels:
                                                                                                 The Fall of the House of Usher
 Station Content, The Timber Queen & The
 Lonedale Operator                                                                               Saturday 19 March | 20:45
                                                                                                 £10 | £8 conc.
                                                                                                 Get ready to be haunted by this brooding
 Saturday 19 March | Doors                        office for D.W. Griffiths’ celebrated          and impressionistic adaptation of Edgar
 Screening 18:30-19:45                            adventure about a self-willed, quick-witted    Allan Poe’s creepy Gothic tale of obsession
 £19.50 | £17 conc. incl. hot main meal (vegan    girl (Sweet), who thwarts two ruffians         and madness.
 option available) and hot drink. Pre-booking     intent on train robbery.
                                                                                                 An unnamed man pays a visit to the
 by 5 March required.                             Dir. Arthur Hoyt | US| 1918 | N/C U | 12m      decaying, aristocratic mansion of his
 Venue: Bo’ness Station, Bo’ness and Kinneil      (abridged)                                     childhood friend, Roderick Usher. He finds
 Railway, Union Street, Bo’ness EH51 9AQ          Dir. Fred Jackman | US | 1922 | N/C U | 10m    Usher to be demented… obsessed by
 A sensational triple bill of railroad heroines   (abridged)                                     death, consumed with fear that his beloved
                                                  Dir. D.W. Griffith | US | 1911 | N/C U | 15m
                                                                                                                                                Stephen Horne and Elizabeth-Jane
 featuring screen legend Gloria Swanson,                                                         wife Madeline will die, and no less fearful    Baldry will premiere their musical
                                                  Performing live: Mike Nolan (piano)
 queen of the serials Ruth Roland, and the                                                       that she will be buried alive. He spends his   collaboration on this title, to be reprised
 Biograph Blonde Blanche Sweet.                   Screening material courtesy of Harpodeon       days painting an eerily lifelike portrait of   at the Barbican, London in April.
                                                  and Eye Filmmuseum                             Madeline, but with each brush stroke the
We fire up our film engines with a snappy         This screening is outdoors, under the                                                         Dir. Jean Epstein | France | 1928 | N/C PG |
morality tale about Kitty (Swanson),                                                             life seems to drain from her.                  French intertitles with English surtitles | 1h 3m
                                                  platform awning. Dress for the weather.
the lonely wife of a station master who           Blankets provided.                             Epstein’s version changes the relationship     With: Jean Debucourt, Marguerite Gance,
decides to run away to the big city,              Screening sponsored and made possible by       of Madeline and Roderick from brother and      Charles Lamy, Fournez-Goffard
redeeming herself by selflessly averting a        INDY Cinema Group                              sister to husband and wife but matches         Performing live: Stephen Horne (piano, flute,
train wreck. Then it’s full steam ahead for                                                      the horror and menace of Poe’s story,          accordion) and Elizabeth-Jane Baldry (harp)
The Timber Queen, ep. 12: The Abyss in                                                           with weird, surreal images and an insidious    Screening material courtesy of La
which Ruth Reading (Roland) finds herself                                                        atmosphere conveyed by the glowering           Cinémathèque française
atop a runaway box car. Finally we pull in                                                       halls, fluttering curtains and nightmarish
at the remote Lonedale railroad telegraph                                                        suggestiveness of the veil and coffin.

18       HIPPODROME SILENT FILM FESTIVAL 2022 | BOX OFFICE: 01324 506850                                                                                                 HIPPFEST.CO.UK         19
SUNDAY 20                                                                                                                                                               SUNDAY 20

                                                   Triple Bill
 New Found Sound
                                                   Laurel & Hardy
 Sunday 20 March | 10:00 £7 | £5 conc.
 This unique schools initiative invites talented   Sunday 20 March | 13:00
 young people to create and perform music          £10 | £8 conc.
 to accompany silent film from Scotland’s          An outstanding Laurel and Hardy triple
 Moving Image Archive. Led by mentor               bill, befitting a return to in-person events,
 Jane Gardner and tutors John Somerville           concluding with the people’s choice
 (Treacherous Orchestra), Marc Duff                as voted for by our lovely audience in
 (Capercaillie co-founder) and Calum McIlroy       2020. First up is the long lost, recently
 (BBC Radio Scotland Young Trad Musician           re-discovered and restored Duck Soup
 of the Year 2020 finalist).                       (later remade with sound as Another
 Three piano students from Falkirk schools         Fine Mess, and not to be confused
 will premiere their new score for Early           with the 1933 Marx Brothers film). Stan
 Birds about a tiny tot’s raid on the family       and Ollie are a couple of vagrants who
 kitchen. Followed by two remarkable shorts        masquerade as owner and housemaid
 accompanied by the Falkirk Schools Trad           of a fancy mansion. Stan in a dress is
 Bands... Da Makkin o’ a Keshie, filmed and        always a joy! Next up is Two Tars – a
 directed by pioneering Scottish filmmaker
 Jenny Gilbertson in which a Shetland
                                                   comedy classic in which The Boys play
                                                   sailors on leave. The gallus pair score a
                                                                                                   A String of Pearls (Yichuan Zhenzhu)
 crofter demonstrates how to make a                date with two girls but wind up stalled in
 ‘keshie’ to carry home his peat; and The          a very long traffic jam… and a whole lot
                                                                                                   Sunday 20 March | 15:30                      Dir. Li Zeyauan | China | 1926 | N/C U | 1h 46m
 Coming of the Camerons (dir. Frank                of trouble. Finally, Liberty in which Laurel                                                 + short accompanied by John Sweeney
                                                   and Hardy are escaped convicts trying to        £10 | £8 conc.
 Marshall) following Cairngorms postie Jean                                                                                                     With: Xiadian Lei, Xiandian Lei, Hangou Liu,
 Cameron’s on her bicycle rounds and her           reclaim their trousers… atop the girders        One of the earliest surviving Chinese
                                                                                                                                                Hanjun Liu, Jiqun Liu, Shaomei Xing, Qiqi Zhai
 campaign to secure uniform trousers for           of an unfinished skyscraper!                    features, and based on Guy de
                                                                                                   Maupassant’s short story The Necklace.       Performing live: John Sweeney (piano)
 post women instead of the regulation skirt.       Dir. Fred Guiol | James Parrott | Leo                                                        With an introduction by Dr Julian Ward
 N/C U | 1h 15m incl Q&A                           McCarey | US | 1927/8/9 | 20m x 3               A social climbing, middle-class housewife
                                                                                                                                                BSL-English supported event
 Early Birds Dir. Frank Marshall | UK | 1956       Performing live: Jonny Best (piano) and         cajoles her husband into borrowing an
                                                   Frank Bockius (percussion)                      expensive necklace to wear at a party.       Screening materials courtesy of the China
 |12m with live piano accompaniment by                                                                                                          Film Archive
 Megan Richards (Graeme High), Aaron McKay         Screening material courtesy of Lobster Films    Her ostentatious display succeeds in
 (Denny High) and Euka Osei (Larbert High).                                                        making a big impression but, on the          Short courtesy of the Library of Congress
 Da Makkin o’ a Keshie Dir. Jenny Gilbertson                                                       night of the party, the necklace is stolen
 (née Brown) | UK | 1932 | 5m with live                                                            and her husband ends up embezzling            HippFest at Home. Enjoy a lively talk from
 accompaniment by Falkirk Junior Trad Band                                                         funds to pay for the loss, triggering         Dr Victor Fan on Wed 23 Feb for a lively
                                                                                                   a downward spiral in their fortunes.          talk about early filmmaking in Shanghai
 The Coming of the Camerons Dir. Frank
                                                                                                   Boasting some surprisingly lovely             and A String of Pearls See p4
 Marshall | UK | 1944 | 10m with live
 accompaniment by Falkirk Senior Trad Band                                                         cinematic touches, and moody lighting,
                                                                                                   the film also offers a fascinating look at
                                                                                                   rich, Westernized life in 1920s Shanghai.

20       HIPPODROME SILENT FILM FESTIVAL 2022 | BOX OFFICE: 01324 506850                                                                                               HIPPFEST.CO.UK         21
SUNDAY 20                                                                                                                                                          SUNDAY 20

 The Unknown copyright 1927 WBEI

                                                                                               Closing Night Gala
 The Unknown
                                                                                               L’Homme du Large
 Sunday 20 March | 18:30                          This film was the sixth of ten
 £10 | £8 conc.                                   collaborations between Chaney and            Sunday 20 March | 20:00
 Tod Browning’s jaw-droppingly macabre            Browning, a director most famous today       £14 | £11.50 conc.
 drama starring box office sensation Lon          for the Bela Lugosi Dracula and the
                                                                                               A powerful conclusion to HippFest 2022,       symbolic imagery and striking use of
 Chaney and superstar-in-the-making               notorious Freaks. A love-triangle like no
                                                                                               with mesmeric live narration by acclaimed     natural settings this is a memorable fable
 Joan Crawford.                                   other and probably one of the most
                                                                                               actor Paul McGann.                            of the opposing elements of earth and
                                                  bizarre and dramatically grotesque films
 Chaney demonstrates his unparalleled                                                                                                        water, of the corrupt modern world and
                                                  you will ever see. Guaranteed to send        Severe and deeply religious, Nolff is
 flair for gruesome on-screen physical                                                                                                       the timeless purity of the ocean.
                                                  shivers down your spine. You have been       a fisherman who lives with his wife,
 transformation with his performance              warned!                                      daughter and son on the Breton coast,         Dir. Marcel L’Herbier | France | 1920
 as Alonzo the Armless - a knife-thrower                                                       far from the temptations of the city. From    | French intertitles with live English
                                                  Dir. Tod Browning | USA | 1927 | N/C                                                       translation | 1h 24m With: Roger Karl, Jaque
 in a travelling circus, madly in love with       recommended 16+ | 1h 3m                      his remote cliff-top home, Nolff dedicates
 glamorous assistant Nanon. Alonzo hides                                                       himself to his fishing and to raising his     Catelain, Marcelle Pradot, Charles Boyer
 secrets. Not only is he a murderer but           With: Lon Chaney, Norman Kerry, and Joan                                                   Performing live: Paul McGann (narration),
                                                  Crawford                                     son Marcel, as “a free man, a sailor”. But
 he is not actually “armless” - choosing to                                                    Marcel is idle and selfish, exploiting his    John Sweeney (piano), Frank Bockius
 conceal his limbs to evade identification        Performing live: Jonny Best (piano)                                                        (percussion)
                                                                                               father’s blind affection, and rejecting the
 by the police and to win the trust of            BSL-English supported event                  old man’s passionate devotion to the          Screening courtesy of Gaumont Pathe
 Nanon who has a phobia of men’s hands.           Screening courtesy of Park Circus / Warner   sea and all it represents. With beautifully   Archives © Gaumont
                                                  Bros. Entertainment Inc.                     stylised, poetic inter-titles, haunting       BSL-English supported event

22        HIPPODROME SILENT FILM FESTIVAL 2022 | BOX OFFICE: 01324 506850                                                                                          HIPPFEST.CO.UK      23
PERFORMERS                                                                                                                                                                                           PERFORMERS

 Elizabeth-Jane Baldry                 Jonny Best                             Frank Bockius
 The Fall of the House of Usher        Laurel and Hardy, The Unknown          Dawn, The Mark of Zorro, Laurel                                                                                                 Photo: Mark Tipping
                                                                              and Hardy, L’Homme du Large
 An award-winning harpist and          Jonny studied piano at Chetham’s                                           Dodge Brothers
 composer who has created harp         School of Music and Drama              Frank Bockius is a versatile
                                                                              percussionist who has               City Girl, HippFest at Home
 scores for many silent films in the   at University of London, and
 UK, Europe, and America. Her          this combination of music and          dedicated a major part of his       The Dodge Brothers are a skiffle-and-blues band producing ‘tunes of proven merit’ – new songs written and
 compositions have been used           storytelling has run through his       musical work to accompanying        performed in the old style, harking back to the days of jug-band blues and early rock’n’roll. The band are: Mike
 by ITV, the BBC and by Irish,         work ever since. After twenty years    silent film during the last 25      Hammond (guitars, lead vocals, banjo); Aly Hirji (guitars, mandolin, vocals); film critic Mark Kermode (bass,
 Japanese, Danish and Canadian         working in theatre, opera, classical   years. He regularly plays at        harmonica, vocals), Alex Hammond (washboard, snaredrum, percussion) and, when accompanying silent film,
 film, radio and television. Her       music and arts festivals, Jonny        many major festivals, cities and    the band are joined by their fifth member – pianist, composer, broadcaster and HippFest favourite: Neil Brand.
 orchestral score for feature          turned to silent film accompaniment    venues around the globe and
                                                                                                                  The Dodge Brothers were the first band to accompany a silent film at Glastonbury Festival in 2014 and their
 film, Sir Lanval, won a Media         in 2014. He leads Yorkshire Silent     records scores for silent film.
                                                                                                                  film performances have taken them from The BFI Southbank to Arctic Circle, performing to sell-out audiences
 Innovation Award.                     Film Festival, produces a year-        www.frankbockius.de                 in Finnish Lapland & Tromsø, Norway.
 She also produces and directs         round programme of live-scored
 films of British fairytales and is    silent film in the north of England,
 lucky enough to own a magical         and researches silent era keyboard
 wood in the Dartmoor National         playing. He’s also a house pianist
 Park where she grows trees,           at BFI Southbank and a founder
 keeps bees, and brews tea in a        member of improvising quartet
 twig kettle.                          Frame Ensemble.
 www.elizabethjanebaldry.com           www.jonnybest.co.uk

                                                                                                                  Jane Gardner                          Stephen Horne                          Marion Kenny
                                                                              Andy Cannon and friends             Rowdy Ann and The                     Dawn, Not for Sale, The Fall of        Journey to the Isles: Marjory
                                                                                                                  Boatswain’s Mate, New Found           the House of Usher                     Kennedy-Fraser
                                                                              The Loves of Mary, Queen of Scots   Sound Mentor
                                                                                                                                                        Stephen first started                  Marion Kenny is a charismatic
                                                                              Andy is one of Scotland’s leading   An acclaimed composer and             accompanying silent films at BFI       live performer, highly regarded
                                       Mairi Campbell                         storytellers and was a founder      pianist, Jane Gardner has             Southbank over 30 years ago. He        multi-instrumentalist and one of
 Neil Brand                                                                   of Wee Stories Theatre where he     delighted many a silent cinema        has recorded music for several         Scotland’s leading storytellers.
                                       Journey to the Isles: Marjory          created productions including       audience with her original and        DVD releases and regularly plays       She held the post of ‘Storyteller
The Mark of Zorro, Jeely Jar, City     Kennedy-Fraser                                                             sympathetic accompaniments.
Girl, HippFest at Home                                                        Labyrinth, Treasure Island and                                            at major international festivals.      in Residence’ for the National
                                       Mairi is a pioneering Scottish         Arthur, Story of a King. Andy has   She has performed many times at       Although principally a pianist,        Museums of Scotland and is
 Neil is one of the UK’s               musician whose work is rooted          worked as Artist in Residence at    HippFest and the Hippodrome’s         he often incorporates flute,           a pioneer of educational and
 most established silent film          in, and draws from, her personal       Platform, Glasgow and also with     ‘A Taste of Silents’ programme to     accordion and keyboards into           interpretive storytelling in
 accompanists, composers,              stories and cultural concerns.         Macrobert, Stirling. Andy was the   films including Seven Footprints      his performances, sometimes            museums, galleries and heritage
 writers and broadcasters. His         As an interpreter of Scots song,       Creative Director of Performance    to Satan, The Grub Stake, Earth,      simultaneously. Recently Stephen       sites. Marion is an award-winning
 achievements are too extensive        with David Francis, Mairi has          for the Glasgow 2014 opening        Dragnet Girl, The Goose Woman,        won ‘best screening with a single      artist who has performed,
 to list, but recent work includes     contributed many songs to its          ceremony and at HippFest will       Forbidden Paradise, Pandora’s         accompanist’ for the sixth year in     researched and taught
 Neil Brand presents Laurel and        current canon. She is the recipient    be joined by musicians Wendy        Box, The Black Pirate, Filibus and    a row at the Silent London Poll.       extensively internationally.
 Hardy and The Sound of TV on          of six national music awards and in    Weatherby (cello and voice),        Häxan as well as Laurel and Hardy
                                                                                                                                                        www.stephenhorne.co.uk                 www.marionkennystoryteller.com
 BBC 4.                                2019 was inducted into the Scottish    Frank McLaughlin (guitar and        and Jeely Jar comedy screenings.
 www.neilbrand.com                     Traditional Music Hall of Fame.        pipes) and David Trouton.           www.janegardner.co.uk

24         HIPPODROME SILENT FILM FESTIVAL 2022 | BOX OFFICE: 01324 506850                                                                                                                               HIPPFEST.CO.UK             25
PERFORMERS                                                                                                                                                                                                    SPEAKERS

 Chris Letcher                          Paul McGann                           Meg Morley                                Bryony Dixon                          Lawrence Napper                      Donald Smith
A Movie World Tour, HippFest            L’Homme du Large                      Gender Rebels (double bill)               Bryony Dixon is a curator at the      Dr Lawrence Napper is a Senior       Queen of Hearts: Mary Queen of
at Home                                 Actor Paul McGann came to             Since playing for her first silent film   BFI National Archive with special     Lecturer at King’s College           Scots in Popular Culture
Chris Letcher is a film composer        prominence as the eponymous           six years ago, Meg Morley has quickly     responsibility for silent film. She   London who has published
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Donald Smith is an author,
and lecturer in music for screen        “I” in Bruce Robinson’s cult film     become one of the UK’s pre-eminent        programmes for film festivals         widely on British and silent films
                                                                                                                                                                                                   storyteller, and Director of
at the University of Edinburgh.         comedy Withnail and I and has         silent film accompanists, performing      and events worldwide and Co           including Silent Cinema: Before
                                                                                                                                                                                                   the Scottish International
His research interests include an       since gone on to star in films        at various international film festivals   directs the British Silent Film       the Pictures Got Small (2017).
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Storytelling Festival since 1989.
interest in the practice and theory     including Alien 3 and Dr Who          including Flatpack Festival, Il Cinema    Festival. She is the author of 100    Lawrence has appeared on BBC
                                                                                                                                                                                                   His many publications include
of composing music for the moving       (1996), as the eighth Doctor, and     Ritrovato and Nederlands Silent Film      Silent Films (BFI Screen Guides       4 television documentaries
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Storytelling Scotland, Ballad of
image, and issues of representation     in TV including Holby City and        Festival. Meg plays regularly at the      2011) and The Story of Victorian      including The Cinema Show: The
                                                                                                                                                                                                   the Five Marys, A Pilgrim Guide
in African and ‘world’ cinema.          Luther. Well known for his voice      London Cinema Museum where she is         Film (BFI 2022) She has been          Forgotten Decade, and Glamour’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                   to Scotland, Wee Folk Tales in
Letcher has recently finished           work, Paul has narrated many          a resident pianist for the Kennington     lead curator on recent BFI silent     Golden Age: Hooked on
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Scots and Folk Tales from the
composing music for Reyka (2021)        documentaries as well audio           Bioscope. Her latest silent film          film restorations, including all      Hollywood. He runs a blog called
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Garden. Donald has also staged
an eight-part TV series produced        episodes as the Eighth Doctor         projects include: a commissioned          nine surviving Hitchcock silent       atthepictures.photo.blog about
                                                                                                                                                                                                   over a hundred plays; and was a
by Fremantle and starring Iain          and has recently worked with          score (2018) for several Mabel            films, the works of Anthony           cinema-going in the past.
                                                                                                                                                                                                   moving force behind the Scottish
Glen. Letcher’s score for Matthys       the San Francisco Silent Film         Normand films released on DVD,            Asquith, The Great White Silence
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Storytelling Centre, and a
Boshoff’s The Story of Racheltjie De    Festival to narrate the intertitles   and a piano score (2019) by Kino          (1924), Shiraz (1928) and is
                                                                                                                                                                                                   National Theatre for Scotland.
Beer (2019) won Best Feature Film       to several films.                     Lorber for a DVD release of Alfred        currently working on The Rat
Score at the South African Film and                                           Hitchcock’s The Ring.                     (1925) and the Sherlock Holmes
Television Awards, an award he had                                            www.megmorleymusic.com                    series 1921-23.
previously won in 2016.
                                                                                                                        Take a piece of HippFest home…
                                                                                                                        We have a fantastic selection of branded tea-towels, t-shirts, mugs and cloth bags for sale.
                                                                                                                        Pop into our Festival hub at 39 North Street, opp the Hippodrome during HippFest.

 Mike Nolan                             Forrester Pyke                        John Sweeney
 Platform Reels, Edith Cavell on Film   Shorts                                A Movie World Tour, The Boatswain’s
 Mike works across Scotland as          Forrester has had a successful        Mate, A String of Pearls, L’Homme
                                                                              du Large
 a composer, choral conductor           career as a teacher and musical
 and performer and is a regular at      director and is one of the most       Since 1990 John has played for silent
 HippFest. He has accompanied           highly respected silent film          film at festivals and venues including
 silent film screenings for over        accompanists in Scotland. For         the British Silent Film Festival, and
 20 years including several             over 25 years he has brought          the Giornate del Cinema Muto in
 commercial releases and live           many of the great silents vividly     Pordenone, Italy. He has composed
 performances for the NLS               to life for a new generation of       scores for Lois Weber’s Dumb Girl
 Moving Image Archive. Mike is          cinemagoers.                          of Portici (Milestone DVD) and The
 also a Nordoff-Robbins trained                                               Great Victorian Picture Show at the
                                        Forrester is greatly respected
 music therapist.                                                             London Film Festival (2018), and has
                                        for his musical composition and
                                                                              recorded DVDs for the BFI, Cineteca
                                        improvisational technique.
                                                                              Bologna and Edition Filmmuseum.
                                        www.forrestercliftonpyke.co.uk        John is one of the founders of the
                                                                              Kennington Bioscope which screens
                                                                              neglected silent films at the Cinema
                                                                              Museum in London.
26                                                                            @silentsweeney                                                                                                                HIPPFEST.CO.UK          27
                                                                                                                        From Roman remains to internationally acclaimed art, the Bo’ness and Falkirk area
                                                                                                                        is home to a vast range of attractions including two of the world’s most unique: The
                                                                                                                        Falkirk Wheel and The Kelpies. In 2019 the area was named as the UK’s best walking
                                                                                                                        neighbourhood meaning that it really is a great place to visit and stay.
                                                                                                                        Visit unlockboness.com and visitfalkirk.com to find out more.
                                                                                                                        NEW for 2022 – Falkirk Distillery and Rosebank Distillery are both due to open this year
                                                                                                                        – keep checking their websites for more details: falkirkdistillery.com rosebank.com

 Matthew Steele Walking Tour                                                                                            BO’NESS MOTOR MUSEUM                           THE BRIDGENESS SLAB
 Sunday 20 March | 11:00 | Duration 1h 15mins approx                                                                    Bridgeness Road. 01506 827007                  Harbour Road, Bo’ness EH51 9LD.
 Free | Starts at the Hippodrome | Distance: 2.5km approx. | Level terrain                                              bonessmotormuseum.co.uk                        A roman legionary distance marker
 Architect of the Hippodrome (1911), Matthew Steele has a lasting legacy in the streets of Bo’ness. His                 Classic cars and memorabilia including         stone was found in Bo’ness in 1868 – one
 practice lasted from 1905-37 and in that time he created many private homes and public buildings                       famous film cars: James Bond, Harry            of the best examples of its kind. Visit a
 in the town, in the Arts and Crafts, and later art deco modern, style. Born in Bo’ness and trained                     Potter, 51st State and more. Check             replica of the slab that has been installed
 in Edinburgh and Glasgow, Steele worked mainly in Bo’ness throughout his life and his designs are                      website for opening hours.                     at Kinnigars Park in Bo’ness.
 often very recognisable. Geoff Bailey, Heritage Engagement Officer with Falkirk Community Trust will
 guide you through Bo’ness to discover the buildings created by this influential architect.                             BO’NESS & KINNEIL RAILWAY                      BLACKNESS CASTLE
                                                                                                                        Bo’ness Station, Union Street, Bo’ness         historic-scotland.gov.uk
                                                                                                                        EH51 9AQ.                                      This 15th century castle offers stunning
                                                                                                                        Tel: 01506 822298. bkrailway.co.uk             views of the Firth of Forth and its
                                                                                                                        Platform Reels takes place at the railway      impressive architecture has given it the
                                                               2ND FLOOR GALLERIES, CALLENDAR HOUSE
                                                               Monday 29 January - 18 April 2022
                                                                                                                        on Saturday 19 March. Soak up the              name of the ‘ship that never sailed’... The
                                                                                                                        atmosphere of this heritage railway,           castle has been used as a film location
                                                                                                                        travel by steam train (trains operate          for Outlander, Mary Queen of Scots,
                                                                                                                        from April 2022) and explore Scotland's        Outlaw King and many more. (You can
                                                                                                                        largest railway museum. Three large            now hire an e-bike in Bo’ness and cycle
                                                                                                                        buildings full of wonders - from full-size     to Blackness whilst enjoying the views of
     Film on Forth                                                                                                      locomotives to old fashioned railway           the River Forth).
                                                                                                                        signs which once adorned the walls of
                                                                                                                                                                       KINNEIL MUSEUM
     Explore the sites that made the screen!                                       The Graphic Novel                    busy stations, each with a story to tell.
                                                                                                                        The Railway has been used as a film            kinneil.org
     The Falkirk and West Lothian areas of                                         World of Metaphrog                   location in a number of films and TV
     Scotland have featured in a range of films                                                                                                                        A historic house, open on selected
     and TV Shows, from Outlander to Mary
                                                                                   An exhibition by award-winning duo   series including Season 1 of Outlander,        days and surrounded by parkland and
                                                                                   Sandra Marrs and John Chalmers
     Queen of Scots and many more. Retrace                                                                              The Railway Man, 39 Steps, and many            Woodland. Kinneil Museum displays
                                                                                   29 January 2022 – 17 April 2022
     the steps of the stars that visited the area                                                                       more productions.                              2,000 years of history from Roman
                                                                                   Callendar House, Callendar Park,
     with a range of itineraries - from day trips                                  Falkirk, FK1 1YR                                                                    times to present day.
     to longer, multi night stays.                                                 Free Admission

28         HIPPODROME SILENT FILM FESTIVAL 2022 | BOX OFFICE: 01324 506850                                                                                                                   HIPPFEST.CO.UK      29
EXPLORE THE AREA                                                                                                                                                                  BO’NESS TOWN
     JOHN MUIR WAY                                           THE FALKIRK WHEEL                           Between screenings there are plenty of places to eat in or pick up
                                                                                                         a snack to takeaway. There are also some great independent shops
     www.johnmuirway.org                                     www.thefalkirkwheel.co.uk                   including the nationally renowned Inkspot and Silverleaf Booksellers
     This 134-mile walk stretches across                     The Falkirk Wheel is the world’s first      that stocks a fine collection of silent film books and Firefly Design
     Scotland’s heartland and is ideal for                   and only rotating boatlift and a            that runs a contemporary arts and crafts gallery.
     walkers and cyclists of all abilities. It               fantastic day out for all the family.
     passes some of the area’s most iconic                   Sail 35m through the sky between
     landmarks including Blackness Castle,                   the Forth & Clyde and Union Canal.
                                                                                                         EATING AND DRINKING IN BO’NESS
     Bo’ness & Kinneil Railway, Callendar                    Includes a children’s activity zone, mini   Anchor Tavern                         Leighs Deli and Takeaway
     House and many more.                                    canal & water play park, mini golf, water
                                                                                                         54 North St. 01506 824717             34-34A South St. 01506 200127
                                                             activity zone, segway tours, cycle hire,
     THE KELPIES IN HELIX PARK                               water zorbing, canoeing, boat trips, and    Lively traditional pub selling real   Family-run cafe offering full
                                                             woodland walks which take in some of        ale. Open Sun-Thu 11am-11pm,          breakfast menu, sandwiches,
     www.thehelix.co.uk                                                                                                                        cooked lunch, sweet treats and
                                                             the best remains of the Antonine Wall.      Fri-Sat 11am-midnight
     The world’s largest equine sculptures                                                                                                     hot drinks.
                                                                                                         Simply Treats
     form a dramatic centrepiece in The                                                                                                        Open Mon-Sat 9am - 5.30pm
     Helix Park. Visitor centre, gift shop,                  CALLENDAR HOUSE                             Matty Steele Building, 122-126
                                                                                                         North St. 01506 828646                Lucky Chen
     café, kids adventure zone, accessible                   www.falkirkcommunitytrust.org                                                                                           Pier Pizzaz
     playpark, trails and guided tours of                                                                Sit-in or takeaway. Mouth-            4 Main St. 01506 505555
                                                             Visit this magnificent 14th century
     the Kelpies are available. Ideal for                                                                watering desserts made with           Chinese takeaway                      22 East Pier St. 01506 822591
                                                             house and gallery, set against the
     cycling, you can pre-book an e-bike at                  stunning backdrop of Callendar Park,        freshest and finest ingredients.      Open daily 4.15pm-11pm. Closed Tue    Family friendly restaurant,
     the Kelpies and cycle along the canal                   and a section of The Antonine Wall          4pm -11pm                                                                   specialising in authentic Italian
     towpaths to the Falkirk Wheel.                                                                                                            Thomas Burns & Son Butchers           pizza and pasta.
                                                             (a Unesco World Heritage Site). Plus        Rooneys Hope St Cafe                  & Deli                                Open Fri 4pm-9pm, Sat-Sun
                                                             Georgian kitchen and refurbished tea
                                                                                                         9 Hope St. 01506 823815               10 Market St. 01506 822764            12pm-9pm. Closed Mon-Thu
                                                             room. The House was used as a film
                                                             location in season 2 of Outlander.          Family favourites, snacks and hot     Traditional award-winning butchers    Stav’s Kebab Shop
                                                             Admission Free.                             drinks. Dine-in and takeaways.        and deli offering top quality meat
                                                                                                                                                                                     99 North St. 01506 204888
                                                                                                         Open Thu-Tue 7am-3pm, Wed             and gold award steak pies.
                                                                                                                                                                                     Turkish kebab and pizza
                                                                                                         7am-2pm                               Open Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 8am-
                                                                                                                                               4pm, Wed 8am-1pm, Sat 8am-
                                                                                                         The Corbie Inn                                                              Open Sun-Thu 4pm-11pm Fri &
                                                                                                                                               3pm, Closed Sun
                                                                                                         84 Corbiehall 01506 825307                                                  Sat 4pm-12am
                                                                                                                                               McMoo’s Ice Cream Parlour
                                                                                                         www.corbieinn.co.uk                                                         Sweet Bakery
                                                                                                         Cask beers, real ales, great pub      13 Hope St. 01506 828983
                                                                                                                                                                                     13 North Street 07551533561
                                                                                                         grub, and delicious wood-fired        Ice cream, delicious desserts, Dear
                                                                                                         pizzas.                               Green coffee, cake, milk shakes,      Luxury cupcakes, cheesecakes
                                                                                                                                               sundaes, cookie dough, waffles,       and tasty treats.
                                                                                                         Open Mon-Sat 12pm-11pm; Sun
                                  HOTEL – BAR - RESTAURANT                                               12.30pm-11pm.                         pancakes and lunch menu. Dine-in      Open Mon-Thu 8am-1pm, Fri
                                                                                                                                               or take away.                         8am-5pm, Closed Sat-Sun
       The beautiful, refurbished Richmond Park Hotel enjoys picturesque views over the River            Corvi’s (Seaview Café)
                                                                                                                                               Open Tue-Wed 10am -5pm, Thu-          The Pie King
          Forth and is just 10 minutes’ walk from Bo’ness town centre and the Hippodrome.                5-7 Seaview Pl. 01506 822659          Fr 10am-9pm, Sat-Sun 11am-9pm,
       So, if you are planning to go to HippFest this year, then why not come and stay with                                                                                          South St. 01506 379062
                                                                                                         Traditional fish & chips to eat-in    Closed Mon
       us, dine in our quality restaurant, drink in our bar, or sit back and relax in our guest                                                                                      New handmade pies, baked daily.
              lounge. HippFest guests can enjoy 15% off in the Copper Kiln restaurant.                   or takeaway.                          Nosh
                                                                                                         Tuesday - Saturday, 12 noon -7pm                                            Open Mon-Sat 8.30am-2.30pm.
                                                                                                                                               13 South St. 01506 828151             Closed Sun.
          Restaurant open 12pm to 8.30pm Daily.                         Free Wifi in our public areas.   Closed Sun & Mon. Last orders at
                                                                                                         the seats 30 mins before closing.     Cosy café serving hot food and
        Lounge Bar with a great selection of whisky,                 Refurbished modern rooms with                                                                                   1884 Kitchen and Grill
                                                                                                                                               light bites. Dine-in or take away.
       spirits, mocktails and cocktails open until late.                  en-suite & flat screen TV.     Kettle Drum
                                                                                                                                               Open Mon-Sat 8.30am-2.30pm            12/15 South St. 01506 829946
                                 Free tea, coffee and toiletries for all our guests.
                                                                                                         45 South St. 01506 823796                                                   Home of the Hot Rocks, cook
       Rooms still available with reduced rates for HippFest guests. Why not give us a call              Chinese takeaway. No dine-in.                                               your own steak from our very
                                    to make your reservation.                                                                                                                        own butchers to perfection.
                                                                                                         Open 4.15pm-11pm. Sat 3pm-
                                                                                                         11pm. Closed Wed                                                            Check facebook page for
                         01506 823213 | enquiries@richmondparkhotel.com
                                                                                                                                                                                     opening times.
                 26 Linlithgow Road, Bo’ness, EH51 0DN | richmondparkhotel.com

30         HIPPODROME SILENT FILM FESTIVAL 2022 | BOX OFFICE: 01324 506850                                                                                                                     HIPPFEST.CO.UK            31
                                                                                                Online at www.hippfest.co.uk booking fees
                                                                                                apply (no need to print at home, simply
                                                                                                show your ticket on your smartphone).
                                                                                                                                               BSL users can contact us via contact
                                                                                                By Phone 01324 506850
                                                                                                Monday – Saturday 9:00 – 17:00
                                                                                                                                               All live events in the Hippodrome and
                                                                                                In Person at the Hippodrome Box Office,
                                                                                                                                               online will be BSL-English supported. All
                                                                                                open Saturdays 10:15 to 14:30 and 30
                                                                                                                                               live streamed events will also have live
                                                                                                mins before screenings.
 HOW TO GET HERE                                                                                During the Festival the Box Office is open:
                                                                                                                                               captioning. All recorded online content
                                                                                                                                               will have subtitles..
 Train        inlithgow station is the
             L                                                                                  Wed 16 March    15:15– 19:30
             nearest to Bo’ness. Visit                                                                                                         Refunds
                                                                                                Thu 17 March    12:45 – 20:00
             www.nationalrail.co.uk for                                                                                                        Tickets will not be exchanged or refunded
              details.                                                                          Fri 18 March    10:15 – 20:15                  after purchase except in the event of
                                                                                                Sat 19 March    09:15 – 21:15                  cancellation of screening/activity by
 Car         Bo’ness lies on the south
              bank of the Firth of Forth.                                                       Sun 20 March    09:15 – 21:00                  Falkirk Community Trust.
              From the west, exit the                                                           Concessions Available to: under 18s,           If you are required to isolate due to
              M9 at J5 and then follow             HIPPFEST COMMUNITY BUS
                                                                                                unemployed in receipt of benefits, full-       COVID-19 and are therefore unable to
              the brown tourist signs for          Year-round Bo’ness Community Bus             time students, 65s and over, Young Scot        attend, we have a refund policy in place.
              Bo’ness & Kinneil Railway            operates Mon to Sat from Edinburgh
              and the Hippodrome. From                                                          card holders and Falkirk Community Trust       Please contact us on 01324 506850 or
                                                   to Bo’ness during the day. Visit             Go Card holders. Eligibility must be shown.    email bookings@falkirkcommunitytrust.org
              the east, exit at J3 and             www.bonesscommunitybus.scot for
              follow the brown signs. There                                                     16-25 years:                                   in advance of the event you were due to
                                                   their latest timetable.
              is plenty of free parking in                                                      Tickets are available for £4.50 on the         attend for full details.
              Bo’ness town centre.                                                              following events:                              Doors to the auditorium will open approx.
 Carshare 	Connect with other drivers             COVID - 19                                                                                  30 minutes before each event unless
            at www.gocarshare.com/                                                              17 Mar 16:00 	A Movie World Tour -
                                                   You can book with confidence for your                       Award winners programme         otherwise stated.
                                                   chosen events, safe in the knowledge that    18 Mar 11:00 	Gender Rebels (double bill)     Guests and performers listed are correct
 Bus 	Regular services operate                    we are operating under the latest Scottish
            to Bo’ness from Edinburgh,                                                          18 Mar 16:00 Dawn                              at the time of going to print. Whilst every
                                                   government guidance for COVID-19.
            Linlithgow and Falkirk.                                                             19 Mar 12:45 Lydia Hayward                     effort is taken to ensure accuracy of
            Call 0871 200 22 33 for                Please be assured that all our staff and                                                    information, event details may be subject
                                                   volunteers are trained in our Covid safety
                                                                                                19 Mar 15:00 Not for Sale
            timetables or visit www.                                                                                                           to change.
                                                   protocols and are encouraged to regularly    19 Mar 20:45 Fall of the House of Usher
            Alternatively jump aboard the          test themselves before coming to work.       20 Mar 15:30 A String of Pearls                Booking enquiries:
            Bo’ness Community Bus which            If you have any symptoms of Covid-19         20 Mar 18:30 The Unknown                       bookings@falkirkcommunitytrust.org
            operates year-round. www.              please do not attend the Festival. As per
            bonesscommunitybus.scot                Scottish Government guidelines we ask
                                                                                                                                                Seating is unreserved. Due to the nature of
                                                   that you take a lateral flow test before     If you have mobility issues and need to be
 Bike 	Follow National Cycle                                                                                                                   the live Festival performances, some seats
            Network Route 76 from                  entering the venue and follow our venue      seated downstairs please email bookings@        may have restricted view. As Scotland’s
            Edinburgh.                             guidelines. These are regularly updated      falkirkcommunitytrust.org and let us know       oldest cinema, seats in the balcony wings
                                                   on our website and can be found on our       in advance and we will do our best to           have less leg room and are narrower.
 Taxi 	From Linlithgow Rail Station               HippFest Covid-19 page.                      accommodate you. You can also download
            the average taxi fare is
            £10/£12 and will take approx.          If you are required to isolate due to        the Neatebox App and it will automatically
            10/15mins.                             COVID-19 and are therefore unable to         alert us that you are attending and have
                                                   attend, we have a refund policy in place.    specific access needs.
 	Festival guests can enjoy                       Please contact us on 01324 506850 or
            10% off their taxi fare when                                                        3 wheelchair spaces
                                                   email bookings@falkirkcommunitytrust.org
            booking through:                                                                    Accessible toilet
                                                   in advance of the event you were due to
 	Express Taxis (01324 638000)                    attend for full details.                     Infra-red sound transmission
            and Fourways (01506 823607).                                                        Induction loop (in cinema and at box office)
                                                                                                Baby change on ground floor
32       HIPPODROME SILENT FILM FESTIVAL 2022 | BOX OFFICE: 01324 506850                                                                                             HIPPFEST.CO.UK           33
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