INFORMATION FOR PARENTS OF NEW ANDREANS 2021 - St Andrew's College - St Andrew's ...

Page created by Wade Barker
INFORMATION FOR PARENTS OF NEW ANDREANS 2021 - St Andrew's College - St Andrew's ...
           2021                                 St Andrew’s College

Info for Parents of New Andreans cover.indd 1                04/11/2020 11:05:03
INFORMATION FOR PARENTS OF NEW ANDREANS 2021 - St Andrew's College - St Andrew's ...
        • Pupils living outside South Africa
All non-South Africans must obtain a study permit before
coming to St Andrew’s College next year. The South African
authorities will not allow any student to enter the county
without such a permit.

            • Pupils living in South Africa
All non- South Africans who are not permanent residents of
South Africa require a study permit for their sons to attend
St Andrew’s College.

A study permit can be obtained from your nearest South
African Embassy or Consulate. As these permits can take time
to be finalized, it is imperative that applications be made to
the South African authorities as a matter of urgency.

 For any further information, please do not hesitate to contact
                     Mrs. Lynne Mullins
                   Tel: +27(0)46-603 2300

INFORMATION FOR PARENTS OF NEW ANDREANS 2021 - St Andrew's College - St Andrew's ...
Message to parents ............................................................................. 3
Statement of Commitment ................................................................... 4
Important School Telephone Numbers ................................................. 5
Communication…………………………………………………………………………….... .6
Social Media………………………………………………………………………………………7
Parent Support Groups………………………………………………………………………7
Wellness Support……………………………………………………………………………… 7
House Contact Details .......................................................................... .8
Calendar for 2021 ............................................................................... 10
Start of the School Year 2021 ............................................................. 12
Checklist for what each new boy is required to bring……………………….15
Clothing List .............................................................................. .…......16
The Andrean Shop............................................................................... 17
Sport Clothing requirements .............................................................. 19
Student Devices to Enhance Learning……….…………………………………... 22
The Travel Office ................................................................................ 23
Sanatorium.......................................................................................... 25
Chapel ................................................................................................. 27
Bookroom ........................................................................................... 28
Academic Subjects .............................................................................. 28
Cambridge A Level Stream……………………………………………………………….30
Cultural Activities, Clubs & Societies................................................... 31
Music Studies ...................................................................................... 32
Sport…. ................................................................................................ 35
Rowing Letter ...................................................................................... 36
Water Polo Letter................................................................................ 37
Cricket History…………………………………………………………………………………39
Outdoor Education………………………………………………………………………….41
Harassment and Bullying Policy .......................................................... 42
Substance Abuse Policy ...................................................................... 43
Rules Governing Dress ........................................................................ 44
Rules Governing Leave Outs ............................................................... 45
Rules relating to Major Offences ........................................................ 47
The Highlander .................................................................................... 51
Makhanda/Grahamstown Accommodation ....................................... 52
Central Map of Grahamstown/Makhanda Area ................................ 53
Map of Full SAC Campus .................................................................... 54
St Andrew’s College Campus Map……………………………………………………55

INFORMATION FOR PARENTS OF NEW ANDREANS 2021 - St Andrew's College - St Andrew's ...
A Message to the Parents of New Andreans

Dear Parents
What an honour it is for me to be able to welcome you to the Andrean community. It is my prayer
that you will feel great connectedness to this wonderful place and its people - that your association
will be lifelong and, above all, enjoyable.
No doubt you have great dreams for your boy. That he may truly flourish at College that he will
grow and prosper, that when his time here is done he will leave College a proud Andrean, ready
to make his mark in the world. We share that vision, and look forward to working with you to make
it so.

The purpose of this booklet is to provide you with the information that you will need for your son’s
start at College and to help you understand how the school operates. We suggest that you keep
it handy as it contains important information and phone numbers, and you may need to refer to it
from time to time.

St Andrew’s operates on a strong House system. The House is like a mini school within a school,
and should you need to contact someone at the school with regard to your son’s progress, or
should you have any queries or requests or problems, the first port of call should be your son’s
Housemaster. Email is probably the best means of contact, and your son’s Housemaster will
reply to you as soon as he is able. If there are matters of great urgency and importance and the
Housemaster is unavailable, then you should either contact the Headmaster or the Second

I am a great believer in improving upon one’s previous best. St Andrew’s offers an extraordinary
array of academic, cultural and sporting activities. If your son is to get the best out of this
experience, it is really important that he tries new activities and commits himself to what is offered
here. The high school years will fly by and they should be happy and productive. You play a
key role in your son’s life, even if you are many miles away. We would like you to stay involved
with the school and to keep in contact with us. It is an absolute privilege to share these years of
your son’s life with him.

I look forward to the years ahead with excitement!
Yours faithfully

Alan Thompson

INFORMATION FOR PARENTS OF NEW ANDREANS 2021 - St Andrew's College - St Andrew's ...
St Andrew’s College is committed to the following:
❖ Witnessing in word and deed to the gospel of Christ, that each pupil may
  be free to respond and grow in faith;
❖ Creating a challenging, innovative and stimulating academic environment
  which will enable each pupil to realise his full potential;
❖ Guiding boys to lead lives which balance individual autonomy with
  healthy social relationships and responsibilities;
❖ Nurturing each individual’s healthy physical growth, discipline and
  enjoyment of diverse sporting and recreational opportunities;
❖ Encouraging cultural growth in a variety of creative and imaginatively
  constructive fields;
❖ Maintaining its non-racial character;
❖ Promoting open communications between boys, teachers, parents and all
  other members of its community;
❖ Enhancing the personal and professional growth of all its staff.

The complete Andrean will develop to his full potential these qualities:

                                             Spiritual Nature

                         Independence of                        Academic Talent

                          Leadership and
                         Confidence in the                            Love for and
                          Social Context                          Participation in Sport

                                            Imaginative and
                                           Creative Faculties

INFORMATION FOR PARENTS OF NEW ANDREANS 2021 - St Andrew's College - St Andrew's ...
         TELEPHONE NUMBERS: National Code +27

School switchboard: 046 603 2300
School email:
Fax number: 046 603 2381

Headmaster: Mr Alan Thompson
• Office: 046 603 2302
• Cell: 071 611 2760       Email:

Business Manager: Mrs Carol Muirhead
• Office: 046 603 2356
• Cell: 076 177 0717

Second Master: Mr Aidan Smith
• Office: 046 603 2303
• Cell: 082 780 1332          Email:

Deputy Headmaster: Mr Lewis Manthata
• Office: 046 603 2305
• Cell: 072 579 5090         Email:

Chaplain: Fr Richard Wyngaard
• Office: 046 603 2308
• Cell: 071 301 6888            Email:

Educational Psychologist: Mrs Yvonne Lion-Cachet
• Office: 046 603 2300
• Cell: 072 494 6097           Email:

Sanatorium: Sister-in-Charge: Sr Heidi Scheepers
• Office: 046 603 2314
• Cell: 082 651 9237          Email:

Travel Office: Mrs. Ann Bryan
• Office: 046 603 2317
• Cell: 083 275 2218          Email:
INFORMATION FOR PARENTS OF NEW ANDREANS 2021 - St Andrew's College - St Andrew's ...
Admissions: Mrs Lynne Mullins
• Office: 046 603 2310        Email:

Andrean Shop: Mrs Colleen Vetch
• Cell: 078 426 4929         Email:


At the beginning of each term, a Term Calendar will be emailed to parents.
Please diarise all dates applicable to your son for the term, to enable you to
plan ahead. Also save the calendar to your communication device.

A link to the school newsletter on the website is sent to parents at the end of
every week. Please read this newsletter to see upcoming events, as well as to
keep you informed of activities at school.

For Sport fixtures, please download the Sports Portal
( and follow the prompts to see the times,
venues and results of your son’s team.

Log into the myCollege parent portal at
This portal brings you:
• Term Dates
• School Reports (uploaded at the end of term)
• Parent documents and Policies including:
    - Information for parents of New Andreans Booklet
    - The Andrean Handbook
    - Clubs and Societies Booklet
    - Term Calendar
• Daily Notice
• Newsletters
• Photo Galleries
• Press Clippings and YouTube videos
INFORMATION FOR PARENTS OF NEW ANDREANS 2021 - St Andrew's College - St Andrew's ...
• School Contact Details
Parents will also receive an email with an access guide. If you miss that email
though, you could start by simply requesting a password at using your registered email
address with the school.

The myCollege parent portal is accessible from your smartphone or tablet.
Once logged in, you will find regular updates under the School Information
                                 SOCIAL MEDIA


         Facebook:        St-Andrews-CollegeFacebook
                          Or click on the Facebook icon
                          on the school website
         Instagram:       standrewscollegegrahamstown

         Twitter (sport): St Andrew’s College @standrews1855

         LinkedIn:        St Andrew’s College, Grahamstown

         Sports Portal:

                      PARENT SUPPORT GROUPS
We have a strong parents’ network. If you wish to liaise with someone in your
area, please contact Cherie Wille from the St Andrew’s College Marketing
Department at| 046 603 2353 | 084 549 7710. Many
new friends are made with other parents, which is a wonderful part of being a
member of our school family and the Andrean community.

INFORMATION FOR PARENTS OF NEW ANDREANS 2021 - St Andrew's College - St Andrew's ...
There are good support systems at school and you are welcome to contact our
Pastoral Care Team. They include your son’s Housemaster, Matron, San
Sisters, our Chaplain, Father Richard Wyngaard, and our School Psychologist,
Yvonne Lion-Cachet regarding your son’s wellbeing (all contact details above
and below).

One of our parents, Bronwen Dorrington, offers a personal helpful support
service for new parents grappling with the transition to boarding and you may
contact her on

                     HOUSES CONTACT DETAILS

UPPER: Mr Scott Jackson                 Cell: 079 180 7089
Housemaster: 046 603 2331               Email:
Cell: 083 396 2401                      HOLLAND HOUSE: Mr Ian Hobson
Email:          (Grade 8 house for Mullins)
Deputy Housemaster: Andy Royle          Housemaster: 046 603 2326
Cell: 082 557 1951                      Cell: 083 501 0095
Email:            Email:
Matron: Mrs Nancy-Anne Richards
Office: 046 603 2338                    MERRIMAN: Mr Walter Eksteen
Flat: 046-6032378                       Housemaster: 046 603 2332
Cell: 081 085 9382                      Cell: 072 213 3027
Email:         Email:
                                        Deputy Housemaster:
MULLINS: Mr Carl Bradfield              Mrs Mandy Ladds
Housemaster: 046 603 2335               Cell: 073 460 1777
Cell: 083 212 6781                      Email:
Email:        Matron: Ms Glynis Mather-Pike
Deputy Housemaster:                     Office: 046 603 2339
Mr Laurence Christie                    Cell: 082 645 3435
Cell: 082 354 0350                      Email:
Matron: Mrs Ronell Dixon
Office:046 603 2343

INFORMATION FOR PARENTS OF NEW ANDREANS 2021 - St Andrew's College - St Andrew's ...
ESPIN: Mr Patrick Gumunyu           GRAHAM: Mr Harley Searle
Housemaster: 046 603 2334           Housemaster: 046 603 2336
Cell: 076 756 5497                  Cell: 083 525 7011
Email:      Email:
Deputy Housemaster:                 Deputy Housemaster:
Mr Joy-Farai Mika                   Mr Gerry Posthumus
Cell: 084 808 9077                  Cell: 083 516 0866
Email:         Email:
Matron: Ms Catherine Letcher        Matron: Mrs Felicity Elliott
Office: 046 603 2341                Office: 046 603 2342
Cell: 073 613 9114                  Cell: 083 445 7584
Email:      Email:
                                    VAN DER RIET LODGE:
                                    (Grade 8 House for Graham)
ARMSTRONG: Mr Graeme                Mr Gerry Posthumus
                Lucas-Bull          Housemaster: 046 622 8357
Housemaster: 046 603 2333           Cell: 083 516 0866
Cell: 083 375 1560                  Email:
Deputy Housemaster:
Mr Ernest Sykes
Cell: 081 891 2708
Matron: Miss Bridget Mazwai
Office: 046 603 2340
Cell: 072 623 9859
INGLESIDE: Mr Ernest Sykes
(Grade 8 House for Armstrong)
Housemaster: 046 603 2337
Cell: 081 891 2708


Term 1 (Easter): Thursday 14 January – Wednesday 31 March 2021

Monday 11 January             Staff return
Tuesday 12 January            New Boys arrive
Wednesday 13 January          All other Boarders return by 18h00
Thursday 14 January           08h00 Assembly, then Lessons Begin
Thursday 25 February          08h00-10h00 Parent Teacher Meetings

Half Term: Thursday 25 February (Travel Day) until 18h00 on Tuesday
           2 March 2021

Tuesday 2 March               18h00 Boarders return
Wednesday 31 March            17h00 Final Assembly (Compulsory
Thursday 1 April              Travel Day

Term 2 (Trinity Term): Thursday 29 April – Wednesday 4 August 2021

Wednesday 28 April            Boarders return by 18h00
Thursday 29 April             07h30 Assembly then Lessons Begin
Friday 11 June                08h30 – 11h00 Parent Teacher Meetings
7-12 June                     Kingswood Derby Week (so-called K-Day)

Half Term: Thursday 17 June (Travel Day) until 18h00 on Tuesday 29 June

Tuesday 29 June               18h00 Boarders return
Wednesday 4 August            17h00 Final Assembly (Compulsory
Thursday 5 August             Travel Day

                                                             10 | P a g e
Term 3 (Michaelmas Term): Tuesday 31 August – Tuesday 30
                         November 2021

Monday 30 August               18h00 Boarders return
Tuesday 31 August              07h30 Assembly then Lessons Begin
Friday 1 – Tuesday 5 October: Balloon Weekend
                             Balloon Weekend is a wonderful opportunity
                             for all parents to visit the school, as many of
                             the boys’ achievements are showcased.
                             Athletics Sports Day, Speech Day (prize-giving)
                             and other events are also hosted. There are
                             opportunities to meet teachers and other
                             parents, as well as to observe age old
                             traditions such as the Retreat Ceremony. All
                             are welcome.
         Friday 1 October   13h00 Inter-house Athletics Sports Day (Lower
         Saturday 2 October 08h00 Parent Teacher Meeting to 12h00
                             18h00 Valedictory Service
                             19h00 House Suppers for Boys and Matric
                             19h00 Headmaster’s Cocktail Party for
                                     Grade 8-11 Parents (Crossways)
          Sunday 3 October 16h00 Opening of Art and Design Exhibition
                             18h00 Confirmation Service
         Monday 4 October 14h00 Speech Day
                             17h30 Retreat Ceremony (Lower Field)
         Tuesday 5 October 07h45 Inter-house Athletics Relay (Lower)
                             10h30 Half Term starts

Half Term: After Athletics Prize Giving on Tuesday 5 October
           (10h30) until 18h00 on Monday 11 October 2021

Monday 11 October            18h00 Boarders return
Tuesday 30 November          17h00 Final Assembly (Compulsory Attendance)
Wednesday 1 December         Travel Day
                                                               11 | P a g e
        Programme for all New Boys and Parents
         (Subject to COVID-19 protocols and safety regulations)

This is a day on which the academic staff prepare for the new academic year.
Most staff will be involved in meetings, and thus it will not be possible to
contact staff in their homes. However, should you have urgent messages
relating to your arrival in Grahamstown/Makhanda, messages may be left on
voice-mail, or emails may be sent to the Housemaster or to the Headmaster’s
If you have used the weekend to travel to Grahamstown/Makhanda, this day
could be used to complete arrangements for your son’s entry to
College. Accounts should be opened at Birch’s & Co and at a pharmacy. Our
Andrean Shop, which stocks good second-hand items of uniform as well as a
few new items, will be open by appointment — see page 17. Also, the College
Accounts Department will be available to deal with payment of fees. The
Business Manager, Mrs Carol Muirhead, will be happy to assist you with any
queries in this regard.

      (Blazer, white shirt, tie, navy blue trousers and black shoes.)

08h00 to 12h30 Meet the Housemaster in your allocated House. Thereafter,
               Parents and New Boys to go on ‘The Walk’ with Mentors.
               Meet the San Sisters at the Sanatorium (supply medical
               records and prescribed medicines. See page 25).

12h30-14h00      Mentors to host all New Boys with Parents for lunch in the
                 Clapham Jubilee Hall (All New Boys and Parents, plus any
                 other family members with you, will be catered for).
                                                                   12 | P a g e
15h15 Chapel Service and address by the Headmaster, followed by
       tea on the Clock Tower Lawns.
16h00 Complimentary photographs of New Boys with their Parents will be
      taken outside the Chapel or around the Clock Tower. Parents say their
      goodbyes. The Prefects will accompany the New Boys to their Houses.
16h30 Grade 8 and other New Boys Biometric Capture (Clapham Jubilee Hall
       Foyer) and Swim Test (Pool)
      16h30: Armstrong           16h55: Espin          17h20: Graham
      17h45: Merriman            18h10: Mullins        18h35: Upper
17h00 Parents are invited to the Housemaster’s home for a Cocktail Party.
18h00 Supper for all New Boys in the Clapham Jubilee Hall.
19h00 New Boys meet with Mentors for evening activities.
21h00 Bed and lights out for all New Boys.

DRESS until 12h00: All New Boys to be in Greys and Blazers. White shirt, tie,
grey trousers and black shoes and College blazer/pullover (if desired).

07h30 Breakfast in the Clapham Jubilee Hall.
08h30 Housemasters and Prefects to meet with New Boys in each House.
09h00 All New Boys (dressed in greys and blazers for ID photos) to the
      Schonland Lecture Theatre for an explanation of the academic side of
09h45 All New Boys to line up in alphabetical order at the Cawse Library foyer
      to have ID photos taken. Please wear your blazer for the photo.
10h00 Heads of Houses to take New Boys on a tour of the School. This includes
      a visit to the Library: Upper 10h00; Merriman 10h20; Armstrong
      10h40; Espin 11h00; Mullins 11h20; Graham 11h40.
12h00 All New Boys (changed into T-shirts, shorts, track shoes):
      Upper & Merriman — talk on Cricket, followed by talks on Clubs and
      Societies (Auditorium);
      Espin & Mullins — talk on Aquatics (Hudson Swimming Pool);
      Armstrong & Graham — introduction to Basketball (Library Courts).
13h00 Lunch for all boys in the Clapham Jubilee Hall.
14h00 All New Boys (changed into T-shirts, shorts, track shoes):
       Espin & Mullins — talk on Cricket, followed by talks on Clubs and
                                                                 13 | P a g e
Societies (Auditorium);
        Armstrong & Graham — talk on Aquatics (Hudson Swimming Pool);
        Upper & Merriman — introduction to Basketball (Library Courts).
15h00   All New Boys (changed into T-shirts, shorts, track shoes):
        Armstrong & Graham — talk on Cricket, followed by talks on Clubs and
        Societies (Auditorium);
        Upper & Merriman — talk on aquatics (Hudson Swimming Pool);
        Espin & Mullins — introduction to Basketball (Library Courts).
16h00    Swimming by arrangement/Registration of iPads
18h00    All other Boarders return.
18h00    Supper in the Clapham Jubilee Hall for all Boarders and New Day
19h00    All New Boys to the DRW Music School.
21h00    New Boys’ lights out.

07h00    Breakfast in the Clapham Jubilee Hall.
07h45    Opening Assembly in the Centenary Hall.
08h45    Tutor Period for Timetable in the Tutors’ classrooms.
09h00    Grade 9 – 12 Photographs (Centenary Hall).
09h00    Clubs and Societies registration (Drill Hall) for all pupils, at which
         every boy should sign up for at least one Club or Society.
09h30    Registration for all pupils taking music lessons (DRW Music School).
10h05    Break.
10h40    Lessons begin with Period 4 of Week A in the timetable for Grades
         9 – 12.
Grade   8 Orientation continues until Friday 15 January.

15h00    Registration of iPads.

08h30    Eucharist: Whole School (Formal).
09h30    New Boys Kasouga Walk.
19h15    Grade 8s to tea with Housemasters.
                                                                    14 | P a g e

✓ Two certified copies of Birth Certificate (for Travel Office)
✓ Two certified copies of ID Documents or Passports
✓ Sanatorium Record Form – to be given directly to the San Sister on
  Tuesday 12 January 2021. (see page 26-27)
✓ A desktop study lamp. (Optional in Grade 8. Upper boys to bring lamps
  in Grade 9)
✓ A double adaptor
✓ A padlock (Espin, Merriman, Armstrong and Mullins)
✓ Short extension cords are required in Graham House only
✓ Alarm clock for Grades 8 & 9
✓ 2 swimming towels (2 bath towels per week are provided by St Andrew’s
✓ An extra duvet or blanket, which is clearly marked, is recommended for
  the Trinity (Winter) Term. All other basic bedding is provided by College.
✓ It is recommended that boys also bring a sleeping bag which is clearly
  marked to be used on occasions such as compulsory outdoor education.
✓ Boys are permitted to bring laptops (Grades 10-12 only) and iPods with
  them, but it is their responsibility to see that these are locked away when
  not in use. For information regarding insurance of such items, please
  contact the Business Manager in the Finance Department
✓ Electrical appliances NOT allowed are the following: TVs, play-stations,
  x-boxes, heaters, kettles, electric under-blankets, electric hot water
  bottles (nothing with heating element) or toasters of any kind. If any of
  these articles are confiscated, they will be given to a charity
✓ Sound systems are NOT allowed in Grade 8
✓ Boys should have ATM cards for their pocket money. The amount of
  pocket money provided is at the discretion of the boy’s parents

                                                                 15 | P a g e
✓ However, with accounts at Birch’s and a pharmacy, an excessive amount
  of pocket money should not be required. It may be useful to discuss this
  with your son’s Housemaster.


  ❖ No variation of the prescribed school uniform is permitted.

  ❖ All clothing, including civvies, sporting equipment, bags, underwear and
    swimming towels, must be clearly marked with cotton printed name
    tags (not silky type) and sent in a good state of repair. Please zigzag
    name tags folded in half to top of socks. The initial of your son’s house
    must appear after his name on the name tag (e.g. John Jones U):

      U = Upper                            Mer = Merriman
      E = Espin                            A = Armstrong
      Mu = Mullins                         G = Graham

     Please note that iron-on labels are NOT permitted, and clothes are NOT
     to be marked with pen as this fades with time. Extra name tags must be
     supplied to the House Matron.

  Name tags can be ordered from:
         Birch’s – (delivery 2 – 3 weeks)
         Harry’s Laundry – (delivery 48 hours)

  Both Birch’s and Harry’s can assist with stitching nametags to clothing.

  ❖ As neither the Houses nor the laundry have washing lines, boys are
    asked not to bring clothes that cannot be tumble dried, especially

  ❖ Boys are requested not to bring articles of clothing not shown on the
    lists below as storage space is extremely limited.

                                                                  16 | P a g e
❖ The preferred school stockists, in conjunction with the Andrean Shop,
         Birch’s, Grahamstown/Makhanda
         Tel: 046 622 7010
         McCullagh & Bothwell, Hyde Park Shopping Centre,
         Johannesburg Tel: 011 325 4331

Please note - Some items are only available from the Andrean Shop, see details
on the clothing list below.

  ❖ Please open accounts for boys at Birch’s,
    ( for any additional items required during
    the school year

  ❖ Most items are available second hand from the Andrean Shop.

  ❖ St Andrew’s Prep parents please note that the following items can be
    brought across from Prep to be used at College – school blazers (change
    badge), grey trousers, school shoes, tracksuit pants (new style),
    swimming costumes (speedo style), rugby jerseys, scarves, gloves.

        For any queries about clothing please contact the Senior
           Matron, Mrs. Nancy-Ann Richards (081 085 9382,
                           ANDREAN SHOP
                            Mrs. Colleen Vetch
                           St Andrew’s College Campus
              Cell: 078 426 4929

                            Operating hours
     2020 – please email for weekday appointments up to and including
                             27 November 2020.
                                                                   17 | P a g e
2021 – 7,8 and 11,12,13 January: 9am – 2pm
           During Term – Monday to Friday : 10-11am and 3-4pm

  Clothing items are available from the following outlets:
          B = Birch’s
          M = McCullagh & Bothwell
          SAC = Andrean Shop
          V = Various Retail Outlets

The quantities detailed below are for boarders only. Quantities for day
boys should be determined by parents/guardians

  Qty                 Articles Required                                         Outlet
    1   Navy blue, single breasted school Blazer                              B/M/V
    1   St Andrew’s College pocket badge (for blazer)                         B/SAC
    2   St Andrew’s College navy blue school jerseys                          B/M
    4   St Andrew’s College school shirts – short-sleeved                     B/M
    6   St Andrew’s College school shirts – long-sleeved                      B/M
    2   St Andrew’s College white T-shirts                                    SAC
    6   St Andrew’s College blue striped ‘Golf’ shirts                        B/M/SAC
    2   Pairs St Andrew’s College navy blue trousers                          B/M
    3   Pairs medium grey school trousers (no skinny cut trousers)            B/M/V
    2   Plain black belts with silver buckle                                  B/M/SAC/V
    8   Pairs grey socks (medium grey, to match grey school trousers)         V
    8   Pairs short white ankle socks (no secret socks)                       V
    1   Pair plain black leather, lace-up school shoes (no branding or        B/M/V
    1   Pair predominantly white sports shoes                                 V
    2   St Andrew’s College ties                                              B/SAC
   10   Pairs underpants                                                      V
        Long johns & long-sleeved vests (optional)                            V
    2   St Andrew’s College track suits                                       B
    1   St Andrew’s College cap                                               SAC

                                                                         18 | P a g e
4   Pairs St Andrew’s College navy blue Quantec shorts                     B/M
     1   Navy blue Drimac (optional)                                            SAC/V
     1   St Andrew’s College winter jacket (optional).                          SAC
     1   St Andrew’s College backpack                                           SAC
     1   St Andrew’s College tog bag (optional)                                 SAC
     1   St Andrew’s College folder (optional)                                  SAC
     1   St Andrew’s College swimming costume                                   B/M
     1   St Andrew’s College scarf (optional)                                   B/SAC
     1   Pair plain navy knitted gloves (optional)                              SAC/V
     2   Swimming towels                                                        V
     2   Laundry bags, large and robust                                         V
         (NB: Graham, Upper, Merriman & Armstrong House boys to order
         laundry baskets from Matrons)                                          V
     6   Netting sock bags with zips (no drawstring bags)                       V
    10   Coat hangers                                                           V
     1   Shoe polishing kit                                                     V
         Civvies (Limit quantity due to space (1 pair jeans, 2 T-Shirts, 2      V
         shorts, 1 golf shirt). Must be machine washable and tumble dry
                              FOR SPORT
  Required over and above items mentioned on the standard clothing list and
             only if your son participates in the particular sport.

  Armstrong          Oxford Blue                Merriman           Mauve
  Mullins            Cambridge Blue             Espin              Green
  Upper              Red                        Graham             Maroon

Please note that all boys are required to bring water bottles (filled) to all sports
practices and matches.
   2    Water bottles
     1 Athletics house vest                                                     B
     1 Pair navy Poly shorts                                                    V
                                                                          19 | P a g e
1   Spikes (Optional)                                                V
1   SAC Athletics Vest (for meetings/championships)                  SAC

1   Pair basketball shoes (with laces)                               V
3   Pairs Short white socks (no secret socks)                        V
2   SAC white T-shirts (training)                                    SAC
1   SAC Basketball vest (matches)                                    SAC
1   Pair SAC basketball shorts (matches)                             SAC
1   SAC Tracksuit Top and Pants                                      B

3   Pairs white Quantec shorts (training)                            B
3   SAC white T-shirts (training)                                    SAC
2   Pairs cream cricket pants (matches)                              V
2   SAC cricket shirt (matches)                                      SAC
1   SAC Cricket cap                                                  B
1   SAC Cricket hat (Optional)                                       SAC
1   Pair cricket shoes                                               V
1   SAC cricket jersey                                               B/M

2   SAC blue striped golf shirts/SAC white T-shirts (training)       SAC
3   SAC navy Quantec shorts (training and matches)                   B
1   Navy sports shirt (matches)                                      SAC
3   Pairs SAC navy sports socks                                      B/M
1   Pair football boots                                              V
1   Pair shin pads (compulsory)                                      V
2   SAC blue striped golf shirts/SAC white T-shirts (training)       SAC
3   Pairs SAC navy Quantec shorts                                    B
3   Pairs SAC navy sports socks                                      B

                                                                 20 | P a g e
2   SAC navy sports shirts (matches)                        SAC
1   Pair hockey boots                                       V
1   Pair shin pads (compulsory)                             V
1   Mouthguard (compulsory)                                 V

1   Regatta Trisuit                                         SAC
1   Training Trisuit (Optional)                             SAC
1   SAC navy sports shirt                                   SAC

4   SAC navy rugby shorts                                   B
3   SAC rugby jerseys                                       B/M
4   Pairs SAC navy sports socks                             B/M
1   Pair rugby boots                                        V
1   Mouthguard (compulsory)                                 V

3   SAC blue striped golf shirts                            SAC
3   SAC navy Quantec shorts                                 B
1   Pair non-marking court shoes                            V

1   Pair predominantly white non-marking tennis shoes       V

1   Water polo costume                                      B

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“Enhancing teaching and learning through the intelligent use of cutting-edge
technology – This is the philosophy behind the St Andrew’s College Learning
Technology Project, which turns the classroom into a lively, engaged, learning
world-space. The use of tablet technology is revolutionizing classrooms

Tablet and laptop technology have an incredible impact on education. Tablet
technology has transformed the classroom experience by allowing, amongst
others, the ability to research facts instantaneously, the availability of multiple
sources of information, e-book versions of locally relevant texts, the capacity
to curate knowledge in various multi-media formats, and access to subject-
specific apps. In a rapidly changing environment of continual innovation, the
current leading brand in the educational market worldwide is considered the
Apple iPad, although other suitable versions are available.

We require that Grade 8 –12 pupils bring their own tablet or laptop device.

Students may bring any device with a minimum specification of 32 GB storage
plus Wi-Fi. Devices should be between 5” - 15” in size to be sufficiently
productive while remaining portable as possible. If you select a tablet, a
keyboard is recommended. Battery life to last the school day is critical.

Students buying a new device choice may consider the following devices,
although the final choice is up to you:

               o iPad range (mini iPad, iPad, iPad Pro)
               o MacBook range
               o Windows laptop
               o Chromebook laptop

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The school will use Mobile Device Management software that will allow the
ICT Department to regulate all devices on the school campus. This will be
configured on the device at the start of the year.

For more detailed information and purchasing recommendations which may
be updated from time to time, please visit the SAC

                              TRAVEL OFFICE
Contact details:
Travel Coordinator   Ann Bryan
Direct line          046 603 2317
Switchboard          046 603 2300 Ext 384
Cell phone            083 275 2218 (including WhatsApp)
Go Travel            046 622 2235

The Travel Office coordinates the travel for SAC/DSG/Prep pupils, making sure
that pupils get to and from their flights on travel days.

Passports and travel documents should be handed in to the Housemasters on
return to school. The matrons take all travel documents to the Travel Office for
checking and safekeeping until the next travel day.

Flight bookings can be done by our local agent, through the Travel Office.
Credit card details are required for us to issue tickets, or alternatively, an EFT
into the agent’s account. No tickets will be issued or credit cards used without
parent’s consent beforehand.

If you prefer to do your own flight bookings, please send the issued tickets
through to the Travel Office ( so that we can coordinate
                                                                    23 | P a g e
the bus transport to/from Port Elizabeth or East London Airports. Parents are
requested to observe the flight deadline date in the calendar and to send the
tickets/bus requests to the Travel Office by this deadline. Anything received
after this date will incur a late booking fee.

Buses/shuttles are booked with Blunden Tours based in Port Elizabeth. For
travel days, these buses need to be booked at least a week in advance prior
the date required. We also use smaller operators, i.e. JC Shuttle, when smaller
vehicles are required. The cost of buses/shuttles will be added to the school
account monthly.

Pupils flying on the airlines will be required to have a valid passport, ID
document or a certified copy of their birth certificate, as well as any Covid-19
documents. Please ensure that the Travel Office has a certified copy of the
birth certificate for travel.

Shuttles can also be booked for weekend travel or locally for other outings.
Shuttle costs range from approximately R350-R850 per person to and from
Port Elizabeth, and R550-R1100 to and from East London, depending on the
number of passengers travelling and the type of vehicle needed. Local parents
from Port Elizabeth and East London are welcome to use the bus transport on
travel days, but requests must be in by the deadline date as well.

Pupils who are not SA citizens or permanent residents are required to obtain a
study visa before they arrive at SAC, DSG or Prep. These are applied for online
and an appointment made in your country of residence. The school will provide
the necessary letters of confirmation and advice on which medical aid is

Since 2015, new immigration laws in South Africa require that children under
18 years of age carry certain documents with them when leaving or entering
SA. Parents are requested to send their children with the following documents
if they are travelling over the boarder:

    1. Certified copy of unabridged birth certificate, showing both parents

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2. Certified affidavit/letter of permission from both parents, showing
       residential and contact information
    3. Certified copies of both parents’ passports / ID documents
    4. Any other relevant documents, i.e. marriage certificate, death
       certificate, adoption certificate
    5. Guardian letter from the school (we provide these updated every 3

If parents update the documents during each holiday, they will be valid for the
next travel date. This is preferable, rather than leaving it for the last minute
before a travel date and then having to scan or courier documents. The schools
are not able to certify documents without the originals or parents present, so
this needs to be done by a commissioner of oaths at your place of residence.

Contact details:
Sr’s Heidi Scheepers & Nonvuyo Mbangi
Office: 046 603 2314

 On Orientation Day all parents and New boys will be given a San
 appointment to meet the San sisters and discuss any medical issues
 or concerns with them. It is not necessary for existing Prep boarders
 to complete a San record form or make a San appointment.

 At that time, you will be able to:
 ❖ Register with the school doctor, Dr Gainsford and partners
 ❖ Sr Baart will be available to update your son’s immunizations.
     Please contact her before the time on
     with any queries regarding vaccinations and to order those
     required by your son.

 Kindly bring the following documentation to the San on Orientation Day:
 1.    completed San Record Form
 2.    copy of both sides of your medical aid card
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3.     copy of your child’s most recent vaccine record
4.     any medical reports pertaining to your child.
5.     copy of chronic medication script including Ritalin/Concerto/
6.     copy of ID/Birth Certificate
7.     A completed Dr Gainsford and partners form

Regulations regarding medicines
1. Ordering of medicines and appointment bookings should be
   done through the San Sisters.
2. The San Sister and Matron must be notified of any new
   medicines ordered or provided by parents. A copy of the
   script must be sent to the San
3. All medication must be administered either by the san sister or matron.
4. Medication needs to be handed to the matron in its original packaging,
   with your son`s name on it and directions for dosage.
5. For the safety of your son and those around him, no medications
   may be kept in the dormitory, except vitamins, an Epi pen or
   asthma pumps. (The matron and San must still be made aware of
6. If any change to your child’s health occurs during the
   holiday period, please supply a written doctor’s report to
   the San. This includes:
   operations, injuries, medication and procedures. Keeping San
   sisters and the school doctor informed at all times facilitates
   efficient management of your child’s health.

      Medical cover for boys living outside of South Africa
     • If you need to take out medical cover in order to obtain a
        study permit please note that the inexpensive options i.e.
        Momentum Ingwe and Compcare Wellness are not practical
        because the school Dr`s are not their stipulated service
        providers. You would then be billed for day to day medical
        expenses including doctor’s visits, X-ray, pharmacy and
        laboratory tests. If you are expecting your South African
        medical Aid to cover day to day expenses, its safest to avoid

                                                                  26 | P a g e
any options which stipulate which service providers you may
    •   Please advise us of your son`s international cover details.
    •   The school will settle the medical costs and bill them to your
        school fee account.
    •   We will ensure that the relevant forms are completed by the
        doctor, then the invoices from the service provider/s will be
        sent to you and it is your responsibility to claim from your
        medical aid.
    •   Please provide your son’s medical card in the event that he
        needs to be hospitalized.

The San will communicate with parents:
    • In the event of a medical emergency
    • If your son has been seen by a doctor and medication is prescribed
    • If your son needs to stay in the San overnight

Dayboys will be treated at the San:
    • In the event of a medical emergency
    • If he becomes sick whilst at school. Parents will be contacted to
Please do not send your son to school if he is not well enough to attend class.

Contact details:
Fr Richard Wyngaard
Office: 046 603 2308
Cell:   071 301 6888

St Andrew’s College is an Anglican Christian school. All boys (Day boys and
Boarders) agree, on admission to College, to attend all designated weekday
and Sunday acts of worship.

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Worship services are a key part of the St Andrew’s College way. Students are
expected to attend all Chapel services. However, a boy may, at the discretion
of the Headmaster, be given standing permission to attend another place of
worship provided that all formal Chapel services are attended.

Permission to attend worship elsewhere will usually only be granted by the
Headmaster following a substantiated written request from a boy’s Parents or


At the beginning of the year, all New boys are issued with a basic stationery
pack. During the term, additional stationery and some IT software can be
bought during break-time. This is charged to the boy’s monthly account.

Textbooks are issued at the beginning of the year. The textbooks are
numbered and must be returned at the end of each year, before Final
Assembly. This is the boy’s responsibility. Boys will be charged for non-
returned, lost or badly damaged textbooks in December. No refunds for late

Workbooks and books used as workbooks, are charged to your account and
do not have to be returned. Please note that boys are expected to cover all
their textbooks with plastic.

                        ACADEMIC SUBJECTS

•   English Home Language
•   First Additional Language:
    Afrikaans, isiXhosa, French (if an ‘immigrant’), Mandarin (if an
•   Second Additional Language: isiXhosa, French, Mandarin, Latin, Classical
    Civilization, Music
•   Mathematics

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•   Arts and Culture: Art, Music, Dance and Drama
•   History and Geography
•   Design & Technology
•   Economic and Management Sciences (EMS)
•   Natural Sciences (Physics, Chemistry, Biology)
•   Religious Education
•   Life Orientation
•   Information Literacy (Grade 8)

Since 2019 we have been offering two streams for Matric. All boys will do
     Grade 10, but for Grade 11 and 12, boys may elect to do:

•   An IEB Matric
•   Cambridge A Level Matric

It is compulsory for pupils to study English in Option 1, Mathematics or
Mathematical Literacy in Option 3, and Life Orientation in Option 7.

Pupils are required to choose one subject from each of the remaining options.
Option 1   English (Home Language)
Option 2   South African Pupils
           Afrikaans (Home Language)
           Afrikaans: (First Additional Language)
           isiXhosa (First Additional Language)
           Pupils who have ‘IMMIGRANT’ Status
           French (Second Additional Language)
           Mandarin (Second Additional Language)
           Computer Applications Technology
           Business Studies
Option 3   Mathematics or Mathematical Literacy
Option 4   Design, Dramatic Arts, Geography, Information Technology, Life
           Sciences, Music, Mandarin Second Additional Language (by
           arrangement and dependent on numbers and capacity)
Option 5   Geography, History, Physical Sciences, Business Studies
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Option 6    Accounting, History, Life Sciences, Visual Arts
Option 7    Life Orientation

During the Grade 10 year, boys can apply to switch to the Cambridge A Level
stream for Grade 11 and 12, rather than writing the IEB Matric. This is subject
to minimum academic requirements and an ability to work independently, as
determined by the HOD of A Levels.

In Grade 11, each pupil takes a minimum of 5 subjects (maximum 6 subjects).

•   One subject from each of Options 1, 2 and 3, and
•   Minimum of TWO subjects, one from each of Options 4, 5 and 6.

Option 1 is English Language & Literature AS Level and is compulsory in
Grade 11 for all pupils.
Option 2 is a Second Language and is compulsory for South African University
Exemption purposes. Candidates with “Immigrant Status” may be exempt
from this requirement, subject to confirmation from Universities South Africa.
Option 3 is Mathematics AS Level which is compulsory, unless Biology is taken
in its place in Option 4. (In this case, candidates must choose one subject from
each of groups 1, 2, 4, 5, 6. Careful consideration of university and faculty
requirements is necessary before this option is selected.)

Option 1    English Language & Literature (AS Level)
Option 2    Afrikaans (IGCSE)
            French (IGCSE)
            isiZulu (IGCSE)
            Mandarin (IGCSE) (subject to availability)
Option 3    Mathematics (AS Level)
Option 4    Biology (AS Level)
            History (AS Level)*
Option 5    Chemistry (AS Level)
            Geography (AS Level)*
            Music (AS Level)*
                                                                   30 | P a g e
Option 6  Physics (AS Level)*
           Art & Design (AS Level)*
           Drama (AS Level)*
* These subjects may be offered in a different option, depending on the
requirements of the majority of applicants for the A Levels stream.

In Grade 12, each boy takes three or four A Level courses chosen from their
subjects taken in Grade 11.

To further a rounded and diverse education, all boys are expected to
participate actively in the cultural and extra-mural programme. At the start of
the year, each boy is handed a Clubs and Societies booklet, which provides
details of all the activities on offer. Each pupil is expected to become involved
in these activities on at least two days each week at the allocated times. Club
activities take place from 17h30, on Friday evenings, and over weekends.

Community Service clubs include various community service projects, Interact,
First Aid, Round Square and the President’s Award.

General interest clubs and societies include Ballroom Dancing, Chess, Coding
& Gaming, Computer Graphics, Debating, Design & Technology,
Entrepreneurship, Environmental Sustainability, ESTEAM (Engineering,
Science, Technology, Environment, Art, Mathematics), Library Monitors,
Model United Nations Debating, Plato Society (Public Speaking), Reading and
Watching, Round Square, Sound Production, Student Christian Association,
and X-Art.

Musical ensembles include the Chapel Choir, Chamber Choir, Jazz Ensemble,
Contemporary Band, Pipe Band, Wind Orchestra and String Orchestra.

Exploration Society activities include various outdoor expeditions, and the
following clubs: Outdoor (including fishing), Scuba Diving and Surfing.

There are four ‘closed’ societies for senior boys. Membership is by invitation
to Speakers, the Alchemists’, the Astronomers’ and Cornish Societies.
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President’s Award is a youth empowerment programme that is modelled on
The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award where participants become involved in a
variety of activities that promote self-development.

There are three different levels: Bronze (14yrs), Silver (15yrs) and Gold (16yrs),
with each level requiring progressively increasing demands to complete. For
each award, participants have to complete requirements in four sections,
namely: service; expeditions; skills & interest; physical recreation. For the
Gold Award, a residential project involving nights away from home is also

The criterion for gaining an Award is individual improvement through
persistence and achievement. College has a fine tradition of involvement in
this internationally recognised programme and many boys have been proud
recipients of these awards. A Gold Award is regarded highly by universities and
scholarship committees.

The Cultural and Extra-Mural Achievements (CEMA) Committee is chaired
by the Second Master. This committee oversees the general programme and
presents awards for achievement in all activities.

                            MUSIC STUDIES

Music study is available on two levels:


This is formal study for pupils who would like to do Music as part of their
academic curriculum, and is offered as a Grade 12 IEB subject as well as part
of the Cambridge AS Level and A Level curriculum in Grade 11 and 12. Music
is offered as an alternative to the ‘Second Additional Language’ option in
Grades 8 and 9 and in Option 4 for Grades 10, 11 and 12.

Pupils who wish to take Music as a subject may be required to audition before
being admitted to the programme. However, in special circumstances, in
                                                                    32 | P a g e
certain instruments and in consultation with the Director of Music and the
Academic HOD of Music, pupils may start learning instruments without
previous experience. Those pupils who would like to take Music as a Grade
12 subject need the consent of the Director of Music as the syllabus demands
a certain standard of proficiency in Music theory, and a strong commitment
to regular practise.

The course includes practical tuition, composition, theory and critical
reflection on many different musical styles and traditions. There is no extra
charge for individual practical lessons if Music is taken as a subject, unless a
second instrument is played. In this case, the second instrument will be
charged at the same rate as pupils taking music as an extramural activity.


Music lessons can be taken as an extra-curricular activity. No previous
experience is necessary but the pupil must be committed to attending lessons
and regular practice. Lesson times vary and are charged by the hour (or at a
pro rata portion thereof). A parental permission form must be filled in before
lessons commence and this is available from the Music School Administrator:
Natasja Eksteen ( Limited instruments are
available for hire – please request current rates from Mrs Eksteen.

Boys who play a musical instrument are encouraged to join one or more of
the ensembles:

    •   The Chapel Choir
    •   The Chamber Choir (by audition from existing Chapel Choristers)
    •   The Wind Orchestra
    •   The String Orchestra
    •   The Jazz Ensemble
    •   The Contemporary Band

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The ensembles are regularly invited to perform at various functions
    and a biannual National or International music tour takes place.
    Tuition is available for:

            Flute                Trombone          Viola
            Piccolo              Euphonium         Cello
            Clarinet             Tuba              Double Bass
            Percussion           Guitar            Piano
            Saxophone            Drums             French horn
            Marimba              Singing           Trumpet
            Violin               Keyboard          Music production

    The singing of hymns and participation in the Chapel Choir is an integral
    part of worship during Chapel Services. All Grade 8 boys are required to do
    a vocal audition in order to encourage them to contribute to the strong
    tradition of the Chapel Choir in service of the school.

•   A full school term’s notice (or three months) must be given in writing when
    a pupil wishes to terminate individual practical lessons.
•   Pupils may have to be placed on a waiting list for lessons depending on
    the availability of teachers and instruments.
•   Pupils who are beginners may be auditioned on various instruments and
    given guidance about the most suitable instrument for them.
•   All music pupils are expected to take part in a group activity such as the
    Chapel Choir or one of the ensembles as soon as they are proficient
    enough to do so.
•   Students who participate in music activities are eligible for awards as
    decided upon by the Cultural and Extramural Awards Committee (CEMA).
•   Please refer to the Music School Policy on the school website for further
    details regarding these and other points.

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We consider sport to be an important part of your son’s education at St
Andrew’s College. Enjoyment, fun and satisfaction are primary purposes, while
character, team work and camaraderie all develop in the sporting context and
play an important role in social development. Sport also provides a host of
community occasions over the course of the year which have the effect of
knitting the school community together and enhancing its quality. College
offers a wide range of games, ensuring that every boy will find a sport which
suits his personality, interests and physique.

There are a wide variety of sports on offer. Boys in Grades 8-10 will be required
to choose two sports per term, whilst boys in Grades 11 and 12 will be have to
choose one sport per term, although many boys choose to play more than one.

    Sports on offer are:
•   Athletics
•   Basketball
•   Cricket
•   Football
•   Cross Country
•   Golf
•   Hockey
•   Rowing
•   Rugby
•   Shooting and Archery
•   Squash
•   Swimming
•   Tennis
•   Water Polo

In addition, a fairly wide variety of adventure activities are offered, usually
over weekends: Angling, Scuba Diving, Rock Climbing, Mountain Biking and

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A Letter from the Master-in-charge of Rowing
Dear Parents,
Welcome to St Andrew’s College. Rowing has a proud history as one of the school's
most successful sports and we have consistently ranked as one of the top rowing
schools in the country. St Andrew’s 1st Eight crews have consistently finished in the
medal positions at the South African Schools Championships over the last ten years
with a most recent win in 2017 and a second place at this year’s event. In addition to
this, St Andrew’s has won the SA Schools’ Boat Race a record six times since the event’s

There is really no limit to what pupils can achieve within the club, with victories as
local, national and even international events. Over the years a number of St Andrew’s
boys have gone on to represent South Africa internationally at the Junior World
Championships and other recent OAs competing at both World Championship and
Olympic level. Many boys have also found that rowing has put them at a significant
advantage when applying for overseas varsities, particularly in the United States.

College rowers have a reputation of being competitive in nature, hardworking,
committed, disciplined and extremely fit. Rowing also has a technical aspect which
requires perseverance and continuous attention in striving for the perfect stroke.

It is perhaps its reputation as the ultimate team sport, which attracts people’s
attention to rowing. In no other sport is one’s dependence on team mates greater,
and it is this aspect which makes rowing an invaluable experience. It often results in
strong bonds of friendship, not to mention valuable motivational and leadership skills
which are accumulated and can be applied in other spheres of life. If your son is active
and enjoys running, swimming or cycling, he is bound to be a good rower as well,
throw in a competitive streak and he is going to thrive on it!

The club has an extremely impressive fleet of boats. The coaches have a variety of
experience from international level as a coach or athlete to being Old Andreans who
are passionate about the sport. The club’s new year activities normally start with the
annual January Rowing Camp. This takes place from Thursday 7th to Monday 11th
January for new boys. With an emphasis placed on the fun aspects and enjoying the
sport, this is the opportunity for the boys to try out rowing before deciding on which
summer sport they wish to take up. In addition, it is also an excellent opportunity for
the boys to make new friends in a fun-filled sporting environment before even arriving
at their new school. This sometimes makes settling into their new environs that much

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The camp is activity-packed, and students are taught a variety of skills on and off the
water. At the end of the camp, parents are invited to join in at the Rowing Camp Braai.
It is here that most new parents get their first taste of the rowing fraternity spirit and
it is guaranteed to not be their last!

If your son is interested in rowing or would just like to try something new, I would
strongly encourage you to send him to the January Rowing Camp. Please fill in and
email the return slip to in the accompanying leaflet to this
booklet to us as soon as possible. Limited places available. We will then contact you
with further details.

I look forward to sharing this remarkable sport with you!

Yours sincerely,
Mr Edward Goodier
Director of Rowing
Cell: 078 347 9743

A Letter from the Director of Water Polo

Dear Parents
Water polo at College continues to grow year in and year out, however 2020 threw us
all a curved ball. We did, however, manage to have a good 1st season. We currently
have five senior and four junior teams and compete successfully in many national
tournaments around the country each year.

Our 1st team has featured in the top 10 teams in the country for the past 6 years. 2018
and 2019 were both good years for college polo, as the 1 st team won the VIDES
tournament in both years. We also had 5 boys represent EP u18 at Nationals in
Johannesburg. 2020 started off as a promising year with our annual tour to the Paul
Roos Festival, where we played some good games. The Blues finished 2nd at VIDES and
4th at KES after losing in Penalties to SACS in the Semi Final. The Blues also won team
of the Year at the NMBA Awards Ceremony.

We have had several national representatives in the past 7 years, and in 2015 two of
our boys were selected for South African age group teams. One played for the South
African U16 team in an international water polo event in Malta, and the other
competed in an international friendly series against Zimbabwe. Max Kieser, St
Andrew’s 1st team captain 2015 was selected to the SA u18 water polo team that
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You can also read