#AMLE19 Annual Conference for Middle Level Education - Nashville, TN November 7-9, 2019
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#AMLE19 Annual Conference for Middle Level Education Nashville, TN • November 7–9, 2019 DIGITAL PROGRAM GUIDE amle.org/annual
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Welcome to #AMLE19! More than 400 sessions designed around four powerful strands to help you customize your conference experience. Creating a Culture that Makes a Difference Effective schools take responsibility for creating a culture that focuses on relationships, trust, and respect in addition to fostering the academic success of students. A successful school for young adolescents is an inviting and safe community that encourages learning. Teachers, staff, and students learn and put into practice the skills of direct feedback, healthy and appropriate confrontation, positive risk taking, and personal and collaborative goal setting. An emphasis on health, wellness, and safety permeates the entire school. Interactions among staff members and between students reflect democracy and fairness. Like young adolescents, the climate of develop- mentally responsive middle grades schools requires constant nurturing. Principal and Teacher Leadership that Transforms Courageous, collaborative middle grades leaders are knowledgeable about the characteristics and needs of young adolescents. Leaders understand the theory and best practice of middle level education. They strive to educate colleagues, parents, policymakers, and community members. Courageous, collaborative leadership em- powers people to make difficult decisions addressing the education and well-being of each young adolescent. High Impact Classroom Strategies Middle school educators recognize that covering content and learning are not synonymous. The curriculum of a successful middle level school must also be relevant, challenging, integrative, and exploratory. Curriculum also must be integrative and coherent, must help students connect school experiences to their lives outside school, and must encourage students to reflect on the totality of their experiences. Educators serve their students well when they model inclusive, collaborative, and team-oriented approaches to learning. Continuous, authentic, and appropriate assessment and evaluation provide information and evidence about a student’s learning progress. Such information and data help students, teachers, and family members select immediate learning goals, evalu- ate growth, and plan teaching and learning strategies. Characteristics of High Performing Middle Schools School structures and organization have a great impact on student learning. Teams are often considered the heart of an effective middle grades school. Effective teams lead to improved student achievement, increased parental contacts, and enhanced school climate and student attitudes. Successful schools for young adoles- cents also have carefully crafted transition programs for moving from elementary to middle and middle to high, as well as college and career-ready cultures, and flexibility in scheduling, grouping, and staffing. #AMLE19 Nashville, TN 1
AMLE Foundation Fund The AMLE Foundation Fund was established in 1994 to receive charitable, tax-deductible gifts to support programs and initiatives benefiting those in the field of middle level education. Since its inception, the Foundation Fund has supported a number of initiatives: AMLE’s Distinguished Educator Awards, the Legacy Project, grants to outstanding CMLA chapters, collaboration mini-grants, and school improvement grants based on the principles found in This We Believe: Keys to Educating Young Adolescents. The AMLE Foundation Fund Committee is charged with the duty of requesting members and other interested parties to make lifetime gifts, charitable bequests, and individual donations to the foundation. The AMLE Foundation Fund Committee intends to realize its ambitious goals through contributions from the many AMLE members who have benefited from the work of AMLE. You may contribute to the AMLE Foundation Fund by visiting booth 229 in the Exhibit Hall or by sending your contribution to AMLE, 2550 Corporate Exchange Dr., Suite 324 Columbus, OH 43231. Please indicate “Foundation Contribution” on your check. For more information, including how to donate online, please see http://www.amle.org/AboutAMLE/AMLEFoundationFund.aspx Legacy Circle The purpose of the Legacy Circle is to permanently honor anyone whose actions have impacted the education and well-being of young adolescents at any level or position while providing an opportunity to support the future of middle level education with a $5,000 donation that could be a lump sum or accumulated over a 5-year period. The following are members of the Legacy Circle: • Founders: William Alexander, Don Eichhorn, John Lounsbury, Gordon Vars, Conrad Toepfer • 2015 Inductees: Alfred A. Arth, Kathy Hunt Ullock, C. Kenneth McEwin • 2017 Inductees: John Swaim, Sue Swaim, Tom Erb • 2018 Inductees: Paul George, April Tibbles, Nancy Doda, Bev Cook • 2019 Inductees: J. Howard Johnston, Louis G. Romano, Jack Berckemeyer, Bruce Bailey Nominees to Legacy Circle Currently, four people have been nominated and vetted for membership in the Legacy Circle: Sherrel Bergmann, Judith Brough, Pauline Pavlick, and Rick Wormeli. In order for these individuals to be inducted into the Legacy Circle a total of at least $5,000 must be donated in their honor within a 5 year period. If you wish to make a donation in honor of one of the nominees, drop by the Foundation’s booth (#229) or go to the Foundation section of the AMLE website, http://www.amle.org/AboutAMLE/AMLEFoundationFund.aspx. 2 Annual Conference for Middle Level Education amle.org/annual
2018–2019 AMLE Foundation Donors between September 1, 2018 and August 31, 2019 Donations made in recognition of Bruce Bailey J. Howard Johnston April Tibbles Jack Berckemeyer Pauline Pavlick William Waidelich Sherrel Bergmann Louis G. Romano Rick Wormeli Judith Allen Brough John Swaim Founders Club Friends of the Foundation Donors to the Foundation Charlene Pike !#$%^&> Sherrel Bergmann Amazon Judith Brough ! Amazon Smiles Program Platinum Friends Ross Burkhardt $ J Thomas Kane Bruce E Bailey Elizabeth D Dore @ Janice Lovett Elizabeth Fogartie ! Patrick Manus Silver Friends Gail Heinemeyer % Winnifred Namatovu Patti Kinney ! Linda Hopping ! Network for Good Christine Thielen $ Kentucky Middle School Emily Raper Conrad Toepfer !*( Association $% Dina Roberts Jeff La Roux ) Erin R Scholes !# Bronze Friends Rebecca Lawson !# William Smith Walt Grebing Ken LeLacheur $ Metz, Bailey, and McLoughlin Camille McElroy Monte J Selby ! Paul Meck Michigan Association of Middle School Educators # Minnesota Middle School Association Steve Norlin-Weaver Frances Salyers $% Ashley Smith $ Catherine Thibodeau ! Indicates donations in honor of 2019 Legacy Circle inductee, J. Howard Johnston ^ Indicates donations in honor of Legacy Circle nominee, Pauline Pavlick # Indicates donations in honor of 2019 Legacy Circle inductee, Louis G. Romano & Indicates donations in honor of Legacy Circle nominee, Rick Wormeli $ Indicates donations in honor of 2019 Legacy Circle inductee, Bruce Bailey * Indicates donations in honor of Legacy Circle nominee, Sherrel Bergmann % Indicates donations in honor of 2019 Legacy Circle inductee, Jack Berckemeyer ( Indicates donations in honor of Legacy Circle nominee, Judith Allen Brough @ Indicates donations in honor of 2017 Legacy Circle inductee, John Swaim > Indicates donations in honor of William Waidelich ) Indicates donations in honor of 2018 Legacy Circle inductee, April Tibbles #AMLE19 Nashville, TN 3
Gaylord Opryland® Resort & Convention Center 8 Level Map Convention Center Level Map #AMLE19 Nashville, TN 5
Level 2 VENTION | LEVEL 2 CENTER Governor’s, Delta, elta, Presidential, Governor’s, Presidential & Tennessee Tennessee Ballrooms Ballrooms Vehicle Access Governor’s Governor’s Ballroom Chamber A Stage FREIGHT Governor’s ELV South B D C C D A B E Delta Ballroom E A Delta A Corridor Governor’s Vehicle Access North To Delta Portico (Level 0) Stage B C D Presidential South Business Center D Presidential ELV Ballroom Delta Delta Lobby Lobby B/C/D B E C FREIGHT A B ELV Delta River Delta Island Presidential North (Level 0) (Level 1) A B ELV Restrooms Stairs Registration Desks Presidential Portico Presidential KEY Chamber Presidential Lobby ELV ? Elevator Escalator Service Areas Presidential Lobby Vehicle Access Load In Doors Tennessee Lobby A • The Delta Ballroom features a permanent 63’x40’x54’ stage, three dressing rooms, registration offices and direct vehicle access. D C B • The Governor’s Ballroom features registration offices and direct vehicle access. Tennessee • The Presidential Ballroom features a permanent 63’x31’x40’ stage, Ballroom Stairs Up to registration offices and direct vehicle access. E A Magnolia Mezzanine Stage • The Tennessee Ballroom features a permanent 40’x20’x40’ stage, registrationRestrooms offices and directStairs vehicle access Registration (limited clearance). Desks Vehicle Access KEY ELV ? Elevator Escalator Prefunction Desks 6 Annual Conference for Middle Level Education amle.org/annual LXWXH BALLROOM Vehicle Access FEET SQ.FT.Service Areas THEATER CLASSROOM ROUNDS 10 RECEPTION
Gaylord Opr Delta Mezzanine Delta Mezzanine & Delta Meeting Rooms Island Meeting Rooms Delta River (Level 0) FREIGHT ELV Speaker Ready Rooms E Delta Island D Boardroom C Canal Lobby Delta Ballroom Ceiling B A Canal Courtyard D4 B Washington Bayou E A B C D E Foyer Stairs Connecting Presidential & Delta A Mezzanine Bayou | Stairs Connecting LAND LEVEL M Presidential & Delta Mezzanine Gaylord Opryland® Resort & Convention Center 18 LXWXH Delta Island Meeting Rooms MEETING SPACE FEET SQ.FT. THEATER CLASSROOM CON eting Rooms BAYOU Delta River (Level 0) Bayou A/B 59x58x11 3,592 450 240 Presidential Boardrooms Bayou A Bridge to 65x29x11 1,849 217 120 Convention Delta Island Center Bayou B 59x29x11 1,728 203 132 FREIGHT ELV Bayou C/D 3,612 480 264 65x59x11 Speaker Ready Rooms Bayou C 65x29x11 1,862 224 132 E Bayou D Delta Island 58x29x11 1,733 224 132 D Boardroom Bayou E D5 A 65x41x11 2,619 308 159 Courtyard C Bayou E Foyer 1,842 Canal Lobby FREIGHT ELV B B Walkway CANAL A Canal Canal A/B/C/D F Courtyard C 130x44x11 5,990 780 405 Canal A 44x40x11 1,945 231 114 Courtyard Canal B Courtyard D 44x30x11 1,376 168 90 Canal C 44x29x11 1,389 184 96 D4 E Canal D 44x27x11 1,247 161 72 uE er To Cascades Canal E 66x31x11 Atrium 2,011 236 132 Canal Lobby 5,968 LXWXH MEETING SPACE FEET SQ.FT. THEATER CLASSROOM CON #AMLE19 Nashville, TN 7 LXWXH SQ.FT. THEATER DELTA CLASSROOM ISLAND CONFERENCEMEZZANINE USHAPE ROUNDS 10 RECEPTION FEET
Level 0 CONVENTION CENTER | LEVEL 0 Ryman Ryman ExhibitHall Exhibit Hall Direct Direct Vehicle Access Vehicle Access Direct C1 Vehicle Access FREIGHT Loading ELV Dock B6 Ryman Exhibit Hall B5 Loading Dock C2 B4 Direct Vehicle Access B3 ELV Delta Walkway Foyer C (Level 0) B2 Loading FREIGHT Dock ELV Delta River B1 ELV Delta Island (Level 1) 6 Ryman Studio Courtyard Restrooms Stairs Registration Desks KEY ELV ? Elevator Escalator Service Areas Vehicle Access Load In Doors 8 Annual Conference for Middle Level Education amle.org/annual
#AMLE19 Exhibit Hall Prize Area Lunch Bookstore Poster Poster Symposium Symposium Poster Voting Curriculum & Leadership & Technology Community Lounge Lounge Entrance #AMLE19 Nashville, TN 9
Thursday, November 7 Schedule Meetings Wednesday, November 6, 2019 9:15 am - 10:45 am AMLE/CAEP Middle Level Teacher Preparation 3:00 pm – 6:30 pm . . . . . Registration Standards and the Program Review Process Meeting 4:30 pm – 6:30 pm . . . . . Middle Level Innovation Challenge Reception . Room: Delta Island F Sponsored by This meeting provides information about the 2012 AMLE/CAEP Middle Level Teacher Preparation Standards and focuses on the process of having middle level teacher preparation programs reviewed for possible national recognition through the CAEP (formerly NCATE) national program review process. Time will be allotted for questions and answers. Thursday, November 7, 2019 9:45 am - 10:45 am 7:00 am – 4:10 pm . . . . . Registration Middle School Journal and RMLE Online Editorial Review Board Meeting (invitation only) 8:00 am – 9:00 am . . . . . General Session Room: Delta Island A/B 9:00 am – 3:00 pm . . . . . Exhibit Hall Taylor & Francis and the editors of AMLE’s peer-reviewed publications, Middle School Journal and RMLE Online, will share updates and important data about 9:00 am – 3:00 pm . . . . . AMLE Bookstore (in the Exhibit Hall) the publications. *invitation only - for MSJ and RMLE Editorial Boards 9:00 am – 9:45 am . . . . . Coffee Social (in the Exhibit Hall) 11:10 am - 12:10 pm Sponsored by NAPOMLE Executive Council Meeting (invitation only) Room: Delta Island C *invitation only - for NAPOMLE Executive Council. 9:45 am – 10:45 am . . . . Sessions 1 11:10 pm – 12:10 pm . . . . Sessions 2 4:20 pm - 5:20 pm MLER SIG Meeting 12:10 pm – 1:45 pm . . . . Lunch & Exhibit Hall Social (in the Exhibit Hall) Room: Governor’s Ballroom D 1:45 pm – 2:45 pm . . . . . Sessions 3 The Middle Level Education Research (MLER) Special Interest Group (SIG) of the American Educational Research Association (AERA) meets biannually to discuss 3:10 pm – 4:10 pm . . . . . Sessions 4 SIG-related business. The agenda will include reports from SIG leaders and committee chairs. In addition, there will be time for updates, announcements, and professional networking. The MLER SIG business meeting is open to all who are interested. 10 Annual Conference for Middle Level Education amle.org/annual
8:00 a.m. – 10:45 a.m. Thursday, November 7 8:00 am – 9:00 am 10:05 am - 10:20 am CS11 - 2B - Moving Math Into the Technological World GENERAL SESSION Curriculum and Technology Lounge in Exhibit Hall GS01 - Just One Educator Can Completely Alter Patricia E Brand the Trajectory of a Child Room: Delta Ballroom A 10:25 am - 10:40 am Baruti Kafele CS11 - 2C - Team-Based Learning in the Middle School Classroom Curriculum and Technology Lounge in Exhibit Hall Nicholas Leonardi COLLABORATION SESSIONS Leadership and Community Lounge (in Exhibit Hall) 9:45 am - 10:45 am 9:45 am – 10:00 am FEATURED SESSIONS CS11 - 1A - Flip Your Faculty Meetings with Screencasify! 1101 - Teaching Kids to Thrive: Integrating SEL Skills into the Leadership and Community Lounge in Exhibit Hall Curriculum Cindy Proske, Barbara Estep Room: Delta Ballroom A Debbie Silver 10:05 am - 10:20 am CS11 - 1B - First Year Instructional Coaches Tell All: What We 1102 - It Is Time to S.H.I.N.E. – Create a Thriving Culture That Wish We Would Have Known Starts with Celebrating YOU! Leadership and Community Lounge in Exhibit Hall Room: Delta Ballroom B Amber Bingen, Rachel Pemberton LaVonna Roth This session is sponsored by 10:25 am - 10:40 am CS11 - 1C - Together We Can... Reduce the Stigma Associated 1103 - Does Instruction Thrive Under My Leadership? A with Mental Illness Discussion on Effective Instructional Leadership Leadership and Community Lounge in Exhibit Hall Room: Delta Ballroom C Allison Glickman-Rogers Baruti Kafele Curriculum and Technology Lounge (in Exhibit Hall) 1104 - Physical Academia—This Joint is Jumpin’! 9:45 am - 10:00 am Room: Delta Ballroom D Rick Wormeli CS11 - 2A - The “Playbook” Effect: Instructional Models in Action Curriculum and Technology Lounge in Exhibit Hall Kristen V Slechta, Amy Schultz Creating a Culture that Principal and Teacher High Impact Classroom Characteristics of High Makes a Difference Leadership that Transforms Strategies Performing Middle Schools #AMLE19 Nashville, TN 11
Thursday, November 7 9:45 a.m. – 10:45 a.m. 1105 - Bold Humility 1115 - Generation Z: Facing Four Hidden Realities of the Most Anxious Population Room: Governor’s Ballroom A/E Dave Schmittou Room: Governor’s Chamber A/B Andrew McPeak 1106 - Worksheet Busters: Easy, Low Prep Activities You Can Use Again and Again for Any Content This session is sponsored by Room: Governor’s Ballroom B 1116 - When Do I Sleep? Surviving the Principalship - Key Ideas Katie Powell for Principals by Principals Room: Canal C Susan Kessler, April Snodgrass 9:45 am - 10:45 am This session is sponsored by CONCURRENT SESSIONS 1108 - Rethinking Middle School: How Educators Can Bolster 1119 - 50 Nifty Tech Tools for the Blended Learning Classroom Kids’ Resiliency & Self-Regulation Room: Canal E Room: Canal A Emily Raper, Cody Raper Phyllis Fagell, Susan Levine 1120 - Brain Powered Strategies to Engage Middle Level Learners 1109 - Let’s Get Fired Up! 2.0 Create More Leaders not More Room: Governor’s Ballroom D Followers Shauna King Room: Governor’s Chamber C/D Frank Rudnesky 1121 - Battling Boredom: Strategies for Classroom Success Room: Bayou C 1110 - Having Meaningful Conversations With Kids When The Topic(s) Challenges Adults Bryan Harris Room: Governor’s Ballroom C 1122 - Democratic Education: A Model Americans Should Jen Cort Get Behind Room: Delta Island E 1111 - Trauma-Informed Teaching Madison England, Morgan Harris, Emily Alexandra Nicoletti Room: Canal B (Georgia College & State University CMLA Chapter) Kyrah Altman, Lauren Wilkins This session is a CMLA Chapter Grant Winner 1112 - #iCanHelp, #iWillHelp, #iDidHelp: One School’s Journey Toward Creative Positivity Online and Off 1123 - SMART ELD: Instructional Strategies for English Language Room: Bayou E Learner Success Kevin Rokuskie, Kim Karr Room: Bayou B Ashlee Megan Drady, Heather Lynn Meesey, Kristina Daluddung 1113 - Dating and Sex: A Guide for the 21st Century Teen Boy Room: Bayou D Andrew Smiler 12 Annual Conference for Middle Level Education amle.org/annual
9:45 a.m. – 10:45 a.m. Thursday, November 7 1129 - Parenting in the Middle: Creating Parent Support Groups for Middle School Transition 9:45 am - 10:45 am Room: Governor’s Chamber E SPEED LEARNING SESSIONS SL11 Suzanne Main-Wegielnik Tables A–T Room: Delta Lobby A 9:45 am - 10:45 am SL11 - Table A - Advisory, Relationships, and Student Success SPARK & TELL SESSIONS ST11 A-E Delta Lobby A Carey Bledsoe Room: Bayou A SL11 - Table B - Middle Level Professional Development School ST11 - A - Teacher Well-Being: Flourishing Teachers in the Era of (PDS): Intern and Faculty Reflections Accountability & High-Stakes Testing Delta Lobby A Room: Bayou A Karen J Johnson, Christina Bucci Abby Weiland SL11 - Table C - Treats and Threats... Do They Really Work? ST11 - B - Silent Strength: Kindness Applications that Improve School Climate Delta Lobby A Daniel Hill Room: Bayou A Doug Reavis SL11 - Table D - Empowering Mathematics Intervention Students ST11 - C - Why are Non-Academic Skills Important? to Love Mathematics Room: Bayou A Delta Lobby A Yvette Nathan-Jones Lisa Amick, Grant Inman ST11 - D - Strategies for Creating School Wide Inclusion and SL11 - Table E - Cultivating a Community of Learners Through Equity for LGBTQ Middle Grades Students Collaborative Professional Development Room: Bayou A Delta Lobby A Wally Keith Burgess Pamela Lesley, Natalie Grover, April Troglauer ST11 - E - Its More than Meditation: Integrating Authentic SEL in SL11 - Table F - Hidden Homelessness in the Middle: Who, What, to the Classroom Where, and Moving Forward Room: Bayou A Delta Lobby A Kaitlyn Haley Matthew J Moulton SL11 - Table G - One Middle School + Nine MLED Program Graduates from One University = Success for All Delta Lobby A Lois J Yocum Creating a Culture that Principal and Teacher High Impact Classroom Characteristics of High Makes a Difference Leadership that Transforms Strategies Performing Middle Schools #AMLE19 Nashville, TN 13
Thursday, November 7 9:45 a.m. – 12:10 p.m. SL11 - Table H - Enriching Pre-Practicum Student Teachers SL11 - Table Q - Using Technology to Boost EQ/SEL While Meeting Education Through an Embedded Learning Experience Lead by Common Core Standards Administrators Delta Lobby A Delta Lobby A Lisa A Colapietro Keriann Ferguson, Margaret Rintamaa, Shelby Shanks SL11 - Table R - Teaching History in the Online Classroom SL11 - Table I - Lead4Change Student Leadership Program Delta Lobby A Delta Lobby A Nicholas Yund, David J Gerstle Linda Spahr This session is sponsored by SL11 - Table S - Motivating Students Through Authentic, Hands-on Projects - The Pigman Mock Trial SL11 - Table J - Fostering Student Engagement in Meaningful Delta Lobby A Mathematics David Milligan Delta Lobby A SL11 - Table T - Let’s Give ‘Em Something to Talk About: James Fetterly Meaningful Student-led Discussion SL11 - Table K - Successful Strategies for Robust Writing! Delta Lobby A Christa Brogan, Stratton Brock, Brad Carpenter Delta Lobby A Roseanne Levy, Leila Rosa SL11 - Table L - Reading, Research, and Revelations: Student 11:10 am - 12:10 pm Voice and Community Engagement FEATURED SESSIONS Delta Lobby A Angela Wright, Cana Kirksey 1201 - Worksheets Don’t Grow Dendrites: 20 Instructional Strategies That Engage the Brain SL11 - Table M - H3- Healthy Habits of Harmony: An Adventure- Based School Counseling Program Room: Delta Ballroom A Delta Lobby A Marcia Tate Sara Wilmot 1202 - Culture Starts with You SL11 - Table N - Creating Voracious Readers Room: Delta Ballroom B Delta Lobby A Bobby L Moore Sara E Moore This session is sponsored by SL11 - Table O - Co-Teaching: The Professional Behind The M.A.S.K. 1203 - Alleviating Student and Parent Fears about Transition to the Delta Lobby A Middle Level Regina Christian Room: Delta Ballroom C SL11 - Table P - Striving for Success in Special Education Gail L Heinemeyer “Creating the Teacher Technology Toolbox” Delta Lobby A 1204 - Don’t Worry – Be Happy! 9 Social Emotional Hooks that Engage Students Tina Monteleone Room: Delta Ballroom D Charles Beaman 14 Annual Conference for Middle Level Education amle.org/annual
11:10 a.m. – 12:10 p.m. Thursday, November 7 1205 - Fostering a Positive School Climate and Culture in Schools 1213 - ACCESS to High Quality Instruction for All Students Room: Governor’s Ballroom A/E Room: Canal C Denver J Fowler Kate Martin 1206 - Teaching Kids to Thrive: Creating an SEL Culture in Your This session is sponsored by Building Room: Governor’s Ballroom B 1215 - Advocacy: Fighting for Teachers, Students, and Middle Dedra A Stafford Level Room: Governor’s Chamber C/D Carol Watson, Priya Poehner 11:10 am - 12:10 pm 1219 - 50 Ways to Leave Your Lecture: Strategies for Creating CONCURRENT SESSIONS More Engaging Lessons Room: Governor’s Ballroom D 1208 - Creating Connections: A Social-Emotional Learning Katie Anderson Journey Room: Governor’s Ballroom C 1220 - Math and Science Collab: A Space to Learn from Each Ellen D’Amore, Erin L Tobul Other Room: Canal E 1209 - Engage ALL Students in Service Gail Anderson, Erin R Scholes Room: Canal A Patricia Hall 1221 - Learn to Serve; Serve to Learn – A Collaborative Service- Learning Model to Encourage Empathy and Empower Students 1210 - You Belong Here Room: Delta Island E Room: Governor’s Chamber E Kristen Brock, Theresa Guevara, Gretchen M Cruden Colegio Americano de Guatemala This session is a Collaboration Mini-Grant winner 1211 - Math Activities that Address the 16 Characteristics of This We Believe 1222 - How to Engage Students and Community Through a Middle Room: Bayou E Level Musical Nancy Ruppert, Bridget Coleman Room: Governor’s Chamber A/B Cynthia Ripley, John Prignano 1212 - The Healing Power of Healthy Relationships in Helping Trauma Influenced Students This session is sponsored by Room: Canal B Randy C Jensen, Cassidy Jensen Combs Creating a Culture that Principal and Teacher High Impact Classroom Characteristics of High Makes a Difference Leadership that Transforms Strategies Performing Middle Schools #AMLE19 Nashville, TN 15
Thursday, November 7 11:10 a.m. – 12:10 p.m. 1223 - #RevivingReaders: Inspiring A Love of Reading With ST12 - D - Teacher Led Advisory Classroom Book Clubs Room: Bayou A Room: Bayou C Hannah Kast Nicole Thorsen, Shannon Anderson, Mary Schwab ST12 - E - Ignite Your Organization Using Google Suite 1224 - Be a Hunger Hero! End Childhood Hunger with More than a Room: Bayou A Food Drive! Whitney Wilson, Sadie Hamm Room: Bayou B Molly Miely 1225 - Engaging Students with Complex Texts and Meaningful 11:10 am - 12:10 pm Vocabulary Focus on Text Structures and Text Features SPEED LEARNING SESSIONS SL12 Room: Bayou D Steven Witt Tables A–T Room: Delta Lobby A This session is sponsored by SL12 - Table A - Closing the Achievement Gap Through 1228 - Writing for Publication Partnerships Room: Delta Island A/B Delta Lobby A Matthew J Moulton, David C Virtue, Penny Bishop, Ellis Hurd, Michael J Dietz Lisa Harrison, Kathleen M Brinegar This session is sponsored by AMLE’s Reasearch Advisory Committee SL12 - Table B - First Steps of SEL Implementation in the Middle Grades Delta Lobby A 11:10 am - 12:10 pm Tobias S Kilgore, William Baldwin SPARK & TELL SESSIONS ST12 A-E SL12 - Table C - The Holistic Student: Strategies to Promote a Balanced Culture to Meet Students’ Needs Room: Bayou A Delta Lobby A Carmen Bouldin, Amy Dunlap ST12 - A - Principal Leadership: Using Monopoly ME to build capacity in your Millennial Teachers SL12 - Table D - Open the Circle: Transculturalism Room: Bayou A Delta Lobby A Andre M Illig Jitendrapal S Kundan, Roxanne Hable ST12 - B - Finding Time for Professional Learning SL12 - Table E - Successful PLCs in a Small School Room: Bayou A Delta Lobby A Scott Warren Alicia Bono ST12 - C - PD in Your PJs: Personalized Professional Development SL12 - Table F - Social Inclusion through Sports and Youth Room: Bayou A Leadership: The Unified Champion Schools Program Katey Duty Delta Lobby A Holly Jacobs, Emily Van Gaasbeek 16 Annual Conference for Middle Level Education amle.org/annual
11:10 a.m. – 1:05 p.m. Thursday, November 7 SL12 - Table G - Building an Instructional Dream Team to Ensure SL12 - Table O - Innovative Technology for Middle Level Learners Active & Challenging Learning for Students Delta Lobby A Delta Lobby A Tammie T Patterson, Kimberly G Williams, Karen S DiBella Christine Baldelli, Cheryl Milo SL12 - Table P - A Middle School Video Production Lab - Our Story SL12 - Table H - Growing People & Powerful Teams: Secrets to from Beginning to End (...so far!) Creating Dynamic Middle Learning Communities Delta Lobby A Delta Lobby A Susan T Palchesko, Leslie Haynam Luke Ralph SL12 - Table Q - How Content Area Teachers Can Increase SL12 - Table I - Increasing Engagement with 3-Act Math Activities Student’s Literacy Skills through High Impact Learning Strategies Delta Lobby A Delta Lobby A Jennifer Fitzgerald Lori Henderson, Margaret Robillard SL12 - Table J - Poppin’ Off: Leveraging the Influence of Popular SL12 - Table R - Put the World in the Hands of Your Students! Culture for Middle Grades Learners Augmented Reality for Social Studies Delta Lobby A Delta Lobby A Kristie Smith, Kristina Nicole Falbe Nicole Miller SL12 - Table K - 21st Century Warm-ups: Beginning Lessons with SL12 - Table S - Strategies and Activities for Teaching Active Engagement Listening Delta Lobby A Delta Lobby A Miguel Gomez, Kendyl Suess Charles Fischer SL12 - Table L - Are My School’s Technology Implementation SL12 - Table T - Student Voice Among Historically Methods Instrumental or Detrimental? Underrepresented and Economically Disadvantaged Students Delta Lobby A Delta Lobby A Katie Hart, Kevin Myers Dawn Marie Fichera SL12 - Table M - Thinking about Problem-Based Learning? Use These 4 Tools for Effortless Implementation COLLABORATION SESSIONS Delta Lobby A Cathy Ginel Leadership and Community Lounge (in Exhibit Hall) SL12 - Table N - STEM Careers Begin in Middle Grades 12:50 pm - 1:05 pm Delta Lobby A CS13 - 1A - Can I Get a Connection? Katherine Kendall Leadership and Community Lounge in Exhibit Hall Nili Bartley Creating a Culture that Principal and Teacher High Impact Classroom Characteristics of High Makes a Difference Leadership that Transforms Strategies Performing Middle Schools #AMLE19 Nashville, TN 17
Thursday, November 7 1:10 p.m. – 2:45 p.m. 1:10 pm - 1:25 pm 1302 - Inquiring Minds: Teaching and Learning with Good Questions CS13 - 1B - Social Media Safety - Keeping Up With the Latest Room: Delta Ballroom B Online Activity of a Middle School Student Erik Francis Leadership and Community Lounge in Exhibit Hall Ronna Glickman This session is sponsored by 1:30 pm - 1:45 pm 1303 - Climate & Culture are a Reflection of My Leadership! Room: Delta Ballroom C CS13 - 1C - The Empathy Project: The Social Justice Book Club Baruti Kafele Leadership and Community Lounge in Exhibit Hall Tara Pearce, Alexia May, Dixie Garrison, Paige Wightman, 1304 - PLC 2.0: A Newly Enhanced Model to Ensure High Levels of Shaun Matthews Learning for ALL Students Room: Delta Ballroom D Curriculum and Technology Lounge (in Exhibit Hall) Garth Larson 12:50 pm - 1:05 pm 1305 - The Advisor Within: Creating an All-Inclusive Advisory Program CS13 - 2A - Optimizing the Coaching Cycle Room: Governor’s Ballroom A/E Curriculum and Technology Lounge in Exhibit Hall Christine H Toth Holly E Carr 1306 - Chasing Greatness: The Transformation of our School from 1:10 pm - 1:25 pm SOS to Success! CS13 - 2B - Teachers Assemble: Using Marvel Movies to Teach Room: Governor’s Ballroom B Democratic Debate Beth Houf Curriculum and Technology Lounge in Exhibit Hall Jason Allen 1:45 pm - 2:45 pm 1:30 pm - 1:45 pm CS13 - 2C - Managing the Classroom with Career Readiness CONCURRENT SESSIONS Curriculum and Technology Lounge in Exhibit Hall 1308 - How to Create a CALM Classroom and School Environment Eva Foxwell Room: Governor’s Ballroom C Victoria Lentfer 1:45 pm - 2:45 pm 1309 - Facts, Truth, and Trust - News Literacy and the Fight Against Fake FEATURED SESSIONS Room: Governor’s Chamber C/D 1301 - Taming the Grading: Ways to Use Homework as Valuable John Silva Instructional Time Without Grading for Hours at Home Room: Delta Ballroom A 1310 - How Standards-Based Grading Impacted Our Systems Katie Powell Room: Canal A Travis Axeen, Janelle Miller, Clifford McDonald 18 Annual Conference for Middle Level Education amle.org/annual
1:45 p.m. – 2:45 p.m. Thursday, November 7 1311 - 1 READ: 1 Book, 1 Community Creating a Movement 1322 - ELA Principles of Engagement for Literacy Success Through Inquiry Room: Governor’s Chamber A/B Room: Canal B Laurie Bell Terri Bradshaw, Mike Crabtree This session is sponsored by 1312 - The Effects of Teacher Absence on Student Achievement 1323 - You Can’t Escape Math! Room: Canal C Governor’s Ballroom D Melissa Cordell Sandra Leiterman This session is sponsored by 1324 - Understanding the Plight of Students Experiencing Anxiety What Educators Can Do to Help! 1313 - Happy Team, Happy Teens! Building Positive Staff Room: Bayou C Relationships is Worth Your Time! William DeMeo Room: Bayou D Juliet Kandel 1329 - Research for Practitioners: Using Current Research to This session is sponsored by Support your Middle Grades Practices Room: Governor’s Chamber E 1314 - Middle School Journal and RMLE Online Manuscript Steven B Mertens, Micki M Caskey Reviewer Training Room: Delta Island A/B Lisa Harrison, Kathleen M Brinegar, Ellis Hurd, David C Virtue 1:45 pm - 2:45 pm 1315 - Not Just Survival: Helping New Teachers Thrive SPARK & TELL SESSIONS ST13 – A-E Room: Bayou E Room: Bayou A Dana Bickmore ST13 - A - It’s Not Just For English Class: Crafting Arguments in 1319 - Integrating Art to Activate the “Motivation Molecule” Science Room: Canal E Room: Bayou A Amber R Chandler Alyssa McAloney, Lindsay Barna 1320 - Think-Write-Learn: Build Content Knowledge and Increase ST13 - B - Have the Urge to Merge? Retention with Quickwrites Room: Bayou A Room: Delta Island E Belinda Stutzman Kristine Gibson T13 - C - Tech Checks: Using Tech to Ensure Student Voice 1321 - Technology Integration that Encourages and Enhances Room: Bayou A Student Voice and Critical Thinking Alicia Koepke Room: Bayou B Karen Moroz Creating a Culture that Principal and Teacher High Impact Classroom Characteristics of High Makes a Difference Leadership that Transforms Strategies Performing Middle Schools #AMLE19 Nashville, TN 19
Thursday, November 7 1:45 p.m. – 2:45 p.m. ST13 - D - Create, Solve, Share: Student Crafted Word Problems SL13 - Table F - Personalized Learning and Student Agency...Make A Difference! Room: Bayou A Trevelyn Everitt-Gyure Delta Lobby A Robert J Collins, Robert Natale ST13 - E - Create a Middle School Journalism at your School Room: Bayou A SL13 - Table G - Promoting Teacher Leadership for Beginning Teachers: Lessons Learned from a B.A. to M.Ed. Leadership Ann Pollard Program Delta Lobby A Dustin Johnson, Jennifer Johnson, J. Brent Cooper, 1:45 pm - 2:45 pm SL13 - Table H - Vocabulary in Motion SPEED LEARNING SESSIONS SL13 Delta Lobby A Tables A–T James Thomas Renfro Room: Delta Lobby A SL13 - Table I - Lead4Change Student Leadership Program SL13 - Table A - School Safety 101: The Making of a Killer Delta Lobby A Delta Lobby A Linda Spahr Steve Webb This session is sponsored by SL13 - Table B - Creating Peer Leaders at the Middle School Level SL13 - Table J - Standards Based Grading: What, Why, How? Delta Lobby A Delta Lobby A Nina Anderson Dave Schmittou SL13 - Table C - Pineapple Charts “A Remodeling of Professional SL13 - Table K - Mythbusting Project Based Learning-standards, Development” Structure & Assessment Delta Lobby A Delta Lobby A Tracey McKenzie Jennifer Pieratt SL13 - Table D - I Won!! How to Use Video Gaming to Help Students Manage Anxiety and Stress Effectively SL13 - Table L - Using the Engaging Books of Graeme Base to Highlight the Care of Our Environment Delta Lobby A Delta Lobby A Suzanne Dobson James Fetterly, Betty Wood SL13 - Table E - Learning Together: Involving Stakeholders for Early-Post Secondary Opportunities in Middle Grades SL13 - Table M - Night at the Museum! Create A Museum Exhibit Project to Display Learning In Any Classroom Delta Lobby A Delta Lobby A Lyndi King, Amy Stricklin Tamara Spears 20 Annual Conference for Middle Level Education amle.org/annual
1:45 p.m. – 4:10 p.m. Thursday, November 7 SL13 - Table N - The Binomial Cube: Moving from the Concrete to the Abstract 3:10 pm - 4:10 pm Delta Lobby A FEATURED SESSIONS C Walsh 1401 - To Succeed in the Middle, Keep Moving Forward! SL13 - Table O - Phenomenon-based Learning Using Digitized Room: Delta Ballroom A Museum Collections Debbie Silver Delta Lobby A Madlyn Larson 1402 - Middle School: A Place to Belong and Become Room: Delta Ballroom B SL13 - Table P - Learning Through Play: Engaging Students Patti Kinney, Laurie Barron Through the Game Design Process Delta Lobby A This session is sponsored by Jeffrey Holliday, Amy Barone 1403 - Making Advisory Really Work for Every Student SL13 - Table Q - Building Community in the World Language Room: Delta Ballroom C Classroom Dru D Tomlin Delta Lobby A Maureen Conroy 1404 - Reflective Coaching for All Teachers: Becoming Reflective Practitioners, Not Ego-Guardians SL13 - Table R - Math Talks: Fostering Quality Mathematics Room: Delta Ballroom D Conversations in the Classroom Rick Wormeli Delta Lobby A Kelly Ann Bennett 1405 - Stop the PD Insanity: Strategies for Motivating Teachers to Reach and Teach Students in the Real World SL13 - Table S - Grade By Day, Sleep By Night: Promoting Student Room: Governor’s Ballroom A/E Ownership Using Standards Based Learning! Charles Beaman Delta Lobby A Dayna DiVenere, Shenach Cameron, Adriane Reisman, 1406 - Shouting Won’t Grow Dendrites: 20 Techniques to Detour Around the Danger Zones Jessica Jaksich Room: Governor’s Ballroom B SL13 - Table T - Stand Up For Something! Marcia Tate Delta Lobby A Joseph Spencer, Donna Dretzka Creating a Culture that Principal and Teacher High Impact Classroom Characteristics of High Makes a Difference Leadership that Transforms Strategies Performing Middle Schools #AMLE19 Nashville, TN 21
Thursday, November 7 3:10 p.m. – 4:10 p.m. 3:10 pm - 4:10 pm 1421 - Increasing Student Engagement with Hyperdocs Room: Governor’s Chamber E CONCURRENT SESSIONS Marissa Ogando 1408 - Teaching about Controversial Issues, Taboo Topics, and 1422 - Number Sense and Problem Solving, Don’t Leave Middle Difficult Knowledge in Middle School School Without Them! Room: Canal A Room: Governor’s Chamber A/B George D Dalbo Edward Thomas 1409 - Digital Wellbeing - The next frontier of Wellbeing 1423 - Easy Tech to Support ESLs, ELLs, and Struggling Readers Education Room: Bayou C Room: Governor’s Chamber C/D Bruce Ellis Adam Somes 1424 - Math Class Makeover-Creating a Classroom that Focuses 1410 - Fulfilling the Promise of Adolescence in Middle Schools on Having a Growth Mindset and Reducing Math Anxiety Room: Delta Island A/B Room: Bayou B Joanna Williams DawnMarie Smith 1411 - The ABC’s of 21st Century Learning 1425 - No More Drill and Practice: Engaging Students in the Math Room: Canal B Classroom Chris A Layton Room: Bayou D Mary Baldassarre 1412 - A Trauma Sensitive Culture - Building Resilience: Classroom Practices of Attunement 1426 - How Can STEM Activities Authentically Incorporate Math Room: Bayou E and Science Practices? Roxanne Hable, Jitendrapal S Kundan Room: Canal C Scott Eddins, Brian Caine 1415 - Rubric Building 2.0:Put the Power of Learning into the Hands of Students This session is sponsored by Room: Governor’s Ballroom C Steve Retzlaff, Katherine Holden 1427 - Middle Level Education Research Roundtable: Connecting Theory with Practice 1419 - A Picture Is Worth 1000 Words—How to Use Graphics to Room: Governor’s Ballroom D Improve Math Performance Session Organizers: Shawn A. Faulkner, Room: Delta Island E Christopher M. Cook, and Penny B. Howell Kristine Gibson 1420 - What if? Using the Science of Learning to Shift the Trajectory of Under-Resourced Learners Room: Canal E Tammy Pawloski 22 Annual Conference for Middle Level Education amle.org/annual
3:10 p.m. – 4:10 p.m. Thursday, November 7 3:10 pm - 4:10 pm 3:10 pm - 4:10 pm SPARK & TELL SESSIONS ST14 – A-E SPEED LEARNING SESSIONS SL14 Room: Bayou A Tables A–T Room: Delta Lobby A ST14 - A - Integrating Coding using Algorithmic Thinking Room: Bayou A SL14 - Table A - Show Me the Money - Implementing a Token- Based Economy in the Classroom Katie E Perraut, Mollie Mason Delta Lobby A ST14 - B - 1-2-3 Easy STRESS-FREE Active Learning for Any Jeremy Bishko, Sarah Knebel Subject SL14 - Table B - It’s Not WHAT You Say, it’s HOW You Say It! Room: Bayou A Monica Vernon, Amanda Smith, Sarah Tufts Delta Lobby A Erika A Huck, Pamela Lever ST14 - D - Shape the Future for Your Students – Teaching About the 2020 Census SL14 - Table C - Going to College in the Middle Grades Room: Bayou A Delta Lobby A Kimberly Glascoe Mary Beth Schaefer ST14 - E - Breaking the Silence SL14 - Table D - Citizenship and Civility in the Middle Room: Bayou A Delta Lobby A Ivey F Homer Sara Powell SL14 - Table E - Trauma Informed Practices in Middle School Delta Lobby A Courtney Burns SL14 - Table F - Building a Math Intervention from the Ground Up Delta Lobby A Jeremy Thomashow, Maria Regan, Keegan Maletich, Lauren Hyde SL14 - Table G - Empowering Students through Responsive Advisory Meetings Delta Lobby A Joe Tilley Creating a Culture that Principal and Teacher High Impact Classroom Characteristics of High Makes a Difference Leadership that Transforms Strategies Performing Middle Schools #AMLE19 Nashville, TN 23
Thursday, November 7 3:10 p.m. – 4:10 p.m. SL14 - Table H - Flexible Seating in Middle School SL14 - Table Q - In the Middle: Creative Thinking in the Middle School Math Classroom Delta Lobby A Jessica Kocanda Delta Lobby A Amber Weyland-Rodenbo, Anna Frassmann-Swadinsky SL14 - Table I - More than a Game: Tic Tac Toe and Student Autonomy SL14 - Table R - Before You Avoid Coding, See Me! Delta Lobby A Delta Lobby A Sarah McCormick Julie Stepp SL14 - Table J - The Person Project: Creating Connection to SL14 - Table S - Discernment > Disruption : Making Bold Changes Fiction Through Inquiry-Based Learning to Schedules that Benefit Student Outcomes Delta Lobby A Delta Lobby A Amy Allison Joel Hoag SL14 - Table K - What If Students Ruled The World? SL14 - Table T - Monitoring Effective Assessments Delta Lobby A Delta Lobby A Christopher York Titania Singh SL14 - Table L - Active Learning in the Middle Grades Math Classroom Delta Lobby A Susan Edwards, Eunice Johnson SL14 - Table M - Increasing Student Dialogue and Discourse to Improve Achievement Delta Lobby A Blake Pratt SL14 - Table N - “TinkerCADing” with Tech to Bring Old-School PBL into the 21st Century Delta Lobby A Shannon Murphy, Michelle E Nelson SL14 - Table O - Middle Level Strategies for Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Instruction Delta Lobby A Susan Cantrell, Aimee Graham, Brittany Manion SL14 - Table P - Guided Math: Classroom Environment and Lesson Structures that Put Students in Charge of Their Math Education Delta Lobby A Michael Grosso, Lauren Vazquez 24 Annual Conference for Middle Level Education amle.org/annual
Friday, November 8 Schedule 11:10 am - 12:10 pm CMLA Advisors Meeting Friday, November 8, 2019 Room: Delta Island A/B 7:00 am – 4:10 pm . . . . . Registration CMLA Advisors are invited to participate in this meeting to discuss the business and future plans of CMLA as an organization. Come to participate and help guide 8:00 am – 9:00 am . . . . . General Session the future of our middle level educators. 9:00 am – 1:45 pm . . . . . Exhibit Hall 3:10 pm - 4:10 pm Affiliate Leaders Session 9:00 am – 1:45 pm . . . . . AMLE Bookstore (in the Exhibit Hall) Room: Delta Island E 9:00 am – 9:45 am . . . . . Coffee Social (in the Exhibit Hall) This is the first session of the Affiliate Strand and it is exclusively designed for affiliate leaders. This is an opportunity for affiliate leaders to network and 9:45 am – 10:45 am . . . . Sessions 5 receive updated information from AMLE. Each session of the Affiliate Strand is focused on developing, strengthening, and supporting affiliate organizations. This 11:10 am – 12:10 pm . . . . Sessions 6 session will allow the opportunity for affiliate leaders to meet and get to know those who are in similar capacities as well as to, using Unconference/Open 12:10 pm – 1:45 pm . . . . Lunch (provided) & Exhibit Hall Space Technology format, brainstorm and complete the agendas for Saturday’s Sessions II, III, and IV based upon the needs and interests of the group. 1:15 pm – 1:45 pm . . . . . Prize Drawing 1:45 pm – 2:45 pm . . . . . Sessions 7 4:15 pm - 5:45 pm National Association of Professors of Middle Level 3:10 pm – 4:10 pm . . . . . Sessions 8 Education (NAPOMLE) Business Meeting Room: Bayou E Meetings & Special Events If you are a middle level professor please join us at the National Association of Professors of Middle Level Education (NAPOMLE) Business Meeting. Discuss and share ideas with professional colleagues. Network and meet new middle 9:00 am - 4:00 pm level professors. Elect new officers, develop our action plans for the year, Typical or Troubled and enjoy friendship. Join us as we seek to enhance the learning and school experiences of young adolescents worldwide. Train the Trainer Certification (must be pre-registered for this event) 4:30 pm - 6:00 pm Room: Delta Island C AMLE Business Meeting Christopher Seeley, Tanya Thabjan Room: Delta Island A/B The American Psychiatric Association Foundations Typical or Troubled Program has created a six hour in-person Instructor Certification Training to help us bring our curriculum to middle schools across the country. We are partnering with AMLE EVENT HOSTED BY OUR SPONSOR to bring a unique opportunity to have middle school mental health professionals across the United States to become certified in the program curriculum. AMLE Friday Night Bash Individuals will take an E-Learning Module prior to the in-person training, engage Hosted by Rethink Mental Health Incorporated, in a 6 hour training that will prepare instructors to bring the curriculum to their founder of the H.E.A.R.T. Program schools, and learn how the key messaging of the program Notice. Talk. Act. can impact their staff’s ability to making timely and appropriate referrals. The Musin City Bar & Grill 7pm-9pm Enjoy music, refreshments and fun! First 20 people to arrive get a free drink! RSVP at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ amle-friday-night-bash-tickets-70160749691 #AMLE19 Nashville, TN 25
Friday, November 8 8:00 a.m. – 10:40 a.m. 8:00 am - 9:00 am 10:25 am - 10:40 am CS21 - 1E - Explore Your World via National Geographic Educator GENERAL SESSION Grants Leadership and Community Lounge in Exhibit Hall GS02 - Coming of Age in the Middle: Why Middle Rosemary Martin School is Prime Time for Failure Room: Delta Ballroom A Jessica Lahey Curriculum and Technology Lounge (in Exhibit Hall) 9:05 am - 9:20 am COLLABORATION SESSIONS CS21 - 2A - How to Incorporate Technology Through Multiple Modalities in Social Studies Leadership and Community Lounge (in Exhibit Hall) Curriculum and Technology Lounge in Exhibit Hall Andria K Bishop, William Cooper 9:05 am - 9:20 am CS21 - 1A - Preparing to Teach at the Middle School: 9:25 am - 9:40 am A Pre-Service Teachers Perspective CS21 - 2B - Swap Day: A Great Way to Differentiate Review Leadership and Community Lounge in Exhibit Hall Curriculum and Technology Lounge in Exhibit Hall Brooke Jensen Elizabeth Capek, Jean Scarborough 9:45 am - 10:00 am 9:25 am - 9:40 am CS21 - 2C - Mindset Training: The Proactive Approach to Positive CS21 - 1B - Let’s Go Live Outcomes Leadership and Community Lounge in Exhibit Hall Curriculum and Technology Lounge in Exhibit Hall Melissa Plank, Amy Wagner Kevin Leichtman, Anala Leichtman 10:05 am - 10:20 am 9:45 am - 10:00 am CS21 - 2D - Partnerships Producing Outcomes: Building CS21 - 1C - Let’s Lead Beyond our Titles Mathematical Mindsets Together Leadership and Community Lounge in Exhibit Hall Curriculum and Technology Lounge in Exhibit Hall Nili Bartley Megan Parker Peters, Emily Medlock 10:05 am - 10:20 am CS21 - 1D - The First Restorative Behavior Management Software Leadership and Community Lounge in Exhibit Hall Nathan Maynard, Brad Weinstein Sponsored by 26 Annual Conference for Middle Level Education amle.org/annual
9:45 a.m. – 10:45 a.m. Friday, November 8 9:45 am - 10:45 am 9:45 am - 10:45 am FEATURED SESSIONS CONCURRENT SESSIONS 2101 - Intrinsic Motivation in the Classroom 2108 - Districtwide SEL: Systemic Strategies for Student Success Room: Delta Ballroom A Room: Canal A Jessica Lahey Juliet Kandel, Amy Morwick, Rebecca Rose 2102 - 34 Things a Teacher Can Do Before Writing a Referral 2109 - Let’s Talk About Race Room: Delta Ballroom B Room: Bayou E Charles Beaman D. Michelle Williams, Jerry Williams, Michaela Malone, This session is sponsored by Lorren Munson, Kristy Ecare, Haley Balmer, Brionna Kegley 2110 - Supporting Students in Today’s Classrooms 2103 - Effective Instructional Strategies + Technology = Student Success Room: Governor’s Ballroom C Room: Delta Ballroom C Laurie Barron, Melissa Shindel David Hayward 2112 - A Confidence Crisis: What 10,678 Girls Think about Stress, Relationships, School & Their Futures 2104 - House of Hornets! Creating a Culture and Climate of Inclusion through the Implementation of a School Room: Governor’s Chamber E Room: Delta Ballroom D Lisa Hinkelman Beth Houf, Melody Hapner 2113 - Resilience: Prevention and Intervention 2105 - Get Your Classroom Thinking! Deeper Learning Strategies Room: Delta Island A/B for Any Classroom Mary Alvord Room: Governor’s Ballroom A/E Dedra A Stafford 2115 - From Teacher Evaluation to Teacher Growth Room: Canal B 2106 - Formative Assessment in a Brain-Compatible Classroom: Judith Frank How Do We Really Know They’re Learning? Room: Governor’s Ballroom B 2116 - School Turnaround and Leadership for Middle Schools Marcia Tate Room: Canal C Pam Chapman This session is sponsored by Creating a Culture that Principal and Teacher High Impact Classroom Characteristics of High Makes a Difference Leadership that Transforms Strategies Performing Middle Schools #AMLE19 Nashville, TN 27
Friday, November 8 9:45 a.m. – 10:45 a.m. 2119 - Reading for Meaning with Read Naturally Live 2129 - Student Support Systems for Academic Success Room: Governor’s Chamber A/B Room: Delta Island E Barb Denbow Denise M Hoge, Shawn Hoppes This session is sponsored by 2120 - Yes We Can Teach Algebra Concepts to Middle School 9:45 am - 10:45 am Students SPARK & TELL SESSIONS ST21– A-E Room: Bayou C Edward Thomas Room: Bayou A 2121 - Digital Interactive Notebooks Using Google Slides ST21 - A - Level Up: Blending Social Skills with Game Time Room: Canal E Room: Bayou A Rachel Evans Millette Edwards, Debra Perhach 2122 - Breaking Down the Silos: Leveraging the Convergence ST21 - B - Grade Cleanse #1: A Common Sense Baby Step Between ELA and Science Approach Room: Bayou D Room: Bayou A Jacqueline Ryan Daniel Hill This session is sponsored by ST21 - C - Soaring into Middle School: Making a Successful Transition 2123 - Play by Play: Using Sports to Teach Writing Room: Bayou A Room: Governor’s Chamber C/D Erika A Huck, Jennifer W Goodstein, Chris Nardi, Rebecca Best Rebecca G Harper ST21 - D - SEL Assessment and Interventions: A Practical “How to 2124 - Double the Speed of Learning: 4 Steps to Make Learning Guide” Stick Room: Bayou A Room: Bayou B Jeff Allmon, Jeremy Burrus LeAnn M Nickelsen ST21 - E - It’s Time for an Education Revolution 2125 - Google Keep for EDU Room: Bayou A Room: Governor’s Ballroom D Rob Furman, Kevin Monaghan Jon-Erik Stamatelos 2128 - Teachers as Researchers Room: Delta Island F Marley Evans, Wendi Dowst-McNaughton, Andrea Gratton, Matthew J Moulton, Kyle Chadburn 28 Annual Conference for Middle Level Education amle.org/annual
9:45 a.m. – 10:45 a.m. Friday, November 8 9:45 am - 10:45 am SL21 - Table H - The “Power of Yes:” Principal and Teacher Leadership That Inspires Student Voice SPEED LEARNING SESSIONS SL21 Delta Lobby A Michelle Burget, Stephanie Russell Tables A-T Room: Delta Lobby A SL21 - Table I - Building Positive School Climate Through The Use of QR Codes for Positive & Negative Behavior SL21 - Table A - Set Sail: Motivation through Relationships Delta Lobby A Delta Lobby A Roseanne Snodgrass, Amy Bruce Carrie Sanders SL21 - Table J - Student-Led Multimodal Research Projects: SL21 - Table B - Expect the Unexpected: Uncovering Community Lessons Learned History & Resources Through Service-Learning Delta Lobby A Delta Lobby A Michael DiCicco, Tammie Sherry, Jackie Butts Katherine Thompson, Shaun Stamm SL21 - Table K - When “Good Job” Isn’t Good Enough: Tips and SL21 - Table C - Mirrors & Windows: Books We Need Tricks to Improve Assignment Feedback Delta Lobby A Delta Lobby A Melissa Kaufman Kristina N Falbe, Kristie Smith SL21 - Table D - Beyond Detention: Consequences that Build SL21 - Table L - When the Lion Roars Everyone Listens: Scary Student/Teacher Relationships Good Middle School Social Studies Delta Lobby A Delta Lobby A Katie Tucker, Trisha Dotts Jeremiah Clabough SL21 - Table E - Proven Ideas to Improve Parental Involvement SL21 - Table M - The Global Citizens Project - Changing the “World” of Middle Years Education Delta Lobby A Delta Lobby A David A Shepard Adam Somes SL21 - Table F - Transition Traditions: Celebrating the Individual SL21 - Table N - One Idea; Many Stories Delta Lobby A Delta Lobby A Beth Fabijanic Sarah Pennington SL21 - Table G - A Coaching Approach to Students Coaching Students SL21 - Table O - The View of the Cell: Watercolors Delta Lobby A Delta Lobby A Dave Scott Amanda Knapp-Witt Creating a Culture that Principal and Teacher High Impact Classroom Characteristics of High Makes a Difference Leadership that Transforms Strategies Performing Middle Schools #AMLE19 Nashville, TN 29
Friday, November 8 9:45 a.m. – 12:10 p.m. SL21 - Table P - Valuing Student Voice: Middle School Videogame 2204 - Building Teacher Capacity for Creativity Book Groups Room: Delta Ballroom D Delta Lobby A Rick Wormeli Carolyn Stufft 2205 - It’s Like Riding a Bike: How to Make Learning Last a SL21 - Table Q - Flipped Classroom Made SImple Lifetime Delta Lobby A Room: Governor’s Ballroom A/E Elizabeth Highfill Dave Schmittou SL21 - Table R - Ready, Set, Go! Across the Curriculum with 2206 - Leading Learning from the Middle Virtual Reality Field Trips Room: Governor’s Ballroom B Delta Lobby A Patti Kinney Jennifer Doonan, Cindy Bennett SL21 - Table S - Revision Reboot 11:10 am - 12:10 pm Delta Lobby A Lynn Thompson CONCURRENT SESSIONS SL21 - Table T - The Power of Student Reflection and How to Get 2208 - Building a Safety Informed Middle School Students to Understand the Importance Room: Canal A Delta Lobby A Holly Thornton Sharon Mahon 2209 - R.E.S.U.L.T.S.: Promoting Positive Behavior and Responsibility for Learning 11:10 am - 12:10 pm Room: Governor’s Ballroom C Krista Marie Venza, Jonathan Treese FEATURED SESSIONS 2210 - WE Rise: A School-Based Program for Emotionally Fragile 2201 - Engaging Boys…Yes, It Is Possible! Students Room: Delta Ballroom A Room: Governor’s Chamber E Kim Campbell Tania Symmons, Dana Leblein, Lisa Tamburri 2202 - Engage Me, Please… Using Brain-Powered Learning 2211 - Hunger is Closer Than You Think: Engaging Schools and Room: Delta Ballroom B Families to Make a Difference LaVonna Roth Room: Delta Island E Anne Koertge, D’Arcy McCarthy This session is sponsored by 2212 - What Youth-Serving Professionals Need to Know About the 2203 - Stuck “In the Middle”: Managing Your Career Path and LGBTQ Community Finding Your Perfect Fit Room: Bayou E Room: Delta Ballroom C Del Ray Zimmerman Christine H Toth 30 Annual Conference for Middle Level Education amle.org/annual
9:45 a.m. – 12:10 p.m. Friday, November 8 2213 - Infusing Character and Social-Emotional Learning into the 2229 - Literacy Escape Daily Fabric of your School Room: Bayou D Room: Governor’s Chamber A/B Rebecca G Harper Houston Kraft 2230 - MASTER your SCHEDULE: Strategies & Tips to Optimize the This session is sponsored by Structure of your School Day Room: Canal E 2215 - Navigating the Role of Mentor Teacher to Support Future Philip A Abraham, Joe J Gage Middle Level Teachers Room: Delta Island F 2231 - Drilling Down with Data Lisa Harrison, Conor Patrick Naughton, Erika Boyd, Room: Canal C Amanda Wall, Erin R Scholes, Amber R Chandler, Jena Abbott Melanie Simpson This session is sponsored by AMLE’s Professional Preparation Advisory Committee This session is sponsored by 2216 - Friday Feedback Frenzy: Creating a School Culture Focused on Growth Room: Canal B 11:10 am - 12:10 pm Teresa Polson, Tricia Rollerson SPARK & TELL SESSIONS ST22 – A-E 2219 - Creating a School-wide Writing Program Room: Bayou A Room: Bayou C Alice Greiner ST22 - A - Fostering Hopeful Thinking through Goal Planning in the Classroom 2220 - Bracket Battle! Building Argumentative Skills Across Room: Bayou A Content Areas James Alverson Room: Governor’s Ballroom D Lori Wilfong ST22 - B - Frequent Flyers: How to Keep Kids Out of the Principal’s Office--and in Your Classroom! 2221 - Can we Teach Resilience? Integrating Social and Emotional Room: Bayou A Learning with Language Arts Lauren Dotson Davis, Rebecca Buchanan Room: Bayou B David Strahan ST22 - C - The Power of LEGO Robotics to Engage Students Room: Bayou A 2222 - Formative Assessments, Technology & Student Agency, Oh Shelli L Casler-Failing My! The Power of Owning Your Data Room: Governor’s Chamber C/D ST22 - D - Surviving the Volcanic Apocalypse Susan T Hennessey, Scott Thompson Room: Bayou A Stephen F Capone, Jr Creating a Culture that Principal and Teacher High Impact Classroom Characteristics of High Makes a Difference Leadership that Transforms Strategies Performing Middle Schools #AMLE19 Nashville, TN 31
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